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Deep despair, dread, doom, horror


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I do wonder if the unremitting doom, dread and crush of impending existential doom will ever ease up.  I've had it ever since I started tapering Cymbalta and it has never lessened....only worsened.  And, now, added to that, I have extreme irritability, anger, impatience and a compulsion to correct people who don't think like I do.  It's insane.  I have a deranged drive to force friends to change their way of thinking about all sorts of topics.  We all face this temptation, normally, but are able to rein ourselves in and not say inappropriate or rude things.  However, thanks to Cymbalta withdrawal, I blurt out rude, hurtful comments to people I used to like but no longer do.....in fact, I don't like anyone anymore.  The only way I can keep from making a spectacle of myself is to completely isolate and not talk to anyone, even on the phone.  Does this hideous compulsion ever go away?  I do wonder if my personality is permanently disfigured making me as repugnant to others as I am to myself.  My personality has completely disintegrated with no shred of likability remaining.  I am angry, hateful, fearful and unbearable to be around.  How can one recover from this?   I still have about 1 to 1.5 years left in my brutal, agonizing slow taper and who-knows-how-many years of healing after I'm off the drug.  




2016-Aug-Prescribed 2 mg Ativan & 10 mg Ambien; Oct-c/o from 20 mg Lexapro to 60 mg Cymbalta; Nov-Dec-Tapered off 10 mg Ambien    

2017-Jan-Feb c/o from 1.75 mg Ativan to 13 mg Valium & begin daily liquid micro taper; May-taper Cymbalta 60 mg to 48 mg with severe withdrawals.  Begin 11 month Cymbalta hold.

2018-Jan 11 completed Valium taper; Apr-Resume Cymbalta taper.  Interval dose progress: Apr 43 mg; May 40 mg; Jul 35 mg; Sep 29 mg; Dec 21 mg; 

2019- Apr 14 mg; Jun 11 mg; Aug 9 mg; Oct 7 mg; Nov 6 mg

2020-Jan 5.2 mg; Feb 4.8 mg; Mar 4.3 mg; Apr 3.9 mg; May 3.5 mg; Jun 3.3 mg; Jul 2.9 mg; Aug 2.7 mg; 28 Sep 2.4 mg/12 beads; 25 Oct 2.2 mg/11 beads; 22 Nov 2.0 mg/10 beads; 20 Dec 1.8 mg/9 beads

2021- 17 Jan 1.6 mg/8 beads; 14 Feb 1.4 mg/7 beads; 18 Mar 1.2 mg/6 beads; 18 Apr 1.0 mg/5 beads; 16 May

0.8 mg/4 beads; 13 Jun 0.6 mg/3 beads; 11 Jul 0.5 mg/2 beads; 8 Aug .03 mg/1 bead; 5 Sep 0 mg.

Brutal, agonizing, slow 4.5 year Cymbalta taper completed as of 5 Sep 2021.  100% psych drug free.  




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On 7/9/2020 at 12:44 PM, gardenlady said:

I blurt out rude, hurtful comments to people I used to like but no longer do.....in fact, I don't like anyone anymore.  The only way I can keep from making a spectacle of myself is to completely isolate and not talk to anyone, even on the phone.  Does this hideous compulsion ever go away?  I do wonder if my personality is permanently disfigured making me as repugnant to others as I am to myself.  My personality has completely disintegrated with no shred of likability remaining.  I am angry, hateful, fearful and unbearable to be around.  How can one recover from this?


Hi gardenlady, I went through a long stage like this too, and managed it by keeping away from other people as much as possible. During times when I had to be with people, the energy it took to control myself was overwhelming, it would exhaust me.

I'm back to normal with regards to this, so from my experience I would say it's not permanent. You will recover from it over time, most likely in a windows and waves kind of pattern, like we recover from all the symptoms of nervous system disruption, drug damage and withdrawal.

Be gentle with yourself, you are doing the best you can in a very difficult situation. Take care of yourself, you will get better, slowly, over time.

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • 3 years later...

Currently struggling with the sensations of doom/gloom/dread- 


I think my biggest worry Is it’s never going to go away- I’ve never felt like this before in my life - it’s such a creepy icky feeling - 


any suggestions on good coping mechanisms for this?  It almost stops me in my tracks when it hits me :( 


*Currently at 8.2-8.5 mg of my 10mg pill of Paxil (they actually weigh 12.5mg) 

january 2023 I began reducing my med again. I was a 9mg weight for years, I went to 8.9 in January, went to 8.6mg in February, and in March 2023 I went down to 8.5-8.2 mg ( my scale varies, so I stick within that .3 range because of that) 

*No other supplements or vitamins 

*Taper schedule in the pdf 




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@Vonnegutjunky I think the best way is to not try to fight it. Notice it and name it--"Oh here's that dread feeling again" And let it be there. It's horribly uncomfortable and you dont have to like it, but the more we fight it the longer it sticks around and the stronger it becomes. Treat it like it's a bore. An annoying friend that you cant get rid of but have to deal with for a while. You dont have to engage with it and listen to its long boring narcissistic stories, but theres nothing you can do to make it leave so just let it hang around until it leaves on its own.

The key is to proceed with your day as if it's not there. Your actions dont have to be dictated by your feelings. It just feels normal to do things when we feel good about doing things. We can still do things that we want to do, even when we dont feel like doing them. Let your values dictate your actions, not your dark neuroemotions/emotions --they dont deserve your attention or respect. 


I say all this like it's easy--it's not. It goes against our instincts, but there is no reason to feel anxious and dark so there is no reason to retreat, morn, or hide or flee or fight. It takes a herculean effort to ignore negative feelings and take positive action in the face of doom and dread. I cant do it well at all. So I come here to feel less lonely about it, and it helps me a ton.



SERTRALINE current taper

Oct 10, 2021: 18.75 mg dose/ 60mg weight; Nov 7, 2021: 15.6 mg dose/50mg weight; Nov 21, 2021: 12.5mg dose/40mg weight

Dec 26, 2021: 9.4 mg dose/30mg weight; Jan 23, 2022: 6.25mg dose/20mg weight; Feb 13, 2022: crossover from 6.25mg dose tablet to 6.25mg dose/.31ml liquid; Mar 13 2022: 0.28 ml; Mar 27, 2022: 0.25ml (5 mg dose if my math is correct); Apr 3, 2022: 0.23ml; Apr 10, 2022: 0.22ml; Apr 16,2022: 0.20ml; Jun 5, 2022: 0.19 ml; June 19, 2022: 0.18ml; Sep 25, 2022: 0.17ml; Oct 23, 2022: 0.16ml; Nov 20, 2022: 0.15 ml; Jan 22, 20230.14ml; slowly decreased over last year to Feb 1, 2024: 0.10ml; Apr 28, 2024: 0.09ml or 1.8mg;



Daily: Magnesium, micronized Progesterone 100mg, .75 bioidentical estrogen patch

Periodically or as needed: Ibuprofen, Vitamin C, B-Complex, probiotics, Quercetin, Nasalcrom,  Stinging Nettle, Vit D, Fish Oil,


SERTRALINE Up and down mess: (Oct 2019-July 2021): 2021, July 14: 25 mg, 2021, Mar 17: 18.75 mg, 2021, Mar 9: 12.5 mg, 2021, Mar 1: 25 mg, 2020, May 29: 37.5 mg, 2020, Feb 19: 25 mg, 2020, Feb 1: 18.75 mg, 2019, Nov 2: 12.5 mg, 2019, Oct 18: 6.25 mg 

ESCITALOPRAM (Sep 2017-June 2019) 5 mg, Final taper: 5 mg > 2.5mg, then 2.5 every other day, then stop)

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7 hours ago, zma1 said:

@Vonnegutjunky I think the best way is to not try to fight it. Notice it and name it--"Oh here's that dread feeling again" And let it be there. It's horribly uncomfortable and you dont have to like it, but the more we fight it the longer it sticks around and the stronger it becomes. Treat it like it's a bore. An annoying friend that you cant get rid of but have to deal with for a while. You dont have to engage with it and listen to its long boring narcissistic stories, but theres nothing you can do to make it leave so just let it hang around until it leaves on its own.

The key is to proceed with your day as if it's not there. Your actions dont have to be dictated by your feelings. It just feels normal to do things when we feel good about doing things. We can still do things that we want to do, even when we dont feel like doing them. Let your values dictate your actions, not your dark neuroemotions/emotions --they dont deserve your attention or respect. 


I say all this like it's easy--it's not. It goes against our instincts, but there is no reason to feel anxious and dark so there is no reason to retreat, morn, or hide or flee or fight. It takes a herculean effort to ignore negative feelings and take positive action in the face of doom and dread. I cant do it well at all. So I come here to feel less lonely about it, and it helps me a ton.



Thanks so much- I have been practicing accepting - it is hard tho- this process 10 years for me - seems never ending - 


years ago when I was bedbound due to akathisa and what I called the “psychotic terror” I waited and waited and never got better, and I am fearful of that happening again- and the doom gloom that as a huge part of that - so now anytime I get those feelings I worry so much it’s a sign that I’m on my way back there - I can’t help it - I just am so petrified of feeling like that again- not being able to work again- all of that horror happening again- :( 


*Currently at 8.2-8.5 mg of my 10mg pill of Paxil (they actually weigh 12.5mg) 

january 2023 I began reducing my med again. I was a 9mg weight for years, I went to 8.9 in January, went to 8.6mg in February, and in March 2023 I went down to 8.5-8.2 mg ( my scale varies, so I stick within that .3 range because of that) 

*No other supplements or vitamins 

*Taper schedule in the pdf 




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I feel you. I’ve got a demon that I don’t want a recurrence of and it’s extremely difficult to accept that it may happen again. It’s the worst. It’s terrifying. But I keep telling myself that I’m torturing myself by re-living the fear as if it’s happening again, while nothing bad is actually happening! I wonder if Akathisia is being stuck in flight mode in fight/flight/freeze. I was just listening to a podcast about being stuck in freeze mode for a while, which is what happens to me. Maybe cbt therapy for that specific phobia would be helpful? Anyway I’m sorry you went through that and I’m sorry the far of a reoccurrence is terrifying for you. I’ve been working on this stuff for so long too, it’s definitely more of an ongoing practice. 

SERTRALINE current taper

Oct 10, 2021: 18.75 mg dose/ 60mg weight; Nov 7, 2021: 15.6 mg dose/50mg weight; Nov 21, 2021: 12.5mg dose/40mg weight

Dec 26, 2021: 9.4 mg dose/30mg weight; Jan 23, 2022: 6.25mg dose/20mg weight; Feb 13, 2022: crossover from 6.25mg dose tablet to 6.25mg dose/.31ml liquid; Mar 13 2022: 0.28 ml; Mar 27, 2022: 0.25ml (5 mg dose if my math is correct); Apr 3, 2022: 0.23ml; Apr 10, 2022: 0.22ml; Apr 16,2022: 0.20ml; Jun 5, 2022: 0.19 ml; June 19, 2022: 0.18ml; Sep 25, 2022: 0.17ml; Oct 23, 2022: 0.16ml; Nov 20, 2022: 0.15 ml; Jan 22, 20230.14ml; slowly decreased over last year to Feb 1, 2024: 0.10ml; Apr 28, 2024: 0.09ml or 1.8mg;



Daily: Magnesium, micronized Progesterone 100mg, .75 bioidentical estrogen patch

Periodically or as needed: Ibuprofen, Vitamin C, B-Complex, probiotics, Quercetin, Nasalcrom,  Stinging Nettle, Vit D, Fish Oil,


SERTRALINE Up and down mess: (Oct 2019-July 2021): 2021, July 14: 25 mg, 2021, Mar 17: 18.75 mg, 2021, Mar 9: 12.5 mg, 2021, Mar 1: 25 mg, 2020, May 29: 37.5 mg, 2020, Feb 19: 25 mg, 2020, Feb 1: 18.75 mg, 2019, Nov 2: 12.5 mg, 2019, Oct 18: 6.25 mg 

ESCITALOPRAM (Sep 2017-June 2019) 5 mg, Final taper: 5 mg > 2.5mg, then 2.5 every other day, then stop)

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