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sly: on Cymbalta and tapering


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Hi there!

This is my first post in this forum. I am living in Germany so please excuse my mistakes when writing here in English.


I was set on a 60 mg Cymbalta trip in early May this year because of a nervous breakdown caused by constant stress at work over a couple of month with a subsequent recurrent depression with anxiety. The depression was there every morning and stayed until  afternoon each day. The late afternoon and evening was MY time when I felt better. Unfortunately the next day the depression got me again each day over and over. I never thought something like that could be possible because so far I never had any problems with depression. This was the worst time in my live during these weeks! I have no major side effects from the drug so far, just when I started taking it I felt VERY miserable and my depression and anxiety increased during the first 4-5 days on the drug.


What can I say - after 10 days with the full dosage of 60 mg (30 mg in the morning and 30 mg in the evening) one morning the depression was gone and the panic and anxiety got better from day to day. For me this was a feeling like Christmas and Easter on the same day! Thank god my life came back! :D


As I said, I have been prescribed CYMBALTA and I am now already tapering my way down (see my signature).

I started tapering off at the beginning of August this year and just made another step and are now down to 40 mg of the drug.

I read quite a few "horror stories" about CYMBALTA and even watched some tragic clips on YOUTUBE.
Since I had NEVER taken a antidepression drug before I finally realized what I now consumed.


I am already registered in a german antidepression forum http://www.adfd.org but have also read lots of posts here in the forum and now finally decided to register also here. I am informed quite well about how to taper off of ADs and that you recommend a 10% taper of the last dosage every 4 weeks or slower. When you look at my signature you will see that I went down a little faster with 10 mg in the first step followed by a second step of another 10 mg after 3 weeks.


As I took the CYMBALTA only for 3 months with the full dose of 60 mg I think I can dare to taper a little faster at the beginning and then go slower and smaller from 30 mg on. :blush:

Yes folks - this is MY story so far.

I am male, 51 years old and actually very athletic. I am married, have two daughters and a dog (also female :D ), which was always by my side during this this evil time.


Many greetings, best wishes and lots of health to all of you out there!


Sly ;)


PS.: I developed a nice way to avoid counting beads when you reduce the content of your own drug capsules and wil post that in the TAPER section.

So stayed tuned! :excl:

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello, Sly, and welcome to the forum.  You might want to take a look at our topic specifically on tapering Cymbalta:  Tips for Tapering Cymbalta  When you do post your method, please post it here in your Intro topic, which is meant to be a journal of your own progress through antidepressant withdrawal.  The Tapering discussion is for topics of general interest, like 'Why Taper By 10%?'  Because your method is unique to you, I wouldn't want to mislead anyone into thinking that it's recommended.


In any event, you'll find lots of good information and friendly support here.  Again, welcome.

Psychotropic drug history: Pristiq 50 mg. (mid-September 2010 through February 2011), Remeron (mid-September 2010 through January 2011), Lexapro 10 mg. (mid-February 2011 through mid-December 2011), Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 mg. as needed mid-September 2010 through early March 2012

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

Introduction: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1588-introducing-jemima/


Success Story: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6263-success-jemima-survives-lexapro-and-dr-dickhead-too/

Please note that I am not a medical professional and my advice is based on personal experience, reading, and anecdotal information posted by other sufferers.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Posted Image


To all CYMBALTA addicts!

Laughing is good for your health.


I wish you all the best!


Sly ;)

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


just want to report some positive news.

My taper plan works very fine so far. For me a 10 mg reduction every 3-4 weeks worked just great.

After each reduction step I felt a little dizzy for maybe 2-3 days. Automatically you avoid fast head and eye movements.

My eyes felt a little like burning when you have a fever. That was all. :)


I didn't go training the first week but at the end of week one I could go jogging again (5km round). The second week I could do my usually 10km jog twice a week and also indoor cycling with full power. Third week was great again. Since my drepression in April was stress releated I now don't feel any psychological problems coming back (fingers crossed  :blush:)


Since I reached 30 mg now I will continue tapering with with less then 10 mg - probably three 6 mg steps and then down to 4 and 2 mg.

I would like to see me AD free at the end of the year or in January 2014.


Well, sounds like a plan!


Best wishes to all of you!


Sly ;)

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • Administrator

sly, often people get half-way down without much problem. Please consider a 10% taper from here, to be safe.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Hi Altostrata,

thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it! As I wrote I will definitely decrease my next taper steps.

I know you recommend 10% steps of the last dosage. In my german forum a 10% taper of the initial dosage is recommeded with smaller steps at the end.

I only took CYMBALTA at full 60 mg dosage for 3 months so I think this is an advantage to get off of it easier.

I will do a next step with 6 mg then see if this is ok and decide on my next reduction. So far everything was ok but I will listen to my body.

As CYMBALTA has a halftime of 12 hours I think it is also an advantage to take your dosage split into a morning and evening dose. I now take 15 mg in the morning and 15 mg in the evening.

So tapering off twice a day with 3 mg might also be more gentle then going down with 6 mg in the morning.


We'll keep in touch :excl:


Best wishes


Sly ;)

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • Administrator

Our calculation of a 10% taper is based on the last dosage. The amount of the reduction keeps getting smaller and smaller. Some people do need to make even smaller reductions towards the end.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrator

sly, I moved the posts about measuring beads to a new topic in the Tapering forum. If there are any questions about your method, you can answer them there and the information will be all in one place.


This topic can be about your own personal experience tapering off Cymbalta.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Administrator

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hi Altostrata,

that's very cool. I sure will answer all questions if something comes up!

All the best!



My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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Hello Sly, can you read my into post and let me know if you have any suggestions? Should I extend the taper now I'm just under half way?


Currently tapering off Cymbalta 30mg.  Adding 4 to 6 x 1000mg Omega3 Flax Oil Capsules per day, 2 to 3 litres of water and regular exercise (cycle/walk/yoga).


Have been on and off medication and in therapy for the past 10 years to deal with my inability to understand and react appropriately to "life" and other people. I am currently in the process of removing myself from this stressful city based corporate life and head out to a relaxed paced life in a more tranquil setting (Daintree, Far North QLD, Australia). I hope one day to work with animals in a wildlife park or in the field of marine life conservation  :)

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Hi Angelique,

your taperplan was quite fast as Altostrata wrote. I took Cymbalta with full dosage for only 3 months and then started tapering.

I did it in 10 mg steps from 60 mg down. I stayed on the next dose for at least 3 full weeks (1 to 3 days more sometimes).

I felt a little dissy for 3-4 days nothing else - just like you, although you are going really fast.

This worked for me just fine so far.


You took the Cymbalta for about 2 years which should give you a reason to taper a little slower.

If you are very sure and stable on the dosage you are now on whait for a 2-3 weeks and then go down in smaller steps and stay there for at least 3 weeks.

In Germany the forum recommends at least a 10% taperplan from the initial dose. The US forum even recommends a 10% taper from the LAST dosage you are on.


This is also very individual but keep in mind that you have been on Cymbalta for 2 years and not 2 month. I recommend to go in smaller steps and take at least 3 weeks of time to stabalize your brain.


My taperplan in steps after 3 months Cymbalta is 60-50-40-30-22-16-10-6-3-0

See that the doses keep getting smaller at the end. Also keep in mind that Cymbalta as a modern SSNRI which often has the effect to cause DELAYED withdrawl symptoms which occur up to 3 months after you reach ZERO when you taper too fast.

My tapering will last until January 2014.


I am no doctor - but this is my adivise.


All the best!


Sly ;)

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • 1 month later...

Dear readers of my "Cymbalta and tapering" thread!


Here is a little update of my status. I am doing very fine with my tapering.

I am down to only 8 mg from today on. You can see details of my tapering in the graphic below.

Posted Image


Tapering from an AD like CYMBALTA is a very individual process which is dependant on many different parameters like

- how long did you take it

- how high was your dosage

- what was the cause of your prescription

- how old are you

- how sensitive are you

- etc.


What I want to say is that this taperplan worked for me after taking CYMBALTA for only 3 months with 60 mg dosage but might be to fast for you.

Everybody has to find out his own plan. Please see the official recommendation of this forum first.


I wish you all a nice Christmas time and lots of health!


Posted Image


Sly ;)

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • Administrator

What a beautiful graph! Thank you for the gift and greetings, Sly. Happy holidays to you.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear readers of my "Cymbalta and tapering" thread!
After 12 days I now went down to the mirco dosage of only 2 mg of Cymbalta per day.
I will go down to ZERO within the next 2 weeks. FINALLY !!!
I am still doing very fine and have no symptoms. I think I am now through the worst part.
Although I never had to experience any severe side effects during my taper period - thank God!
I wish you all a much better year than 2013 in the upcoming 2014 !!!
Best wishes and health to all of you!
One more post to come from me in January 2014!
Sly ;)
This taperplan worked for me after taking CYMBALTA for only 3 months with 60 mg dosage but might be to fast for other people who took the drug for a longer period of time.
Everybody has to find out his own plan. Please see the official recommendation of this forum first before you start tapering with my plan and experience severe side effects!
Listen to your body!

My dog:
My current condition: :)

My method of measuring beads: http://survivinganti...-counting-them/
My thread: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4856-sly-on-cymbalta-and-tapering/?p=61238


2013 - 28. December - Cymbalta 2 mg

2013 - 16. December - Cymbalta 5 mg - 12 days

2013 - 02. December - Cymbalta 8 mg - 14 days

2013 - 17. November - Cymbalta 12 mg - 15 days

2013 - 28. October - Cymbalta 16 mg - 20 days

2013 - 11. October - Cymbalta 22 mg - 17 days
2013 - 19. September - Cymbalta 30 mg - 22 days
2013 - 26. August - Cymbalta 40 mg - 24 days
2013 - 04. August - Cymbalta 50 mg - 22 days

S T A R T Tapering Cymbalta 60 mg - after 88 days

:wacko:Constant side effects: Libido, sometimes slight headache, muscle stiffness, sometimes slight tinnitus, weight gain.
2013 - June / July- Cymbalta 60 mg Ongoing stable situation.

2013 - 18. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Effect: Depression is gone! Anxiety is getting significantly better!

2013 - 08. May - Cymbalta 60 mg Incease the dose of 30 mg in the morning with an evening dose of another 30 mg.Again symptoms when inceasing the dosage but weaker this time.

2013 - 01. May - Cymbalta 30 mg Starting with 30 mg for 7 days with very bad side effects for about 4 days.

2013 - Mid April Diagnosis: Stress related nervous breakdown with following depression and anxiety.

I am: male, 52 years old, 85 kg heavy, 1,88 m tall, runner, non smoker, living in Germany

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  • Administrator

Hurray! Best wishes for the new year to you, Sly.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 9 months later...
  • Administrator

Sly, how are you doing now?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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