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ItWillGetBetter: I Have PGAD, What Do I Do?


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Hello everybody,


I've been taking antidepressants since 2011, and never had neurological issues from prescriptions until recently. In January I started Lexapro 20mg (took it for a little over a month), and then in late February I started weaning off it fairly fast over a period of a couple weeks, as I wasn't having any adverse reaction to the weaning process whatsoever. In fact, I didn't feel any change in my mind or body when taking Lexapro. It felt like a sugar pill. Then one day in March (about three weeks after I had completely been off Lexapro) I developed mono and had to take Zofran to control the nausea so that I could eat. In early April I started noticing that I was aroused much more easily, and that the lightest pressure on my genitals would cause arousal. It continued to get more intense during that month, and so I decided to quit Zofran after I learned about PGAD and how it can be caused by drugs affecting serotonin levels (Zofran is a drug that works on serotonin precursor receptors). My PGAD symptoms got better, but did not go away. I started taking .5mg Klonopin every day to help deal with the symptoms, and I'm still taking it today. It doesn't really help with the PGAD symptoms, but it helps me not get too anxious about my PGAD (anxiety makes my PGAD worse). I tried Cymbalta, since case studies have suggested it may help, and I already started feeling happier within the first couple days, but it made my PGAD worse, so I couldn't tolerate it.


I do have a question for anyone out there about treatment for PGAD symptoms. My urologist prescribed me Elavil (or Amitriptyline), because apparently it has helped people in the past. I've even seen a couple of posts on here about that drug helping. So here is my question:  Has anyone experienced symptoms getting worse before they get better when taking a drug that may help PGAD symptoms? I want to give Elavil a good try, but if it makes my symptoms worse initially, then does that mean it will just not work at all, period? My urologist wants me to give it a try for a month, but I don't want to be on it for a month if my PGAD is much worse the whole time


I know antidepressants can take up to 4 weeks to fully work, but is that true for alleviating PGAD symptoms? I tried Cymbalta already, and it made the symptoms so much worse that I couldn't take it for more than a few days. But I'm not sure if the "pain" relieving affects of Cymbalta would take longer to kick in than whatever aspect of the drug was making it worse. Please let me know if you guys have any personal experience, or advice in this situation. 


Thanks for your help in advance!

2011-2013 40mg Celexa: worked well at first, but stopped working after a year or so

June 2013 Wellbutrin: didn't tolerate well

August 2013 Prozac: didn't tolerate well

February 2014 20mg Lexapro: felt no effect from it, quit it after a month and a half over the period of a couple of weeks

March-April 2014 8mg Zofran daily: took for nausea I was getting from Mono

Developed PGAD during April. I believe as a result from Zofran.

June-present .5mg Klonopin daily: to help with PGAD and anxiety


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  • Moderator Emeritus


Thank you for posting an introduction.  You can use this thread as an ongoing journal and to communicate with the community about your own journey and issues specific to your situation.


Why did you start taking Celexa in 2011?  Is PGAD the only symptom you have experienced since stopping Lexapro.  Because of your history with SSRI's and Zofran, its impossible to know which could have caused the PGAD.  It could be a combined effect.


I've read several threads here and on a few on other sites where people have said they had PGAD as a result of SSRI's but its gone away.  My belief is that if PGAD has developed as a result of neurological changes caused by the use and discontinuation of SSRI's, then eventually, over time, this will most likely subside as other withdrawal symptoms do.  But as with other symptoms, sometimes it can take quite a while and there may be windows and waves with this symptom too, sometimes being triggered by stress or other factors.


As I wrote on the PGAD thread, we don't support discussions of the benefits of various psychiatric medications for treating withdrawal symptoms.  Most people here are suffering terribly from the results of taking these kinds of drugs or trying to get off them.  But I completely understand your wanting to find something to relieve this symptom.  We can offer emotional support and understanding while you are recovering. If someone can answer your question, perhaps using personal messenger would be more appropriate.


I found a long PGAD thread on a Pudendal Neuralgia support site.  Its specific to PGAD being caused by PN, but you may find some ideas or further resources there:




Its a very long thread, I only read through the first few pages.


Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.



I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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I tried lexapro (escitalopram) following my PGAD symptoms appearing after withdrawing from zoloft (sertraline) and it did nothing for me. If anything my PGAD felt less like the sensation of arousal and more like a very unpleasant burning/stabbing pain whilst on it. I was taking escitalopram for 3 months in total, I'll personally be staying away from AD's altogether.


I did have a short spell on amitriptyline at a very low dose, can't say I noticed any change in my physical symptoms.


Hope that's of some help to you.



December 2008 Prescribed 20mg citalopram (celexa) for depression and OCD.July 2013 stopped taking citalopram (celexa). November 2013 reinstated citalopram (celexa) following replapse at 20mg for 4 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks and tapered off over 4 weeks as my condition had deteriorated. February 2014 started 20mg of fluoxetine (prozac). Didn't tolerate it and stopped 4 weeks later, experienced no withdrawal. May 2014 started 25mg of sertraline (zoloft), increased to 50mg after 1 week. Remained at 50mg for 4 weeks before increasing to 100mg at the request of my psychiatrist despite advising of suicidal ideation for an additional week before stopping. Advised to drop to 50mg for 3 days before withdrawing altogether. I did as advised and horrendous withdrawal ensued. 11th August 2014 commenced escitalopram (lexapro), weaned off end of October 2014. Commenced Clonazepam December 2014 0.5mg twice daily, switched to Diazepam 10mg twice daily with a view to tapering of the benzodiazepine altogether. Tapering schedule presently at a reduction of 1mg of Diazepam every 1-2 weeks depending upon side effects. So far experienced no severe physical side effects except worsening of PGAD symptoms upon reduction which does seem to improve within a few days of doing so. Presently taking no antidepressants however still experiencing mild agitation, severe depression and PGAD which is currently being treated by a physiotherapist.

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Have your PGAD symptoms improved to any degree since their original onset?

December 2008 Prescribed 20mg citalopram (celexa) for depression and OCD.July 2013 stopped taking citalopram (celexa). November 2013 reinstated citalopram (celexa) following replapse at 20mg for 4 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks and tapered off over 4 weeks as my condition had deteriorated. February 2014 started 20mg of fluoxetine (prozac). Didn't tolerate it and stopped 4 weeks later, experienced no withdrawal. May 2014 started 25mg of sertraline (zoloft), increased to 50mg after 1 week. Remained at 50mg for 4 weeks before increasing to 100mg at the request of my psychiatrist despite advising of suicidal ideation for an additional week before stopping. Advised to drop to 50mg for 3 days before withdrawing altogether. I did as advised and horrendous withdrawal ensued. 11th August 2014 commenced escitalopram (lexapro), weaned off end of October 2014. Commenced Clonazepam December 2014 0.5mg twice daily, switched to Diazepam 10mg twice daily with a view to tapering of the benzodiazepine altogether. Tapering schedule presently at a reduction of 1mg of Diazepam every 1-2 weeks depending upon side effects. So far experienced no severe physical side effects except worsening of PGAD symptoms upon reduction which does seem to improve within a few days of doing so. Presently taking no antidepressants however still experiencing mild agitation, severe depression and PGAD which is currently being treated by a physiotherapist.

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I think mine have, I think? Doesn't seem as intense somehow as it did originally, maybe.

December 2008 Prescribed 20mg citalopram (celexa) for depression and OCD.July 2013 stopped taking citalopram (celexa). November 2013 reinstated citalopram (celexa) following replapse at 20mg for 4 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks and tapered off over 4 weeks as my condition had deteriorated. February 2014 started 20mg of fluoxetine (prozac). Didn't tolerate it and stopped 4 weeks later, experienced no withdrawal. May 2014 started 25mg of sertraline (zoloft), increased to 50mg after 1 week. Remained at 50mg for 4 weeks before increasing to 100mg at the request of my psychiatrist despite advising of suicidal ideation for an additional week before stopping. Advised to drop to 50mg for 3 days before withdrawing altogether. I did as advised and horrendous withdrawal ensued. 11th August 2014 commenced escitalopram (lexapro), weaned off end of October 2014. Commenced Clonazepam December 2014 0.5mg twice daily, switched to Diazepam 10mg twice daily with a view to tapering of the benzodiazepine altogether. Tapering schedule presently at a reduction of 1mg of Diazepam every 1-2 weeks depending upon side effects. So far experienced no severe physical side effects except worsening of PGAD symptoms upon reduction which does seem to improve within a few days of doing so. Presently taking no antidepressants however still experiencing mild agitation, severe depression and PGAD which is currently being treated by a physiotherapist.

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...perhaps? Probably not though.

December 2008 Prescribed 20mg citalopram (celexa) for depression and OCD.July 2013 stopped taking citalopram (celexa). November 2013 reinstated citalopram (celexa) following replapse at 20mg for 4 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks and tapered off over 4 weeks as my condition had deteriorated. February 2014 started 20mg of fluoxetine (prozac). Didn't tolerate it and stopped 4 weeks later, experienced no withdrawal. May 2014 started 25mg of sertraline (zoloft), increased to 50mg after 1 week. Remained at 50mg for 4 weeks before increasing to 100mg at the request of my psychiatrist despite advising of suicidal ideation for an additional week before stopping. Advised to drop to 50mg for 3 days before withdrawing altogether. I did as advised and horrendous withdrawal ensued. 11th August 2014 commenced escitalopram (lexapro), weaned off end of October 2014. Commenced Clonazepam December 2014 0.5mg twice daily, switched to Diazepam 10mg twice daily with a view to tapering of the benzodiazepine altogether. Tapering schedule presently at a reduction of 1mg of Diazepam every 1-2 weeks depending upon side effects. So far experienced no severe physical side effects except worsening of PGAD symptoms upon reduction which does seem to improve within a few days of doing so. Presently taking no antidepressants however still experiencing mild agitation, severe depression and PGAD which is currently being treated by a physiotherapist.

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That link is actually very useful, thanks Petu! I originally started taking Celexa in 2011 for depression and anxiety. The other antidepressants were for the same thing. Cymbalta was also for depression and anxiety, but I was hoping it would help with the PGAD also. I'm still a bit unclear on what part of my post touched upon a topic I'm supposed to steer clear of Petu, would you mind reposting the part of my introduction that you are referring to? That way I can know more accurately which topics/questions to avoid asking in this forum. 


To answer your question Broken, it did get better after I stopped taking the Zofran, but since then it hasn't really improved. It waxes and wanes throughout the month and/or day, but overall I don't think it has gotten any better. It gets worse with any sort of stimulant such as caffeine, so I try to avoid coffee/tea.

2011-2013 40mg Celexa: worked well at first, but stopped working after a year or so

June 2013 Wellbutrin: didn't tolerate well

August 2013 Prozac: didn't tolerate well

February 2014 20mg Lexapro: felt no effect from it, quit it after a month and a half over the period of a couple of weeks

March-April 2014 8mg Zofran daily: took for nausea I was getting from Mono

Developed PGAD during April. I believe as a result from Zofran.

June-present .5mg Klonopin daily: to help with PGAD and anxiety


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  • Administrator

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

 I'm still a bit unclear on what part of my post touched upon a topic I'm supposed to steer clear of Petu, would you mind reposting the part of my introduction that you are referring to? That way I can know more accurately which topics/questions to avoid asking in this forum. 




 Has anyone experienced symptoms getting worse before they get better when taking a drug that may help PGAD symptoms? I want to give Elavil a good try, but if it makes my symptoms worse initially, then does that mean it will just not work at all, period?


We are a support site for helping people come off drugs and to find alternative ways for dealing with symptoms and emotional problems, so we really can't support discussions about substituting other drugs to manage the withdrawal symptoms encountered when stopping previous drugs, unless its temporary reinstatement of original drug or a similar one for tapering purposes.  Its a bit of a fine line, but I hope you understand.

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • Administrator

To our knowledge -- and we're not doctors -- taking any other drug to treat an adverse effect of the first drug is an experiment you undertake at your own risk. We cannot take responsibility for that.


If you do, it probably would be wise to try a very, very small amount of a new drug -- much smaller than any available dosage -- because your nervous system may be sensitized by withdrawal from the first drug.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 3 years later...


 hii howz your pgad dear are u ok now is your pgad resolved...tell someyhing..how are you doing now

i took different antidepressants medications for depression and anciety 

from 2013 to 2017 with no benefit i kept on changing the ads but of no use and i gave up...and then the pgad started..


prozac for 2 weeks

lexapro for 3 weeks

seroxat for 10 days

Now i am antidepressants free 

2017 december was the last time i took ads since then i havent taken any ads medication

My main symptom is pgad 

i get stabbing pain in genital area which is interfering in my daily life..

and very mild arousals which dosent bother me.


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  • 6 years later...



I just read you thread. I wanted to know how u are doing with the pgad? I am suffering so bad from it that i also do not know what to do ? It started for me 2 years ago when i came off Lexapro to fast. for a long time had it . I was then put on Prozac and i feel like that made this all worse? I never had this before meds ?I had it a little coming off benzos, but it went away. I am going to try to taper off this Prozac now thinking this is making all this worse . I hope it is resolved for you 

Best ,


In 2006 - lexipro  20 mlg . 
min 2022 came off lexipro with a 8 minths taper . Had severe wd at .25 mlg of it was told I can stop. Walking akathesia for 5 months . Etc 

2021 klonapin . 0.5 mlg . For 8 months and was kindled on Amd off . Then wds for 11 months . 
2022- was put on gabbapentin . 600 mlg a day 

2022 baclofen - and ripped off that . 
2022 . valume and zyprexa and Prozac . For akathesia from lexipro wd . 
2022 - startwd taper 10 mlg valume , liquid . For 12 months on tolerance the entire time 

2023 tapered liquid zyorexa 2.5 mlg for 13 months . Now am 7 weeks off as of 4/11. /2024 I am off 7 weeks . 
2024 am off benzos now 7 months . Still in wd 

current now a year and half on Prozac . 
I am currently on 20 mlg of Prozac for almost 2 years now . 2022-2024 . 
took 300 mlg of gabbapentin again for bad Pgad and nerve issues . Started again 5/22/24 -5/29 , and tapering down after a week and 3 days . 

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