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Rebbarog: Zoloft withdrawal


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Hi there, 

I am new to this and just want to touch base because there is SO much to look through on this site.  I'm having a very hard time.  Been on Zoloft since 1997.  Tried numerous times to go off and couldn't..

I decided to go off 100-150 mg zoloft in 2016 using inositol because the Z seemed to not have the effectiveness anymore.  The taper seemed to work well until i completely stopped the zoloft in november 2016.  Crashed HARD and doc put me back on 50mg, then 100.  then 150.  It never seemed to do what it was supposed to and they diagnosed me with benign essential tremor.  I found a psychiatrist who studied Trudy Scott and said we could try weaning off the zoloft and adding in L-tryptophan. She then moved to another location and we lost touch.  I started this taper in Feb 2017.  Stopped Z completely in July and have been off since.  My sleep is awful.  I can get to sleep but wake up btwn 4:30-5am with High cortisol anxiety(got tested and it's high).  I can fall back asleep but only for a minute and anxiety jerks me awake. I also feel wired and tired.  I realize after reading some posts that I tapered too quickly.  I have ordered some seriphos to see about reducing the am cortisol spike and get the sleep back...but at this point i just want to go back on something different just to have my life back.  Any thoughts?


1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Rebbarog: Zoloft withdrawal
  • Administrator

Welcome, Rebbarog.


We haven't seen inositol or L-tryptophan to be reliable crutches for getting off antidepressants. We advocate a very slow taper instead, to minimize withdrawal symptoms.


Don't worry about any cortisol readings you might have gotten. Waking at that early hour might be reduced by darkening your bedroom with blackout curtains and shades, and wearing a sleep mask to block out the light. The early morning light triggers the natural daytime rise in cortisol. If you reduce light stimulation, you may be able to reduce what feels like a rush of anxiety. See


Important topics about symptoms, including sleep problems



Tips to help sleep -- so many of us have that awful withdrawal insomnia


Waking with panic or anxiety -- managing cortisol spikes


What is the sleep cycle?


Also see Phosphatydilserine, aka phosphatidyl serine (Seriphos or Cortiphos)



Do you have any other symptoms than waking up like this?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Rebbarog and welcome from me too,


Please create your drug signature so that your history will be seen whenever you post.  These are the instructions:


 A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature - ALL drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-24 months particularly?

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You might find these topics helpful:


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


This is your own Introduction topic where you can ask questions and journal your progress.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will work on that signature...

It's getting more rough.  I definitely feel depressed and anxious all the time. My sister successfully withdrew from effexor years ago and started sam-e.  I just don't want to feel like this anymore.  I know it's not an easy road but is there hope? does the withdrawal get better because it seems like it's getting worse.

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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And is phosphatidylserine okay to take?

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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  • Administrator

Hi, Rebbarog.


We don't know of any silver bullets for withdrawal syndrome. People tend to very gradually recover, if they take care of themselves and don't do anything risky like drink alcohol or take other drugs.


Please read the responses to your earlier posts in this topic. Did you darken your bedroom? You might feel better if you slept better.


Many people do better with fish oil and magnesium, see


King of supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)

Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker


If you want to know about other supplements, please use search in the Symptoms and self-care forum. 

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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It's dark in my room. I wake up just as I'm falling asleep shaking. Thanks for the links. I don't know how to go on like this. 

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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Rebbarog, I'm thinking of you, stay strong, I'm 6 months off Zoloft and even though some weeks (this week for me) are hell on earth, I am starting to see longer windows in between where the light is just wonderful, you will get there, we both will, take care x

Prescribed Zoloft for PND approx June 2011


April 2017 - began 4 week taper to zero

100mg  reduced to 75mg week 1

75mg to 50mg week 2

50 down to 25mg week 3

25 down to zero week 4


August 2017 - 25mg prednisone prescribed for sinusitis (quit cold turkey after 7 days after increased withdrawal symptoms) 

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17 minutes ago, lookingforrainbows said:

Rebbarog, I'm thinking of you, stay strong, I'm 6 months off Zoloft and even though some weeks (this week for me) are hell on earth, I am starting to see longer windows in between where the light is just wonderful, you will get there, we both will, take care x

I am currently trying sam-e. (Day 4)(lowest dose 200 mg

I take:

magnesium(always have)

fish oil(always have)


vitamin d with k




I am considering trying to go back on a different antidepressant bc sleeping is so important and I'm not doing so hot. I also take lorezepam if I'm mega anxious. I don't know what to do. 

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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5 hours ago, Altostrata said:

Hi, Rebbarog.


We don't know of any silver bullets for withdrawal syndrome. People tend to very gradually recover, if they take care of themselves and don't do anything risky like drink alcohol or take other drugs.


Please read the responses to your earlier posts in this topic. Did you darken your bedroom? You might feel better if you slept better.


Many people do better with fish oil and magnesium, see


King of supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)

Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker


If you want to know about other supplements, please use search in the Symptoms and self-care forum. 

Alto, do you still struggle?

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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  • Administrator

I went off Paxil in 2004. I am past withdrawal syndrome. I have other struggles now.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I'm currently in third month of withdrawal from zoloft. Attempted last year as well. That first attempt I Reinstated and developed tremors. At least I could sleep. Now off soloft after too quick a taper(if I had only known) of 5 months from 150mg. Now beginning at two months withdrawal my sleep is terrible. I cannot nap. If I try I wake with dread/anxiety  fight or flight just as I'm falling asleep. I take melatonin and seriphos at night and can usually sleep til 4:30. I do wake up sometimes shaking from dreams and more anxiety. Then from 4:30am on I can't seem to fall back asleep bc of the f or f response. And being still is maddening but moving doesn't help. Does this pass eventually? I was on zoloft 20 years and now I just want to go back on it to stop the madness. Thoughts? Encouragement?

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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im going to be honest about my experience with sleep and fight or flight. I'm sure others will have more positive experiences but for me I'm almost 4 years of a ct of Prozac that I took for 15 years and I still cannot nap or sleep past 4.30.. if I ever do it's a horrible cortosiol filled experience that leaves me depressed and anxious. 

If I was you I would try and reinstate it has been the biggest regret of my life that I didn't early on. 

Prozac 17 years 20mg.

Cold turkey Feb 2014

Restarted 2mg of prozac 26.8.18..



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11 minutes ago, Eleven10 said:


im going to be honest about my experience with sleep and fight or flight. I'm sure others will have more positive experiences but for me I'm almost 4 years of a ct of Prozac that I took for 15 years and I still cannot nap or sleep past 4.30.. if I ever do it's a horrible cortosiol filled experience that leaves me depressed and anxious. 

If I was you I would try and reinstate it has been the biggest regret of my life that I didn't early on. 

Thank you, I'm worried my window of reinstatement has passed being in the third month of wd. What have you tried supplements pharma etc? How's your quality of life? 

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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MOD NOTE:  Please see this post regarding reinstatement.


It's not passed my friend and don't listen to anyone who says it's has. Their is some great advice on here but the truth is nobody really know the answers and not trying to reinstate can because of fear can mean years of suffering for some, 

my life is probably 10% of what it was I have terrible insomnia, I feel a overwhelming desire to lay down but within 20 mins of laying down to nap  I fill with cortisol and have to get up then I cry and cry and wish I hadn't tried. I often fall asleep easy but wake at 4 ish and fill with cortisol. I have chronic fatigue, chronic pain. I can rarely walk down the road without vertigo and weakness. My depression is so much worse than pre meds and anxiety is overwhelming. 

Iv tried lots of meds but with no luck. Clonidine did calm the adrenaline but I had to stop it because of low blood pressure. 

I need lots of help cooking and doing normal stuff. I don't socialise at all anymore and often do t leave the house for days on end and often too tired to even watch tv or look on the internet. 

I'm not saying this to scare you,you may slowly recover but wheh your sleep goes it's a sign your nervous system is suffering.


Edited by ChessieCat
Added Mod Note

Prozac 17 years 20mg.

Cold turkey Feb 2014

Restarted 2mg of prozac 26.8.18..



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17 minutes ago, Eleven10 said:

It's not passed my friend and don't listen to anyone who says it's has. Their is some great advice on here but the truth is nobody really know the answers and not trying to reinstate can because of fear can mean years of suffering for some, 

my life is probably 10% of what it was I have terrible insomnia, I feel a overwhelming desire to lay down but within 20 mins of laying down to nap  I fill with cortisol and have to get up then I cry and cry and wish I hadn't tried. I often fall asleep easy but wake at 4 ish and fill with cortisol. I have chronic fatigue, chronic pain. I can rarely walk down the road without vertigo and weakness. My depression is so much worse than pre meds and anxiety is overwhelming. 

Iv tried lots of meds but with no luck. Clonidine did calm the adrenaline but I had to stop it because of low blood pressure. 

I need lots of help cooking and doing normal stuff. I don't socialise at all anymore and often do t leave the house for days on end and often too tired to even watch tv or look on the internet. 

I'm not saying this to scare you,you may slowly recover but wheh your sleep goes it's a sign your nervous system is suffering.

I'm so sorry you are still suffering. I don't know what healing looks like for you but I will be praying for you. Honestly my faith is what gets me through each day. You are loved. 

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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  • Moderator

It sounds like several of our members need to read up on reinstatement; 

About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms 

There are very good reasons we talk about a time frame for reinstatement.  If done incorrectly an RI can cause many months of painful symptoms and take up to several years to stabilize before a careful taper can be attempted.  The time frame or window is required because there is a vast difference in the way a person can successfully RI after only a couple of weeks or a couple of months or even after a year or so. The proper dosage, supplements and time table for recovery is determined by how far out a person from their last dose.  The moderation staff here has helped hundreds of members successfully reinstate and taper their drugs.  Our techniques are built on years of painful experience and are far from bulls**t Cr*p.  If a member has a question about reinstatement all they need to do is ask, there is no need to despair over something that has been read or opinions that have been presented as facts.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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10 minutes ago, brassmonkey said:

It sounds like several of our members need to read up on reinstatement; 

About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms 

There are very good reasons we talk about a time frame for reinstatement.  If done incorrectly an RI can cause many months of painful symptoms and take up to several years to stabilize before a careful taper can be attempted.  The time frame or window is required because there is a vast difference in the way a person can successfully RI after only a couple of weeks or a couple of months or even after a year or so. The proper dosage, supplements and time table for recovery is determined by how far out a person from their last dose.  The moderation staff here has helped hundreds of members successfully reinstate and taper their drugs.  Our techniques are built on years of painful experience and are far from bulls**t Cr*p.  If a member has a question about reinstatement all they need to do is ask, there is no need to despair over something that has been read or opinions that have been presented as facts.

Thank you. I need hope. 

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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I guess my question is should I reinstate the zoloft or try something new or just ride out the big storm ahead of me. 

1997 prescribed zoloft 50mg

1997-200? several failed attempts to get off the zoloft.

2000's dosed up to 100mg

dec 2015 zoloft seems to not work and I didn't want to keep on  it.

June 2016 started weaning off 150 mgzoloft using inositol

November 2016 finished zoloft

Dec 2016 crashed, back on zoloft

February 2017 started L-tryptophan

March-July 2017 weaned off 150mg zoloft



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  • Moderator Emeritus
46 minutes ago, Rebbarog said:

reinstate the zoloft or try something new


Changing to a different drug creates a whole new set of problems.  You can have withdrawal symptoms from the old drug, start up and/or side effects from the new drug and possible an adverse reaction to the new drug.  Because of the changes you will not know what is causing what.


If you are going to reinstate, it is best to reinstate the drug which your brain has adapted to.  And if you do reinstate please note that SA recommends starting with a very tiny dose.  Please read Post #1 of the reinstatement topic so that you understand SA's recommendations.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Things get better, I am 14 months WD from 10 years of Zoloft, is been the worst thing I have to endure in my life, have not worked and don't think I can any time soon. I tried to reinstate at a month with same medicine & same dose and had a paradoxical effect then quit the medicine because I was taken to the mental hospital where they gave me klonopin and paxil to start. bad idea; after that I tried Effexor and other AD's that only added to my symptoms, I could not care for myself or my kids. I tried one more time to reinstate zoloft with a much smaller dose a year ago exactly only to start having akathasia a symptom I didn't have before; then I decided no more meds. I wish something could have worked for me. also have tried all supplements you can think of and they either give me anxiety or give me relief a day or two just to make matters worse later. I did use melatonin to sleep with no issues.

today is still bad but no where near what it was a year ago; now I can go out for longer periods of time and other things have gotten better;

is a matter of time but if you can reinstate do it; but do it right and start low and in the future you can drop it slow as well

I wish I could have done it,

2006-2013 Zoloft prescribed for one panic attack 25 mg - 100 mg

05/2013 extreme anxiety prescribed Klonopin 1 mg per day took only as needed

08/2013 Panic attacks with anxiety; increased to 150 mg Zoloft / prescribed Wellbutrin also dont remember dose

10/2015 Zoloft changed manufacturers and Symptons of WD started, brain zaps, chest pains, memory problems, burning skin, achy feet & hands,

06/2016 Quit Zoloft; 

07/2016 Quit Job, couldn't handle vertigo, commuting and brain zaps

08/2016 Tried re-stating Zoloft  50 mg Bad Reaction

09/2016 Tried Paxil 20 mg (9 days bad reaction) Lexapro (7 days  bad reaction) Effexor 37.5 mg (bad reaction)

11/2016 Tried Zoloft 50 mg no luck.

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10 hours ago, brassmonkey said:

It sounds like several of our members need to read up on reinstatement; 

About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms 

There are very good reasons we talk about a time frame for reinstatement.  If done incorrectly an RI can cause many months of painful symptoms and take up to several years to stabilize before a careful taper can be attempted.  The time frame or window is required because there is a vast difference in the way a person can successfully RI after only a couple of weeks or a couple of months or even after a year or so. The proper dosage, supplements and time table for recovery is determined by how far out a person from their last dose.  The moderation staff here has helped hundreds of members successfully reinstate and taper their drugs.  Our techniques are built on years of painful experience and are far from bulls**t Cr*p.  If a member has a question about reinstatement all they need to do is ask, there is no need to despair over something that has been read or opinions that have been presented as facts.

I don't need to read up on anything. Because Iv done pretty much nothing else in 4 years. Iv seen two pharmacologists and dr Healy in Wales all of whom say whilst reinstating early is best it doesn't mean after a set date it won't work it just seems to work better and faster earlier. 

Im just being honest about my experiences and after 4 years after a cold Turkey I'm still disabled and have the same symptoms I did 3 years ago. I'm a very kind person and if I could stop someone else going through years of hell by advising them that 6 months is not too late to at least try then I will. 

For me i hung on to the promise of recovery and I can't even walk to my local shop after running a marathon in 2011. 

I'm not saying for one minute that this happens to everyone but it does happen so why take the risk. 


Prozac 17 years 20mg.

Cold turkey Feb 2014

Restarted 2mg of prozac 26.8.18..



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I've been trying a weighted blanket, and it seems to help a bit, especially with my legs (they often feel shaky which causes anxiety.)


I've read from a few people (not necessarily on this website) that pets can help too. The non-judgemental from a warm body beside you can help. My daughter currently takes up my side of the bed most nights, so I often sleep in hers with my poodle, lol. 


I also suggest not eating a couple hours before bed, and get your room temperature right. I always feel worse when I wake up overheated. 


I've also dealt with messed up sleep off and on. I've had the strange thought loops, lucid dreams, waking with panic, feeling like I'm falling backwards, etc. 


IMO part of it has to do with association. Unfortunately our beds and sleep times become associated with our panic and anxiety. Try forcing yourself to lay through your cortisol spikes. Even if you don't fall asleep afterward, let yourself get calm in bed before getting up. You ride out the panic and you'll begin rewiring your brain to know that your bed is a safe place again. 

Jan. 21, 2017: 50 mg Zoloft for moderate-severe social anxiety

end of Feb. 2017: 100 mg one time, contracted flu, missed 2 doses (50 mg); subsequent panic attacks

Mar. 22: 50 mg every other day

Mar. 31: 25 mg every other day

April 16: 0 mg

April - September: 2-3 Ativan a month. 

October - 1 Ativan

November - 1 Ativan

Completely off Ativan as of December 2017.

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