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Freethinkerdangerous: Withdrawal 3 months later?


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I was on Lexapro for a year up until Christmas. When I came off lexapro, I went through about 2 weeks of withdrawals. Dizziness, tiredness, insomnia, head rushes, crying spells.


For about a month I felt okay, but then in February I started feeling exhausted. No matter how much I sleep, I feel awful. I get headaches and a sore throat. Is this withdrawal? I'm so worried that I've suddenly got chronic fatigue or something. I must stress that emotionally I'm stable enough. I feel teary sometimes but only because I'm so exhausted.


Of course that it sounds like withdrawal, it can last weeks and two to three months for your body to get used to its normal metabolism again. Read what drug addicts go through when they stop getting their drugs, their brain adapts to drugs and then it suffers a "confusion" when it doesn't find those drugs anymore and then you have to wait until your brain adapts to its normal self again.

  • Moderator Emeritus



Welcome to SA.

It certainly sounds like withdrawal.  Before we can make any suggestions we need to know a bit more of a history.


Please create a drug signature Create Your Signature.  Please include details for the last 12-18 months of  all drugs, dates, doses and discontinuations & reinstatements.  If you can't remember dates, please write it as "early March" or "mid-August".  Please provide a summary of any drugs prior to that which can just be listed with start and stop years. Please include all prescription, non-prescription drugs and supplements you are currently taking. Phone Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature. Please also remember to update it with date and dose whenever make a change so that it remains current. Thank you.


I'm going to list some links for you to check out.  You can then ask questions in your Intro topic.


Before you begin tapering what you need to know

About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist


These helped me to understand SA's recommendedations:


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


You might find these topics helpful too:


How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?

What should I expect from my doctor about withdrawal symptoms?


This is your Intro topic for asking questions and for journalling your progress.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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