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Lama: Trazadone


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I have been on trazadone for a year and quit cold turkey for I think it was two months I was unaware not to stop ubrapitly. I have restated for 4 weeks and 4 days. Should I add another SSR for the W/D subside? I told my doctor and told me to take another medication. I feel a little better then before but hoping I will more stabilize more. Have negative thoughts that makes it hard. Would like anybody's input.

Edited by scallywag

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Lama -- Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants (SA)


Doctors often forget or neglect to advise tapering from medication. Sometimes they tell us on the first prescription and we forget. I'm sorry you didn't get the information you needed when you need it.


Some questions for you:

  • What trazodone dose were you taking for the year?
  • On what date did you take your last dose before the cold-turkey?
  • On what date did you reinstate trazodone?
  • What dose did you reinstate?
  • Have you made any changes to your reinstatement dose, up or down? If so, what and when?
A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-18 months particularly?
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago)
  • Any drugs prior to 18 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • You don't need to include symptoms or diagnoses other than the initial condition that led to prescribing the first drug.
  • We ask for this information so that we can see the most important information at a glance and answer your questions quickly .
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs.
  • You can find instructions in this topic: Please put your withdrawal history in signature
  • If you are using a phone or mobile device, you need to switch to the "full" or desktop version of the site. Instructions are in

    Post 8 and Post 9

Withdrawal symptoms generally subside over time, many weeks or months. It is difficult to predict how long it will take for any given person's symptoms to ease and fully resolve.

How long to stabilize after reinstating or updosing.


Have you had any time, even a few minutes, since you reinstated with few or no symptoms? We call those "windows" and they are a good sign. If you haven't had windows, it just means that your CNS (central nervous system) is healing in ways that aren't noticeable YET. Withdrawal isn't a linear process where each day you see a slight improvement. You can read more about that in these topic:

The Windows and Waves pattern of stabilization.


Some links to other topics for later reference.

Before you begin tapering -- what you need to know

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Tips for tapering off trazodone (Desyrel).


I hope you'll find the information in the SA forums helpful for your situation. I'm sorry that you are in the position that you need the information, but am glad that you found us.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Hi Lama. I am also taking Trazodone and like you stopped and then reinstated. It's hard once you reinstate but it improves the longer you hold. Please try not to add another AD. It may not cover the w/d effects of the Trazodone plus you'll have new side effects of the new med. What dose were you on before you stopped and what dose are you on now? That's a good sign that you are feeling a bit better.



10/13--10/14 Ambien. Started tapering 1/14  Jumped 10/14.  Done.                                                                              

3/14        7.5 Remeron  still taking this.                              

2/14         75 Trazodone   -    Tapered by dry cutting all the way down.

1/16        4 mg Trazodone  -  Jumped. Bad mistake. Got hit with late withdrawal 6 weeks later. Reinstated.

4/16        Reinstated 1 mg, updose to 2 mg Trazodone

2/19        .04 Trazodone. Walked off.  Done.

10/3/19  Started 7.5 Mirtazapine taper cut to .073 gram weight, pill weighs .076

4/5/20    New Mirtazapine Taper - Compound Liquid 7.35 mg April '20, 7.25 mg May, 7.05 mg June, 6.99 mg June, 6.78 mg July, 6.57 mg Aug, Sept 6.35 mg, Sept 6.24 mg, Sept 6.21 mg, Oct 5.99 mg, Oct 5.90 mg, Oct 5.70 mg.

1/11/21 6.05 mg Messed up taper due to syringe change. Must remember the 1 ml syringe contains 1.5mg! 1/16/21 5.99 mg

2/21 5.75 mg, 3/21 5.6 mg, 4/7 5.45, 4/14 5.30, 5/12 5.15, 5/25/21 4.99 mg, 6/29 4.87 mg, 7/14/21 4.74 mg, 8/5 4.62 mg 8/17 4.5 mg, 8/30 4.38 mg,9/16 4.26 mg,10/9 4.14 mg, 10/23 4.05 mg, 11/6 3.96 mg,11/17 3.87mg.***Jan 22 Liquid was changed/couldn't tolerate***Changed back to pills. Feb 22/3.9 mg, 2/17/22 3.8 mg, 3/23 3.7 mg, 4/7 3.6 mg, 5/10 3.5mg,6/10/22 3.4 mg, 7/4 3.3 mg, 7/25 3.2 mg, 8/20/22 3.1 mg, 9/15 3 mg, 10/8/22 2.9 mg., 12/15 2.8 mg, 1/6/23 2.7 mg, 2/16/23 2.6 mg, 3/9 2.5 mg, 4/4 2.4 mg, 4/29/23 2.3 mg, 5/26 2.2 mg, 6/22/23 2.1 mg, 10/14 2 mg, 11/12 1.9 mg, 11/28 1.8 mg ,12/14/23 1.7, 12/31/23 1.6 mg, 1/20 1.5 mg, 2/6/24 1.4 mg, 2/12 updose 1.5 mg, 3/27/24 1.4 mg,5/31/24 l.2 mg. Taking multi-vitamin, vit. D, cholestoff, psyllium husk, and fish oil.


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Lama. What are your thoughts ?

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014

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Lama,  I agree with Marie. I too quit trazodone too fast and had to reinstate.  I also added a new med (mirtazepine) to deal with insomnia from w/d and it did not work. My advice would be to reinstate trazodone and do a slow taper.


Gabapentin:  about 6 months in 2015, 300-900 mg, cold turkeyed Sept 2015 (at same time dc'd Klonopin)

Klonopin: June 2014- Sept 2015; 1mg tapered over 6 mths, dc'd at 0.25mg, withdrawal hellish (perhaps because of concurrent dc of gabapentin)

Mirtazepine: Jumped off at 2.4 mg. (stable in 8 months).

Seroquel:  June 14 - July 24, 2016, 25 mg alternate nights; smaller doses for shorter periods. Total use about 3 months 

Lamictal: March 19, 2018 - 1 mg; March 23 - 1.25 mg; April 6 - 2mg. Discontinued at 2 mgJuly 1, 2018 due to Steven Johnson Syndrome.



Supplements: Vit D, turmeric

Naturethroid: 65 mcg for hypothyroidism

Trazodone: Oct 2015 - June 2016; 75 mg tapered over 2 mths, intense w/d after 3 weeks. Reinstatement: 07/25/16 - 25 mg; updosed 08/03/16 - 50 mg;  10/01/16-  62mg; 03/24/17 dropped to 50 mg (stable in 2.5 months)

                           Current psych meds: Trazodone 50 mg

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Thanx for your guys reply. You feel so alone when going through W/D.


I took a 100mg trazadone

Cold turkey in July/2016 for I would say almost two months or less don't remember. Sept/2016 I was on and off TZ.

Doctors lowered my dose on Nov/16 50mg doctors, which was when the horrible W/D came.

Up my dose from 50mg TZ to 75mg in two weeks. This was all under my doctors guide. Then she wanted me to take xanxe 2mg. Which I didn't because I was already so scared from this medication.

Now finally 100mg on Dec/16 and have been on this for 4 weeks and 4 days. For 2 weeks I was experiencing depersonalize and fear and high anxiety. I didn't want to do anything.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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I do have some windows now and then get clouded by thoughts and concently thinking a lot but not the normal thinking a lot. The racing thoughts. I havnt ever experienced this. My doctor wants me to add AD and lower my trazadone. Then she advised that I see a psychiatrist because she is just a general doctor and misdiagnosed me. I just can't take her advice because she doesn't t know what she is doing. I mean to drop me from 100mg to 50 mg is big difference. very confusing.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Hi Lama. I am also taking Trazodone and like you stopped and then reinstated. It's hard once you reinstate but it improves the longer you hold. Please try not to add another AD. It may not cover the w/d effects of the Trazodone plus you'll have new side effects of the new med. What dose were you on before you stopped and what dose are you on now? That's a good sign that you are feeling a bit better.



Hi Marie,


Thank you for you advice. What were your W/D systems like? Did you quit for awhile? Then restatied?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Hi Lama,


I was off for 3 months, but started getting withdrawal at 6 weeks off but I did not know it. Ignorant doctor thought a had a bad virus/infection. Nope. I came here and realized I was going through w/d. Were you taking trazodone for sleep?


I had extreme weakness, fatigue and nausea among other things. The cloudy thinking and racing thoughts are part of it. When you change the doses rapidly it causes worse symptoms. Stay at a constant dose for a while and see how you feel. You should feel better as time goes on. Doctors are ignorant about how these meds can effect us. I definitely would not take xanex, that's a benzodiazapine. Like I mentioned, adding a different AD may not cover your symptoms and just add more side effects. I hope you feel better soon.


Try to make a signature at the bottom so the moderators can help you more.



10/13--10/14 Ambien. Started tapering 1/14  Jumped 10/14.  Done.                                                                              

3/14        7.5 Remeron  still taking this.                              

2/14         75 Trazodone   -    Tapered by dry cutting all the way down.

1/16        4 mg Trazodone  -  Jumped. Bad mistake. Got hit with late withdrawal 6 weeks later. Reinstated.

4/16        Reinstated 1 mg, updose to 2 mg Trazodone

2/19        .04 Trazodone. Walked off.  Done.

10/3/19  Started 7.5 Mirtazapine taper cut to .073 gram weight, pill weighs .076

4/5/20    New Mirtazapine Taper - Compound Liquid 7.35 mg April '20, 7.25 mg May, 7.05 mg June, 6.99 mg June, 6.78 mg July, 6.57 mg Aug, Sept 6.35 mg, Sept 6.24 mg, Sept 6.21 mg, Oct 5.99 mg, Oct 5.90 mg, Oct 5.70 mg.

1/11/21 6.05 mg Messed up taper due to syringe change. Must remember the 1 ml syringe contains 1.5mg! 1/16/21 5.99 mg

2/21 5.75 mg, 3/21 5.6 mg, 4/7 5.45, 4/14 5.30, 5/12 5.15, 5/25/21 4.99 mg, 6/29 4.87 mg, 7/14/21 4.74 mg, 8/5 4.62 mg 8/17 4.5 mg, 8/30 4.38 mg,9/16 4.26 mg,10/9 4.14 mg, 10/23 4.05 mg, 11/6 3.96 mg,11/17 3.87mg.***Jan 22 Liquid was changed/couldn't tolerate***Changed back to pills. Feb 22/3.9 mg, 2/17/22 3.8 mg, 3/23 3.7 mg, 4/7 3.6 mg, 5/10 3.5mg,6/10/22 3.4 mg, 7/4 3.3 mg, 7/25 3.2 mg, 8/20/22 3.1 mg, 9/15 3 mg, 10/8/22 2.9 mg., 12/15 2.8 mg, 1/6/23 2.7 mg, 2/16/23 2.6 mg, 3/9 2.5 mg, 4/4 2.4 mg, 4/29/23 2.3 mg, 5/26 2.2 mg, 6/22/23 2.1 mg, 10/14 2 mg, 11/12 1.9 mg, 11/28 1.8 mg ,12/14/23 1.7, 12/31/23 1.6 mg, 1/20 1.5 mg, 2/6/24 1.4 mg, 2/12 updose 1.5 mg, 3/27/24 1.4 mg,5/31/24 l.2 mg. Taking multi-vitamin, vit. D, cholestoff, psyllium husk, and fish oil.


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Yes,it was for sleep and anexity. I stared having the worst withdrawals at 50 mg. I had psyical W/D on 100mg and when my dose was dropped to 50 mg I had mental W/D which by far the worest.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Please confirm that I am understanding your situation correctly: You are currently taking 100 mg trazodone and nothing else.

Yes,it was for sleep and anexity. I stared having the worst withdrawals at 50 mg. I had psyical W/D on 100mg and when my dose was dropped to 50 mg I had mental W/D which by far the worest.


In the part I've put in bold text above, are you saying that you had withdrawal symptoms before July 2016?

Or are you referring to your reinstatement efforts in the fall of 2016?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Please confirm that I am understanding your situation correctly: You are currently taking 100 mg trazodone and nothing else.


Yes,it was for sleep and anexity. I stared having the worst withdrawals at 50 mg. I had psyical W/D on 100mg and when my dose was dropped to 50 mg I had mental W/D which by far the worest.

In the part I've put in bold text above, are you saying that you had withdrawal symptoms before July 2016?

Or are you referring to your reinstatement efforts in the fall of 2016?

Yes. I'm only taking 100mg now. No I did not have withdrawals before July 2016, I had withdrawal only when I went cold turkey and when my dose was lowered to 50mg. Yes I'm still in withdrawal because of reinstateing.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Lama. What are your thoughts ?

Negitive thoughts violent. That's why I want to consider another drug in hopes these would subside from my W/D from trazadone.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus



We don't help people with identifying a medication that might address your symptoms; we leave that to doctors. If you have questions about a medication a doctor advises you to take, we can help you with information about it or suggest questions to ask your doctor.


Why was your dose lowered to 50 mg in November?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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I was put on 50mg because I was having heart palpitations problems because I was going threw a WD because of on and off the medication. So the doctor put me on 50mg trazadone and lowered my dose to wean me off. That's when I had bad WD. I'm saying should I stay on this dose and 100mg trazadone and try stabilize? I have been on this dose for awhile almost 5 weeks I'm seeing a little windows here and there. Does that mean I'm stabilizing?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Windows are a good sign that your CNS (central nervous system) is doing work to recover from the hard bounces of cold turkey, then full reinstatement, followed by a 50% reduction.


Are you having heart palpitations?

If yes, then it would be best to discuss with your doctor.

If no, then continue on 100 mg trazodone to stabilize.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Is my restating going to take a while? Or is going to work? Since I did cold turkey for 2 months?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I can't tell you how long it will take for your CNS (central nervous system) to stabilize. You'll find others discussing that question in this topic:

How long to stabilize after reinstating or updosing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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When I reinstated trazodone after a rapid taper last summer, I saw improvements within 2 weeks, and after a month most of the wd symptoms were gone.  I was off for 6 weeks before reinstating.  So hang in there, it will take time.


I have just reinstated low dose seroquel (about 6 weeks ago).  Still have some strong wd sxs, but am waiting it out.  


Good luck.


Gabapentin:  about 6 months in 2015, 300-900 mg, cold turkeyed Sept 2015 (at same time dc'd Klonopin)

Klonopin: June 2014- Sept 2015; 1mg tapered over 6 mths, dc'd at 0.25mg, withdrawal hellish (perhaps because of concurrent dc of gabapentin)

Mirtazepine: Jumped off at 2.4 mg. (stable in 8 months).

Seroquel:  June 14 - July 24, 2016, 25 mg alternate nights; smaller doses for shorter periods. Total use about 3 months 

Lamictal: March 19, 2018 - 1 mg; March 23 - 1.25 mg; April 6 - 2mg. Discontinued at 2 mgJuly 1, 2018 due to Steven Johnson Syndrome.



Supplements: Vit D, turmeric

Naturethroid: 65 mcg for hypothyroidism

Trazodone: Oct 2015 - June 2016; 75 mg tapered over 2 mths, intense w/d after 3 weeks. Reinstatement: 07/25/16 - 25 mg; updosed 08/03/16 - 50 mg;  10/01/16-  62mg; 03/24/17 dropped to 50 mg (stable in 2.5 months)

                           Current psych meds: Trazodone 50 mg

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Thank you for reply. Wish you best of luck. I'm on my 6 week of restating. Wish it goes away the w/d

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Please confirm that I am understanding your situation correctly: You are currently taking 100 mg trazodone and nothing else.


Yes,it was for sleep and anexity. I stared having the worst withdrawals at 50 mg. I had psyical W/D on 100mg and when my dose was dropped to 50 mg I had mental W/D which by far the worest.

In the part I've put in bold text above, are you saying that you had withdrawal symptoms before July 2016?

Or are you referring to your reinstatement efforts in the fall of 2016?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Hi scallywag,

I wondering if I ask my doctor to updose maybe that will help stabilize sooner because I been taking it's but still have bad weird thoughts and fear 100mg and was thinking of going up a dose to 125mg? Any suggestions?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Updosing *may* destabilize you further rather than help you stabilize sooner.


I would suggest that you continue to be patient and maintain the dose at 100 mg. However, you know what's happening in your life and your body.


If you believe updosing would be helpful, please consult your doctor.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Updosing *may* destabilize you further rather than help you stabilize sooner.


I would suggest that you continue to be patient and maintain the dose at 100 mg. However, you know what's happening in your life and your body.


If you believe updosing would be helpful, please consult your doctor.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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I'm having a lot of OSD is that a part of the w/d. I had OCD before but not major not felt I was in danger or indarging others. Fear all the time. I know it's the w/d. I heard Prozac helps with OCD. I'm desperate I want the systems to go away. I feel horrible.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

If you want to suppress the symptoms, you'll need to talk to a doctor, preferably a sensitive and knowledgeable one, about medications that might have that effect.


Please be careful about how you discuss the OSD with your doctor. Some medical professionals hear the words and react by compelling hospitalization and/or prescribing high doses of medication. You probably don't want either of those results.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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If you want to suppress the symptoms, you'll need to talk to a doctor, preferably a sensitive and knowledgeable one, about medications that might have that effect.


Please be careful about how you discuss the OSD with your doctor. Some medical professionals hear the words and react by compelling hospitalization and/or prescribing high doses of medication. You probably don't want either of those results.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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I'm lost now. I was normal liked cleaning and creative I wasn't like this before. All I know is went the doctor for sleep and was given medicine for anexity and I now have this w/d. Im just confused ????

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Are you saying you're lost because of the overall situation or because of what I posted? Either answer -- or another one -- is fine. Please let us know.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Are you saying you're lost because of the overall situation or because of what I posted? Either answer -- or another one -- is fine. Please let us know.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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No just my situation. I read some posts that's these are w/d. When I do stabilize do these w/d always be like this? Like if you do a very slow trapper?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Withdrawal symptoms come and go in cycles. We call that pattern windows and waves:

The Windows and Waves pattern of stabilization.


Most people start to experience brief windows of light or no symptoms. With time, the windows get longer while the waves get shorter and less intense.


The intent of doing a slow taper is to reduce the risk of withdrawal symptoms. If the symptoms have already started it can take many weeks, or even months, for them to weaken.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Withdrawal symptoms come and go in cycles. We call that pattern windows and waves:

The Windows and Waves pattern of stabilization.


Most people start to experience brief windows of light or no symptoms. With time, the windows get longer while the waves get shorter and less intense.


The intent of doing a slow taper is to reduce the risk of withdrawal symptoms. If the symptoms have already started it can take many weeks, or even months, for them to weaken.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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My doctor advised that I take 10mg Prozac and drop my trazadone to 75mg instead of 100mg , do you any suggestions? Cuz afraid to drop trazadone that fast low because of my reaction last time.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Withdrawal symptoms come and go in cycles. We call that pattern windows and waves:

The Windows and Waves pattern of stabilization.


Most people start to experience brief windows of light or no symptoms. With time, the windows get longer while the waves get shorter and less intense.


The intent of doing a slow taper is to reduce the risk of withdrawal symptoms. If the symptoms have already started it can take many weeks, or even months, for them to weaken.

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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Does this OCD w/d ever go away?

Been on Trazdone 100mg Sept/2015 to July'16

On and off in Sept'16 100mg TZ

50mg in Nov'16 for weeks TZ

75mg for two weeks on TZ

100mg in Dec'16

Trying to reinstate.

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