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runningthestreets: Searching for help. Anafranil tapered too fast (Clomipramine) 75. Also taked 1 mg of lorazepam and tapered to 0.5 mg


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First of all, sorry for my bad English but I am from Spain.


I am a man of 22 years old and 55.9 kg who was prescribed with Clomipramine 75mg and 1mg of Lorazepam every day to calm obsessions that don’t permit me to sleep for days. In this case, I was obsessed with the idea that I was schizophrenic, this is something common in the Pure OCD, which i was diagnosed later with a psychologist. These pills calmed me and permit me to sleep, but when months passed, December aprox., I was developing the WORST PURE OCD of my life which made me sick, things like homicidal ideation and aberrant stuff like that. Things that I wasn’t experiencing before accompanied with suicidal ideas that I hadn’t had in my life.


This situation was accompanied with total anhedonia, and a feeling of careless with everything. I felt like a psychopath, I cared about nobody and nothing, I was experiencing ideas that I wasn’t related to until that day. Before, I was a person very humanistic and interested in cinema and art, now I care about nothing and everything stays indifferent to me. Now, in that situation of deep depression which I NEVER experienced BEFORE, I decided to taper off that poison which made me a person that I couldn’t recognize. After this, I decided to quit 1|4 of lorazepam on December for 2 weeks and then reduced to half of the pill for other 2 weeks, but I couldn’t lower the dosis to stay on 1|4 because of severe withdrawal symptoms, given that, I decided to increase the dose to half of the pill and stay on that dosis. Then, I rapidly reduced Anafranil to 37.5 mg on 26 January of 2020 to 17 of February of 2020. Then on 17 February of 2021, I rapidly reduced again on 18.75, taking it every other day, with severe abstinence syndrome before that. Finally, i stabilize in 18.75 without alternating, recommendation of my father who is doctor. I have stabilized in that dosis until now, that I found this page thank God, on 20 march, I hope you can help me.


The first days when I tapered off were AWFUL with nausea, and vomiting, and sometimes I felt HORRIBLE without sense, but in alternate days without it was like hell, thinking of suicide constantly, brain zaps etc. The major symptoms now are severe anxiety sometimes, like waves, difficult sleep, emotional lability, dizziness, incapacity to connect with others, concentrate or study, horror mood swings which lead me sometimes to mania, crying for little things, irritability, aggressiveness, sweaty dreams, anhedonia, Pure OCD worse than ever and worse than with the Anafranil, constantly negative thoughts about my past and the fails that I committed, thoughts about the meaningless of life and feeling hopeless every time with me and the human species. Sometimes I experience tinnitus and I think about suicide too but I’m staying here trying to survive and trying to rescue the person that I was before. 


Now I’m taking 1 pill of omega 3 in the morning, that’s the only supplement that I’m taking, and I’m going to gym 2 days a week.


Also, I would like to note that we cut the pills with a knife, in not a precise way, so the dosis I took each time was not exactly the same as the one we intended to. In addition, I was not taking the pills at the same time all the days, these two factors combined may have also interfered in my situation.


Thanks for your attention and God bless you



2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello, and welcome to SA.  We are a peer owned and run forum of people who have been or are getting off of psychiatric drugs.  I'm very sorry to hear that you are going through this.  It sounds like you had an adverse reaction to the drugs, but then when you went to taper off of them, you also felt very bad with severe withdrawals.  Let me ask you this:  did you feel worse while you were on the full dose of the drugs before you started to taper off?  Or did you feel worse after you started tapering?  


First of all, can you please give us specific information about your drug history?  Please read the link below for instructions.  This will allow us to give you the best guidance.  


How to List Drug History in Signature


This helps you understand what withdrawal syndrome is: 


What is Withdrawal Syndrome?


Here is some information about how these drugs actually work.  


How Psychiatric Drugs Remodel Your Brain


Tapering is best done extremely slowly, and we taper by 10% of the current dose, so that the taper becomes exponentially smaller.


 Why Taper by 10% of my Dosage  


Also, as we are tapering, we suggest keeping things slow, simple, and stable. 


Keep it Simple, Slow, and Stable



When we recover, there are times of feeling OK mixed in with times of feeling bad.  This is called windows and waves.


Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


Here are some techniques to cope with symptoms: 


Non Drug Ways to Cope with Withdrawal Symptoms



We don't suggest many supplements, but 3 that many of us find helpful are magnesium, omega-3, and melatonin. Here are the links for info about those. It is suggested to add one at a time, and start with a low dose to see how it affects you. 


Omega 3 Fish Oil



I've given you quite a bit of information here.  Please read through it, and mull it over, and we will take it from there. In the meantime, take care of yourself, and take heart.  We in this forum have been through this, and we understand first hand the pain and discomfort you are going through.  Please know that the brain is amazing in it's healing abilities.  It takes time, but healing can and will happen. 


Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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  • getofflex changed the title to runningthestreets: NEW HERE Searching for help. Anafranil tapered too fast (Clomipramine) 75. Also taked 1 mg of lorazepam and tapered to 0.5 mg
19 hours ago, getofflex said:

Hello, and welcome to SA.  We are a peer owned and run forum of people who have been or are getting off of psychiatric drugs.  I'm very sorry to hear that you are going through this.  It sounds like you had an adverse reaction to the drugs, but then when you went to taper off of them, you also felt very bad with severe withdrawals.  Let me ask you this:  did you feel worse while you were on the full dose of the drugs before you started to taper off?  Or did you feel worse after you started tapering?  




I felt severly worst when i tapered fast to the half of the Anafranil pill,  but the worst days were when I dindt take the dosis because I chose to alternate (one day yes, other  not) thinking that this was better for my brain to get used to (This is my fail because i think I could aggravate my situation). When I tapered fast again to 18.75 alternating was worst too. Then, when I stabilize the dosis on 18.75 mg I felt better, the suicidal ideas and stuff like that was minor too.


I have actualised my signature with the info. Let me know if you can understand it.


Now my doubt is, Have I to quit off Anafranil first and then try to taper the Lorazepam, or i can taper  both at the same time when I stabilize and get well?


Thank you for everything.

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Moderator Emeritus

Thank you for providing your drug signature.  


It sounds like your withdrawal symptoms are much worse than the possible adverse reaction you had while on the full dose of the drugs.  In that case, I suggest a very slow taper. See the link above "Why Taper by 10% of my dose".  


First of all, we strongly suggest that people do not skip doses, so I'm glad you are not doing that now.  It is best to take the same dose each day, so that the drug level in the bloodstream is consistent.  This link explains more: 


Never Skip Doses to Taper


If it were me, I would stay on the current doses of both drugs for a while, until my system stabilized and I felt better.  It may take several months.  Take them at the same time each day, and be careful to measure the doses as precisely as you can.  Then, I would very gradually taper off of one of the drugs at a time. (See the link in my prior post why taper by 10% of my dose.) 


 We generally suggest to taper off the most activating drug first.  In this case, it would be the Anafranil.  


Which Drug to Taper First


Please keep us posted about how you are feeling.  Hang in there. 





Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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Hey  runningthestreets,


I also got very ill and with increased ocd, panic and anxity on this medicine at a higher dose (50mg).

I wish I never started it, but I thought it would be my only chance to take over the paroxetine that stopped working.(If I knew what I know now, I would never consider AD's, even more so not for just a burn-out. 

I am also tapering rapid, because I felt allmost crazy on 50mg, now at 25mg, these symthoms have subseeded, just tired after wake up and low mood, sometimes very low mood for now.


I am also tapering paroxetine and benzo's. A long way to go..

I hope you stabelise and get well.

1998-2020  Paroxetine 20mg, stopped working 2018/08 tapered down to 6mg now @ 1%/week 2019 /04      Lorazepam 3x1mg, 1x0,5mg night, Lormetazepam 0,5mg night
2019/05       Buspirone addition 3x5mg worked like wonders for one month, stopped ct 2019/12        Mirtazipine, first 2x10mg til 2021/2, no effect, now 3mg for sleep
2020/06       Wellbutrin 6 weeks, no effect stopped ct 2020/08 Lexapro, trying, to crossover, got crazy from 1 mg/day after 6 days, stopped
2020/11        Clomipramine to 50mg, adverse effect, restless, panic, low mood, anxiety, fast taper down to 30 (plan is go to ~20 and hold and taper only parox. and benzo's and maybe Mirt if I sleep)

2021/1         3x1000mg gaba, 3x10mg Lithium Orotate, 3x 1000mg L-Tyrosine,2-3 times 1x400mg magnesium citrate , 2-3 times 1x1000mg vit. C,1x15mg Zinc,

                     3 times 2mg Molybdeen Glycinate, 2 times 2000mg Omgea 3-6-9 and 1x16mg B6 (P5P) 2021/03/17  Gaba, Tyrosine and Lithium orotate to 3x1 tablet.

2021/03/17   Cl 30, P 5,8. 2021/03/20 Cl 28. 2021/03/23 M 2,7. 2021/03/25 M 2,6, Cl 26, P 5,7. 2021/03/28 Cl 25. 2021/04/1 P 5,6. 2021/04/07 Cl 24,P 5,5. 2021/04/08 Cl 23,5. 2021/04/13 P5,4

2021/03/26  Lor 3x0,9, 1x0,45 night, Lorm 0,45night 2021/04/13 CL 23, M 2,5. 2021/04/16 Cl 22,5, P 5,3. 2021/04/18 M 2,4. 2021/04/24 Cl 22. 2021/04/29 M2,3, P5,28. 2021/05/8 Cl 21,5.

2021/05/9   M 2,2, P 5,22. 2021/05/12 Cl back to 22, 2021/05/20 Lor 3x0,8, night 1x0,40 Lorm 1x0,40 2021/05/27 Cl 20(holding)2021/05/28 P5,15 (holding)2021/05/31 Cl 22 (holding)

2021/06/7   Lor 3x0,75 1x0,38 night, Lorm 0,38night 2021/11/7 P5

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  • Administrator

Hello, @runningthestreets


In your signature, I see 



2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes other not)


On 3/27/2021 at 2:33 PM, runningthestreets said:

The major symptoms now are severe anxiety sometimes, like waves, difficult sleep, emotional lability, dizziness, incapacity to connect with others, concentrate or study, horror mood swings which lead me sometimes to mania, crying for little things, irritability, aggressiveness, sweaty dreams, anhedonia, Pure OCD worse than ever and worse than with the Anafranil, constantly negative thoughts about my past and the fails that I committed, thoughts about the meaningless of life and feeling hopeless every time with me and the human species. Sometimes I experience tinnitus and I think about suicide too but I’m staying here trying to survive and trying to rescue the person that I was before. 


These sound like withdrawal symptoms. Skipping doses is a very bad way to taper off antidepressants, causing awful withdrawal symptoms. You already had bad withdrawal symptoms when you started skipping doses from Feb 17 until March 1. Given you started at 75mg Anafranil and tapered rapidly down to 18.75mg, the 18.75mg may not be enough to stop the withdrawal symptoms. If I were you, I might try 20mg and see if that helps.


You went up and down on lorazepam at the same time you were reducing Anafranil. Are you still taking lorazepam, at what dosage and what times of day?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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9 hours ago, Fallensoul said:

Hey  runningthestreets,


I also got very ill and with increased ocd, panic and anxity on this medicine at a higher dose (50mg).

I wish I never started it, but I thought it would be my only chance to take over the paroxetine that stopped working.(If I knew what I know now, I would never consider AD's, even more so not for just a burn-out. 

I am also tapering rapid, because I felt allmost crazy on 50mg, now at 25mg, these symthoms have subseeded, just tired after wake up and low mood, sometimes very low mood for now.


I am also tapering paroxetine and benzo's. A long way to go..

I hope you stabelise and get well.

Thank you!
Looks like I'm not the only one wrestling with clomipramine)
Such a question:
Are clomipramine withdrawal symptoms more severe than other medications such as Paroxetine?
For me, Anafran causes a lot of stomach upset and nausea
But it's like anxiety, restlessness and more
It takes about 5 weeks for the dose to return to normal (more or less) after dose reduction.
What percentage of you have been able to reduce Anafranil at one time?
Are you reducing both Anafranil and Paroxetine at the same time?

Xanax 0,5mg 1999-2019 a Xanax 0,5mg paar korda kuus, vajadusel

Cymbalta 30mg 2012-25.04.2018 kitsenev 2-3 kuud,rasked sümptomid 1 nädal pärast viimast annust

Amitriptüliin 25mg 25.05.18-20.01.19 ,kitsenev 2-3 kuuga, unetus, paanika-ärevus, segasusseisund, iiveldus

Valdoxan 25mg 10.02.19-10.03.19, ei stabiliseerinud olukorda, Lorasepaam 10.02.19-20.02.19 vajadusel üleöö

Brintellix 5mg 10.03.19-30.06.19 ,ei stabiliseerinud olukorda, hirme, segasust ja unetust, olin haiglas 1 nädal

Olansapiin 5mg 01.03.19-02.08.19,unetuse leevendamiseks suureneb segasus, suureneb depressioon, tekib raske akatiisia Cymbalta 30mg 30.06.19-01.08.19,ei tööta enam, olukord ei stabiliseeru, jälle haiglas 2 nädalat

Levomepromasiin 5mg 03.08.19-20.12.19 aitas magada, kuid suurendas segadust ja depressiooni

Anafraniil 75mg03.08.19-15.12.19  15.12.19 , 35mg  17.05.20  , 27mg 01.01.21 16.07.21 oli päevane A19 mg 01.04.22 11mg 01.11.22 8,6mg, 01.11.23 6,5mg 01.01.24 5mg





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9 hours ago, Estman said:

Thank you!
Looks like I'm not the only one wrestling with clomipramine)
Such a question:
Are clomipramine withdrawal symptoms more severe than other medications such as Paroxetine?
For me, Anafran causes a lot of stomach upset and nausea
But it's like anxiety, restlessness and more
It takes about 5 weeks for the dose to return to normal (more or less) after dose reduction.
What percentage of you have been able to reduce Anafranil at one time?
Are you reducing both Anafranil and Paroxetine at the same time?



Well I don't know which withdrawal is worse, I don't even know which medicine causes the most issue's with me now, but I'm feeling terrible, esp after wake up, that's for sure. Later in the day and after dinner I feel even better. This repeat itself every day, with a tiny small improvement I would.

Sympthoms are now more physical, extreme tired/no energy, avoiding sounds, looks like my nerves are incapabele of dealing with stress.


I dropped from 40 to 30 in one week 2 weeks ago  so 25%. 


Yes I did but I plan to stay on 25 mg or 20 mg Clomipramine for a while, and taper only the paroxetine and benzo's. I know the paroxetine have pooped out.


I was also very restless, nervous and anxity didn't lift too when on higher dose, this now a bit better, but not gone yet.


I think medications won't help me anymore and do more harm then good, so I have to go off.


1998-2020  Paroxetine 20mg, stopped working 2018/08 tapered down to 6mg now @ 1%/week 2019 /04      Lorazepam 3x1mg, 1x0,5mg night, Lormetazepam 0,5mg night
2019/05       Buspirone addition 3x5mg worked like wonders for one month, stopped ct 2019/12        Mirtazipine, first 2x10mg til 2021/2, no effect, now 3mg for sleep
2020/06       Wellbutrin 6 weeks, no effect stopped ct 2020/08 Lexapro, trying, to crossover, got crazy from 1 mg/day after 6 days, stopped
2020/11        Clomipramine to 50mg, adverse effect, restless, panic, low mood, anxiety, fast taper down to 30 (plan is go to ~20 and hold and taper only parox. and benzo's and maybe Mirt if I sleep)

2021/1         3x1000mg gaba, 3x10mg Lithium Orotate, 3x 1000mg L-Tyrosine,2-3 times 1x400mg magnesium citrate , 2-3 times 1x1000mg vit. C,1x15mg Zinc,

                     3 times 2mg Molybdeen Glycinate, 2 times 2000mg Omgea 3-6-9 and 1x16mg B6 (P5P) 2021/03/17  Gaba, Tyrosine and Lithium orotate to 3x1 tablet.

2021/03/17   Cl 30, P 5,8. 2021/03/20 Cl 28. 2021/03/23 M 2,7. 2021/03/25 M 2,6, Cl 26, P 5,7. 2021/03/28 Cl 25. 2021/04/1 P 5,6. 2021/04/07 Cl 24,P 5,5. 2021/04/08 Cl 23,5. 2021/04/13 P5,4

2021/03/26  Lor 3x0,9, 1x0,45 night, Lorm 0,45night 2021/04/13 CL 23, M 2,5. 2021/04/16 Cl 22,5, P 5,3. 2021/04/18 M 2,4. 2021/04/24 Cl 22. 2021/04/29 M2,3, P5,28. 2021/05/8 Cl 21,5.

2021/05/9   M 2,2, P 5,22. 2021/05/12 Cl back to 22, 2021/05/20 Lor 3x0,8, night 1x0,40 Lorm 1x0,40 2021/05/27 Cl 20(holding)2021/05/28 P5,15 (holding)2021/05/31 Cl 22 (holding)

2021/06/7   Lor 3x0,75 1x0,38 night, Lorm 0,38night 2021/11/7 P5

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On 3/30/2021 at 5:35 PM, Fallensoul said:



Well I don't know which withdrawal is worse, I don't even know which medicine causes the most issue's with me now, but I'm feeling terrible, esp after wake up, that's for sure. Later in the day and after dinner I feel even better. This repeat itself every day, with a tiny small improvement I would.

Sympthoms are now more physical, extreme tired/no energy, avoiding sounds, looks like my nerves are incapabele of dealing with stress.


I dropped from 40 to 30 in one week 2 weeks ago  so 25%. 


Yes I did but I plan to stay on 25 mg or 20 mg Clomipramine for a while, and taper only the paroxetine and benzo's. I know the paroxetine have pooped out.


I was also very restless, nervous and anxity didn't lift too when on higher dose, this now a bit better, but not gone yet.


I think medications won't help me anymore and do more harm then good, so I have to go off.


Yes, I also have a lot of fatigue with Anafranil

Sometimes also extreme fatique
I can usually do light work in 5-6 hours
If I work a little harder, after 3-4 days there is a lot of weakness and fatigue
It is not possible to be physically active with this medicine
So it causes fatigue itself and also its withdrawal symptoms are fatigue
For me, the cost of 7-8% reduction at once, can not tolerate more
A very strong drug

Xanax 0,5mg 1999-2019 a Xanax 0,5mg paar korda kuus, vajadusel

Cymbalta 30mg 2012-25.04.2018 kitsenev 2-3 kuud,rasked sümptomid 1 nädal pärast viimast annust

Amitriptüliin 25mg 25.05.18-20.01.19 ,kitsenev 2-3 kuuga, unetus, paanika-ärevus, segasusseisund, iiveldus

Valdoxan 25mg 10.02.19-10.03.19, ei stabiliseerinud olukorda, Lorasepaam 10.02.19-20.02.19 vajadusel üleöö

Brintellix 5mg 10.03.19-30.06.19 ,ei stabiliseerinud olukorda, hirme, segasust ja unetust, olin haiglas 1 nädal

Olansapiin 5mg 01.03.19-02.08.19,unetuse leevendamiseks suureneb segasus, suureneb depressioon, tekib raske akatiisia Cymbalta 30mg 30.06.19-01.08.19,ei tööta enam, olukord ei stabiliseeru, jälle haiglas 2 nädalat

Levomepromasiin 5mg 03.08.19-20.12.19 aitas magada, kuid suurendas segadust ja depressiooni

Anafraniil 75mg03.08.19-15.12.19  15.12.19 , 35mg  17.05.20  , 27mg 01.01.21 16.07.21 oli päevane A19 mg 01.04.22 11mg 01.11.22 8,6mg, 01.11.23 6,5mg 01.01.24 5mg





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On 3/29/2021 at 7:41 PM, getofflex said:

Thank you for providing your drug signature.  


It sounds like your withdrawal symptoms are much worse than the possible adverse reaction you had while on the full dose of the drugs.  In that case, I suggest a very slow taper. See the link above "Why Taper by 10% of my dose".  


First of all, we strongly suggest that people do not skip doses, so I'm glad you are not doing that now.  It is best to take the same dose each day, so that the drug level in the bloodstream is consistent.  This link explains more: 


Never Skip Doses to Taper


If it were me, I would stay on the current doses of both drugs for a while, until my system stabilized and I felt better.  It may take several months.  Take them at the same time each day, and be careful to measure the doses as precisely as you can.  Then, I would very gradually taper off of one of the drugs at a time. (See the link in my prior post why taper by 10% of my dose.) 


 We generally suggest to taper off the most activating drug first.  In this case, it would be the Anafranil.  


Which Drug to Taper First


Please keep us posted about how you are feeling.  Hang in there. 






Hello, thank you for everything! I am doing that way. Now Im trying to take the dose at the same time, but lately I couldnt make it and I am experiencing difficult withdrawal symptoms now. So, I will take care of that. I am going to a pharmacy too so they can give me the precise dosis that I couldnt get with my method, because it was with a knife... 


Also, I am taking bach flowers and I dont know if This caused me worst symptoms.


On 3/29/2021 at 10:19 PM, Fallensoul said:

Hey  runningthestreets,


I also got very ill and with increased ocd, panic and anxity on this medicine at a higher dose (50mg).

I wish I never started it, but I thought it would be my only chance to take over the paroxetine that stopped working.(If I knew what I know now, I would never consider AD's, even more so not for just a burn-out. 

I am also tapering rapid, because I felt allmost crazy on 50mg, now at 25mg, these symthoms have subseeded, just tired after wake up and low mood, sometimes very low mood for now.


I am also tapering paroxetine and benzo's. A long way to go..

I hope you stabelise and get well.




I was taking 75mg so you can imagine... I am getting well, but lately I get worst symptoms. I think this is because I take the dosis at different hours. Also, I have to improve some things, like taking the precise dosis everyday,  I will go to a pharmacy to solve that. 


Also, I am taking Bach Flowers, and I dont know if that cause difficulties on all this.


Now, melatonin and omega 3 is helping me through all this.


I hope you are getting well too, im tapering benzo too and im mentalized that this is a long road. I wish I never take ADs and benzos but now We have to stay strong and keep going.



On 3/30/2021 at 6:35 AM, Altostrata said:

Hello, @runningthestreets


In your signature, I see 





These sound like withdrawal symptoms. Skipping doses is a very bad way to taper off antidepressants, causing awful withdrawal symptoms. You already had bad withdrawal symptoms when you started skipping doses from Feb 17 until March 1. Given you started at 75mg Anafranil and tapered rapidly down to 18.75mg, the 18.75mg may not be enough to stop the withdrawal symptoms. If I were you, I might try 20mg and see if that helps.


You went up and down on lorazepam at the same time you were reducing Anafranil. Are you still taking lorazepam, at what dosage and what times of day?



Hello, Thank you for your response!


 I am taking 18.75 mg since a month more or less,  Dont you think an updose could be worstI think now I prefer to stay in that dose and wait to stabilize. Now I am not that ill, I can sleep thanks to the melatonin (I am taking 0,5mg) But lately I am feeling worst symptoms. I think this is because i didnt precise the dosis or because lately i take the dosis at different hours (because I couldnt take at the time that i should) I am going to solve this soon.


I am taking 0,5mg of Lorazepam before sleep everyday, but not at the same hour everyday, I think maybe I would need to change that



2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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I think Bach flowers could go wrong with me, what do you think? 


I read here that it contains alcohol and i didnt know that, maybe Its for that reason.

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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15 hours ago, runningthestreets said:

I think Bach flowers could go wrong with me, what do you think? 


I read here that it contains alcohol and i didnt know that, maybe Its for that reason.

You can put it in hot water, and wait a while, so the alcohol vaporise.

1998-2020  Paroxetine 20mg, stopped working 2018/08 tapered down to 6mg now @ 1%/week 2019 /04      Lorazepam 3x1mg, 1x0,5mg night, Lormetazepam 0,5mg night
2019/05       Buspirone addition 3x5mg worked like wonders for one month, stopped ct 2019/12        Mirtazipine, first 2x10mg til 2021/2, no effect, now 3mg for sleep
2020/06       Wellbutrin 6 weeks, no effect stopped ct 2020/08 Lexapro, trying, to crossover, got crazy from 1 mg/day after 6 days, stopped
2020/11        Clomipramine to 50mg, adverse effect, restless, panic, low mood, anxiety, fast taper down to 30 (plan is go to ~20 and hold and taper only parox. and benzo's and maybe Mirt if I sleep)

2021/1         3x1000mg gaba, 3x10mg Lithium Orotate, 3x 1000mg L-Tyrosine,2-3 times 1x400mg magnesium citrate , 2-3 times 1x1000mg vit. C,1x15mg Zinc,

                     3 times 2mg Molybdeen Glycinate, 2 times 2000mg Omgea 3-6-9 and 1x16mg B6 (P5P) 2021/03/17  Gaba, Tyrosine and Lithium orotate to 3x1 tablet.

2021/03/17   Cl 30, P 5,8. 2021/03/20 Cl 28. 2021/03/23 M 2,7. 2021/03/25 M 2,6, Cl 26, P 5,7. 2021/03/28 Cl 25. 2021/04/1 P 5,6. 2021/04/07 Cl 24,P 5,5. 2021/04/08 Cl 23,5. 2021/04/13 P5,4

2021/03/26  Lor 3x0,9, 1x0,45 night, Lorm 0,45night 2021/04/13 CL 23, M 2,5. 2021/04/16 Cl 22,5, P 5,3. 2021/04/18 M 2,4. 2021/04/24 Cl 22. 2021/04/29 M2,3, P5,28. 2021/05/8 Cl 21,5.

2021/05/9   M 2,2, P 5,22. 2021/05/12 Cl back to 22, 2021/05/20 Lor 3x0,8, night 1x0,40 Lorm 1x0,40 2021/05/27 Cl 20(holding)2021/05/28 P5,15 (holding)2021/05/31 Cl 22 (holding)

2021/06/7   Lor 3x0,75 1x0,38 night, Lorm 0,38night 2021/11/7 P5

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Lately I have been feeling more or less okay (with waves and windows), excepting today and yesterday night that I experience a strong wave that came with a severe anxiety, difficult sleep problems, and pure OCD that i couldnt manage well. This wave became because in some way I triggered with an information that I read in internet and remind me difficult events in my past. I will be careful with all this because its a struggle that i prefer not to pass again. So im going to avoid all the triggers for the next months, probably years.


Also, Im planning to drop out of college next course if i dont see any improvements, because now I lost my habilities to study and focus and all this leads me to more stress... Now I hope  I can pass at least one subject of this course... 


Stay safe out there and be strong!

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • ChessieCat changed the title to runningthestreets: Searching for help. Anafranil tapered too fast (Clomipramine) 75. Also taked 1 mg of lorazepam and tapered to 0.5 mg

Hello, i had another bad night. I am wondering right now if the hours when im taking the dosis could get involved in this, Im taking the Anafranil 18.75 mg everyday at 10.45 pm, and the lorazepam 0.5mg at 00.00 am, before sleep


Does anyone know the best option?

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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Hey, if i want to get the anafranil at the morning but Im taking it at night, the best option is go 1 h less each day? For example today 21.45 tomorrow 20.45 then 19.45... This way sounds good to me to not alterate the process... I take it at 22.45 everyday





2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator

Yes, you can move Anafranil an hour or 2 earlier each day until you are taking it in the morning.


Please keep daily notes of times of day you take your drugs, their dosages, and your symptoms throughout the day. Post 24 hours of notes at a time in this topic, in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom or drug and dosage) on the right. This can show if your symptoms are adverse effects from one of your drugs.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 1 month later...

2.00 p.m. take 75 mg anafranil
3.45 p.m. mild anxiety sweaty hands

3.57 p.m. light tinnitus for seconds
4.26 p.m. mild amxiety sweaty hands again

5.00 p.m. nervous after lunch
6.17 p.m. again light tinnitus for seconds
6.21 p.m. nervous 

7.00 p.m. calmer
7.00 p.m. to 22.45 p.m. no anxiety and calm through all this hours
22 45 p.m. - 00.00 a.m. calm
00.00 a.m. take  0.5 mg llorazepam
00.00 a.m. - 3.00 a.m. calm
3.00 a.m.- 8.00 a.m. sleep
8.00 a.m -12.00 a.m. half sleep
1 p.m. nervous


anhedhonia all the day, negative thoughts about myself with past memories like spirals which lead me to anxiety. Depression because I am obliged to take a medicalization that made me feel like another person and a situation which increases my Pure OCD. Nonetheless, I think im WDnormal and its motsly psichological stuff which I am in. My doubt is if i have to wait more to reduce the dosis, I am at the same dosis since 1 March until now with improved symptoms. I would like to do in the safest possible way, no more irresponsabilities like before skipping doses, and reducing too fast (75 to 18.75 in less than a month).


Thanks for your help.


@Altostrata @getofflex

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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All of this leaded me to severe suicidal thoughts (but im not giving them power, I know this is temporary) because im very catatrophic and obsessive too, beyond the severity of the withdrawal symptoms, which i could say its WDnormal

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator

How is it you're taking 75mg Anafranil? You were taking less than 20mg.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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2 hours ago, Altostrata said:

How is it you're taking 75mg Anafranil? You were taking less than 20mg.


Sorry, that was a mistake. I am taking 18.75 since 1 March. Also I went to a pharmacy in april so they gave me the exact dosis.

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator

When do you wake up, and how do you feel then?


You've been taking lorazepam for a long time, and you're taking it only once a day. It's highly likely that some of your symptoms are interdose anxiety from lorazepam wearing off, which it will do the next morning.


Do you feel better or worse after you take Anafranil?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I wake up at 8 p.m. or 9 p.m after sleep 4 or 5 hours, and I am OK, just tired and in the mood for sleep again. Then is when I get  some sleep again or I am half sleep until I open my eyes and start to get nervous and uncalm (12 p.m. or 1 a.m) more or less.


So what do you suggest with the lorazepam distribute the dosis around the day ?


When i start to not skip doses I felt better when the dosis was taken, so It was in the beginning mostly. Later I  think that when I take it I start to get more nervous or more or less the same, with no much difference. Moreover, that time of the day I am usually nervous honestly, later I feel calmer.


Thank you for your help.





2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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For example today I cried for not too long after 1 hour of taking Anafranil, but it wasnt crying spells because I started to think about my situation in WD and how all that change my life and my state of mind

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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Today later i get dizziness

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator

Please continue to post daily notes, 24 hours at a time. We need more information about your symptom pattern.


Skipping doses to taper is a very rough way to taper. You may have to be patient while your mood symptoms and other symptoms settle down from the shock to your nervous system. You probably will continue to experience The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization 


Have you been taking lorazepam continuously since October 2020? Do you take it every day at midnight?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Yes, I take it everyday since october. I tried to get off it on december going to 3/4 one week, and then to 2/4 other week and then 1/4 but I couldn't low the dose because of severe withdrawal. So I kept in 0.5 mg after that. Later in march I tried 1/4 again but later I find the forum and definetly understand that the best option is stay in 0.5 mg.



2 p.m take anafranil 18.75 mg


5.43 p.m.calm mood through this hours only bad psichological stuff which i could handle. I would say here I was WDnormal.


6.17 p.m. fatigued


7.30 p.m. Calm. Half sleep


8.30 p.m. sweaty hands, nervous ( university work and hot time)


9.44 p.m. sweaty hands and anxiety (disturbing and repetitive thoughts)


10.45 p.m. calmed, apathy in general


12.30 p.m. take 0.5 mg lorazepam


1.19 p.m calm


2.28 p.m. calmed


3.45 p.m. sleep


8.45 p.m. wake up


8.45-12.00 p.m. half sleep


12.00 -1 a.m. some disturbing thoughts induced anxiety


1.35 a.m. calmer


Thoughts, feelings and symptoms through the day:


Anhedonia, suicidal thoughts, Pure O



Thank you very much for everything 



2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator
10 hours ago, runningthestreets said:

Anhedonia, suicidal thoughts, Pure O


What times of day do these thoughts occur? Please include in your daily notes.


10 hours ago, runningthestreets said:

12.30 p.m. take 0.5 mg lorazepam


You must be taking lorazepam at 12:30 a.m., not p.m.? Is this the time you usually take it?


Please continue to post daily notes.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, Im improving a lot. I think I am in WDnormal (sleep, mood disorders, crying, dizziness, anxiety is better) & most of the time and I am dealing only with psichological stuff ( I was obsessive before) and the effects of the drugs which make me feel like Im not myself which made me suicidal and very sad.


Im excited to drop the dose but I dont know if its better to wait until october or september because i skipped doses and made a reduction of 75% too fast in february. So, Idk if its more logic to wait a couple of months and then go with a reduction of 10% 



What do you think?


2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator

We need to see those daily notes!!

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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1.40 p.m. wake up calmed

2.00 p.m. take lunch

2.30 p.m. take 18.75 mg Anafranil

2.54 p.m. a bit anxious

4.00 - 5.28 p.m. calmed, half sleep, sleepy

5.28- 7.00 p.m. calm

7.09 p.m. a bit anxious Pure O

8.22 p.m. calmer, improved mood

9.30 p.m. dinner

11.02 p.m. a bit anxious Pure O

11.43 p.m. a bit anxious

12.30 - 1.10 a.m. calm

2.00 a.m. take 0.5 of lorazepam and calm but dealing with  disturbing Pure O sometimes

2.50 a.m. sleep

10.30 a.m. wake up; loud noise outside

11 a.m. Sleep again

1.30 p.m. wake up without anxiety

2.30 p.m. Pure O made me anxious

2.45 p.m. 18.75 mg Anafranil


2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator
On 7/10/2021 at 7:39 AM, runningthestreets said:

2.00 a.m. take 0.5 of lorazepam and calm but dealing with  disturbing Pure O sometimes

2.50 a.m. sleep

10.30 a.m. wake up; loud noise outside

11 a.m. Sleep again

1.30 p.m. wake up without anxiety

2.30 p.m. Pure O made me anxious

2.45 p.m. 18.75 mg Anafranil


Thank you.


It's possible rebound anxiety from the lorazepam you take in at 2 a.m. is making you anxious at 2:30. How often have you taken lorazepam in the last 2 weeks?


If Anafranil makes you sleepy, why aren't you taking it at night?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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On 7/11/2021 at 8:04 PM, Altostrata said:


Thank you.


It's possible rebound anxiety from the lorazepam you take in at 2 a.m. is making you anxious at 2:30. How often have you taken lorazepam in the last 2 weeks?


If Anafranil makes you sleepy, why aren't you taking it at night?


Im taking it every night (00.00 a.m to 2.00 a.m) because if I don't take it I start to develop withdrawal from it. I start taking Lorazepam everyday on october of 2020 and I didn't know that it was so hard to take off the drug.


I think that It's not the usual response of my brain. It usually makes me feel anxious after taking the Anafranil. Today, I felt like I was in a wave after taking it. I don't know if the sugar is increasing my symptoms or what, but yesterday I took a Oreo milkshake and today I was in a wave... Maybe I have to stop taking sugar while I am in withdrawal, Have I?


Do I continue posting daily notes next days?


Thank you for your help and attention. God bless you!





2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Administrator
2 hours ago, runningthestreets said:

Im taking it every night (00.00 a.m to 2.00 a.m) because if I don't take it I start to develop withdrawal from it.


Yes, you are physiologically dependent on lorazepam. It has a short-half life, and is wearing off 12 hours later, causing interdose withdrawal symptoms (anxiety). @Frogie, please keep an eye on this -- the lorazepam schedule may need to be distributed.


You might want to minimize sugar intake for a while.


Please keep posting daily notes.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2.47 p.m. take 18.75 mg of Anafranil


3.36 p.m. anxious


4.36 p.m. still anxious


6.00 p.m. calmer


7.47 p.m. calm, with energy


9.07 p.m. more anxious


9.47 p.m. calmer, with sleep


10.47 p.m. calm


1.20 a.m. headache


1.33 a.m. anxious


1.35 a.m. take 0.5 mg of Lorazepam and melatonin


2.37 a.m. calmer


3.44 a.m. calm, sleep


12.00 p.m. stop sleeping


12- 13.30 p.m. half sleep


14.30 p.m. lunch and take 18.75 mg of Anafranil



2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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3.07 p.m. anxious


4.07-4.30 p.m. calm, sleepy


5.37 p.m. more anxious, hot temperature outside


6.37 p.m. calmer


7.51 p.m. anxious, rumiation. Suicidal thoughts


8.15 p.m. calmer


9.15 p.m. with energy, a bit anxious


10.15 p.m. calmer


11.15 p.m.anxious


00.13 a.m. take 0.5 mg of Lorazepam


2.30 a.m. calm


4.00 a.m. sleep


1.00 p.m. half sleep


2 p.m. wake up


2.30 p.m. take 18.75 mg of Anafranil

2020 Oct 2 75 mg anafranil and 1mg lorazepam 
2020 December reduced to  3/4 of lorazepam, and then to half of the pill of Lorazepam in december and stayed in that dosis, because I couldn't go to 0.25 mg
2021 Jan 26 to Feb 17 fast tapered Anafranil 37.5 mg
2021 Feb 17 of 2021 (fast tapered again) 18.75 mg of Anafranil, alternating days without it (one day yes, other not).

I experienced a lot of symptoms of withdrawal through the process.
2021 March 1  I stabilized in 18.75 mg of Anafranil without alternating because my father who is doctor recommended it and later I found this page in March 20 that clarify my situation.

I stabilized in 0.5 mg of Lorazepam too because I couldn't taper to 0.25 mg because withdrawal symptoms. Then, I decided to quit off this drugs little by little.

6 july My father lowered my dose to 14 mg of Anafranil without my consent and I have been taking it thinking that it was the same dose that before (18.75 mg)





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  • Moderator



Have you thought about perhaps taking your lorazepam in smaller doses through the day? Is seems you’re calmer after you take it. Maybe take 1/2 your dose morning and 1/2 your dose night?


If you would like to change times and perhaps spilt your dosage let me know. I’d be happy to help you.


Take care,

 Frogie xx

Edited by Frogie

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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