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What to do for dizziness, queasiness, nausea


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Hi everyone


Recently I became unstable after a drop. I experienced dizziness and nausea. I took some motion sickness tablets and these helped until the wd symptoms passed.


I did this because I do suffer from motion sickness and it felt very similar.


Though this might be useful to someone



Please note - I am not a medical practitioner and I do not give medical advice. I offer an opinion based on my own experiences, reading and discussion with others.On Effexor for 2 months at the start of 2005. Had extreme insomnia as an adverse reaction. Changed to mirtazapine. Have been trying to get off since mid 2008 with numerous failures including CTs and slow (but not slow enough tapers)Have slow tapered at 10 per cent or less for years. I have liquid mirtazapine made at a compounding chemist.

Was on 1.6 ml as at 19 March 2014.

Dropped to 1.5 ml 7 June 2014. Dropped to 1.4 in about September.

Dropped to 1.3 on 20 December 2014. Dropped to 1.2 in mid Jan 2015.

Dropped to 1 ml in late Feb 2015. I think my old medication had run out of puff so I tried 1ml when I got the new stuff and it seems to be going ok. Sleep has been good over the last week (as of 13/3/15).

Dropped to 1/2 ml 14/11/15 Fatigue still there as are memory and cognition problems. Sleep is patchy but liveable compared to what it has been in the past.


DRUG FREE - as at 1st May 2017


>My intro post is here - http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2250-dalsaan

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What were the motion sickness meds, the name? I am having the same issue I would love to try it! Thanks for the input

I am a 40 year old woman who has been on Effexor XR, Clonopin and Trazodone since 2001, and Abilify since 2010. I have been on Effexor XR 150mg 2x day, Abilify 1 mg daily, Trazodone 200mg daily, and Clonopin .05mg as needed. 8/26-I have started back up on 10.71mg of Effexor XR Capsules because after 1 1/2 weeks my withdrawal symptoms were terrible so I re-instated this small dose to re-start my taper at a much slower rate. 11/13-I am now on 7mgs of Effexor XR NO WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS AT ALL :)

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Motion sickness pills I think are the same thing as Benedryl. I've had chronic nausea for a few years. What works best for me is Ipecacuanha 30 C homeopathy. You know that Syrup of Ipecac you buy to keep on hand to induce vomiting if there's a poisoning? Well, don't take that obviously lol. But the Homeopathy is the cure of the symptoms the drug Ipecac would produce. It works very well. My family has used it much for when they've had stomach flue with nausea. There were times I would take Zofran and even in withdrawal my nervous system handled it well, as long as I didn't use it often.

Taper from Cymbalta, Paxil, Prozac & Antipsychotics finished June 2012.

Xanax 5% Taper - (8/12 - .5 mg) - (9/12 - .45) - (10/12 - .43) - (11/12 - .41) - (12/12 - .38)

My Paxil Website

My Intro

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  • 4 months later...
  • Administrator

Bumping -- what's worked for dizziness, queasiness, nausea for you?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Being still and relaxing, limiting movement. I won't take anything for it because for me it came from WD so I doubted anything would work with WD as the reason behind it. Minimizing all stress to my body helped me because it got worse as I taxed my system with walking, motion, things that are normal for the CNS to handle but now are taxing it. In fact, I discovered that taxing it in any way would increase the symptoms. If I had to do stuff, I would do them when I felt best but realize that after I would revert quickly to the state of dizziness and no balance. Early on in my WD the best time was the morning. Now, right after waking up can be rough due to tremors, but once the tremors settle is a good time though also afternoon.


It's like a balancing act in my experience. Taxing my body in any way, and by taxing I mean basic things that used to be done without thought and would never have been considered demanding, added to these symptoms making them worse. The more rest I got the more they improved. Lack of sleep made them especially worse. Stress of any kind made them worse. So basically baby yourself through it. That's what worked for me the most.

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  • 1 year later...

Just wondering if anyone had any tips for helping nausea that aren't hard on a sensitive nervous system

2000-2001 10mg Paxil
2001-2012 75mg effexor
2012-2013 37.5mg effexor
c/t effexor early oct, prozac for 10mg 7-8 days, off all meds until reinstating effexor 37.5mg nov 12th

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I make tea with slices of raw ginger.

1st round Prozac 1989/90, clear depression symptoms. 2nd round Prozac started 1999 when admitted to dr. I was tired. Prozac pooped out, switch to Cymbalta 3/2006. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder due to mania 6/2006--then I was taken abruptly off Cymbalta and didn't know I had SSRI withdrawal. Lots of meds for my intractable "bipolar" symptoms.

Zyprexa started about 9/06, mostly 5mg. Tapered 4/12 through12/29/12

Wellbutrin. XL 300 mg started 1/07, tapered 1/18/13 through 7/8/13

Oxazepam mostly continuously since 6/06, 30mg since 12/12, tapered 1.17.14 through 8.26.15

11/06 Lithium 600mg twice daily, 2.2.14 400mg TID DIY liquid, 2.12.14 1150mg, 3.2.14 1100mg, 3.18.14 1075mg, 4/14 updose to 1100mg, 6.1.14 900 mg capsules 7.8.14 810mg, 8.17.14 725mg, 8.24.24 700mg...10.22.14 487.5mg, 3.9.15 475mg, 4.1.15 462.5mg 4.21.15 450mg 8.11.15 375mg, 11.28.15 362.5mg, back to 375mg four days later, 3.4.16 updose to 475 (too much going on to risk trouble)

9/4/13 Toprol-XL 25mg daily for sudden hypertension, tapered 11.12.13 through 5.3.14, last 10 days or so switched to atenolol

7.4.14 Started Walsh Protocol

56 years old

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I use 10-20 drops of ginger tincture (purchased at Whole Foods or my local compounding pharmacy)in a glass of water. It seems to help.



*Abt 1995, started fluoxetine 20 mg/day, later raised to 40 mg; *Abt 1997, started Klonopin ? mg/day

*Abt [??] started first, very slow Klon taper

*Sept 2016, Klon updosed; swapped fluox for duloxetine/lamotrigine/Seroquel (very small dose of last, for sleep) cocktail

*Early 2018, stopped Seroquel; *2020, started second Klon taper

*Abt July 2022, accidental 33% Klon cut, w/no updose; have been holding for 15 mos

*Mar 2023, abrupt lamotrigine cut from 75- to 50 mg/day; *May-June 2023, abrupt dulox cut from 90 mg- to 60 mg/day

*As of June 2023, taking lamotrigine 50 mg/day, duloxetine 60 mg/day, Klonopin .25 mg/day, metoprolol 50 mg/day, Eliquis 5 mg/day, levothyroxine 75 mcg/day


"Forget to remember; remember to forget."


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Sometimes peppermints help. Slowly dissolve in your mouth.


Jan. 1994 Pamelor

2000 switched to Zoloft 

2011 Zoloft pooped out- Dr. switched me directly to Lexapro15mg -had a horrible 6mths

2013 upped Lexapro to 20 mgs-pooped out

June 2013 Dr. added 150 Wellbutrin to Lexapro.

July 2013 Switched back to Zoloft 100mgs.Was still taking Wellbutrin. Lots of anxiety from the Wellbutrin

July 2013 Started to wean Wellbutrin- off by Sept.

Oct. 2013 added 400 mgs of Neurotin to the Zoloft

Jan 2014 Tapered off of the Zoloft and onto Prozac 30 mgs. Also still taking 400 mgs Neurotin

Feb 2014 Reduced Prozac to 13 mgs. Still taking 400 mgs Neurotin

Aug. 2014 Prozac 13 mgs. Finished with Neurotin. .7 Risperadol


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I used fresh ginger and ginger tincture both...as well as peppermint as an alternate...

Everything Matters: Beyond Meds 


withdrawn from a cocktail of 6 psychiatric drugs that included every class of psych drug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ginger tea made with fresh ginger or I have made it with candied ginger.  I also have used candied ginger in a small bag when I am out the smallest nibble can really help.  I know others may not like the sugar but I can't eat raw ginger.  

Gravol the kids chewable cherry variety at shopper drug mart five bucks... but I think it does affect the nervous system some.  I would start with 1/4 of a child dose and work my way up.  Again kept these on me when nausea and dizziness was bad. They help with dizziness too. Again cannot say they don't affect the nervous system I am sure they do... but the least of all other things I knew of.  Tums is always worth a try as is baking soda in a bit of water that will not affect the nervous system at all. 

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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  • 8 months later...

Has anyone else experienced nausea post-withdrawal? I know most who haven't been down this road would think it's unrelated to WD, since it's a new symptom and I'm off nearly three years. But I'm quite sure it's an inner ear imbalance triggered by neuro-changes. Suddenly, I can't travel by car or even bend over to pick something up without feeling nauseous. I'm definitely not pregnant or sick.


I expect this is temporary, but I'm curious if anyone has had comparable experiences?

1994 Prozac (became suicidal, manic, hospitalized)

1994-2008 every SSRI + wellbutrin, effexor, ativan, topamax, naltrexone, several benozo (2-5 meds daily)

2008 cold turkey klonopin: BP dropped; trip to ER; never told addictive; 3 yrs. ear ringing, dead feeling, panic, sound, light sensitivity

2009-2010 cont'd on Zoloft 200 mg + wellbutrin 300 mg; topamax

2010 AMA; no information cold turkey all meds

8 months wild energy, creativity, impulsive, crying + visions

Month 8 post withdrawal began extreme fatigue, flu-liike sx, dark depair, flat and hypersensitive

2014 now 2.8 yrs post WD 50% time flu-like; despair, anhedonia. 


** 3 months post WD bulimia stopped for 1st time since beginning prozac; suddenly, no obsessive thoughts of food.

No Idea SSRIs were cause; have not heard others have this, but it's real: IATROGENIC BULIMIA.

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  • 1 year later...

A fresh ginger tea made with peeled ginger ( 2.5 inches long, 1 inch thick) and about 3.5 cups of water boiled for 10 minutes alleviated my nausea.  I also ate the boiled ginger slivers (<.25 inches thick)  that I used in the tea as well. A tried and true ancient remedy for modern problems.

2006-2009 Zyprexa and Wellbutrin (dc Wellbutrin cold turkey, dc Zyprexa cold turkey with disastrous results) 2009-2010 Transitioned from Zyprexa to Abilify 2010-2015 Reduced from 20 mg of Abilify to 8mg. Cold turkeyed once during this period but finally learned my lesson.  12/2015 -  8mg of Abilify.  04/15/ 2016 -  7mg of Abilify. 09/15/2016 - 6.3mg of Abilify.  11/2016 - 5.7 mg of Abilify.  11/30/2016 - 5.1mg of Abilify. 01/2017 - 4.6mg of Abilify,  02/2017 - 4.1 of Abilify, 03/2017 - 3.8 of Abilify, 04/2017 - 3.4 of Abilify, 05/2017 - 3.0mg of Abilify, 07/2017 2.7mg of Abilify, 8/2017 2.5mg to 2.3 of Abilify , 9/2017 2mg to 1.8mg of Abilify, 10/2017 400mg of Abilify Maintena, unknown amounts of paroxine (sp), geodon and unknown benzo (forced), 11/2017 Abilify 6.0mg , 12/2017 Abilify 5.5 , 1/2018 Abilify 5.0mg, 3/2018 Abilify 4.5mg, 10/2018-1/2020 Abilify 15-20mg, other inpatient drugs, in and out of the hospital at this time, given tons of nonsense that I don't remember,  1/13/2021 - 3/31/2022, Abilify Maintena ?, Haldol Deca (injectable)250mg, Cogentin 5mg, Tergetol ? (inpatient), 4/2022 - 2/22/2023 Haldol Deca 200mg,  March 25th, 2023  Done! Last injection in February!!!! I am finally free after more than 16 years of psychiatry!  Let's Goooooooooooo! 


It's always darkest before dawn.

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  • 4 years later...

Have not found anything that helps with nausea but when it is bad two things make it worse: moving, and getting hungry. I feel much much more nauseous when I am hungry. I try to lie down while working to minimize moving but some amount of movement is necessary so I've kind of surrendered to that one. 

Currently on:

Prozac: May 2021 (5mg, 0 mg), June 2021 (5mg), July 2021 (5mg, 4mg) August 2021 (4mg, 3.6mg), September 2021 (3.2mg)

Wellbutrin XL: 2017-present (150 mg) (taper to come)

Vyvanse: 2016-2019 (30 mg), January - April 2020 (40 mg), April - December 2020 (30 mg), January 2021-present (20 mg)


No longer on: 

Zoloft: 2017-May 2021 (50 mg, 25 mg)

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  • 3 months later...

Anyone find any good nausea supplements? Is Dramamine hard on the nervous system ? I have found no answers. 

ProzacNovember 2019: 10MG start

January 2021: up to 60MG 

march 2021: Valium everyday 2MG twice a day for a month or after that take as needed 

April 2021-May: taper to 0MG

June 2021: Zoloft 7 days and ween off. 
August 2021: escitalopram 5MG-10MG

August 2021: Propanol 10MG-20MG as needed 

September 2021: weened off escitalopram over a week.

October 30th: Citalopram 20MG 

November 10th: stopped - 10MG 2 days. 
November 14th: Prozac 20MG

November 18th: stop C/T 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey I know this is an old topic but does anyone have any more advice for how to deal with the nausea and dizziness? I recently got hit with a bad wave of it. Would non-drowsy Dramamine work?  

2013-2015: paroxetine, with brief switch to sertraline, and brief combo with bupropion  • 2015: got off all antidepressant meds for approx 9-12 months, felt great 2015: fluoxetine, bad side effects, quit after two weeks 2015: escitalopram 15mg/day Summer 2019: attempted fast taper off escitalopram, reinstated to 15mg/day dose after six weeks • October 16, 2020: begin taper off escitalopram at rate of 1mg per 1 week (sometimes per 2 weeks) using 1mg/ml liquid from pharmacy • Jan 22, 2021: down to 3mg and holding due to worsening of WD symptoms • Feb 4, 2021: updose to 4mg holding • Feb 2021: tapering at 10% every 28 days Jul 2021: begin using microtaper of 2.5% per week Feb 2022: down to 1.43mg and experiencing worsening WD symptoms, updose to 1.45mg and holding • Mar 2022: resume microtaper schedule, lowest dose: 1.34 mg • Mar 2022: extended hold at 1.36 mg •Jul 2022: resume 10% taper • Apr 2-Jun 21, 2023 extended hold at 0.5mg • Jun 9, 2023 massive life stress situation triggered WD wave, Jun 15-16 took 5mg dose, Jun 17-21 back to 0.5mg dose • Jun 22 small updose to 0.58mg • Jul 1-2 tried 2.5mg, suffered adverse affects (anxiety, can’t eat, palpitations, electric jolts in chest) • Jul 1, 2023 - Jan 3, 2024 long hold at 1mg, slowly stabilizing after crash • Jan 4 resume taper  0.98mg - Jan 11 0.95mg - Jan 18 0.92mg - Jan 25 0.90mg -  May 13 0.81mg - Jun 23 0.73mg - Aug 7 0.66mg - Sep 8 0.59mg


Supplements: vitamin D3 with K2, vitamin C, iron, magnesium glycinate, EPA/DHA essentials fish oil, melatonin(as needed)

Other prescription meds: levothyroxine 75 mcg (for hypothyroidism), lorazepam 0.25 to 0.5mg (as needed, which is almost never), zofran 2 to 4mg (as needed) 

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  • 7 months later...

Hail Mary shot here since I'm replying to a 2012 post but @Shanti for the Ipecacuanha 30 C homeopath, is it ok to take multiple times a day without upsetting the nervous system/stomach? I get waves like 1-2x a day, 3-x on bad ones...so wondering if it's ok to pop a ton of these baddies without much worry.


Also, about how long does it take to go into effect for you? Everyone of course always wants instant but just tryna set realistic expectations for myself as currently every minute I struggle with a nausea wave is just excruciating (working with my rodb therpist, and soon a pain management therapist hopefully to up my tolerance on that end). Thank you!


Bonus question: If you have any homeopathic recs for headaches I'm all ears! My w/d or adr (not sure what it is at this point) is a combo of headache and nausea. If I can find even just a small way to curve the pain omg will my quality of life be better by a lot. Thank you!

Sep 2019 - March 2022 Trintellix | 5mg > 10mg Oct 2019 > 20mg Jan 2021. Taper over 1-1.5months Feb-March 2022 (psychiatrist offered no real guidance)

2020 - July 2022 Gabapentin (on and off) | most recently took 300mg for a few days in July to offset body burning from Effexor 

2017 - 2022 Bupropion (on and off) | 75-150mg. Stopped cold turkey ~ Feb/March 2022

2021 - 2022 Apriprazole | 1mg end 2021 > 2mg 2022. Stopped cold turkey ~Feb/March 2022

May 18, 2022 - June 17, Rexulti | .5mg > 1mg May 27 > 2mg June 3 > 1mg June 10 > off June 17

June 24, 2022 -July 4, 2022 Effexor | 75mg > 37.5mg July 2 > off July 4 (problem drug)

June 2022 - 1 week Vyvanse | 30MG

End June - July 4 Methylphenidate Er | 18MG


2020 - now Levothyroxine | 75mg @ 6:30am

July 2022 - now Klonopin | .5mg @ 8:30am and .5mg @ 8:30pm (thanks @Frogie!) for Effexor/Lithium adverse reaction/withdrawal

April 2022 - Jan 12 2023 Lithium now 0mg | 300mg > 600mg May > 750mg June > 600mg July > 450mg August 22, 2022 > 300mg September 22, 2022 > 150mg October 22, 2022 > 75mg December 12, 2022 > 0mg January 12, 2023. | Migraine Vitamins: B2 400mg October 15, 2022 - Magnesium 100mg November 15, 2022 > 200mg Dec 3 > 400 mg Dec 15 - DHA+EPA (Trader Joe’s) 1200mg December 15, 2022 > 1800mg Dec 15

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For ginger users

  • do y'all mostly use raw ginger or does anyone have a brand they like for easy brewing?
    • I use Original Ginger Honey Crystals but worry about all the sugar


For peppermint users

  • y'all mean peppermint like just the candy? lol. Mostly making sure.


I'm going to try a few things in the coming weeks because my nausea is winning the battle and I won't let it win the war! I'm going to beat it and live the good life I want to live with my wife, son, family, and friends. They deserve that from me! ❤️

Sep 2019 - March 2022 Trintellix | 5mg > 10mg Oct 2019 > 20mg Jan 2021. Taper over 1-1.5months Feb-March 2022 (psychiatrist offered no real guidance)

2020 - July 2022 Gabapentin (on and off) | most recently took 300mg for a few days in July to offset body burning from Effexor 

2017 - 2022 Bupropion (on and off) | 75-150mg. Stopped cold turkey ~ Feb/March 2022

2021 - 2022 Apriprazole | 1mg end 2021 > 2mg 2022. Stopped cold turkey ~Feb/March 2022

May 18, 2022 - June 17, Rexulti | .5mg > 1mg May 27 > 2mg June 3 > 1mg June 10 > off June 17

June 24, 2022 -July 4, 2022 Effexor | 75mg > 37.5mg July 2 > off July 4 (problem drug)

June 2022 - 1 week Vyvanse | 30MG

End June - July 4 Methylphenidate Er | 18MG


2020 - now Levothyroxine | 75mg @ 6:30am

July 2022 - now Klonopin | .5mg @ 8:30am and .5mg @ 8:30pm (thanks @Frogie!) for Effexor/Lithium adverse reaction/withdrawal

April 2022 - Jan 12 2023 Lithium now 0mg | 300mg > 600mg May > 750mg June > 600mg July > 450mg August 22, 2022 > 300mg September 22, 2022 > 150mg October 22, 2022 > 75mg December 12, 2022 > 0mg January 12, 2023. | Migraine Vitamins: B2 400mg October 15, 2022 - Magnesium 100mg November 15, 2022 > 200mg Dec 3 > 400 mg Dec 15 - DHA+EPA (Trader Joe’s) 1200mg December 15, 2022 > 1800mg Dec 15

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/30/2012 at 2:51 PM, Shanti said:

Motion sickness pills I think are the same thing as Benedryl. I've had chronic nausea for a few years. What works best for me is Ipecacuanha 30 C homeopathy. You know that Syrup of Ipecac you buy to keep on hand to induce vomiting if there's a poisoning? Well, don't take that obviously lol. But the Homeopathy is the cure of the symptoms the drug Ipecac would produce. It works very well. My family has used it much for when they've had stomach flue with nausea. There were times I would take Zofran and even in withdrawal my nervous system handled it well, as long as I didn't use it often.

Thanks for this info!


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • 4 months later...
On 1/4/2013 at 2:52 PM, starlitegirlx said:

Being still and relaxing, limiting movement. I won't take anything for it because for me it came from WD so I doubted anything would work with WD as the reason behind it. Minimizing all stress to my body helped me because it got worse as I taxed my system with walking, motion, things that are normal for the CNS to handle but now are taxing it. In fact, I discovered that taxing it in any way would increase the symptoms. If I had to do stuff, I would do them when I felt best but realize that after I would revert quickly to the state of dizziness and no balance. Early on in my WD the best time was the morning. Now, right after waking up can be rough due to tremors, but once the tremors settle is a good time though also afternoon.


It's like a balancing act in my experience. Taxing my body in any way, and by taxing I mean basic things that used to be done without thought and would never have been considered demanding, added to these symptoms making them worse. The more rest I got the more they improved. Lack of sleep made them especially worse. Stress of any kind made them worse. So basically baby yourself through it. That's what worked for me the most.

years later from your post, I’m experiencing the same and nothing seems to work for me. But I haven’t babied myself either. I’ve been going out for walks and doing things at home. How long did you experience this before it went away?


 When I say experiencing the same, that includes the morning tremors and balance that changed from afternoons to early mornings.

Jan 1-15 2023 - Ativan 2mg

Jan 1-12 2023 - Trintellix 10mg

Jan 14-16 2023 - Escitalopram 5mg

Jan 15-Jan 20 2023 - Ativan 1mg

Jan 21-30 2023 - Ativan 0.5mg Slow taper down - 5 days 0.5mg once a day. Then 0.5 mg every other day for 3 doses.

Jan 17- Feb 04 2023 - Escitalopram 10mg

Feb 05-14 2023 - 5mg for 5 days, then 2.5mg for 4 days. Feb 15 - Zero Mg Escitalopram

Mar 11, 2023 - Propranolol 20mg


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  • 2 months later...
  • Mentor

A few things I've found to be helpful for nausea are:  

  • Sea-Band motion sickness wrist bands
  • Chewing on Altoids mints
  • Applying peppermint essential oil around my nose area and breathing it in
  • Adding peppermint extract to a beverage or even putting a few drops into my mouth.
  • Dramamine or Bonine motion sickness tablets
  • Ginger extract or capsules

Hope this helps someone else! 

Disclaimer:  This is not professional medical advice but is based on personal experience only.

1994 - 2017:  Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Seroquel, Buspar, Lorazepam, Xanax, Ambien

2005-present:  Trazodone 50 mg 

2017:  Effexor XR 37.5 >> 75 mg 

2020 (March):  Began 10% monthly taper of Effexor XR (got down to 12 mg)

2021 (September):  Completely crashed.  Went back up to 37.5 mg but I kindled myself

2024 (Avg. bead count per capsule is 111):  1/1:  -6  |  2/1:  -11  |  3/1:  -16  |   4/1:  -18  |   5/1:  -21   |   6/1  -25 |   7/1  HOLD |   8/1  -29  |   9/7  -33

Reasons for starting psych meds:  PMDD/Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Other medications:  Levothyroxine 75 mcg

Supplements:  Dr. Berg's Electrolyte Powder on occasion   


Never give up  Holding On with Patience & Endurance

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  • 4 months later...

I can confirm I tried lots of fresh ginger boiled then simmered for around 20 minutes with some mint sauce. It helped the nausea massively. Still a bit nauseous now, but not as bad after only own day of 3 cups of it. With that said, I’ve still got an icky feeling in my nose and throat so my guess is it’s related to gut eg reflux.

2018 April: Reinstated Paroxetine 20mg and Carbamazepine Prolonged Release 400mg (200mg morning and night) after abrupt withdrawal of 6 months (lots of on off AD and other drugs use for years prior to this this).

2018 August: Began slow taper of Paroxetine. At 10mg severe headaches began, switched to 10mg Fluoxetine. Cont. on Carbamazepine Prolonged Release 400mg (200mg morning and night). Occasional but over recommended dose use of sleeping tablet.

2018 - 2023: ‘Stable’ on Fluoxetine 10mg and Carbamazepine Prolonged Release 400mg (200mg morning and night). Cont. but over recommended dose use of sleeping tablet, switched sleeping tablet to manage addiction and achieve sleep. Began very occasional use of benzodiazepines by 2020 (eg. 2 dose of 10mg in a 9 month period, varies according to need and some months can be more). Cont. headaches, developed anxiety and other body pains. 
2023 (February) - Rapid 4 week taper in February from Carbamazepine Prolonged Release 400mg (200mg morning and night) to nil (mistakenly!).

2023 (March to present) - very infrequent use of sleeping tablets and benzodiazepines, diagnosed with hypothyroidism (April ish) and currently treated with Levothyroxine (final dose yet to be determined), began taper of Fluoxetine 10mg (June) currently on 8mg of fluoxetine. 
Also, still invariably take CBD oil, multiple vitamins and minerals including Omega 3, iron etc. Adjusted as needed. 

Note - Throughout the above years I have been an inpatient and outpatient with decisions made for me regarding drugs inc. abrupt withdrawals. Some were planned by me when unaware of withdrawal affects. Others while I was ‘unwell’ and began by unwittingly missing doses. Like many of us I have experienced many ‘symptoms’ on and off the drugs. Above, I have tried to share my main complaints and history as best as I can and remember.

My full drug history can be found in my opening post 



My words are based on my personal experiences and do not constitute medical advice or recommendations, except this: whatever any one else says, from medics to other patients, however informed, listen to your body as the human condition is always evolving, and in turn so is our knowledge on its limitations and capabilities. 

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On 9/13/2022 at 4:09 PM, Bertoh said:

Hail Mary shot here since I'm replying to a 2012 post but @Shanti for the Ipecacuanha 30 C homeopath, is it ok to take multiple times a day without upsetting the nervous system/stomach? I get waves like 1-2x a day, 3-x on bad ones...so wondering if it's ok to pop a ton of these baddies without much worry.


Also, about how long does it take to go into effect for you? Everyone of course always wants instant but just tryna set realistic expectations for myself as currently every minute I struggle with a nausea wave is just excruciating (working with my rodb therpist, and soon a pain management therapist hopefully to up my tolerance on that end). Thank you!


Bonus question: If you have any homeopathic recs for headaches I'm all ears! My w/d or adr (not sure what it is at this point) is a combo of headache and nausea. If I can find even just a small way to curve the pain omg will my quality of life be better by a lot. Thank you!

I know this is a little older, but do you find anything to help both the nausea and headaches…I’m in the same boat.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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