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jazzman76115: Withdrawal symptoms while on regular dosage of Sertraline


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I’ve been on Zoloft/Sertraline for almost 15 years and for most of that time my daily dosage has been 1 1/2 tablets. A couple months ago my anxiety level was high so my doctor (regular primary care) suggested going up to the max of two a day. Over the past few days I’ve been experiencing the same symptoms that occur when you run out of the drug or go cold turkey- the twitching/tingling when turning your head, being over alert, etc but I have not changed my dosage or stopped. Any ideas?

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to jazzman76115: Withdrawal symptoms while on regular dosage of Sertraline
  • Administrator

Welcome, jazzman.


It sounds like Zoloft has pooped out on you. This is a difficult position to be in.


More Zoloft is not going to help, and tapering Zoloft is going to bring on worse withdrawal symptoms. You might try The Prozac switch or "bridging" with Prozac

and then going very gradually off Prozac, as that is likely to poop out on you, too.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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