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shespark: tapering off Zoloft


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Im new here. Ive been reading threw the forum for a few days. Ive been on AD since 2005 because of trauma, moving, stress. I dont know the dates of AD meds but, i have been on zoloft 100mg almost 8 years and valium 5mg. Is that what i should put in my signature? 

Jan 2018 I started getting headaches and vertigo.  Went to PT for that but, it wasnt helping. I am now seeing my chiropractor/neurologist and its my neck (degenerative disc ) . The vertigo & headaches are better . He did bloodwork and showed my tsh was high so i was referred to a endo. She hands me thyroid med, tells me to cut my zoloft down 50mg. All within 15 min of seeing me. Which my husband was with. And gave me bloodwork to do which wasnt extensive.  

Well i stopped the thyroid med because it increased anxiety, shaking it was terrible. I wont be seeing her anymore.  So after 3 weeks of on 50mg on zoloft and 5mg of valium I found this forum. Im going through withdrawals.  I dont wish to taper up . I just want to ride it out. Now going on my 4th week as of 8-1-18. Im on a clean diet and take vitamins. And drink lots of water. Ive lost 15lbs since July 15th. This whole year has been bad. I missed out on a trip to Maine to bury my fil and see family. I have to order groceries. I see a new endo sept 18th at northwestern. I dont know if i should see a OB instead? But until im off these meds im not taking anything. I think the zoloft, going through hormone changes, my neck has been unbelievable hard. 

Right now i have high cortisol in AM. But, i still get up and go about my day by taking it easy but trying to be as active as i can. Im have dizziness, headaches,  nausea (is better), if i doze off for 10min i wake up with a jolt and shaky which is my cns all whacked out. It has gotten better. I do have brief windows where i can go out n work around the yard, clean house. Anything to stay busy. When i feel an anxiety attack coming on i usually tell myself its the WD. I get tired afterwards and have to laydown. Sometimes i have trouble sleeping.  Sometimes i fall asleep anywhere from 10pm-1am but wake up at 6am. My family is concerned but, they have no clue because when i try to tell them its like they dont want to hear it prob because it stresses them out. My husband said to just quit cold turkey and duke it out. And im like no your suppose to taper down 10% until you feel stable. I just want to feel normal again. 

Thank you 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello, shespark, and welcome to SA.


The 50% drop from 100mg to 50mg was far too rapid and is causing the withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing.  


As you now know, we recommend that a person taper by no more than 10% of their current dose with at least a four week hold in-between decreases.  The 10% taper recommendation is a harm reduction approach to going off psychiatric drugs.  Some people may have to taper at a more conservative rate as they are sensitive to even the smallest drops.  We strongly discourage doing a cold turkey.  This is almost guaranteed to worsen and lengthen withdrawal.  The link below, "brain remodeling," explains why a slow taper is essential.
I would not taper any further at this time.  I recommend you hold where you are for several months, perhaps six, to allow your nervous system to stabilize.
To help you understand the symptoms you are experiencing, here is some information on withdrawal.  These drugs alter the architecture of the brain, and the time necessary to heal the brain and return to homeostasis is, unfortunately, impossible to predict.  The symptoms you describe are typical antidepressant withdrawal symptoms.  High cortisol in the morning is also typical.


When we take medications, the CNS (central nervous system) responds by making changes over the months and years we take the drug(s). When the medication is discontinued, the CNS has to undo all the changes it made. Rebuilding the neurotransmitter production and reactivating the receptor and transporter cells takes time -- during that rebuilding process symptoms occur.  
Please be aware that sometime withdrawal symptoms don't appear immediately after a too-fast taper.
I said you don't want to reinstate and want to ride it out, and of course that is your decision.  However, should symptoms become intolerable, reinstatement of a very small dose of the original drug is the only known way to help alleviate withdrawal syndrome.  The only other alternative is to try and wait out the symptoms and manage as best you can until your central nervous system returns to homeostasis.  Unfortunately no one can give you an exact timeline as to when you will start feeling better and while some do recover relatively easily, for others it can take many months or longer.  Please read:
About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms. -- at least the first page of the topic
If you decide you want to reinstate, please let us know and we will suggest a dosage, which will be a very small percentage of what you're taking now.  Do NOT go back up to 100mg.
This will be too much for your  brain to handle and will be very destabilizing.
You mentioned supplements. We don't recommend a lot of supplements on SA, as many members report being sensitive to them due to our over-reactive nervous systems, but two supplements that we do recommend are magnesium and omega 3 (fish oil). Many people find these to be calming to the nervous system. 




Please research all supplements first and only add in one at a time and at a low dose in case you do experience problems.
While it is often a first response to stress to take a B-Complex, in withdrawal it can be overstimulating.
This is your introduction topic -- the place for you to ask questions, record symptoms, share your progress, and connect with other members of the SA community.  I hope you’ll find the information in the SA forums helpful for your situation.  I'm sorry that you are in the position that you need the information, but I am glad that you found us.


Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of June 28: 5mg

Taper is 93% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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Gridley, Thank you for the advice and links. Im going to hold at 50mg until im stable. I realize its not going to be easy.


Last night i did get a little dizziness after dinner but, i just kept telling myself i ate im ok its just WD but, it was hard having a conversation with my son while this happened. First time exp this. 


This morning i found out my mil house was robbed Wednesday. Thankfully they werent home but, on their way back home. The robbers turned everything upside down . But, i felt a cold rush go through my arms and anxiety but, i just tried to stay calm and tell myself they are safe and thats all that matters. 


I think the cns has gotten better but hoping it will heal in time. 

Im trying not to beat myself up from not quitting AD  along time ago. The zoloft had helped for so long and maybe i got dependent on it or felt i needed it. Idk 


Thank you for your support. 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Administrator

Welcome, shespark.


Are you still taking Valium? Why was it prescribed? What time of day do you take it? Do you take any other drugs?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hi Altostrata,


Yes, i take valium 5mg 1x day and zoloft 100mg. For Anxiety & Depression. After breakfast within hr of getting up.  Those are the only 2 meds i take. Besides my mannatech vitamins 2x a day. Dr actually tried to increase me to 200mg a day on my zoloft. Because im going through menopause/hormones are off and I told him no. The endo dr i saw regarding a possible thyroid problem told me to drop my zoloft down to 50mg and she gave me methyl folate (dont take) and before she ran tests put me on thyroid meds based on a tsh result. I have appt with my OB Sept 10th. I do have appt with a endo dr Sept 18th. But, the lab results the endo dr had me do wasnt a full thyroid panel and the meds she gave me made me sick. So i wont be seeing her again. 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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What a bad night. Fell asleep at 11pm and woke at 1am wondering if my son got home from a game that was 3 hrs away.  Which he did.

I think i tossed in turned all night to wake at 8am. Im glad my kids are grown but still one last yr in hs.

Really high cortisol this morning. I think its starting to taper down now. Mild headache, shaky, i wanted to just cry but im more angry/irritated.  Vertigo.

I go to my chiropractor monday to get adjustments which has been helping with vertigo and headache.  I also started acupuncture 2 weeks ago. I just keep thinking is this ever gonna end even though i just started 8-1. then i read people's post and their still tapering from zoloft and i just want to get this out of my system.  Is this true that antidepressants withdrawal is worse than opiate withdrawal? 

Homecoming week parents have to walk down the fb field with their sons n im trying not to think of it cause idk how im gonna do it. 

Thats probably not a good idea to think bout it. I dont want to be like hey coach can you have us walk first cause im withdrawing from AD!  Ugh 

I did pick up crocheting again yesterday.  I have a order for 2 baby twin boy blankets.  

I dont know what's going on but i just had a surge of energy to vacuum and mop my floors but, they really needed it!



Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Update: Slept from 11-6:30am. I tossed and turned a bit. Sunday morning and this morning at about 9am i get this adrenaline rush again.  I had a dr appt with my chiropractor for my adjustment and acupuncture and I explained to him i was having adrenaline rushes and he explained that the neurotransmitter send signals to the neurons and they close.  And thats whats causes that. He said part of the side effect. He knows im coming off zoloft. Also i had asked him that when he did bloodwork my tsh was 3.4 (before decrease in zoloft) then a month later it was 1.79 (after decrease) and normally thats a classic sign of hashimoto but, my antibodies were 1 which he had told me i didnt have. He and I think the zoloft created alot of endocrine and gut problems and now weaning off zoloft more side effects . As if i wasnt going through enough. So everything is going to be off for awhile. Thats why im taking mannatech restore and he said it will take bout 3 months to heal my gut. And I lost another 8lbs! Afterwards my husband and I took our dog for a long walk on the trails. It is really hot here! Suppose to get storms . You should here my dog snoring away on the bed lol Hope everyone is doing ok! One day at a time 🙂

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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So can anyone tell me if the adrenaline rushes are part of WD? Usually if i go out and walk they go away. Thx

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Adrenaline rushes are part of WD. It's our oversensitized nervous system.


That's excellent that walking reduces the adrenaline for you.


Have you found the acupuncture helpful? Make sure your acupuncturist gives you a "calming" treatment and *not* a "detox* treatment. 


Yes, it's been said that AD or benzo, etc. withdrawal is worse than opioid WD--I've read stories from people here on this forum who have said that they've been through opioid WD and AD withdrawal and the AD (or other psych drugs) is much worse. 

There aren't scientific studies, but these are stories of lived experience.


2020: After 18+ years (entire adult life) on Paxil, a dangerous doctor-led "taper" in 2015, and four years tapering off the last 1 mg thanks to SA and the Brassmonkey slide, 

I AM COMPLETELY FREE OF PAXIL! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Forever.


2021: Began conservative, proper, CNS-respecting taper of Zoloft, led by the only expert on me -- me. Making own liquid. 5-10% plus holds.

2022: Holding on Zoloft for now. Current dose 47 mg. Hanging in, hanging on. Severe protracted PAWS, windows and waves. While I may not be doing "a lot" by outside standards, things are graaaaadually getting better


Yoga (gentle to medium); walks; daily breath practice; nutrition, fruits/veg; nature; water; EastEnders (lol); practicing self-compassion, self-care; boundaries; connection; allowing feelings; t r u s t ing that I, too, will heal. (--> may need to be reminded of this.)

"You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story." - Baylissa

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Thank you SkyBlue for clarifying that with me regarding my adrenaline rushes. When i get them i just cant sit still and that seems to help. 


I will have to ask him. Is the detox treatment bad? I seem to feel great afterwards. 


Thank you! 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Cable showed up cant reschedule dealing with WD got to get through this ugh 


Thank you! 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Anybody else going through zoloft WD? 

Its been 28days since my doctor cut me down to 50mg from 100mg.

Today im having new systoms this morning,  dizziness , shakiness,  has some eye floaters which are gone thank god I dont like them. Was lightheaded for first time. Just resting and taking it easy today. 

Yesterday was such a great day once I got through the adrenaline rush. 

Reading through posts this is pretty normal. Just would like to connect with other people going through zoloft journey called life lol 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Administrator
On 8/24/2018 at 12:08 PM, shespark said:

Hi Altostrata,


Yes, i take valium 5mg 1x day and zoloft 100mg. For Anxiety & Depression. After breakfast within hr of getting up.  Those are the only 2 meds i take. Besides my mannatech vitamins 2x a day. Dr actually tried to increase me to 200mg a day on my zoloft. Because im going through menopause/hormones are off and I told him no. The endo dr i saw regarding a possible thyroid problem told me to drop my zoloft down to 50mg and she gave me methyl folate (dont take) and before she ran tests put me on thyroid meds based on a tsh result. I have appt with my OB Sept 10th. I do have appt with a endo dr Sept 18th. But, the lab results the endo dr had me do wasnt a full thyroid panel and the meds she gave me made me sick. So i wont be seeing her again. 



Depression can be a side effect of Valium, as can breakthrough anxiety when it wears off. It's possible that as you've gotten older, your body is not processing Valium the way it did before.


Why was Valium added to Zoloft?


What times of day do you take your drugs, and their dosages? What is your daily symptom pattern? Please keep daily notes on paper about your symptoms, when you take your drugs, and their dosages. Use a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right.


If your withdrawal symptoms from the Zoloft reduction are intolerable, you might updose slightly, to 55mg. Zoloft comes in a prescription liquid that enables taking small dosages. You'd stabilize on this for a while, then reduce the liquid very gradually to go off it. See Tips for tapering off Zoloft (sertraline)


A TSH score alone is not a good reason to take thyroid hormone, you should also have symptoms of hypothyroidism. People can live for many years with high TSH (yours is not particularly high) and no hypothyroid symptoms, Hashimoto's or not. If your TSH was elevated because of Zoloft and it's gone down, that's not a basis for taking thyroid hormone at all. If the endocrinologist thought it was, I wouldn't go back to that doctor again.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Alto, yes I know cant base tsh alone. I know that now . She shoukd have known that. She sent me to do bloodwork but gave me a script for thyroid meds. Which  she should have waited to get bloodwork first. And she shoukd have had me do a ultrasound too. She almost put me in a hospital.  She hasnt seen the bloodwork she ordered for me. So she doesnt know it went down. 

2 hours ago, Altostrata said:


Depression can be a side effect of Valium, as can breakthrough anxiety when it wears off. It's possible that as you've gotten older, your body is not processing Valium the way it did before.


Why was Valium added to Zoloft?


What times of day do you take your drugs, and their dosages? What is your daily symptom pattern? Please keep daily notes on paper about your symptoms, when you take your drugs, and their dosages. Use a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right.


If your withdrawal symptoms from the Zoloft reduction are intolerable, you might updose slightly, to 55mg. Zoloft comes in a prescription liquid that enables taking small dosages. You'd stabilize on this for a while, then reduce the liquid very gradually to go off it. See Tips for tapering off Zoloft (sertraline)


A TSH score alone is not a good reason to take thyroid hormone, you should also have symptoms of hypothyroidism. People can live for many years with high TSH (yours is not particularly high) and no hypothyroid symptoms, Hashimoto's or not. If your TSH was elevated because of Zoloft and it's gone down, that's not a basis for taking thyroid hormone at all. If the endocrinologist thought it was, I wouldn't go back to that doctor again.


I remember valium  helped my mom at one point so i thought it would help. And, it has. Its 5mg and i plan to get off that once I get off zoloft. Im not going to updose. Im not messing around with it. 


But im not depressed.

Just anxiety... started having anxiety attacks since I was told I might be hypothyroid.  I over reacted and its a scary thing to deal with if i do. Most dr go by whats in range and not optimal. 

So im just not thinking bout it. Sometimes when ppl beg their drs snd know their hypo but because their in range years go by and they loose their thyroid and end up with hashimotos its upsetting to hear that. 



Menopause have been tolerable probably because of the AD. I go see my Ob soon. 

Ive been keeping track n making notes.


My first blood tests were run before I decreased my meds. I was feeling like i had no energy all the time, sweating alot, tired, exhausted over what? Idk

...been  dealing with vertigo n migraines all year. Because of my neck.  So my chiropractor/neuro dr ran blood work. My vit D is low..31 everything else fine. 


Tsh 3.4

T4 7.1

T3 uptake 25

Free thyroxine 1.8

Blood test the endo dr i saw but not seeing again ran "some" bloodwork


Tsh 1.76

Cortisol 22.2 high morning 

Free t3 3.2

Thyroid antibodies 1 

Progesterone 0.6

Fsh 22.4


The 26th n 27th i adrenaline rushes but, today i was thinking that you go though that with hyper thyroid too. So i dont know.


 Today I woke feeling drunk ha

Go to bed and repeat until my body heals. 




Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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7 hours ago, shespark said:

Anybody else going through zoloft WD? 

Hi! I'm going through zoloft withdrawal and I'm dealing with high TSH. I switched to an autoimmune diet (no nutrasweet, no alcohol, no refined sugar, no gluten, no soy, no dairy) and my TSH levels went back to normal within three weeks. Not sure if that will help you, but if you're really uncomfortable, it's worth a try. And it can only make you healthier -- no scary side effects! :)


Zoloft withdrawal has been challenging, but I'm clearly getting better. Even though my brain physically hurts (it feels like it's being squeezed and that its surfaced has been roughly sandpapered off), I can think really quickly now. Also, I can now get lost in thought -- which is total bliss. This hasn't been true for years. I've had a few days with no symptoms at all. SUCH BLISS! But then the symptoms often come back hard and fast. Still, it lets me know that I'm on the path to recovery.


I have found that exercising gives me about four hours without symptoms. Yoga seems to be especially good. Because my yoga video has me dangle my head upside down a lot, it seems like I'm increasing blood flow to my brain, which I'm assuming helps it heal faster.


Hope that helps! Good luck. Stay strong and stay optimistic -- it's a daunting path, but you will recover. 

2002 -- 2006: a little Xanax, clonazepam, Prozac, and Celexa, but mostly Zoloft.

2008 -- restarted 50mg Zoloft. 

2014 -- Increased to 75mg Zoloft,

2015 -- increased to 100 mg Zoloft,

March 2016 -- increased to 125 mg Zoloft

March 2017 -- increased to 150 mg Zoloft. 

April 2017: began taper. Reduced by about 10% every two weeks, until I hit 3 mg, then jumped off. Taper ended in April 2018. 

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Hi, Yes everything you said is very helpful and im so relieved right now! Thank you very much 🙂 I dont feel so alone. 


before I started my withdrawal my tsh was 3.4. Then I started a autoimmune diet middle of July.  When i saw the endo dr 8/1 that i was referred too she put me on np thyroid 30mg and it made me so sick. I called her and she said what did you take before that! And i said i took nothing! I didnt take anymore.  At that point she had already reduced my zoloft from 100mg to 50mg.  I did my bloodwork she ordered on 8/6. When i got my bloodwork back my tsh was 1.76. This was after i started my withdrawal.  Does zoloft mess with your thyroid ? 

I am 50 yrs old so i dont think i can dangle my head upside down lol But, i can try haha

 I woke up drunk feeling today and tried going out walking but nope started feeling drunk, dizzy..turned around and came back home. Did you have that feeling too? 

Didnt excercise today. I love nature and the outdoors. 

Im only 28 days into this huge decrease. How long have you been on this zoloft withdrawal journey? If you don't mind me asking? 

Btw the dr weight me yesterday and I have lost a total of 20lbs! 


Take care 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Administrator

Thyroid hormone has a very long half-life. It could be that that 30mg thyroid hormone initially was too strong for you but caused your TSH to go down. Or, since you made the Zoloft reduction at the same time, the TSH reduction could be related to the Zoloft reduction. This is why we tell people to make only one drug change at a time.


I've had Hashimoto's autoimmune markers for 13 years, my thyroid test levels are a little off (about like yours), and I don't have hypothyroid symptoms. My GP, a Doctor of Osteopathy who isn't crazy about drugs, says I can go to my grave with high thyroid test levels and no hypothyroid symptoms.


It's the symptoms you want treatment for, not the test results. If you don't have hypothyroid symptoms (such as dry skin, hair, constipation), stop worrying about your thyroid test scores. As Kilimanjaro rightly points out, they may be caused by environmental factors that you can change.


We don't counsel about thyroid here. You might want to participate in this public topic or  this Off-Topic topic and join other online support groups that focus on hypothyroidism specifically.


If health anxiety, this time over your thyroid tests, is causing waves of anxiety, I strongly advise you to get coaching in Cognitive Behavior Therapy or another type of therapy so manage any tendency to make yourself anxious.


I still need this information:


22 hours ago, Altostrata said:

What times of day do you take your drugs, and their dosages? What is your daily symptom pattern? Please keep daily notes on paper about your symptoms, when you take your drugs, and their dosages. Use a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right. 


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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On 8/24/2018 at 2:08 PM, shespark said:

Hi Altostrata,


Yes, i take valium 5mg 1x day and zoloft 100mg. For Anxiety & Depression. After breakfast within hr of getting up.  Those are the only 2 meds i take. Besides my mannatech vitamins 2x a day. Dr actually tried to increase me to 200mg a day on my zoloft. Because im going through menopause/hormones are off and I told him no. The endo dr i saw regarding a possible thyroid problem told me to drop my zoloft down to 50mg and she gave me methyl folate (dont take) and before she ran tests put me on thyroid meds based on a tsh result. I have appt with my OB Sept 10th. I do have appt with a endo dr Sept 18th. But, the lab results the endo dr had me do wasnt a full thyroid panel and the meds she gave me made me sick. So i wont be seeing her again. 


Alto Hi, I did answer your questions above post 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Alto, My zoloft decrease & diet change was 1 week before thyroid med. 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Administrator
19 hours ago, shespark said:

I did my bloodwork she ordered on 8/6.


The bloodwork was after the Zoloft and diet change AND your taking 30mg thyroid hormone, correct? There's no way to tell which of the 3 changes caused your test levels to change.


You'd need to make one change at a time, and test after that change, in a very systematic way, to find out which is effective.


As long as you don't have hypothyroid symptoms, if I were you, I'd stop worrying about the tests. I went down that rabbit hole myself. You may or may not need thyroid hormone supplementation in the future, but you can't tell yet.


22 hours ago, Altostrata said:

Yes, i take valium 5mg 1x day and zoloft 100mg. For Anxiety & Depression. After breakfast within hr of getting up.


What time of day is this??


We need to know your drug intake and symptom pattern in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right, to determine if the Valium is adding to your symptoms.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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1 hour ago, Altostrata said:


The bloodwork was after the Zoloft and diet change AND your taking 30mg thyroid hormone, correct? There's no way to tell which of the 3 changes caused your test levels to change.


You'd need to make one change at a time, and test after that change, in a very systematic way, to find out which is effective.


As long as you don't have hypothyroid symptoms, if I were you, I'd stop worrying about the tests. I went down that rabbit hole myself. You may or may not need thyroid hormone supplementation in the future, but you can't tell yet.



What time of day is this??


We need to know your drug intake and symptom pattern in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right, to determine if the Valium is adding to your symptoms.

Hi Alto,


No...bloodwork done middle of July showed high tsh 3.4. At that point i was taking 100mg zoloft & 5mg valium.

My chiropractor evaluated me and did bloodwork because I was showing signs of hypoglycemic and low iron.  However those came back ok. 


My chiropractor/neur sent me to a endo dr on 8/1. She decreased my zoloft from 100mg to 50mg and stay on 5mg valium. I started my zoloft decrease 8/2.


On 8/6 i did more bloodwork 8am and my tsh decreased.

8/6 I went and picked up my thyroid np 30mg (1/2 grain) medicine.


8/7 took first thyroid pill at 5am went back to bed and woke up with heart pounding, sweating, shaking crazy side effects. I called her and she said quit taking it..its not right for you. I never went to see her again.

Soon after i found out from my dr that she shouldn't have decreased my zoloft and put me on thyroid meds too. 

I am not taking any thyroid meds

 Current medications 

Wake up still in WD . everymorning is different.

7am 50mg zoloft

7am 5mg valium

About 1/2 hr after i take my meds im ok. Except for WD 

Im sorry for all the confusion.  


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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8/2 zoloft decrease along with diet change. As of now ive lost 20lbs

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Administrator

Maybe the Zoloft was irritating your thyroid.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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4 hours ago, Altostrata said:

Maybe the Zoloft was irritating your thyroid.

That and/or hormones are off.  Plus going through WD is a double whammy.

Ive been reading alot about that. Im going to see my ob soon. Hopefully get some answers. 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update...9/6 &7 Were a good couple days. But, I think I over did it getting cleaning done and yard work  for a Birthday party. And, today having a wave again. idk how im gonna get through today!

Woke up 7am had my tea. Ate breakfast & meds at 8am. Took my vitamins. Feeling really tired today. Having tremors/shakes, a little adrenalin at the same time and tired. I definitely feel an improved since my taper on 8/1. Ive had 4 days of windows since 8/1. Saw my doc yesterday that prescribes me zoloft and he is well aware of the withdrawal. He gave me a script of 50mg tablets. Going to take it easy today and next few days. Have a good day! 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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If it wasnt for my mannatech vitamins to get me through the day i dont know what i would do! 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Question...Is it normal to have low energy at the beginning? I know i take 5mg of valium in the morning which might not help. But i take my vitamin at 8am and about 11am i start to get more energy and motivated. Then about 3 or 4pm i take another vitamin because i start to feel blah no energy coming again and within a hour im fine. I am doing more around the house, and getting out but, i try not to overdue it. It helps keep my mind busy. My cortisol mornings it feels like they have gotten a lot better...like there but not. But, I do pace myself and not to do to much at once. 

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • Moderator Emeritus

It's completely normal to have low energy. Our bodies are working at full capacity trying to heal from these drugs. Trying not to overdo it is a really good idea, and can really let our systems direct as much energy as possible toward healing.


2020: After 18+ years (entire adult life) on Paxil, a dangerous doctor-led "taper" in 2015, and four years tapering off the last 1 mg thanks to SA and the Brassmonkey slide, 

I AM COMPLETELY FREE OF PAXIL! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Forever.


2021: Began conservative, proper, CNS-respecting taper of Zoloft, led by the only expert on me -- me. Making own liquid. 5-10% plus holds.

2022: Holding on Zoloft for now. Current dose 47 mg. Hanging in, hanging on. Severe protracted PAWS, windows and waves. While I may not be doing "a lot" by outside standards, things are graaaaadually getting better


Yoga (gentle to medium); walks; daily breath practice; nutrition, fruits/veg; nature; water; EastEnders (lol); practicing self-compassion, self-care; boundaries; connection; allowing feelings; t r u s t ing that I, too, will heal. (--> may need to be reminded of this.)

"You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story." - Baylissa

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On 9/10/2018 at 12:27 PM, SkyBlue said:

It's completely normal to have low energy. Our bodies are working at full capacity trying to heal from these drugs. Trying not to overdo it is a really good idea, and can really let our systems direct as much energy as possible toward healing.


Thank you for responding.  I feel my CNS is repairing. Im doing everything i can to heal. I feel my body is healing fast. I had a wave yesterday but, it was tolerable considering I just tapered ftom 100mg to 50mg on 8-1.

I had a mammogram done. The lab reports said to make an appt for US for left breast was abnormal.  My dr ordered a US and her dx code was malignant neoplasm.  But, thats not what the lab report said. Maybe she had to write that code so my insurance would cover it? I go tuesday and the waiting is crazy. Ive been taking it 1 day at a time because i dont want my CNS to go crazy or have anxiety or panic. None of this helps especially going through WD. Hope you are doing well today? Take care 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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It's  been awile since my update. So I thought I would post that I'm still holding at 50mg. It will be as almost 2months Oct 1st. I had a good 4 days in a row but, yesterday and today not so good. So Ive been taking it easy. 


Feeling some anxiety 



But, I did have half cup coffee but, Im not having any now. 


My mammogram I redid and I go back in 6 months for a recheck. 


Just got a phone call to redo my vaginal ultrasound in 6 weeks. Its a puzzle thanks to the tech who did it. I don't even want to get into it. Lol 

I have both my ovaries (partial hys) . She wasnt sure if she saw a ovary or a cyst but, she put in her report cyst obstruction. Needless to say I go back in 6 weeks to redo. Now my anxiety is ramped up . 


On a good note my dizziness is almost gone. And, the vertigo & migraines that started all this mess in Jan is gone. Thanks to my chiropractor/neurologist! 

I go 2x a week and get acupuncture once a week. 

I just want to get through all this and feel better. 

My sleep has been so so but, I am getting 7 hours but, broken up. 

My hips hurt when laying down so its hard to get to sleep.





Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Update: So my mother passed away Friday night. She lived in another state and Im really struggling with my anxiety. 

I have a headache but dont want to take anything. Ive been grieving and also trying to think of good memories. Im trying. Why me? Why does this have to happen while im trying so hard to get off this evil med. I feel like ive taken 4 steps back. I havent had a window in a week. And, this just makes things worse. Im trying to keep my mind busy but, its so hard. Advice and Encouragement welcome! 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Hi Shespark!


I am soi sorry for what you are living.

My condoleances for your mother also. 

There is a lot you go through... but take one day at a time and be kind to yourself!


You said your ths was high...if im not wrong it might be hypothyroid signs wish may explain your low energy and anxiety?

Did you repass the test for that. The endo doctor gave you medecine for that but maybe it wasnt the good one for you or started it at too high dose? Im saying that because I have read a lot since I think I have all symptoms of thyroid imbalance since few years but they only make the ths bloodwork. Been reading some people who have this and a lot of doctor sometimes start with strong dose. 

Take care xx

2006-2010 effexor 

2010-2011 differents ad for a year: cymbalata, lexapro, wellbutrin, pristiq, lexapro, trintellix 

2011-2015 zoloft

2015-2017 lexapro 

2017 to 2018 lexapro, effexor, zoloft, lexapro, zoloft, citalopram, lexapro, and


prozac 20 February: Prozac 10 mg,  1 March: Prozac 20 mg,  4 April: 30 mg,  8 April: 20 mg,  28 April: 10 mg,  10 May: 8 mg,  13 May: 7.5 mg,

19 May: 5 mg, 23 May: 4 mg, 29 May: 5 mg., 1 June: 8 mg, 9 June to  of july: 5 mg.

switch to zoloft 25mg (10 days), 50mg from july 30 to august 20. Down to 37.5mg until sept 12th, now at 25mg.


clonazepam 0,5mg since january 2017. I take 1/4 to 3/4 mx everyday.

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3 hours ago, Lolita said:

Hi Shespark!


I am soi sorry for what you are living.

My condoleances for your mother also. 

There is a lot you go through... but take one day at a time and be kind to yourself!


You said your ths was high...if im not wrong it might be hypothyroid signs wish may explain your low energy and anxiety?

Did you repass the test for that. The endo doctor gave you medecine for that but maybe it wasnt the good one for you or started it at too high dose? Im saying that because I have read a lot since I think I have all symptoms of thyroid imbalance since few years but they only make the ths bloodwork. Been reading some people who have this and a lot of doctor sometimes start with strong dose. 

Take care xx

Hi Lolita, 

Thank you. My tsh was 3.4 but, i started diet and decreased my zoloft and a  week later redid bloodwork and my tsh went down to 1.?? I forgot. Anyhow not suppose to take thyroid med and get off AD from what i read at the same time.

Low energy is from zoloft withdrawel. My vitamins help. I wasnt having any signs of hypothroid. 

Take care Patty 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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Im also decreasing zoloft.

Been on a lot of différents meds for for years but zoloft is since 9 weeks. I wasnt able to even tolerate 50mg.

Now down to 25mg.

Im anxious, extremely tired all day long.

My liver seems not to like that med too much to!


Hope you feel ok!

2006-2010 effexor 

2010-2011 differents ad for a year: cymbalata, lexapro, wellbutrin, pristiq, lexapro, trintellix 

2011-2015 zoloft

2015-2017 lexapro 

2017 to 2018 lexapro, effexor, zoloft, lexapro, zoloft, citalopram, lexapro, and


prozac 20 February: Prozac 10 mg,  1 March: Prozac 20 mg,  4 April: 30 mg,  8 April: 20 mg,  28 April: 10 mg,  10 May: 8 mg,  13 May: 7.5 mg,

19 May: 5 mg, 23 May: 4 mg, 29 May: 5 mg., 1 June: 8 mg, 9 June to  of july: 5 mg.

switch to zoloft 25mg (10 days), 50mg from july 30 to august 20. Down to 37.5mg until sept 12th, now at 25mg.


clonazepam 0,5mg since january 2017. I take 1/4 to 3/4 mx everyday.

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15 hours ago, Lolita said:

Im also decreasing zoloft.

Been on a lot of différents meds for for years but zoloft is since 9 weeks. I wasnt able to even tolerate 50mg.

Now down to 25mg.

Im anxious, extremely tired all day long.

My liver seems not to like that med too much to!


Hope you feel ok!

Goodmorning Lolita,


I havent read your intro post yet...im sorry but, I will today. Just hang in there this isnt easy but worth it in the end. I felt anxious in the beginning to and couldn't sit still. Then i had some windows but, have been in a wave for a week now. 

 I do feel better when i stay busy. And, mornings are the worst but, i keep plugging along. I take vitamins 2x a day and eat a clean diet. 

Hope you have a good day! 

Take Care Patty

Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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  • 1 month later...

Its been couple months since I posted. Im still taking 50mg zoloft. Not quite stable yet. Its only been a little over 3 months maybe 4 since I cut my zoloft to 50mg.  I think the worst symptoms are the swaying. It did get a little better.  It seems to get worse the more activity I do. And, ive been under some stress since my mothers passing. 

Ive been doing some reading here through other posts and the swaying is the worst others have experienced as well. I just wanted to confirm this is all part of withdraw because of my cns ? 

January will be 5 months on 50mg and if im still experiencing swaying and not stable yet should I continue with my decrease? 

Thank You 


Current 8 yrs 

Zoloft 2015-2018

Zoloft 100mg tapered to 50mg Aug 1, 18

Dr ordered

Valium 5mg 1x a day 2010 current

AD since 2005

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