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Tips for tapering off duloxetine (Cymbalta)


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  • Administrator

Welcome, KD0105. Please read this topic from the beginning. Counting beads is the only way to taper Cymbalta. Some people weigh them to be sure dosing is consistent.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I've contacted my compounding pharmacist about this.  I'm hoping he will respond to my email.

ChessieCat, have you had an answer to this question from your pharmacist yet?

I've been on 60mg Cymbalta for 10 years. I attempted a slow taper 5 years ago and did not make it. This time I know more!  :wub:

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No.  He never got back to me and I haven't been in for my new batch yet.


The mods have discussed it and think it is highly unlikely that the individual beads would be made to release at different times.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

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 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 1 month later...

I'm new to this topic, so please forgive me if I'm overlooking something obvious...


There appears to be a logical problem underlying all of the tapering strategies in this thread. I just had a lengthy discussion with my local pharmacist, and she claims that the "micro-beads" contained in Cymbalta are heterogeneous wrt enteric coating. In other words (to use a made-up example): 25% of the beads might be coated to time-release after 1 hour, 25% to release after 2 hours, 25% after 4 hours, and 25% after 8 hours. The problem is that when you sub-divide your dosage, you have no way of knowing whether you're getting a balanced cross-section of these different enteric coatings.

I was told something similar by my doctor, but I'm not sure it is correct. I found the controlled release patent at https://www.google.com/patents/EP1904039A2?cl=en&dq=cymbalta&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWgrvz1eLSAhVB8CYKHTUKBmgQ6AEIHDAA


I can't find a clear indication that different beads are designed to be dissolved at different times. All that is clear is that the drug is slowly released as the coating dissolves:


"Once the dosage form reaches the intestine and pH approaches more than 5.5, the enteric coating starts to dissolve and drug core in polymeric carrier is exposed to the intestinal fluid. The dosage form starts to release the drug in the intestine in a controlled rate by polymeric diffusion, dissolution and erosion mechanisms and the process occurs for prolonged period of time. The dosage form completely erodes and dissolves within the dosing interval (24h), thereby ensuring complete drug release in the intestine."

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  • Administrator

I wouldn't worry about this. Counting beads is the only way to taper Cymbalta. There is no other option.


Do your best to take what looks like a cross-section of beads.


We have many people here who have done this successfully. Go to the Introductions forum and use search for "cymbalta" to find their stories.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I wouldn't worry about this. Counting beads is the only way to taper Cymbalta. There is no other option.


I agree. It just frustrates me that pharmacists and doctors would tell patients that weighing/counting beads will interfere with the timed release when there is no written proof that it would. Oh well.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

If you really want to play it safe, you can get empty enteric coated capsules to protect the beads from stomach acid. They cost considerably more than a gelatin or vegan capsule: 


An amazon search for empty enteric coated capsules.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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My Citron duloxtine (generic Cymbalta) 60 mg capsules won't open.....feels like they are glued together.  I've found 2 that came apart, but the rest won't no matter how hard I pull.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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You would have to be very careful.  You could try holding a capsule upright and snipping off the very top with scissors or use a craft knife.  If you can't get the scissors to snip, you could try making a small starter slit with a craft knife so you can then cut with scissors.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

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The tiny beads inside a Cymbalta capsule are individually coated to protect them from stomach acid. The gelatin capsule is only a container, it doesn't provide timed release or protection from stomach acid.


As far as I know, you cannot buy empty enteric capsules. They are available only to drug manufacturers.


If your Cymbalta capsules don't open by grasping at both ends and twisting, you'll just have to break them carefully (or cut them) over a clean container. It may be handy for you to get empty (largish) gelatin capsules so you can package your beads in them for multiple doses; for example, your doses for the week.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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There are so many brands and sizes of gelatin capsules on Amazon that it's confusing.  What kind and size should I buy?  


2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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I think I read somewhere 00.  It's better to get the larger size because it is easier to get the beads into them.  You could get the giant 000 ones, but you need to consider whether you would be able to swallow them.


I've just found it:  post by Alto


She suggests 0 or 00.  But you need to consider your ability to handle the smaller size.  Comparison picture with measurements


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 8 months later...

I'm interested in knowing if there is a way to do a daily micro taper of Cymbalta vs percentage cuts every few weeks.  I'm finishing up a valium taper and switched to a daily liquid micro taper when I got to 2.5 mg.  It's made all the difference and is so much better.  Of course, there isn't a liquid version of Cymbalta, but I'm wondering if anyone has figured out how to do it using a scale or other way.  


Once I'm stable enough after the benzo taper, I have 48 mg of Cymbalta to taper so would like to have a plan in place.  I'm kindled and very, very sensitive to even small cuts.  I'm taking the Teva generic brand of duloxetine and a 60 mg capsule has an average of 315 beads.  Right now, I'm using a Gemini 20 scale from Amazon to weigh the beads and tapered in May from 60 mg to 48 mg.  However, an attempt to taper 2.5% in October was a disaster after only one day.  I was already in benzo withdrawal from the valium taper and so shouldn't have touched the Cymbalta.  But, that experience showed me how sensitive my CNS is and that I have to be very careful resuming the Cymbalta taper when I've completed and stabilized from the valium withdrawal.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer guidance on this.  


2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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  • Administrator

Unfortunately, the smallest dose of Cymbalta is one bead. You cannot make a liquid of Cymbalta, or grind it up.


At 48mg Cymbalta, which is still a large dose, a reduction of one or two beads at a time (less than 1% of the 315 beads in your capsules) might be the best you can do for a micro taper.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Thanks, Altostrata.  Just for clarification, I wrote: 


Of course, there isn't a liquid version of Cymbalta, but I'm wondering if anyone has figured out how to do it using a scale or other way.


 As you wrote, it would come down to eliminating a bead or so each day at a dose of 48 mg or so. I'd be curious to know of anyone's results using this method with a scale.  


So, is 48 mg considered a high dose?  


2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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I tapered down over a number of months. I managed to escape it. Read my details in my history. I don’t recall exact detils of what I posted but i do recall opening capsules and spacing them out more and more. After I was off altogether I felt like I had cognitive impairment for quite some time. In fact I still do but I’m not sure if it’s from all the ADs or from three kids....


(almost) drug free since mid August 2011

Cymbalta 3 yrs in combo with Wellbutrin 2yrs, Seroquel "as needed"

Zoloft prescribed a couple of times during teens


You are your own best - and possibly only - health advocate. Nobody cares as much about your health and wellbeing as you do, no matter what they may tell you. You cannot sit back and just "trust" the experts, who may well not care about your health at all.


Psychiatry is a horrific fraud being perpetuated on our civilisation. One day, I'm sure it will be exposed. Until then, we've got to share our stories and help each other as we are able.

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CymDrone, I read some of your posts and it sounds like you were on a very low dose of Cymbalta by the time you got to this forum.   I'm so awfully sorry that you still have cognitive impairment after being off the drugs for so long.  How severe is it?  From what I understand, Seroquel is one of the more dangerous drugs, so I'm glad you're off it of.  Do you have any suggestions as I prep for tackling my taper from 48 mg of Cymbalta?  It'll be on the heels of a benzo taper, so my CNS is very fragile.  I'll have to wait a few months to stabilize from the valium before starting the Cymbalta taper.  


2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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Yes by the time I registered myself I was pretty low but I’d been viewing the forum through a friend who was sharing resources like this with me so a lot of the advice I followed was straight from here or from Dr. Peter Breggin’s work. My strongest caution would be not to taper too fast, to not see it as a failure of some sort when the discontinuation symptoms force you to taper more slowly and to exercise a LOT to help your brain stabilize itself. Exercise triggers all kinds of hormone and neurotransmitter production whicn felt like it had a dampening effect on the discontinuation swings and kickstarted my own brain into balancing itself again. Running everyday for at least 20 mins would be my min recommendation for exercise. And if you’re felling doubtful that exercise could be so effective, the most approachable resource I’ve seen in the research is called Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. 


When I say i still suspect cognitive impairment, it’s maybe helpful to understand my context. I’m a high performance knowledge / head worker, an engineer working in the project planning and investment part of our business and I deal with huge amounts of data and people that I have to say on top of. My company hires top 1-5% of performers to begin with. I can perform my job and have improved my performance ranking consistently since getting off the drugs. But I am by no means a top performer at my company, I’m average. But if I was working almost anywhere else I may not notice a difference. And Mum brain is a thing too - not well understood but looks

like mild dementia from the symptoms side of things. I’ve had three kids in 5 years so am definitely a Mum brain candidate. Every time I go back to work after a year of maternity leave I feel the mountain my brain has to climb to get “back in the game”. My youngest is almost three now though and I’ve not worked this long a stretch since starting ADs. I’m hoping I’ll comtinue to see sustained improvement in brain (and work!) performance going forward. 


(almost) drug free since mid August 2011

Cymbalta 3 yrs in combo with Wellbutrin 2yrs, Seroquel "as needed"

Zoloft prescribed a couple of times during teens


You are your own best - and possibly only - health advocate. Nobody cares as much about your health and wellbeing as you do, no matter what they may tell you. You cannot sit back and just "trust" the experts, who may well not care about your health at all.


Psychiatry is a horrific fraud being perpetuated on our civilisation. One day, I'm sure it will be exposed. Until then, we've got to share our stories and help each other as we are able.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

48mg Cymbalta is a fairly high dose.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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And it was doubled before that too. When I first proposed reducing it due to ineffectiveness my dr asked me to try increasing it first. I felt I had to accept and be cooperative to maintain his cooperation in getting off them in the end, so I agreed. (That may not have been the case - he ended up being moderately supportive all along including contacting the drug companies directly seeking guidance on how to stop each med, but at the same time I took control of my tapering based on info here and Dr Peter Breghin and visited my dr infrequently enough that i could achieve a fair bit in between and demonstrate success to ensure his continued support). Most of the next month I was overseas visiting family and it was awful trying to restrain the increased aggression and sensitivity to sound / stressful people around me due to the increased dose. As unpleasant as it was, it clearly demonstrated to both my dr and to me that increasing meds was not the answer. 


(almost) drug free since mid August 2011

Cymbalta 3 yrs in combo with Wellbutrin 2yrs, Seroquel "as needed"

Zoloft prescribed a couple of times during teens


You are your own best - and possibly only - health advocate. Nobody cares as much about your health and wellbeing as you do, no matter what they may tell you. You cannot sit back and just "trust" the experts, who may well not care about your health at all.


Psychiatry is a horrific fraud being perpetuated on our civilisation. One day, I'm sure it will be exposed. Until then, we've got to share our stories and help each other as we are able.

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  • 2 months later...

Where to get Cymbalta with beads in US? tried generic 20mg, 30mg & 60mg; everything has mini-tabs (5mg)(I want 2.5mg) . I can try non-generic that is expensive(not covered by insurance), not sure that has beads or not. can anyone point how to get beads? online shop is also ok. I live in US NE coast.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Brand-name Cymbalta contains the beads. Generics usually contain the mini-tabs.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in the U.S.and have used two generic brands of duloxetine that contain beads.  One was Citron, made in India. A Citron 60 mg capsule contained about 356 beads, if I remember correctly.  Now, I'm using Teva made in Israel.  The 60 mg Teva capsule contains an average of 315 beads.  I like Teva better as the beads are bigger and easier to weigh and count. 


Lupin generic makes the 60 mg capsule with 12 mini tabs.   


2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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  • Administrator

Thanks for that info, gardenlady.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got 20mg CITRON generic from Safeway pharmacy today. Each tablet contains 120 beads. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have begun counting and removing the beads in my Cymbalta capsules as part of measuring a minuscule dose that I am attempting to reinstate with. 


HOWEVER, when it comes to tapering from an extremely low dose such as 1 or 2 mg...how does one do this?

In the lowest manufacturer-provided capsule of 20mg I counted an average of 115 beads. A 2 mg dose rounded up to 12 beads, a 1mg dose rounded up to 6.

BUT if we are supposed to be reducing amounts by 10% during tapering, the closest we can get to this on Cymbalta beads would be to just reduce by 1 bead every reduction. It will be far from exact, but there is no other option, is there??

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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When we reduce we don't have to taper by exactly 10%.  The idea is to reduce by no more than 10%.  I'm tapering Pristiq using compounded capsules and have had to adapt my taper to the monetary denominations of the capsule doses.  So there are some weeks that I hold for 3 weeks but when I get closer to the 10% reduction mark I hold for the full 4 weeks.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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On 1/3/2017 at 3:19 PM, cymbaln00b said:


There appears to be a logical problem underlying all of the tapering strategies in this thread.  I just had a lengthy discussion with my local pharmacist, and she claims that the "micro-beads" contained in Cymbalta are heterogeneous wrt enteric coating.  In other words (to use a made-up example): 25% of the beads might be coated to time-release after 1 hour, 25% to release after 2 hours, 25% after 4 hours, and 25% after 8 hours.  The problem is that when you sub-divide your dosage, you have no way of knowing whether you're getting a balanced cross-section of these different enteric coatings.



Okay. Soooo I just saw this...this is definitely a little worrying. Would the best bet then be to use a compounding pharmacy for all your tiny doses? And can you trust compounding pharmacies to get it EXACTLY right and precise?

Edited by DavidfromTexas

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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8 minutes ago, DavidfromTexas said:


Okay. Soooo I just saw this...this is definitely a little worrying. Would the best bet then be to use a compounding pharmacy for all your tiny doses? And can you trust compounding pharmacies to get it EXACTLY right and precise?


A compounding pharmacy I tried initially refused to compound beads. Not for this reason, though (I think).


I said:



Surely it's just a matter of weighing the beads with a digital scale? ie. the same process used to weigh powder.



They replied:


We will have to add a filler and not sure what effect this will have on the dissolution of the beads. We also not sure if the distribution of the beads will be equal when adding the filler. If you are happy to continue with the  compounding it without having answers to these questions we will go ahead.


I'm wondering if https://www.taperingstrip.org/ takes cymbaln00b's concerns into account?

I am here as a supporter to certain individuals undergoing withdrawal, and to learn from and contribute to the forum where possible.
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So basically there’s no REAL good way to do it?


If it’s an unsteady dose, does it make reinstating less of an obvious preference compared to riding the withdrawal? OR does it make a better case for trying a transition to Prozac? (I think that was an option)


What would the effect be if these supposedly differently-timed beads all dissolved and were absorbed at the same time? I though Delayed Release only meant that it doesn’t dissolve in your stomach but is “delayed” until out of the stomach...


I have only just taken my 2nd dose of Cymbalta reinstatement so I’d like to know if there’s a different solution or not. This makes me think since I am currently not experiencing any PHYSICALS withdrawal symptoms that maybe I should just try to ride out the emotional withdrawal period. Could this discrepancy with the beads actually make reinstating a worse idea than the withdrawal, causing even more bad effects later?


Have others been successful reinstating on personally divided tiny doses, and been able to stabilize and then subsequently taper?

It would seem that the very fact that you’re getting a mix of differently designed beads can’t be good for you...


Does the “steady state” negate this issue after a certain point??

Edited by DavidfromTexas

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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On 8/22/2011 at 9:48 AM, Altostrata said:

Did some surfing and found someone who had counted the pellets in Cymbalta capsules:


Cymbalta size and number of pellets

30mg=250 pellets (approx.)

20mg=166 pellets

15mg=125 pellets

10mg=83 pellets

5mg=42 pellets


Before you go by this, count the pellets in a couple of your capsules and verify. Please post your results in this topic!


I found an average of 115 beads in the 20mg capsules...

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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GUYS. I spoke with a pharmacist at Rancho Park Compounding Pharmacy here in Los Angeles, and she said a manufacturer out of Texas called PCCA DOES MAKE POWDER/CAPSULE AND LIQUID DULOXETINE!


I called PCCA to confirm and they verified it, and they said there’s a lot of compounding pharmacies that do business with them as “members”. 

You can search them by going here:




She suggested going with the powder/capsule over the liquid because compounding the liquid requires more ingredients that would need to be provided, I assume making it more expensive. 


Also, I don’t believe a prescription is required for this particular pharmacy I found here. 

Edited by DavidfromTexas

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Please be aware that once your dose is compounded it may be immediate release which will probably require you to dose twice daily.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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1 hour ago, DavidfromTexas said:



GUYS. I spoke with a pharmacist at Rancho Park Compounding Pharmacy here in Los Angeles, and she said a manufacturer out of Texas called PCCA DOES MAKE POWDER/CAPSULE AND LIQUID DULOXETINE!


I called PCCA to confirm and they verified it, and they said there’s a lot of compounding pharmacies that do business with them as “members”. 

You can search them by going here:




She suggested going with the powder/capsule over the liquid because compounding the liquid requires more ingredients that would need to be provided, I assume making it more expensive. 


Also, I don’t believe a prescription is required for this particular pharmacy I found here. 


My apologies, OF COURSE a prescription is required lol


I got a little excited

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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29 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:

Please be aware that once your dose is compounded it may be immediate release which will probably require you to dose twice daily.


I asked the pharmacist that I talked to already and she said they use a capsule that is designed to break down I the intestines. So the action of the timed release should be the same as the pellets, no? The capsule begins to dissolve in the intestines and the powder begins to leak through. Should that not have the same effect as the pellets?


Either way, would powder/capsule form be a recommended way OVER the pellet/capsule form, since there is some discrepancy with the actual pellets themselves?


Is this something y’all dont recommend?

Edited by DavidfromTexas

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS (approximates):

2000--2009/10. Zoloft, mid-high dosage. Alprazolam, as needed, rarely. 

2009/10--2016/17. Cymbalta, 90 mg

Early 2017--Mid-2017. Cymbalta, 60 mg

Mid-2017--Jan 2018. Cymbalta, 30--60 mg, reduced in 30 mg increments w/o physical w/d symptoms, possibly some emotional w/d symptoms. Mar 2018--Early 2019. Back on Cymbalta, fluctuating dosages from 30 to 90mg. Reduced from 60 to 30, then from 30 to 0 again, this time WITH very light physical w/d symptoms. Back to 30mg. Early 2019--April 2019. Cymbalta, 30mg. Down from 30 to 0. Physical w/d symptoms again. Back to 30mg. May 2019. Cymbalta 30 mg. Down to 20 mid-month. Started taking every other day in final week of the month. 

Jun 2019. Cymbalta 10-ish mg. Started “eyeballing” about half of the beads in the capsule. Taking every other day, then at mid-month every 4 days. 

July 2, 2019. Took last dose of “eyeballed” 5-ish mg. July 24, 2019. Took first reinstatement dose of 2mg. Dropped down to 1mg (6 beads) the very next day.

Aug 6, 2019. Up-dose to 1.33 mg. Aug 30, 2019. Up-dose to 1.5 mg. 


Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day

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