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Badluck: Haldol injections/Lamictal Pills/waiting to feel like myself again


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Posted (edited)

Hello all. Since 2010, I've suffered manic episodes that have landed me in the hospital. They say I am bipolar. I had never stuck to any type of medication until 2015, when I decided to pursue naturopathic supplements. These seemed to work for me until January 2016 when I attempted to smoke marijuana again and it triggered another manic episode.

Ive had a terrible and absolutely draining experience with medication this year, and used this site to give myself some comfort this past summer after I was really put down by haldol injections. I was given the long term haldol injection in the hospital in February and was given it again maybe a month later when I was out of the hospital. I found a user account that was very similar to my own posted by "lapd" (in bed all day, not wanting to get up to shower/eat, no longer participating in athletics, no desire to do anything at all really). I never posted my own account on the site because I read through that user's and thought I'd give it time. I did some reading about Haldol on Wikipedia and found that there is a 20 fold concentration in the brain compared to the bloodstream, so even though it has been several months since my last injection, I am still affected.

I weaned off the additional lamictal tablets they had me on as well. I weaned off July 15. Even though it has been a few months, I still do not feel like how I felt before the haldol injections, but I have gotten better. Compared to my usual recovery after manic episodes and withdrawing off of medication, this is very different.

Now, if I don't have to be any place that day, I don't get out of bed. I will sit on my phone, watching videos or looking at Instagram memes the entire day. I also don't shower if I don't have to. I will avoid the gym on my own, and only show up to my boxing classes twice a week (if I don't skip), and this wasn't characteristic of me as I was in the gym six days per week to train for amateur boxing matches. I've lost my desire to compete. I've lost my ambition toward my career building as well. This loss of ambition was never present until the haldol injections, and I really really hope it's not going to be permanent. Life just isn't as exciting when I'm not feeling as determined.

I also suspect the lamictal is still affecting me as well because I am having a dream every single night. This didn't happen until I started taking lamictal. The dreams are becoming less vivid and more faded as time goes on.

I just really hope to get back to form, and by posting this I hope someone sees it that might have an idea of how to restore myself.

Edited by scallywag

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus

Badluck -- Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants (SA)
I hope you'll find the information in the SA forums helpful for your situation. I'm sorry that you are in the position that you need the information, but am glad that you found us.

A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-18 months particularly?

  • Any drugs prior to 12-18 months ago can be listed with start and stop years.
  • You don't need to include symptoms or diagnoses other than the initial condition that led to prescribing the first drug.
  • We ask for this information in your signature so that we can see it at a glance. A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs.
  • You can find instructions in this topic: Please put your withdrawal history in signature

As you may have read, much if not all of what you are experiencing is the result of withdrawal from haloperidol and lamotrigine.
What is withdrawal syndrome


Withdrawal is different for each individual. Unfortunately time is the only thing that that reliably makes a difference with recovery. I wish someone could answer the question "How long?".  Recovery is not a linear process; symptoms come and go, and their intensity waxes and wanes.
The Windows and Waves pattern of stabilization
The pharmaceuticals and the cannabis affect your CNS (central nervous system).  Here are a 2 links that discuss the process of recovery:
How your brain responds to psychiatric drugs - aka "Brain remodeling"
Youtube video, 4 minutes: Healing from antidepressants


Because of this recovery process, we suggest that people slowly taper off medications, one at a time. Unfortunately, what doctors think is a slow taper usually risks discomfort, pain, and suffering.  In this discussion topic, you'll find details of the method we suggest:
Why taper by 10% of my dosage?
Although you have already discontinued Lamictal, I'll provide this link in the interest of giving you ALL the information:

Tips for tapering off Lamictal (lamotrigine)


We do not have a specific topic for haloperidol, which is usually administered by medical professionals and people being given it usually have little to no say in the dosing or taper methods.


Again, welcome.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

  • Moderator Emeritus



We have not heard from you in a little while.  I know you were given a bunch of information to read, and it can take some time to get through it all.


I really like to do medical research (was in the medical field for many years, so it is not unusual for me to take on projects), and will work on your specific issues if you are still with us. I will be happy to go into in depth research about haloperidol, and how long it truly takes the mind and body to be free of it, and hopefully find some vitamins or other type of treatment that can hopefully get you feeing more back to yourself, I just have to make sure you are with us here before I begin.  I do remember what I learned about the drug years ago, so it is not totally foreign to me.


Please let me know if you would like some assistance, I am happy to help you!  People here are really incredible, and can provide some support to help you get through what sometimes can feel like impossible times.


Best wishes!


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


Thanks Skallywag.


Thank you Skeeter, I am still here and I would appreciate that very much. I just couldn't figure out how to make a signature (maybe it is because I am on mobile), so I didn't reply right away. But I was on long lasting haldol injection at 200mg, and then taking a couple haldol pills each day along with it. After that I was transitioned on to lamictal, and got up to 50mg before I transitioned myself off and have only been following what a naturopathic doctor suggested to me from a blood/urine test I had done.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.



Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus

Instructions for a phone signature:
Post #8;

Post #9

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

  • Moderator Emeritus


I apologize, My health condition has flared up, putting me in great pain for several days. I normally do not allow my disability to be so intrusive, but it has a mind of its own depending n severity. I have not been able to think straight, so I do apologize greatly for my delay.


According to what I understand, you seem to have lost interest in the things you normally like to do; do you think this due to lack of energy at all, or do you feel is this is totally a result of the meds? Have you been able to maintain a healthy weight for your height (not underweight)- I want to make sure we are only dealing with a loss of interest, and not weakness issue as well due to possible weight loss. Have you tried any vitamins to see if they help in any way since the injections, if so which ones, and did you notice any effects (good or bad). It would be very helpful if yo could do your signature, if you are up to it!


Please know, you have not been forgotten in any way! I will do my best to have information for you as quickly as I can!! I have a commitment tomorrow for several hours, but will work on this after I return, body willing!


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • Moderator Emeritus


As promised, I am doing research. I hope you do not mind if I ask some questions about how you are doing further below. The long term release of Haldol, as I am sure you are aware is called haloperidol decanoate, and mwhat I read, it appears normal dosing is about every 4 weeks, but it takes much longer to get out of your system. I am researching that as well as Lamictal.



Please see Scallywag's initial request of doing your signature. it is the first thing asked after your initial post...

I do need to know about all meds/drugs (such as in January 2016, it seems that marijuana had an awful effect on you- have you tried that or anything else since?). Also include any vitamins you have been taking or tried taking and stopped (and why you stopped taking them). This can all be included in your signature, esp if you are still taking any vitamins. In order for me to do this right, I need this requested info from you. Also please take a few moments to add your Haldol injections and about when you got them as well on your signature, so we can see at a glance you recent history. ***My research will not be complete without at least the info from January to current, please, in your signature. I will hold my research results (thought I will still be working) until I have this info, please include in your signauture what your full dose of Lamictal was, how long did you take it before you started tapering, how long your taper took, and how did you taper (as in how long at each dose).


Please answer numbered questions below in a post, please:


1. What symptoms did you notice when you were coming off of/tapering Lamictal vs the symptoms you had after initially stopping in July?


2. You mentioned that you have noticed some improvement, can you expand on this? What is better, exactly, and when did you first notice this improvement?


3. Have you been able to maintain your weight during all of this (as in weight loss issues)? Are you eating and hydrating enough? I just want to make sure you are maintaining your strength, as dehydration or weight loss can cause many to feel weak an unmotivated and/or uninterested. I have this issue personally on a severe level.


4. How are you sleeping? Are you having any issues with insomnia, and are you on a regular sleeping schedule?


I hope you are continuing to slowly improve. I look forward to your update.


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • Moderator Emeritus


If you are still having issues with your signature because of your phone, how about doing a post with just your signature info. I can work with that, and maybe if we ask really nice, our lovely mod will help move it to the right area if that is possible- just this one time, maybe? AT any rate, having the info is more important as opposed to where it is currently.


Research is going okay, am seeing some of the symptoms you are having is not only possibly due to Haldol, some people report Lamictal as causing some of the same ones you report.


Can't wait to hear how you are doing!



Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


Thank you for your time Skeeter. I just added my signature. I'll answer your questions now.


1. I can't really remember the symptoms I had when I was coming off the lamictal. I do remember being uncomfortable and never really sleeping a full 8 hours. It'd feel like I'd always wake up afte 5 or 6 hours and not feel fully rested.


2. I noticed improvement in my coordination during my boxing sparring sessions. When I was on the lamictal, it felt like I was absent minded and the whole process was quite a chore. I'm starting to feel a little more present and even starting to look forward to the sessions a little bit more. I'm still not where I was when I was experiencing the ultimate joy/pleasure from my boxing training. Also, my personal strength and conditioning training has been almost nonexistent because I just have not had the desire to do it. I've been lucky to get in the gym twice a week for boxing sessions. I noticed this improvement at the beginning of October I think.


3. This year after all I've been through I have done nothing but gain weight.


4. I'm supposed to be on a sleep schedule but I haven't been following it. I find myself wanting to stay up late. I have had to deal with insomnia sometimes where I have trouble falling asleep. I take a melatonin each night.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus


Thank you for your reply! I know this may sound way off the mark, but as I mentioned before, a lot of your symptoms right now almost seem to be attributed in the literature, to the Lamictal rather than the Haldol... It does not make it so, though. I am just noting that.


They did give you a big initial dose of the Haldol, but I am sure that also depends on your weight at the time- and I am sure you were all muscle. 50mg is the usual starting dose fro what I have read, and they gave you 200mg! I am glad you refused the rest of the 2nd injection.


I will number my questions again, hopefully to make it easier. I know you are very intelligent, but it makes it easier for me as well...


1. Regarding your loss of interest/motivation in- well, everything? Can you figure out the month when these symptoms peaked- was it right away, so did it take a while? Can you narrow it down by remembering a holiday or time of year, possibly, it could be very helpful, possibly.


2. Did they taper you off of the oral Haldol, or take you off cold turkey? Do you recall how long the taper took, and if you "felt it" while in withdrawal. My guess would be they tapered over a couple to a few weeks. Does this sound right?


3. This is one of the most important questions, and requires a phone call to the pharmacy (or signing up for a pharmacy online account)... 3A: To the best of your memory, were taking Lamictal the same time you were taking the oral Haldol? 3B: Here is the hard one, please ask your pharmacist (by phone, or start an online account). Ask when you first picked up Lamictal (and if you do not have the last bottle (if you do have the last bottle, see question 3C bow), ask him the date you last picked up the pills, & the # of pills in the bottle). I know you STOPPED Lamictal in July, but when you started it might explain a lot of your symptoms. Then again, it might not, but you are having so many symptoms that line up more with Lamictal Withdrawal, honestly, and you are only about 9 weeks out on stopping the Lamictal. The WD can be "brutal" (not my word), the med is not forgiving at all, which is why I was so interested in how you withdrew. 3C: Do you have any Lamictal left? If so, what was the date on the bottle, and how many pills are left (out of how many).


I am thrilled that you have shown 2 small steps forward. First, you noticed that your coordination was better after you stopped the Lamictal. Second, you noticed in October, that you were feeling a bit better, actually looking forward to sessions is HUGE! I think you may be finally moving forward. I know how much the little steps can feel. I spent the last 12 months much like you, unable to get up and do anything, although you were able to work through this, which is just amazing. Kudos to you!!


I will be sending you a PM. I am doing research quite heavily on this, please know I am not just asking random questions here.



Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • Moderator Emeritus


Wanted to let you odd the hook with the above questions. I am still interested to know when your symptoms of no interest in anything/lack of motivation feeling peaked, if you remember around which month they seemed to peak, I would be interested to know that.


The reason for all of the questions was that I was hoping that depending on which med seemed to be causing the symptoms, there would be differing suggestions as to what you could try to help the symptoms go away more quickly, seeing how long both meds have been on the market, but there just does not seem to be much out there. Thee are companies with proprietary mixes of vitamins that say they will help you recover more quickly, but it seems like a lot of slick marketing, as you seem to have a god doc who is supporting you and advising you as to what to take, so I doubt one of these companies would be more helpful, in my opinion, anyway. The suggestions thus far are all things you are already doing, eating well, getting rest, exercising as you feel able, and taking different supplements, sound familiar? I am not done looking though, so not all is lost yet.


I went through pages and pages of signs/symptoms for each med while in withdrawal, and even looked for unusual symptoms for both. In my next post I will put the most common for each, including those that seem to apply to your situation. You can then make up your mind as to which med's withdrawal symptoms seems to "fit" what you have been feeling. You have obviously reached the outside limit of when all of he Haldol should be totally metabolized, and you were on a low dose of Lamictal, and 50mg at your highest dose is FAR less than the up to an insane 400mg that some patients are put on! It seems like 200mg is about the highest that many people are put on, if memory serves. Now even at 200 MG, the advice is to taper slowly over months to years, depending on how sensitive the patient is to discontinuing the medication, how long they have been on it, and how high the dose was. It is described as being one of the most brutal psych meds to come off of. Sadly, at each step down in the taper, the person will tend to feel very ill (nausea, vertigo, malaise, etc.), and it may last for weeks after each taper (though they do not mention how fast they taper, (so it may be possible to do it less painfully), and they suggest staying at each level of med until the symptoms improve for the patient before taking the next step down. Holding at each dose does not seem to be in the literature, but that is no surprising. It seems to be a very grueling process. After being a member of this site, and seeing how fast docs always want to taper people off of meds, and the docs do not seem, in many cases to care how much we suffer in the process, I do wonder if microtapering would be helpful for people who have a hard time coming off a med like this, but I digress. After learning all of this, it makes sense as to why you may still be symptomatic after 3 months of being totally off of this med. As I recall you did have difficulty, even on the lower dose you were on, and you did a taper, and if it lasted a coupe of weeks, that is about what is suggested for this dose and not being on it for too long. The length of time you are having symptoms seems to go with what others have run into coming off of this med. Everyone is different, and I would guess that your symptoms will slowly disappear. If you keep a journal of you symptoms, you may be able to more easily tack your progress. You will just notice things like you realized in October that you were beginning to look forward to boxing again. Everyone is different, so how long this will last is a mystery. The symptoms of Haldol withdrawal are really different than those of Lamictal, so I am thinking that maybe the first drug started you on the path of feeling this way, and then the second drug maintained these symptoms in you. If you tend to go to the same hospital when you have this annual issue, it may behoove you to go there and sit down with them when you are well, and tell them how awful of an effect these particular meds had on you, so they will no use them again. I know when you are in that state of mind they will not listen to you, so while you are feeling more like yourself, it makes sense to be proactive. If you remember meds that seemed to help in the past, I would mention them, and have them out it in your records, so you are not put in this same situation, if at all possible. I would hate to hear that you went through this again!!!


Jut a note, if you noticed that the injections of this med seemed to hurt more than other IM injections you had, it is probably because this med is suspended in sesame oil instead of the saline that most medications are mixed with. I cannot even imagine the pain of having an injection that thick! This med seems to be given more often than the newer meds simply because of cost. The most recent review I read, put an injection of Haldol/Haldoperidol (the long acting formula) at $15, while all of the others were up to over $1,000 PER INJECTION (again, for the long acting formulas)!! The other meds are still all under patent, which explains the insane price difference.


I a sorry that I have not given you the answers you were hoping for thus far, but I am still looking, so please do not give up all hope yet!

Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • Moderator Emeritus


I did find an interesting bit of information. Please look at this list of signs and symptoms, and tell me if any of them apply to you. I stumbled across something that seems rare, but does happen to some who stop one of the meds you came off of. If I do not get a reply of any kind, I will stop further research on this, as I did not get a reply to the PM I send,or here on your thread. The info I am sharing below could explain some things and provide major answers for you!! If you do have any of these symptoms, just put the numbers of the symptoms you notice you have, to make it easier, okay? Any of the symptoms you may have, please note if they were an issue before you stopped the meds, or just after, or there is a chance that they were worse after you stopped the meds. It is not necessary to have all of these issues! What I found was information about Adrenal insufficiency, and below are some of the signs and symptoms. Cases have been known to come on after stopping Haldol in a rare subset of patients, if I understand correctly, not sure about Lamictal causing, am looking into that.


1. Inability to concentrate

2. Excessive fatigue, especially in the morning (hard to get going…)

3. Nervousness and irritability

4. Mental depression

5. Apprehensions

6. Excessive weakness

7. Lightheadedness, especially upon standing up quickly (aka postural or orthostatic hypotension, if you have been diagnosed)

8. Faintness and fainting

9. Insomnia

10. Frequent infections

11. Intolerance to stress

12. Skin thin and dry or scaly, pigmentation of temples, red palms or fingertips, and cold clammy palms

13. Deep Tendon Reflexes are exaggerated (I believe this is also called "brisk" reflexes, a doc would tell you that you have this issue

14. Lymph Gland inflammation of the neck (swelling, pain, or tenderness).

15. Problems falling asleep

16. Pain and tenderness in the lower thoracic (mid-back) spine area where the ribs attach when pressure is applied

17. Urination is either very frequent in small amounts or infrequent in large amounts. This person usually does not do well in the summer heat, particularly in conditions of high temp, high humidity, and low barometric pressure

18. Scanty perspiration (except under arms or hands and feet).

19. Craving salt

20. Ankle and/or finger swelling


None of these are definitive on their own, but if you have several of these, there may be an issue. It would have to be studied further.



Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


Sorry I have fallen behind on this Skeeter. I really haven't been very productive at all the past several days. I'm really impressed by how much time you have spent on my condition (even while you are dealing with your own) and it is so refreshing to have someone with a medical background spend time to figure out what is happening with me who is not just advising me to stay on the damaging psychiatric medication!


My symptoms of no interest in anything seemed to be at their peak in April or May when I was really put down. I didn't even want to leave the couch, stare at a computer screen, or browse things on the internet. I just wanted to lay down and close my eyes and hope to fall asleep and never wakeup. Was awful, and in a way I still feel like dying in my sleep just so I can escape this.


Returning to the hospital and visiting with them is complicated. I'm not sure that I will be able to sit down with the same doctors that are in the inpatient facility. I am also not sure if it will come up which psychiatrist I am seeing on the outside, and if information will be shared with them because of a past medical release I had signed. It is compounded because I am about to be placed on probation as a result of my January arrest and I was advised that there would be a condition where I have to follow the psychiatrist instructions. So I have attended the psychiatrist and told him I am taking lamictal as a charade, all the while hoping my naturopathic regimen will keep me in the clear from another manic episode this winter. Going to the hospital and expressing my experience with haldol injections and discussing why I have discontinued lamictal, might somehow complicate my case in a way I'm uncertain about. I had my lawyer clarify with the court that another hospitalization, or a mental health commitment, will not be a probation violation; however, I was told not following direction of the psychiatrist and getting into trouble would be considered a violation. It's murky territory as you can see.


Very interesting information on the price of a haldol shot compared to the other medications!


As for the list of symptoms:


1. I'd say I have some inability to concentrate after this medication. This wasn't the case before it. I don't feel as engaged when I watch things on television that I previously enjoyed for example.


2. Definitely excessive fatigue in the morning. For my recent work assignments I found myself hitting the snooze button more and more. I'd do things like cut out my morning shower just to stay in bed longer. This was never the case with me, I'd always need a shower before the medication. Now I find myself going days without showering.


3. I'd say I have some irritability for my situation that is different than this time last year. I often stay in my room the entire day because I don't want to interact with anyone, particularly my mother and father. I've had days recently without work where I wouldn't eat until 10pm at night, and would stay in my room the entire day bullshitting on my iPhone. This was never the case before the medicine, I had always wanted to leave my room, wanted to go to the gym, wanted to socialize, and wanted to actively make career advancements. These days, I don't feel like doing anything.


4. I'm not sure I'm depressed. I feel relatively upbeat and love to romanticize the life I had in my twenties before I began having manic episodes. I have contemplated if I will commit suicide if I continue to have manic episodes and am unable to advance my career, because a life with psychiatric medication just has not been acceptable for me. On the flip side, I have also considered a life of living with my parents forever just because of my motivation that has disappeared after taking this medication.


5. I've had apprehensions toward working. Just today for example, I was offered a temporary project around 9am to start today and I had gone back and forth with my mind if I wanted to take it until about 2:30pm, when I finally replied that I was busy today but would be available tomorrow. This never happened before this recent medication. I had always been a go getter and ready to work the opportunities that had came my way. I now make up excuses as to why I would take a particular project (it is located downtown, they will require business casual dress instead of casual, I'll have to pack lunches, I'll have to talk to people, I won't be able to stay in my room all day, why don't I just wait to collect my disability check). These small things create excuses in my mind and simply were never an issue for me prior to the medication. It's quite sad.9. I've had some insomnia going on. I have always been a night person, but lately I have had nights where I just don't want to go to sleep, and have stayed up till 8 or 9am just surfing the web on my phone. This never happened before the medicine.


11.) I'd say I'm definitely avoiding stress. I don't want to do anything relating to work, anything regarding studying, just want to bullsh*t.


15.) definitely problems falling asleep after this medicine. Also not sleeping the full 8 hours like I used to.


I also came up on some interesting information that both haldol and lamictal affect the thyroid and testosterone. I plan on paying out of pocket to have these checked at my naturopathic doctor. From what I read it looked like testosterone in particular can affect motivation.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus

Going through all of this info, it does not seem as if adrenal insufficiency is an issue, but if you go to see any doctor, it never hurts to ask about it, esp since you will be asking about a couple of other things, like low testosterone and thyroid function. I do not think what I found is an issue like I said, but it never hurts to ask. I am busy today, but as I have time, I will look up the 2 things you mentioned to see how they could fit in. You know from lapd's symptoms, that testosterone was truly affected in his case, if I remember right (have not read his case in a while now), so I do not remember everything.um.

One med I found that I had missed was Zyprexa, which I think you took in January, yes? This could be a part of things, as we do not know how different meds taken together affect us. How long were you on Zyprexa. I understand you have taken this med n the past, and had issues with weight gain. This most recent time you were on it, can you give just a very rough estimate as to when you started and stopped?

I have concerns about the psychiatrist doing a UA or ordering a blood test to check the med levels in your body. Did the court say anything about this, or your P-doc? Since we are dealing with the legal system here, there could be dire consequences. Now I did not look up to find out if Lamictal (if that is the only one you are supposed to be on- is it?) can be tested in the blood or urine. If there is a chance you might be tested, do you need me to find out how long it has to be in your system before it can be picked up in the different kinds of testing? You can also do it yourself, though I might be able to find it a bit more quickly, and I do not mind. You are supposed to be on how many mg's per day right now? Still 50mg per day?

Last question... What time of year do you usually have your manic episodes, and is it every year, or do you miss some? Is it in the winter sometime usually?


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • Moderator Emeritus


I think you are doing the best you can do now, looking to attack whatever is causing your symptoms regardless of the initial cause, such as the 2 conditions you noted above.  That is very smart of you! I hope the testing offers some answers for you!.


I do hope this thread might help anyone else in the same place. you found yourself.  I hope this has given you a base to start from. 


Zyprexa and Haldol DO interact together! They can make the side effects of each other stronger. Here is a link with the information:

 No need to respond to any other questions I may have asked.
 If your ND thinks that the first 2 meds may have caused your issue, so that this does not happen to you again, you may ask that your ND notifies the hospital to update your record under Sensitivities/Allergies (some hospitals put both things under the same heading, I am not suggesting you have an allergy, but if your ND thinks you may have a sensitivity, he/she should take appropriate action, like perhaps letting the hospital know) so that you not take one or both of those meds again.  If he/she does this, you may want to make sure it is done soon, before you are hospitalized again for any reason, but it is up to you, of course.
Please keep us updated! Also, feel free to ask any other questions YOU may have, so someone can answer your questions, there are great people here!
Good luck!

Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


Thanks for that link Skeeter. The interaction may explain why I am having such a difficult time bouncing back this time around. I feel like my memory just isn't as good anymore. I'm concerned about my cognitive functioning in general. I hate this feeling.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus

Please let me know if your ND is able to help with your symptoms by checking for the conditions you named. I am trying to find out if I can see if anyone else has been able to reverse the side effects with testosterone treatment, If I find anything, you will be the first to know!!


This link talks about Haldol causing Low T, and suggests testosterone therapy as a helpful therapy. Take a look, and talk to your doc to see if maybe this would help you, maybe? https://www.menshormonalhealth.com/cause-of-low-testosterone.html


Have you tried any of the "brain training" games on the internet? There are a bunch f free ones. They are hard for me, but are getting easier the more I do them. Maybe give that a try? This is off the cuff. I do not know if it helps permanently og not, but for me, it seems to help some, I do not feel so slow anymore! I found a bunch for free on my iPad.


Any more energy, or noticeable changes?



Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • 1 month later...
  • Moderator Emeritus


Wondering how you fared with your ND, and having your T level checked. I learned some really interesting facts about Haldol recently actually. May explain a lot, possibly.


Best wishes,


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


Hey Skeeter! Thanks for asking about me. My levels showed to be in a normal range.


Something that was off was that my blood work showed higher than usual yeast and higher than normal blood sugar. I did some research into that and found that it could be a concern regarding mental health.


I am gradually feeling more positive and getting closer to normal. I really think there is something to be said regarding the time it takes medication to leave the brain and how the presence of medication in the brain can make side effects linger even though the medication is well out of the bloodstream.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus


Oh, I am SO PLEASED!!!  CONGRATS!  I had hoped so much that slowly you would get better.  I learned that labs, to temporarily lower testosterone in rats they use to test drugs on, use Haldol to do so.  I wondered if it does that to rats, what can it be doing to men?!?!  But sadly, yes, we do know here that a med's effects last far longer than it just being in the body/brain.  That is so scary.  When you are dealing with it in the moment, it is so hard, so I am so glad you are past that!!


I hope you are getting into boxing again (hopefully competing, as I know how you loved that), and that lifting weights is more satisfying again, and that your motivation is coming back, gotta give your couch and bed a chance to forget your imprint, right?


Thank you so much for replying!


P.S.  I am proud of you!!!

Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


Very interesting what you found out about Haldol Skeeter. I am convinced Haldol has a whole host of negative effects and I wouldn't be surprised if my level of testosterone were higher prior to the injections. Alas, the reading was normal.


Another thing I forgot to mention regarding the yeast/blood sugar, gut health affects mental health. I had the ND recommend a probiotic supplement to take, and I will be doing a stool analysis in a couple weeks to see if there is anything that needs to be repaired. Have you read anything regarding gut health and how it is related to our mental health?


Although I have been feeling better, I still have not gotten into a complete routine and gotten in shape to compete yet. I do know that I have been more determined and more social with the people at my gym however. I also feel I am looking forward to my training more and do not feel I am "forcing it" just by showing up.


I am at the 1 year mark to when my last manic episode began and I was jailed/hospitalized. I hope to maintain this stability on my naturopathic regimen/abstainence from marijuana. I've also picked up my mindfulness meditation and am trying to do that 20 minutes each night. I know I am still not up to speed because last year I would wake up 20 minutes early to meditate, now I want to stay in bed in the morning.


I think this process just requires patience. It's difficult because there's not a lot of reading out there on how long it really takes someone to come back to form - the medicine's effects seem to be completely different for different people.


Thanks for the kind words Skeeter, I hope to have more positive updates this year.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus


Read your comment, am a bit ill, so please give me a day or two to reply, If that is okay. I do want to talk to you.

What did you want to know about the gut, specifically?

Bravo on no marijuana! Are you abstaining from alcohol, too? This time of year can be a trigger for you, and I do NOT want that to happen this year, okay?  If ANY symptoms start to show up, tell your ND, please?  I want the best for you, and do not wan to see you where you were a year ago!


 If you respond to my question about the gut if I do not know, I can find someone who does in the meantime until I can chat with you myself! Just a bit of a stomach bug, but I am exhausted as all get out.


Best wishes!!


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hey Badluck!


Skeeter and Scally have taken good care of you, and it sounds like you are on the mend - and - have made headway into breaking the pattern which got you "caught."


You asked about the gut - I'm not the researcher that Skeeter is, more like a librarian who can point you in a certain direction.  But I can give you some stuff to look at until she is feeling better.  We have a discussions about the gut here:










There is more information on diets - 





Then, I have an article from Scientific American which is a good description of neurotransmitters in the gut:



and I've been looking into Bone Broth (a foundation of the GAPS diet, which I find too restrictive, but adding Bone Broth to my diet is easy!)



I know that's a ton of information, but you are a curious person, and may be able to adjust your lifestyle accordingly.  It may be that you are reacting to one thing (my betes noirs:  Bread and cheese), or it may be that a simple change in diet will help assist your naturopath's fine work.


As you will read - our gut is more alive with neurotransmitters than even our brain!  The Vagus Nerve connects our brain to our gut, with several vital organs along the way.  OK one more link:  http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/3173-vagus-nerve-stimulation/


So - most of us going through withdrawal have had a "gut phase" of our healing.


Additionally, with neuroleptics in particular, it is good to challenge your nerves.  Put a hot cup in one hand, and an ice cube in the other.  Hold it for awhile, then switch.  Go from darkness to light, then back again.  Stand on one leg.  Stand on the other leg.  Do side planks.  Breathe in connection with your movements - we do that in martial arts, and I'm guessing that you are at a level in boxing, you know how to do this too.


I hope you see the sun today.

"Easy, easy - just go easy and you'll finish." - Hawaiian Kapuna


Holding is hard work, holding is a blessing. Give your brain time to heal before you try again.


My suggestions are not medical advice, you are in charge of your own medical choices.


A lifetime of being prescribed antidepressants that caused problems (30 years in total). At age 35 flipped to "bipolar," but was not diagnosed for 5 years. Started my journey in Midwest United States. Crossed the Pacific for love and hope; currently living in Australia.   CT Seroquel 25 mg some time in 2013.   Tapered Reboxetine 4 mg Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 = GONE (3 years on Reboxetine).     Tapered Lithium 900 to 475 MG (alternating with the SNRI) Jan 2014 - Nov 2014, tapered Lithium 475 mg Jan 2015 -  Feb 2016 = GONE (10 years  on Lithium).  Many mistakes in dry cutting dosages were made.

The tedious thread (my intro):  JanCarol ☼ Reboxetine first, then Lithium

The happy thread (my success story):  JanCarol - Undiagnosed  Off all bipolar drugs

My own blog:  https://shamanexplorations.com/shamans-blog/



I have been psych drug FREE since 1 Feb 2016!

  • Moderator Emeritus

Okay Bad,
Am having a moment of feeling decent, here, so wanted to chat.

After you make it thru the above info JanCarol so kindly shared, please ask any specific questions about the gut you have, okay?

You talking about not getting up in the morning to meditate made me think of how far you have come. Remember the "Bad" I met? The man I met was at the bottom of a well.  You could barely make it to the gym, a place you LOVE, you were staying in bed if you did not have to work, you had no motivation to do ANYTHING!  It is NOT fair to compare yourself to your pre-drug state, as it has not even been a year since you have been off all meds yet.  Look at the leaps you have made just since you came to SA!  I do not see the worried man who was afraid he would never feel anything again, never want to leave his bed or couch, was afraid he would not want to box again.  Now you are socializing, working still, I assume, socializing, enjoying the gym more and more, and, I assume, recognizing the man in the mirror again!  Great Job!


Now with you ND, keep an eye on yourself. You know the signs or symptoms that you are having a crisis, do not ignore them, as I want probably almost as much as you do for you to miss your annual crisis this year.  Please ask your doc what you can do to stave that of if at all possible. There has to be a reason it happens at nearly the same time every year.  Do you have SAD?  They do have special lights that make that better.  Be sure to explore all avenues that you can.  I do not want you to have drugs forced on you ever again.  I know you feel the same way.  Please take care of yourself.  I want this year to be the start of something new for you.


Keep it up!  I am proud of you!



Don't forget specific gut questions!!

Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • 1 month later...

Sorry I fell off this thread.  I was involuntarily hospitalized for 33 days.  <sigh>  What was funny is that when I hit mania this time, it was like my body reset and I felt like myself pre-haldol injections!  I went through the court process again and I was bummed when they wouldn't let me leave the hospital without an abilify injection.  Really bummed.  


Surprisingly, I've been moving around on this abilify injection.  I'm not sure if it's affecting anything really, I've been going to the gym nearly everyday, and even added a martial art (jiu jitsu) to do after my boxing routine.  I'm starting to lose the weight I gained last year, running errands, socializing with friends, wanting to use my tinder again to go on dates....but there was a sexual experience I had where I ejaculated faster than usual.  It gave me anxiety around the medication, but I can't find anything that suggests abilify affects male performance and it might just all be in my head.  


I'm thinking this time around, when I can get off of the shot, to just take some abilify pills starting the end of December and through January/february.  I feel like I will maintain a meeting with a psychiatrist, so that if anything goes wrong I can just claim to have always taken the abilify pills.   I don't know what it is, but after coming out of the hospital at the beginning of february, I felt particularly active and wanting to use my social media more than normal.  I noticed today I felt a little more reserved, and my first inclination was to fear that the injection might have been slowing me down.  I do not get as good of sleep on the injection, and have told my outpatient psychiatrist this.  


I feel like given all that I have been through, I'm doing as well as can be expected when it comes to functioning.  Just wanting to do things and go places again has been feeling great.  I've had a zest for life.  


As far as the gut health, I didn't really have a specific question, I had just noticed that there was a correlation between gut health and mental health, so I decided to start taking a probiotic that my naturopathic doctor referred me to.  I feel like all is nullified when I am on abilify...


Not sure what to make of my current state, seems like this may be as good as it gets for now?

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • Moderator Emeritus


So yet again early in the year? Gosh I was hoping you would bounce back this last time. There has to be some reason that you get hit the same time of year every year. Is it the lack of sunlight, hae you had your vitamin D checked? I know that is probably not it, but I just feel so bad.


You bounced back (so far) this time, that was NOT the case last time. You hopefully will keep yourself up and going and not run into the same thing as last year. Maybe it depends on the meds, which leads to my next question:


What are you taking now? How were you feeling last year at this time (this far out from your hospital release) compared to this year?


Can you update your signature, please?


I am glad you came back to update us!


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!


It is really bad luck that it's the same time of year for no reason...I wasn't drinking or smoking weed or anything of the sort....I was supplementing vitamin D, and it was checked in blood tests.  


I'm currently on an abilify injection.  I think this time last year I was feeling worse this far out from the hospital release, but it's hard to remember.  I do remember I didn't immediately feel like doing activities, and I was avoiding people.  Now I am doing activities and actively making plans.  But here's the thing...I feel like my optimistic attitude is dropping with my libido.  I set up dates with women and on my way there to drive to see them, I could feel on the inside I didn't genuinely want a sexual encounter to take place.  This is a drastic sign, because when I am healthy I am excited to have sex with women.  I hope I hold steady and am still able to do my activities and then can work on the libido issue.  It's the damn injections, I tell the hospital/doctor every time that the injections go to the brain and hit harder than the pills.  They are so nosey, so paternalistic, they see my record and see that I consistently wean off pills and it's like they just force an injection into me every time.  I hope that I'm able to convince the doctor to give me the pills again so that I can wean off and work on having a healthy libido again.  I started out so promising when I left the hospital, but I'm thinking that the shot is catching up with me.  This really is so annoying!  

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

I am so sorry it took so long for me to respond.  I hurt my bad shoulder 2 times within 10 days of each other, and literally had to take time off of most of my mod duties.  I am pretty good at getting back with you which is why I explain.  I am actually not quite ready to be back (but if you do not tell anyone, I won't either), SHHHH!


You are doing MUCH better this year at this time than you were last year at the same time.  We were not talking until months later, but you gave us a full, very detailed account of what happened, and you were very despondent. You tried so hard to get back to normal.  I am SO GLAD you were not put on Haldol, that drug would have been the death of you! I think it would be a great idea for you to stop getting the depot injections, and get the pills.  If you are not under a court order to take the meds, you can REFUSE the shot and ask to take the pills!!!  Is this an option for you  When is your next appointment?  You may want to talk to a lawyer or look online to see what can and can not refuse. Heck, print the statute up and bring it in with you if you like.  When in EMS (911 ambulance and ER), had I given an injection or IV without the (conscious) patients' permission, that is assault!  Are you taking the pills AND injection like last year, or just the injection?


Can you tell me the story of what happened this year that got you hospitalized?  Were the courts involved this time, or was it more informal?  Did you have to stay at the state sponsored "Hyatt" like last time, or were you ale to avoid any legal pitfalls?  Looking back now, do you see when his started or how it started, and is it like last year's issue at all?  DO you see this coming on, notice you feel or act differently?  I am looking for insight for next year, something you can put your finger on it?                                         


Have you gone to an MD (NOT an ND) and had all of your vitamins checked, your thyroid everything?  I think it ifine to choose to see an ND, but the tests they do are sometimes different., and sometimes they do not know how to read the results for conditions not specifically- how could you know what you could not studied in their schooling (not their fault).  ND's are great for helping keep people well, and referring people out when they do have something s.  They listen wondering if you have some sort of deficiency that gets worse in the winter, or shows up in the winter, like one that comes from lack of sunlight... However if you like, I can do some research about this if you explain exactly what happens to you every winter at the same darned time.  How it comes on, what is the behavior, what changes from normal- if you do not remember, what were you told you did, or how your behavior changed?  What is the diagnosis (now we do not put a whole lot of stock in that here at SA, but I ask so that I might find a medical condition that might be close to it.  I can offer NO promises and NO timeline.  During my extra time, I do research, and will let you now what I find.  Remember the info I found for you on Haldol?  Sadly there is nothing you can do but wait on the low T usually (but I was hoping your doc would have some ideas), but you knew WHY you were feeing that way, and it DID go away. I hope you researched this med too, but I will take a look, too, if you have issues once switched to the pills. Add any info about your condition that could be at help, and family history of similar things happening to anyone in your family, any specific illnesses that run in your family,  Research is a hobby of mine, so I will not have a fast answer, urgent, like the Haldol info is you are pass your hard part of the year, so not as urgent as the Haldol research I did for you.  You do not have to provide any information.  I am offering to do work on your behalf to TRY to help is all.


Have missed chatting.  Hope you are still working, and living on your own!!


Current meds: Lexapro 20mg, Valium 6.25mg
Current status: September 2018 forced to go down to 10mg of Valium/Diazepam from around 15mg, with the plan to have me totally of in 2 more months. I was not given a chance to give input at tapering at this speed, please go much, much slower. Luckily I found a new doctor, but was thrown off course by my rapid taper, as of 2/19 am down to 6.25mg, and am stable. Will update with dates of taper ASAP.
Read my history here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/12819-skeeters-journey/

I am NOT a doctor. My opinions are just that- MY opinions, based on my personal experiences and research, but your experience and reactions may differ greatly, we are all different! I maintain that a doctor educated in withdrawal is the best place to get info or to get the "go ahead" before changing your medications in any way!

  • 2 months later...

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I've been wanting to respond but it has been difficult to put down all of the information you requested.


What brought me to the hospital this time was when I was manic at a gas station. I was talking to everyone, buying people stuff, giving people money, and at some point they mentioned I was loitering so I went to my car and waited for my mom to meet me, but the gas station called the police and during their welfare check they took me to the hospital. I really wish I would have just gone home. Yes the courts got involved and gave me all their bullsh*t.


It was just like last year. I started to feel differently, and I did notice changes. In fact, I woke up some mornings and specifically took a naturopathic liquid that my naturopathic doctor prescribed me if I were feeling differently. So that was positive because I started to take something, but next time around it should be zyprexa that I take for the quick relieve antipsychotic property it offers.


I haven't had a check by an MD for the things that my ND checked for.


Basically what happens is I sleep less and want to run around town doing certain activities and it feels like I'm on a supernatural mission and I need to instagram and Snapchat everything. I was hopeful this time because when the manic episode hit I felt like my body reset and I wanted to do activities again.



The diagnosis they gave me was bipolar I. I've wondered if this were accurate because I don't believe I've had a depressive episode, but the way I felt after my haldol injection last year and after I weaned off the lamictal pills I was told that the way I was acting was like a depressed person.


At this point I am taking abilify pills and the reason I am taking them is because of a blood test the doctor has ordered before our next appointment that will check the level. When I started taking the pills, I felt better in the sense of my mental state didn't feel as down or as discouraged from doing things. I've felt a little bit more motivated for things I've been procrastinating on, such as responding to this post. I feel like I'm walking around more positive. I started a new martial art (jiu jitsu) and have been boxing.


But oddly I haven't felt like pursuing women and it doesn't seem like I get erections as easily and wonder if something is wrong with my libido. After drinking alcohol, I'd get the worst possible headache and felt out of commission the next day. It says online you're not supposed to drink while on the medication. Not sure if I am as interested in music now.


I'm not sure if I want to try and stay on the abilify pills because I'm reading how difficult they are to get off. I'm interested in CBD capsules and plan to call a nurse from unitedhealthgroup.org about dosing. Have you seen the research they have on CBD capsules?


I noticed a lot of the things I am experiencing occurred after a haldol injection. I really look at my life pre and post haldol injection. I'm not sure that it is necessary to take an abilify pill to clear up some depression that a haldol injection caused.


I feel really alone in this struggle. Thanks so much for your responses and giving me something to think about.

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.


The website is unitedpatientsgroup.com, not unitedhealthgroup.org. Oops

Around February 2016 I was put on a commitment by the state because of a manic episode with psychotic features (I've experienced these about once a year since 2010). Given a 200mg haldol injection, and had to take two pills of haldol per day for sometime. Given another 100mg in March or April (they didn't have the full dose of the medicine and I argued with the psychiatrist later on to not be given the next 100mg dose because I wasn't able to move off the couch, didn't want to take showers, didn't want to go any place or do anything).

Around May the haldol pills were discontinued. At some point I was started on lamictal at 25mg. It was increased to 50mg. I began my own taper and was removed from lamictal in July 2016.

I have continued to follow directions of a naturopathic doctor, which includes taking high quality supplements from Prothera. Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil, Methylated B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and a high quality multivitamin.

Currently suffering from a lack of ambition, laziness, not attending the gym 5 days a week like I was doing before the medicine, not wanting to get dressed up for work, not motivated to build progress in my career, signed up for an intensive coding Bootcamp but then backed out because I didn't think I wanted to have to be at school at 9am 5days/wk, not wanting to take showers everyday, not actively pursuing activities with friends...just a completely changed individual, and I'm really hoping to be restored.

  • 5 months later...

Hi.. i have some troubles with you and lapd.. how r you now

July 2017 - 3 shots = one of them haloperidol and only olanzapine 20mg  for 2 weeks , weight gained 


August 2017- waiting recovery from haloperidol , drug tapper 10mg ,weight gained , weak muscle


September 2017- drugs tapper 5mg weight gained , weak muscle


October 2017 - drugs free , no improvment from haldol   , weight gained , weak muscle


November 2017 - waiting haldol recovery since , weight gained , weak muscle





Did u feel weeek?

July 2017 - 3 shots = one of them haloperidol and only olanzapine 20mg  for 2 weeks , weight gained 


August 2017- waiting recovery from haloperidol , drug tapper 10mg ,weight gained , weak muscle


September 2017- drugs tapper 5mg weight gained , weak muscle


October 2017 - drugs free , no improvment from haldol   , weight gained , weak muscle


November 2017 - waiting haldol recovery since , weight gained , weak muscle





badluck pls reply

July 2017 - 3 shots = one of them haloperidol and only olanzapine 20mg  for 2 weeks , weight gained 


August 2017- waiting recovery from haloperidol , drug tapper 10mg ,weight gained , weak muscle


September 2017- drugs tapper 5mg weight gained , weak muscle


October 2017 - drugs free , no improvment from haldol   , weight gained , weak muscle


November 2017 - waiting haldol recovery since , weight gained , weak muscle





Hey..  badluck.. does you have any improvement this month after haldol injection?

July 2017 - 3 shots = one of them haloperidol and only olanzapine 20mg  for 2 weeks , weight gained 


August 2017- waiting recovery from haloperidol , drug tapper 10mg ,weight gained , weak muscle


September 2017- drugs tapper 5mg weight gained , weak muscle


October 2017 - drugs free , no improvment from haldol   , weight gained , weak muscle


November 2017 - waiting haldol recovery since , weight gained , weak muscle




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