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Sudden fear, terror, panic, anxiety, or sensory overload from withdrawal


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It's weird for me because situational anxiety is what I went on Antidepressants for in the first place. But even during WD it was non existant until about the 12 month period. It hit for about a week than went away for a month. Than it hit for 3 days and went away for awhile. It came back yesterday with vengeance during the evening and its still here. Not sure why it keeps popping up? I had an idiot doctor tell me that crushing depression and anxiety could be permanent from drug withdrawal. And even though I know this isn't true because ive read so many success stories I still get worried! My brain likes to gravitate to doom and gloom even though its ridiculous. Has anyone had anxiety /panic show up so late in WD?? Id like to hear from anybody

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Im still going through these intense waves of anxiety. I don't wanna leave the house. Maybe I am worried to much about it and putting too much effort into thinking about how to stop it. I am going to try a complete distraction even when intense. Ill do it for two days see if it works.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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So my Anxiety is completley gone! but a bunch of other symptoms are way worse ! 

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Mort, 


Completely situational stuff going on here at 12 mos. plus out.  Sometimes.  I can get out of the house just fine and all that.  My associate/kid got up about an hour ago and was banging around so I investigated.  It could be just sleep walking but I immediately jump to the use of drugs or alcohol, and go on overdrive.  Made a call......got him back to bed and now just embarrassed........as I could/should have used text........but not too so.......as the friend I called is younger and has reason to freak out when calls come in at early hours.


Also way anxious about these job interviews I am doing........but this last one I did manage to bring it on down by the time of.  Just getting on out of the house often gets me out of my head case.......with a long enough drive and all that.  Listening to music while driving and singing.  Walks.......at least 20 minutes........it takes me that long to feel chiller.  Definitely more difficult when the sadness/tears hit though.......as the tears can't always be hidden.......such as if I have to do human contact/interaction.


What did you do for your complete distraction?


For me.......definitely a nap later

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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Hey I focused as hard as I could on everything and anything that brings me joy . Radio , T.V . Sports, for me can work I am a sports junkie. I do realize that If I had to be in public or somewhere that is social it would be tough once Neuro Anxiety kicks in to Focus out. on something. But  I am starting to see a pattern lately with my anxiety. When my body feels better and I am stronger my mind is super fast . much faster than normal. But for instance yesterday my body was really sick.  Everything was super slow it was hard to get out of bed I was in discomfort . energy was low , stomach hurt but when I got settled I could feel my mind was very relaxed and normal. So I know just to keep riding it out.  These WD symptoms are constantly changing , things are coming and going and I am recognising this. therefore I am not afraid of my symptoms latley. Hopefully soon my symptoms will come back with way less intensity and than one day comepletly be gone.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Yes.  Less intensity.  That's what makes it tolerable.  And they don't linger for days.......the symptoms. 


You probably are sick with something Mort.  Tis the season.  Come on cough and congestion of mine........clear uppeth!

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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Yes less intensity makes a world of difference ! Just going with the punches and looking forward to better days is the only way to go. Hopefully in the new year we all start to have better days

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Since quitting Paxil (paroxetine), I've not been stuck-in-bed crippled by anxiety, but I've had several bouts wherein I'd be afraid to be alone, terrified of the future, and obsessively worried my bosses were out to get me. I quit paroxetine during summer vacation, and I was fine as long as I was home. As soon as school started and I had to be around my evil boss (no exaggeration—more than half the staff is actively trying to get out of the building, even leaving the field of education altogether), the anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks. Again, I'm not stuck in bed or crying all day, but I could NOT stop worrying. I was so worried about work that I couldn't do my job effectively. I've just been getting by.


Don't go into education, by the way. Seriously. Even if you're happy as a clam, do not go into education. Do ANYTHING else.


I've been trying supplements: Iodine, selenium, magnesium, zinc, and DHEA.


I started with iodine. It could calm me down, but was not always effective. And I'd get dizzy spells if I took it every day. I tried balancing this with selenium and magnesium, but continued having dizzy spells if I took it every day. And the effect would get me through the day, but in the morning—always in the morning—I'd be a wreck. I'd always wake up terrified and afraid to be alone. What a mess.


A while ago, I started taking about a quarter of a 50mg DHEA tablet in the morning. At first, I was not depressed or anxious, but irritable. The irritability wore off, and I became more certain, less anxious, and much calmer. The feeling of certainty or bravery was like what I had when I was younger. I was able to workout with less pain, and muscles would heal back up the way they would when I was a kid. It has been nice. But I can actually feel DHEA rais my blood pressure, and I get constipated.


There's always some kind of side-effect, right?


I've also played with Biotin. I bought these 10,000 mcg pills that also cause dizzy spells if taken every day.


What I've been doing is alternating Biotin and iodine/selenium/magnesium every other day for one week, then just those quartered pieces of DHEA for the next week. If I use DHEA for more than a week straight, I can't have a bowel movement—so that's a concern.


What I'm unable to do now is take just one thing regularly and be done. I have to juggle supplements, else I'm falling over and can't go to the restroom. Again, everything seems to have negative side effects.


Oh, one other thing is that I wake up around 3 every morning and have a hell of a time falling back asleep. That started once I returned to school. I miss the days of sleeping until the alarm went off.

Began in 1998 at 20mg/day. Dropped from 20 to 10mg/day around 2006. Dropped from 10 to 5mg/day in June of 2014. Dropped from 5 to 0mg/day in June of 2015. Rough times, indeed.

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Well my anxiety hit me like a brick house today.Both times its come after gentile exercise the day before. For some reason this jolts my system still. My thoughts are fast, pressure in my head and im really uncomfortable. Basically it makes it hard to focus or concentrate om anyone or anything because it's so agitating. Its a real bummer I cant do light exercise. Can't wait for my body to settle down

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Mort, do you have akathisia? Is it impossible for you to relax? When i had akathisia i couldn't contrentrate on anything and was so agitated that i couldn't sit still. 

Citalopram 40mg from 2003-2015

Jan 2015 started tapering first dropped to 35mgFeb 30mg, March 25mgApril 20mg, May 17,5mg, June 15mgJuly 12,5mg, Aug 12,5mg,

Sep 0mg for 5 days because of stomac flu and after I raised to 7,5mg. All the symptoms of acute WD shaking, diarrhea, vomiting, barely could walk ect. Still didn't realize that it wasn't only stomac flu but I was also going through WD.

Oct 2,5mg and crashed again badly and quickly raised to 4mg. It was then when I knew my symptoms were due to WD.

Then in November after a month holding on 4mg raised to 5mg due to muscle weakness and had a VERY BAD reaction to reinstatement: akathisia(lasted for one or two weeks), insomnia, anhedonia... Drop quicly back to 4mg, Dec 3mg

Jan 2016 2,6mg( in the middle of Jan after I had been on 2,6mg for a week I tried to updose to 2,8mg and immediately had bad reaction to it: akathisia for a day, andehonia got worse. The next day dropped back to 2,6mg), Feb 2,4mg( a new symptom PGAD lasted 24/7 for 2 months after that on and off), March 2,4mg, April 2,3mg, May 2,2mg, June 2,1mg, July 2,0mg( Pgad almost nonexisting, sleeping pretty good, still some anhedonia but there has been a lot of gradual progress), Aug 1,97mg-1,89mg, Sep 1,88mg-1,49mg, Oct 1,48mg- 1,70mg,

Nov 0,65mg- current dose 0,5mg


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Hey reaching I definitely think I do have it. Would exercise make this symptom worse? Did it cause a racing mind for you?

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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I was more like in a state where i had no history all i had was the very moment of terror and i was just thinking  "how much longer i can endure this" and i kept watching the clock minute by minute and hour by hour. My feet was jelly but i had to keep moving around the house. i couldn't listen to the music or watch movie. If i were you i would be very careful with exercise.


By the way have you had water retention after excercise? I was many weeks housebound and now that i have been walking 15-20minutes a day i have been getting water retention. :/

Citalopram 40mg from 2003-2015

Jan 2015 started tapering first dropped to 35mgFeb 30mg, March 25mgApril 20mg, May 17,5mg, June 15mgJuly 12,5mg, Aug 12,5mg,

Sep 0mg for 5 days because of stomac flu and after I raised to 7,5mg. All the symptoms of acute WD shaking, diarrhea, vomiting, barely could walk ect. Still didn't realize that it wasn't only stomac flu but I was also going through WD.

Oct 2,5mg and crashed again badly and quickly raised to 4mg. It was then when I knew my symptoms were due to WD.

Then in November after a month holding on 4mg raised to 5mg due to muscle weakness and had a VERY BAD reaction to reinstatement: akathisia(lasted for one or two weeks), insomnia, anhedonia... Drop quicly back to 4mg, Dec 3mg

Jan 2016 2,6mg( in the middle of Jan after I had been on 2,6mg for a week I tried to updose to 2,8mg and immediately had bad reaction to it: akathisia for a day, andehonia got worse. The next day dropped back to 2,6mg), Feb 2,4mg( a new symptom PGAD lasted 24/7 for 2 months after that on and off), March 2,4mg, April 2,3mg, May 2,2mg, June 2,1mg, July 2,0mg( Pgad almost nonexisting, sleeping pretty good, still some anhedonia but there has been a lot of gradual progress), Aug 1,97mg-1,89mg, Sep 1,88mg-1,49mg, Oct 1,48mg- 1,70mg,

Nov 0,65mg- current dose 0,5mg


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Thanks for the reply. I usually can distract myself but when it's really high and strong than I can't. I do the same thing about the clock and how much longercan I take this . I just started to try and exercise and its as basic as possible. I dont push myself at all. 10 minutes of a bike on lowest level and 10 min of yoga. I don't know about water retention. I haven't felt anything like that. I think walking and light stretching is probably better for me at the moment. It takes so much patience and time during withdrawal its very frustrating

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Yes there are different states of akathisia, i had it at first very intense but then after couple of days it started to alleviate, it was still there but not that strong. 


When i started to taper in the spring i started having these mysterious loss of strenght every now and then. i even fell down in the stairs when i was carrying some heavy things. And that time i was dropping 5mg or 2.5mg every four weeks. I also use to be in very good physical condition before tapering...

Citalopram 40mg from 2003-2015

Jan 2015 started tapering first dropped to 35mgFeb 30mg, March 25mgApril 20mg, May 17,5mg, June 15mgJuly 12,5mg, Aug 12,5mg,

Sep 0mg for 5 days because of stomac flu and after I raised to 7,5mg. All the symptoms of acute WD shaking, diarrhea, vomiting, barely could walk ect. Still didn't realize that it wasn't only stomac flu but I was also going through WD.

Oct 2,5mg and crashed again badly and quickly raised to 4mg. It was then when I knew my symptoms were due to WD.

Then in November after a month holding on 4mg raised to 5mg due to muscle weakness and had a VERY BAD reaction to reinstatement: akathisia(lasted for one or two weeks), insomnia, anhedonia... Drop quicly back to 4mg, Dec 3mg

Jan 2016 2,6mg( in the middle of Jan after I had been on 2,6mg for a week I tried to updose to 2,8mg and immediately had bad reaction to it: akathisia for a day, andehonia got worse. The next day dropped back to 2,6mg), Feb 2,4mg( a new symptom PGAD lasted 24/7 for 2 months after that on and off), March 2,4mg, April 2,3mg, May 2,2mg, June 2,1mg, July 2,0mg( Pgad almost nonexisting, sleeping pretty good, still some anhedonia but there has been a lot of gradual progress), Aug 1,97mg-1,89mg, Sep 1,88mg-1,49mg, Oct 1,48mg- 1,70mg,

Nov 0,65mg- current dose 0,5mg


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I forsure have some form of akasthisia at the moment.


Ya I was suffering from that when I made massive cuts in my dose last year. I didn't even know what was going on I was ill informed by my doctor. But during withdrawal my strength/weakness got so bad I couldn't stand up or walk more than 5 minutes without feeling like I was gonna fall down. It has only recently in the last 4 weeks or so gotten way better. I can feel my body adjusting without the meds.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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A wave of anxiety came last weekend. It was awful, made me feel as if it were four years ago when the panic first began.


Thankfully, it passed quickly and today only a lingering feeling remain that is more manageable.


I hate that this kind of anxiety feels... chemical, for lack of a better word. As if someone had overriden the automatic controls of the brain and turn the "ANXIETY DO NOT PRESS" button on and let it jammed. Before I used to fight it with rational thoughts, telling myself it is nothing, the fear doesn't has any reason to exist,etc and all I managed was to increase my panic because it didn't work and then I must had been truly bad if rational thoughts didn't work. Now, I let it flow and keep a very vague notion of it going as time passes. I put my mind in blank some hours ago, merely watching my surroundings and listening the sounds, kind of focusing on the stability on the outside to bring it to inside. It did work, and I'm resting here after lunch.

Name LostInTheWoods evokes both the feeling of getting stranded, forsaken and alone in an alien, hostile environment and the chance to experience awareness, tranquility and self-discovery during the experience. Just call me Lost in the posts.


February 2012. After a crisis, a crippling anxiety that culminated in a panic attack. Started 20 mg Paxil and Clonazepam.

Clonazepam left quickly in the 2nd attempt.

About about a year on 20 mg, begin tapering.

June 2014, after several weeks on 5 mg and trying to dose down, went CT.

May 2015.Anxiety came back again, went to psychiatrist back. Fluoxetine was tried and left because of bad reaction, returned to paroxetine. Start tapering in mid 2016.

December 2016. After like 2 months of going 2,5 mg, stopped paroxetine.

Truth to be told, descended into a downward spiral of caffeine, alcohol and masturbation.

January  26, 2017. Wave with some tinnitus that was fixed by a visit to the ENT.

April 21, 2017. Acid reflux at night was a stressor that triggered another wave.Vices have been put into check and only a drink or two a week remain.

By May 7 stabilized with a little anxiety left and some pains.

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Ya lost you are right , this anxiety is not normal.I am glad it passed for you , this seems to be happening to me aswell, it comes hard for a bit than leaves. I think my anxiety waves are caused by Askathisia which mentally I respond to and get freaked out. When its intense all you can do is try and distract because in time it shall pass. And if you cant distract than take cover and let the storm pass through. 

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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  • Moderator Emeritus


Anxiety/fear still peaks at times, when its triggered by a situation or increased stress... I still have a higher than normal level of subtle anxiety in the mornings (cortisol mornings), which lasts for varying amounts of time...



I've found something which (for me) has eliminated this remaining fear/anxiety.


Since writing the above post I had a significant window, but then crashed badly into one of the worst waves I had, then went back to a baseline in which I was experiencing high anxiety in the early mornings and a constant lower level of anxiety through the rest of the day, and still feeling pretty miserable because of it.


But I started taking L-Theanine (Suntheanine) and it basically takes away the remaining fear/anxiety with no negative effects. This doesn't work for everyone, but I think its worth a try if you are still struggling with high levels of fear.


See this topic for more details:  L-Theanine for anxiety, insomnia

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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Yesterday I had a tough night. All my symptoms ramped up in the evening. I was struck with extreme askathisia and gut pain. I managed to fall asleep late but I awoke to fear. Extreme fear, I felt and thought their were gunman in my house and we're going to wreak havoc. I told myself noway this is happening cant be real but my mind and body felt it was happening. Ive woken up in the past from extreme fear obviously its quite common here but this time for awhile I believed while I was awake that this was actually happening. Couldn't believe how real this felt after I already woke up. Usually I dream something awful wake up and realize its a dream. This time I woke up and thought everything was real for about 5 minutes. What a night!!

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi All,


I found this today on the getselfhelp.co.uk website:  First Aid for Panic and thought it may be helpful.  My suggestion would be to listen to it a few times throughout the day, every day, not just if you are feeling panicky.  Hopefully it will teach you a skill to use when you do get panicky.




MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Does anyone get full body anxiety? I have had it 24/7 since withdrawing.  It's like every nerve in my body is being filled with anxiety for no reason and it is very very uncomfortable.  I guess this would be akathisia because there is no other word for this.

Dec 2014 I tried Zoloft 25mg for one week (adverse reaction - extreme anxiety and felt like I was on an amphetamine). Dr. said to quit cold turkey, so I not only quit Zoloft but also 2 weeks of Xanax .25mg -- extreme dizziness, hyperarousal and anxiety began! On Jan. 29, 2015 my psychiatrist put me on new stuff and this is how my next 2 months and 7 days looked like (I was having the same bad reactions to all of these):Effexor XR 37.5mg (3 days) - throwing up, heart palpations, night tremors/convulsions or something where whole body shakes for a second, Prozac 10mg (15 days), Prozac 20mg (7 days) - internal restlessness, electric current through body/brain (not zaps), agitation, intense fear and could no longer nap at this point (still can't today because of this), Lexapro 5mg (4 days) - same as Prozac, a horror show...extreme internal agitation, Lexapro 7.5mg (2 days), Lexapro 10mg (16 days), Zoloft 12.5mg (3 days)...she said try it again since my blood relative does well on it, Zoloft 25mg (7 days) - same as before and getting worse!! Zoloft 50mg (6 days), Zoloft 25mg (4 days and then came off cold turkey on April 8, 2015). I used Xanax .25mg about 7 times per month through all of this until June 30, 2015 (my last benzo dose). Extreme anxiety, nervous system traumatized, mental akathisia, anger triggered by nothing but the brain totally going off on its own, feeling of a pressurized electric current going through me like my brain and body are trying to explode, stress reaction x10000 to everything, waking in terror lasting all day, fear, very sensitive, brain can't keep up, don't know what to do with myself, feeling like everything is going too fast and I can't keep up, helium head, deep depression like something is ripping out my soul, out of my mind, can hardly drive or be alone, cognitive issues, simple tasks are so complex and straining, feel disturbed because the brain can't process anything right even though your brain tries so hard and it makes you go mad, episodes of deep anguish with a sick toxic poison feeling (like you have some unknown virus).

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  • 2 weeks later...

KT that does sound like akathisia. Neuro anxiety that ive had has mainly been a racing mind which is no fun. But akasthisia is the whole package.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Thankfully the akathisia for me comes and goes. Same with the Neuro anxiety and Fear.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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I can relate to all of this. The anxiety ive felt is not normal nor is it anything like what I had before. I too avoid all confrontations and people who could cause any sort of triggers. Somedays simple conversations or noise send me through the roof. Its only normal that our response during withdrawal is out of context and greatly exaggerated. I think the worst all the time. Being able to handle normal stress and anxiety will be a major relief. I think all of us who have dealt with these super charged emotions wont be affected by normal anxiety once we are recovered. I think it might be like a fly that you flick off your shoulder, compared to the swarm of bees that is circling our heads.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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I ve tried all the tapes/books mentioned above over time but the best I've discovered is a site called Its just a feeling , which has a lot of excellent resources, she also produces CDs /MP3 s on panic attacks , agraphobia which have been. SO helpful , and she does one on social anxiety which I don't have so haven't listened to.

My anxiety and agraphobia were off the scales and are so very much better now, they do lift if you can sit it out don't give up hope

Paxil 10mg 21/2 years to June 2012 after a 2 month taper


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KT did the L theanine help?

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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I only tried it for a couple days but didn't see a difference. I have electric feelings through my body and think that it must be from my adverse reaction. Probably too much seratonin. I don't think anything can help this horror.

Dec 2014 I tried Zoloft 25mg for one week (adverse reaction - extreme anxiety and felt like I was on an amphetamine). Dr. said to quit cold turkey, so I not only quit Zoloft but also 2 weeks of Xanax .25mg -- extreme dizziness, hyperarousal and anxiety began! On Jan. 29, 2015 my psychiatrist put me on new stuff and this is how my next 2 months and 7 days looked like (I was having the same bad reactions to all of these):Effexor XR 37.5mg (3 days) - throwing up, heart palpations, night tremors/convulsions or something where whole body shakes for a second, Prozac 10mg (15 days), Prozac 20mg (7 days) - internal restlessness, electric current through body/brain (not zaps), agitation, intense fear and could no longer nap at this point (still can't today because of this), Lexapro 5mg (4 days) - same as Prozac, a horror show...extreme internal agitation, Lexapro 7.5mg (2 days), Lexapro 10mg (16 days), Zoloft 12.5mg (3 days)...she said try it again since my blood relative does well on it, Zoloft 25mg (7 days) - same as before and getting worse!! Zoloft 50mg (6 days), Zoloft 25mg (4 days and then came off cold turkey on April 8, 2015). I used Xanax .25mg about 7 times per month through all of this until June 30, 2015 (my last benzo dose). Extreme anxiety, nervous system traumatized, mental akathisia, anger triggered by nothing but the brain totally going off on its own, feeling of a pressurized electric current going through me like my brain and body are trying to explode, stress reaction x10000 to everything, waking in terror lasting all day, fear, very sensitive, brain can't keep up, don't know what to do with myself, feeling like everything is going too fast and I can't keep up, helium head, deep depression like something is ripping out my soul, out of my mind, can hardly drive or be alone, cognitive issues, simple tasks are so complex and straining, feel disturbed because the brain can't process anything right even though your brain tries so hard and it makes you go mad, episodes of deep anguish with a sick toxic poison feeling (like you have some unknown virus).

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KT i seem to get that electrical feeling in my feet. Usually its brought on by the full body anxiety I get. Only time can help us. I wish I had a time machine that could transport me to freedom

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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This whole thing is ridiculous. I am so mad that even just trying these meds has disabled me. I have a 6 yr old with brain cancer to take care and making my own breakfast is impossible. My husband has to work from home to care for both of us. I am going to kick some big pharma a$$ after this is over.

Dec 2014 I tried Zoloft 25mg for one week (adverse reaction - extreme anxiety and felt like I was on an amphetamine). Dr. said to quit cold turkey, so I not only quit Zoloft but also 2 weeks of Xanax .25mg -- extreme dizziness, hyperarousal and anxiety began! On Jan. 29, 2015 my psychiatrist put me on new stuff and this is how my next 2 months and 7 days looked like (I was having the same bad reactions to all of these):Effexor XR 37.5mg (3 days) - throwing up, heart palpations, night tremors/convulsions or something where whole body shakes for a second, Prozac 10mg (15 days), Prozac 20mg (7 days) - internal restlessness, electric current through body/brain (not zaps), agitation, intense fear and could no longer nap at this point (still can't today because of this), Lexapro 5mg (4 days) - same as Prozac, a horror show...extreme internal agitation, Lexapro 7.5mg (2 days), Lexapro 10mg (16 days), Zoloft 12.5mg (3 days)...she said try it again since my blood relative does well on it, Zoloft 25mg (7 days) - same as before and getting worse!! Zoloft 50mg (6 days), Zoloft 25mg (4 days and then came off cold turkey on April 8, 2015). I used Xanax .25mg about 7 times per month through all of this until June 30, 2015 (my last benzo dose). Extreme anxiety, nervous system traumatized, mental akathisia, anger triggered by nothing but the brain totally going off on its own, feeling of a pressurized electric current going through me like my brain and body are trying to explode, stress reaction x10000 to everything, waking in terror lasting all day, fear, very sensitive, brain can't keep up, don't know what to do with myself, feeling like everything is going too fast and I can't keep up, helium head, deep depression like something is ripping out my soul, out of my mind, can hardly drive or be alone, cognitive issues, simple tasks are so complex and straining, feel disturbed because the brain can't process anything right even though your brain tries so hard and it makes you go mad, episodes of deep anguish with a sick toxic poison feeling (like you have some unknown virus).

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KT I feel your pain. I am being supported by my significant other aswell . I can barely take care of myself at the moment let alone try to care for a child. The stigma and Isolation that comes with this syndrome is criminal enough. I hope you take Pharma to the cleaners. They deserve a world of hurt and pain.


I am so sorry about your daughter and I will pray she gets better fast . My mom has a friend whos daughter had the same thing. Her daughter is now healed with no signs of cancer.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Petunia is L-theanine still working for you? Im not sure why but my anxiety and panic has gotten much worse this month. I got it so late into withdrawal. Originally before meds I had this but on a much smaller scale and only in certain situations where as lately I feel on the verge of panic all the time. Anyone else develop such late onset panic? And is this a normal part of WD? The same happened with Askathisia it peaked and got worse in November for about a month, 15 months off thankfully its very weak now but the panic /anxiety is 100 x worse.

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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One theory I have whether relavent or not would be that Im taking 0.125mg of clonazapam and maybe my body is used to it. I have been taking it at this dose for 6-8 months. I don't wanna go up in dose but I do want my neuro anxiety to abate

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Mort81, how would you describe your akathisia vs intense anxiety? 

Dec 2014 I tried Zoloft 25mg for one week (adverse reaction - extreme anxiety and felt like I was on an amphetamine). Dr. said to quit cold turkey, so I not only quit Zoloft but also 2 weeks of Xanax .25mg -- extreme dizziness, hyperarousal and anxiety began! On Jan. 29, 2015 my psychiatrist put me on new stuff and this is how my next 2 months and 7 days looked like (I was having the same bad reactions to all of these):Effexor XR 37.5mg (3 days) - throwing up, heart palpations, night tremors/convulsions or something where whole body shakes for a second, Prozac 10mg (15 days), Prozac 20mg (7 days) - internal restlessness, electric current through body/brain (not zaps), agitation, intense fear and could no longer nap at this point (still can't today because of this), Lexapro 5mg (4 days) - same as Prozac, a horror show...extreme internal agitation, Lexapro 7.5mg (2 days), Lexapro 10mg (16 days), Zoloft 12.5mg (3 days)...she said try it again since my blood relative does well on it, Zoloft 25mg (7 days) - same as before and getting worse!! Zoloft 50mg (6 days), Zoloft 25mg (4 days and then came off cold turkey on April 8, 2015). I used Xanax .25mg about 7 times per month through all of this until June 30, 2015 (my last benzo dose). Extreme anxiety, nervous system traumatized, mental akathisia, anger triggered by nothing but the brain totally going off on its own, feeling of a pressurized electric current going through me like my brain and body are trying to explode, stress reaction x10000 to everything, waking in terror lasting all day, fear, very sensitive, brain can't keep up, don't know what to do with myself, feeling like everything is going too fast and I can't keep up, helium head, deep depression like something is ripping out my soul, out of my mind, can hardly drive or be alone, cognitive issues, simple tasks are so complex and straining, feel disturbed because the brain can't process anything right even though your brain tries so hard and it makes you go mad, episodes of deep anguish with a sick toxic poison feeling (like you have some unknown virus).

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Akasthisia is a total body feeling of agitation and doom, It can be so strong feels like your body is gonna explode or that I will die from discomfort. Like a feeling of being tortured and I need it to stop. It hasn't happened for a while. Only in a minor form. More things are going on in my body while heavy akasthisia is happening sick stomach, malaise, weakness, feet and legs feel like they need to break free and can numb out a bit. extreme fear and worry. It feels like total body panic on steroids.


My intense anxiety is just a fast heart rate with a super fast mind. My mind is so fast that I can't think. Which leads to a panic feeling. Its all the things that a normal panic attack would feel like but in a circumstance where I would never have it. It feels more intense than any old panic attack probably due to my sensitive system


Hope I explained it well

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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One other thing about the panic attacks is I feel like im in a bubble. When I talk I hear myself repeat what I said. Maybe a form of DP not sure

Was on 30mg (Lexapro) for 7-8yrs20mg for 3 months (This was my choice my Doc wanted me to drop much faster)15 mg 2week10mg 2 weeks 5 mg 1 week0 since August 24th . PPI Dexlant  30 mg taper has begun. Cutting 20% currently.  using zantac as needed.  Benzo is currently 0.10mg 

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Wow, you describe it well!!! That akathisia is exactly what I have.  When did it start to wax and wane for you?  Were you able to leave the house or work? My husband has to stay home (work from home) with me it's ridiculous torture even at almost 9 months off. I know what you mean about the intense anxiety and how you can tell it's different (stronger) than a regular panic attack because of a sensitized CNS.

Dec 2014 I tried Zoloft 25mg for one week (adverse reaction - extreme anxiety and felt like I was on an amphetamine). Dr. said to quit cold turkey, so I not only quit Zoloft but also 2 weeks of Xanax .25mg -- extreme dizziness, hyperarousal and anxiety began! On Jan. 29, 2015 my psychiatrist put me on new stuff and this is how my next 2 months and 7 days looked like (I was having the same bad reactions to all of these):Effexor XR 37.5mg (3 days) - throwing up, heart palpations, night tremors/convulsions or something where whole body shakes for a second, Prozac 10mg (15 days), Prozac 20mg (7 days) - internal restlessness, electric current through body/brain (not zaps), agitation, intense fear and could no longer nap at this point (still can't today because of this), Lexapro 5mg (4 days) - same as Prozac, a horror show...extreme internal agitation, Lexapro 7.5mg (2 days), Lexapro 10mg (16 days), Zoloft 12.5mg (3 days)...she said try it again since my blood relative does well on it, Zoloft 25mg (7 days) - same as before and getting worse!! Zoloft 50mg (6 days), Zoloft 25mg (4 days and then came off cold turkey on April 8, 2015). I used Xanax .25mg about 7 times per month through all of this until June 30, 2015 (my last benzo dose). Extreme anxiety, nervous system traumatized, mental akathisia, anger triggered by nothing but the brain totally going off on its own, feeling of a pressurized electric current going through me like my brain and body are trying to explode, stress reaction x10000 to everything, waking in terror lasting all day, fear, very sensitive, brain can't keep up, don't know what to do with myself, feeling like everything is going too fast and I can't keep up, helium head, deep depression like something is ripping out my soul, out of my mind, can hardly drive or be alone, cognitive issues, simple tasks are so complex and straining, feel disturbed because the brain can't process anything right even though your brain tries so hard and it makes you go mad, episodes of deep anguish with a sick toxic poison feeling (like you have some unknown virus).

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