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3birdsandrobin: Adverse reaction


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I am new here. I am a wife and a mom (of 4) and experienced what I believe to be an adverse reaction to Zoloft in January of this year. I was prescribed the pill after I approached my Dr. My kids all had whooping cough for months and I had not slept, was irritable, and was looking for a quick fix. A friend told me she was on Zoloft and I thought it would be a magic happy pill for me. Well, I took one dose of 50mg and literally was sent straight to hell about 20 mins later. I never took another pill. In short, I have experienced almost every weird and awful symptom that I have come across online. I don't want to go into details as it is all so fresh and triggering for me still. I went from a normal person to having my first panic attacks, paranoia, thoughts of harming myself, cognition problems, vision, auditory and muscle issues, restlessness, hopelessness.... this list goes on. 

I am 7.5 months after taking that pill and I am feeling quite a bit better. Not recovered, but I have seen good improvements. I would say I am about 75% on good days. 

Anyway, I wondered if there was anyone else who has experienced a severe reaction.

There is hope I will feel normal again?

Thank you.

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to 3birdsandrobin: Adverse reaction
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi 3birdsandrobin,


Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants. You have obviously had an adverse reaction to Zoloft and thankfully you didn't push through the discomfort and continue taking it like so many people do.  You may have very well saved yourself from years and years of suffering down the road.   Sorry to hear that you are still not at 100% 7.5 months later but from what I have read, this isn't uncommon.  When the central nervous system becomes destabilized, it can sometimes take a long time for it to recover.  I don't think you have anything to worry about, imagine that it will resolve over time and good to hear that you are feeling quite a bit better, that is a good sign.  

What symptoms are your currently experiencing?  Not to worry if you don't want to go into detail, it's understandable, so don't feel that you have to.  I would recommend taking Omega 3 and Magnesium to help ease what symptoms you may still be experiencing as many people, including myself, on this site have found them to be very helpful.  Magnesium relaxes the muscles and Omega 3 can help calm the nervous systems.  The links below will give you further information.   


Omega-3 Fish Oil



Unfortunately for me, I didn't have a reaction to anti-depressants though I have read about other people having an adverse reaction to Zoloft, among other drugs, and thought you might find this link helpful.


Immediate Adverse Reactions to SSRIs - How Long for Recovery


Hoping you get to 100% soon, keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.  Feel free to connect with other members in the forums, SA is a very supportive community and knows what you are going through.



Current Prescription Drugs for Hypothyroidism:  Synthroid 100mcg / Cytomel 5mcg (15 years Pristiq/Effexor)

Tapering Schedule
September 15, 2016 - switched from Pristiq 50mg to Effexor XR 75mg; November 10, 2016 - reduced to 67.5 Effexor XR
December 9, 2016 - reduced 60.75
January 5, 2017 - reduced 54.67
January 30, 2017 - reduced to 49.0
February 20, 2017 - reduced to 44.0 
May 20, 2017 - reduced to 40.25 (holding for additional month due to late onset of withdrawal symptoms after this taper)
July 17, 2017 - reduced to 38.24
August 15, 2017 - reduced to 37.5 (50% of my original dose)

October 15, 2017 - reduced to 35.6

November 12, 2017 - reduced to 33.8
December 15, 2017 - up-dose to 35.6
December 28, 2017 - up-dose to 37.5

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello 3birdsandrobin (sucha beautiful screen-name),


Wow - such a strong adverse reaction!  Even after being on this site for a couple of years I am still amazed at what the drugs can do.  I am glad to hear you have improved to some degree.  So hard to be a mum, let alone while dealing with all that.  We have had others here who also had strong initial reactions, and as the link Baroquep provided above details, they do recover, but sometimes slowly. 


Personally I have found meditation and gentle yoga very helpful in managing both the physical and emotional aspects of w/d.  We have this thread (one of my favourites) with many other ideas:  non-drug-techniques-to-cope-with-emotional-symptoms


Lovely to have you here 3birds,

Welcome to SA,


2010  Fluoxetine 20mg.  2011  Escitalopram 20mg.  2013 Tapered badly and destabilised CNS.  Effexor 150mg. 

2015 Begin using info at SurvivingAntidepressants.  Cut 10% - bad w/d 2 months, held 1 month. 

Micro-tapering: four weekly 0.4% cuts, hold 4 weeks (struggling with symptoms).

8 month hold.

2017 Micro-tapering: four weekly 1% cuts, hold 4 weeks (symptoms almost non-existent).

2020 Still micro-tapering. Just over 2/3 of the way off effexor. Minimal symptoms, - and sleeping well.
Supplements: Fish oil, vitamin C, iron, oat-straw tea, nettle tea.

2023 December - Now on 5 micro-beads Effexor. Minimal symptoms but much more time needed between drops. Symptoms begin to increase.

2024 April - Updosed to 6 microbeads - immediate increase in symptoms for 4 days. Decreased to 5 microbeads.

 'The possibility of renewal exists so long as life exists.'  Dr Gabor Mate.

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I can't help but chiming in by saying the same as baroquep already did, that you saved yourself from years and years suffering from stopping the drug immediately! Brilliant decision! Those doctors are true killers in this regards to millions innocent lives.


thanks for sharing the great progress on the road of healing! I'm truly happy for you surviving this ordeal!


there is a guy who took one dose of 10 mg lexapro, was paralyzed the next day and been like that for quite a few years, but even for him, healing has been occring I think he is about 70% recovered 4 years later. 


Wish your full recovery coming soon!



Drug free Sep. 23 2017

2009 Mar.: lexapro 10mg for headache for 2 weeks.

2009-2012: on and off 1/4 to 1/3 of 10mg

2012 June--2013 Jan,: 1/4-1/3 of 10mg generic, bad jaw pain

2013 Jan-Mar: 10 mg generic. severe jaw and head pain;

2013 Mar--Aug. started tapering (liquid ever since) from 10 to 5 (one step) then gradually down to 2.25 mg by July. first ever panic attack, severe head/jaw pain

2013 Aug.: back to 2.75 mg; Nov: back to Brand Lex. 2.75mg -- 3mg,

2014 June: stopped PPI, head pressure/numbness. up-dosed 4.5mg, severe reaction mental symptoms added on

2014 Aug--2015 Aug: Micro taper down to 3.2mg, .025mg (<1%) cut holding 2-3 weeks.

2015 Aug 15th, Accidental one dose of 4.2mg. worsening brain non-functional, swollen head, body, coma like, DR

2016 Feb., started dosing 10am through 11 pm everyday 2/13--3.2mg, 3/15-- 2.9mg, 4/19-- 2.6mg, 6/26--2.2mg, 7/22 --1.9mg, 8/16--1.8mg,8/31--1.7m g, 9/13--1.6mg, 9/27--1.5mg, 10/8--1.4mg, 10/14--1.3mg, 11/1--1.2mg, 11/29--1.1mg, 12/12--1mg, 12/22--0.9mg

2017: 1/7--0.8mg, 1/15--0.7mg, 1/17--0.6mg, 1/20--0.52, 1/21--0.4mg, 1/22--0.26, 1/23--0.2, 2/13--0.13mg, 2/20--0.06mg, 3/18--0.13mg, 6/1--0.12mg, 7/6--0.1mg, 7/14--0.08mg, 8/17--0.04mg, 8/20--0.03mg, 8/28--0.02mg, 9/6--0.0205mg, 9/8--0.02mg, 9/17--0.015mg, 9/20--0.01mg, 9/21--0.0048mg, 9/22--0.0001mg,

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2 hours ago, baroquep said:

Hi 3birdsandrobin,


Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants. You have obviously had an adverse reaction to Zoloft and thankfully you didn't push through the discomfort and continue taking it like so many people do.  You may have very well saved yourself from years and years of suffering down the road.   Sorry to hear that you are still not at 100% 7.5 months later but from what I have read, this isn't uncommon.  When the central nervous system becomes destabilized, it can sometimes take a long time for it to recover.  I don't think you have anything to worry about, imagine that it will resolve over time and good to hear that you are feeling quite a bit better, that is a good sign.  

What symptoms are your currently experiencing?  Not to worry if you don't want to go into detail, it's understandable, so don't feel that you have to.  I would recommend taking Omega 3 and Magnesium to help ease what symptoms you may still be experiencing as many people, including myself, on this site have found them to be very helpful.  Magnesium relaxes the muscles and Omega 3 can help calm the nervous systems.  The links below will give you further information.   


Omega-3 Fish Oil



Unfortunately for me, I didn't have a reaction to anti-depressants though I have read about other people having an adverse reaction to Zoloft, among other drugs, and thought you might find this link helpful.


Immediate Adverse Reactions to SSRIs - How Long for Recovery


Hoping you get to 100% soon, keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.  Feel free to connect with other members in the forums, SA is a very supportive community and knows what you are going through.



Thank you for your response and kind words! A few of the symptoms that I deal with still are vision issues, a bit of dizziness, brain fog, clogged ears, some muscle spasms, intrusive thoughts, and the very very worst symptom is derealization. However, these symptoms are less severe than they were, any many symptoms have gone away all together. I feel stronger than I did just a month or two ago. My anxiety is almost gone (well from like a 10 to a 1-3). I haven't had a panic attack in 3 months. 

I constantly do worry that I may never recover though, or that if I do, it won't be for 5,7,10 years... it's been so awful and sad and unfair. 


Thank you all for believing me. That means so much. I am always nervous to tell my story because it's all so unbelievable, even for me sometimes. BUT it did happen, it is happening, and it is real. 

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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3 hours ago, KarenB said:

Hello 3birdsandrobin (sucha beautiful screen-name),


Wow - such a strong adverse reaction!  Even after being on this site for a couple of years I am still amazed at what the drugs can do.  I am glad to hear you have improved to some degree.  So hard to be a mum, let alone while dealing with all that.  We have had others here who also had strong initial reactions, and as the link Baroquep provided above details, they do recover, but sometimes slowly. 


Personally I have found meditation and gentle yoga very helpful in managing both the physical and emotional aspects of w/d.  We have this thread (one of my favourites) with many other ideas:  non-drug-techniques-to-cope-with-emotional-symptoms


Lovely to have you here 3birds,

Welcome to SA,


Thank you for your warm welcome Karen. My screen name is for my 3 girls and my son, whose name is Robinson (Robin!). 

Thanks for your suggestions to help cope ❤.

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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1 hour ago, LexAnger said:

I can't help but chiming in by saying the same as baroquep already did, that you saved yourself from years and years suffering from stopping the drug immediately! Brilliant decision! Those doctors are true killers in this regards to millions innocent lives.


thanks for sharing the great progress on the road of healing! I'm truly happy for you surviving this ordeal!


there is a guy who took one dose of 10 mg lexapro, was paralyzed the next day and been like that for quite a few years, but even for him, healing has been occring I think he is about 70% recovered 4 years later. 


Wish your full recovery coming soon!



Thanks for your kind words! You all have made me realize how grateful I should feel for discontuing quickly and honestly how grateful I should feel for not dying! I hope I have a success story soon.

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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Dear 3birds my life was taken away from me with zoloft. Unfortunately my family and doctor forced me to continue. I am crying constantly. U are lucky. 

Now all of them are gone. They poisoned me and left me alone. If u have time please read my story.

It is always my fault. 

  • July 2016: prescribed 25mg Zoloft, diagnosed with MDD. Developed severe reaction and taken to ER.. CSeroquel when not able to sleep, very small dose (12.5mg) but causing headache and dry mouth the next two three days, 

  • July - December 2016: 25+ 25mg, constantly in pain, had to go to ER once, 

  • January 2017: Still believing the doctors and thinking the meds are helpful, increased the dose to 75mg, had to go to ER three times, after drinking water non-stop.  

  • Realised that these meds are actually toxins and are very harmful. Looking for experts in the field, going to doctors

  • February - May 2017: 50mg, severe withdrawal symptoms, severe burning pain in chest, lower back, Seroquel only 12.5mg but not helping. Slowly developing OCD, as the headaches and heat flash can hit any time.

  • found SA site and started reading day and night

  • May-September 2017: 25mg, drinking lots of water, having great pain, not able to function, ER visits because of arythmia, hot flashes

  • October 2017: started tapering and feeling better, but the symptoms are there. 

  • Supplements: None so far, 


Treatment Outline.docx

July 23-30th, 2017.xlsx

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11 hours ago, virgo43 said:

Dear 3birds my life was taken away from me with zoloft. Unfortunately my family and doctor forced me to continue. I am crying constantly. U are lucky. 

Now all of them are gone. They poisoned me and left me alone. If u have time please read my story.

It is always my fault. 


I want you to believe its not your fault.

Being a patient, you have to trust doctors...  now how come its your fault if they ill diganosed or meds reacted adversely.


99.99%  people here suffering were given antidepressants by doctors.  None of them chose or taken it by themselves. Its only trust misplaced.


In my case, I trusted my family and doctor who put me here.


So, try to stop thinking that its your fault.

08/13 - 01/14
Olanzapine, petril MD (Clonazepam ), Dicorate ER (divalproex). Soza 10 (Zolpidem)

02/14 - 05/14
Flunil ​20mg , Divaa OD 250 mg(divalproex), Amisulpride 50mg (1-0-2), zolfresh 5 mg , Quetiapine
05/14 - 08/14 Venlafaxine 75 xr ( 1-0-1), zapiz 0.25
10/14 Zaptra 12.5mg , Oxetol xr 150mg (0-0-1)
11/14 - 08/15
Paris CR 25 (paroxetine) , Oxetol xr 600 mg (0-0-1), nitrest 5mg , Quetiapine for a month.
09/15-11 Venlafaxine XR 75 ( 1-0-1), Mirtazipine 15, Respiredal 0.5, Lamitor 25, zillion 10.
12/15-02/16 Off Meds (C.T)

03/16-Mid April Sertraline, Aripropazole, Quetiapine, Etizolam.

After that : CT and on OTC supplements (Roadback), now on Ayurveda
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3birdsandrobin such a thoughtful screen name

I wish you speedy recovery.

Cold turkeyed risperidone (1m.g)and trihexyphenidyl combination drug out of ignorance,In August 2016 after one month use.

Withdrawal symptoms settled at dreamful,disturbing sleep.

Thus introduced to olanzapine for sleep.Started using olanzapine out of ignorance.

Tapering olanzapine 10 m.g from February 2017.

May 2018 :Still suffering dreams,Still tapering olanzapine at 0.625.100ml water+2.5 mg olanzapine. June 2018 22.5ml=0.57mg.July 2018 20ml,August 2018-17.5ml,September 2018-15ml,October 2018 10 ml,December 2018 7 ml, BrassMonkey slide method so far at lower doses.2 nd December cold turkeyed , only to reach minure doses as reinstatement to cutshort endless tapering process.4rth December started 1ml.

Almost no symptoms and sleep is better,So started 0.5 ml from 17-12-2018.

"0"from31-12-18.Re birth happened from 10- 2020,as rejuvenation took whole2019.Completely recovered now.

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I would like to say the same as LEXANGER , you did yourself a great justice from stopping right away , those awful symptoms could have been more intense and lasted much longer had you stayed on the poision . u have made big strides already and its only a matter of time before u are healed , it may take a bit longer than you would like but it will come

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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One other thing to tell you , is this is much more common than you think , We just never hear about it in mainstream news because its all filtered out. I dont know how doctors will live with themselves when or if they find out the harm they inflicted on a massive amount of people.   But this one website has over 15,000 people with a similar story and symptoms as you. 

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Welcome, 3birdsandrobin! 

You will surely recover. Just stay calm and believe in the process. 


Hugs, Amy

Current dose: 0! Free!  Quit June 2017.

2017: Last dose zoloft: 17 June 0,00065 mg 18 May 0, 001 mg 14 May 0,002 mg 9 May 0,003 mg 28 April 0,006 mg 19 April 0,009 mg 8 April 0,013 mg 25 March 0,019 mg 22 March 0,039 mg 18 March 0,052 mg 16 March 0,079 mg 4 March 0,086 1 March 0,099 mg 22 February 0,11 mg 15 February 0,13 mg 6 February 0,145 mg 24 January 0,15 mg 19 January 0,19 mg 10 January 0,20 mg 3 January

2016: 0,98 to 0,22 mg; 2015: 2,35 to 1,01 mg; 2014: 4,9 to 2,5 mg; 2013: 9,1 to 5,1 mg; 2012: 15,7 to 9,7 mg; 2011: Started on 25 mg - then 50 mg- dropped to 25- to 12.5 mg - back to 25 mg - after 18.75 mg started tiny tapering to 16.6 mg

Started on 25 mg Zoloft in March 2011 due to stressrelated tinnitus that gave me panicattacks. Had a terrible reaction to Zoloft from start, but was told to "hold on". After four months I was stuck. Therefore the long taper. Crazy, I know... Super sensitive to drops and have dropped by 4-6 % from the previous dose.

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Hi 3birdsandrobin


I'm so sorry you are going through this, but pleased you had the insight to stop after one dose. 

I had a similar experience (with Sertraline 50mg...Zoloft in disguise) in December 2016, but pushed on for three days before quitting. I have been suffering from tinnitus, terrible insomnia...2 hours sleep per night, memory and cognition problems and total loss of libido. Just staggering how so little can cause so much suffering. 

I must say the memory and cognition have improved quite a bit....I think it helps to play memory and word games. As for the other symptoms, they do fluctuate a bit but no real permanent improvement.

I try to keep positive, exercise and get out and socialize, but is hard work!

I hope things turn around for you soon....celebrate every tiny improvement.


With love





Recent history

2010 - April 2016 Fluoxetine 20mg

2016 - April - June Fluoxetine 40mg

2016 June 1 month taper CT no probs

2016 Dec Sertraline 50mg 3 days

Violent reaction to Sertraline...stopped!


CO-Q10, Multi vitamin, Flaxseed oil.


Insomnia 1.5 hrs/night

Cognition/memory problems


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On 8/29/2017 at 8:38 PM, 3birdsandrobin said:

A friend told me she was on Zoloft and I thought it would be a magic happy pill for me.

Your friend does not know about Zoloft?

Did she warn you that it is not a happy pill?


Cold turkeyed risperidone (1m.g)and trihexyphenidyl combination drug out of ignorance,In August 2016 after one month use.

Withdrawal symptoms settled at dreamful,disturbing sleep.

Thus introduced to olanzapine for sleep.Started using olanzapine out of ignorance.

Tapering olanzapine 10 m.g from February 2017.

May 2018 :Still suffering dreams,Still tapering olanzapine at 0.625.100ml water+2.5 mg olanzapine. June 2018 22.5ml=0.57mg.July 2018 20ml,August 2018-17.5ml,September 2018-15ml,October 2018 10 ml,December 2018 7 ml, BrassMonkey slide method so far at lower doses.2 nd December cold turkeyed , only to reach minure doses as reinstatement to cutshort endless tapering process.4rth December started 1ml.

Almost no symptoms and sleep is better,So started 0.5 ml from 17-12-2018.

"0"from31-12-18.Re birth happened from 10- 2020,as rejuvenation took whole2019.Completely recovered now.

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Thanks everyone for your encouragement. I wish all of you quick healing as well. 

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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One thing that has greatly worried me over the past nearly 8 months is.... since I reacted to just one dose, am I worse off? Since my body had such a violent almost poisoned reaction, could mine possibly be a case that is permanent? I have heard that I will heal from others, but it may take awhile.... does this mean 2 years or does this mean 10 years?

I appreciate all of you who have helped me the past couple of days, more than you know. This has been the worst thing to ever happen to me.

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
24 minutes ago, 3birdsandrobin said:

does this mean 2 years or does this mean 10 years?


Unfortunately nobody knows.  It's an unanswerable question and it is best to accept it as such.  Continually trying to answer the unanswerable is stressful and stress slow healing.


Here's a discussion:  Acceptance



MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

And healing is not linear:  Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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We have very similar stories except I was on Zoloft in the past. I had a severe adverse reaction when trying to restart the medicine after being off of it for a year & a half. It has been the worst thing I have ever been through as well. I hope you feel better soon!

2011-2014: 25-50mg Zoloft then CT via doctors advice. Some mild physical sx but fully functioning, unaware that withdrawal was a thing. Dr didn’t know why I was chronically dizzy with brain fog & advised to try Zoloft again.

2016: severe adverse reactions to Zoloft (1 dose), Paxil (3 weeks), celexa (2 weeks), buspar (1 dose), lamictal (4 doses). Ativan 12 times within a month. Also tried Xanax & klonopin a couple times. Each reaction became more severe. Kindled. Became disabled from these meds.

Drug free 12-16-2016
Month 1-20: +5% healing every month
Month 21- present: setback to acute from amoxicillin antibiotic (1 dose)
Month 32- 11 months into setback from antibiotic. Seems I was floxed by amoxicillin somehow. Horrific.


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You are on the right track. You are healing every day, even if it doesn't feel that way. 

75% on good days is very good, more of those days will come.


I know it's hard. But hold on. You will feel better. 

Current dose: 0! Free!  Quit June 2017.

2017: Last dose zoloft: 17 June 0,00065 mg 18 May 0, 001 mg 14 May 0,002 mg 9 May 0,003 mg 28 April 0,006 mg 19 April 0,009 mg 8 April 0,013 mg 25 March 0,019 mg 22 March 0,039 mg 18 March 0,052 mg 16 March 0,079 mg 4 March 0,086 1 March 0,099 mg 22 February 0,11 mg 15 February 0,13 mg 6 February 0,145 mg 24 January 0,15 mg 19 January 0,19 mg 10 January 0,20 mg 3 January

2016: 0,98 to 0,22 mg; 2015: 2,35 to 1,01 mg; 2014: 4,9 to 2,5 mg; 2013: 9,1 to 5,1 mg; 2012: 15,7 to 9,7 mg; 2011: Started on 25 mg - then 50 mg- dropped to 25- to 12.5 mg - back to 25 mg - after 18.75 mg started tiny tapering to 16.6 mg

Started on 25 mg Zoloft in March 2011 due to stressrelated tinnitus that gave me panicattacks. Had a terrible reaction to Zoloft from start, but was told to "hold on". After four months I was stuck. Therefore the long taper. Crazy, I know... Super sensitive to drops and have dropped by 4-6 % from the previous dose.

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It's just so torturous that one day, I felt fine, took a pill, and now my life has been in shambles for the past 8 months. I'm so worried this is permanent.

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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I understand! It's so unfair! 

But the brain is fantastic in healing, it's looking for stability. 

Maybe it could help you to write a diary, short notes every day. In that way you can see the small improvements in a bigger pattern. 


(Sorry for my English)

Current dose: 0! Free!  Quit June 2017.

2017: Last dose zoloft: 17 June 0,00065 mg 18 May 0, 001 mg 14 May 0,002 mg 9 May 0,003 mg 28 April 0,006 mg 19 April 0,009 mg 8 April 0,013 mg 25 March 0,019 mg 22 March 0,039 mg 18 March 0,052 mg 16 March 0,079 mg 4 March 0,086 1 March 0,099 mg 22 February 0,11 mg 15 February 0,13 mg 6 February 0,145 mg 24 January 0,15 mg 19 January 0,19 mg 10 January 0,20 mg 3 January

2016: 0,98 to 0,22 mg; 2015: 2,35 to 1,01 mg; 2014: 4,9 to 2,5 mg; 2013: 9,1 to 5,1 mg; 2012: 15,7 to 9,7 mg; 2011: Started on 25 mg - then 50 mg- dropped to 25- to 12.5 mg - back to 25 mg - after 18.75 mg started tiny tapering to 16.6 mg

Started on 25 mg Zoloft in March 2011 due to stressrelated tinnitus that gave me panicattacks. Had a terrible reaction to Zoloft from start, but was told to "hold on". After four months I was stuck. Therefore the long taper. Crazy, I know... Super sensitive to drops and have dropped by 4-6 % from the previous dose.

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I am very grateful that I only took one dose. BUT that doesn't help me right now. Everyone tells me to be grateful, but I am a mom of four kids whose life was ripped from her. I know there are people worse off, but my symptoms are severe some days and it's hard to function. I feel no love for my kids. That is so miserable. My life has felt like a real life nightmare for 8 months. With no end in sight. So although I am eternally grateful I only took one dose, the ramifications have been hell and I am having an extremely hard time making it through. 

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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  • Moderator

We have a sizable number of members who are in the same boat. Each having taken only between one an seven doses.  They are the really unlucky ones who got an immediate adverse reaction to the drug.  A horrifying experience to go through and then face the prospects of a long challenging recovery, all from one pill.  The shock factor alone is staggering. The fact that it was only a few pills doesn't diminish the impact that the adverse reaction has on ones psyche or life.  If it was one pill or a daily pill for 18 years, it makes no difference.  The result is the same, a shattered life filled with mental and physical suffering.  We say that each of our journeys is different, and they are.  But in many respects they are all the same and the root cause makes no difference.  We all need to be grateful that we are alive, we have the support of this community, are making progress in our recovery.  We also need to be secure in knowing that no one is more important or suffering more than anyone else just because they took their medication for a longer time.


3B&R--  I'm so sorry that you've found yourself in this situation.  The shock of it all must be overpowering.  I have helped many of the members I mentioned above and they are all well on the road to recovery.  Several of them were very young when this happened and have since gone back to college and med school and are graduating with honors.  Sadly recovery can take a long time, but it does happen and will happen for you.


I wish you a speedy recovery.



20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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Hi again


I think the first thing we must do is to accept what has happened, no matter how difficult that is to do. I struggled with this a lot after I took my 3 life changing doses of Sertraline. 


I found myself constantly trying to re hash in my head the circumstances that led me to popping that first pill, for example:


Did I really need this stuff in the first place? maybe I should have just talked to friends


If only I had a phone call just before taking that first pill


Why did I listen to the stupid analogies my doctor came up with regarding antidepressants


Why did I listen to my friend who is a mental health nurse who told me she was taking this herself and it was very safe?


I waited 6 months before taking them, they were in my cupboard all that time, why didnt I throw them out?


Why didnt I stop after one dose?


Then I start to bargain with myself....maybe I would swap the loss of a  limb in exchange for not taking those 3 pills...well, maybe a few fingers, or half my life's savings or all of it etc.


Ive now come to the realization that none of this is of any use in helping me accept what has happened....its happened and now I must deal with the wretched consequences.


I think this is a grief reaction....we have certainly lost something(s) very precious to us...even though there is every chance we will improve in the long to medium term. 


If you google Elisabeth Kubler-Ross you will find some interesting stuff on the five stages of grief briefly they are:








I have found in the past that the journey through the above steps is not linear or indeed in just one direction...I find myself going back and forth between the stages....but have always ended up with acceptance after a long and torturous journey.


Have faith in the journey, I know it hurts like hell at the moment, but it will get better.


With love







Recent history

2010 - April 2016 Fluoxetine 20mg

2016 - April - June Fluoxetine 40mg

2016 June 1 month taper CT no probs

2016 Dec Sertraline 50mg 3 days

Violent reaction to Sertraline...stopped!


CO-Q10, Multi vitamin, Flaxseed oil.


Insomnia 1.5 hrs/night

Cognition/memory problems


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  • 3 weeks later...

How are you doing? 

In June 2014 I was taking Celexa for 2 days, 25 mg zoloft 8 weeks, 10 mg Paxil 3 months and 10 mg Lexapro 1 month tapered off in 2 wks.. Was on a total of 6 months had side effects to them all. Went off and had my first panic attack a month later in January 2015. In March 2015 was having stomach issues and was put on Xanax for a week Dr. Said it was anxiety. End of that week woke up heart racing so was put back on Lexapro 5 MG and the next night is when my sleep got messed up. Literally not sleeping

Was it the Xanax or lexapro?? Went off sleep on and off and taking Xanax on and off. The end of April 2015 tried Buspar for 2 days and had side effects and could not sleep at all. Middle of May 2015 went on Ambien and lexapro again. Inner vibration started. Switched to paxil. Went off Ambien in June 2015 and off Paxil July 2015. October 2015 got worse went of zoloft 12.5 mg through December 2015. I was tolerating what I was going through January and February 2016. Then March got worse with horrible panic. Tried hypnotherapy in May 2016 a couple times couldn't Relax when she started counting backwards it freaked me out. Started not sleeping again in May. Went back on Xanax for 2 months May-July 2016. Tried liquid Prozac 5 mg then 10 mg side effects July - August then switched Zoloft 12.5 mg August - September 2016. Been off antidepressants since September 5, 2016. Been off Xanax since July 28, 2016, but I have taken it 8 other times since then through May 2017. Have symptoms going on with agoraphobia. Is this withdrawal??

May 2017 feeling horrible and more intense symptoms.

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Hey thanks for asking. I feel like I have improved a bit more. I have days when my sxs are still intense, but many days also when they are much less. Today I felt almost 90% myself almost all day long. I feel like I am having more of these better days/hours recently. It gives me hope that I will recover fully eventually. When I look back to a couple of months ago, I feel like I have really made great strides in the right direction.

Injured from one dose of Zoloft 50mg 

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That's really good news!  Sounds like you are going in the right direction.

How long have you been off now?


It's crazy what one pill has done.

In June 2014 I was taking Celexa for 2 days, 25 mg zoloft 8 weeks, 10 mg Paxil 3 months and 10 mg Lexapro 1 month tapered off in 2 wks.. Was on a total of 6 months had side effects to them all. Went off and had my first panic attack a month later in January 2015. In March 2015 was having stomach issues and was put on Xanax for a week Dr. Said it was anxiety. End of that week woke up heart racing so was put back on Lexapro 5 MG and the next night is when my sleep got messed up. Literally not sleeping

Was it the Xanax or lexapro?? Went off sleep on and off and taking Xanax on and off. The end of April 2015 tried Buspar for 2 days and had side effects and could not sleep at all. Middle of May 2015 went on Ambien and lexapro again. Inner vibration started. Switched to paxil. Went off Ambien in June 2015 and off Paxil July 2015. October 2015 got worse went of zoloft 12.5 mg through December 2015. I was tolerating what I was going through January and February 2016. Then March got worse with horrible panic. Tried hypnotherapy in May 2016 a couple times couldn't Relax when she started counting backwards it freaked me out. Started not sleeping again in May. Went back on Xanax for 2 months May-July 2016. Tried liquid Prozac 5 mg then 10 mg side effects July - August then switched Zoloft 12.5 mg August - September 2016. Been off antidepressants since September 5, 2016. Been off Xanax since July 28, 2016, but I have taken it 8 other times since then through May 2017. Have symptoms going on with agoraphobia. Is this withdrawal??

May 2017 feeling horrible and more intense symptoms.

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Hi 3birdsand robin


I'm so pleased to see you here again, I was a bit worried that I hadn't seen you post for a while. 


Great news that your symptoms are easing, albeit in a patchy way....it must be good for your sense of hope.


Keep improving 3B....your story gives me hope things will start looking up here too.


Please keep us posted on how you are getting on!





Recent history

2010 - April 2016 Fluoxetine 20mg

2016 - April - June Fluoxetine 40mg

2016 June 1 month taper CT no probs

2016 Dec Sertraline 50mg 3 days

Violent reaction to Sertraline...stopped!


CO-Q10, Multi vitamin, Flaxseed oil.


Insomnia 1.5 hrs/night

Cognition/memory problems


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  • 2 months later...

Wow our stories are so similar you practically told my story!!! I am a mom of two, my kids were sick with Croup and so I wasn’t sleeping and was very worried about them! I took ONE 50mg dose of sertraline and had an awful adverse reaction to it as well! It’s been 6 weeks since I took it. It’s very hard going through this and trying to be the best you can for your little ones. It’s so hard as they are my world and I hate that I am going through this when I should be focused on them. I see you haven’t been on since October I am hoping and praying that you are fully recovered! If that’s the case and you ever come back please feel free to share as it would give me so much hope!! 

October 30th, 2017 one dose of 50 mg sertraline at night before bed. 



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