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rmce72a: Effexor withdrawal with Prozac bridge


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Hello. Dr has suggested using a 10 mg Prozac bridge to withdraw from Effexor XR 75mg I have used for 20 years and is not working. She said to stop 75 and immediately switch to 37.5XR with 10 mg Prozac. This seems drastic to me so I have not done it yet. Shouldn't I taper from 75? Also, she did a gene test, and Prozac is in my red column. I have also begun bead counting, but I'm not sure what I am doing. I plan to follow the bead removal suggestions on this site. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • ChessieCat changed the title to rmce72a: Effexor withdrawal with Prozac bridge
  • Administrator

Welcome, @rmce72a


How have you been tapering Effexor? When was the last time you attempted a reduction, what were the results?


It's far safer to taper directly from Effexor with bead-counting, rather than switching to another drug.


To help us out, follow these instructions Please summarize your drug and withdrawal history in your signature You may need to use a computer to do this.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I am starting my Effexor XR 75 taper. The first week I just removed 1 bead, 2 beads, 3 etc for a few days. I want to know how muxh I am actually taking, so now I am opening each capsule and calculating based on the number of beads. He is what this week looks like.


Here is what my taper schedule looks like for this week of counting beads in each capsule to determine aprox dose of each.


6/7 256 bead divided by 75 = .293/bead

       removed 6 beads =1.76 meaning I took 73.2mg


6/8 260 beads divided by 75 = .288/bead

       removed 6 beads =1.73 meaning I took 73.2mg


6/9 247 beads divided by 75=.303/bead

       removed 6=1.82 meaning I took 73.1mg


6/10 (today) 272 beads=.276/bead

        removed 7 beads=1.93 meaning I took 73.1mg


Am I doing it right?

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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Effexor taper bead count schedule Is this ok?


I am starting withdrawal from Effexor XR 75. Did one week of just removing a bead or two every day without counting beads in capsule. Have started counting bead and calculate approximate dose in each bead so I know how much I am taking. Here is what I have done this week.


Here is what my taper schedule looks like for this week of counting beads in each capsule to determine aprox dose of each.


6/7 256 bead divided by 75 = .293/bead

       removed 6 beads =1.76 meaning I took 73.2mg


6/8 260 beads divided by 75 = .288/bead

       removed 6 beads =1.73 meaning I took 73.2mg


6/9 247 beads divided by 75=.303/bead

       removed 6=1.82 meaning I took 73.1mg


6/10 (today) 272 beads=.276/bead

        removed 7 beads=1.93 meaning I took 73.1mg


Am I doing it right?


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Administrator

@rmce72a this is your Introductions topic. Please add your questions by posting in this topic.


@brassmonkey will help you with the tapering calculations.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Is this the correct way to count beads in Effexor withdrawal


I am starting my taper from Effexor XR 75. I began by taking out one bead a day, then 2, then 3, but I have decided I need to know how much I am actually taking. This is what I have done this week. Is this reasonable?



Here is what my taper schedule looks like for this week of counting beads in each capsule to determine aprox dose of each.


6/7 256 bead divided by 75 = .293/bead

       removed 6 beads =1.76 meaning I took 73.2mg


6/8 260 beads divided by 75 = .288/bead

       removed 6 beads =1.73 meaning I took 73.2mg


6/9 247 beads divided by 75=.303/bead

       removed 6=1.82 meaning I took 73.1mg


6/10 (today) 272 beads=.276/bead

        removed 7 beads=1.93 meaning I took 73.1mg


Am I doing it right?


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator

@rmce72a-- Welcome to SA. I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with your AD but am so glad you found us and are going to take control for yourself. All the things your doctors have mentioned would have ended up causing many more problems than they would have fixed. Also, you seem to be in a very good position to start a sensible taper plan.


First off, yes you are doing it correctly. Those calculations are correct and are giving you a reduction of 2.5%.


Are you going to follow the instructions for a Brassmonkey Slide? I highly recommend it. If so, then next week you will be reducing by 5% of the original dose and will be removing 12-14 beads (depending on your count and calculations).


Bead counting is about the only practical method for tapering Effexor XR. We have had very good experiences with people using it. As you are finding out though it is not the most accurate way to measure. The beads are different sizes, and each capsule has a different number of beads. Because of this we have found it is easier to work with averages instead of making calculations for each capsule. Over time you will see that your capsules will average about 260 beads each which will give you an average of .288mgai (milligrams active ingredient) per bead. As you will see, the beads vary in size, small, medium, and large. Because of the size difference they will vary a tiny amount in strength. So, as you prepare your dose you will need to keep good mix of sizes.


Unless you are incredibly sensitive to the reductions, this is not going to be a problem. The entire tapering process works on averages and balance. We are aiming to keep a specific "blood serum level" of the drug with each reduction. That level will vary from hour to hour as the body uses up the drug. This happens at a set rate called "half-life" or the amount of time it takes the body to use up half of the drug. For Effexor XR this is about 11 hours. We keep the blood serum level fairly constant by taking more of the drug every day. It is quite important to take your dose at the same time every day.


If you need help with other calculations just ask.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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Oh, thank you so much for your response. Since my PCP recommended alternating days of 75 mg and 37.5 mg which I will NOT do, it seems that a long slow taper is the way to handle this, and I am relying on the expertise of those here to guide me. I appreciate the offer to help with my calculations as time goes on. Since I am new here, I am finding it difficult to contact individuals from the correct page. How can I contact you when needed? Thank you again.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator

Type the @ sign and then pick my name from the dropdown menu. That will send me a notification. You can use that method to contact any other member too.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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Thanks so much for your valuable advice. I really appreciate it.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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Tapering Effexor but doc thinks I need an antidepressant. Anyone switch to something else?


I am 4 weeks into withdrawing from Effexor XR 75 after 20 years, currently taking 72.7 mg. In the past 2 years, my depression has returned along with severe anxiety. Doc thinks I still need meds, but at least I want OFF Effexor because 1) it is clearly not working and 2) I don't want to take a drug with such harsh withdrawal. Tried upping dose but only made anxiety much worse. If I do take an anti-depressant, I don't want one that aggravates anxiety. I don't know what to do. Thoughts?


Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title before merging with intro topic

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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Anyone have increased anxiety after meals?


This may be my imagination, but my anxiety seems to increase a little after meals. I never eat a big meal, and mostly confine my diet to oatmeal, eggs, green beans, chicken or beef, and no gluten. I am not overweight nor am I concerned about gaining weight. I know this seems silly, but I really feel more anxious after I eat. Anyone?


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Only one Introduction topic per member.  This keeps your history in one place and means you won't have to repeat your story.


There are many existing topics on SA.  To find them you can use the site search function or use an internet search engine and add site:survivingantidepressants.org to the search term.





MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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II have been reducing my Effexor 75 XR by counting beads for 3 1/2 weeks. I have used very small reductions each day as think 10% per month is too fast for me. I am a fast metabolizer and very sensitive to meds. For example, my reductions have been from 74.5 on day, 74.2 next day, 74.00 next day, etc. I am currently at 72.7 and holding for the past 5 days. Began first withdrawal symptoms yesterday. My question: is reducing a little every day better than a bigger drop (like 74 to 73.5) and then holding at 73.5? I don't know if even a tiny reduction each day may be causing symptoms.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Administrator

Hello, @rmce72a Please read this topic from the beginning.




Edited by ChessieCat
added link (posts moved from other topic)

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Oh thank you. I completely misunderstood the instructions    when I first read it. Will it help if I go up to 73.5 or 73 and hold for a few weeks? I am trying to be so careful with my taper, and it appears I have messed myself up already.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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I tapered too fast and am having symptoms. Is it safe to increase dose slightly to stop symptoms?

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Administrator

@rmce72a Please read this topic from the beginning. 




You may wish to review these topics before starting another, they may answer your questions about tapering:

What is withdrawal syndrome? 
About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms 
The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


Edited by ChessieCat
added link (posts moved from other topic)

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Q:  Are you withdrawal symptoms bearable?


If yes, then it is better to hold on the current dose and NOT make an updose.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thank you for responding. Yes, they are bearable for now, so I will stay at the current dose. I am grateful for your help.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

There are many existing topics on SA.  Before creating a new topic, please see if one already exists; SA likes to keep similar information in one place.


You can use the site search function or an internet search engine and add site:survivingantidepressants.org to the search term.


I've moved you post to the existing topic:





MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Having some withdrawal even after what I though was slow taper.


I am 5 weeks into Effexor 75XR withdrawal. I have been very conservative and am down to 72.5 in week 5. Today I was hit by terrible symptoms. I have counted beads in each capsule, calculated dosage, and taken it at the same time every day, but I am so sick today. Is it ok to go up to 73?


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 6/18/2022 at 10:58 AM, ChessieCat said:

Only one Introduction topic per member.  This keeps your history in one place and means you won't have to repeat your story.


@rmce72a Please do not create a new Introduction topic when you post.  Visit your Introduction topic, this current topic, and go to the bottom of the screen and type in the Reply Box.


9 minutes ago, rmce72a said:

Today I was hit by terrible symptoms.


One day of worse symptoms does not make a pattern.  It is important to try not to panic when this happens.


Q:  Did something else happen that might have made the symptoms increase; additional stress (eg financial, work or argument), bad night of sleep, have you could a virus, did you do exercise/more exercise or be out for longer, loud music, bright lights. take something that you haven't been taking?


You have already been on the lower dose for 5 weeks, so I think it would be better to wait for a few more days before deciding about updosing.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thank you. Had my usual inadequate night's sleep, but I did take a low dose of magnesium to see if that would help. Maybe magnesium supplements do not agree with me. 

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
5 minutes ago, rmce72a said:

Thank you. Had my usual inadequate night's sleep, but I did take a low dose of magnesium to see if that would help. Maybe magnesium supplements do not agree with me. 

Poor sleep is certainly hard to deal with rmce, I hope you manage to get some more sleep in the future. I actually just started taking magnesium drops from my integrative doctor, but I’m starting on a really low dose and I’ve been okay in it so far. In the past when I tried magnesium it really ramped up my withdrawals, but going slow like this I’m doing fine. You’ll just have to experiment to see if your body will tolerate the magnesium if you take a smaller dose. If you’re okay with it you can just up it slowly, if not, we’ll at least you gave it a go. 

As regards insomnia, I find that blue light glasses are what helps me the most, I wear them in the evening. I still have some nights with insomnia though. 

Take care🧡

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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Thank you, Carmie. I so appreciate your input.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

I've moved your new topic to an existing topic (link given below) and also provided the link to another topic.


Please be sure to read the topic from the beginning.


Tips for tapering off venlafaxine (Effexor)


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 6/24/2022 at 12:38 PM, rmce72a said:

Thank you, Carmie. I so appreciate your input.

How are you doing rmce?🧡

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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Wave or too fast tapering


How do I know if I am in a tapering wave or if I am tapering too fast. Yesterday was a good day with few/no WD symptoms. Today I have dizziness, nausea, increased anxiety, etc. I'm counting beads and took about the same dose last night and the night before as I am "holding" right now. I know windows are expected and I will power through, but if I am tapering too fast perhaps I should add a bead tonight when I take my Effexor XR. How can I tell?


CC added current drug signature:


I took Prozac (10mg?) for 9 years (1990-1999) for helped with pain and very slight depress caused by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My immunologist preferred this to painkillers which I agreed with not realizing what I was getting into with antidepressants. Later when I told mt PCP that I experiencing slight depression (no anxiety), he switched me to Effexor 75 XR. Again, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I've been taking Effexor 75 since then. Three years ago I began having trouble with anxiety and finally panic attacks and knew Effexor wasn't doing the job. 


The PCP who prescribed the Effexor retired and I am seeing new doc who has continued Effexor. I also see a therapist who has helped me with alternative strategies for anxiety. I want OFF Effexor. New PCP suggested 75 alternating with 37.5 which I will not do. Also suggested Prozac bridge but Prozac is in the red zone of my Genesight report. I have, therefore, taken control of my own destiny instead of following suggestions of clueless medical people.


Since 5/26, I have started a sloooow taper per instructions on this site. I still have many questions and don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but I am determined to get well and OFF Effexor for good.


Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title before merging with intro topic, added drug sig

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Please stop creating a new topic every time you have a question.  Many posts have been moved back to your Intro.  SA works differently to many other forums.  Questions about your own situation should be posted here in your Introduction topic.  Go to the bottom of the page and type in the reply box.


Your current drug signature does not show the information that we need.  Please see the instructions. Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature 


Once you fix up your drug signature we will be better able to see what might be causing your current symptoms.


So that we can see your drug history at a glance we need to see:


drug name:  date, dose; date, dose

drug name:  date, dose; date, dose

drug name:  date, dose; date, dose


The staff do a lot of reading and don't have time to read back through your posts to get the information.


Thank you.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus
8 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:

Please stop creating a new topic every time you have a question.


Also, the members who are following your Introduction topic get notified when you have posted in your Intro.  They do not get notified when you post elsewhere.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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I have added my taper to date in my signature. I hope I am posting correctly now. As you can see by my update, even though I am carefully counting each bead in each capsule, the dosage I take every day may not be exactly what it was the day before because the bead numbers vary. Am I causing myself problems by taking 72.8 one day, 72.9 the next, and back to 72.8 or 72.7 the next even when I am trying to hold on a certain dose. This is usually as close as I can get. I use the brand name Effexor XR. I just don't want to upset my brain any more than it already it. I have read the micro dose taper info and realize bead counting is approximate, but I'm still worried. So far, my WD symptoms have been manageable, but they are still there. I am very sensitive to meds.

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

I took Prozac (10mg?) for 9 years (1990-1999) for helped with pain and very slight depress caused by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My immunologist preferred this to painkillers which I agreed with not realizing what I was getting into with antidepressants. Later when I told mt PCP that I experiencing slight depression (no anxiety), he switched me to Effexor 75 XR. Again, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I've been taking Effexor 75 since then. Three years ago I began having trouble with anxiety and finally panic attacks and knew Effexor wasn't doing the job. 


The PCP who prescribed the Effexor retired and I am seeing new doc who has continued Effexor. I also see a therapist who has helped me with alternative strategies for anxiety. I want OFF Effexor. New PCP suggested 75 alternating with 37.5 which I will not do. Also suggested Prozac bridge but Prozac is in the red zone of my Genesight report. I have, therefore, taken control of my own destiny instead of following suggestions of clueless medical people.


Since 5/26, I have started a sloooow taper per instructions on this site. I still have many questions and don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but I am determined to get well and OFF Effexor for good.


The above is a copy of your current drug signature signature IS NOT what we need.


We need to be able to see your drugs, that is the drug name, the dose and the dates, without having to read through it.


Please make it simple so we can see like this example:


Prozac:  1990-1999 - 10mg?

Effexor XR:  date, dose; date, dose; date, dose


Please post letting us know that you have made your drug signature the way I have asked.  Thank you.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

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 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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1 hour ago, rmce72a said:

Am I causing myself problems by taking 72.8 one day, 72.9 the next, and back to 72.8 or 72.7 the next even when I am trying to hold on a certain dose. This is usually as close as I can get. I use the brand name Effexor XR.


I had my Pristiq tablets compounded.  Because of the way they mix the crushed tablet with a filler and then divide it up into the capsules (I have watched videos online about this) there was no guarantee that I was getting an exact dose every day.


We have to do the best we can with what we have.


Generally the higher the dose you are taking the less issues there will be with minor variations in the dose.


The main thing is to only make another reduction we you are stable.  If you are not stable you hold on that dose for longer.


Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist






And Brassmonkey talks more about it here:




MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

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 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Dealing with allergies


I have had allergies all my life. I have taken Clarinex 5g for 20 years. I may need to go back on allergy shots. How will this affect my Effexor taper?


Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title before merging with intro topic

Prozac 10mg 1990-1999    -1999-2018 Effexor XR 75 mg capsules

-2018 Dr direct switched me from Effexor 75XR to Cymbalta 20mg XR and 20 mg Metoprolol following irregular heartbeat incident  -Late 2019 began worsening anxiety/ depression symptoms     -2020 Dr direct switched  back to 75 mg Effex XR   Symptoms worsened   -2021 Changed Dr and began therapy for GAD and worsening physical symptoms   -2022 Found this forum and began slow taper by removing beads -    6/7 - 6/10 Effexor 73.2mg  6/11-6/14  Effexor 72.9mg   nightmares, tinnitus, anxiety;  6/15- Effexor XR 72.6mg  6/16 - 6/20 Effexor XR 72.8   nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, tinnitus 6/22-7/4 hold Effexor XR 72.9-73.1     7/5-7/11  Effexor XR 72.62  7/12 - 7/15  Effexor 72.6  bad symptoms 

7/16-7/17 Effexor XR upped to 72.9  7/18 Effexor XR 72.9  most symptoms gone  hold at 72.9 - 73.0   8/26 - 9/6  Trying to keep dosage under 73. Holding around 72.9 sometime 72.86 due to bead count  Having symptoms most days.

9/6-9/23    Holding at about 72.9-73. Still very ill. No improvement.

9/23 - 11/23  Still keeping dose around 72.9-73

11-23-Jan 14   Held until one week ago. Dropped to 72.75-72.81  terrible WD

1/14- present   Worse WD symptoms. Back to 73.10. Cannot seem to stabilize. 

2/2 - present Holding at about 73 hoping to stabilize  

3/19 - present Dropped to aprox 92.9-92.88. (vary from day to day.) Holding 

Take only Clarinex 5mg for allergies and the Effexor 73 XR. I cannot take any supplements. No caffeine, sugar, soy, gluten, dairy.


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MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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