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gatos: mirtazapine withdrawals


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Hi all.


First time user so please be kind. I'm writing this at 5 in the morning as I can't sleep. The last few days it has started dawning on me that mirtazapine has been controlling  my life the last 5 years. During that time I had no idea that my nervous system had become dependent on the drug. 


I started taking it as an aid to help me with sleep problems in 2016 because of some work related stress. Since then I kept increasing the dosage, completely unaware of the consequences, as I was getting used to it and wasn't helping with the sleep. Since then I have been having serious sleeping and anxiety problems. I was attributing both of these problems to work related stress, which in some part is true, but as I keep reading experiences from other people that are on mirtazapine and the side effects/withdrawal symptoms they are getting, I realise that the drug is to be blamed to a great degree as well.

Last couple of years I've been taking it around 5-6 times per week, with dosage varying greatly between 15-45 mg. I've determining the dosage based completely on how well I slept last night, how sleep deprived I was feeling and how stressed I was during that day (the more stressed I was during the day the more troubled the sleep). I was completely unaware that my nervous system was addicted to it.

Right now I'm making some big changes in my life and stopping the drug is one of them. That's when I found out that I'm addicted to it.


I decided to drop to a low dosage for a period of time and then try to reduce further. So right now I'm trying out 7.5mg before sleep. I started this three days ago but, as the drug is wearing off, I have problems sleeping. My sleep the last days is like this:
11 - 5:30

11 - 5:30

11 - 2:30 (Which is basically right now, as I'm writing this)


Can someone please help me. I have no idea how to handle this. I'm panicking that I have completely destabilised my nervous system because of the abusing the drug for so many years.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to gatos: mirtazapine withdrawals
  • Moderator

Hi @gatos:


We are a volunteer site with members going through what you are going through or have been through a similar situation. I'm sorry you are going through what you are, but I'm glad you found us.


This is your introduction page. Where you will receive information, you can ask questions, and meet other members going through what you are at the moment. We ask that each member only have one page so we can keep all your information in one place.


Could you please create a signature page so we know exactly what you have been taking.


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


It's very normal for dr's to prescribe mirtazapine  for sleep. They just fail to tell you that it is an antidepressant that is very addictive. And they fail to tell you that it is one that needs to be tapered off slowly. You never want to skip doses or only take it a few times a week. You need to keep it steady in your system.


Keep it Simple, Slow and Stable



My best suggestion at this point, is to go back up to 15 mg and stabilize and then taper slowly off of it.


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Dr Joseph Glenmullen's Withdrawal Symptoms


What is Withdrawal Syndrome?


Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


We don't suggest supplements on here except 2.



Omega-3 Fish Oil


You might try a small amount of one of these and only one at a time. If you don't have any problems you could introduce the other one at a small amount.


Once you read the links I provided at your leisure, please ask any questions you may have. We are here for you.




PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Gatos

It seems you have done a great mistake using the Mirtazapine the way you have used so far. In lower doses it is a giant antihistaminic and makes you more drowsy but in higher doses it has more activating properties and is not recommended as a sleep aid but as an AD. 

Anyway you do not have to be scared. No matter how bad the feelings are you can still make it my friend but have to find the proper schedule for tapering. As a start you have to find the dose that can stabilize your sleep and after one or two months of taking it regularly than you can start the tapering using the 10% rule. As you have been taking 15-45 all the time, maybe stabilizing in the lowest dose you have taken might help. So in my opinion you can increase you 7.5 up to 10 and if the sleep is still bad you can try up to 15Mg. Do not go more than 15Mg as Mirtazapine activating properties will kick in. Anyway stabilizing means that you will have to take it regularly for at least one month and if you feel confident enough you can start tapering by lowering 10% of the current dose.

There are a lot of people tapering mirtazapine in the group and you can find references and follow them up in here. I was one of them as i tapered Mirt and benzo and i am living a total normal life currently.
You can check my topics both the Intro and the Success Story.

I am sure you are going to make it my friend. Just do not let your brain confuse you in your bad days that you have damaged yourself. I know people who have a quite longer time of usage compared to you and they have managed to taper in a slow way and living normal lives currently. DO not try to speed up the things. Any fast way out might be really damaging for you...but if you are disciplined, steady and convinced on your powers you will be free again bro.

All the best


Edited by Santino

2015 -  2016 Xanax only rescue doses of 0.125 mg 1-2 times per month
 March 2016 0.125Mg * 2 Xanax for 10 days.

20 March 2016 0.25 Mg * 2 Xanax for one week. 1 April 2016 Tranxene 5 mg and Fevarin but bad reaction for 5 days.4 April 2016 25 Mg Amitryptiline + 6 MG bromazepam at night

Started tapering Bromazepam 6 days later reached up to 3 MG in 10 days and withdrawal. Pdoc asked to go 6 MG again.

10 of May started Remeron 15 MG and started tapering Bromazepam again.

SINCE 09/06/2016 BENZO FREE - Started Tapering Remeron 04/07/2016


04/Jul/16 12.8 Mg, 11/Aug/16 12 Mg, 20/Aug/16 11Mg, 3/Sept/16 10Mg, 11/Sept/16 9 Mg, 30/Sept/16 8.1 Mg, 14/Oct/16 7.25 Mg, 17/Nov/16 6.7, 23/Nov/16 6.5, 2/Dec/16 6.25, 9/Dec/16 6Mg, 25/Dec/16 5.7Mg, 4/Jan/17 5.4Mg, 20/Jan/17 5.2Mg, 07/Feb/17 5 Mg, 15/Feb/17 4.8Mg, 27/Feb/17 4.5Mg, 15/Mar/17 4.2Mg, 23/Mar/17 4Mg, 1/Apr/17 3.7Mg, 14/Apr/17 3.4Mg, 27/Apr/17 3.1Mg, 06/May/17 2.8Mg, 22/May/17 2.6Mg, 31/May/17 2.3Mg 09/Jun/17 2Mg, 20/Jun/17 1.7Mg, 29/Jun/17 1.4Mg, 11/Jul/17 1.2Mg, 20/Jul/17 1Mg, 31/Jul/17 0.8Mg, 11/Aug/17 0.6Mg, 23/Aug/17 0.5Mg, 05/Sept/17 0.4Mg, 13/Sept/17 0.3Mg. 22/Sept/17 0.2Mg, 03/Oct/17 0.15Mg, 10/Oct/17 0.1Mg, 23/Oct/17 0.05Mg, 22/Nov/17 0.025Mg, 06/DECEMBER/2017 MIRT FREEE.

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  • Moderator Emeritus
36 minutes ago, Santino said:

tapering by lowering 15% of the current dose.


SA's recommended tapering rate is no more than 10% of the current dose followed by a hold of at least 4 weeks to allow the brain to adapt to not getting as much of the drug.


Post #1 of this topic explains how to get non standard doses:


Tips for tapering off mirtazapine (Remeron)


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thank you so much guys for you kind words and support. I am slowly exploring your website and finding out about other people's experiences.

The last 5 years I've been in a constant battle with anxiety and bad sleep. I very recently decided to resign from my work, as a lot of the anxiety was coming from that. I am slowly discovering that my "good friend" mirtazapin that has been helping me to get a good night's sleep every now and then is not so innocent as I thought. My main issue is stress/anxiety during the day which keeps coming back during the night while I sleep. I would either wake up very early in a stressed state and/or have problems falling asleep (not that often). Last 5 years is a blur of sleep deprivation, anxiety/stress and anger about what I'm doing with my life. My job has been a love/hate combination where I din't want to leave but also hated every single moment in it. I recently have been trying therapy but so far it is not helping at all (I think my therapist's complete inability to see my addiction to mirtazapine is a big red flag).

I hope leaving the job will help me find my self back.



10 hours ago, Frogie said:

It's very normal for dr's to prescribe mirtazapine  for sleep. They just fail to tell you that it is an antidepressant that is very addictive. And they fail to tell you that it is one that needs to be tapered off slowly.

Exactly what happened with me. The only advice was to never exceed 45mg. No warning whatsoever about getting addicted to it and how it can affect my mood/state.


So starting this week (Monday 10/1/2022) I decided to start cutting down. Needles to say I discovered that it's not going to be easy. The links you guys have posted is a great help and I can't thank you enough for this.


I decided to stick to 7.5mg (quarter of a 30mg pill) and see how it goes but this is not working.

For the first 2 days I was calm and "normal" (not sure what normal is anymore) during the day but waking up too early. The wake ups felt kind of "normal" as in I wasn't waking up in a stressed state.

Yesterday I was feeling stressed/anxious throughout the day with no reason. I guess mirt concentrations in my system were the lowest at this point. Last night decided to go up to 15mg (most of the times I take it 1 hour before going to bed). After 1.5 hour when I lied to bed I was still in stressed state and it was clear that I wasn't going to take any sleep so took another quarter.

Finally managed to get some sleep. Solid sleep 11:00 - 4:20 where I woke up in a stressed state, fell back to a not so deep sleep until 7:30.

Today feeling a bit numb/drowsy.

So I'm thinking to try to stick to 22.5mg and see how my sleep goes. If I can't sleep I'll increase to 30mg hoping I can stabilize there and then try to taper off.
How does that sound?

I really find it difficult to describe how I'm feeling about finding this web page. I feel relieved and grateful that there are people that are going through the same and want to help others in the same situation. At the same time I feel angry that doctors recommended to me this pill without any warning. In my home country you can even take from any pharmacy store without a doctor's prescription. No questions asked

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus
1 hour ago, ChessieCat said:


SA's recommended tapering rate is no more than 10% of the current dose followed by a hold of at least 4 weeks to allow the brain to adapt to not getting as much of the drug.


Post #1 of this topic explains how to get non standard doses:


Tips for tapering off mirtazapine (Remeron)

HI ChessieCat 

Yes you are right. That was my mistake referring to his minimum dose of 15Mg. You can edit my comment if it is possible. 10% is the right figure.

I already edited my comment.

All the best


Edited by Santino

2015 -  2016 Xanax only rescue doses of 0.125 mg 1-2 times per month
 March 2016 0.125Mg * 2 Xanax for 10 days.

20 March 2016 0.25 Mg * 2 Xanax for one week. 1 April 2016 Tranxene 5 mg and Fevarin but bad reaction for 5 days.4 April 2016 25 Mg Amitryptiline + 6 MG bromazepam at night

Started tapering Bromazepam 6 days later reached up to 3 MG in 10 days and withdrawal. Pdoc asked to go 6 MG again.

10 of May started Remeron 15 MG and started tapering Bromazepam again.

SINCE 09/06/2016 BENZO FREE - Started Tapering Remeron 04/07/2016


04/Jul/16 12.8 Mg, 11/Aug/16 12 Mg, 20/Aug/16 11Mg, 3/Sept/16 10Mg, 11/Sept/16 9 Mg, 30/Sept/16 8.1 Mg, 14/Oct/16 7.25 Mg, 17/Nov/16 6.7, 23/Nov/16 6.5, 2/Dec/16 6.25, 9/Dec/16 6Mg, 25/Dec/16 5.7Mg, 4/Jan/17 5.4Mg, 20/Jan/17 5.2Mg, 07/Feb/17 5 Mg, 15/Feb/17 4.8Mg, 27/Feb/17 4.5Mg, 15/Mar/17 4.2Mg, 23/Mar/17 4Mg, 1/Apr/17 3.7Mg, 14/Apr/17 3.4Mg, 27/Apr/17 3.1Mg, 06/May/17 2.8Mg, 22/May/17 2.6Mg, 31/May/17 2.3Mg 09/Jun/17 2Mg, 20/Jun/17 1.7Mg, 29/Jun/17 1.4Mg, 11/Jul/17 1.2Mg, 20/Jul/17 1Mg, 31/Jul/17 0.8Mg, 11/Aug/17 0.6Mg, 23/Aug/17 0.5Mg, 05/Sept/17 0.4Mg, 13/Sept/17 0.3Mg. 22/Sept/17 0.2Mg, 03/Oct/17 0.15Mg, 10/Oct/17 0.1Mg, 23/Oct/17 0.05Mg, 22/Nov/17 0.025Mg, 06/DECEMBER/2017 MIRT FREEE.

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  • Moderator



Just be careful going back up that high. You can end up with withdrawal symptoms from increasing too fast also. That’s why I suggested 15 mg. It takes about 4 days for the medication to be even in your system, so please do not go up and down in dosage. 

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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  • Moderator Emeritus
1 minute ago, Frogie said:



Just be careful going back up that high. You can end up with withdrawal symptoms from increasing too fast also. That’s why I suggested 15 mg. It takes about 4 days for the medication to be even in your system, so please do not go up and down in dosage. 

Hi Gatos

Frogie is right. My suggestion is stabilise on your minimum dose which was 15Mg and only than continue tapering by 10% every 3-4 weeks depending on your system and symptoms.


All the best

2015 -  2016 Xanax only rescue doses of 0.125 mg 1-2 times per month
 March 2016 0.125Mg * 2 Xanax for 10 days.

20 March 2016 0.25 Mg * 2 Xanax for one week. 1 April 2016 Tranxene 5 mg and Fevarin but bad reaction for 5 days.4 April 2016 25 Mg Amitryptiline + 6 MG bromazepam at night

Started tapering Bromazepam 6 days later reached up to 3 MG in 10 days and withdrawal. Pdoc asked to go 6 MG again.

10 of May started Remeron 15 MG and started tapering Bromazepam again.

SINCE 09/06/2016 BENZO FREE - Started Tapering Remeron 04/07/2016


04/Jul/16 12.8 Mg, 11/Aug/16 12 Mg, 20/Aug/16 11Mg, 3/Sept/16 10Mg, 11/Sept/16 9 Mg, 30/Sept/16 8.1 Mg, 14/Oct/16 7.25 Mg, 17/Nov/16 6.7, 23/Nov/16 6.5, 2/Dec/16 6.25, 9/Dec/16 6Mg, 25/Dec/16 5.7Mg, 4/Jan/17 5.4Mg, 20/Jan/17 5.2Mg, 07/Feb/17 5 Mg, 15/Feb/17 4.8Mg, 27/Feb/17 4.5Mg, 15/Mar/17 4.2Mg, 23/Mar/17 4Mg, 1/Apr/17 3.7Mg, 14/Apr/17 3.4Mg, 27/Apr/17 3.1Mg, 06/May/17 2.8Mg, 22/May/17 2.6Mg, 31/May/17 2.3Mg 09/Jun/17 2Mg, 20/Jun/17 1.7Mg, 29/Jun/17 1.4Mg, 11/Jul/17 1.2Mg, 20/Jul/17 1Mg, 31/Jul/17 0.8Mg, 11/Aug/17 0.6Mg, 23/Aug/17 0.5Mg, 05/Sept/17 0.4Mg, 13/Sept/17 0.3Mg. 22/Sept/17 0.2Mg, 03/Oct/17 0.15Mg, 10/Oct/17 0.1Mg, 23/Oct/17 0.05Mg, 22/Nov/17 0.025Mg, 06/DECEMBER/2017 MIRT FREEE.

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I was thinking that 15mg was too little compared to what I was taking the last couple of months. That's why going up to 22.5 mg felt justifiable.

OK I'll stick to 15mg starting from tonight and see how it goes.


Thank you so much for you help guys.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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  • Moderator



I just think going up to 15 mg for a few days will see where you need to be.


We can always increase a little if needed. But it's so much harder on your system to go down.


You might keep notes so we know how you are doing.


Keep Notes on Paper

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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Hi guys. Just an update from my side.


So it has been 3 days that I've been taking 15mg (~1.5 hours before sleep).

During these 3 days my sleep is still not satisfactory (bit better than when I started this post but far from what I would call a good night's sleep).

Sleeping OK-ish around 11:00 until 5:00 and then very light sleep until around 6:30-7:00. During the day I'm feeling mostly tired and a bit of anxiety (not too much).

Anxiety during sleep has been reduced.

I'm tempted to increase slightly to ~18.75mg just to see if the sleep improves. What would you suggest?

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Gatos

If your aim is to taper than in my opinion better stay at this level currently. Your sleep does not sound bad for the moment. you are sleeping around 6 hours of deep sleep and than another one hour on and off. At this level it does not sound that bad. During my tapering i had many days with only 3-4 hours of sleep and i still could survive. It is important now for you to ensure stability so going up and down is not a very clever move according to my opinion.

The tired feeling during the day is normal with the amount of 15Mg of MIrtazapine as it is well known for its hangover feeling the other day. I explained you the last time that when i took it in a lower dose to just stabilize my sleep it gave me this hangover feeling with just 5Mg and immediate lowering of the dose to 4Mg solved the issue. 

Try to add up natural ways of regulating your sleep hygiene. Some exercise 3-4 hours before sleep always help, a shower before sleep, not eating 3 hours before sleep, eliminating the screens such as phone or tv 1-2 hours before sleep and so on.

All the best my friend.

You are doing good i believe.

2015 -  2016 Xanax only rescue doses of 0.125 mg 1-2 times per month
 March 2016 0.125Mg * 2 Xanax for 10 days.

20 March 2016 0.25 Mg * 2 Xanax for one week. 1 April 2016 Tranxene 5 mg and Fevarin but bad reaction for 5 days.4 April 2016 25 Mg Amitryptiline + 6 MG bromazepam at night

Started tapering Bromazepam 6 days later reached up to 3 MG in 10 days and withdrawal. Pdoc asked to go 6 MG again.

10 of May started Remeron 15 MG and started tapering Bromazepam again.

SINCE 09/06/2016 BENZO FREE - Started Tapering Remeron 04/07/2016


04/Jul/16 12.8 Mg, 11/Aug/16 12 Mg, 20/Aug/16 11Mg, 3/Sept/16 10Mg, 11/Sept/16 9 Mg, 30/Sept/16 8.1 Mg, 14/Oct/16 7.25 Mg, 17/Nov/16 6.7, 23/Nov/16 6.5, 2/Dec/16 6.25, 9/Dec/16 6Mg, 25/Dec/16 5.7Mg, 4/Jan/17 5.4Mg, 20/Jan/17 5.2Mg, 07/Feb/17 5 Mg, 15/Feb/17 4.8Mg, 27/Feb/17 4.5Mg, 15/Mar/17 4.2Mg, 23/Mar/17 4Mg, 1/Apr/17 3.7Mg, 14/Apr/17 3.4Mg, 27/Apr/17 3.1Mg, 06/May/17 2.8Mg, 22/May/17 2.6Mg, 31/May/17 2.3Mg 09/Jun/17 2Mg, 20/Jun/17 1.7Mg, 29/Jun/17 1.4Mg, 11/Jul/17 1.2Mg, 20/Jul/17 1Mg, 31/Jul/17 0.8Mg, 11/Aug/17 0.6Mg, 23/Aug/17 0.5Mg, 05/Sept/17 0.4Mg, 13/Sept/17 0.3Mg. 22/Sept/17 0.2Mg, 03/Oct/17 0.15Mg, 10/Oct/17 0.1Mg, 23/Oct/17 0.05Mg, 22/Nov/17 0.025Mg, 06/DECEMBER/2017 MIRT FREEE.

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Thanks a lot for the encouragement @Santino. I'll try sticking to 15mg.



2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys.

First of all I want to thank you guys again for all your help, advices and encouragement.

A little update from me. Things seems to have been stable for almost a month now on 15mg. Last two days tried chipping a bit off from the tablet in order to reduce the dosage.
Although I chipped a very small piece it seems that it affected me quite a bit.
One night sleep was 10:40 - 5:30 which was ok but last night it was 10:10 - 2:00. Both times I woke up without any significant anxiety but it was more like a normal morning wake up.

I believe I did two mistakes. First that I tried to reduce a bit too soon. And second that the method of reducing is very crude.
I'm thinking going back to 15mg and in the meantime get a scale + empty caps + pill crusher in order to be able to do it properly.
I was wondering what kind of scale should I get precision wise? For example I see scales with 50g/0.001g with price ranges 200 usd and up. With lower precision (100g/0.01g) with more reasonable prices.
Also in the videos about how to use a scale I see a weird, elongated spoon/dull knife like tool is being used in order to load the empty capsule. This looks useful but I'm not sure how to look this up.
Lastly about the pill crusher: would something like this do?

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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Hi again.


Just want to write an update here. Telling how I feel to somebody else makes me feel a bit better.


I've been on 15mg since January. Things have been a bit better lately. Sleep was adequate and the day was not ridden with anxiety. Last few days have been challenging though.

Me and my girlfriend have been trying to conceive a baby for a long time and lately we decided to try IVF.
This Wednesday (3 days ago) we learnt that out first attempt failed. They told us that the sperm and eggs are not cooperating.

Needles to say we got very sad.
I started searching to see if mirtazapin can influence sperm quality. Haven't found anything conclusive yet.
I'm trying to arrange a meeting with another fertility clinic to get some more checks on my sperm.
Also trying to get an appointment with an endocrinologist to see my testosterone levels.
This has spiked my anxiety over the roof. I'm feeling stressed the whole day. Sleep hasn't deteriorated much but psychology and morale is very low.


Thanks for listening.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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Hi gatos!  Just reaching out to say hi and that I too am tapering off Mirtazapine.  Feel free to reach out during your journey.  I love the support I get and love giving it.



June 9th 2021 Mirtazapine 7.5 mg

June 24th Mirtazapine 11.25 mg

Oct 25th tapered 16% and had major withdrawals on day 4.

Oct 29th went up original dose.

Dec 28th 2021 @ 11.25 

Dec 31st 2022 @ 5.5 

Dec 31st 2023 2.4 Jan 15th 2024 @ 2.2 Mar 5th 2024 @ 1.9 Apr 8th @ 1.7 Apr 23rd @ 1.6 May 7th @ 1.5 May 19th @ 1.4 Jun 3rd @ 1.3 June 18th @ 1.2 July 7th @ 1.1 July 22nd 1.0


Supplement from standard process-  these are made with wholefoods-calm five, magnesium cream.

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Hi @Bestill 
Thanks for reaching out. Knowing that there are other people in similar situations brings a glimpse of hope in the hard days. Hope to you all the best and wish you to keep strong.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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For what it’s worth Gatos I think you have done very well and should stick to the course advised in the great posts above. 
I think you kindled a bit going up and down and stability is the key imho. 
I was on it 5 years after bereavement and off a year. 
I have rarely slept past 3 am since my loss.  I found 15 hopeless for sleep and very gently went to 7.5 which was worth an extra hour!  
Then I got the liquid and went really slowly, only reinstated once ( by a third of the drop was sufficient!)
The dreams were very vidid, especially as I have PTSD . 
I stopped it because my lipid levels doubled on it. 
I wish you well.  
For me I must deal with the issues for which it was started but in a psychotherapeutic way.  

My Intro topic.  Was Dickie in FB gabapentinoids 

2020 January Stopped Quetiapine 150 at night in a fairly chaotic fashion with holds, jumping at 6mg 

2020 June Stopped Pregabalin 150 at night using Ashton Method Some holds. 

2021 December Stopped Mirtazipine 15 using Ashton Method. (Slower at end). 

Nov 21 - Given Quetiapine 12.5 for sleep. Reduced mid March 2022 to 6mg - Off 30/5/22

Feb 2022 Ongoing Diazepam 17.5, Blip at Christmas when took 22.5mg for a few days, now 24 FEB Stable 17.5 as advised. Had long covid. Now going to 16.25 from 8/7/22. 7% drop 

Oxazepam 10mg.STOPPED 10th FEB 2022  “Rescue dose x 2 in 2 months. 

Buccastem 3mg less than 1 a month for nausea. 

Past meds since 1969 -Approx dates only available. Tranxene 15, Clomipramine 150 for about 25 years. 1993 Paroxetine 20 AD change. Diazepam 20mg swap from Tranxene.

Oxazepam 10mg Prn since 1990's  1995 Trial of MAOIS. 2000 Escitaopram 10mg. 2015 trial of Trazadone. 2004 Pregabalin 150 at night.

2015 Started on Quetiapine 150 note, Mirtazipine 15 note. Diazepam increased to 30mg split dosing. 

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Hi @OldDodgy

Thanks for reaching out and for your encouragement. Wish you all the best.

My update is that the scale has arrived. Waiting for the empty capsules now.
There are strong feelings/events going on these days and for that reason I'm very sceptical of attempting to go down to be honest, mainly in fear that going lower will affect my sleep. Our failed IVF has been a major blow and the whole assisted fertility thing is very stressful, especially when I'm suspecting that I'm responsible and even more with the idea that mirtazapin might have played a role in all that.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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Bless you both. Reducing now is not compulsory of course. Lots of us had times when we rested. You will find the next dose down is more sedating. But no rush. Surprised that Norway has not got liquid Remeron ..it costs 45 pounds in the uk and one bottle got me off so Gp swallowed the cost.  I am sure your fertility system is excellent. Two of my cousins are medics in Oslo as my aunt married a Norge engineer. Trusting in a good outcome for you.  

My Intro topic.  Was Dickie in FB gabapentinoids 

2020 January Stopped Quetiapine 150 at night in a fairly chaotic fashion with holds, jumping at 6mg 

2020 June Stopped Pregabalin 150 at night using Ashton Method Some holds. 

2021 December Stopped Mirtazipine 15 using Ashton Method. (Slower at end). 

Nov 21 - Given Quetiapine 12.5 for sleep. Reduced mid March 2022 to 6mg - Off 30/5/22

Feb 2022 Ongoing Diazepam 17.5, Blip at Christmas when took 22.5mg for a few days, now 24 FEB Stable 17.5 as advised. Had long covid. Now going to 16.25 from 8/7/22. 7% drop 

Oxazepam 10mg.STOPPED 10th FEB 2022  “Rescue dose x 2 in 2 months. 

Buccastem 3mg less than 1 a month for nausea. 

Past meds since 1969 -Approx dates only available. Tranxene 15, Clomipramine 150 for about 25 years. 1993 Paroxetine 20 AD change. Diazepam 20mg swap from Tranxene.

Oxazepam 10mg Prn since 1990's  1995 Trial of MAOIS. 2000 Escitaopram 10mg. 2015 trial of Trazadone. 2004 Pregabalin 150 at night.

2015 Started on Quetiapine 150 note, Mirtazipine 15 note. Diazepam increased to 30mg split dosing. 

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Bless you for your kind words. 

No, unfortunately there's no liquid mirtazapin here and the lower dosage is tabs of 15mg, at least that's what I've been told both by my gp and a pharmacist.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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Hey @gatos


Sorry to hear how things are going with your IVF and with Mirtazapine WD. 🙁


Didn't the clinic already test your sperm before your first attempt??


I'm also on Mirtazapine and was also in the process of doing IVF to conceive when this mess started for me.  I don't know if Mirtazapine affects sperm, but SSRI's are known to negatively impact sperm.

I plan on doing a liquid taper when its time.  Maybe that would be easier than the route you're going with the scale and the pills? 


2013 - Jan 4, 2021 - Sertraline 50mg 

Jan 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (1/4)

Feb 2021 Mar 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg

April 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg, Amitriptyline 2mg (4/20), Clonazepam 2mg

May 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (5/16 - 0mg), Amitriptyline (5/1 - 1mg, 5/16 - 0mg), Clonazepam 2mg

Aug 2021 - Sertraline 25mg (re 8/20), Clonazepam 2mg 

Sep 2021 - Sertraline 50mg (up 9/3), Clonazepam (9/29 - 1mg), Diazepam (9/29 - 2.5mg)

Oct 2021 - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (10/14 - 0.9mg, 10/24 - 1mg), Diazepam (10/6 - 1.25mg, 10/14 - 0mg), Trazodone (10/03 - 50mg, 10/17 - 25mg, 10/21 - 12.5mg), Mirtazapine (10/17 - 15mg)

Nov 2021 : Current - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (4/22 - 0.975mg, 5/22 - 0.9125mg, co 6/22 - 0.25mg, co 8/22 - 0.5mg, co 1/23 - 0.25mg),

Diazepam (co 6/22 - 12mg, 7/22 - 11mg, co 8/22 - 5mg, 9/22 - 4mg, 10/22 - 3mg, 11/22 - 2mg, 12/22 - 1mg, co 1/23 - 5mg, 2/23 - 4.5mg, 3/23 - 3.5mg, 4/23 - 3mg), Trazodone 12.5mg, Mirtazapine 15mg


Supplements: 1/2 Multivitamin, Fish Oil 2000mgProbioticMagnesium Chelate 280mg, Vit C 500mg. Melatonin 5mg/3mgXR

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Hi @Knosretep

Yes there has been a valuation but from what I understood it was just a visual inspection of the semen.

Basically inspecting if there are enough sperm and if they looked active enough. They said that the semen looks ok as far as the quantity and activity goes. 

But at the IVF we had 15 eggs retrieved and none of them managed to get fertilised. The explanation from the doctor was that there was a bad combination between the eggs and the sperm. Now this got me the idea that I might be the one to blame, especially after finding relevant stuff about the SSRI, as you mentioned.


Liquid tapering looks a bit complicated/difficult to me, but then again I haven't actually started tapering off yet. I'll give the crushing tabs + scale a go first and see how it goes.


Wish you all the best and hope you achieve your goals.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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Hey @gatos


Okay, that sounds like the same valuation that I underwent, just a visual inspection.  It sounds like you did the non ICSI procedure?


Thank you!  We've decided to hold off on any attempt at conceiving as I'm barely managing to get through the days as it is, nevermind adding in the additional stress of a pregnant partner and then difficulty of sleeplessness of a newborn.  I know a lot could change in 9 months, but I'd rather be on more stable footing before starting to attempt.


Best to you as well!  I hope you have success with the scale and overall tapering!   Keep us updated on your progress!

2013 - Jan 4, 2021 - Sertraline 50mg 

Jan 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (1/4)

Feb 2021 Mar 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg

April 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg, Amitriptyline 2mg (4/20), Clonazepam 2mg

May 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (5/16 - 0mg), Amitriptyline (5/1 - 1mg, 5/16 - 0mg), Clonazepam 2mg

Aug 2021 - Sertraline 25mg (re 8/20), Clonazepam 2mg 

Sep 2021 - Sertraline 50mg (up 9/3), Clonazepam (9/29 - 1mg), Diazepam (9/29 - 2.5mg)

Oct 2021 - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (10/14 - 0.9mg, 10/24 - 1mg), Diazepam (10/6 - 1.25mg, 10/14 - 0mg), Trazodone (10/03 - 50mg, 10/17 - 25mg, 10/21 - 12.5mg), Mirtazapine (10/17 - 15mg)

Nov 2021 : Current - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (4/22 - 0.975mg, 5/22 - 0.9125mg, co 6/22 - 0.25mg, co 8/22 - 0.5mg, co 1/23 - 0.25mg),

Diazepam (co 6/22 - 12mg, 7/22 - 11mg, co 8/22 - 5mg, 9/22 - 4mg, 10/22 - 3mg, 11/22 - 2mg, 12/22 - 1mg, co 1/23 - 5mg, 2/23 - 4.5mg, 3/23 - 3.5mg, 4/23 - 3mg), Trazodone 12.5mg, Mirtazapine 15mg


Supplements: 1/2 Multivitamin, Fish Oil 2000mgProbioticMagnesium Chelate 280mg, Vit C 500mg. Melatonin 5mg/3mgXR

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all
Just checking in.

So I've been for around a month on 15mg, things were ok-ish so, since 18th of February i've been on 13.5 mg.

Stress levels have been a rollercoaster with some days being very high. Things happened that caused more stress on which I considerably over reacted and my stress level skyrocketed. Sleep was deteriorating slowly but consistently, with waking with stress multiple times throughout the night.
Last day was miserable. Tired, stressed, lack of sleep, bad mood. I was really desperate for some sleep.

Even though I had read the About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms thread over and over again, I convinced myself to do what I've been doing for the last 5 years, and jumped the dosage to 30mg (!!) just for one night just to get some sleep.

It didn't work out and I got roughly around 4 and a half hours of sleep. I really don't get that. Such increases always made me drowsy and gave me solid and deep sleep with the drowsiness extending throughout the next day.
Today, apart from feeling terrified that I ***** up, I think i am calmer and somehow better than the last days.

I am really having a hard time interpreting all these to the point of feeling completely helpless.
I have no idea if the increased stress was signs of withdrawals or other factors or both.
The last couple of months I don't feel normal in general. Lots of changes in my life, lots of stressors and me getting overwhelmed by them, all these make it hard for me to interpret my feelings/psycological state and find the source.

My last days are just total stress/anxiety. It just feels like static inside the brain that totally controls me. Feel helpless like you have no control over it. Like a firm grasp that drags you around and you can sense that the grasp can get even firmer if it wants to.


I understand that sharp increase was a bad idea. I am thinking of falling back to 15mg and keep it there for a couple of months maybe?

Thanks a lot.

ps @Knosretep Have no idea how I missed your reply. Yeah it was the non ICSI procedure. The plan is to try that next.

I totally understand your decision to hold off the whole procedure. 

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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13 minutes ago, gatos said:

Hi all
Just checking in.

So I've been for around a month on 15mg, things were ok-ish so, since 18th of February i've been on 13.5 mg.

Stress levels have been a rollercoaster with some days being very high. Things happened that caused more stress on which I considerably over reacted and my stress level skyrocketed. Sleep was deteriorating slowly but consistently, with waking with stress multiple times throughout the night.
Last day was miserable. Tired, stressed, lack of sleep, bad mood. I was really desperate for some sleep.

Even though I had read the About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms thread over and over again, I convinced myself to do what I've been doing for the last 5 years, and jumped the dosage to 30mg (!!) just for one night just to get some sleep.

It didn't work out and I got roughly around 4 and a half hours of sleep. I really don't get that. Such increases always made me drowsy and gave me solid and deep sleep with the drowsiness extending throughout the next day.
Today, apart from feeling terrified that I ***** up, I think i am calmer and somehow better than the last days.

I am really having a hard time interpreting all these to the point of feeling completely helpless.
I have no idea if the increased stress was signs of withdrawals or other factors or both.
The last couple of months I don't feel normal in general. Lots of changes in my life, lots of stressors and me getting overwhelmed by them, all these make it hard for me to interpret my feelings/psycological state and find the source.

My last days are just total stress/anxiety. It just feels like static inside the brain that totally controls me. Feel helpless like you have no control over it. Like a firm grasp that drags you around and you can sense that the grasp can get even firmer if it wants to.


I understand that sharp increase was a bad idea. I am thinking of falling back to 15mg and keep it there for a couple of months maybe?

Thanks a lot.

ps @Knosretep Have no idea how I missed your reply. Yeah it was the non ICSI procedure. The plan is to try that next.

I totally understand your decision to hold off the whole procedure. 


Hi @gatos


Sorry to read about the difficulties you're going through.


I don't think you need to worry too much about jumping the dosage for 1 day, but I wouldn't do it again, especially now that you know it doesn't help for sleep. 


I'm guessing that 10% was too much too soon from dropping down from 30-45mg in Jan 14th, but maybe you felt you were doing pretty well when you made the cut.  I'll let the mods advise about what you should do next.


The increased stress was probably withdrawal or just normal stress that gets amplified for us unlucky individuals.  Its really hard to know exactly what's affecting us how much.


Hope you find a quick return to stability and a relief from all the stress and anxiety!

2013 - Jan 4, 2021 - Sertraline 50mg 

Jan 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (1/4)

Feb 2021 Mar 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg

April 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg, Amitriptyline 2mg (4/20), Clonazepam 2mg

May 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (5/16 - 0mg), Amitriptyline (5/1 - 1mg, 5/16 - 0mg), Clonazepam 2mg

Aug 2021 - Sertraline 25mg (re 8/20), Clonazepam 2mg 

Sep 2021 - Sertraline 50mg (up 9/3), Clonazepam (9/29 - 1mg), Diazepam (9/29 - 2.5mg)

Oct 2021 - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (10/14 - 0.9mg, 10/24 - 1mg), Diazepam (10/6 - 1.25mg, 10/14 - 0mg), Trazodone (10/03 - 50mg, 10/17 - 25mg, 10/21 - 12.5mg), Mirtazapine (10/17 - 15mg)

Nov 2021 : Current - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (4/22 - 0.975mg, 5/22 - 0.9125mg, co 6/22 - 0.25mg, co 8/22 - 0.5mg, co 1/23 - 0.25mg),

Diazepam (co 6/22 - 12mg, 7/22 - 11mg, co 8/22 - 5mg, 9/22 - 4mg, 10/22 - 3mg, 11/22 - 2mg, 12/22 - 1mg, co 1/23 - 5mg, 2/23 - 4.5mg, 3/23 - 3.5mg, 4/23 - 3mg), Trazodone 12.5mg, Mirtazapine 15mg


Supplements: 1/2 Multivitamin, Fish Oil 2000mgProbioticMagnesium Chelate 280mg, Vit C 500mg. Melatonin 5mg/3mgXR

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Hi @gatos


Just wanted to send you some love. As someone has been through 3 rounds on IVF (with ICSI) in the past I feel your pain. It is the single most stressful and heart wrenching thing I have ever been through. And the main reason I am on my meds now. My heart goes out to you both x

Sertraline (Lustral):  2014. Sept 50mg. Oct 100mg. Dec 150mg. 2015-2019. 150mg. 2019  Apr-May 0mg. Beg May 150mg. End May 100mg. Late June 125mg. Late Aug 100mg. 2020 Jan 75mg. April 50mg.

2022  50mg. 1Jan 45mg. 1Feb 40.5mg. Water T24Feb 39.5mg. 3Mar 38.5mg. 18Mar 38mg. 25Mar 37.5mg. 22Apr 37mg. 5May 36.5mg. 18May 36mg. 1Jun 35.3mg. 15Jun 34.5mg.  30Jun 34mg. 15Jul 33.5mg. 22Jul 33mg. 5Aug 32.5mg. 19Aug 32mg. 1Sept 31.5mg. 1Oct 31mg.  27 Oct 30.5. 16 Nov 30mg. 30 Nov 29.5mg. 14 Dec 29mg

2023. 2 Jan 28.5mg. 6 Feb 28mg. 10 Mar 27.5mg. 1 Apr 26.5mg. 1 May 26mg. 1 Jun 25.5mg. 1 Jul 25mg. 1 Aug 24.5mg. 17 Aug 24mg. 5 Sept 23.5mg. 9 Oct 23mg.


Desogestrel:  2014 -  present:  

Supplements Magnesium. 400mcg  Vitamin D. 10mcg.  Multivit/min. 1 tab. B Complex


Certirizine:   2022 May 10mg. Dec 20mg. 2023. 15mg.

 Omeprazole.:  2016 20mg. 2022  20mg.  15Jan 15mg. 9Feb 10mg. 25Feb 6.5mg. 15Mar 3mg. 3Apr 1.5mg.  15Apr 0mg   2023. 20mg. 15 Sept 15mg.

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Apparently editing existing posts is not possible. I wanted to amend my last post and say that today I am not calmer as I stated. I am still stressed although feels kinda different. Can't really put my finger on it.

Just discovered Early-morning waking - managing the morning cortisol spike
The experiences people are sharing there really feel really close to what I am experiencing and the reason I started taking mirt in the first place.
Will have to read through it.

@Knosretep *hugs*

Hi @Blossom71 thanks for stopping by. I know how it is very well. Time is not on our side on this one. The only thing we can do is hope for the best and keep trying. 

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

Link to comment

Hey again @gatos


Just wondering if you ever found another job, as you had said were quitting in one of your earlier posts?

2013 - Jan 4, 2021 - Sertraline 50mg 

Jan 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (1/4)

Feb 2021 Mar 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg

April 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg, Amitriptyline 2mg (4/20), Clonazepam 2mg

May 2021 - Venlafaxine 75mg (5/16 - 0mg), Amitriptyline (5/1 - 1mg, 5/16 - 0mg), Clonazepam 2mg

Aug 2021 - Sertraline 25mg (re 8/20), Clonazepam 2mg 

Sep 2021 - Sertraline 50mg (up 9/3), Clonazepam (9/29 - 1mg), Diazepam (9/29 - 2.5mg)

Oct 2021 - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (10/14 - 0.9mg, 10/24 - 1mg), Diazepam (10/6 - 1.25mg, 10/14 - 0mg), Trazodone (10/03 - 50mg, 10/17 - 25mg, 10/21 - 12.5mg), Mirtazapine (10/17 - 15mg)

Nov 2021 : Current - Sertraline 50mg, Clonazepam (4/22 - 0.975mg, 5/22 - 0.9125mg, co 6/22 - 0.25mg, co 8/22 - 0.5mg, co 1/23 - 0.25mg),

Diazepam (co 6/22 - 12mg, 7/22 - 11mg, co 8/22 - 5mg, 9/22 - 4mg, 10/22 - 3mg, 11/22 - 2mg, 12/22 - 1mg, co 1/23 - 5mg, 2/23 - 4.5mg, 3/23 - 3.5mg, 4/23 - 3mg), Trazodone 12.5mg, Mirtazapine 15mg


Supplements: 1/2 Multivitamin, Fish Oil 2000mgProbioticMagnesium Chelate 280mg, Vit C 500mg. Melatonin 5mg/3mgXR

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Sorry to hear you are in a definite dip at the moment. 
I am sure that @Knosretep is correct in that you must stabilise now. 
My own experience of reinstatement of mirtazipine was that I upped from 8 to ten for just three days before reducing at 0.5 every two weeks. I dunno if it was the right thing to do! 
You’ve been on 13.5 three weeks so I guess you are still in transition. 
I hope you can stick it out for a bit longer. 
all I can say is that with very slow reduction of mirtazipine I did win eventually but it was a rocky time 

Wishing you confidence and peace 


My Intro topic.  Was Dickie in FB gabapentinoids 

2020 January Stopped Quetiapine 150 at night in a fairly chaotic fashion with holds, jumping at 6mg 

2020 June Stopped Pregabalin 150 at night using Ashton Method Some holds. 

2021 December Stopped Mirtazipine 15 using Ashton Method. (Slower at end). 

Nov 21 - Given Quetiapine 12.5 for sleep. Reduced mid March 2022 to 6mg - Off 30/5/22

Feb 2022 Ongoing Diazepam 17.5, Blip at Christmas when took 22.5mg for a few days, now 24 FEB Stable 17.5 as advised. Had long covid. Now going to 16.25 from 8/7/22. 7% drop 

Oxazepam 10mg.STOPPED 10th FEB 2022  “Rescue dose x 2 in 2 months. 

Buccastem 3mg less than 1 a month for nausea. 

Past meds since 1969 -Approx dates only available. Tranxene 15, Clomipramine 150 for about 25 years. 1993 Paroxetine 20 AD change. Diazepam 20mg swap from Tranxene.

Oxazepam 10mg Prn since 1990's  1995 Trial of MAOIS. 2000 Escitaopram 10mg. 2015 trial of Trazadone. 2004 Pregabalin 150 at night.

2015 Started on Quetiapine 150 note, Mirtazipine 15 note. Diazepam increased to 30mg split dosing. 

Link to comment

Hi @Knosretep . Thank for noticing and caring enough to ask.
Yes, I have found another job. I managed to delay starting it as much as possible. I start on 1st of May. It will be a remote only thing, so I will be working from home. 

Hi @OldDodgy Thanks for stopping by again.
Yes I understand that I need to stabilise. I just have no idea what is going on. I don't know if 15mg are enough in the first place, let alone the 13.5 i tried.
I am thinking to go back to 15mg and stay there for a while. I have a couple of trips scheduled in the following months (one of which will be in a place with a completely different time zone) and it will be near impossible to do the hassle of crushing/splitting pills and weighing them. So the convenience of either splitting a 30mg tablet in half (remeron) or taking a whole 15mg one (Mirtazapine Orion) is very tempting.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

Link to comment


would you consider preparing some shaved 15s to take with you and try to keep to 13.5 or 14 mg

It might avoid kindling which was you original error I think. ? 

My Intro topic.  Was Dickie in FB gabapentinoids 

2020 January Stopped Quetiapine 150 at night in a fairly chaotic fashion with holds, jumping at 6mg 

2020 June Stopped Pregabalin 150 at night using Ashton Method Some holds. 

2021 December Stopped Mirtazipine 15 using Ashton Method. (Slower at end). 

Nov 21 - Given Quetiapine 12.5 for sleep. Reduced mid March 2022 to 6mg - Off 30/5/22

Feb 2022 Ongoing Diazepam 17.5, Blip at Christmas when took 22.5mg for a few days, now 24 FEB Stable 17.5 as advised. Had long covid. Now going to 16.25 from 8/7/22. 7% drop 

Oxazepam 10mg.STOPPED 10th FEB 2022  “Rescue dose x 2 in 2 months. 

Buccastem 3mg less than 1 a month for nausea. 

Past meds since 1969 -Approx dates only available. Tranxene 15, Clomipramine 150 for about 25 years. 1993 Paroxetine 20 AD change. Diazepam 20mg swap from Tranxene.

Oxazepam 10mg Prn since 1990's  1995 Trial of MAOIS. 2000 Escitaopram 10mg. 2015 trial of Trazadone. 2004 Pregabalin 150 at night.

2015 Started on Quetiapine 150 note, Mirtazipine 15 note. Diazepam increased to 30mg split dosing. 

Link to comment

Yes I can do that.

So from what i undestand it is probably better to go back to 13.5 than to 15?

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

Link to comment


I think you are on 13.5 and I would try to stick on that as it’s best practice at this stage I understand 


My Intro topic.  Was Dickie in FB gabapentinoids 

2020 January Stopped Quetiapine 150 at night in a fairly chaotic fashion with holds, jumping at 6mg 

2020 June Stopped Pregabalin 150 at night using Ashton Method Some holds. 

2021 December Stopped Mirtazipine 15 using Ashton Method. (Slower at end). 

Nov 21 - Given Quetiapine 12.5 for sleep. Reduced mid March 2022 to 6mg - Off 30/5/22

Feb 2022 Ongoing Diazepam 17.5, Blip at Christmas when took 22.5mg for a few days, now 24 FEB Stable 17.5 as advised. Had long covid. Now going to 16.25 from 8/7/22. 7% drop 

Oxazepam 10mg.STOPPED 10th FEB 2022  “Rescue dose x 2 in 2 months. 

Buccastem 3mg less than 1 a month for nausea. 

Past meds since 1969 -Approx dates only available. Tranxene 15, Clomipramine 150 for about 25 years. 1993 Paroxetine 20 AD change. Diazepam 20mg swap from Tranxene.

Oxazepam 10mg Prn since 1990's  1995 Trial of MAOIS. 2000 Escitaopram 10mg. 2015 trial of Trazadone. 2004 Pregabalin 150 at night.

2015 Started on Quetiapine 150 note, Mirtazipine 15 note. Diazepam increased to 30mg split dosing. 

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Thanks a lot @OldDodgy for the support. I'll try sticking to 13.5mg.

As far as I understand wd symptoms come and go in waves. Guess i was hit by a wave the recent days.

got some b12+vit c+magnesium tablets. Hope they will help a bit with the stress spikes.

2016 - 2022: Gradually increasing dosages, non stable usage of Mirtazapin

15mg - 45mg (never exceeded), 5-6 times per week (had no idea this was bad for me)

Latest: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022: everyday 30mg - 45mg 

14th of January - 17th of February: 15mg

18th of February - present: 13.5mg

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Good plan -). 

We cannot advise on vits but are allowed to relate our experiences. 

In the Uk I was deficient in ViTD  during the winter.  You could consider talking to a pharmacist as you are even further north! 


I wish there was a quick fix for you, but I have seen lots of folk do well.  


My Intro topic.  Was Dickie in FB gabapentinoids 

2020 January Stopped Quetiapine 150 at night in a fairly chaotic fashion with holds, jumping at 6mg 

2020 June Stopped Pregabalin 150 at night using Ashton Method Some holds. 

2021 December Stopped Mirtazipine 15 using Ashton Method. (Slower at end). 

Nov 21 - Given Quetiapine 12.5 for sleep. Reduced mid March 2022 to 6mg - Off 30/5/22

Feb 2022 Ongoing Diazepam 17.5, Blip at Christmas when took 22.5mg for a few days, now 24 FEB Stable 17.5 as advised. Had long covid. Now going to 16.25 from 8/7/22. 7% drop 

Oxazepam 10mg.STOPPED 10th FEB 2022  “Rescue dose x 2 in 2 months. 

Buccastem 3mg less than 1 a month for nausea. 

Past meds since 1969 -Approx dates only available. Tranxene 15, Clomipramine 150 for about 25 years. 1993 Paroxetine 20 AD change. Diazepam 20mg swap from Tranxene.

Oxazepam 10mg Prn since 1990's  1995 Trial of MAOIS. 2000 Escitaopram 10mg. 2015 trial of Trazadone. 2004 Pregabalin 150 at night.

2015 Started on Quetiapine 150 note, Mirtazipine 15 note. Diazepam increased to 30mg split dosing. 

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