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SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction as an adverse effect


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Related topic:  PSSD Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction


Oh well I wrote a long article about SSRI and sexual dysfunction. But my computer crashed now I have to rewrite everything.


And instead of writing so much I will just make it short!


I have a friend named nick he started prozac at age 18 (20mg) over time he increased his dosage to 80mg and was still depressed! bettween age 18 and 21 he had really no sexual side effect and was making love to girls everyday. But after he lost his first girlfriend his pschiatrist increased his dosage to 40mg, and eventually 80mg and suffered ericitil dysfunction and severe lose of interest in sex. My friend he was so depressed the pschiatrist put him in a mental hospital under suicide supervision for 3 days. and now he is doing much better and taking remeron and wellbutrin which have no sexual side effect what so ever!


My story similar to him I started prozac at 16 (10mg) until i am 23 (10mg), and then i lost my girlfriend! increased my dosage to 20 and eventually 40 and suffered severe lose of libido. And i remember when i was on 40mg, I could not ejeculate when i was having sex with this girl!


I also would like to mention the other reason i increase my dosage from 20 to 40 was not because of the depression rather it was because it give me more energy. and I believe this false sense of energy also give me lots of stress which translate into me loosing testosterone. in the beginning of this year I had my testosterone tested by several doctor including a specialist endocronoligist and it was at the low end of 350 (morning) she told me because everything else is normal the only reason she can think of was because stress! and I am going back to talk to her in 4 month time!


Also at the lower doses of prozac, I was not suffering from loss of libido!


after realizing the consequences of loosing my libido, I immediately started to taper off of prozac and I did it too fast, in three weeks I was off of it. I also started a serious a regimen to increase libido such as using natural herb. but the consequence of those action is it put to much pressure on my sensitive nervous system that is trying to heal itself from the effect of long term prozac use!


I want to share the herb supplement that have worked for me and would like to hear what have worked for everyone else!


1) MACA at high doses!

2) ginkgo at 350mg

3) liu wei di huang wan



Now if you want to go my friend nicks route, he is now on remeron and wellbutrin. he just informed me a week ago over the phone, he has no depression and his libido is very good! However, rememron makes you sleep a looot! and makes you crave so much food! and wellbutrin in the long term could lead to parkinson disease! yuck!


the herb liu wei di huang wan is very good, however I get a headache after using it, and diariah at high doses, but the immediate effect is the next day i notice i am hornier then ever!

Edited by manymoretodays
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when we take new psychotropics(remeron, wellbutrin..) we seem often better the first years, when we experience bad side-effects, it is too late, then changing meds gives a good feeling, after two years we are worse, and in a very bad state, nothing functions...

sexuals dysfunctions is known to last years if not more

for anxiety 

12 years paxil - cold turkey 1,5 month - switch celexa 1 year taper; total 13 years on brain meds 

67 years old - 9 years  med free


in protracted withdrawal

rigidity standing and walking, dryness gougerot-szoegren, sleep deteriorate,

function as have a lack of nerves, improving have been very little 


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So true! My friend he is takin wellbutrin and remeron and he is suicidally depressed. I think he has been on wellbutrin for 6 month and remeron for like 2 yrs. So far those drugs is working for him. But i wonder how long that will last?

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  • Administrator

Serotonin, your friend is fortunate that his combination of drugs does not affect his sexual functioning.


Everyone reacts differently to these drugs. If you don't get sexual dysfunction, you might get some other horrible side effect.


It is even possible your friend's "suicidal depression" is caused by the drugs he took or is taking. Read Robert Whitaker's blog http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mad-in-america/201106/now-antidepressant-induced-chronic-depression-has-name-tardive-dysphoria


Just about everything you think you know about antidepressants is a lie cooked up by the pharmaceutical industries, fed to doctors, and regurgitated onto patients.


Not every case of depression needs medication. Psychotherapy, taking up hobbies, developing a social life, or getting involved in a religious commmunity are equally effective.


Conscientious doctors are now backing away from prescribing antidepressants to everyone. Please do some more reading.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I dont disagree with u! The truth is he had a terrible childhood just like me. He told me the happiest time of his life was when he was in music shool. And i think at the age of 18 he suffered a depressive episode and because he did not know how to deal with the sadness he was feeling the pschiatrist prescribed him with anti depressents. Starting at 20mg of prozac it temporarily stoped his sadness, but because his underlying isues are not dealt with progressively he became more depressed overtime. For example when he lost his first girlfriend the psychiatrist upped his dose to 40mg and hen 60mg and by the time i got to know him 80mg. It can be safely said that if 40mg does not stop the depression then going higher will only damage the brain. He stayed at 80mg for 1 year and a half and during that time he just became progressively depressed! It was shocking for me to see him like that! Then i guess once upon a blue moon the psychiatrist looks at their patient and says omg i dont think the drug is working for u, and the pschiatrist send my friend to thr mental hospital under suicide watch! He stayed there for 3 days. And they tested all kind of drug on him. And in the end the drug of choice was remeron and wellbutrin.

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""My friend he was so depressed the pschiatrist put him in a mental hospital under suicide supervision for 3 days. and now he is doing much better and taking remeron and wellbutrin which have no sexual side effect what so ever!""




I feel Remeron caused a hearing loss and I definitely received Tinnitus from the Wellbutrin XL.



Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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I dont disagree with u! The truth is he had a terrible childhood just like me. He told me the happiest time of his life was when he was in music shool. And i think at the age of 18 he suffered a depressive episode and because he did not know how to deal with the sadness he was feeling the pschiatrist prescribed him with anti depressents. Starting at 20mg of prozac it temporarily stoped his sadness, but because his underlying isues are not dealt with progressively he became more depressed overtime. For example when he lost his first girlfriend the psychiatrist upped his dose to 40mg and hen 60mg and by the time i got to know him 80mg. It can be safely said that if 40mg does not stop the depression then going higher will only damage the brain. He stayed at 80mg for 1 year and a half and during that time he just became progressively depressed! It was shocking for me to see him like that! Then i guess once upon a blue moon the psychiatrist looks at their patient and says omg i dont think the drug is working for u, and the pschiatrist send my friend to thr mental hospital under suicide watch! He stayed there for 3 days. And they tested all kind of drug on him. And in the end the drug of choice was remeron and wellbutrin.


And there lies the crux of the issue. Just medicate all life issues away and who cares if the drug is just making people worse.



Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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when we take new psychotropics(remeron, wellbutrin..) we seem often better the first years, when we experience bad side-effects, it is too late, then changing meds gives a good feeling, after two years we are worse, and in a very bad state, nothing functions...

sexuals dysfunctions is known to last years if not more


I didn't experience sexual side effects but I got the parting gifts of a hearing loss and tinnitus. You nailed exactly what psych meds do.



Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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So true and te prognosis for my friend, i dont thubk he will ladt very long an i would not be surprised the he eventually end his own life! I am sad to say that but, he is completely dependenr on medication!

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  • 1 year later...

Hey all.


I've just been prescribed Citalopram (Celexa) by my doctor, and I've read all over the web that one of the many side effects is sexual dysfunction. What does that mean? Is is so bad that I won't ever be able to have sex on medication? And I've read that some people keep the symptoms even after they stop taking the drug. What's the incidence of this? Does it happen often?



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  • Administrator

Welcome, Sbesozzi. Antidepressants can cause sexual dysfunction in men and women, including low libido, lack of interest, inability to become sexually excited, inability to reach orgasm, and overall genital anesthesia. Sometimes after quitting the drug, this takes time to go away.


For a small number of people, this may take a very long time to go away (post-SSRI sexual dysfunction, or PSSD).


Sexual dysfunction is a common side effect of antidepressants, estimated to affect up to 50% of those who take them. Others are not affected by sexual dysfunction. It is impossible to predict who will be affected and who will not. See http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/776-sexual-dysfunction/ http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/52-post-ssri-sexual-dysfunction-pssd/ http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1413-ssrisex-group-for-post-ssri-sexual-dysfunction-pssd/

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 3 months later...
  • Administrator

David Healy on Rxisk.org has posted an article on PSSDDrugs and Sex don’t GoMost doctors are told headaches or nausea are the commonest side effects of drugs. Nausea for instance is very common on SSRIs – not surprising as there is a lot of serotonin in the gut.But an immediate change in sexual functioning is a lot more common than nausea. Close to everyone taking an SSRI will feel some genital numbing.- See more at: http://wp.rxisk.org/drugs-and-sex-dont-go/#sthash.qda3w7XI.dpuf 

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 2 weeks later...

We can say that PSSD is one more symptom of AD withdrawal?

4 years aprox. on 150mgs.Effexor for situational major depression.No AD before.
Tapered 150-0mgs in 3 months.

Tapered Quetiapine,Xanax in the last 18 months.NO med of any kind anymore.
First 3 months off acute w/d
Protracted w/d ever since.

04/13/2014 Awful Relapse.Recovered fairly fast.

3 years and 4 months off.

waves and windows.Very much recovered.

November 2015,health issue.Setback.


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Interesting about hydrobromide (Healy article). One of the branded generics of Wellbutrin is bupropion hydrobromide (Aplenzin) rather than bupropion hydrochloride. I never understood how they could market that as equivalent.

Pristiq tapered over 8 months ending Spring 2011 after 18 years of polydrugging that began w/Zoloft for fatigue/general malaise (not mood). CURRENT: 1mg Klonopin qhs (SSRI bruxism), 75mg trazodone qhs, various hormonesLitigation for 11 years for Work-related injury, settled 2004. Involuntary medical retirement in 2001 (age 39). 2012 - brain MRI showing diffuse, chronic cerebrovascular damage/demyelination possibly vasculitis/cerebritis. Dx w/autoimmune polyendocrine failure.<p>2013 - Dx w/CNS Sjogren's Lupus (FANA antibodies first appeared in 1997 but missed by doc).

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I have had sexual side effects of fluoxetine for years, I've just realized recently after doing a lot of reading. Before getting educated, I had just assumed my problem was inhibition or the ravages of middle age. Like many other areas of life, I want the colors to come back in this one. I haven't been remarried long since my first husband died, and this is my chance! :P Great motivation to continue the taper....



*Abt 1995, started fluoxetine 20 mg/day, later raised to 40 mg; *Abt 1997, started Klonopin ? mg/day

*Abt [??] started first, very slow Klon taper

*Sept 2016, Klon updosed; swapped fluox for duloxetine/lamotrigine/Seroquel (very small dose of last, for sleep) cocktail

*Early 2018, stopped Seroquel; *2020, started second Klon taper

*Abt July 2022, accidental 33% Klon cut, w/no updose; have been holding for 15 mos

*Mar 2023, abrupt lamotrigine cut from 75- to 50 mg/day; *May-June 2023, abrupt dulox cut from 90 mg- to 60 mg/day

*As of June 2023, taking lamotrigine 50 mg/day, duloxetine 60 mg/day, Klonopin .25 mg/day, metoprolol 50 mg/day, Eliquis 5 mg/day, levothyroxine 75 mcg/day


"Forget to remember; remember to forget."


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  • 1 year later...
  • Administrator

How many others had unpleasant sexual side effects from an antidepressant?


I had sexual dysfunction from Prozac and then Paxil.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 7 months later...

I've been on Prodep 60mg (IND), equivalent to Prozac. I was also taking 80mg. I had OCD.


After five years of on drugs, now I've left it 6 months ago. I'm now 20.


But it was not the case, after 6 months I now have no libido. Headaches, Depersonalization is still there.


I still have not experienced a single sex in my life. I'm afraid.

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Please start a topic for yourself in the Introductions and Updates forums and tell us about yourself. Your post will get lost and not likely to get noticed in this forum and a mod will probably move it.

What happened and how I arrived here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4243-cymbaltawithdrawal5600-introduction/#entry50878


July 2016 I have decided to leave my story here at SA unfinished. I have left my contact information in my profile for anyone who wishes to talk to me. I have a posting history spanning nearly 4 years and 3000+ posts all over the site.


Thank you to all who participated in my recovery. I'll miss talking to you but know that I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, suffering and rejoicing with you in spirit, as you go on in your journey.

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  • Altostrata changed the title to SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction as an adverse effect
  • 4 years later...

I just started tapering off of 200 mg of Zoloft. I've been on other antidepressants on and off since I was 13. I'm 40 now. I've had problems with becoming aroused and maintaining it for over a decade. How long into tapering does the sexual dysfunction subside?

Here's info on my current regimen.

August 2021: 200mg Zoloft

2010: 200mg Lamictal

2015: Busbar 60mg

2022: 25mg Hydroxyzine 

2013: 25mg Trazodone 






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  • 8 months later...

Hi all


I have been in an extended taper off Lexapro per my signature. I am currently on 1.2584mgai and taper using the Brass Monkey sliding scale and listening to my body meaning I hold when I feel overwhelmed. I taper by 0.4% at a time (every week or every other week depending) so it is going super slow. 


My questions is re libido. I know that my libido was really affected negatively while I was at full dose of 10mg and even while I was holding for a long time at 5mg. I still suffer from low libido and want to know to what extent Lexapro is still influencing my libido? Would it still be negatively affecting my libido the same way as when I was at 10mg or 5mg, or should I expect the effect on libido to have lowered now that I am at such a low dose? 

Will my libido normalise only once I am completely off the drug? 


Thank you. 

43yo woman. Cipralex/Lexapro (10mg active ingredient Escitalopram) treatment started March 2007 (28yo at the time). Two unsuccessful tapers (2008 and 2013). Two psychiatric hospital stays (2007 and 2014). Other psychiatric drugs were prescribed and taken from Apr 2014 until June 2016. Tapered off all of the below by June 2016 and from then on have been on Cipralex/Lexapro only.

List of drugs that I had tapered off of so far:

Lamictal (Lamotrigine), Esperide (Sulperide), Dormonoct (Loprazolam), Rivotril (Clonazepam, Klonopin), Prozac (Fluoxetine), Cipramil (Citalopram, Celexa), Stilnox (Zolpidem), Urbanol (Clobazam), Olexar (Olanzapine) and Seroquel (Quetiapine). 

Taking Cipralex (Lexapro) only since June 2016.

Currently on extended Cipralex (Lexapro) taper since Nov 2016.

Started compounded liquid suspension on 01Nov 2022 (1.3mgai/2.5ml). Had problems with flavourant in compounded liquid. June 23: Started to make own liquid from commercial saline then had eye blinking. July 23: Making own liquid using home-made isotonic saline and adding this liquid to gelatine capsules so the liquid will not irritate my esophagus.

Okt23: Current dosage 1.15mg Escitalopram. Jan 2024: 1.12mg Escitalopram. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

@LenafI merged your recent topic, to this pre-existing one.

Also see:  How to Do a Site Search on Surviving Antidepressants

and: How to find just about anything on this site

to see if a topic already exists(to ask a question, or comment on) before starting a new one

Thank you.

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additional link to self searching options for topics

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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