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I know better...I know better...I know better...or do I?


I have been reading a book (admittedly, fiction but quotes addiction/dependence issues from AA a lot) about a woman who was abusing benzos and painkillers.  While i consider myself an addict, because I am dependent on my drugs,  I find myself differentiating myself from "addicts" because they abuse their drugs.  That said, dependence/abuse both end people up in the same place for the most part.  I have NEVER taken more than my prescribed dose, and because I didn't know better, I never even upped my dose, even if I destabiized...I have always just ridden out the waves of whatever comes my way.  Not much good comes my way though.  My life is totally centered on my excruciatingly slow descent off these drugs and as I say every time (I'm sorry) I won't live long enough to taper off them.


Here is the phrase from AA that is eating at me...."Half measures don't work."  Historically, my body has told me that I am hyper-hyper sensitive and this way is the only way.  It's kind of like saying I'll just cut down by one beer a day...or is it?  I really believe the tenets of SA; I really do...slow, steady, simply...but mine has to be so slow and so steady it's not at all simple and I will die dependent on these drugs.  Lord knows what will happen as I age and medical intervention takes over (or doesn't; I do have a medical directive)  Meanwhile, I googled detox centers, AGAIN, today, almost laughing at their claims of getting the benzos off the receptors in a matter of days.  And then what?  Am I fooling myself?  Do I belong at NA, AA, whatever?  Am I taking the easy route or the only route?  Please forgive me for doubting myself....sometimes I wish I had ignorantly C/T'd, and then at least the drugs would be gone and this hell I am in might have an end some day...



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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11 minutes ago, savinggrace said:

I know better...I know better...I know better...or do I?


I have been reading a book (admittedly, fiction but quotes addiction/dependence issues from AA a lot) about a woman who was abusing benzos and painkillers.  While i consider myself an addict, because I am dependent on my drugs,  I find myself differentiating myself from "addicts" because they abuse their drugs.  That said, dependence/abuse both end people up in the same place for the most part.  I have NEVER taken more than my prescribed dose, and because I didn't know better, I never even upped my dose, even if I destabiized...I have always just ridden out the waves of whatever comes my way.  Not much good comes my way though.  My life is totally centered on my excruciatingly slow descent off these drugs and as I say every time (I'm sorry) I won't live long enough to taper off them.


Here is the phrase from AA that is eating at me...."Half measures don't work."  Historically, my body has told me that I am hyper-hyper sensitive and this way is the only way.  It's kind of like saying I'll just cut down by one beer a day...or is it?  I really believe the tenets of SA; I really do...slow, steady, simply...but mine has to be so slow and so steady it's not at all simple and I will die dependent on these drugs.  Lord knows what will happen as I age and medical intervention takes over (or doesn't; I do have a medical directive)  Meanwhile, I googled detox centers, AGAIN, today, almost laughing at their claims of getting the benzos off the receptors in a matter of days.  And then what?  Am I fooling myself?  Do I belong at NA, AA, whatever?  Am I taking the easy route or the only route?  Please forgive me for doubting myself....sometimes I wish I had ignorantly C/T'd, and then at least the drugs would be gone and this hell I am in might have an end some day...



Hi SG ,I like this post ,you have written my own feelings especially lately  ,I am painfully sensitive myself to medications and sadly it took all this damage to find out .SA can offer us all the advice but its down to us to work it all out for ourselves .

I am having an excruciating weekend with symptoms, constant suicidal thoughts the worst  .my withdrawl must be exacerbated by a nasty virus that has me wiped out .

I often wonder what goes on in these fancy treatment centres that cost 50  grand a month ,they must know something us normal folk don't .Were is the way out of the constant nightmare I often wonder .

I can painfully understand how so many people get pollydruged because we need relief ,its exhausting .


Take care grace some day hopefully we will have comfort and peace .  


Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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Thank you for responding, Powerback.


I am still asking the question,  "would a much faster taper land me where I am today, which is just making it through each day, but drug free,  or would I be in worse hell for a longer time.  The thing is, yesterday, while not sleeping, I realized that at the rate I am able to taper JUST ONE of my drugs (the easiest one supposedly) it would take me 10 years to get off it, and that leaves 2 drugs that are considered much much harder to taper.  I just keep wondering if those who cold-turkeyed because they didn't know better, or they were jerked off their meds for other reasons, aren't kinda lucky, in a way, because as it is, I am suffering anyway, hanging by a thread, I am 63, there aren't enough years left for me to even have hope for being rid of these things and thus life will never get any better than this.  Then, at my age, with multiple iatrongenic illness, and other un-related illness, what's gonna happen when I end up in the hospital and or need medical intervention?  They would likely put me back on the drugs I have paid for with my life, and worse hell will break out.  I know I am supposed to "take it one day at a time" and I do, for the most part, because I have no choice, but really what is the point of hanging in there and suffering until the end at which time I will probably suffer even more...


When the first doctor handed me the first drug script back when I was 26 years old he should have said, "Take this once a day and ruin your life."  That is essentially what he did.  Had I known then what I know now I would have quit my job which I loved, and done anything and everything to keep from EVER  putting one of these drugs into my body.  The internet didn't exist then.  I plead ignorance to what happened to me.  Oh, yeah, and trust and faith that the doctors know what they are doing when they scribble down scripts for poison and hand them to us.


NOBODY believes me that I shouldn't just go into rehab and "tough it out" and I will get better...NOBODY...except my husband who is witness to the devastation these drugs have caused me and suffers along side me, sacrificing HIS quality of life to keep me alive.


if anyone can shed any light unto how we are feeling, or will tell us we have no choice but to do what we are doing, please do.  We are both asking the same question,  though Powerback, battling just one drug you DO have a chance.  (not knowing the details of your journey, admittedly)



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • Moderator Emeritus

I am so sorry you are going through this.  I am older than you, and much of the rest of my life will likely be taken up with tapering my three drugs.  From reading the many stories of those who tapered too fast, my answer to your question is that a too fast taper would not "land you where you are today but drug free" but rather in a much worse place where you would be wishing to be back where you are today just making it through each day.  Just making it through each day is better than not making it through each day.  


Tapering and withdrawal are not linear.  Things could get better.  They have for me recently.  I'm in the beginning of year 3 of a multi-year taper and I've seen improvements in life quality.  


I hope you find some peace and relief.





Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of May 2: 6.1mg

Taper is 92% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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1 hour ago, savinggrace said:

Thank you for responding, Powerback.


I am still asking the question,  "would a much faster taper land me where I am today, which is just making it through each day, but drug free,  or would I be in worse hell for a longer time.  The thing is, yesterday, while not sleeping, I realized that at the rate I am able to taper JUST ONE of my drugs (the easiest one supposedly) it would take me 10 years to get off it, and that leaves 2 drugs that are considered much much harder to taper.  I just keep wondering if those who cold-turkeyed because they didn't know better, or they were jerked off their meds for other reasons, aren't kinda lucky, in a way, because as it is, I am suffering anyway, hanging by a thread, I am 63, there aren't enough years left for me to even have hope for being rid of these things and thus life will never get any better than this.  Then, at my age, with multiple iatrongenic illness, and other un-related illness, what's gonna happen when I end up in the hospital and or need medical intervention?  They would likely put me back on the drugs I have paid for with my life, and worse hell will break out.  I know I am supposed to "take it one day at a time" and I do, for the most part, because I have no choice, but really what is the point of hanging in there and suffering until the end at which time I will probably suffer even more...


When the first doctor handed me the first drug script back when I was 26 years old he should have said, "Take this once a day and ruin your life."  That is essentially what he did.  Had I known then what I know now I would have quit my job which I loved, and done anything and everything to keep from EVER  putting one of these drugs into my body.  The internet didn't exist then.  I plead ignorance to what happened to me.  Oh, yeah, and trust and faith that the doctors know what they are doing when they scribble down scripts for poison and hand them to us.


NOBODY believes me that I shouldn't just go into rehab and "tough it out" and I will get better...NOBODY...except my husband who is witness to the devastation these drugs have caused me and suffers along side me, sacrificing HIS quality of life to keep me alive.


if anyone can shed any light unto how we are feeling, or will tell us we have no choice but to do what we are doing, please do.  We are both asking the same question,  though Powerback, battling just one drug you DO have a chance.  (not knowing the details of your journey, admittedly)



Hi SG once again another nice piece from your heart and soul ,I'm honoured to read it ,you might not feel it but you are making a big difference posting your fears .

there is the question for you ,if you could at least be stable and have a life ,one day doctors will be found accountable for there actions but they   are  soldiers in a big army of hierarchy .just look how long its taking for the #me too movement we see now .


There's been a very interesting topic on the radio in Ireland about a pain med called versatus taking off the market here and there was uproar ,the amount of people that rang in to tell there story of agony ,the strength in numbers forced a conversation in government buildings ,I see the shift starting to change in the public consciousness   .


Keep it going grace and keep up the fight  every one of our voices count .


I agree I'm just battling the one drug ,it does give me some solace but I question the fact I don't have the relaxing  affects of a benzo in my very bad times [don't go to my thread ,danger ]:).

I feel so sad for my partner also .she has been robbed of me for mostly of 2 years ,I have daily thoughts of letting her go so she can have a life ,so sad .

We keep going SG .Take care .

Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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Hi Powerback,

Thanks for your kind support and validation of my fears.  I often wonder if I just think too much, or if others are just afraid to put the words down on paper (or the internet) to see just what a miserable/no win situation we are in!  I actually work very hard on not ruminating on this losing battle that I am fighting.  For more than a decade I have realized that I am painted into a corner...for more than two decades I have been paying for it.  I am not sure I will live one more decade (longevity is not in my genes) though I live a super healthy lifestyle (well, as healthy as tapering/w/d allows me to) so I may live longer.  I don't want to.  I try hard not to think about what will happen when some acute illness that the medical world has to get involved in happens.  I really don't go to doctors now, even in excruciating pain for anything, unless I think it is something that needs to be diagnosed at which time I come home and start "doing my homework" on how to deal with whatever it is without interfering w/ my ridiculously slow taper.  Usually it boils down to toughing out whatever comes my way, but I feel myself getting weaker and sicker as I can't eat the proper diet or take the necessary supplements to heal my leaky gut, or even take a tylenol when my back hurts so much I feel like killing myself.  Ice/heat are my only remedies...distraction, prayers, laughter (though I have little social interaction so it's hard to find things to laugh about) are my only medicine, really.  Last night on night ten of a 5 mg. cut of trileptal (only 150 to go...the first 150 took me 3 years), I sweated and "shocked" and had nightmares through the night.  5 mg. was barely a 3% cut of a drug that most can taper in months not a decade.  However, after 15 years on 300 mg. am I surprised that this is nearly killing me? NO.


I feel for you about the benzos...I really do.  The thing is at this point they are not sedating me at all; i think they stopped doing that w/i weeks of starting them, though I didn't know it then.  All they are doing is keeping me out of benzo w/d which I know is worse hell than this.  So, though you long for the calming effect of the benzos, it would be a very,, very short fix with a huge price.


I am just amazed at how much power just one "bead" or speck of these drugs has over our brains.  People who have not experienced this don't believe it.  When I mention the book "Worse Than Heroin" to people they look at me with a skeptical look and w/o saying it aloud are saying, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."  So I don't try to get anyone to understand any more.


If your partner wants to stay, he/she loves you.  Don't push her/him away.  Our partners are free to go when they can't take it any more.  If they stay, we are the lucky ones.  Sometimes I wish my husband would go live a full happy life but after 46 years together I don't think I would last a day.  I know I am lucky to have him, but honestly, it really doesn't erase much of the misery.  I don't really feel less alone; the problems, for the most part, are mine.  He is mostly an observer and a supportive listener but he can't begin to understand what this feels like inside and out.


Whew, there you go...another raw venting of my fears.  You sound young enough and determined enough to be able to conquer those beads...one bead at a time...one moment at a time...one hour at a time....one day at a time.


Keep up the good fight.


  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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On 2/20/2018 at 3:31 PM, Gridley said:

I am so sorry you are going through this.  I am older than you, and much of the rest of my life will likely be taken up with tapering my three drugs.  From reading the many stories of those who tapered too fast, my answer to your question is that a too fast taper would not "land you where you are today but drug free" but rather in a much worse place where you would be wishing to be back where you are today just making it through each day.  Just making it through each day is better than not making it through each day.  


Tapering and withdrawal are not linear.  Things could get better.  They have for me recently.  I'm in the beginning of year 3 of a multi-year taper and I've seen improvements in life quality.  


I hope you find some peace and relief.





Thank you Gridley.  I really needed someone to give me an honest answer.  The truth hurts, but I know you are right.  We can search and search for an easier path...an alternate path...but it doesn't exist, and I know that.  I just get weak once in a while, and doubt myself, though I usually follow my gut no matter what anyone says and my gut has always told me this is the only way.   It doesn't look like you have such an easy road to travel left yourself.  For me, if I didn't have so much "co-morbid" illness, outside of drug-induced illness, it would help.  I really can't treat most anything that is wrong w/ me (like my GI tract...leaky gut big time) because the supplements get in the way every time.  I am so vitamin, mineral, hormone deficient I literally feel myself dying excruciatingly slowly, but EVERYTHING interferes with my taper, so I just tough out everything that comes my way, and it is A LOT!  I do EVERYTHING I can, health-wise, but without the proper nutrients I just can't get better.  I have read all of "Beyond Meds" in an attempt to help myself and believe most everything she says.  It's a viscous cycle...Gia advocates that until you are "healthy enough" to start tapering, you shouldn't even try.  (ie:  fixing your leaky gut) and yet to do so, I have to be able to tolerate supplements and nutritious foods that my body totally rejects.  I wasn't healthy at the start of my taper; heck, I haven't been healthy my whole life, but I kept living it until I couldn't any longer.  Now I am on on-looker.


One day at a time...one minute at a time...grab the "moments" when you can and cherish them...they may be fleeting, and infrequent,  but they keep me hanging in there.  I am determined to stay well enough to hold and watch my newest granddaughter grow up, and who will be just 2 miles away in a couple months.


Thanks for speaking the truth, Gridley.  I will read your story soon.  Your drug mix is that much different than mine, though I don't really know how your tapering is going.  I shall read about you soon.  Take care.



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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On 2/18/2018 at 2:45 PM, savinggrace said:

I know better...I know better...I know better...or do I?


I have been reading a book (admittedly, fiction but quotes addiction/dependence issues from AA a lot) about a woman who was abusing benzos and painkillers.  While i consider myself an addict, because I am dependent on my drugs,  I find myself differentiating myself from "addicts" because they abuse their drugs.  That said, dependence/abuse both end people up in the same place for the most part.  I have NEVER taken more than my prescribed dose, and because I didn't know better, I never even upped my dose, even if I destabiized...I have always just ridden out the waves of whatever comes my way.  Not much good comes my way though.  My life is totally centered on my excruciatingly slow descent off these drugs and as I say every time (I'm sorry) I won't live long enough to taper off them.


Here is the phrase from AA that is eating at me...."Half measures don't work."  Historically, my body has told me that I am hyper-hyper sensitive and this way is the only way.  It's kind of like saying I'll just cut down by one beer a day...or is it?  I really believe the tenets of SA; I really do...slow, steady, simply...but mine has to be so slow and so steady it's not at all simple and I will die dependent on these drugs.  Lord knows what will happen as I age and medical intervention takes over (or doesn't; I do have a medical directive)  Meanwhile, I googled detox centers, AGAIN, today, almost laughing at their claims of getting the benzos off the receptors in a matter of days.  And then what?  Am I fooling myself?  Do I belong at NA, AA, whatever?  Am I taking the easy route or the only route?  Please forgive me for doubting myself....sometimes I wish I had ignorantly C/T'd, and then at least the drugs would be gone and this hell I am in might have an end some day...



Why are you taking such a slow taper? Is it really helping you. I was taken off really fast, and am not doing that great. I updosed to 6 beads, but I don’t know if it’s really doing anything. It’s a very small amount. I’m wondering if it’s like I’m taking nothing. I know I’m in the worst depression I’ve ever been in, can’t feel any joy or happiness . I’ve been in lots of depressions, and am wondering if my brain is going to allow me to ever be normal again without adding another antidepressant.  I took effexor for 25 years or more. I thought I functioned well when taking it. It failed me the last time around. They doctor wanted me on benzos but I didn’t like them. They made me too depressed after a while. All the “pills” she gave me made me hyper and manic. So, I’m figuring that ship has sailed. All the typical things. I also can’t enjoy food. I’m wondering why someone would be invested in this process for years if you’re not seeing results? I’m a lot older than you. 


2001 Remeron , Celexa, prozac a week on lithium. 

2014 went off effexor and trazadone in 3 weeks. 

2014 zoloft (hyper reaction) put on effexor 75 mg. Was stable until 2017 

2017  Trazadone 50 mg (June) Effexor to 113 mg (2 weeks) Effexor 150 mg for a month . Took 75 mg until November. . Lithium 10 days, Lamactil 10 day  aug-nov15 ativan

October : Prozac bridge to get off 75 mg of effexor Used 10 mg of prozac. Stopped prozac 3 wk 

Dec 6, 7 Upped trazadone from 50 to 100 mg Did it for 3 days Stopped it

Dec 7 , Dec 8 Took prozac again 0.1 , 0.1, 0.6 stopped it

Dec 11 and Dec 12 upped it to 100 again

Dec 15 , 16,17 went back to 50 mg of trazadone

December 18 Began 3 beads of effexor  Dec 25 began 5 beads of effexor take 10 mg of omneprazole daily


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Well, I believe I would have killed myself by now if I go any faster.  Even my psychiatrist who knows how hyper-sensitive I am, agrees, that going faster than my body is telling me I can handle will likely land me in a hospital, tied to a bed, being pumped full of more drugs.  I am not "choosing" this slow taper because I enjoy being tortured.  I have tried the faster route.  The slower route.   The slowest route.  The slowest route is the only route that has allowed me not to be completely bed-ridden.  I think I am one of the unfortunate few, who for a myriad of reasons, genetic, environmental, physical etc. cannot go any faster than a snail's pace.  I actually believe what I read here.  I believe it because I feel it.  My benzo receptors have been destroyed, my brain has been re-modeled and after 36 years of drugs, there is no quick fix.  It may take 36 years to undo the damage.  Do you know better?


Invested in this process...hmmm...interesting choice of words.  Sounds like a choice.  I don't really have one, but then, everyone's journey is different.  I am happy for you that you are able to taper quickly.  I think you need to read more stories here from people who unwittingly got put on these drugs, and drug cocktails, many decades ago, w/ no internet to guide us.  We trusted our doctors back then.  And then it was too late.  You sound like one of the lucky ones being able to survive a fast taper..."Not doing that great?" ....I would kill to be able to utter those words about this hell I am in.  Depression?  The least of my worries.  BTW,  my very first cut of a benzo, a 5% cut, gave me a seizure on the 5th day.  I learned right then how long and hard and probably never-ending this was going to be.


I am not going to defend myself any longer from someone who clearly is having an easier time than I am.  I am the most determined, strongest, take-charge person I know, and if you deem me otherwise, there is nothing I can do about it.  That said, it makes it very difficult for others to voice their true feelings and real struggles when others who do are treated w/ such arrogance.  Do you really think I didn't think of going faster because I am miserable anyway?  You really don't know how many hurdles I am up against.  I think, perhaps, you should think twice before you judge someone so harshly.


The fact that I am still trying at all is nothing short of amazing, whether you think so or not.


This is not my usual way of addressing people but your lack of compassion and your judgment was quite harsh.  Perhaps you should read Gridley's response and learn something.


My wish for you is that you learn to  treat people who are really struggling with the compassion and respect that they need and deserve.  We really shouldn't compare each other's ability to taper.  Anyone here is doing the best they can...



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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17 minutes ago, savinggrace said:

Well, I believe I would have killed myself by now if I go any faster.  Even my psychiatrist who knows how hyper-sensitive I am, agrees, that going faster than my body is telling me I can handle will likely land me in a hospital, tied to a bed, being pumped full of more drugs.  I am not "choosing" this slow taper because I enjoy being tortured.  I have tried the faster route.  The slower route.   The slowest route.  The slowest route is the only route that has allowed me not to be completely bed-ridden.  I think I am one of the unfortunate few, who for a myriad of reasons, genetic, environmental, physical etc. cannot go any faster than a snail's pace.  I actually believe what I read here.  I believe it because I feel it.  My benzo receptors have been destroyed, my brain has been re-modeled and after 36 years of drugs, there is no quick fix.  It may take 36 years to undo the damage.  Do you know better?


Invested in this process...hmmm...interesting choice of words.  Sounds like a choice.  I don't really have one, but then, everyone's journey is different.  I am happy for you that you are able to taper quickly.  I think you need to read more stories here from people who unwittingly got put on these drugs, and drug cocktails, many decades ago, w/ no internet to guide us.  We trusted our doctors back then.  And then it was too late.  You sound like one of the lucky ones being able to survive a fast taper..."Not doing that great?" ....I would kill to be able to utter those words about this hell I am in.  Depression?  The least of my worries.  BTW,  my very first cut of a benzo, a 5% cut, gave me a seizure on the 5th day.  I learned right then how long and hard and probably never-ending this was going to be.


I am not going to defend myself any longer from someone who clearly is having an easier time than I am.  I am the most determined, strongest, take-charge person I know, and if you deem me otherwise, there is nothing I can do about it.  That said, it makes it very difficult for others to voice their true feelings and real struggles when others who do are treated w/ such arrogance.  Do you really think I didn't think of going faster because I am miserable anyway?  You really don't know how many hurdles I am up against.  I think, perhaps, you should think twice before you judge someone so harshly.


The fact that I am still trying at all is nothing short of amazing, whether you think so or not.


This is not my usual way of addressing people but your lack of compassion and your judgment was quite harsh.  Perhaps you should read Gridley's response and learn something.


My wish for you is that you learn to  treat people who are really struggling with the compassion and respect that they need and deserve.  We really shouldn't compare each other's ability to taper.  Anyone here is doing the best they can...



Oh my goodness. You completely misunderstood me. I am trying to figure out if this process works? I am having a terrible time. I am so depressed that I am constantly having si thoughts. I also am also constantly anxious. I can’t seem to take vitamins or anything else because it hypes up my system. I got very, manic on the last few things I was given, and it has scared me a lot. I guess I was looking for reassurance that this is the way to go. I am not having an easy time at all. I’ve been miserable for 8 months.  So, don’t think I’m judging you at all. I’m not.  It sounds like you are a very strong person. I’m not having an easy time. Believe me. I am so sorry if I put that in the wrong way. I am not judging you at all. I think you have a lot of courage and determination. I am also convinced that my neurotransmitters are also shot. I am so sorry.  I’m sorry if you thought I was putting you down. That was not my intention. 


2001 Remeron , Celexa, prozac a week on lithium. 

2014 went off effexor and trazadone in 3 weeks. 

2014 zoloft (hyper reaction) put on effexor 75 mg. Was stable until 2017 

2017  Trazadone 50 mg (June) Effexor to 113 mg (2 weeks) Effexor 150 mg for a month . Took 75 mg until November. . Lithium 10 days, Lamactil 10 day  aug-nov15 ativan

October : Prozac bridge to get off 75 mg of effexor Used 10 mg of prozac. Stopped prozac 3 wk 

Dec 6, 7 Upped trazadone from 50 to 100 mg Did it for 3 days Stopped it

Dec 7 , Dec 8 Took prozac again 0.1 , 0.1, 0.6 stopped it

Dec 11 and Dec 12 upped it to 100 again

Dec 15 , 16,17 went back to 50 mg of trazadone

December 18 Began 3 beads of effexor  Dec 25 began 5 beads of effexor take 10 mg of omneprazole daily


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  • Moderator Emeritus

savinggrace, you are doing it the right way, listening to your body and acting on how you feel.  You have my respect.

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of May 2: 6.1mg

Taper is 92% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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6 hours ago, Terry4949 said:

I know this is not a site for advising medications but I have reach the line in withdrawel where I am at my limit as to what I can endure 4 years of hell and nearly 12 months off all meds but I need to seek help before it’s to late the question I have is if I need to reinstate a med to help me out of this hell what is the best form to aim at , the only one that ever seemed to help had no depression on was Effexor but serotonin ramps me up so bad , I know reinstatement can be a crap shoot but I honestly can’t go on anymore I’m reluctant to go back to Effexor as it pooped out and the side effects were intolerable has anyone stabilise using another med just to enough to keep them going , if you look at my history you can see I was given a lot of medication over a short period but none help but I think the Effexor withdrawel was so strong and I didn’t give them much chance , has anyone had any luck reinstating another drug 


2 minutes ago, Downbutnotout said:

Oh my goodness. You completely misunderstood me. I am trying to figure out if this process works? I am having a terrible time. I am so depressed that I am constantly having si thoughts. I also am also constantly anxious. I can’t seem to take vitamins or anything else because it hypes up my system. I got very, manic on the last few things I was given, and it has scared me a lot. I guess I was looking for reassurance that this is the way to go. I am not having an easy time at all. I’ve been miserable for 8 months.  So, don’t think I’m judging you at all. I’m not.  It sounds like you are a very strong person. I’m not having an easy time. Believe me. I am so sorry if I put that in the wrong way. I am not judging you at all. I think you have a lot of courage and determination. 

@DownbutnotoutI don't think you should start tapering if you are not stable. IMO.  I am definitely not stable, my Zoloft is no longer working.  So I am going back to the doctor for an add-on rather than switching meds.  For now, I feel that my life is better with the meds.  Had I known 20 years ago about any of this, I wouldn't be in this situation now. But it is what is. so rather than roll the dice in hopes that I will be happier once off my AD, I am staying on it until I am back to myself.  When I feel better perhaps I will consider tapering, perhaps not.  Life is too short and I have no desire to suffer not knowing what the end result will be Even Dr. Shipko who I spoke with told me that tapering after the amount of time I have been on the drug is a big question mark.  So I guess I am medicated for life and I'm fine with that.

  • Ativan Mid April 1999-to end of May 1999 ( COLD TURKEY and flushed them down the toilet) I went through hell for 3 months-I had no idea what was happening to me there was no information on the internet about this drug)
  • Zoloft 200mg 1999 to 2017
  • Wellbutrin 2015 6 months Started having exterme anxiety-quit taking switched back to Zoloft ( I have quit about 6 jobs from this time0  Klonopin .5-1.0 of and on for two months (tapered off in Dec-Jan)
  • 15 mg Remeron 2012-presnt
  • **Started tapering down Zoloft 12/?/17 12/09/17 down to 50mg; 12/12/17-12/14-17 Zoloft 100mg; 12/16/201712/19 -Zoloft 150mg; 12/20/17-01/06/18 Zoloft 200mg; 01/07/18-01//18/18 Zoloft 180mg
  • 01/18/18-present Zoloft 200mg
  • February 2018-Copaxone 40mg (3 times a week shots) (for Multiple Sclerosis)2/17/18 begin transition to liquid 200mg
  • magnesium, fish oil




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5 minutes ago, samanthaelizabeth said:


@DownbutnotoutI don't think you should start tapering if you are not stable. IMO.  I am definitely not stable, my Zoloft is no longer working.  So I am going back to the doctor for an add-on rather than switching meds.  For now, I feel that my life is better with the meds.  Had I known 20 years ago about any of this, I wouldn't be in this situation now. But it is what is. so rather than roll the dice in hopes that I will be happier once off my AD, I am staying on it until I am back to myself.  When I feel better perhaps I will consider tapering, perhaps not.  Life is too short and I have no desire to suffer not knowing what the end result will be Even Dr. Shipko who I spoke with told me that tapering after the amount of time I have been on the drug is a big question mark.  So I guess I am medicated for life and I'm fine with that.

Thanks for your input. 


2001 Remeron , Celexa, prozac a week on lithium. 

2014 went off effexor and trazadone in 3 weeks. 

2014 zoloft (hyper reaction) put on effexor 75 mg. Was stable until 2017 

2017  Trazadone 50 mg (June) Effexor to 113 mg (2 weeks) Effexor 150 mg for a month . Took 75 mg until November. . Lithium 10 days, Lamactil 10 day  aug-nov15 ativan

October : Prozac bridge to get off 75 mg of effexor Used 10 mg of prozac. Stopped prozac 3 wk 

Dec 6, 7 Upped trazadone from 50 to 100 mg Did it for 3 days Stopped it

Dec 7 , Dec 8 Took prozac again 0.1 , 0.1, 0.6 stopped it

Dec 11 and Dec 12 upped it to 100 again

Dec 15 , 16,17 went back to 50 mg of trazadone

December 18 Began 3 beads of effexor  Dec 25 began 5 beads of effexor take 10 mg of omneprazole daily


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1 hour ago, Downbutnotout said:

Why are you taking such a slow taper? Is it really helping you. I was taken off really fast, and am not doing that great. I updosed to 6 beads, but I don’t know if it’s really doing anything. It’s a very small amount. I’m wondering if it’s like I’m taking nothing. I know I’m in the worst depression I’ve ever been in, can’t feel any joy or happiness . I’ve been in lots of depressions, and am wondering if my brain is going to allow me to ever be normal again without adding another antidepressant.  I took effexor for 25 years or more. I thought I functioned well when taking it. It failed me the last time around. They doctor wanted me on benzos but I didn’t like them. They made me too depressed after a while. All the “pills” she gave me made me hyper and manic. So, I’m figuring that ship has sailed. All the typical things. I also can’t enjoy food. I’m wondering why someone would be invested in this process for years if you’re not seeing results? I’m a lot older than you. 

Apology accepted...really.  I think, though, that you need to choose your words more carefully.  Writing is a tricky thing when there are no other visual, emotional signals to pick up on.  Your opening and closing sentences were downright aggressive and judgmental.  I understand now, and believe you, that that was not your intent.  We all need to remember here that we are all suffering and we cannot and should not kick anyone when they are down.  If you can't seem to find the right words, then maybe not writing at all is better.  Perhaps if you had opened with, "I  (too) am trying to figure out if this process works?  this whole misunderstanding wouldn't have happened.  I am sorry for your suffering and I am here to listen, because, believe me, I get it and I have been through through too much to ever judge anyone on their ability to do what we are trying to do.


My best,


  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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3 minutes ago, savinggrace said:

Apology accepted...really.  I think, though, that you need to choose your words more carefully.  Writing is a tricky thing when there are no other visual, emotional signals to pick up on.  Your opening and closing sentences were downright aggressive and judgmental.  I understand now, and believe you, that that was not your intent.  We all need to remember here that we are all suffering and we cannot and should not kick anyone when they are down.  If you can't seem to find the right words, then maybe not writing at all is better.  Perhaps if you had opened with, "I  (too) am trying to figure out if this process works?  this whole misunderstanding wouldn't have happened.  I am sorry for your suffering and I am here to listen, because, believe me, I get it and I have been through through too much to ever judge anyone on their ability to do what we are trying to do.


My best,


I reread it, and you are absolutely correct. I am so glad that you accepted my apology because I was beating myself up about it. So, I apologize again.  It shows what a person of great character you are by the fact that you saw it in your heart to reply.  You certainly didn’t have to. I have been through some tumultuous months (new medication tries one on top of the other.) that really terrified and humiliated me.  I had terrible reactions.  It hasn’t been as easy as I may have conveyed. I am 67 years old. 


2001 Remeron , Celexa, prozac a week on lithium. 

2014 went off effexor and trazadone in 3 weeks. 

2014 zoloft (hyper reaction) put on effexor 75 mg. Was stable until 2017 

2017  Trazadone 50 mg (June) Effexor to 113 mg (2 weeks) Effexor 150 mg for a month . Took 75 mg until November. . Lithium 10 days, Lamactil 10 day  aug-nov15 ativan

October : Prozac bridge to get off 75 mg of effexor Used 10 mg of prozac. Stopped prozac 3 wk 

Dec 6, 7 Upped trazadone from 50 to 100 mg Did it for 3 days Stopped it

Dec 7 , Dec 8 Took prozac again 0.1 , 0.1, 0.6 stopped it

Dec 11 and Dec 12 upped it to 100 again

Dec 15 , 16,17 went back to 50 mg of trazadone

December 18 Began 3 beads of effexor  Dec 25 began 5 beads of effexor take 10 mg of omneprazole daily


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This process, unfortunately, seldom brings out the best in us. For me, though, compassion and giving to others has been the ONLY good thing. 


I have not not made a single drug change in 15 years. Oh, how my doctor has tried!  In fact, every doctor I go to pretty much gets angry w/ my refusal of their drugs. 


Good luck on whatever path path you choose to follow. Sometimes being older but wiser actually hurts because if we knew then what we know now...



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Love and healing to both of you.

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of May 2: 6.1mg

Taper is 92% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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8 minutes ago, Gridley said:

Love and healing to both of you.

Thank you Gridley. Same to you. 


2001 Remeron , Celexa, prozac a week on lithium. 

2014 went off effexor and trazadone in 3 weeks. 

2014 zoloft (hyper reaction) put on effexor 75 mg. Was stable until 2017 

2017  Trazadone 50 mg (June) Effexor to 113 mg (2 weeks) Effexor 150 mg for a month . Took 75 mg until November. . Lithium 10 days, Lamactil 10 day  aug-nov15 ativan

October : Prozac bridge to get off 75 mg of effexor Used 10 mg of prozac. Stopped prozac 3 wk 

Dec 6, 7 Upped trazadone from 50 to 100 mg Did it for 3 days Stopped it

Dec 7 , Dec 8 Took prozac again 0.1 , 0.1, 0.6 stopped it

Dec 11 and Dec 12 upped it to 100 again

Dec 15 , 16,17 went back to 50 mg of trazadone

December 18 Began 3 beads of effexor  Dec 25 began 5 beads of effexor take 10 mg of omneprazole daily


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Awww...you’re sweet. We’re good!  



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • Administrator

Please post advice to Terry4949, DownButNotOut, and samanthaelizabeth in their respective topics, and leave this one to savinggrace.


It's one thing to emphathize with any member here and share your experiences and opinions, but it's another thing to take over someone's Intro topic and make it All About You. Any more of this will get warnings.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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28 minutes ago, Altostrata said:

Please post advice to Terry4949, DownButNotOut, and samanthaelizabeth in their respective topics, and leave this one to savinggrace.


It's one thing to emphathize with any member here and share your experiences and opinions, but it's another thing to take over someone's Intro topic and make it All About You. Any more of this will get warnings.

My apologies.

  • Ativan Mid April 1999-to end of May 1999 ( COLD TURKEY and flushed them down the toilet) I went through hell for 3 months-I had no idea what was happening to me there was no information on the internet about this drug)
  • Zoloft 200mg 1999 to 2017
  • Wellbutrin 2015 6 months Started having exterme anxiety-quit taking switched back to Zoloft ( I have quit about 6 jobs from this time0  Klonopin .5-1.0 of and on for two months (tapered off in Dec-Jan)
  • 15 mg Remeron 2012-presnt
  • **Started tapering down Zoloft 12/?/17 12/09/17 down to 50mg; 12/12/17-12/14-17 Zoloft 100mg; 12/16/201712/19 -Zoloft 150mg; 12/20/17-01/06/18 Zoloft 200mg; 01/07/18-01//18/18 Zoloft 180mg
  • 01/18/18-present Zoloft 200mg
  • February 2018-Copaxone 40mg (3 times a week shots) (for Multiple Sclerosis)2/17/18 begin transition to liquid 200mg
  • magnesium, fish oil




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12 hours ago, savinggrace said:

Hi Powerback,

Thanks for your kind support and validation of my fears.  I often wonder if I just think too much, or if others are just afraid to put the words down on paper (or the internet) to see just what a miserable/no win situation we are in!  I actually work very hard on not ruminating on this losing battle that I am fighting.  For more than a decade I have realized that I am painted into a corner...for more than two decades I have been paying for it.  I am not sure I will live one more decade (longevity is not in my genes) though I live a super healthy lifestyle (well, as healthy as tapering/w/d allows me to) so I may live longer.  I don't want to.  I try hard not to think about what will happen when some acute illness that the medical world has to get involved in happens.  I really don't go to doctors now, even in excruciating pain for anything, unless I think it is something that needs to be diagnosed at which time I come home and start "doing my homework" on how to deal with whatever it is without interfering w/ my ridiculously slow taper.  Usually it boils down to toughing out whatever comes my way, but I feel myself getting weaker and sicker as I can't eat the proper diet or take the necessary supplements to heal my leaky gut, or even take a tylenol when my back hurts so much I feel like killing myself.  Ice/heat are my only remedies...distraction, prayers, laughter (though I have little social interaction so it's hard to find things to laugh about) are my only medicine, really.  Last night on night ten of a 5 mg. cut of trileptal (only 150 to go...the first 150 took me 3 years), I sweated and "shocked" and had nightmares through the night.  5 mg. was barely a 3% cut of a drug that most can taper in months not a decade.  However, after 15 years on 300 mg. am I surprised that this is nearly killing me? NO.


I feel for you about the benzos...I really do.  The thing is at this point they are not sedating me at all; i think they stopped doing that w/i weeks of starting them, though I didn't know it then.  All they are doing is keeping me out of benzo w/d which I know is worse hell than this.  So, though you long for the calming effect of the benzos, it would be a very,, very short fix with a huge price.


I am just amazed at how much power just one "bead" or speck of these drugs has over our brains.  People who have not experienced this don't believe it.  When I mention the book "Worse Than Heroin" to people they look at me with a skeptical look and w/o saying it aloud are saying, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."  So I don't try to get anyone to understand any more.


If your partner wants to stay, he/she loves you.  Don't push her/him away.  Our partners are free to go when they can't take it any more.  If they stay, we are the lucky ones.  Sometimes I wish my husband would go live a full happy life but after 46 years together I don't think I would last a day.  I know I am lucky to have him, but honestly, it really doesn't erase much of the misery.  I don't really feel less alone; the problems, for the most part, are mine.  He is mostly an observer and a supportive listener but he can't begin to understand what this feels like inside and out.


Whew, there you go...another raw venting of my fears.  You sound young enough and determined enough to be able to conquer those beads...one bead at a time...one moment at a time...one hour at a time....one day at a time.


Keep up the good fight.


Once again SG I'm honoured and I bow to your soul coming out of your heart .you wont even see the positive impact on others that would read it .bless you .

You are correct about the benzo and I take back what I said ,I shouldn't be so flippant when it comes to drugs and other members struggles to get off them .

As Eckhart tolle says "you cant bring consciousness to the unconscious".i myself am in a much better   place with not wasting my time anymore trying to explain to people .I'm in a much better place with my mam because I don't go near her with any of my thoughts anymore ,it got bad for too long .The funny thing is I said I have SA for all that support and it seemed she was insulted lol,i cant win :).I tell her I welcome her love and concern all the same .the biggest thing I wanted to get across to her was "stop trying to fix this",this is a revelation on my part ,I just hope she does the same .its bound to relieve pressure and stress on her part .


I'm youngish  but old enough that i worry about time running out ,I think if it happened 10 years ago I wouldn't have the same worries,this is why I struggle with acceptance .


You are very correct when it comes to my partner ,she has all the gritty details but ive been over the top with catastrophizing my situation ,I cant take this back sadly .The last few months I've worked hard on not constantly bringing up my fears and this week I accepted her care rather than push her away .living in todays society is very hard though ,with facebook and "celebrity culture ".theres a show called first dates on tv over here and she watches it [I have myself],but I'm so sick I cant bring myself to watch it .there basically brutal with what they expect from a partner   and lets face it withdrawl cripples a person of everything.


I think I'm running out of patience and I might just be realistic in thinking how can I expect her to give up her life .its sad but I am trying to work to a solution rather than bury my head in the sand ,like I did for many years through binge drinking [happily and proudly  sober  now ].


I worry this is my baseline state [anxiety ] because I remember feeling like this as a kid ,so this throws up the whole meds debate again .

Thanks SG ,nice chatting to you .

Take care .

Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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  • 3 months later...



I am going to post this in the benzo forum as well.  I am really embarrassed as I have been taking these d@#n drugs for so long, I don't usually make this mistake.  That said, I have missed not one, but two of my valium doses in what my husband and I are thinking is in the last 5 days.  I take my valium in divided doses, and my second dose is usually around my first awakening if it is 4 a.m. or later.  So it seems that twice in the last five days (not important how or why we know that) I have not taken that second dose which, together,  is the equivalent of 12.84 mg!  Needless to say, I just discovered this but have been deathly ill and could not pinpoint the reason.  (I often can)  We know I did not do this two mornings in a row as my husband gave me my early morning dose this a.m. as I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed.  I have every w/d symptom in the book and am totally bed-ridden.  Should I take a little bit of this right now? I don't usually take my first evening dose until 9 pm.  I am wondering if this much of a cut in less than 7 days is dangerous for me.  At the onset of my tapering about a decade ago, I cut 1 mg./night for 5 nights and had a near-seizure (when I described what happened to my psychiatrist he told me I was minutes away from a seizure)  I am pretty sure he was right because I had the common sense to take some valium then and it stopped all the near-seizure symptoms immediately.  I would really appreciate some guidance here.  I am pretty sick.  I know valium has a long half-life but almost 13 mg. cut for me in about 5 days is way too much.


thank you for any advice anyone can give.


  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • 5 months later...



Nothing much has changed with me. I had decided to do a long hold and then taper (something?) again. I have had a very worrisome symptom that I suspect is w/d related. I awaken around dawn feeling like I am suffocating. It lasts until I get up and about although sometimes it really doesn’t go away. I recently went

to the ER because I was panicky after 3 days straight. My heart and lungs check out fine. 


I think it is my meds. Does Valium build up to even more toxic doses the longer one takes it?  I will be 64 next week. I wonder if I am metabolizing slower and/or my trileptal taper actually increased my blood levels of Valium. 


My doctor says it is not my drugs. I think it is. My brain sets off an alarm and wakes me to tell me I am not breathing even though my oxygen level reads normal, though my heart rate is usually pretty slow. This is really scaring me and I can’t imagibe what would happen to me if I get yanked off these drugs. This suffocation feeling is the same one I used to get when I took a painkiller for my back and it started wearing off. In fact everything I try to take to get better ends up making me feel this way. No one is taking it seriously because the heart and lung tests are fine. 


Is rhis a withdrawal symptom or maybe caused by a build up

of 16 years of Valium...4 years at this dose but impacted by the 50% trileptal cut?


i know no one knows exactly what to do next but wondering how common this is....




  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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God bless you, Grace. I am currently 65 1/2 years old and tapering Venlafaxine. I have at least two more years to go and then I have Vallium after that. Here's my motto I might not get off these drugs before I die but I'm gonna die trying. Have to infuse a bit of humor sometimes. But on a more serious note your situation is much worse than mine from the standpoint you are on more drugs and have other serious health issues so please take my comment to be humorous. I will pray for you. BTW, I'm your next door neighbor I live in Illinois.

Early 1980s 2 mg. vallium prn; Mid-1990s Paxil and 2mg. vallium prn; Somewhere in there Buspar

Early 2000s Sertaline 50 mg. and .25mg Xanax prn 

2008 Sertaline 50 mg but Xanax was increased to .5mg 6 times a day 

2015 Sertaline increased to 100mg. 2 mg. vallium prn and Wellburtrin (only on a few days)

April 2016 Venlafaxine XR 225mg with 50 mg. Zolft  and 10 mg. Vallium 3 times a day as needed

Fall 2017 Venlafaxine upped to 300 mg - 5 mg. Vallium 3 times a day prn; Jan. 2018 Venlafaxine 225mg w/Vallium

April 2018 weaned  to 187.50mg, 150mg, 112.5 mg at 4 to 5 week intervals vallium 3 times a day prn

July 2018 112.5 mg ; July 2018 started SA's 10% guideline w/ 2.5 vallium prn; lost notes  dropped to 89 mg by 10/22; 89 mg 10/29; 10/6 86 mg, 10/13 83 mg; 10/20 - 11/2 updosed to 89mg; 11/3 86 mg; 11/17 80 mg. 11/24 77mg - 12/20 80mg 1/ 20 77 mg venlafaxine; 2/19 75 mg Ven  still taking vallium 2.5 mg morning, after and evening

Simvastatin 40mg. daily with supplements: Magnesium, Omega Fatty Oils, Vitamin D3, Turmeric, Magnesium, 25 mg. to 50 mg. diphendramine for sleep

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  • Mentor
1 hour ago, WantoffVen said:

Here's my motto I might not get off these drugs before I die but I'm gonna die trying.

❤️❤️❤️ the motto.

  • Prozac | late 2004-mid-2005 | CT WD in a couple months, mostly emotional
  • Sertraline 50-100mg | 11/2011-3/2014, 10/2014-3/2017
  • Sertraline fast taper March 2017, 4 weeks, OFF sertraline April 1, 2017
  • Quit alcohol May 20, 2017
  • Lifestyle changes: AA, kundalini yoga


"If you've seen a monster, even if it's horrible, that's evidence of divinity." – Damien Echols


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  • 1 month later...


Thanks for replying. I absolutely know I want off the drugs but I am gonna die trying. The problem is I am dying a little faster than I had hoped. You are right. I am a complicated case..:many co-morbid conditions and a lifelong history of psych drugs (well not until 26...too long). No internet to help me. I now am on my own. No one has any answers. I was living life a little but I get closer and closer to bedridden each day. This is no way to live. These drugs should be illegal. My biggest regret is that I won’t live long enough to lobby against very judicious use with very restricted enforcement. I am amused at how psych drugs get very little attention...it’s all about alcohol and opioids. The truth is I would have rather been dependent on either of those because recovery is possible with a strong will which I have. My dependence is physical. I have no good effects from this poison other than keeping me out of insane withdrawal. My body just cannot manage this benzo withdrawal while I am suffering from so many conditions. I haven’t tapered anything for 8 months.  Have no idea what to do...about anything. It’s lonely and scary  I have nearly stopped eating and sleeping.  I keep wondering how long my body can sustain this. 


I.am definitely dying trying! Just had hoped to see my grandkids grow up a bit more. 


  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Grace...I wanted you to know I empathize and sympathize.  I have been on a benzo for 30 years?  Then started tapering because my doctor doubled the dose and added other meds and I crashed.  It is awful at any age but I have to say that doing this at the time of your life you thought you'd be enjoying your family and grandchildren is indeed really really hard.  Family cannot possibly understand, kids tend to expect one to be there always, and yes the other health issues cause more problems.  It becomes such a viscous circle trying to balance everything.  I am SO hypersensitive to everything too...every med I try, foods, lotions...everything it seems.  I am so sorry you are dealing with all this.  I will say that since holding from the rapid CLonazepam partial taper a year ago Sept and the first Viibryd tapers last May and June I am feeling more stable.  I have said as well..if I were on doses that were not needing compounding etc I would just stay on the doses I could and live out the rest of my life,  I get it.  Take care of you!  

-Nardil 1976 < year, stopped. React to AD's. Klonopin .5BID 1990, 2.5mg til 2016

-Klonopin doubled Jan '16. Taper to 2.25mg May to Nov '16. Bad react to Lexapro, stop. React to Prevacid too, taper off. 

-November '16 Tapered .25mg Klonopin in hospital. Jan '17 started Viibryd, 20mg from Feb to June '17,     

-20mg to 10mg Viibryd from 3/25 to 6/10 2017, 12/15 10% Viibryd taper...back up next day

-Clonazepam 2mg to 1.85mg 4/14 '17 to end November; taper to 1mg Clonazepam in hospital 9/1 tp 9/14 '17

-Feb '18 Amiloride .25mg  5/18 off Amiloride d/t react. Clonaz compounded  

-4/27 '18 Viibryd 9.5mg, 6/11 9.0 mg, 1/27 '19 Viibryd 8.75mg, ; Clonazepam .2mg 530pm and .7mg 1130pm, Premarin .3mg 830PM CARAFATE QID 2/27/19 to 3/5/19

-July 6'19 1/2 10mg Claritin 230pm, stopped it about July 18, started Oct 11 '19, 

-7/27 Viibryd 8.5, 8/29 8.25, 10/24 8.0, 12/19 7.75, Feb '20 7.50, 3/20 7.25, 5/20 7.0, 6/20 6.75, 7/20 6.5, 8/20 6.25, 10/2 20 6.0, 11/25'20 5.75, 1/9/21 5.5, 2/23 5.25

-1015 AM Viibryd, vit D 4,000IU 130, 415 Clonazepam .2mg, 815 Premarin .3mg, 1015 Clonaz .7mg,

  1115 3t fish oil+D 1145 Castor Oil 650mg(4) 1230 Carafate 1/2GM,Methylated B Vit  1/week,Reacted Mag prn

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Hi Savinggrace,


 I haven't posted on your thread before, but wanted to offer some support in your struggles.  I know you are in a bad situation, and I don't have any words of advice.  I am thinking of you and hope you live to find some relief somewhere ...


take care.


Gabapentin:  about 6 months in 2015, 300-900 mg, cold turkeyed Sept 2015 (at same time dc'd Klonopin)

Klonopin: June 2014- Sept 2015; 1mg tapered over 6 mths, dc'd at 0.25mg, withdrawal hellish (perhaps because of concurrent dc of gabapentin)

Mirtazepine: Jumped off at 2.4 mg. (stable in 8 months).

Seroquel:  June 14 - July 24, 2016, 25 mg alternate nights; smaller doses for shorter periods. Total use about 3 months 

Lamictal: March 19, 2018 - 1 mg; March 23 - 1.25 mg; April 6 - 2mg. Discontinued at 2 mgJuly 1, 2018 due to Steven Johnson Syndrome.



Supplements: Vit D, turmeric

Naturethroid: 65 mcg for hypothyroidism

Trazodone: Oct 2015 - June 2016; 75 mg tapered over 2 mths, intense w/d after 3 weeks. Reinstatement: 07/25/16 - 25 mg; updosed 08/03/16 - 50 mg;  10/01/16-  62mg; 03/24/17 dropped to 50 mg (stable in 2.5 months)

                           Current psych meds: Trazodone 50 mg

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Hi Savinggrace, I identify with your thinking and what you are experiencing.   I am 73.   Aging is difficult enough on our bodies, but combined with AD dependency and withdrawal, end of life looks and feels like hell.   I'm sorry to be writing such a depressing note.  I really just wanted to point out that there are so many others like us coming along who will go to their graves, nearly helplessly addicted to PharmaPoison.   Best to you.  



Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg, Multi vit., Calcium, D3,  Magnesium, Fish Oil, Melatonin,  Ambien 3.3 mg 1 or 2X/mo.  Benadryl-seldom, .......2002 - eliminated alcohol

2002- Paxil - 20 mg (3 WD attempts: 2005, 2008, 2010)

2011 - 30 mg 

2018 - 40 mg- Sept to Nov} {Dec - 37.5}

Jan 2, 2019 - 35 mg

Jan 11 -  33.75 mg

Jan 28 - 32.5 mg

Feb 4 -  33.75 mg 

Mar 4 - 32 mg

Mar 30 - 30 mg


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, Gracee, Farm Girl, Survivor and WantoffVen for your caring comments since I last visited here.


I have felt like even hanging around here was a bit futile and adding to my despair but I am absolutely at the point that I need to move forward.  I KNOW that much of my disease/illness/pain is medicine related and I can't help but believe that every little bit less of the poison I take, will help me.


I spent several hours a week ago reading the thread (albeit most of it was old, 2012 or so) about withdrawal, tolerance withdrawal, long holds and kindling.  While trying to mentally prepare myself to start chipping away at my valium (super slow...like .5mg/year at first and then evaluate), I read about the damage of long holds and this kindling phenomena.  As I have always adhered to the notion that long holds give our brains more time to re-model, I guess at the same time they give more time for more damage too.  I am just so confused by this.  Since I have done what can barely be called tapering, and yet I HAVE reduced my total toxic load by half from its peak,  have I put myself in a position that I cannot be successful with any kind of taper, no matter how slow I go?  I realize that my body and brain are super-sensitized...ridiculously sensitized.  Does that mean I can't move forward no matter the pace?  I have read and read and read about kindling and long holds and it just makes no sense to mean.  I read Rhiannon's post on regrowing the brain years ago and I always have reassured myself that I was doing my brain a favor by being patient, listening to my gut and paying attention to my symptoms, and proceeding accordingly, but I go on benzo board and read some posts about kindling and long holds here and my perhaps, misinterpreted, impression is that they  are considered an almost irreversible mistake.   I know I could post on the benzo thread as well but it seems like this question applies to all psych meds.


OF note, I was never stable before tapering or during tapering.  I just get a little more stable usually meaning I sleep better which helps me handle all the other symptoms better.   As I age, nearing 65, medical conditions, some quite serious, are rearing their ugly heads way too early, considering I have had a super clean lifestyle, am not overweight at all, never really drank much (social, and not for many years now), never smoked, etc, always exercised...


Thank you for any thoughts on this.


  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • 4 months later...
On 2/17/2019 at 1:42 PM, savinggrace said:

Thank you, Gracee, Farm Girl, Survivor and WantoffVen for your caring comments since I last visited here.


I have felt like even hanging around here was a bit futile and adding to my despair but I am absolutely at the point that I need to move forward.  I KNOW that much of my disease/illness/pain is medicine related and I can't help but believe that every little bit less of the poison I take, will help me.


I spent several hours a week ago reading the thread (albeit most of it was old, 2012 or so) about withdrawal, tolerance withdrawal, long holds and kindling.  While trying to mentally prepare myself to start chipping away at my valium (super slow...like .5mg/year at first and then evaluate), I read about the damage of long holds and this kindling phenomena.  As I have always adhered to the notion that long holds give our brains more time to re-model, I guess at the same time they give more time for more damage too.  I am just so confused by this.  Since I have done what can barely be called tapering, and yet I HAVE reduced my total toxic load by half from its peak,  have I put myself in a position that I cannot be successful with any kind of taper, no matter how slow I go?  I realize that my body and brain are super-sensitized...ridiculously sensitized.  Does that mean I can't move forward no matter the pace?  I have read and read and read about kindling and long holds and it just makes no sense to mean.  I read Rhiannon's post on regrowing the brain years ago and I always have reassured myself that I was doing my brain a favor by being patient, listening to my gut and paying attention to my symptoms, and proceeding accordingly, but I go on benzo board and read some posts about kindling and long holds here and my perhaps, misinterpreted, impression is that they  are considered an almost irreversible mistake.   I know I could post on the benzo thread as well but it seems like this question applies to all psych meds.


OF note, I was never stable before tapering or during tapering.  I just get a little more stable usually meaning I sleep better which helps me handle all the other symptoms better.   As I age, nearing 65, medical conditions, some quite serious, are rearing their ugly heads way too early, considering I have had a super clean lifestyle, am not overweight at all, never really drank much (social, and not for many years now), never smoked, etc, always exercised...


Thank you for any thoughts on this.


I have only ever read that long holds to stablize are a good thing, at least on this forum. 

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  • 2 months later...



Alto suggested I update my thread though things have not changed much. As I approach 65, all my chronic health conditions, many most likely brought on by these meds, have gotten much worse.  I have worked with a functional medicine doctor and also someone who studies phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification in liver and kidneys and it is obvious to almost everyone that both phases are impaired so I metabolize poorly and slowly, if at all.  I feel like all that lies ahead is just managing all the illness that accompanies being on these meds. My body has become super toxic and is sensitive to the tiniest little change in almost everything.   I tried to chip away at the valium this winter at a rate that is even  embarrasing to write (if successful, it would have amounted to 1 mg/year)  By the time I had cut .12 mg.(over 4 weeks)  I was soaking through bed sheets and suicidal and completely dysfunctional and as always, have decided that the risks of trying to move forward like that are greater than the risks of what I am doing.  I have studied, at length, the anti-cholinergic effect of my drugs.  It is the anti-cholinergic effects that are most threatening especially as one gets on in years.  So far, I do not believe that my memory or cognigition have been affected much, which is a God-send.  Instead the drugs are taking their toll on my kidneys, liver, GI, nervous system...well, everything else.  My brain seems unscathed cognitively.  I took a break after the valium disaster (first attempt at tapering it in 4-5 years) and went back to chipping away at the trileptal.  I have found that tapering the trileptal affects my two other drugs as it induces/inhibits them depending on which enzymes are needed for metabolizing.  I can deal most days with the trileptal w/d effects which are hyper-arousal, fragmented sleep, electric type shocks, night sweats, and severe fatigue (once in a while)  Though the withdrawal effects are really difficult, currently I am only cutting 2% which is 3 mg.  (I am down to 143mg.  from 300, 4 years ago).  Because the trileptal affects the blood levels of my two other drugs, I have to go very slowly with it as well, cutting a tiny bit, no more than every 3 months.  The trileptal, from my studying, has a lot of bad effects on the liver and is rated higher with its anti-cholinergic activity than the valium and remeron, so I figure any of this toxin I can get out the better.


I do feel afraid all the time.  I have a lot of really scary physical effects, and my doctors are clueless. I tough out so much pain and so many things most people would rush off to the ER for.  I can't take their drugs they would offer so why go.   If my  doctors had their way, I would updose on either remeron or valium or both.  My kidneys and liver are really struggling.  My blood work is getting worse.  My nutrition is horrendously deficient.  I have basically no B, C or D vitamins in me but everything that I take competes with the blood levels of my psych drugs, and getting them out has to be my priority.  I feel certain that I do not have anywhere near a normal lifespan ahead of me.  In fact, at any given time, if I need drugs for something else or surgery, I am going to have some tough decisions to make.  I put up with a ton of pain and live life very minimally but I am holding onto my kids and grandkids.  I even garden a couple times a week when I have the energy.  I also walk 45 minutes a day, in the sun if I can.


I am choosing to live life this way.  It may be abbreviated by my choice not to go faster and be bed-ridden, but I don't see a good ending to that.  There are not enough years left for me to get off the drugs and go through post-withdrawal syndrome and then live any kind of normal life.  So I choose to do what I can and manage each day the best I can.  It is a lonely and sad life often but I wouldn't trade this precious time to be part of my grandkids' lives for anything.  I wish I could be more hopeful.  Now I just hope to get through whatever each day brings me.  I am extremely grateful for little things and better days. (I don't ever have windows...maybe once in a long while a better night's sleep.)


Current drug doses...12.74 valium, 143 trileptal, 4 mg. remeron.



  • amitriptyline from 1980-2002,
  • intermittent  use of benzos over 2 decades prior to 2002
  • 2002-2010 Klonopin 1-2 mg., ambien 10--20, mg, remeron 4 mg. and  trileptal 300 mg
  • 2011 Stopped ambien and crossed over to valium 17.5 mg. (updosing 2.5 mg. to cover ambien C/T )
  • tapered valium w/ long holds to 12.74 mg. from a high of approximately 20-30 mg/day
  • 2015-present tapered trileptal aggressively for a year; now intermittently; interacts w/ other drugs
  • currently 2024 still on 96 mg. trileptal and 4 mg. remeron
  •  Currently on benzo hold as I have to cross-over from brand-name valium to generic diazepam.  
  • Current dose of diazepam is 8.8 and valium is 5.7.  I had to up-dose the total valium/diazepam from 12.74 to 14.5 where I have stayed since June 2023.  I am crossing over to generic at a somewhat tolerable rate of .3mg/month after about 2 months of trial/error w/ updosing.  I am not currently tapering; will continue to cross over. 


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  • 7 months later...



Thanks for the update!


You mentioned you have digestive issues? Could you elaborate? What caused this? The anti depressants? I'm currently constipated going on 4 months with no sign of it letting up. Do you think I'll be like this for the rest of my life? Thanks


2018 - Started Effexor 37.5 in Janurary of 2018
2019 January, 2nd  - Cold Turkeyed from Effexor for 3 days. Reinstated on the third day, then stabilized(It took 3 months to stabilize)

2019 June - I switched from Effexor instant release to Extended Release 37.5 for better tapering. I tapered to 50% in 4 weeks before reinstating my dosage back to 37.5(due to withdrawls). I waited 2 months to stabilize but never did at 37.5

2019 September - continued to taper in to 25% on extended release

2019 October - continued to taper to half of the beads(18.75mg)... WIthdrawls were so bad I tried switching back to the instant release at the same dosage(18.75mg)

2019 November 28th - Discontinued effexor at 18.75 without anymore tapering.


2020 January - Just can't sleep, have constipation, low libido and still lack of full emotion

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  • Administrator

If you don't drink enough liquids and consume roughage, yes, you very well might be constipated for the rest of your life, @Rozon1


How is the water and fruit and vegetable consumption going?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Grace. Thanks for stopping by on my post. It always helps to know that someone else gets it. These random symptoms from withdrawal can make you crazy. I know you mentioned you lowered your trileptal and that's a wonderful thing. I know you must go slow, I do too, and it can be a real pain in the butt. We are getting these poisons out of us at least.


Good for you having grandchildren that you can help during covid. You are a teacher and they are very special indeed. My family member is a teacher and is remote teaching special ed. Talk about challenges! I still remember my second grade teacher Mrs. Whitman, who was the kindest teacher ever. I would love some grandchildren, but I must wait for a few years. Gotta get the kids married!


I feel a bit better, but still feel crappy as usual in withdrawal mornings. Be well. Marie.

10/13--10/14 Ambien. Started tapering 1/14  Jumped 10/14.  Done.                                                                              

3/14        7.5 Remeron  still taking this.                              

2/14         75 Trazodone   -    Tapered by dry cutting all the way down.

1/16        4 mg Trazodone  -  Jumped. Bad mistake. Got hit with late withdrawal 6 weeks later. Reinstated.

4/16        Reinstated 1 mg, updose to 2 mg Trazodone

2/19        .04 Trazodone. Walked off.  Done.

10/3/19  Started 7.5 Mirtazapine taper cut to .073 gram weight, pill weighs .076

4/5/20    New Mirtazapine Taper - Compound Liquid 7.35 mg April '20, 7.25 mg May, 7.05 mg June, 6.99 mg June, 6.78 mg July, 6.57 mg Aug, Sept 6.35 mg, Sept 6.24 mg, Sept 6.21 mg, Oct 5.99 mg, Oct 5.90 mg, Oct 5.70 mg.

1/11/21 6.05 mg Messed up taper due to syringe change. Must remember the 1 ml syringe contains 1.5mg! 1/16/21 5.99 mg

2/21 5.75 mg, 3/21 5.6 mg, 4/7 5.45, 4/14 5.30, 5/12 5.15, 5/25/21 4.99 mg, 6/29 4.87 mg, 7/14/21 4.74 mg, 8/5 4.62 mg 8/17 4.5 mg, 8/30 4.38 mg,9/16 4.26 mg,10/9 4.14 mg, 10/23 4.05 mg, 11/6 3.96 mg,11/17 3.87mg.***Jan 22 Liquid was changed/couldn't tolerate***Changed back to pills. Feb 22/3.9 mg, 2/17/22 3.8 mg, 3/23 3.7 mg, 4/7 3.6 mg, 5/10 3.5mg,6/10/22 3.4 mg, 7/4 3.3 mg, 7/25 3.2 mg, 8/20/22 3.1 mg, 9/15 3 mg, 10/8/22 2.9 mg., 12/15 2.8 mg, 1/6/23 2.7 mg, 2/16/23 2.6 mg, 3/9 2.5 mg, 4/4 2.4 mg, 4/29/23 2.3 mg, 5/26 2.2 mg, 6/22/23 2.1 mg, 10/14 2 mg, 11/12 1.9 mg, 11/28 1.8 mg , 12/14/23 1.7, 12/31/23 1.6 mg, 1/20 1.5 mg, 2/6/24 1.4 mg, 2/12 updose 1.5 mg, 3/27/24 1.4 mg. Taking multi-vitamin, vit. D, cholestoff, psyllium husk, and fish oil.


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