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Tips for tapering off Seroquel (quetiapine)


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I just tried the suspension in liquid. 25mg in 25ml and followed the video. I waited 4 hours for it to "dissolve" even if it's not really disolving. But there is a lot of particles dropped at the bottom, even by shaking, it's like if a lot of it is heavier than water. The water is still white so I probably got medecine from it, but I don't know if my 6.25ml contains really 6.25mg, even 6mg. It's kind of worrying. I should know the result pretty fast since insomnia strikes somewhere under 6mg. Usually, I know at 3am when my sleep is totally disabled and that I will not sleep at all of the night. Since we are in the week-end, it should not have too much consequences, but I can't do this more than 2 nights. I will have to sleep at least to work for monday. So in case of total failure, I will have to take 6.25 in solid form again before to find another way. I will just stay positive for now and hope for the best. I've also a worry that I may never be able to sleep again without seroquel, but well, in August when I tried cold-turkey from 50mg xr, the third night I was able to get one to two hours or sleep even if it tooks until 6am...So it was showing some kind of progress I guess, letting think it will not stay forever. But without 3 nights of sleep I was too broken to continue. I felt those 3 days like 3 weeks and I've decided to not screw my holidays anymore and wait later for another solution. At least I knew against what I was fighting. You know, I got not a trace of insomnia before, from 400 to 12.5. I got some at 6.25 "sometimes" because the cut cannot be straight and accurate, probably, so I must have maybe 4-5mg one day, 7 the other and 6 when I'm lucky... I think there is a trigger somewhere under 6.25 that disable sleep. I thought that if I was able to find it, for example at 5mg, I could wait above at 5.5mg some days, wait for it to vanish, and then go to 5, wait again, and finally get rid of this until 0. But seeing all those suspended particles, I'm worried for now.

1999-2003: not really remember. Tried Wellbutrin for a week, being mostly on Paxil

2004-2009: zoloft 200mg

2009-2010: zoloft fast withdrawal (-25mg per week), added celexa a few months, minimum dose)

2010: zoloft 200mg + zyprexa

2011: zoloft 200mg + seroquel XR 400mg, zyprexa removed

2014 (April): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2014 (July): restarted zoloft 25mg for unbearable symptoms. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2018 (May): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2020 (May to August): seroquel XR -100, -100, -50, -50, -50 = 0mg on August 4th, reinstated to 50mg XR after 4 days

2020 Sept 21: seroquel 25mg

2020 Oct 12: seroquel 12.5mg

2020 Nov 2: seroquel 6.25mg, 21: seroquel 5mg, 22: seroquel 4mg, 24: seroquel 3mg, 28: seroquel 2mg. Dec 4 : 1mg, 5: 0.5mg, Dec 19: 2mg, 2021 Jan 16: 1.5mg, Jan 22: 1mg, Jan 23: 0.5mg, Jan 29: 0.25mg, Feb 06: 0.125mg, Feb 07: 0.06mg, Fev 11: 0.125mg, Fev 18: 0.1875mg, Mar 13: 0.09mg + clonazepam 0.25, Mar 19: seroquel 0, 2022 Apr 23: clona 0.5, Oct 21: clona 0.75, Aug 16: clona 0.5, Nov 2023: clona 0.437 lemborexant 5 2024 Feb: lembo 10 Mar: clona 0

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Seroquel has a solubility rate of 3.3mg/mL of water. So there should be  no problem with all the active ingredient dissolving into the water. The particles you are seeing are bits of filler material that no longer matter.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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41 minutes ago, brassmonkey said:

Seroquel has a solubility rate of 3.3mg/mL of water. So there should be  no problem with all the active ingredient dissolving into the water. The particles you are seeing are bits of filler material that no longer matter.

Reading this do me a lot of good. Thank you. I really hope it will work.

1999-2003: not really remember. Tried Wellbutrin for a week, being mostly on Paxil

2004-2009: zoloft 200mg

2009-2010: zoloft fast withdrawal (-25mg per week), added celexa a few months, minimum dose)

2010: zoloft 200mg + zyprexa

2011: zoloft 200mg + seroquel XR 400mg, zyprexa removed

2014 (April): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2014 (July): restarted zoloft 25mg for unbearable symptoms. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2018 (May): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2020 (May to August): seroquel XR -100, -100, -50, -50, -50 = 0mg on August 4th, reinstated to 50mg XR after 4 days

2020 Sept 21: seroquel 25mg

2020 Oct 12: seroquel 12.5mg

2020 Nov 2: seroquel 6.25mg, 21: seroquel 5mg, 22: seroquel 4mg, 24: seroquel 3mg, 28: seroquel 2mg. Dec 4 : 1mg, 5: 0.5mg, Dec 19: 2mg, 2021 Jan 16: 1.5mg, Jan 22: 1mg, Jan 23: 0.5mg, Jan 29: 0.25mg, Feb 06: 0.125mg, Feb 07: 0.06mg, Fev 11: 0.125mg, Fev 18: 0.1875mg, Mar 13: 0.09mg + clonazepam 0.25, Mar 19: seroquel 0, 2022 Apr 23: clona 0.5, Oct 21: clona 0.75, Aug 16: clona 0.5, Nov 2023: clona 0.437 lemborexant 5 2024 Feb: lembo 10 Mar: clona 0

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a confirmation from a pharmacist that a liquid solution will likely to degrade in efficiency with days, that we don't know much also about efficiency in water. I'm at 1mg so efficiency is very important for stability. So the found solution is to prepare a new solution every day to be sure to have the same amount/efficiency of med each time (again suggested by the pharmacist). So I report it if it may help someone at tiny doses like me. Also, do we know if the 4h are really necessary for let the pill in water? I use 25mg, it spread very fast and I don't really have the time each day to prepare this 4h before taking it. 2h for example, would be easier, but I don't want to screw up the total suspension process. Do we know if it works under 4h for 25mg? Thanks.

1999-2003: not really remember. Tried Wellbutrin for a week, being mostly on Paxil

2004-2009: zoloft 200mg

2009-2010: zoloft fast withdrawal (-25mg per week), added celexa a few months, minimum dose)

2010: zoloft 200mg + zyprexa

2011: zoloft 200mg + seroquel XR 400mg, zyprexa removed

2014 (April): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2014 (July): restarted zoloft 25mg for unbearable symptoms. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2018 (May): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2020 (May to August): seroquel XR -100, -100, -50, -50, -50 = 0mg on August 4th, reinstated to 50mg XR after 4 days

2020 Sept 21: seroquel 25mg

2020 Oct 12: seroquel 12.5mg

2020 Nov 2: seroquel 6.25mg, 21: seroquel 5mg, 22: seroquel 4mg, 24: seroquel 3mg, 28: seroquel 2mg. Dec 4 : 1mg, 5: 0.5mg, Dec 19: 2mg, 2021 Jan 16: 1.5mg, Jan 22: 1mg, Jan 23: 0.5mg, Jan 29: 0.25mg, Feb 06: 0.125mg, Feb 07: 0.06mg, Fev 11: 0.125mg, Fev 18: 0.1875mg, Mar 13: 0.09mg + clonazepam 0.25, Mar 19: seroquel 0, 2022 Apr 23: clona 0.5, Oct 21: clona 0.75, Aug 16: clona 0.5, Nov 2023: clona 0.437 lemborexant 5 2024 Feb: lembo 10 Mar: clona 0

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  • 1 year later...

Tapering quetiapine, advice as taking XR.. how to taper in small amounts on XR? Switch to instant?


I’m on quetiapine 112.5 

I take 2 50mg Extended release and a quarter of the 50mg for the 12.5 which makes it instant. 

I need to taper down more, my Phyc has said to switch completely over to instant, I have always taken the XR and came from taking 400mg ! 

needing to do a slow taper and cut pills. 
some People say take one 50mg XR and the rest 25mgs instant and cut them. So it’s half and half … 


I take this at night.

any advice welcomed ! 


Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title before merging with existing topic

- Nov 2020 –  Feb 2021 Lorazepam (1mg) for tinnitus. 

-(1,5- 2mg) till April (2021), tapered off for 1 week, reinstated in May 1mg - 2mg got worse

- Switched Ativan to diazepam 10mg 5 weeks from 10mg -3,5mg got worse

- March 2021 6 weeks Lexapro 15mg, quit (tapered of in 3weeks) took for anxiety made me a vegetable, better once off.

May Hospital - quetiapine once at 50mg, then olanzepine, hypotension I stopped everything. Severe symptoms, not sleeping.

- 2021 - 2mg ativan given twice in hospital drug induced Psychosis - July 2021 hospital  risperidone 2mg-6mg in 1 week  +30mg Mirtazipine total 2 weeks - I stopped for 1 week ( thought I was being poisoned ) had window of 10 days slowly some normality,  started at 3mg Risp for 10days + 15mg Mirtazipine because I worried for withdrawal, but too late was hit with intense withdrawal, uncontrollable symptoms 

- Sept 3 hospital  – Oct 13th -quetiapine within 1 week 50mg-400mg + 30 mg mirtazapine 

- 6 weeks in hospital  - Home -  300 mg for 4 weeks

 - Reinstated 24th Nov 2021 - 0.5 Ativan - stabilised - 1st Dec went to 150mg quetia - 24thDec went to 100mg - Went to 31st Dec 112.5. 30th Jan 2022 100mg holding. Dropped -22nd March 2022 Mirt 26mg - 9th May, Mirt 25mg.  Hold Mirt and Quetia. Tapered Ativan from 0.5 - 0.125mg May 2022 - March 2023. 11th April 2023 started again with Quetiapine. 

December 30th 2023 - Quetia 8mg  - Ativan 0.125mg - Mirtazipine 25mg 

I take Quetiapine and Mirtazipine at night before bed 22/23pm, I take Ativan in the morning 11am and mid eve 8/9pm splitting the dose  

Current doses as of March 6th 2024 - Quetia 2mg - Mint 25mg - Ativan 0.125mg

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Have you read post #1 of this topic?


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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22 hours ago, Emma86 said:

I need to taper down more, my Phyc has said to switch completely over to instant, I have always taken the XR and came from taking 400mg ! 

You are used to XR release. In my opinion not a good idea to switch to instant release. Since you are not stable yet and since you are taking also the Lorazepam and Mirtazapine, I would not change any form of a drug you are taking. Keep everything as stable as it is. There is not one good reason to change from XR to instant release.


You can easily combine XR (50 mg pills) and add the extra needed dosage in instant release. In that way most of the dosage taken will remain XR. Keep things as most as possible stable during tapering.

1993    Anafranil (Clomipramine) for a few months. Later in 1993 Paxil for a few months 1993- 2006      No medication

2006   Effexor, Cymbalta, some Benzo’s. All for short periods. Later in 2006 Lexapro (escitalopram) 10 mg and shortly after Wellbutrin XR 150mg, against side effects Lexapro 

Since 2006 until end of 2015: Several times on and off Lexapro and Wellbutrin and several slight dosage changes. Mostly taken dosages: 5mg Lexapro and 150mg Wellbutrin

2016  Dosage change Lexapro from 5mg to 2,5 mg. Wellbutrin stayed om 150mg

November 2016 – April 2017 Down from 2,5mg to 0,6mg Lexapro (in steps) without much problems. Wellbutrin down from 150mg to 66mg. Also without much problems.

April 2017 – March 2019       Lexapro 0,6 mg        April 2017 - August 2018       Wellbutrin in small steps down from 66mg in to 37,5 mg . Quite heavy WD after each step.

March 2019 – May 2019 Lexapro down from 0,6 to 0,3mg then Prozac to 0,6 mg switch because severe discontinuation effects (may also have been from Wellbutrin..)    

Wellbutrin down from 37,5mg to 35,3mg 

October 2019        Seroquel 12,5 mg for 4 weeks because of extreme sleeping problems, then weaning off in 2 weeks       Prozac up dosage to 1,2 mg

March 2020     Wellbutrin in 2 steps down from 35,3mg to 33,3mg   Extreme withdrawal effects during 8 months. Stopped tapering Wellbutrin  until total off Prozac. 

February 2020 – November 2020   Prozac down in steps from 1,2mg to 0,57mg. 

Jan 2021  Prozac down to:  0,55> 0,53>0,51mg,   Feb 0,47mg ,  Mar 0,42mg,   Apr 0,37, longer hold because of WD symptoms July 0,36 and hold again, Sept 19 0,35, Sept 26 0,34mg, Oct 3 0,33mg  Long hold of 172 days until March 2022

January 20, 2022:  Wellbutrin from 33,3 to 32,4mg

March 22, 2022 Prozac down from 0,33mg to: 0,30mg, Apr 0,29, May 0,28, 0,27, June 0,26, 0,25, July 0,24, 0,23, 0,22, 0,21, Aug 0,20, 0,19 Sep 0,18, Oct 0,17. 0,16, 0,15, Nov 0,14  Jan 2023 0,13, 0,12, 0,11  Feb 0,10, 0,09 Mar 0,08 ,  June 0,07 , July 0,06,  0,05, Aug 0,04, 0,03, Sept 0,026, 0,024 Nov 0,022, 0,019, 0,016, 0,013 Dec 0,012, 0,011, 0,010, 0,009   Jan 2024 0,008, 0,007,  0,006,  0,005, 0,004, 0,003, 0,002, 0,001, Feb  0,0007.  0,0005,   0,0003, 0,0001,  

Feb 23, 2024:  0,00000

Wellbutrin resume tapering: Apr 2024 31,6mg, 30,8, 30,0 , May 29,1, 28,2, July 23,7


Supplements: Fish Oil (3000mg), Magnesium 100 mg, 2 drops of Lavender Oil, only when feeling extreme anxiety. 50mg of L-Theanine only when severe discontinuation effects caused by Wellbutrin


Please note this is NOT a medical advice. Discuss all your medical issues with a doctor who understands psychical drugs and really knows how to withdraw from them. I wish that you will find one.

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I've read somewhere in this thread that it can be a big hit to go from XR to standard. And I tested it myself. After the minimal XR pill, I switched to standard and got sudden muscle fatigue and pain in all articulations, so much that nothing could explain this otherwise. I was even not able to carry a backpack above 10min when normally, I was doing it often during all summer and for hours. It happened during the first week, and it was brutal. So tapering from XR itself is a kind of parallel taper it seems.

1999-2003: not really remember. Tried Wellbutrin for a week, being mostly on Paxil

2004-2009: zoloft 200mg

2009-2010: zoloft fast withdrawal (-25mg per week), added celexa a few months, minimum dose)

2010: zoloft 200mg + zyprexa

2011: zoloft 200mg + seroquel XR 400mg, zyprexa removed

2014 (April): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2014 (July): restarted zoloft 25mg for unbearable symptoms. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2018 (May): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2020 (May to August): seroquel XR -100, -100, -50, -50, -50 = 0mg on August 4th, reinstated to 50mg XR after 4 days

2020 Sept 21: seroquel 25mg

2020 Oct 12: seroquel 12.5mg

2020 Nov 2: seroquel 6.25mg, 21: seroquel 5mg, 22: seroquel 4mg, 24: seroquel 3mg, 28: seroquel 2mg. Dec 4 : 1mg, 5: 0.5mg, Dec 19: 2mg, 2021 Jan 16: 1.5mg, Jan 22: 1mg, Jan 23: 0.5mg, Jan 29: 0.25mg, Feb 06: 0.125mg, Feb 07: 0.06mg, Fev 11: 0.125mg, Fev 18: 0.1875mg, Mar 13: 0.09mg + clonazepam 0.25, Mar 19: seroquel 0, 2022 Apr 23: clona 0.5, Oct 21: clona 0.75, Aug 16: clona 0.5, Nov 2023: clona 0.437 lemborexant 5 2024 Feb: lembo 10 Mar: clona 0

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

I have moved posts about Emma's questions with the responses to Emma86's Introduction topic which you can find here:




MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 3 weeks later...

Somebody has ever tapering the XR version by dry cutting and using a scale? I'm going to taper 50 mg of quetiapine XR and see many places saying that it is not possible to cut these. I'm afraid of switch to IR and have more side effects because in the past I took 100mg IR and had blood pressure issues after take the dose. In the case of taking 25mg at night and 25mg in the morning, it can make more sleepy than with the XR during the day? Can I made something like  37.5mg at night and 12.5 in the morning and see if it works?

2015-2016: Lexapro > Zoloft >  Paroxetine

2016-2018: Quetiapine XR 150mg > 100mg > 50mg + Depakote > Lithum Depakote > Lamotrigine > Quetiapine XR 100 + Amisulpride 100mg

2019-2020: Quetiapine XR  50mg

Apr 2021: 300mg of Quetiapine (prescription error)

Mai-Jul 2021. Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 1.25mg + Clonazepam 1mg

Sep 2021:  Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.9325mg + Clonazepam 0mg

Oct 2021 - Feb 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.625mg > 0.3125mg > 0.2865mg > 0.1563 > 0.000mg

Feb-Sep 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg > 20.0mg > 18.75mg > 10.0mg > 7.5mg > 5.83mg > 3.75mg > 2.5mg > 1.25mg > 0.41mg > 0.00mg

Sep-Dec 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg (stopped metoprolol succinate)

Jan-Jul 2023: Quetiapine XR 50mg

Jul 2023: Quetiapine IR 50mg

Jan-Apr 2024: Quetiapine 25mg > 18mg

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  • 10 months later...

I'm sharing a post I did in my presentations topic:


I found a simulator comparing XR vs IR blood concentration during the day in a scientific paper. I must say I didn't have the patience to read the article and just downloaded the code and made some adaptations for my dosage and adjusted the times to make the concentrations as close as possible. The X axis shows the time since the first dose you set in the simulator. Y axis show the concentration, based on a monte carlo simulation with the equations derived from real data collected from patients. The best curve for me is the curve where I divide IR in 4 doses, not in equal intervals. Source: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/12/4/297



2015-2016: Lexapro > Zoloft >  Paroxetine

2016-2018: Quetiapine XR 150mg > 100mg > 50mg + Depakote > Lithum Depakote > Lamotrigine > Quetiapine XR 100 + Amisulpride 100mg

2019-2020: Quetiapine XR  50mg

Apr 2021: 300mg of Quetiapine (prescription error)

Mai-Jul 2021. Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 1.25mg + Clonazepam 1mg

Sep 2021:  Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.9325mg + Clonazepam 0mg

Oct 2021 - Feb 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.625mg > 0.3125mg > 0.2865mg > 0.1563 > 0.000mg

Feb-Sep 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg > 20.0mg > 18.75mg > 10.0mg > 7.5mg > 5.83mg > 3.75mg > 2.5mg > 1.25mg > 0.41mg > 0.00mg

Sep-Dec 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg (stopped metoprolol succinate)

Jan-Jul 2023: Quetiapine XR 50mg

Jul 2023: Quetiapine IR 50mg

Jan-Apr 2024: Quetiapine 25mg > 18mg

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@snowdog I’m very interested in what you’ve written here v been looking for more research in how to taper from XR when you are at 100mg or 50mg XR as like you say people say don’t cut it.. I have heard a couple of reports people cutting it and being ok but Iv also heard people not being ok. 

I’m on 100mg XR I’m incredible sensitive and damaged from a prior benzo withdrawal and now on 3 drugs any move I make I feel it. 

when I taper the XR I am thinking what is the best way? I was thinking to change to 1 XR 50 and the other 50 in instant IR and see how that lands for me and my body. I take it all at night… so then I thought to spread the IR maybe slightly earlier in the evening and the rest when I sleep. Like you say taking it in the day could make me sleepy .. Iv never taken it it in the day. 

I was thinking to just cut the XR as I am so sensitive to any changes and the IR pills are from a different brand, I have been sensitive to brand change before… so I’m cutting the XR pill it becomes instant abs I am then using the same pill I have done for my whole time on the drug.. 


so it’s such a tough decision… did you change from XR to IR? If so how was it? Have you tried cutting the XR … thank you 🙏🏻♥️


- Nov 2020 –  Feb 2021 Lorazepam (1mg) for tinnitus. 

-(1,5- 2mg) till April (2021), tapered off for 1 week, reinstated in May 1mg - 2mg got worse

- Switched Ativan to diazepam 10mg 5 weeks from 10mg -3,5mg got worse

- March 2021 6 weeks Lexapro 15mg, quit (tapered of in 3weeks) took for anxiety made me a vegetable, better once off.

May Hospital - quetiapine once at 50mg, then olanzepine, hypotension I stopped everything. Severe symptoms, not sleeping.

- 2021 - 2mg ativan given twice in hospital drug induced Psychosis - July 2021 hospital  risperidone 2mg-6mg in 1 week  +30mg Mirtazipine total 2 weeks - I stopped for 1 week ( thought I was being poisoned ) had window of 10 days slowly some normality,  started at 3mg Risp for 10days + 15mg Mirtazipine because I worried for withdrawal, but too late was hit with intense withdrawal, uncontrollable symptoms 

- Sept 3 hospital  – Oct 13th -quetiapine within 1 week 50mg-400mg + 30 mg mirtazapine 

- 6 weeks in hospital  - Home -  300 mg for 4 weeks

 - Reinstated 24th Nov 2021 - 0.5 Ativan - stabilised - 1st Dec went to 150mg quetia - 24thDec went to 100mg - Went to 31st Dec 112.5. 30th Jan 2022 100mg holding. Dropped -22nd March 2022 Mirt 26mg - 9th May, Mirt 25mg.  Hold Mirt and Quetia. Tapered Ativan from 0.5 - 0.125mg May 2022 - March 2023. 11th April 2023 started again with Quetiapine. 

December 30th 2023 - Quetia 8mg  - Ativan 0.125mg - Mirtazipine 25mg 

I take Quetiapine and Mirtazipine at night before bed 22/23pm, I take Ativan in the morning 11am and mid eve 8/9pm splitting the dose  

Current doses as of March 6th 2024 - Quetia 2mg - Mint 25mg - Ativan 0.125mg

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, @Emma86.


I still holding my quetiapine, since I still recovering from other drugs withdrawal. Since you are on 100mg, maybe you could change gradually, as you said. 50IR + 50XR, and hold. The full IR. But I think the best way is to divide the dose of the IR version during the day, according to my research.


I'm even considering to use a liquid version from a compound pharmacy, so I can make a microtaper.

2015-2016: Lexapro > Zoloft >  Paroxetine

2016-2018: Quetiapine XR 150mg > 100mg > 50mg + Depakote > Lithum Depakote > Lamotrigine > Quetiapine XR 100 + Amisulpride 100mg

2019-2020: Quetiapine XR  50mg

Apr 2021: 300mg of Quetiapine (prescription error)

Mai-Jul 2021. Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 1.25mg + Clonazepam 1mg

Sep 2021:  Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.9325mg + Clonazepam 0mg

Oct 2021 - Feb 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.625mg > 0.3125mg > 0.2865mg > 0.1563 > 0.000mg

Feb-Sep 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg > 20.0mg > 18.75mg > 10.0mg > 7.5mg > 5.83mg > 3.75mg > 2.5mg > 1.25mg > 0.41mg > 0.00mg

Sep-Dec 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg (stopped metoprolol succinate)

Jan-Jul 2023: Quetiapine XR 50mg

Jul 2023: Quetiapine IR 50mg

Jan-Apr 2024: Quetiapine 25mg > 18mg

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@snowdoghey sorry to hear your in withdrawal from others I know what that’s like! Yeah I’m thinking to do that one XR one IR. I take it all at night. You think I need to take it the next day? Like 50 at night and 50 in the day.. 


hard to know, as dosing in the day may make me very tierd… 



- Nov 2020 –  Feb 2021 Lorazepam (1mg) for tinnitus. 

-(1,5- 2mg) till April (2021), tapered off for 1 week, reinstated in May 1mg - 2mg got worse

- Switched Ativan to diazepam 10mg 5 weeks from 10mg -3,5mg got worse

- March 2021 6 weeks Lexapro 15mg, quit (tapered of in 3weeks) took for anxiety made me a vegetable, better once off.

May Hospital - quetiapine once at 50mg, then olanzepine, hypotension I stopped everything. Severe symptoms, not sleeping.

- 2021 - 2mg ativan given twice in hospital drug induced Psychosis - July 2021 hospital  risperidone 2mg-6mg in 1 week  +30mg Mirtazipine total 2 weeks - I stopped for 1 week ( thought I was being poisoned ) had window of 10 days slowly some normality,  started at 3mg Risp for 10days + 15mg Mirtazipine because I worried for withdrawal, but too late was hit with intense withdrawal, uncontrollable symptoms 

- Sept 3 hospital  – Oct 13th -quetiapine within 1 week 50mg-400mg + 30 mg mirtazapine 

- 6 weeks in hospital  - Home -  300 mg for 4 weeks

 - Reinstated 24th Nov 2021 - 0.5 Ativan - stabilised - 1st Dec went to 150mg quetia - 24thDec went to 100mg - Went to 31st Dec 112.5. 30th Jan 2022 100mg holding. Dropped -22nd March 2022 Mirt 26mg - 9th May, Mirt 25mg.  Hold Mirt and Quetia. Tapered Ativan from 0.5 - 0.125mg May 2022 - March 2023. 11th April 2023 started again with Quetiapine. 

December 30th 2023 - Quetia 8mg  - Ativan 0.125mg - Mirtazipine 25mg 

I take Quetiapine and Mirtazipine at night before bed 22/23pm, I take Ativan in the morning 11am and mid eve 8/9pm splitting the dose  

Current doses as of March 6th 2024 - Quetia 2mg - Mint 25mg - Ativan 0.125mg

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@Emma86it's a trial and error method. Maybe you could use only 25mg of the IR version during the day. I really don't know, it will be a adventure for me too.

2015-2016: Lexapro > Zoloft >  Paroxetine

2016-2018: Quetiapine XR 150mg > 100mg > 50mg + Depakote > Lithum Depakote > Lamotrigine > Quetiapine XR 100 + Amisulpride 100mg

2019-2020: Quetiapine XR  50mg

Apr 2021: 300mg of Quetiapine (prescription error)

Mai-Jul 2021. Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 1.25mg + Clonazepam 1mg

Sep 2021:  Quetiapine 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.9325mg + Clonazepam 0mg

Oct 2021 - Feb 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg + Olanzapine 0.625mg > 0.3125mg > 0.2865mg > 0.1563 > 0.000mg

Feb-Sep 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg + Amisulpride 25mg > 20.0mg > 18.75mg > 10.0mg > 7.5mg > 5.83mg > 3.75mg > 2.5mg > 1.25mg > 0.41mg > 0.00mg

Sep-Dec 2022: Quetiapine XR 50mg (stopped metoprolol succinate)

Jan-Jul 2023: Quetiapine XR 50mg

Jul 2023: Quetiapine IR 50mg

Jan-Apr 2024: Quetiapine 25mg > 18mg

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@snowdog good luck! 

im going to try to take the IR parts a little earlier before I go to bed.. as so far Iv been taking all of this at night.. see how that feels 🙏🏻 if it’s not working I’m going to take in the morning a bit. I will be cutting my XR pill as I’m so sensitive a brand change of an IR pill could really swing me off track. So far if I try change the brands it destabilises me, as my brand doesn’t come in IR of course! They don’t make it easy! To get off this horrid stuff! 

il let you know how it goes! 
Emma :) 

- Nov 2020 –  Feb 2021 Lorazepam (1mg) for tinnitus. 

-(1,5- 2mg) till April (2021), tapered off for 1 week, reinstated in May 1mg - 2mg got worse

- Switched Ativan to diazepam 10mg 5 weeks from 10mg -3,5mg got worse

- March 2021 6 weeks Lexapro 15mg, quit (tapered of in 3weeks) took for anxiety made me a vegetable, better once off.

May Hospital - quetiapine once at 50mg, then olanzepine, hypotension I stopped everything. Severe symptoms, not sleeping.

- 2021 - 2mg ativan given twice in hospital drug induced Psychosis - July 2021 hospital  risperidone 2mg-6mg in 1 week  +30mg Mirtazipine total 2 weeks - I stopped for 1 week ( thought I was being poisoned ) had window of 10 days slowly some normality,  started at 3mg Risp for 10days + 15mg Mirtazipine because I worried for withdrawal, but too late was hit with intense withdrawal, uncontrollable symptoms 

- Sept 3 hospital  – Oct 13th -quetiapine within 1 week 50mg-400mg + 30 mg mirtazapine 

- 6 weeks in hospital  - Home -  300 mg for 4 weeks

 - Reinstated 24th Nov 2021 - 0.5 Ativan - stabilised - 1st Dec went to 150mg quetia - 24thDec went to 100mg - Went to 31st Dec 112.5. 30th Jan 2022 100mg holding. Dropped -22nd March 2022 Mirt 26mg - 9th May, Mirt 25mg.  Hold Mirt and Quetia. Tapered Ativan from 0.5 - 0.125mg May 2022 - March 2023. 11th April 2023 started again with Quetiapine. 

December 30th 2023 - Quetia 8mg  - Ativan 0.125mg - Mirtazipine 25mg 

I take Quetiapine and Mirtazipine at night before bed 22/23pm, I take Ativan in the morning 11am and mid eve 8/9pm splitting the dose  

Current doses as of March 6th 2024 - Quetia 2mg - Mint 25mg - Ativan 0.125mg

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  • 2 months later...

I've come across something that may be helpful for us inadvertent Seroquel addicts:


"(...) For drugs with short half-lives or “fast off” characteristics, like clozapine or quetiapine (supplementary table S12),105 with reputations for quicker onset of psychosis following withdrawal, more caution may be required and it may be necessary to reduce doses by 2.5–5 percentage points of D2 (or cholinergic or histaminergic) occupancy every 6–12 weeks, depending on individual responses (see supplementary material)."


Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8266572/


Seems like monthly 10% reductions could still be too steep for some of us.


Since early March 2022: escitalopram 10 mg + trazodone 75 mg, after a month or so switched to sertraline 50 mg + mianserin 10 mg;

Later augmented with quetiapine 75 mg for insomnia;

Cold turkeyed all antidepressants in November 2022;

Currently on:

Quetiapine: 275 mg (21/02/2023; down from 300 mg) -> 250 mg (18/03/2023) -> 225 mg (26/04/2023) -> 200 mg (19/05/2023) -> 187.5 mg (12/06/2023) -> 175 mg  (27/06/2023) -> 162.5 mg (16/07/2023) -> 150 mg (31/07/2023) -> 137.5 mg (15/08/2023) -> 125 mg (17/09/2023) -> 112.5 mg (02/10/2023) -> 100 mg (17/10/2023) -> 87.5 mg (05/11/2023) -> 81.25 mg (01/12/2023) -> 75 mg (14/12/2023) -> 68.75 mg (22/12/2023) -> 62.5 mg (28/12/2023) -> 50 mg (11/01/2024) -> 43,75 mg (06/02/2024) -> 37,5 mg (20/02/2024)

Diazepam once every week/two weeks, or less frequently

Supplements: magnesium, vit. D3

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Hey guys so I thought I’d add here that I cut the quetiapine 50mg XR it’s been 5 days I’m ok … I spread it over the evening as I take 100mg XR all at once at bedtime. 

so I cut one 50 XR took a bit at 10.30




I have not experienced much appart from a blocked nose and bit of a headache on the first night xx 


im on mirtazipine also 25mg and 0.125mg benzo. 

but it appears cutting a 50mg XR is not bad.. and saves you changing your pill totally to a different pill or different brand which for some is not ok! 



- Nov 2020 –  Feb 2021 Lorazepam (1mg) for tinnitus. 

-(1,5- 2mg) till April (2021), tapered off for 1 week, reinstated in May 1mg - 2mg got worse

- Switched Ativan to diazepam 10mg 5 weeks from 10mg -3,5mg got worse

- March 2021 6 weeks Lexapro 15mg, quit (tapered of in 3weeks) took for anxiety made me a vegetable, better once off.

May Hospital - quetiapine once at 50mg, then olanzepine, hypotension I stopped everything. Severe symptoms, not sleeping.

- 2021 - 2mg ativan given twice in hospital drug induced Psychosis - July 2021 hospital  risperidone 2mg-6mg in 1 week  +30mg Mirtazipine total 2 weeks - I stopped for 1 week ( thought I was being poisoned ) had window of 10 days slowly some normality,  started at 3mg Risp for 10days + 15mg Mirtazipine because I worried for withdrawal, but too late was hit with intense withdrawal, uncontrollable symptoms 

- Sept 3 hospital  – Oct 13th -quetiapine within 1 week 50mg-400mg + 30 mg mirtazapine 

- 6 weeks in hospital  - Home -  300 mg for 4 weeks

 - Reinstated 24th Nov 2021 - 0.5 Ativan - stabilised - 1st Dec went to 150mg quetia - 24thDec went to 100mg - Went to 31st Dec 112.5. 30th Jan 2022 100mg holding. Dropped -22nd March 2022 Mirt 26mg - 9th May, Mirt 25mg.  Hold Mirt and Quetia. Tapered Ativan from 0.5 - 0.125mg May 2022 - March 2023. 11th April 2023 started again with Quetiapine. 

December 30th 2023 - Quetia 8mg  - Ativan 0.125mg - Mirtazipine 25mg 

I take Quetiapine and Mirtazipine at night before bed 22/23pm, I take Ativan in the morning 11am and mid eve 8/9pm splitting the dose  

Current doses as of March 6th 2024 - Quetia 2mg - Mint 25mg - Ativan 0.125mg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, 

Does anybody know the Sert of Seroquel?

  • 1995 started Paxil 20mg slowly increasing to 50mg 2014 I decided to tapper myself not knowing how too and crashed , DR added 50mg of Seroquel

  • Through the years made many mistakes tapering

  • Started Tapering Both drugs at the same time 7.5% per month Paxil 9% Seroquel doing daily micro-taper 

  • Guided by Mark Horowitz

  • 31/3/24 Paxil 10.31mg

  • 31/3/24 Seroquel 9.9mg

  • current  11/4/24 

  • 10mg Paxil

  • 7.5mg Seroquel 


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  • 2 weeks later...

hey all


How's it going with your tapering off seroquel?


I'm down to 25mg from 100mg in December last year and now considering a water taper from here.


Its been great reading all the information in these 5 pages!


June 2021 100mg Seroquel.


Tapering since December 2022, 1/4 ( 6.25mg) of a tablet every 2-3 weeks. Stable at 18.75mg, I developed big sleep disturbances at 12.5mg (June 2023) so back at 25mg and planning a slower taper.


August 2021 30mg Mirtazapine. Planning a taper after being off Seroquel 


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  • 1 month later...
On 11/14/2014 at 5:25 AM, CosmicMinds said:

Ok, Yeah i had, sorry i was just curious if it applied to such a low dose when the drug isnt really considered an "anti psychotic".


It has minimal D2 blockade at the very low doses. While this doesn't make it an effective antipsychotic, it might still be relevant for avoiding supersensitivity psychosis or TD because of the short half life.

Quetiapine dose (mg)

D2 occupancy (%)





















Table S8a Commonly used doses of quetiapine and their D2 occupancy. Based on an Emax equation derived from data in Lako et al(2013)(5).


The table is from https://academic.oup.com/schizophreniabulletin/article/47/4/1116/6178746?login=false (supplementary table S1)


On 11/14/2014 at 5:25 AM, CosmicMinds said:

Also, this may be a stupid question but are there interdose issues with seroquel? im taking it every 24 hours and i know the half life is something like 6 hours. I hope its not the case, unlike benzos. 


I take it once every 24 hrs too and haven't noticed interdose withdrawal.



Since early March 2022: escitalopram 10 mg + trazodone 75 mg, after a month or so switched to sertraline 50 mg + mianserin 10 mg;

Later augmented with quetiapine 75 mg for insomnia;

Cold turkeyed all antidepressants in November 2022;

Currently on:

Quetiapine: 275 mg (21/02/2023; down from 300 mg) -> 250 mg (18/03/2023) -> 225 mg (26/04/2023) -> 200 mg (19/05/2023) -> 187.5 mg (12/06/2023) -> 175 mg  (27/06/2023) -> 162.5 mg (16/07/2023) -> 150 mg (31/07/2023) -> 137.5 mg (15/08/2023) -> 125 mg (17/09/2023) -> 112.5 mg (02/10/2023) -> 100 mg (17/10/2023) -> 87.5 mg (05/11/2023) -> 81.25 mg (01/12/2023) -> 75 mg (14/12/2023) -> 68.75 mg (22/12/2023) -> 62.5 mg (28/12/2023) -> 50 mg (11/01/2024) -> 43,75 mg (06/02/2024) -> 37,5 mg (20/02/2024)

Diazepam once every week/two weeks, or less frequently

Supplements: magnesium, vit. D3

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, I’ve been prescribed three 25mg tablets so I can begin taking one 25mg tablet whole and suspend the second in liquid, making 5% reductions to my dose. My dosage is currently 50mg at night. What should be my exit dose? How long should I hold, 4-8 weeks? What is the safest way to measure the doses and are there any problems regarding the generic form of seroquel? Thankfully at 50mg it is no longer an antipsychotic or mood regulator and only acts as an antihistamine. If I tried to stop taking seroquel today I wouldn’t be able to sleep, like most people attempting to stop. I feel very relieved knowing I’ve made it this far, I’d like to quit taking this pill for good. 

Research explaining why Seroquel acts as a different drug at different doses:





2015 - 300mg Seroquel > 200mg Seroquel

2023 - May 100mg Seroquel > July 50mg Seroquel

Present - 50mg Seroquel

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all,


I have a few questions that I asked in my thread about my 50mg I.R. Seroquel Taper.


#1: I read on this forum that going from pills --> all liquid may be rough as your nervous system is used to pill form/liquid form may mess with the potency. And the rate of absorption, which can have very serious implicafions to your nervous system and the taper itself. So, to use as many pills as possible. Ex: start with one 25mg pill, three 3/4 pills (6.25mg each), & the rest liquid. (& then remove a 1/4 as time goes by when it's needed).


Did I read this correctly? Easpecially with Seroquel I.R., since the half-life is only 6 hrs. My Pristiq's 1/2-life is a touch better at 11hrs. And it has an extended-release hard coating.


#2: I read on this forum that as you go further and further into your taper the % drop from the last dosage in mg/mL needs to be smaller and smaller. The only issue is that I plan to do an extremely slow taper over like 4.5 yrs. I have pictures in my thread of how little of a reduction in mg/mL I want to start off with. There's a reason for this and for not doing -5% (or even -2.5% or -1%) of the two 25mg pills or liquid bottle.


My past 11 attempts of tapering off 50mg Seroquel I.R. since July 2021 were: histamine overload (now I know), serotonin muckery (limbic system distress), and almost Psychosis 3 of those 11 times. Various of medical professionals didn't once mention a liquid taper and only had me try a taper by removing 1/4 of one of the two small pills. I now know that's a -12.5% reduction. I also tried this many times at home due to not knowing about a liquid taper. All of those missed shifts ($), wasting fuel and wear/tear on my car driving to the walk-in clinic or admitting myself to the hospital due to withdrawal symptoms, etc.


#1Before-bed: 50mg I.R. Seroquel (since July 2021 due to a horrific limbic system reaction to LoLoestrin.)

#2: Before-bed: 50mg X.R. Seroquel (added in Nov 2022 at 3rd in-patient stay w/in 6 months because I was withdrawing so severely from a few unnecessary things at the same time)

#3: 150mg Pristiq ($3/day. Raised during 1st Seroquel I.R. taper attempt (took off 1/4 of a pill because didn't know about liquid until I learned about it myself earlier this year) because nobody knew what to do. Didn't work. Had to go back up on Seroquel I.R. Recently learned by myself that they work on different Serotonins.)

#4: 300mg AM + 300mg before-bed Gabapentin. During 2nd in-patient stay. Wanted to take just two doses of 100mg instead. But I was denied.

#5: 50mg Lamictal (raised 2x within 1 week but went along with it because I was so unwell with withdrawal.)

Past: Late 2021/2022: Abilify - anxiety. Lasted on it less than a week. Rexulti - suicidal ideation. Lasted on it less than a week. Latuda - at first, hypomanic. Soon thereafter: severe depressed, couldn't work/socialize, & wanted to drink. Sweat the bed the whole time. Horrific to come off of. Divalproex - 3 doses/day made me wonky/hypomanic. 4 doses/day made me anxious within days. Went back down to 3/day. Horrific to come off of.

2014-2017: Cipralex, Celexa, Zoloft, & the one that starts with an 'S': Anxiety, OCD, Intrusive thoughts, Diarhea (Zoloft), etc. Prozac: made me paranoid! Paxil: felt like I was on bath-salts! Cymbalta & Effexor: Irresponsibly Rx'ed too much. Flat (Cymbalta). High as a kite (Effexor). Appetite suppressed. Partial-insomnia. Sweat the bed. Almost numb body. Literally Constant Putrid Flatulence. Various Sexual side-effects. Wellbutrin: great energy, no pain, appetite suppressedn, felt like I had Autism within a few days of taking it. Had to stop. Asked for a way smaller dose, & he didn't get back to me. Pristiq since 2012 (besides when trying other Anti D's). Living with side-effects (ME/CFS, partial-insomnia sometimes, constant drippy-nose/snot to blow out.)


Mid March 2024: attempt a 13th & final withdrawal from 50mg I.R. Seroquel (inconsistent constant myoclonus all over + inconsistent severe tranquilizing of my forearms, fingers, shins, & toes - since July 2021. Reduced greatly when 50mg X.R. had to be added in Nov 2022, but still disabling). But this time, I've learned by myself recently about a liquid taper. In-patient places + myself only tried a 1/4 pill reduction. It made me admit myself to the Hospital a few times. Nobody since July 2021 ever once mentioned a liquid. Shocking. Also recently learned more about Seroquel (H1 & D2) & Histamine action/tranquilizing. + A low-histamine diet.



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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone . 
I'm currently taking 7mg of Seroquel after a slow taper .  was originally prescribed 50mg for bedtime . 
At a dose of 7mg  could I move it to the morning instead or does it still have a sedative effect . I was just wanting to take it with my antidepressant to make things easier for me , but I don't want to be all asleep at work . 

  • 1995 started Paxil 20mg slowly increasing to 50mg 2014 I decided to tapper myself not knowing how too and crashed , DR added 50mg of Seroquel

  • Through the years made many mistakes tapering

  • Started Tapering Both drugs at the same time 7.5% per month Paxil 9% Seroquel doing daily micro-taper 

  • Guided by Mark Horowitz

  • 31/3/24 Paxil 10.31mg

  • 31/3/24 Seroquel 9.9mg

  • current  11/4/24 

  • 10mg Paxil

  • 7.5mg Seroquel 


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