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Mirrth: tapering Remeron


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Used Remeron for a couple of months, and was weirdly content at all times, but also zombie/lethargic/sedated, and it increases my adhd symptoms/stops mt adhd meds from working.


Meh, ill write more later. Been lurking on this forum after my first taper attemt was to impatiemt, and backfired after 2-3 weeks.


Got a sore throat todat, and feeling a bit sick, not sure if it is from tapering or if I'm actually getting a cold. Feel sick from time to time, that is probably due to cutting Remeron from 7,5 mg to half of that. Was on 7,5 (from 15) for 3 or 4 weeks, and it was fine, except that I was still umable to get anything done.


A lot of my meds history indicates that I'm a poor metaboliser, and when I read that the antihistamine effect was full even on small doses og Remeron, I dropped to the last dose of 3.75. A little trouble with sleeping, but melatonin helps. Eating got better after adhd meds was increased, cuz now head works better. Im not spaced out.


Basically a nuber of symptoms coyld either ve tapering symptoms, or; because reducing remeron might give more room for adhd meds to work, side effects of Vyvanse.


After dropping remeron I have washed clothes for the first time in 1 or 2 months. Yay!


Meh. Need to have patience. When Remeron tapering is done I need to look on my adhd dose.


Writing symptoms & diary is a good idea. Lasted for 2 weeks, perhaps itnwent south when I started with Remeron. Didn't know it blocked histamine receptors, know from experience that antihistamines and ritalin made me so "woosy" I could not walk straight.


Yeha, Remeron, and also tapering, messes up my adhd. Big time.just look at this post. Took it to reduce ptsd symptoms, sleep more and eat more. Not having so many triggers now (change of situation), so going to try to use adhd meds alone. Being so sensitive to meds it's not tempting to spend several months trying out something that is likely to give too troublesome side effects. As in not functioning. Want to cook, take out trash and get stuff done, not play app games all day and too litle energy to shower or change a light bulb.


I'll sort out my introduction later.

Edited by scallywag
add generic drug name tag
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  • Moderator Emeritus

Mirrth, thanks for taking time to register and to post an introduction. Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants (SA)


It's great that you've noticed large improvements with the reduction and discontinuation of Remeron.


A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-18 months particularly?

  • Any drugs prior to that can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • You don't need to include symptoms or diagnoses other than the initial condition that led to prescribing the first drug.
  • We ask for this information in your signature so that we can see it at a glance. A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs.
  • You can find instructions in this topic: Please put your withdrawal history in signature
You may have already looked at these. Not knowing whether that's the case, I'll post them here for reference:

Tips for tapering off Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate)

Tips for tapering off Remeron (mirtazapine)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi, Mirrth.


Welcome to the forum from me, too. I'm glad you're here for information and support.


I just wanted to give you some information about ADHD because it's quite possible that being on stimulants may have resulted in your being prescribed something for depression. That's not uncommon. Long-term use of stimulants can cause depression and other problems. 


Used Remeron for a couple of months, and was weirdly content at all times, but also zombie/lethargic/sedated, and it increases my adhd symptoms/stops mt adhd meds from working.


The label ADHD is really not used much around the forum, and we encourage you to not place labels on yourself. You are more than a label. Many smart, funny, creative people are given labels for being just that - smart, funny, creative, and yes, a bit absent-minded and easily distracted. The science behind the ADHD diagnosis was largely driven by the for-profit pharmaceutical industry. 


This article provides more information:


ADHD: A Destructive Psychiatric Hoax


This video lecture by Robert Whitaker explores the long-term effects of using drugs to treat ADHD:


Psych-Drugs Harm - Three: Robert Whitaker - Medicating ADHD - Sept. 16, 2015 -CPH


Before deciding whether or not you want to keeping using drugs for these types of issues, please read Whitaker's book:


Anatomy of an Epidemic


There are many ways of dealing with ADHD symptoms. Mindfulness is great for settling down the thought-stream and improving concentration. Please see this thread for more information: 


Non-drug techniques to cope with emotional symptoms




Yeha, Remeron, and also tapering, messes up my adhd. Big time.just look at this post. Took it to reduce ptsd symptoms, sleep more and eat more.



You mentioned having PTSD. Trauma can cause a lot of difficulties with concentration and attention. So finding ways of handling your trauma symptoms will likely improve anything ascribed to ADHD. Again, non-drug coping skills like mindfulness, trauma sensitive yoga, Tai Chi, better nutrition, etc. are all ways of living a great life off of mind altering drugs. 




A little trouble with sleeping, but melatonin helps. 




Another problem with long-term stimulant treatment includes insomnia. This is also, of course, a withdrawal symptom from coming off of antidepressants. 


Please see this thread on melatonin, as many people make the mistake of using too high a dose. This thread will explain:


Melatonin for Sleep


And more on handling insomnia:


Sleep problems - That Awful Withdrawal Insomnia



I hope this information is helpful and you're feeling better soon.



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I have had adhd symptoms since childhood, long before trauma. I was diagnosed as an adult (at 40).I could write a book about how undiagnosed adhd has messed up every relationship I have been in, and caused me to self medicate with sigarettes, coffee, working around the clock, dreading vacations, being forgetful, avoiding eye contact, not being able to have a normal conversation with friends without drifting off, a lot of risky sexual behaviour (which led to the trauma part).

Stimulands makes me recognise time (now I don't suddenly realise it's been 8 hours, not 20 mins), they make me recognise neednfor sleep, they make me sleep, and if not, at least make me remember to go to bed. Ritalin wasnt right for me, but I could take 5 mg XR to enable me to sleep. It slowed down my mind.

Surely there are som misdiagnosed lids and adults out there. Yes, adhd and ptsd has similar symptoms. And adhd + ptsd made me extremely suicidal, something vyvanse put an end to. Without vyvanse I had non stop flashbacks 24/7.

I have never felt normal and emotionally calm before I tried stimulants. Never had a history of drug use. I've used Mindfulness techniques since I was a teenager. It's a while different story with adhd meds, now it's so much more beneficial for me. I could never stay in the moment, and still cannot, without adhd medication. At least not more than 10 seconds, unless I'm in some sort of danger.

Not all adhd medication works for all. But it is a whole different story than calling it a hoax. It is extremely offensive when strangers to jump to that conclusion.

I'm not at the right dose (adhd meds), it doesn't mean the medication works. Initially I had to be on low dose of stimulants, as it stiooed the flashbacks, anxiety, mind-xhurning and insombia. dRemeron makes me confused and tired, and blocks out/interfeares with the adhd medication. Remeron first makes me very tired, and a few hours later my adhd-symptoms skyrocket.

I used to have muscle peoblems all my life. After adhd medication I'm not having neck/shoulderpains/tension-headaces foe the first time of my life. I've nurtured deeper and more meaningful friendships.

I'm tapering Remeron, and yes, short fuse. Right now adhd mess wore off, was able to hold my reply all evening.

I wouldn't go an tell a person with depression that it's not a disease. Or asbergers' isnt a disorder. Adhd is poorly named, but as long as it is "something" that severely impairs the ability to function, it is a freaking disorder.

Edited by ChessieCat
changed obsenity to more appropriate word
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  • Moderator Emeritus

I wouldn't go an tell a person with depression that it's not a disease. Or asbergers' isnt a disorder. Adhd is poorly named, but as long as it is "something" that severely impairs the ability to function, it is a freaking disorder.




Mirrth, the biggest take-away from the information I linked to is the fact that the drugs are dangerous, especially in the long term. The disability statistics speak volumes to this. That's why I gave a link to Robert Whitaker's book. 


Our view on depression does not involve the chemical imbalance theory, as that has been disproven -- Again, chemical imbalance is a myth. Stop the lies, please.



I'm asked to give uo my location, told to put my medicine history in the signature, and told my diagnosis isba hoax. Is this a sekt?



You came to us for information and we've provided it. If you aren't happy here, you don't have to stay.


So no, this is not a sect. 


If you would like to stay to get information on discontinuing your antidepressant only, that's fine. Even if you decide to stay on your ADHD drugs, at least your drug burden will be decreased.  But please do not advocate any of the chemical imbalance theories for ADHD, depression, etc. here. Again, this is a site for coming off psychiatric drugs. Most of the people on this site have been seriously harmed by these drugs, and arguing about what is and isn't a disorder, disease, chemical imbalance, etc. is a waste of time and energy. The science is in on that. 


Again, we do not advocate any of the "chemical imbalance" theories of psychiatry. If you would like to discuss continued drug treatment, you may wish to get your information and support from sites such as depressionforums.org or patientslikeme.com.


Please respect the culture of this site.



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  • Moderator Emeritus

I'm asked to give up my location, told to put my medicine history in the signature, and told my diagnosis isba hoax. Is this a sekt?


Feel free to change your location to obscure your identity. There are many of us that use very large regions as our locations. Mine is the province of Ontario, Canada. Shep's is the entire country of "US". Other people use "Europe". I think I've even seen "Planet Earth"


If you're looking for help with decreasing medication, it's dangerous for you if the people offering suggestions do not have the relevant medication information. You may be taking a medication that is interacting with another one and neither your doctor nor pharmacist informed you. There are vitamins and mineral supplements that actually make a person's situation worse, not better as was the person had hoped.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Mirrth.


We request your location to enable other people near you to find you and be online friends with you. We have many geographically defined virtual communities, see "Check in" topics: SurvivingAntidepressant.org members near you

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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