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I posted this in the Kundalini thread, but wanted to move it to it's own topic. Alto can you or a moderator delete it from there? I also added a paragraph to this:


Here's my view on this whole entire life experience we're going through. I have a strong belief in karma and reincarnation. When I say karma here, I am talking about what people would call negative karma. I don't see it that way though. "Good" karma is simply the law of attraction. Karma is simply an energy that is heavy and dense. It is spiritual light that has been lowered in vibration to make it denser. We lower it by our actions, which are usually not positive actions. We take light, use it in a way that lowers the vibration of it (such as yelling at someone, that is lowering our light energy). This is called "misqualifying light". That's karma. This heavy karma energy stays in our energy field. It weighs down our consciousness, our spirit, our soul. It makes our Being heavy and blind us to spirit and the love in light. Karma blinds and seals us off from the divine. We qualify karma with good deeds. But we can balance karma faster through "taking" our karma. That is, experiencing negativity to balance it. Every time we suffer, we balance our negative karma, that energy that is blinding us. That is why often when people go through a tragedy or very negative experience, they will have a spiritual awakening. They balanced that karma, it removed the blinders and veil of heavy energy and it allowed the light in.


Where does reincarnation come in? Well, if we create karma, then when we die with unbalanced karma, we have to come back here again to balance it. We will keep doing this until we balance our karma and stop making more of it. Then, when we die after we balance our karma, we don't have to come back, we ascend to a higher realm. The process of suffering and balancing large amounts of karma all at once is a welcome thing when you look at it from a soul level. It is for our personal soul evolution and ascension off this dense realm we're in. So, as is said by many spiritual gurus; "run to greet your karma". Knowing this makes it much easier for me to accept what is happening with hope and a lighter heart and mind. It makes it easier knowing it's all for a higher Divine purpose.


If anyone wants to know the specifics of how karma is made, I'll post here an example. For the example I'll use the "yelling at someone" scenario. Many of us know we have 7 main spiritual centers on our body called the chakras. There are actually a couple hundred, but there are 7 main big ones. Chakras are for the purpose of receiving light. Each chakra is for a specific quality of light. The throat chakra is our Power and Strength center. Speech is our power. So light comes into our throat chakra and when we speak, light goes out with the speech. But what is the vibration that we send that light energy out? It depends on HOW we send it out. Okay, so it comes into us through the chakra as pure, high vibrating light. But if we yell in anger at someone, we are abusing that light by sending it out in anger at another person. This is actually damaging to the person you're yelling at. So you are lowing the vibration of the light by using it as a weapon, to over-power someone. Abuse of divine power. But, because we are to experience what we send out, that misqualified light will not so much go to the other person, but rather it will stay in our energy field and stay there until we balance it. As I said, there is light in our words. I've been to spiritual retreats and when I've seen gurus with high spiritual attainment speak, I can literally see flashes of light coming out of their mouths with their words. It's truly amazing. They are properly using their throat chakra with divine power and the light is purer. In that way, the light leaves him and comes to the listener in light that benefits us. It's a blessing.


Some people might say "well if I'm going through this horrible thing right now, I must have murdered someone in a past life!" but that likely isn't so. Over many lifetimes we could have built up a whole lot of karma through small things, and it accumulates with each lifetime. Between lives, we sort of make a life plan. Whatever we experience in our life is for the betterment of our soul. I could have said before I embodied this life "I just want to get it over with and get out of this realm in this next lifetime" and so chose to go through a lot to clear it all at once so I can ascend. Karma isn't about "we get what we deserve", no, we decide on a higher level how we will balance it so as to clear it for ourselves. The problem is that we can not leave this realm with unbalanced karma. The reason is that if we don't balance it, it will stay in this realm and become a problem for other people. It will become what is known as Mass Karma. Mass Karma is balanced through "natural" disasters.

Taper from Cymbalta, Paxil, Prozac & Antipsychotics finished June 2012.

Xanax 5% Taper - (8/12 - .5 mg) - (9/12 - .45) - (10/12 - .43) - (11/12 - .41) - (12/12 - .38)

My Paxil Website

My Intro

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Very interesting, Shanti.


Many questions - don't know where to begin.

The one time I heard a Shaman speak, he emphasized the importance of not acting in anger. I understand that. In his talk, it sounded to me as if he was advising people to take whatever others throw their way and don't react. This is an area I struggle with b/c I've always had a difficult time w/conflict, expressing an opposing viewpoint, defending myself (appropriately). It felt like he was encouraging further squelching of feelings, which is already a problem. Of course, when bottled up anger surfaces in someone unaccustomed to expressing it in a timely and healthy manner, it can be wicked.

Maybe you can shed light on finding the healthy gray area.

Hope this makes sense!

Pristiq tapered over 8 months ending Spring 2011 after 18 years of polydrugging that began w/Zoloft for fatigue/general malaise (not mood). CURRENT: 1mg Klonopin qhs (SSRI bruxism), 75mg trazodone qhs, various hormonesLitigation for 11 years for Work-related injury, settled 2004. Involuntary medical retirement in 2001 (age 39). 2012 - brain MRI showing diffuse, chronic cerebrovascular damage/demyelination possibly vasculitis/cerebritis. Dx w/autoimmune polyendocrine failure.<p>2013 - Dx w/CNS Sjogren's Lupus (FANA antibodies first appeared in 1997 but missed by doc).

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Yes, I know what you mean Barb. It's something I struggled with for many years. Especially when you've been abused and you are defending yourself. But there's a difference between speaking up and speaking up with anger. All anger comes from some fear, even if it's a hidden fear. It could be a fear of feeling powerless. When you've come to a point that you aren't afraid of anything anymore, you simply don't get angry, period. But what to do with the anger that you get in the meantime? You have to find ways to let it out as balanced as possible. I know that many gurus sound like they are telling you to squash the anger. The thing is, they have transcended anger so they don't get angry to begin with.


One time I had a business partner that was very abusive to me. He'd just verbally attack me left and right. I tried defending myself, telling him he's wrong about me, but it just escalated. My other business partner told me that next time he does it, to NOT SAY A WORD, and just keep looking straight at him. I did this. When he was freaking out on me and I kept eye contact, he literally started to squirm. Then he started flubbering and then shut up. I did this several times and then he gave up. What happened was that by staying quiet, he had nothing to look at but himself, and looking at himself at that moment wasn't pretty. When I refused to speak, he couldn't turn it on me, focusing his attention and anger on me anymore. I tried this with another person that did the same thing. Now I know why they say to do this. I got my anger out by discussing the whole situation with my friend. Then I worked more on how to stay in peace under fire, for real.


From 10 Powerful Ways to Deal With Anger by Sri Chinmoy:

6. Always try to understand those who are cross.


Don’t worry about feeling the need to defend yourself from their criticisms. If you can remain detached and calm they may begin to feel guilty about venting their anger on you. Inspired by your example of calmness, they will seek subconsciously to do the same.


Detachment is key. Learning empathy is a big help. The more you delve into self-help, you learn about what makes other people tick. Understanding helps to give you more compassion rather than anger at injustice. This doesn't mean that people should get away with murder. But it means that they don't have to drag you to their hell with them.


Another helpful way to not get angry is to really understand why you are here on this earth. When you learn that this is really a school room and everything you experience is a lesson, then you don't feel like a victim anymore. You realize that even if you don't know what the lesson is, it is an experience that is ultimately for the benefit of your soul's evolution and self realization.

Taper from Cymbalta, Paxil, Prozac & Antipsychotics finished June 2012.

Xanax 5% Taper - (8/12 - .5 mg) - (9/12 - .45) - (10/12 - .43) - (11/12 - .41) - (12/12 - .38)

My Paxil Website

My Intro

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It really feels like my spiritual body/being? is experiencing a "spiritual fever" so as to purge itself.

It would also explain the feeling of peace and serenity experienced by those who have reach the other side. Just as if something would have lifted, this thing being what you call karma.

I believe too that this path was chosen by our soul before this incarnation,for its own sake and perfection. It is a bit frustrating, for I feel "used". But it is massively comforting too, when I am able to be comforted.

First AD -sertraline- in 2007at the age of 13 because of child abuse

2009-2013: intricate story of multiple wds, meds and cts, gradually became a living mess

Feb 2013: last CT from a cocktail of four drugs, symptoms are relenting but witness a constant sharpening of the brain


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Yes, I know what you mean Barb. It's something I struggled with for many years. Especially when you've been abused and you are defending yourself. But there's a difference between speaking up and speaking up with anger. All anger comes from some fear, even if it's a hidden fear. It could be a fear of feeling powerless. When you've come to a point that you aren't afraid of anything anymore, you simply don't get angry, period. But what to do with the anger that you get in the meantime? You have to find ways to let it out as balanced as possible. I know that many gurus sound like they are telling you to squash the anger. The thing is, they have transcended anger so they don't get angry to begin with.


One time I had a business partner that was very abusive to me. He'd just verbally attack me left and right. I tried defending myself, telling him he's wrong about me, but it just escalated. My other business partner told me that next time he does it, to NOT SAY A WORD, and just keep looking straight at him. I did this. When he was freaking out on me and I kept eye contact, he literally started to squirm. Then he started flubbering and then shut up. I did this several times and then he gave up. What happened was that by staying quiet, he had nothing to look at but himself, and looking at himself at that moment wasn't pretty. When I refused to speak, he couldn't turn it on me, focusing his attention and anger on me anymore. I tried this with another person that did the same thing. Now I know why they say to do this. I got my anger out by discussing the whole situation with my friend. Then I worked more on how to stay in peace under fire, for real.


From 10 Powerful Ways to Deal With Anger by Sri Chinmoy:

6. Always try to understand those who are cross.


Don’t worry about feeling the need to defend yourself from their criticisms. If you can remain detached and calm they may begin to feel guilty about venting their anger on you. Inspired by your example of calmness, they will seek subconsciously to do the same.


Detachment is key. Learning empathy is a big help. The more you delve into self-help, you learn about what makes other people tick. Understanding helps to give you more compassion rather than anger at injustice. This doesn't mean that people should get away with murder. But it means that they don't have to drag you to their hell with them.


Another helpful way to not get angry is to really understand why you are here on this earth. When you learn that this is really a school room and everything you experience is a lesson, then you don't feel like a victim anymore. You realize that even if you don't know what the lesson is, it is an experience that is ultimately for the benefit of your soul's evolution and self realization.


i usually say

a master plan been put for our enlightenment..for our perfection..BUT..we are not allowed to have even the smallest look at it

we experience all types of sorrow through out our lives not understanding that these are very important parts of THAT master plan

NOTHING is bad

NOTHING is wrong

its ALL going the RIGHT way it should go towards our flowering..our perfection..our exit

hope THAT makes sense


this WILL also CHANGE

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