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State and local elections - your chance to influence future mental health policy through voting and campaign contributions


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I know a lot of us are just struggling to cope with withdrawal one day at a time, and don't have the time, energy, financial resources, or emotional stability to engage with politics. However, if you are one of the lucky ones that think you can engage in this pastime without detriment to your own health, I urge you to consider the candidates' views on psychiatry when casting your vote, or if you are blessed financially to be able to contribute to campaigns.


My efforts so far: I sent a short statement to every state and local candidate on the ballot of my district asking where they stand on a certain piece of legislation that is likely to be reintroduced in the next session at the state level, and then, if it passes, implemented at the county level. About half a dozen actually replied and stated their position on this issue. Next, I also plan to write all the school board candidates in my school district, and ask where they stand on requiring written parent opt-in consent (not just the right to opt-out) for school screenings, questionnaires, and surveys on child behavior, emotional state, personality tests, and any other such data collection. I believe that funneling a child towards better living through chemistry often begins with these screenings, and then thirty years later that child is going to be on this forum, asking how they can pick up the pieces of their destroyed health.


This past March, a close friend of mine was interviewing for a job at some combination of https://www.inseparable.us/ and https://healingthenation.wellbeingtrust.org/ which as far as I can tell are nonprofit intermediaries established to distribute pharmaceutical corporation money into legislative and judicial efforts to get more people to take more medication. Thank God she didn't get the job, but in the process of this interview, she was given access to a spreadsheet of legislative priorities of these nonprofits, listed state by state, of pro-psychiatry bills on their way to becoming laws in every state in the nation. If you are curious about how more people will be encouraged to use more medication in your state in the near future, message me privately and I will send you a copy of this enormous spreadsheet, current as of March 29, 2022.


Whether you are for or against abortion, I think you have to admit that the pro-choice folks really took their eyes off the ball when they focused on Roe v. Wade instead of mobilizing their voter base at the state legislature level. Similarly, if you think FDA, NIMH, SAMHSA, etc. are the only game in town where voices of people harmed by psychiatry need to be heard, please consider expanding your political interests to the state, county, and school board level.

Due to things I recently learned in my volunteer work and activism with folks in the legislative, executive, judicial, lobbyist, and media specialties, I believe this information, even when posted here where we should all be feeling secure, carries quite a bit of liability, and it is up to each of you whether to keep posting it. Sorry Altostrata, I know this signature information is a key part of your wonderful work to help people, and I admire you so much for doing this work, but please hear me out. You, Mark Horowitz, Robert Whitaker, the late Loren Mosher, and so many other folks are heroes of mine and you changed my life for the better, so I know you mean well, but I just want you and others to be aware that it could lead to some problems later on. I will explain in a new post.


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Wow @whatisbrain this is awesome! 

Way to go and THANK YOU for your work <3

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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I greatly appreciate your support, @Ariel. So far I'm not experiencing any delusions of grandeur about this though, ha! So I know that I am just one person in just one state, and my ability to make a difference is pretty much equal to zero because I'm not a George Soros or Koch brothers level political donor.

Due to things I recently learned in my volunteer work and activism with folks in the legislative, executive, judicial, lobbyist, and media specialties, I believe this information, even when posted here where we should all be feeling secure, carries quite a bit of liability, and it is up to each of you whether to keep posting it. Sorry Altostrata, I know this signature information is a key part of your wonderful work to help people, and I admire you so much for doing this work, but please hear me out. You, Mark Horowitz, Robert Whitaker, the late Loren Mosher, and so many other folks are heroes of mine and you changed my life for the better, so I know you mean well, but I just want you and others to be aware that it could lead to some problems later on. I will explain in a new post.


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49 minutes ago, whatisbrain said:

So I know that I am just one person in just one state, and my ability to make a difference is pretty much equal to zero because I'm not a George Soros or Koch brothers level political donor.


I can relate to that "just a drop in the ocean" feeling, but please know that you reach is potentially far greater than that. It's about the ripples that spread and expand out from that one drop hitting the water. Sharing as you have in your post is huge because you are showing us a path that few of us might know about. 


I think there are a lot of people who want to do something and just don't know where or how to begin. Government and legislative systems can be complicated and opaque, not everyone knows how they work or has access to obtaining the necessary information if they have to do the research from scratch.


Many people want to take action but face obstacles. In part, as you say, due to struggling with WD and life in general, and in part because many of us are not aware of how things work behind the scenes and don't know how to engage with politics even when we might want to. What should I write, to whom, and how? etc.

It can be a matter of conditioning, education, and upbringing as well; a lot of people grow up not learning that they matter, not learning that their votes and voices count, and that can create a cognitive block where it doesn't even occur to someone that there is something they could do. 


It's massively helpful that you are sharing this, not only because it's so inspiring and encouraging, but because it conveys such important practical information.

You are clearly well-informed on this issue and the political ins and outs, and I so appreciate your taking the time to share your knowledge and experience. 


Please do not ever underestimate your ability to make a difference! You'd made a difference to me already, and you are making a difference in the world through your actions. 

Sometimes I wish more of the "right" people had delusions of grandeur, it could be a motivating force for good! 


Not to mention the fact that we are exchanging these messages on SA, an online community that exists because @Altostrata took action. (I cannot speak to whether or not Alto has delusions of grandeur (one can only hope) but at this point they'd hardly be delusions anymore, anyway.)


I don't know what the process was of starting and developing SA (Altostrata, if you ever have the time/energy to share about the intricacies and logistics of getting SA up and running, or if you've already written about this, it could be very interesting to hear about the nitty-gritty of getting something like this off the ground and keeping it running.)


I imagine that these things begin as an idea in one person's mind (in response/relationship to lived experience of one kind or another), and then gradually through dedication and communication and reaching out to involve others (and maybe lots of trial and error, too), and gradually gradually that idea takes form and grows and evolves into something like the site we know and love and are so grateful for today. It's a process. The impact of SA and Altostrata's years and years of research and activism are now far greater than one human being. 


As individuals we may be uniquely suited to certain forms of action over others. Some people like yourself @whatisbrain may have an aptitude for engaging directly with political candidates and campaigns. Others may feel more at home in grassroots mode, perhaps doing on-the-ground community organizing, facilitating consciousness-raising groups, setting up protests and other mass public non-violent action. Others may choose to reach out to media outlets to try to drum up press (I think I saw that @Chlo shared about contacting Dr. Phil to inform about ADWD and psych drug risks, which is fabulous!). @Shep has posted about various books, stories, projects, initiatives coming out of the anti-psychiatry movement, all of which are excellent examples of possible ways to make a difference. Whatisbrain, maybe you have experience with some of those avenues, too. 


This is all awesome work and I feel a little better about being in the world knowing that you're in it, too, doing what you're doing.

Thank you whatisbrain, Altostrata, Shep, Chlo, and the countless others on and off SA who are contributing to changing things for the better. 

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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Btw, here is Chlo's post about writing to Dr. Phil, excerpt below:


"That would be great if everyone could overload Dr. Phil with emails. I requested to be on the show. 

I mentioned to him the suffering that we go through in wd and how most physicians are not aware of the symptoms while coming off of antidepressants, benzos,  etc. And how psychiatrist, md's, np's, etc just think it's ok to keep prescribing all these psych meds without addressing underlying conditions. 

Please, by all means, bombard him with your concerns and suffering. 

I also mentioned Alto and her forum. 

Btw...I never did get a response 😔

Hopefully one of us will 🤍"


@whatisbrain and @Chlo I'm jazzed about your efforts, thank you!

Strength in numbers -- please feel free to share as much practical info as you want so that others may follow suit if they wish. 

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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12 hours ago, Ariel said:



I can relate to that "just a drop in the ocean" feeling, but please know that you reach is potentially far greater than that. It's about the ripples that spread and expand out from that one drop hitting the water. Sharing as you have in your post is huge because you are showing us a path that few of us might know about. 


I think there are a lot of people who want to do something and just don't know where or how to begin. Government and legislative systems can be complicated and opaque, not everyone knows how they work or has access to obtaining the necessary information if they have to do the research from scratch.


Many people want to take action but face obstacles. In part, as you say, due to struggling with WD and life in general, and in part because many of us are not aware of how things work behind the scenes and don't know how to engage with politics even when we might want to. What should I write, to whom, and how? etc.

It can be a matter of conditioning, education, and upbringing as well; a lot of people grow up not learning that they matter, not learning that their votes and voices count, and that can create a cognitive block where it doesn't even occur to someone that there is something they could do. 


It's massively helpful that you are sharing this, not only because it's so inspiring and encouraging, but because it conveys such important practical information.

You are clearly well-informed on this issue and the political ins and outs, and I so appreciate your taking the time to share your knowledge and experience. 


Please do not ever underestimate your ability to make a difference! You'd made a difference to me already, and you are making a difference in the world through your actions. 

Sometimes I wish more of the "right" people had delusions of grandeur, it could be a motivating force for good! 


Not to mention the fact that we are exchanging these messages on SA, an online community that exists because @Altostrata took action. (I cannot speak to whether or not Alto has delusions of grandeur (one can only hope) but at this point they'd hardly be delusions anymore, anyway.)


I don't know what the process was of starting and developing SA (Altostrata, if you ever have the time/energy to share about the intricacies and logistics of getting SA up and running, or if you've already written about this, it could be very interesting to hear about the nitty-gritty of getting something like this off the ground and keeping it running.)


I imagine that these things begin as an idea in one person's mind (in response/relationship to lived experience of one kind or another), and then gradually through dedication and communication and reaching out to involve others (and maybe lots of trial and error, too), and gradually gradually that idea takes form and grows and evolves into something like the site we know and love and are so grateful for today. It's a process. The impact of SA and Altostrata's years and years of research and activism are now far greater than one human being. 


As individuals we may be uniquely suited to certain forms of action over others. Some people like yourself @whatisbrain may have an aptitude for engaging directly with political candidates and campaigns. Others may feel more at home in grassroots mode, perhaps doing on-the-ground community organizing, facilitating consciousness-raising groups, setting up protests and other mass public non-violent action. Others may choose to reach out to media outlets to try to drum up press (I think I saw that @Chlo shared about contacting Dr. Phil to inform about ADWD and psych drug risks, which is fabulous!). @Shep has posted about various books, stories, projects, initiatives coming out of the anti-psychiatry movement, all of which are excellent examples of possible ways to make a difference. Whatisbrain, maybe you have experience with some of those avenues, too. 


This is all awesome work and I feel a little better about being in the world knowing that you're in it, too, doing what you're doing.

Thank you whatisbrain, Altostrata, Shep, Chlo, and the countless others on and off SA who are contributing to changing things for the better. 

Your most welcome,  sweetheart! I will send out another email to Dr. Phil. As many as it takes. And if anyone else feels like doing so too, but does not want to possibly be on the show, you can mention me and I will gladly represent all of us. 

You can text "PHIL" to 88500


Or send email to:https://www.drphil.com/be-on-the-show/plug/9163/


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Mentor


Wouldn't it be wonderful to have mass emails sent to Dr Phil.  Maybe it would finally force the issue that there is 100 and 1000's of people who need to be heard. Do you think you could share some of the things you talked about.  Did you send any links to verify  what they may say is your "opinion".  What kind of information would be the most pertinent to first send. 

Maybe @Arielcould help us out here.  ariel you have such a gift with words and intellect.    We could come up with several different key things.  This might require several different types of drafts to be sent.  No way could one draft fit all the information.;   

@whatisbrain  Thank You for starting this wave of that one drop of water.  Did you find the candidates forthcoming with their stand or was it answered in a side tracked way.  Also if you don't mind what kind of questions did you ask, did you share anything about your stance on it?  This is a great way to start group action in each state. 



1995? Prozac,  tried several Paxil, Serzone, St John's Wart back to Prozac and Trazodone ct:d Traz

 Lexapro. Tried to stop Crash in 2015  Kindled   Hospitalized, Vybrid, Seroquel, Effexor, Abilify  Pristiq, Wellbutrin-- 2016  ended back on   Prozac and Lamictal 200mg

5/2020  thru 12/2020 taper from 20mg  Prozac  down to 3mg.  Crashed  12/13/2020 Zoloft 50mg 1/29ct  1/29/2021 Seroquel 50mg ct  2/12/2021 Wellbutrin 75mg.  Became hypo manic 2/1  6ct Trazodone 50mg 4/25  25mg 2/5/ 2021 Lamictal 150mg.  2/24  100mg   4/9  75mg   4/21 37.5 

2/16/2021 Seroquel 50xr  3/3 100mg  3/17  150mg  side effects ct   4/3 2021 Lexapro 5mg  4/14  7.5mg  4/30 10mg  5/10  7.5mg 

2021/ 5/16  5mg Lexapro   37.5 Lamictal   25mg trazadone,   xanax  .0625mg  3x a day   

Lexapro  Taper> Sept/01/2021  4.90mg>  Sept/25  4.75mg>   Oct/19 4.69mg > Nov/14 4.2mg    Jan/30/2022-- Split dosing 2x a day All liquid  4.2mg  (2.20mg at 8am & 2mg at 4pm) 2/17 4mg>  2/24  3.8mg  slow taper to  Aug/12/2022 2.04mg  2023> 2mg,  1.90mg, 1.80mg, 1.70mg, 1.5mg, 1.4mg, 1.3mg 1.2mg, 1.1mg, 1mg, 0.9mg, 0.8mg, 0.7mg 0.65mg, 0.6mg, 0.55mg, 0.5mg, 0.45mg, 0.4mg, 0.35mg, 0.3mg, 0.25,mg, back to once a day dosing 0 .1mg, 0.07mg , 0.05mg 4/1/2024   0

Lamictal  taper  4/17/ 2022 25mg, 9/9/ 22 -20mg, 9/25/22- 15mg , 10/20/22-   0

 Trazodone..2023.>down to 14mg, 7mg, 6mg  July 2023   0

Xanax  0.0625mgai 3 x a day,  2023>  0.042mgai 3x a day  2024> 0.034mgai 3x a day

Supplements  Magnesium glycinate, Omega 3, D3, vitamin c , zinc, NAC 

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3 hours ago, Greatful said:


Wouldn't it be wonderful to have mass emails sent to Dr Phil.  Maybe it would finally force the issue that there is 100 and 1000's of people who need to be heard. Do you think you could share some of the things you talked about.  Did you send any links to verify  what they may say is your "opinion".  What kind of information would be the most pertinent to first send. 

Maybe @Arielcould help us out here.  ariel you have such a gift with words and intellect.    We could come up with several different key things.  This might require several different types of drafts to be sent.  No way could one draft fit all the information.;   

@whatisbrain  Thank You for starting this wave of that one drop of water.  Did you find the candidates forthcoming with their stand or was it answered in a side tracked way.  Also if you don't mind what kind of questions did you ask, did you share anything about your stance on it?  This is a great way to start group action in each state. 




Medicating Normal Facebook page:









Baylissa Frederick Videos:




Alto speaking at rally against Psychiatric deception and abuse:



I just basically told them how the Psychiatric medical field and pharmaceutical industry is quick to shove poisonous pills down our throat instead of dealing with the underlying condition. How, if taken seriously, we would benefit in a more healthy manner by seeing a therapist, psychologist, using all natural supplements. 

I explained how my provider at the time, never once during those 22 years, questioned me on my sanity or health, she just had me come in to basically refill the script. 

And how I wished I was just strung out on drugs where I could be admitted to a rehab, detox, therapy, then "bam" you are healed. 

This, by far, is the most difficult thing I have ever been through in my life, including losing my father, and recently, my husband. 

At first I thought, hmmm.... maybe Dr. Phil could get me on his show and send me to a place who specifically deals with ad/benzo withdrawals, but honestly, I really don't think there's such a place. 

The ONLY place we can get help and hope is through Altos forum. Praise God for her!! 

We've got to get the word out!! These poor children coming up in the world are being forced to take add, adhd, Psych meds, etc. 

Why not deal with the underlying condition! 

We have to speak for them! 

We have to get our self healed during the process and it's not a quick fix. 


My mind is racing and anxiety is creeping atm.

I love yall 🌻





•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • 6 months later...

Thank you, Ariel, Chlo, and Greatful. In fact soon after writing that post, my deteriorating digestive health and ensuing relationship instability and housing instability led me to move to a different county, and now I actually spend most of my time in a neighboring state, even though I still rent a residence in Maryland. So I was unable to even vote, not in my original county in Maryland, not in my new county in Maryland, and definitely not in the state where I now spend most of my time but am not actually in possession of a residence.

Due to things I recently learned in my volunteer work and activism with folks in the legislative, executive, judicial, lobbyist, and media specialties, I believe this information, even when posted here where we should all be feeling secure, carries quite a bit of liability, and it is up to each of you whether to keep posting it. Sorry Altostrata, I know this signature information is a key part of your wonderful work to help people, and I admire you so much for doing this work, but please hear me out. You, Mark Horowitz, Robert Whitaker, the late Loren Mosher, and so many other folks are heroes of mine and you changed my life for the better, so I know you mean well, but I just want you and others to be aware that it could lead to some problems later on. I will explain in a new post.


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Chlo, I found that the candidates who agreed with me were straightforward and clear in their answers, whereas the ones that just said that "they would study the issue carefully" were obviously afraid to say that they disagreed with me because they still wanted my vote and my money, so they tried to be vague and diplomatic.


Here is the statement I sent to the state legislature candidates in the district where I lived at the time:


Where do you stand on last legislative session’s HB1017/SB0807 “Frederick County – Mental Health Law – Assisted Outpatient Treatment Pilot Program”? Candidates’ position on forced coercive drugging of outpatients will fully determine both my vote and my financial contributions to any campaigns. If you need more information on the issue to help you make up your mind, I will be happy to share with you the long email that I sent to my representatives in the last session.


I did not have time to write to school board candidates because my digestive health and ensuing issues occupied all my time.

Due to things I recently learned in my volunteer work and activism with folks in the legislative, executive, judicial, lobbyist, and media specialties, I believe this information, even when posted here where we should all be feeling secure, carries quite a bit of liability, and it is up to each of you whether to keep posting it. Sorry Altostrata, I know this signature information is a key part of your wonderful work to help people, and I admire you so much for doing this work, but please hear me out. You, Mark Horowitz, Robert Whitaker, the late Loren Mosher, and so many other folks are heroes of mine and you changed my life for the better, so I know you mean well, but I just want you and others to be aware that it could lead to some problems later on. I will explain in a new post.


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  • 8 months later...

@whatisbrain I messaged you for more information! 

2012-2013: Sertraline (100mg)

April 2013-May 2013: tapered completely off Sertraline (50mg for two weeks, then 25mg for two weeks, then none)

May 2013-November 2013: experienced severe withdrawal effects

November 2013-2018: Sertraline (100mg then up to 200mg then back to 100mg over this time)

January 2018: abrupt switch to Effexor; extreme withdrawal side effects from switch; used Lorazepam for 2 days to cope

February 2018-April 2018: abrupt switch to Prozac (maybe 30mg or 20mg?? do not remember)

April 2018-September 2019: tapered off Prozac completely using liquid form (do not remember by what increments); experienced windows and waves pattern of withdrawal

September 2019-January 2020: felt really great, better than ever before

February 2020-April 2021: experienced severe withdrawal in windows and waves pattern

April 2021-NOW: windows and waves pattern ended; experiencing drastic change in digestive, endocrine, autonomic, and immune system functioning


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