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Beware of Kratom


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Moderation Note:

Folks, when your nervous system is sensitized, unapproved drugs and illegal drugs are just as likely to cause adverse reactions as conventional drugs. We cannot recommend them.


Please take discussions of illegal and semi-legal drugs to the sites that specialize in such discussions.

Altostrata, December 5th, 2017(post below)




Hey everyone I just wanted to start a thread warning about using Kratom while in withdrawal, as I couldn't find one before I tried using it.

Please be very careful using Kratom to treat withdrawal related symptoms, despite what I had read and been assured of online that it is harmless and safe and effective at relieving withdrawals, the opposite has proven to be true for me. It my help people with a normal CNS withdraw from opiates and whatnot, but for those of us who are destabilised, it can create complete chaos. I'm nearing one month past trying 3mg of a red vein Borneo and am still suffering intensely from it. I just wanted to post a heads up for anyone who may be considering trying Kratom and making the same mistake I did

Edited by manymoretodays
mod note- We don't recommend or discuss Kratom use here


2004 hospitalized for acute alcohol induced psychosis and started on my psych drug merry-go-round.2004-2006 SSRI > SNRI Merry-go-round finally settled on Effexor. Also was started on Risperdal in 2004 but switched to seroquell after I had a bad reaction to it.2008. Was switched from Effexor to pristiq, Also managed to successfully Quit Seroquel Cold Turkey.Asenapine- 5mg- August 2014 ~ May 2015. Was put on for Social Anxiety, was great at first then started developing disabling side effects, did a rapid taper and so started my withdrawal nightmare...


Pristiq-100mg ~ Currently holding

Olanzapine- 3.75mg May 2015 ~ Currently tapering by -.06mg per week (Jan 2016, 3.5mg  ~Feb 2016 intractable insomnia updose to 3.75mg)

Quetiapine- 50mg June 2015  ~Dec 25 2015 Quit cold turkey. ~(Feb 6 2016 hit with intractable insomnia - reinstated 50mg.)

August 2016 : Became destabilised after messing around with cutting doses, trying THC oil etc eventually stabilised,

Held doses for 5 years.

January 2022: Hit poop out, struggling to get more than 3 hours sleep, been one week straight of pure hell, praying to hold on. 

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can you say in more detail what your experience was?  I have considered this route.  I would not classify myself as a normal CNS person so I really want to know.  I get so de-stabilized from gabapentin that I can't withdraw.  the only thing that helped me was opiates.  I broke my leg and was taking them for pain and realized I was tapering.  unfortunately I have none left.  since krater activates the opioid receptors I was hoping for the same. 

many years ago given sinequan for depression bad reaction so tiny dose of meleril to balance... quit after a year or so c/t

years pass no drugs

reg doc had me try all of the  a/d bc of upset due to divorce.  couldn't handle any.  took klonopin to sleep .5 mg  2003

taper klonopin

hooked on tramadol accidentally. 2006-2008 husband had migraines and took them like candy. so i became dependent too.  c/t  2008

diagnosis of porphyria after years of symptoms,  then toxic event made me really ill.


gabapentin 300mg every 3 hours , 6x day.

propranolol   180 mg  6x / day

since 2012

clonazepam prescribed as 1 mg / day  but beginning to take more to deal with withdrawals and sleeplessness


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I can't say for sure how it will effect you chrona, I can only add my personal experience with it. Upon taking what I thought was a small dose of 3gm of a red Borneo, I did infact experience relief from withdrawal and actually felt happiness for the first time in two years. I slept for a solid 10 hours that night and woke feeling wonderful. The next morning though I woke feeling a bit off but didn't think much of it, I headed off to work and upon getting there I was hit with horrible intense anxiety, more like akathisia without the movement component. It was indescribable torture and lasted for a whole week before letting up and going. I made it through the next week with a few bad waves here and there but they were mostly manageable, I thought at this point I was out of the wood with it, however since last Saturday the horrific anxiety and feelings of internal torment and terror have returned stronger than I've ever experienced.. Im struggling to survive at the moment, with every second being torture, I can't sleep, I'm becoming over dependant on benzos to try and keep my job, I have a family to support.. I'm trying to avoid hospital if I can and I fear for the worst... I regret trying it deeply and would advice you to be extremely cautious with it.


2004 hospitalized for acute alcohol induced psychosis and started on my psych drug merry-go-round.2004-2006 SSRI > SNRI Merry-go-round finally settled on Effexor. Also was started on Risperdal in 2004 but switched to seroquell after I had a bad reaction to it.2008. Was switched from Effexor to pristiq, Also managed to successfully Quit Seroquel Cold Turkey.Asenapine- 5mg- August 2014 ~ May 2015. Was put on for Social Anxiety, was great at first then started developing disabling side effects, did a rapid taper and so started my withdrawal nightmare...


Pristiq-100mg ~ Currently holding

Olanzapine- 3.75mg May 2015 ~ Currently tapering by -.06mg per week (Jan 2016, 3.5mg  ~Feb 2016 intractable insomnia updose to 3.75mg)

Quetiapine- 50mg June 2015  ~Dec 25 2015 Quit cold turkey. ~(Feb 6 2016 hit with intractable insomnia - reinstated 50mg.)

August 2016 : Became destabilised after messing around with cutting doses, trying THC oil etc eventually stabilised,

Held doses for 5 years.

January 2022: Hit poop out, struggling to get more than 3 hours sleep, been one week straight of pure hell, praying to hold on. 

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  • 8 months later...

Kratom works wonders for me. I use it daily. You are supposed to take low doses from a reputation vendor. No more than 3 grams twice daily.

trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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  • Moderator

Firstly the use of Kratom is restricted to prescription only or is illegal through out much of the world.  On those grounds alone SA can not and will not condone using or advocating the use of this drug.


Secondly the known affects of this drug cause it to be classified as an addictive opiate combined with an SSRI, which is similar to the drug Tramadol.  This is an extremely bad combination for people who are going through ADWD and should be avoided.  We are learning from experience that Tramadol is a very hard drug to taper and quit.


As the title of this thread states "BEWARE OF KRATOM".

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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10 hours ago, brassmonkey said:

Firstly the use of Kratom is restricted to prescription only or is illegal through out much of the world.  On those grounds alone SA can not and will not condone using or advocating the use of this drug.


Secondly the known affects of this drug cause it to be classified as an addictive opiate combined with an SSRI, which is similar to the drug Tramadol.  This is an extremely bad combination for people who are going through ADWD and should be avoided.  We are learning from experience that Tramadol is a very hard drug to taper and quit.


As the title of this thread states "BEWARE OF KRATOM".


Have you used kratom? Probably not! You shouldn't talk about something you know nothing about. The FDA is attacking it because it is effective.And it Has SNRI mechanism not SSRI. It is no where near addictive as opiates. Been using it for three years on and off. 


Please stop comparing a natural drug to a pharmaceutical drug like tramadol. It doesn't feel anything like it. Has way more benefits. Tramadol is useless junk.


You seem like you just read a bunch of fake news stories that are designed to use fear-tactics. I hate when people just believe the media without doing any real research.


I'm not going to argue with you but coming from someone who has benefited from it, it is very effective for me. I can tell this conversation is going no where though so I said all I have to say.

trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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I used kratom through my lyrica w/d at about 2 to 6mg two to three times a week. It is addictive and just like benzos I noticed eventually you have to take more to feel the effect. There is a very good Reddit site Quitting Kratom that has lots of users who are trying to quit the drug and who's lives have been affected badly by overuse/abuse of this drug. For me it killed my depression stone dead but I realised that this could just be a natural drug rather than a pharma drug and has equally damaging long term effects on some users with withdraw being compared to an opiate and benzo w/d combined. For me I quit use after 9 months and didn't notice any appreciable w/d after a few weeks and haven't touched since as the signs of dependence and tolerance were clearly developing. It's also now illegal in my country to purchase and import which was another factor in my decision. I'd love it to be legal and benign because it certainly works. Unfortunately there is a down side and read the Reddit page and make your own mind up.

Dosulepin 75mg 1996 - 1997 tapered off no problem - Prozac sporadic use between 1995 and 2011 usually 9 months then off.

Mirtazapine 2015 tapered off after 4 months no problem -Prozac 20mg 2012-2015 tapered off no problems

Prozac 20mg April 2016-May 2016 stopped ct after 4 weeks due to adverse reaction I believe to be serotnin toxicity due to mirtazapine interaction

Escitlopram 10 mg May 2016 - cut to 5mg May 2016  stopped ct November 2016 no W/d's noted

Lyrica 300mg May 2016 - July 2017 - Taper from Jan to Jul 17 awful taper.

Lofepramine 150mg  November 2016 - January 2017 Swift w/d as it didn't work

Quetiapine 75mg November 2016 changed to 150 XL May2017 changed to 150mg IR July 2017 reduced to in 25mg steps from July to 50mg Oct 17. 37.5mg 12th Nov 17 - 35mg 20 Nov 17 - 30mg 22 Nov 17 - 25mg 24 Nov 17 dropped to 20mg Dec 17, 15mg Jan 18. Current taken at bedtime.

Quetiapine dropped Jan 17th 2018.

Dosulepin 75mg May 2017 - increased in 25mg steps to 175mg Oct 17 Reduced to 150mg Nov 17 current taken at bedtime

Diazepam 15mg May 2016 - c/t'd by shrink after 6 weeks. Reinstated at 12mg after 4 weeks June 16 - current 4mg 3 times a day morning, 2.30pm and bedtime.

Mirtazapine 15mg since March 2015 - current - pooped out within 4 weeks

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32 minutes ago, Staz said:

I used kratom through my lyrica w/d at about 2 to 6mg two to three times a week. It is addictive and just like benzos I noticed eventually you have to take more to feel the effect. There is a very good Reddit site Quitting Kratom that has lots of users who are trying to quit the drug and who's lives have been affected badly by overuse/abuse of this drug. For me it killed my depression stone dead but I realised that this could just be a natural drug rather than a pharma drug and has equally damaging long term effects on some users with withdraw being compared to an opiate and benzo w/d combined. For me I quit use after 9 months and didn't notice any appreciable w/d after a few weeks and haven't touched since as the signs of dependence and tolerance were clearly developing. It's also now illegal in my country to purchase and import which was another factor in my decision. I'd love it to be legal and benign because it certainly works. Unfortunately there is a down side and read the Reddit page and make your own mind up.


Listen, abusing anything is bad. I take small doses and it has been very effective. The bad news press about kratom is horrible. Where I live in the USA, it is legal but who knows for how long since the FDA wants to ban it. There has been a public backlash against banning it that is why the DEA withdraws its ban a year ago but sadly, the FDA can ban any product.


trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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I was not accusing you of anything so please don't take offence. None was intended nor am I judging you in any way nor will I. I was a user and felt it might be useful for others to hear my experience of using this drug which was nothing like Simag's experience, in fact far from it. At the end of the day a drug is a drug regardless of it being natural or synthetic. Anything that alters our brain chemistry will have pros and cons. In small doses I too found it very effective but it is an addictive drug, tolerance certainly built in me and other users I know have had tolerance build rapidly from low doses as I have. Some even developed worse depression trying to get off of it. If you can stay on a low dose and not build tolerance then good for you. I don't know how long you've been taking this for but a lot of users notice tolerance and dependence developing with even a couple of months usage. You may be lucky but I'll stand by my statement that this drug is addictive and tolerance develops as a result because it acts on opioid receptor in the same way that heroin does. I wish it didn't as I'd still be taking it because it kills anxiety and depression stone dead initially. I've known some users who have used it to manage off of psyche meds successfully only to realise they then have to taper kratom as well. For some it's been worth the price, other not so as it caused more problems than it solved.

This is not scaremongering or false news but from an ex user with 9 months of experience with kratom. It is not the benign drug that the pro kratom lobby claim it to be. I'm not for banning it but people should be allowed to make there own judgement to use this drug or not base on fact. I hope you manage it successfully and don't develop tolerance and if you start to notice this developing have the good sense to slowly taper off of it and not keep increasing your dose. Good luck.

Dosulepin 75mg 1996 - 1997 tapered off no problem - Prozac sporadic use between 1995 and 2011 usually 9 months then off.

Mirtazapine 2015 tapered off after 4 months no problem -Prozac 20mg 2012-2015 tapered off no problems

Prozac 20mg April 2016-May 2016 stopped ct after 4 weeks due to adverse reaction I believe to be serotnin toxicity due to mirtazapine interaction

Escitlopram 10 mg May 2016 - cut to 5mg May 2016  stopped ct November 2016 no W/d's noted

Lyrica 300mg May 2016 - July 2017 - Taper from Jan to Jul 17 awful taper.

Lofepramine 150mg  November 2016 - January 2017 Swift w/d as it didn't work

Quetiapine 75mg November 2016 changed to 150 XL May2017 changed to 150mg IR July 2017 reduced to in 25mg steps from July to 50mg Oct 17. 37.5mg 12th Nov 17 - 35mg 20 Nov 17 - 30mg 22 Nov 17 - 25mg 24 Nov 17 dropped to 20mg Dec 17, 15mg Jan 18. Current taken at bedtime.

Quetiapine dropped Jan 17th 2018.

Dosulepin 75mg May 2017 - increased in 25mg steps to 175mg Oct 17 Reduced to 150mg Nov 17 current taken at bedtime

Diazepam 15mg May 2016 - c/t'd by shrink after 6 weeks. Reinstated at 12mg after 4 weeks June 16 - current 4mg 3 times a day morning, 2.30pm and bedtime.

Mirtazapine 15mg since March 2015 - current - pooped out within 4 weeks

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Again I can only speak from personal experience, I just wanted to alert people to the fact it can possibly cause adverse reactions to us in withdrawal. I'm glad it's helping people with symptoms, we all deserve something that can help ease this hell were all in. I wish I didn't react the way I did because I also would still be using it. 

I don't want to demonize it, just be cautious as with all supplements, thc etc it can help some but harm others.

.. Edit it is highly illegal here in Australia so I had to source my red vein Borneo form the dark web.. So I couldn't be sure of its purity, it was a big gamble, that said I gave what was left to a friend who isn't in wd and they reported it had zero effect on them.


2004 hospitalized for acute alcohol induced psychosis and started on my psych drug merry-go-round.2004-2006 SSRI > SNRI Merry-go-round finally settled on Effexor. Also was started on Risperdal in 2004 but switched to seroquell after I had a bad reaction to it.2008. Was switched from Effexor to pristiq, Also managed to successfully Quit Seroquel Cold Turkey.Asenapine- 5mg- August 2014 ~ May 2015. Was put on for Social Anxiety, was great at first then started developing disabling side effects, did a rapid taper and so started my withdrawal nightmare...


Pristiq-100mg ~ Currently holding

Olanzapine- 3.75mg May 2015 ~ Currently tapering by -.06mg per week (Jan 2016, 3.5mg  ~Feb 2016 intractable insomnia updose to 3.75mg)

Quetiapine- 50mg June 2015  ~Dec 25 2015 Quit cold turkey. ~(Feb 6 2016 hit with intractable insomnia - reinstated 50mg.)

August 2016 : Became destabilised after messing around with cutting doses, trying THC oil etc eventually stabilised,

Held doses for 5 years.

January 2022: Hit poop out, struggling to get more than 3 hours sleep, been one week straight of pure hell, praying to hold on. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I think you did fine simack.  It does sound like something that might help with opiate W/D, but I don't know either.    We don't endorse it here.  It's a SA rule.  See the guidelines for the site.


You can discuss it and share your experience, which is all you did.  You might have helped someone.  I don't think you were out of line.


A nephew of mine used it to extend his opiate efficacy.  It was either this Kratom or Kracom.......something that was available over the counter here(no prescription needed) in my conservative state in the USA.  That was a couple of years ago.  I didn't try it.  I had read about all the sensitivities I could have, and did have some, and didn't want to mess with my health in that way.


I saw it once at the "smoke shop" where you buy cigarettes, and smokers of illegal stuff, buy their pipes and such.  It might have even been in vaporized form.






Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • Moderator

Antidepressantsnomore--  The fact still remains that this drug is illegal in most of the world and if you would do some proper research you will find that it increases serotonin by restricting its uptake making it technically an SSRI. The N in SNRI stands for norepinephrine which is an entirely different neurotransmitter all together.  It also directly affects the parts of the brain affected by opiates and is considered by the medical and legal communities as such.  If it works for you, that is fine for you.  But, as I stated SA can not and will not condone the use of or advocating the use of this drug.



Edited by brassmonkey

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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13 hours ago, brassmonkey said:

Antidepressantsnomore--  The fact still remains that this drug is illegal in most of the world and if you would do some proper research you will find that it increases serotonin by restricting its uptake making it technically an SSRI. The N in SNRI stands for norepinephrine which is an entirely different neurotransmitter all together.  It also directly affects the parts of the brain affected by opiates and is considered by the medical and legal communities as such.  If it works for you, that is fine for you.  But, as I stated SA can not and will not condone the use of or advocating the use of this drug.





At higher doses, however, mitragynine increasingly acts upon μ-opioid in a similar manner to traditional opioids. This is speculated to be one of the reasons that kratom has a stimulating effect at lower doses and sedating effects at higher doses.[8] Unlike most other opioids, kratom also presents affinity for the κ-opioid[9], norepinephrine and serotonin[10]receptor systems where it functions as an agonist. Its action on norepinephrine and serotonin also likely contributes to kratom's stimulating properties.



Yeah I know what people are saying but by banning kratom, I think it is the wrong decision. This was my final post on this matter.

trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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23 hours ago, Staz said:

I used kratom through my lyrica w/d at about 2 to 6mg two to three times a week. It is addictive and just like benzos I noticed eventually you have to take more to feel the effect. There is a very good Reddit site Quitting Kratom that has lots of users who are trying to quit the drug and who's lives have been affected badly by overuse/abuse of this drug. For me it killed my depression stone dead but I realised that this could just be a natural drug rather than a pharma drug and has equally damaging long term effects on some users with withdraw being compared to an opiate and benzo w/d combined. For me I quit use after 9 months and didn't notice any appreciable w/d after a few weeks and haven't touched since as the signs of dependence and tolerance were clearly developing. It's also now illegal in my country to purchase and import which was another factor in my decision. I'd love it to be legal and benign because it certainly works. Unfortunately there is a down side and read the Reddit page and make your own mind up.


I know what your saying but abusing anything can cause problems. For some, kratom may not be right. I know for me, I use small doses and when I build a tolerance I stop for a few months if I have to. It has improved my life. I have been using on and off for three years and pretty much the last year everyday. Thank you for your post.

trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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1 hour ago, antidepressantsNoMore said:


I know what your saying but abusing anything can cause problems. For some, kratom may not be right. I know for me, I use small doses and when I build a tolerance I stop for a few months if I have to. It has improved my life. I have been using on and off for three years and pretty much the last year everyday. Thank you for your post.

It seems you are managing things well and taking a break every few months is the way to stop tolerance developing. The problem is when people believe the hype about it and the w/d's are just like stopping coffee etc. I've seen people get in too deep very quickly and find themselves with a big problem (50g a day). You appear to understand the drug and the issues surrounding it which is good. Most don't until it's too late so I've no doubt it's benefiting you as you are in control of it and not vice versa. If you can take a break every now and then and keep your dose the same then you are using wisely. And yes, abuse of any drug always leads to problems and in my opinion Kratom is less harmful than any benzo and should remain legal. Unfortunately here that is no longer the case. Good luck and I wish you well.

Dosulepin 75mg 1996 - 1997 tapered off no problem - Prozac sporadic use between 1995 and 2011 usually 9 months then off.

Mirtazapine 2015 tapered off after 4 months no problem -Prozac 20mg 2012-2015 tapered off no problems

Prozac 20mg April 2016-May 2016 stopped ct after 4 weeks due to adverse reaction I believe to be serotnin toxicity due to mirtazapine interaction

Escitlopram 10 mg May 2016 - cut to 5mg May 2016  stopped ct November 2016 no W/d's noted

Lyrica 300mg May 2016 - July 2017 - Taper from Jan to Jul 17 awful taper.

Lofepramine 150mg  November 2016 - January 2017 Swift w/d as it didn't work

Quetiapine 75mg November 2016 changed to 150 XL May2017 changed to 150mg IR July 2017 reduced to in 25mg steps from July to 50mg Oct 17. 37.5mg 12th Nov 17 - 35mg 20 Nov 17 - 30mg 22 Nov 17 - 25mg 24 Nov 17 dropped to 20mg Dec 17, 15mg Jan 18. Current taken at bedtime.

Quetiapine dropped Jan 17th 2018.

Dosulepin 75mg May 2017 - increased in 25mg steps to 175mg Oct 17 Reduced to 150mg Nov 17 current taken at bedtime

Diazepam 15mg May 2016 - c/t'd by shrink after 6 weeks. Reinstated at 12mg after 4 weeks June 16 - current 4mg 3 times a day morning, 2.30pm and bedtime.

Mirtazapine 15mg since March 2015 - current - pooped out within 4 weeks

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3 hours ago, Staz said:

It seems you are managing things well and taking a break every few months is the way to stop tolerance developing. The problem is when people believe the hype about it and the w/d's are just like stopping coffee etc. I've seen people get in too deep very quickly and find themselves with a big problem (50g a day). You appear to understand the drug and the issues surrounding it which is good. Most don't until it's too late so I've no doubt it's benefiting you as you are in control of it and not vice versa. If you can take a break every now and then and keep your dose the same then you are using wisely. And yes, abuse of any drug always leads to problems and in my opinion Kratom is less harmful than any benzo and should remain legal. Unfortunately here that is no longer the case. Good luck and I wish you well.


Yeah 50 grams a day is absolutely way too kratom. I have heard of this on rare occasion. People like that are the ones who have addictive personalities. The most I use is 5 grams daily.  That is very unfortunate that it is illegal in the UK. I know the FDA wants to ban it here now too which sucks. I probably will have to stock up before the ban. It does help a lot when used in small doses. You should look into kratom alternatives. There are a few that may be available to you and are under a similar name but are legal in the UK. Search it up. It has a very similar effect. Thanks for the reply. Good luck.

trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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If you can keep from up dosing like you are then you are a responsible user and demonstrate the right attitude and mindset to managing your usage. You have obviously researched the topic well  and should be congratulated for that. What irk's me about some Kratom sites is the peddle the myth that there is nothing but minor w/d's like coffee w/d and that there is no down side other than that. I've read and heard of too many naive people believing this and getting sucked into addiction. 50mg is crazy although for some long term users not uncommon as they are always chasing the high and not using it for relief in low doses. Addictive personalities probably but some who just believed blindly some of the pro kratom propaganda and got in too deep.


Kanna (if that's what you are referring to) was banned by the psychoactive substances bill which passed early last year banning the majority of legal drugs (Kratom included) in the UK. As such it's illegal to import, produce or sell any longer. The bill is so wide reaching they've basically handed big pharma. The substance doesn't even have to be named to fall foul of this bill. An psychoactive substance will land you before a judge etc.



Dosulepin 75mg 1996 - 1997 tapered off no problem - Prozac sporadic use between 1995 and 2011 usually 9 months then off.

Mirtazapine 2015 tapered off after 4 months no problem -Prozac 20mg 2012-2015 tapered off no problems

Prozac 20mg April 2016-May 2016 stopped ct after 4 weeks due to adverse reaction I believe to be serotnin toxicity due to mirtazapine interaction

Escitlopram 10 mg May 2016 - cut to 5mg May 2016  stopped ct November 2016 no W/d's noted

Lyrica 300mg May 2016 - July 2017 - Taper from Jan to Jul 17 awful taper.

Lofepramine 150mg  November 2016 - January 2017 Swift w/d as it didn't work

Quetiapine 75mg November 2016 changed to 150 XL May2017 changed to 150mg IR July 2017 reduced to in 25mg steps from July to 50mg Oct 17. 37.5mg 12th Nov 17 - 35mg 20 Nov 17 - 30mg 22 Nov 17 - 25mg 24 Nov 17 dropped to 20mg Dec 17, 15mg Jan 18. Current taken at bedtime.

Quetiapine dropped Jan 17th 2018.

Dosulepin 75mg May 2017 - increased in 25mg steps to 175mg Oct 17 Reduced to 150mg Nov 17 current taken at bedtime

Diazepam 15mg May 2016 - c/t'd by shrink after 6 weeks. Reinstated at 12mg after 4 weeks June 16 - current 4mg 3 times a day morning, 2.30pm and bedtime.

Mirtazapine 15mg since March 2015 - current - pooped out within 4 weeks

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On 11/27/2017 at 2:49 AM, antidepressantsNoMore said:

People like that are the ones who have addictive personalities. The most I use is 5 grams daily. 


Which vein  of kratom and how do you take it ?

08/13 - 01/14
Olanzapine, petril MD (Clonazepam ), Dicorate ER (divalproex). Soza 10 (Zolpidem)

02/14 - 05/14
Flunil ​20mg , Divaa OD 250 mg(divalproex), Amisulpride 50mg (1-0-2), zolfresh 5 mg , Quetiapine
05/14 - 08/14 Venlafaxine 75 xr ( 1-0-1), zapiz 0.25
10/14 Zaptra 12.5mg , Oxetol xr 150mg (0-0-1)
11/14 - 08/15
Paris CR 25 (paroxetine) , Oxetol xr 600 mg (0-0-1), nitrest 5mg , Quetiapine for a month.
09/15-11 Venlafaxine XR 75 ( 1-0-1), Mirtazipine 15, Respiredal 0.5, Lamitor 25, zillion 10.
12/15-02/16 Off Meds (C.T)

03/16-Mid April Sertraline, Aripropazole, Quetiapine, Etizolam.

After that : CT and on OTC supplements (Roadback), now on Ayurveda
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  • Administrator

Folks, when your nervous system is sensitized, unapproved drugs and illegal drugs are just as likely to cause adverse reactions as conventional drugs. We cannot recommend them.


Please take discussions of illegal and semi-legal drugs to the sites that specialize in such discussions.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 7 months later...
On 12/3/2017 at 5:20 AM, bhasski said:


Which vein  of kratom and how do you take it ?


red or green vein

trintellix 1 mg and rexulti .5mg


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  • Moderator

The purpose of this thread is to warn people to avoid using the drug kratom.  In many countries it is illegal to possess or to use. It has many properties in common with opioids including addiction. It is not safe for people experiencing ADWD. SA can not and will not condone the recommendation or use of this drug.  Any further discussion that would seem to advocate its use or give directions for using it will result in a warning being issued to the poster. 

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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  • 2 years later...
  • Moderator Emeritus


5 hours ago, MoreMeditateLessMedicate said:


Fact is that my psychiatric deterioration over the past 12-18 months was exacerbated by an addiction to kratom. I was a daily user for 2.5 years and got as high as 22 grams per day. I am now 90 days clean from kratom (after a rapid taper)


Edited by ChessieCat


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thank you for sharing on this thread @ChessieCat


If it even helps one person (especially one susceptible to addiction like me), then all will be right in the world. I was in the "it's safe and harmless" camp for quite a while which is an easy place to be in when your mu-opioid and serotonin receptors are awash in neurotransmitter splendor.


I am grateful to have that crap out of my system. Now I can get into the nitty gritty of actually weaning myself off of my fluoxetine-bupropion cocktail. 

July 15th, 2020 to PRESENT

Prozac 40mg

Wellbutrin SR 300mg

tapering off of Lamotrigine 75mg (down from 200mg; have only been on this medication for four months)

Medicine History: February 2010 to July 15th, 2020  

a) SSRI has ALWAYS been on board: Zoloft (2010-2015) and Prozac (2015-Now). As high as 250mg Zoloft and 60mg Prozac in the past; b) Wellbutrin has ALWAYS been on board since 2013; c) Lithium for 8 weeks in 2020 (mid-May to mid-July); d) other mood stabilizers: Abilify for 8 weeks in 2017, Olanzapine for 1 week in 2019, Vraylar for 1 month in 2020 and Latuda for 1 week in 2020; e) Imipramine, a TCA in 2011-12; f) Mirtazapine for sleep in 2012-14; g) Buspar in 2013-14; h) Trazadone for sleep in 2014; i) Stimulants during medical school in 2013-14: Vyvanse, Provigil and Straterra; j) Benzos approved only by a few doctors include Serax in 2012, Xanax in 2018, Ativan 2019 and Klonopin 2020; I'm also a recovering alcohol and opioid/opiate abuser

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  • 2 years later...

Titled: Can Kratom be used for Antidepressant and Antipsychotic withdrawal symptoms?


Lets say you taper or cold turkey, could Kratom be used for the nasty withdrawal effects? It has Antidepressant, antipsychotic and antianxiety effects according to several studies:

The Potential for Kratom as an Antidepressant and Antipsychotic

Kratom use for depression/anxiety self-management


Edited by manymoretodays
Merged new topic with pre-existing one

Paranoid Schizophrenic, been diagnosed since 2017. I have been on multiple antipsychotics like Risperidone, Paliperidone, Quetiapine, Aripiprazole and Flupentixol. Am looking to finally get off them all and live a medication free life using tapering.

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  • Moderator

It's potentially addictive. See Andrew Huberman Podcast:



2003-2009 on and off various SSRI's for short periods

2010-2011 Ativan

2013-2021 ativan 1-1.5mg 10-12x/month, daily starting Oct 21 to help with buspar WD

2016 - Effexor 75mg, short-term

2021 Mar -Jun Buspar ADR at high dose, tapered 3 months

Oct 22/21 - Direct switch ativan to clonazepam (don't do this)

Tapered clonaz Oct/21 - Apr/23  - 0mg!


"Believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt, happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open, because the world needs you open" - Rebecca Campbell


*** Disclaimer: Please note, my suggestions/comments are based on my own personal experiences. Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner to discuss decisions regarding your medical care *** 


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