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Tips for tapering off Seroquel (quetiapine)


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I have been holding and dry cutting for weeks and have been continued to experience a big spike in my neuropathy. Could the inaccuracy of dry cutting Seroquel cause neuropathy? I have heard suspensions are more accurate, but I don't know if I'm mentally up to figuring out how to make a suspension. The directions are so confusing and I can't afford OraPlus.


Has anyone ever heard of tapering Seroquel causing neuropathy? It could be something else. I've had it in the past from other triggers. I am trying to figure out what the trigger could be. I'm barely functioning.


Sorry if I asked this elsewhere and forgot. My memory is shot.


Hi MNgal1960,

Sorry to hear about your difficulties.  I have been following some of the previous instruction in order to cut down on Seroquel.  Specifically, every 2 weeks or so I reduce the dose by 5%.  This is a slightly more conservative way of reducing 10% per month as others on this board recommend.  This approach works well for me.  I'm using the following scale in order to weigh the pills:  https://amzn.com/B0012TDNAM.  I use a razor blade to cut them.  If you have trouble with the cutting being inaccurate and the target weight is difficult to achieve you could have your doctor prescribe you with multiple pills of smaller doses and cut down the smaller mg pills (for instance, rather than cutting down 50mg pill I find it easier to cut down a single 25mg pill and take that along with a whole 25mg pill in order to get back to the 47.5mg range..)


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I have been holding and dry cutting for weeks and have been continued to experience a big spike in my neuropathy. Could the inaccuracy of dry cutting Seroquel cause neuropathy? I have heard suspensions are more accurate, but I don't know if I'm mentally up to figuring out how to make a suspension. The directions are so confusing and I can't afford OraPlus.


Has anyone ever heard of tapering Seroquel causing neuropathy? It could be something else. I've had it in the past from other triggers. I am trying to figure out what the trigger could be. I'm barely functioning.


Sorry if I asked this elsewhere and forgot. My memory is shot.


Hi MNgal1960,

Sorry to hear about your difficulties.  I have been following some of the previous instruction in order to cut down on Seroquel.  Specifically, every 2 weeks or so I reduce the dose by 5%.  This is a slightly more conservative way of reducing 10% per month as others on this board recommend.  This approach works well for me.  I'm using the following scale in order to weigh the pills:  https://amzn.com/B0012TDNAM.  I use a razor blade to cut them.  If you have trouble with the cutting being inaccurate and the target weight is difficult to achieve you could have your doctor prescribe you with multiple pills of smaller doses and cut down the smaller mg pills (for instance, rather than cutting down 50mg pill I find it easier to cut down a single 25mg pill and take that along with a whole 25mg pill in order to get back to the 47.5mg range..)



Thanks, Justin. I am trying to cut down the smallest tablet available using a filet-type knife that is almost as thin as a razor blade and a mg scale. I'm just really bad at it. On multiple meds. Tired and clumsy, so my manual dexterity isn't the greatest.


I'm below 25mg and have been going v-e-r-y slowly. I also have an autoimmune disorder so sometimes it's impossible to tell if the illness is causing the symptoms or the taper is too fast. Or if I'm just the world's worst dry cutter! :P


I'm glad to hear things are going well for you so far. It sounds like you are a good dry cutter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From personal experience, coming off Seroquel was a nightmare.  I was on 600mg. and tapered by 25mg. per month and still had sweating/chills, vomiting, mood swings, hallucinations, pychotic epidoses, head burning sensations, dizziness, sensitive to light and sound, vision problems.  Be very careful if you are sensitive to chemicals like I am .  While on anti depressants I was very sensitive to the side effects as well.  

July Medications: Started taking antidepressants in 1981, also benzos off and on; antiphychotics , anti-seizure for years.   Trazodone, Lamotrigine, Klonopin for over 10 years   all at maximum dosages,:Disconcontinued Klonopin in month of February 2011,  discontinued Trazodone and Lamotrigine   in month of March 2011 while in hosptial.  Given Seroquel to "help" go off Klonopin  gradually increased to 600 mg ; doctor took me off 600 mg. Seroquel in two weeks, and switched to Resperidal  because of weight gain on Seroquel, went off Resperidal quickly,   then gradually reinstated  Seroquel to 600 mg. at my request.   Went off Seroquel by myself at 25mg. per month in 2014.     Last medication Seroquel completely off since May 2016. Also went off Morphine at the same time as last 25 mg. of Seroquel in May 2016. Started tapering Celexa 40mg. to 35mg.  on 11 Aug. 2016  ; 16 Oct. Celexa 32.5 mg.; 6 Nov. 2016:  30mg. , 50 mg abt. Feb 26 with occasional 30mg.  , : May 10, 2017 began tapering rapidly because of adverse reaction to Celexa;, 40 mg. Celexa;   May 24, 2017: 35mg Celexa.;  June 8, 2017, 30 mg. Celexa, June 22, 2017 25mg.Celexa,; July 6,2017 20mg. CELEXA, July 20: 15mg.; August 10: Sep 29 2017: 10mg. Celexa + 10mg. Prozac, 5 Oct, 2017:  5mg. Celexa + 10mg. Prozac.; Oct. 14 Celexa 0., Prozac 10mg.Took last Prozac on November 22, 2017, Jan. 31 30mg. Cymbalta........ May Cymbalta 90mg.


Supplements Cal/Mag , Potassium, , Multi Vitamin.  digestive aid, antioxidant

Medications presently taking:    Lyrica 150mg. 2x day  , Synthroid 175mcg, Nasonex 2 sprays each nostril, once a day ,     Tylenol  1,000 mg. 2x day., , Restasis eye drops 2x day,  Trazodone 100 mg, Cymbalta 90 mg. Arthrotec 50 mg., Plavix

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I have been holding and dry cutting for weeks and have been continued to experience a big spike in my neuropathy. Could the inaccuracy of dry cutting Seroquel cause neuropathy? I have heard suspensions are more accurate, but I don't know if I'm mentally up to figuring out how to make a suspension. The directions are so confusing and I can't afford OraPlus.


Has anyone ever heard of tapering Seroquel causing neuropathy? It could be something else. I've had it in the past from other triggers. I am trying to figure out what the trigger could be. I'm barely functioning.


Sorry if I asked this elsewhere and forgot. My memory is shot.

I experienced neuropathy while coming off Seroquel.  I have been off of it for five months and still have it, but not as severe.  

July Medications: Started taking antidepressants in 1981, also benzos off and on; antiphychotics , anti-seizure for years.   Trazodone, Lamotrigine, Klonopin for over 10 years   all at maximum dosages,:Disconcontinued Klonopin in month of February 2011,  discontinued Trazodone and Lamotrigine   in month of March 2011 while in hosptial.  Given Seroquel to "help" go off Klonopin  gradually increased to 600 mg ; doctor took me off 600 mg. Seroquel in two weeks, and switched to Resperidal  because of weight gain on Seroquel, went off Resperidal quickly,   then gradually reinstated  Seroquel to 600 mg. at my request.   Went off Seroquel by myself at 25mg. per month in 2014.     Last medication Seroquel completely off since May 2016. Also went off Morphine at the same time as last 25 mg. of Seroquel in May 2016. Started tapering Celexa 40mg. to 35mg.  on 11 Aug. 2016  ; 16 Oct. Celexa 32.5 mg.; 6 Nov. 2016:  30mg. , 50 mg abt. Feb 26 with occasional 30mg.  , : May 10, 2017 began tapering rapidly because of adverse reaction to Celexa;, 40 mg. Celexa;   May 24, 2017: 35mg Celexa.;  June 8, 2017, 30 mg. Celexa, June 22, 2017 25mg.Celexa,; July 6,2017 20mg. CELEXA, July 20: 15mg.; August 10: Sep 29 2017: 10mg. Celexa + 10mg. Prozac, 5 Oct, 2017:  5mg. Celexa + 10mg. Prozac.; Oct. 14 Celexa 0., Prozac 10mg.Took last Prozac on November 22, 2017, Jan. 31 30mg. Cymbalta........ May Cymbalta 90mg.


Supplements Cal/Mag , Potassium, , Multi Vitamin.  digestive aid, antioxidant

Medications presently taking:    Lyrica 150mg. 2x day  , Synthroid 175mcg, Nasonex 2 sprays each nostril, once a day ,     Tylenol  1,000 mg. 2x day., , Restasis eye drops 2x day,  Trazodone 100 mg, Cymbalta 90 mg. Arthrotec 50 mg., Plavix

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Hi gen. I'm sorry to hear you still have neuropathy. I decided to try liquifying my Seroquel so that my dosing was more stable and so I could make much smaller cuts in hopes of making my symptoms less severe. I just can't seem to make small enough cuts with my mg scale.

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  • 6 months later...

I read that Shep only slept for 3 hours when she hit 12 mgs, i'm in the same place now also only sleeping 3 hours. I've been holding for three months now and i still get those 
nights. So i was wondering if this is typical around this dosage? 

Several ssri's, antipsychotics, opiads and benzo's since 2003.

Flurazepam: rapid taper after 6 weeks usage in beginning of march 2015

Trazodone: rapid taper from 50ms to 0mgs end of july 2015

Current medication:12 mgs seroquel (from 25mgs)

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I have read of people who have only taken half of a 25mg tablet for sleep, so 12.5mg. These people were not withdrawing though. It was their regular dose.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Administrator

Most people will stabilize after a reduction within a week. We recommend reductions at monthly intervals to give the nervous system a good 3 weeks to settle down between cuts.



This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 2017-07-17 at 1:07 PM, dukke said:

In your experience, how much time should you wait after you have stabilized on a particular dosage, before you start tapering again? This might be a better indicator then the 1 month 10% taper rule..


On 2017-07-17 at 2:21 PM, Altostrata said:

Most people will stabilize after a reduction within a week. We recommend reductions at monthly intervals to give the nervous system a good 3 weeks to settle down between cuts.


There are some members who have reported that their symptoms didn't show up until close to 3 weeks after a dose decrease on an "anti-psychotic."  It wouldn't hurt to take longer holds than 3-4 weeks, especially at the start of your taper so that you learn your symptom pattern.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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has anybody experienced weight gain when withdrawing seroquel? I know that mostly it causes weight gain while taking it. however, I have been very slim all my life and even taking seroquel didn't change that. but now I'm gaining weight, although I'm eating very healthily. I'm trying to understand, is this weight gain because of seroquel (which messes with metabolism pretty badly) or because of fluoxetine withdrawal. 

in 2002- 0,5 tablet cipramil for half a year, ended it uneventfully. in 2006 - citalopram for half a year, ended in horrific state, ditched the drugs CT. 2007-2008 not feeling well but drug free. in 2008 prozac 20mg + quetiapine 25mg. 2009 tried to stop, ended up in hole after couple of months, started zoloft. 2009-2011 zoloft 50mg. went to 25mg in 2011 summer, it resulted in half a year horrible suffering. reinstated, changed drugs, nothing happened. by 2012 beginning suddenly felt great and CT meds. after 4 months came suddenly most horrible human suffering that's possible. was started on prozac and questiapine. started tapering slowly, GFCF diet and Hardy Nutritionals vitamins in 2013 summer. 

current medications: 1) fluoxetine and quetiapine since Aug 2012; 2) Daily Essential Nutrients by Hardy Nutritionals 7 capsules / since May 2013 + omega3; 3) Gluten-free-casein-free diet since june 2013

Started withdrawing slowly since april 2013. Mostly around 10% cuts. 

April'13 - March'14: fluoxetine 40mg -> 19,5mg; quetiapine 50mg -> 40mg
April'14-March'15: fluoxetine 19,5mg -> 14,4mg; quetiapine 40mg -> 22mg

April'15-March'16: fluoxetine 14,4mg -> 7,4mg; quetiapine 22mg -> 15mg

April'16-March'17: fluoxetine 7,4mg -> 5,0mg; quetiapine 15mg -> 7,25mg

April'17-March'18: fluoxetine 5,0mg -> 4,0mg; quetiapine 7,25mg -> 0 (as of 1st Feb 2018)!!!!

April´18-March´19: fluoxetine 4,0mg - > 2,3mg. Jumped off fluoxetine 1,4mg due to pregnancy in July 2019. Oct 2019 severe withdrawal syndrome started.

Took mistakenly a complex for hormonal support that included pregnenolone dec2019-april2020. Stopped it april 2020 and immediately severe akathisia started. Have had life threatening akathisia since, 100% disabled, suicidal, very hard to hold on. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

I just found this article about the many doctors who prescribe Seroquel (off label!)  for sleep - 


National Post - Drug Safety Expert urges Doctors to stop Prescribing Antipsychotic (Seroquel) for Insomnia)


Yes, rapunzel - Seroquel causes metabolism and blood sugar imbalances which can remove appetite control (always hungry! never satiated!) and cause weight gain.


I would suggest that you not worry about your weight until you've been off the drugs for awhile - as it takes awhile to re-adjust your metabolism.  Focus on healthy eating and keep moving - work on improving your cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength and flexibility.  Some people have the weight melt away, some of us have to work harder at it after the drugs are gone (that's me).  You will never know which drug is the source of the problem, as all of them fiddle the endocrine system in some way.  


Looking at what is done is counterproductive.  Look instead at what you want to do.

"Easy, easy - just go easy and you'll finish." - Hawaiian Kapuna


Holding is hard work, holding is a blessing. Give your brain time to heal before you try again.


My suggestions are not medical advice, you are in charge of your own medical choices.


A lifetime of being prescribed antidepressants that caused problems (30 years in total). At age 35 flipped to "bipolar," but was not diagnosed for 5 years. Started my journey in Midwest United States. Crossed the Pacific for love and hope; currently living in Australia.   CT Seroquel 25 mg some time in 2013.   Tapered Reboxetine 4 mg Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 = GONE (3 years on Reboxetine).     Tapered Lithium 900 to 475 MG (alternating with the SNRI) Jan 2014 - Nov 2014, tapered Lithium 475 mg Jan 2015 -  Feb 2016 = GONE (10 years  on Lithium).  Many mistakes in dry cutting dosages were made.

The tedious thread (my intro):  JanCarol ☼ Reboxetine first, then Lithium

The happy thread (my success story):  JanCarol - Undiagnosed  Off all bipolar drugs

My own blog:  https://shamanexplorations.com/shamans-blog/



I have been psych drug FREE since 1 Feb 2016!

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks, JanCarol! 

in 2002- 0,5 tablet cipramil for half a year, ended it uneventfully. in 2006 - citalopram for half a year, ended in horrific state, ditched the drugs CT. 2007-2008 not feeling well but drug free. in 2008 prozac 20mg + quetiapine 25mg. 2009 tried to stop, ended up in hole after couple of months, started zoloft. 2009-2011 zoloft 50mg. went to 25mg in 2011 summer, it resulted in half a year horrible suffering. reinstated, changed drugs, nothing happened. by 2012 beginning suddenly felt great and CT meds. after 4 months came suddenly most horrible human suffering that's possible. was started on prozac and questiapine. started tapering slowly, GFCF diet and Hardy Nutritionals vitamins in 2013 summer. 

current medications: 1) fluoxetine and quetiapine since Aug 2012; 2) Daily Essential Nutrients by Hardy Nutritionals 7 capsules / since May 2013 + omega3; 3) Gluten-free-casein-free diet since june 2013

Started withdrawing slowly since april 2013. Mostly around 10% cuts. 

April'13 - March'14: fluoxetine 40mg -> 19,5mg; quetiapine 50mg -> 40mg
April'14-March'15: fluoxetine 19,5mg -> 14,4mg; quetiapine 40mg -> 22mg

April'15-March'16: fluoxetine 14,4mg -> 7,4mg; quetiapine 22mg -> 15mg

April'16-March'17: fluoxetine 7,4mg -> 5,0mg; quetiapine 15mg -> 7,25mg

April'17-March'18: fluoxetine 5,0mg -> 4,0mg; quetiapine 7,25mg -> 0 (as of 1st Feb 2018)!!!!

April´18-March´19: fluoxetine 4,0mg - > 2,3mg. Jumped off fluoxetine 1,4mg due to pregnancy in July 2019. Oct 2019 severe withdrawal syndrome started.

Took mistakenly a complex for hormonal support that included pregnenolone dec2019-april2020. Stopped it april 2020 and immediately severe akathisia started. Have had life threatening akathisia since, 100% disabled, suicidal, very hard to hold on. 


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  • 2 months later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

From the first page of this topic:


On 09/08/2014 at 5:55 AM, mammaP said:


You could ask your doctor to switch you over to immediate release tablets and make a liquid from them as above.  Many members make their own liquid from their tablets and get on fine with it. 


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 6 months later...
  • Administrator

Hi, dukke. We need to take up the insomnia and other symptoms on your Intro thread 😊


In the US, generics are permitted to have some degree of dosage variance -- and so do the brand-names. I would call the manufacturer of the generic quetiapine available in Spain to see what their quality assurance guidelines are. I believe the EU is somewhat more strict than the US.


If you feel confident in the response, you might try a switch by taking a partial dose of the brand-name with a partial dose of the generic for a while. Many of our members have moved to generics in this way. Otherwise, some people are sensitive to the differences between drug brands.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I have read this thread and the main admin note which are very helpful, but haven’t found anyone with experience tapering off 50 mg XR seroquel. What has the experience been moving completely from XR to immediate release (and then tappering)? Or has anyone gone from 50 XR to nothing at all since this is the lowest dosage in XR? 

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  • Administrator

Hello, Deee. Please start a topic for yourself in the Introductions section of this site. While you're there, use search for "seroquel" and you will see many people tapering Seroquel.


Do not go from 50mg Seroquel XR to nothing. That is known as cold turkey.


You can always make an intermediate dosage of Seroquel by adding an amount in liquid form:


On 9/27/2012 at 6:19 PM, Altostrata said:

Use a combination of tablets or capsules and liquid

Rather than switch directly to an all-liquid dose, you may wish to take part of your dose in liquid and part in lower-dose tablets or capsules, gradually converting to all liquid as you get to lower dosages. This can be very convenient and reduce any problems switching from one form of the drug to another.


For example, you may wish to take a 50mg Seroquel XR tablet and the rest in liquid for your daily dose. ....


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • Administrator

Good points. A wiki would be a better way to present the tapering topics. I suppose I could close all the tapering topics to comments and avoid the comment-moving. But we also want people to add their own suggestions for tapering techniques. We want to present high-utility tapering information that's widely applicable.


Most of the views of the Tapering forum are from unregistered guests peeking in from searches on the Web.


Usually, a person asking a question in a Tapering topic about their own personal taper is not widely applicable, as it requires so much context particular to that person. That is why comments are moved -- responses would take a Tapering topic off-topic.


We also want to keep case histories all together in the Introductions forum, to educate doctors. Believe it or not, there are doctors who read this site and learn from the case histories. If it was the usual disorganized Internet forum, the progress of any individual would be all over the site and pretty much lost as valuable information.


The Introductions forum is highly trafficked by members who can respond to posts. The mods look at the Introductions forum first for any questions regarding tapering. Questions about individual tapers can be lost elsewhere. If you have questions about your personal taper, please post them in your Introductions topic.



This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Here is SA's topic:  generic-vs-brand-versions-of-antidepressants


2 hours ago, dukke said:

What do you think is the best option for tapering? Generic or the "real" brand? Or doesn't matter?



Consistency is important, so choosing one and sticking to it is better.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Administrator
On 5/24/2018 at 12:46 PM, Altostrata said:

Hi, dukke. We need to take up the insomnia and other symptoms on your Intro thread 😊


In the US, generics are permitted to have some degree of dosage variance -- and so do the brand-names. I would call the manufacturer of the generic quetiapine available in Spain to see what their quality assurance guidelines are. I believe the EU is somewhat more strict than the US.


If you feel confident in the response, you might try a switch by taking a partial dose of the brand-name with a partial dose of the generic for a while. Many of our members have moved to generics in this way. Otherwise, some people are sensitive to the differences between drug brands.


Moderated wiki: Great idea. Will need a whole other staff of trained people.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 6 months later...
On 2/13/2013 at 1:47 AM, primrose said:

I think I am going to start a daily taper with 0.5% cuts, but I am stuck in my valium taper at the moment.

I was cutting less than 5% off my benzo, and holding for enough time, but could no longer tolerate that due to the extreme psych symptoms, so, I started a daily taper. I have had to slow that right down due to not dealing with symptoms for a few weeks.

How did things go from there primrose?


how are you doing?


do I get it right that you say in this post that you continued tapering valium although you weren't stable?

2010-2018 sertralin, venlafaxin, cymbalta 120 mg, march bupropio, Lorazepam 4 to 0,5 mg qetiapine 200-400 mg Apr mirtazapin 30 - 45 mg, lo tapered, to 0; Apr switch to diazepam 3 mg; jun/jul 15mg, taper to approx. 4,5 mg, Aug: 200 to 400 mg q, 50 mg levomepromazine, m 45 to 30 mg; since tapered q 400-230 mg, m 30 to 15 mg, 1dez m to 16 mg, 4dez 250 mg q, 31. dec 200 mg q

March 1, 2019 - 200 mg quetiapine, 4,5 mg diazepam, 16 mg mirtazapine

March 3, 2019 - 200 mg quetiapine, 4,0 mg diazepam, 16 mg mirtazapine

March 4, 2019 - 200 mg quetiapine, 4,2 mg diazepam,16 mg mirtazapine, 

june 5, 2019 - 100 mg quetiapine, 3 mg Diazepam, 12,185 mg mirtazapine 

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  • 4 months later...

Today I made a phone call to torrent pharma (a pharma that produces quetiapine) and they only produce in IR (immediate release) formulation. I asked them about the solubility of quetiapine, they transfered me with their physician who told me that quetiapine is not entirely soluble in water, that it is not recommended to dissolve in water because quetiapine does not dissolve completely which is a characteristic of quetiapine, not just from torrent pharma but from any pharmaceutical company that produces quetiapine. It is not known how much of the pill dissolves. 

In 2008 I was 16 years old. 2008 - 2010 paxil, clonazepam & semisodium valproate. 2013 - 2017 many psych meds with cold switches and CT's prescribed by psychiatrists.

Nov/30/17 started quetiapine IR tablets 100mg 0-0-1. Dec/1/17 started pristiq 50mg tablets 1-0-0. Jan/14/18 started 1.5mg melatonin 0-0-1

Tramadol: 2 year well done (slow and gradual) taper: from Mar/12/18 to Feb/11/20 

Pristiq taper: Jun/15/20 Converted from pristiq 50mg to efexor xr 75mg for 57 days (felt good).  Aug/11/20 weaned to efexor 37.5mg and stayed there for 2 months with 26 days (felt good). Nov/6/20  CT 0mg of efexor xr (felt good). Total time in tapering pristiq 50mg by converting to efexor xr 75mg: 4 months with 22 days: Jun/15/20 to Nov/6/20. (felt good)

Efexor 0mg and quetiapine 100mg (Nov/6/20 to Dic/11/20) (felt good being without effexor and taking 100mg quetiapine)

Dic/11/20 quetiapine 75mg, so 75mg from Dic/11/20 to Jan/4/21  25 days. Jan/5/21 quetiapine 50mg (1 day in 50mg).

Jan/6/21 1st CT of quetiapine. Mar/1/21 CT melatonin. Felt terrible so Mar/25/21 reinstated 100mg quetiapine. 

100mg quetiapine 19 days (Mar/25/21 - Apr/13/21) Felt good while in quetiapine 100mg. 75mg quetiapine 55 days (Apr/14/21 - Jun/8/21) the 55th day (Jun/8/21)  felt hellish so CT'd quetiapine for a 2nd time on Jun/9/21. 

Jun/9/21 - Nov/16/21 1st days insomnia, anxiety, took cbd and felt very good many days (healed insomnia & anxiety), CT'd ginkgo which made me felt terrible so reinstated ginkgo. Started intolerable back pain (spasm) so tried other herbs along with cbd, then started derealization, panic, indecisiveness, nostalgia & others. Stopped taking cbd & herbs, reinstated quetiapine 75mg Nov/17/21, immediately after taking it, had severe heart palpitations, so Nov/18/21 back to cbd (no quetiapine). Nov/20/21 reinstated 75mg quetiapine (stopped cbd & herbs), severely couldn't breathe for 5 seconds after taking quetiapine 75mg so reduced to 50 mg on Nov/28/21 had new and worse and very severe adverse effects, got indecisive if CT or keep taking quetiapine because I was terrified of CT, but since the new severe adverse effects were very severe I CT, and because of indecisiveness and panic to CT, I reinstated again, then CT'd and reinstated many times, last time I was taking quetiapine it was 25mg and had severe TD, hellish anhedonia, suicidal, intrusive thoughts of imagining myself running into a wall and crashing into it and I was feeling the pain as if I was doing it in real life, involuntary thoughts of punching my face or head and shashing it against the wall and some times I did punch my face, and when I didn't, I also felt the pain just by imagining it, so definitive CT on Jul/15/22. 

Free from quetiapine and psych meds since Jul/15/22.


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thank you for this information. 

Tapering by the right Methode is vital.


how are you going to do the taper? Dry cutting isn’t safe either because the quetiapine is not evenly distribiuted in tablets. 


Eg diazepam isn‘t watersoluble, either, but my tablet is evenly distributed in the water yet liquid Diazepam of my brand wouldn’t be states the producer.

2010-2018 sertralin, venlafaxin, cymbalta 120 mg, march bupropio, Lorazepam 4 to 0,5 mg qetiapine 200-400 mg Apr mirtazapin 30 - 45 mg, lo tapered, to 0; Apr switch to diazepam 3 mg; jun/jul 15mg, taper to approx. 4,5 mg, Aug: 200 to 400 mg q, 50 mg levomepromazine, m 45 to 30 mg; since tapered q 400-230 mg, m 30 to 15 mg, 1dez m to 16 mg, 4dez 250 mg q, 31. dec 200 mg q

March 1, 2019 - 200 mg quetiapine, 4,5 mg diazepam, 16 mg mirtazapine

March 3, 2019 - 200 mg quetiapine, 4,0 mg diazepam, 16 mg mirtazapine

March 4, 2019 - 200 mg quetiapine, 4,2 mg diazepam,16 mg mirtazapine, 

june 5, 2019 - 100 mg quetiapine, 3 mg Diazepam, 12,185 mg mirtazapine 

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From this post



  • Tablets not soluble, may try to crush and dissolve in warm water.
  • For oral use mix crushed tablet with yoghurt as it has a bitter taste.



Edited by ChessieCat


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 2 months later...
On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 2:34 PM, Tanha said:



thank you for this information. 

Tapering by the right Methode is vital.


how are you going to do the taper? Dry cutting isn’t safe either because the quetiapine is not evenly distribiuted in tablets. 


Eg diazepam isn‘t watersoluble, either, but my tablet is evenly distributed in the water yet liquid Diazepam of my brand wouldn’t be states the producer.


 I just read this above.  That dry cutting isn't safe because the active ingredient is not evenly distributed.  so if I am cutting 50 mg Quetiapine in half for my nightly dose of 25, does this mean I am getting an uneven dose every time?  and before you ask - yes I know that it is available in 25 mg, but for some reason I do better sleep wise when I use the 50 mg and cut them in half.   But should I not be doing this?  haven't people been doing this for ages when they have to cut pills in half? 


 9/2018- lexapro low dose few days.11/3/2018- zoloft 2 days

11/7/18  - 11/15/18 - Prozac 9 days, from 10 mg for week, to 20

11/16  inpatient put on Lexapro for a few days, Cymbalta, 2 days

11/24-12/8 - gabapentin 100 mg 3xs per day - a very fast taper

1/7 - tbuspar for  three days- blurry vision, jerky eye

1/17/19 - 2/15/19- mirtazapine 15 mg - started taper on 1/30 

2/20/19 gabapentin 600 mg. .  12/20-  taper finished

2/20/19 - seroquel 25 mg current - taken  10 pm

2/20/19- luvox (generic) 25 mg.  4/6/19  to 18.75 mg .held  . Started taper again  1/7/21- 15 mg, 2/7/21- 12.5 mg, 3/7/21 -10 mg, 4/1/21- 9 mg, 5/1/21- 8.1 mg, 5/27/21- updose to 10 mg,  6/21-  in patient updose to 50 mg,  6/25/21- reduce to 10 mg (current) .  9/5- split dose 5mg am/5 mg pm.  9/20- 4 mg am/5 mg pm . 

9/1/21-  took one dose of vistril 50 mg.   

9/1/21-accidental double dose of seroquel- 50 mg 

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There is no problem with cutting a tablet in half.  Because to the way the tablets are manufactured the Active Ingredient is evenly distributed through out the tablet.


There was an issue many years ago with a batch of generic tablets produced by an unregulated/unlicensed  company that didn't have any active ingredient in them at all, combined with the concept of manufacturing tolerance that has lead to the idea that all tablets are unevenly mixed.  We do know that people have dosing problems with generics from time to time, but those come down to fillers/binders and poor control of the Active Ingredient Concentration (strength of the tablet) not that the Active Ingredient is poorly mixed in. 

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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12 minutes ago, brassmonkey said:

There is no problem with cutting a tablet in half.  Because to the way the tablets are manufactured the Active Ingredient is evenly distributed through out the tablet.


There was an issue many years ago with a batch of generic tablets produced by an unregulated/unlicensed  company that didn't have any active ingredient in them at all, combined with the concept of manufacturing tolerance that has lead to the idea that all tablets are unevenly mixed.  We do know that people have dosing problems with generics from time to time, but those come down to fillers/binders and poor control of the Active Ingredient Concentration (strength of the tablet) not that the Active Ingredient is poorly mixed in. 

Thnk you!

 9/2018- lexapro low dose few days.11/3/2018- zoloft 2 days

11/7/18  - 11/15/18 - Prozac 9 days, from 10 mg for week, to 20

11/16  inpatient put on Lexapro for a few days, Cymbalta, 2 days

11/24-12/8 - gabapentin 100 mg 3xs per day - a very fast taper

1/7 - tbuspar for  three days- blurry vision, jerky eye

1/17/19 - 2/15/19- mirtazapine 15 mg - started taper on 1/30 

2/20/19 gabapentin 600 mg. .  12/20-  taper finished

2/20/19 - seroquel 25 mg current - taken  10 pm

2/20/19- luvox (generic) 25 mg.  4/6/19  to 18.75 mg .held  . Started taper again  1/7/21- 15 mg, 2/7/21- 12.5 mg, 3/7/21 -10 mg, 4/1/21- 9 mg, 5/1/21- 8.1 mg, 5/27/21- updose to 10 mg,  6/21-  in patient updose to 50 mg,  6/25/21- reduce to 10 mg (current) .  9/5- split dose 5mg am/5 mg pm.  9/20- 4 mg am/5 mg pm . 

9/1/21-  took one dose of vistril 50 mg.   

9/1/21-accidental double dose of seroquel- 50 mg 

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11 hours ago, BfromNJ said:


 I just read this above.  That dry cutting isn't safe because the active ingredient is not evenly distributed.  so if I am cutting 50 mg Quetiapine in half for my nightly dose of 25, does this mean I am getting an uneven dose every time?  and before you ask - yes I know that it is available in 25 mg, but for some reason I do better sleep wise when I use the 50 mg and cut them in half.   But should I not be doing this?  haven't people been doing this for ages when they have to cut pills in half? 



Hi BfromNJ, 


I used to cut my Seroquel tablets and I had no problems with that. I’m now water titrating as I’m down to 6.75mg. 


Wishing you all the best with your tapering💚

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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On 5/28/2018 at 3:42 PM, Deee said:

I have read this thread and the main admin note which are very helpful, but haven’t found anyone with experience tapering off 50 mg XR seroquel. What has the experience been moving completely from XR to immediate release (and then tappering)? Or has anyone gone from 50 XR to nothing at all since this is the lowest dosage in XR? 


I know this response is a year late, but I had withdrawal symptoms when switching from Paxil CR to Paxil immediate release. I would postulate that the same applies to Seroquel. Some people do a cross taper from CR to immediate release.

7 months of prescribed polypharmacy in 2015-2016, including several classes of psych meds.

1st attempt at taper was too fast. 2nd attempt is underway.

1 Mar 2018: 37.5 mg paroxetine, 150 mg lamotrigine, 300 mg quetiapine

1 Oct 2020: 30 mg paroxetine, 150 mg lamotrigine, 37.5 mg quetiapine

15 May 2022: 25 mg paroxetine, 150 mg lamotrigine, 0 mg quetiapine

11 Jan 2024: 20 mg paroxetine, 118.75 mg lamotrigine 

Supplements: Iron, Vit D magnesium glycinate, omega 3

I am not a medical professional. All my posts are my opinions only, based on my experiences.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 1:59 AM, Carmie said:


Hi BfromNJ, 


I used to cut my Seroquel tablets and I had no problems with that. I’m now water titrating as I’m down to 6.75mg. 


Wishing you all the best with your tapering💚

Im not at the point of tapering Seroquel yet, but when I do, I was going to crush my tablets and and weigh what I need, just like my luvox. General question - do you know if there are some tablets that just should not be crushed?  its not extended release.  Im just someone who is not comfortable with water method. scale is easier for me.  

 9/2018- lexapro low dose few days.11/3/2018- zoloft 2 days

11/7/18  - 11/15/18 - Prozac 9 days, from 10 mg for week, to 20

11/16  inpatient put on Lexapro for a few days, Cymbalta, 2 days

11/24-12/8 - gabapentin 100 mg 3xs per day - a very fast taper

1/7 - tbuspar for  three days- blurry vision, jerky eye

1/17/19 - 2/15/19- mirtazapine 15 mg - started taper on 1/30 

2/20/19 gabapentin 600 mg. .  12/20-  taper finished

2/20/19 - seroquel 25 mg current - taken  10 pm

2/20/19- luvox (generic) 25 mg.  4/6/19  to 18.75 mg .held  . Started taper again  1/7/21- 15 mg, 2/7/21- 12.5 mg, 3/7/21 -10 mg, 4/1/21- 9 mg, 5/1/21- 8.1 mg, 5/27/21- updose to 10 mg,  6/21-  in patient updose to 50 mg,  6/25/21- reduce to 10 mg (current) .  9/5- split dose 5mg am/5 mg pm.  9/20- 4 mg am/5 mg pm . 

9/1/21-  took one dose of vistril 50 mg.   

9/1/21-accidental double dose of seroquel- 50 mg 

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  • 8 months later...

Hi all. Does anyone have advice on what dose of seroquel I should taper down to before discontinuing? I assume I should let my mind and body decide, but I am wondering if there's a general consensus.




My previous drug history was confusing, so I deleted it in favour of the following summary, as best I can recall:

2017 - Jun 2019: olanzapine, dose erratic, ranging from 1.25 to 2.5mg per day.

2017 - Jun 2019: klonopin, dose erratic, ranging from 0.0625mg twice a day to 0.25mg twice a day.

2017 - Jun 2019: gabapentin, dose erratic, ranging from 200 to 300mg per day.

Date uncertain: Lamotrigine, small amount for two months, C/T.

Jun 2019: admitted to hospital after months of severe rage (which I am certain was caused by akathesia, but no doctor caught it). Doctors cold-turkeyed all drugs, I submitted to 10 courses of ECT, and was put on 50mg of seroquel at bedtime.

Jul 2019 - Feb 2020: reduced seroquel sporadically from 50mg to 18.75mg.

Apr 19, 2020: Reduced seroquel from 18.75mg to 16.5mg.


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Hi Ian-- You have quite a long way to go before you think about jumping off, but having a target in mind is a good idea. Current thinking would place your Exit Target Dose at about 0.05mgai. I can be more accurate if you could give me the average weight of one of your tablets, the strength listed on the package and the manufacturer.  Still, it's going to be a very small amount and it will seem like it will be a very long time to get there, but it actually goes pretty quickly.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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  • 6 months later...
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Studysue posted:


4 hours ago, Studysue said:


i am currently tapering off 150mg Seroquel and am now down to 25mg. My Dr has reduced my dose by 25 mg per month. As yet I have had few side effects apart from when he put me on 50mg slow release and 25mg instant release, I developed a constant eye twitch when using 50mg slow release on its own. I have managed to get the prescription changed to 2x25mg which resolved the eye twitching last month. For the last week or so I am now down to 25mg at night. The only side effect I seem to have is I’m constantly eating at night which I don’t like but am putting up with it at the moment.




MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prisoner of Seroquel induced insomnia



My withdrawal is hell and the only thing that keep me going from 6mg to 0, is that sleep that become totally disabled when I try it. The minimal pill size is 25mg, and I'm at 6, meaning I must cut it 2 times, and this product is soft with a solid layer above, meaning it's impossible to cut it perfectly right even with a pill cutter. So, from 6mg, I always get imperfect cuts, giving me a constant unbalance that cause infinite symptoms from hell. You cannot reach any stable symptoms if the dosage change each day... I can't do this for weeks, I'll go crazy way before. I sleep normally but if I try 0mg, magic, sleep disabled, totally. I tried this night. I got 2 hours of sleep today from 7am to 9am, but if it would have been during the week, my work would had not allowed me to try to sleep after 7am. And of course I cannot work without sleep, I tried. I work for an internet service provider and my mistakes are critical, and my focus is null when I don't sleep. You can understand that I cannot use the 10% rule here. 10% of 6mg is 0.6mg, how I'm supposed to do this? It's already so tiny that I will surely have to put it in micro chunks if I need to get it down more. I don't even have a balance, that would at least guarantee me a stable dosage. If it would be solid powder, I could cut the pile with a knife, but this thing is like paste. I don't know if there is a liquid form, but anyway my doctor thinks I'm "psychologically" dependant and thought it was funny to even think about a pill cutter. He is useless, he lives in his unicorn world with his blessed pills that solve every problems... So my theory is, that there is a tiny dosage that decide when the sleep is disabled. Going from 50 to 0 or 6 to 0 given the same result (tried it in August) so it seems that as long as there is a tiny dose in the blood, sleep will not be affected. I must find how much is needed, then take a bit less to not produce a totally disabled sleep but partially (hopefully), then time should give me the missed hours, then I would remove a bit more, losing hours of sleep again, waiting, gaining them back, and eventually 0, giving me no more missing sleep than those steps, wait again on 0, and finally be free. The problem is, that I don't know how much is this trigger, but it's under 6mg. And second, I have no right way to cut this thing to measurable bits to take the most stable dosage as possible to avoid hell with the other symptoms. I got an idea, but I don't know if it will work. A way to measure. Licking. If I cut a 25mg in two, even if not cut straight, the tongue will get the same amount of product in one passage. Then, I can count those passages, giving me a new way to measure the dosage. I know it sounds crazy but desperate situation needs desperate ways. I could for exemple, start with 20 licks, and easily go down to 18, 15, etc. Since I can count, I end with a precise dosage because the surface licked is always the same. But it would be probablly under 1mg then, and maybe it's too low. Plus, I should probably swallow water between or some will not get on the tongue and it will probably taste horrible. Still, I keep this solution in my mind for later if I have no choice and that even the chunks don't work. If I could find a way to separate in chunks almost equal, it would probably be the best. If anybody know how to solve this, thanks in advance. Until then, I will probably at best use unequal chunks and have never ending symptoms to live with. I'm probably going to try another night without it to measure any progress... If there is, it may suggest that time with give me my sleep back, but it must be do-able, I can't go days without sleeping enough.


Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title

1999-2003: not really remember. Tried Wellbutrin for a week, being mostly on Paxil

2004-2009: zoloft 200mg

2009-2010: zoloft fast withdrawal (-25mg per week), added celexa a few months, minimum dose)

2010: zoloft 200mg + zyprexa

2011: zoloft 200mg + seroquel XR 400mg, zyprexa removed

2014 (April): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2014 (July): restarted zoloft 25mg for unbearable symptoms. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2018 (May): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2020 (May to August): seroquel XR -100, -100, -50, -50, -50 = 0mg on August 4th, reinstated to 50mg XR after 4 days

2020 Sept 21: seroquel 25mg

2020 Oct 12: seroquel 12.5mg

2020 Nov 2: seroquel 6.25mg, 21: seroquel 5mg, 22: seroquel 4mg, 24: seroquel 3mg, 28: seroquel 2mg. Dec 4 : 1mg, 5: 0.5mg, Dec 19: 2mg, 2021 Jan 16: 1.5mg, Jan 22: 1mg, Jan 23: 0.5mg, Jan 29: 0.25mg, Feb 06: 0.125mg, Feb 07: 0.06mg, Fev 11: 0.125mg, Fev 18: 0.1875mg, Mar 13: 0.09mg + clonazepam 0.25, Mar 19: seroquel 0, 2022 Apr 23: clona 0.5, Oct 21: clona 0.75, Aug 16: clona 0.5, Nov 2023: clona 0.437 lemborexant 5 2024 Feb: lembo 10 Mar: clona 0

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Hi bluewisp,

I feel your pain I'm in a similar situation as you. You are right that taking a consistent dose is very important and as resourceful as your lick strategy is, there is a much easier and more reliable method to taper at these micro doses.

Water tapering: assuming you have 25mg tables all you need is mix your tables with 25ml of water, then every ml of water is equivalent to 1mg of Seroquel. 

So you just use a syringe and extract your desired dose.

I have been using this method for my taper and it has worked a treat


Edited by ChessieCat
removed quote

6.01.20 - 6.02.20: Seroquel/Quetiapine 25mg

7.02.20 - 13.02.20: Attempted CT ran into extreme rebound insomnia

13.02.20 - 04.07.20Reinstated and holding Seroquel/Quetiapine 13.5mg, 1mg Circadin 

Began Tapering of Seroquel

04.07.20 - Quetiapine 13mg 12.07.20 - Quetiapine 12.5mg 20.07.20 - Quetiapine 12mg 28.07.20 - Quetiapine 11.5mg

02.08.20 - Quetiapine 11.mg 06.08.20 - Quetiapine 10.5mg 10.08.20 - Quetiapine 10mg 15.08.20 Quetiapine 9.5mg

18.08.20 Quetiapine 9mg 23.08.20 Quetiapine 8.5 27.08.20 Quetiapine 8mg 31.08.20 Quetiapine 7.75mg 02.09.20 Quetiapine 7.5mg 06.09.20 Quetiapine 7.25mg 08.09.20 Quetiapine 7mg 12.09.20 Quetiapine 6.75mg 14.09.20 Quetiapine 6.5mg 19.09.20 Quetiapine 6.25mg 21.09.20 Quetiapine 6mg 24.09.20 Quetiapine 5.75mg 01.10.20 Quetiapine 5.5mg 03.10.20 Quetiapine 5.25mg 05.10.2020 Quetiapine 5mg 09.10.2020 Quetiapine 4.75mg 12.10.2020 Quetiapine 4.5mg 14.10.2020 Quetiapine 4.25mg 17.10.2020 Quetiapine 4mg 21.10.2020 Quetiapine 3.75mg 24.10.2020 Quetiapine 3.5mg 1.11.2020 Quetiapine 3 mg 7.11.2020 Quetiapine 2.5 mgs 13.11.2020 Quetiapine 2 mg 16.11.2020 Quetiapine 1.5 mg 20.11.2020 Quetiapine 1.25mg 23.11.2020 Quetiapine 1mg 26.12.2020 Quetiapine 0.75mg 16.01.2020 Quetiapine 0.5mg 17.02.2020 Quetiapine 0.25mg 17.03.2021 Quetiapine 0.125mg 9.04.2021 Quetiapine 0!!!

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10 hours ago, senseless said:

Hi bluewisp,

I feel your pain I'm in a similar situation as you. You are right that taking a consistent dose is very important and as resourceful as your lick strategy is, there is a much easier and more reliable method to taper at these micro doses.

Water tapering: assuming you have 25mg tables all you need is mix your tables with 25ml of water, then every ml of water is equivalent to 1mg of Seroquel. 

So you just use a syringe and extract your desired dose.

I have been using this method for my taper and it has worked a treat

Wow it looks so simple! I thank you so much! I'll get a syringe and manage to find how to mix it to water properly and keep it (in a fridge I guess). It's a big step toward ending this nightmare once and for all! Thank you very much!

1999-2003: not really remember. Tried Wellbutrin for a week, being mostly on Paxil

2004-2009: zoloft 200mg

2009-2010: zoloft fast withdrawal (-25mg per week), added celexa a few months, minimum dose)

2010: zoloft 200mg + zyprexa

2011: zoloft 200mg + seroquel XR 400mg, zyprexa removed

2014 (April): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2014 (July): restarted zoloft 25mg for unbearable symptoms. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2018 (May): zoloft 0mg tapered -25mg per 2 weeks. Still having seroquel XR 400mg

2020 (May to August): seroquel XR -100, -100, -50, -50, -50 = 0mg on August 4th, reinstated to 50mg XR after 4 days

2020 Sept 21: seroquel 25mg

2020 Oct 12: seroquel 12.5mg

2020 Nov 2: seroquel 6.25mg, 21: seroquel 5mg, 22: seroquel 4mg, 24: seroquel 3mg, 28: seroquel 2mg. Dec 4 : 1mg, 5: 0.5mg, Dec 19: 2mg, 2021 Jan 16: 1.5mg, Jan 22: 1mg, Jan 23: 0.5mg, Jan 29: 0.25mg, Feb 06: 0.125mg, Feb 07: 0.06mg, Fev 11: 0.125mg, Fev 18: 0.1875mg, Mar 13: 0.09mg + clonazepam 0.25, Mar 19: seroquel 0, 2022 Apr 23: clona 0.5, Oct 21: clona 0.75, Aug 16: clona 0.5, Nov 2023: clona 0.437 lemborexant 5 2024 Feb: lembo 10 Mar: clona 0

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3 minutes ago, Bluewisp said:

Wow it looks so simple! I thank you so much! I'll get a syringe and manage to find how to mix it to water properly and keep it (in a fridge I guess). It's a big step toward ending this nightmare once and for all! Thank you very much!


Please read this post of this topic.


When changing form of a drug it is better to do a cross over which is more gentle on the system.  Each of these combinations for 3-7 days (longer if needed):  3/4 + 1/4, 1/2 + 1/2, 1/4 + 3/4.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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