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Posted (edited)

Hi people! I'm a pssd sufferer. I invite you to think about what is the main problem of PSSD: that doctors, researchers, pharmacologists, journalist media and people don't know the existence of PSSD. No one (maybe also a lot of people who suffer of it) knows that SSRI cause a so severe damage. No one exept us. In my opinion stay sitted down on a sofa posting messages on a forum and hoping that someone will find a solution for us will not lead us to anywhere. In my opinion we ahve to do something of actually concrete to change our situation. For this reason, for example, I contacted every single TV broadcast and inquiry tv programs, journal and tv journal in my country telling him about the problem and asking him to talk about it. I contacted magazines and experts and opinionist on antidepressant and psychiatric.
At least I found a scientist that is very interested to study our condition (I don't write his name because his study is not officially approved yet) for first on human looking for any hormone imbalance in the brain and then doing a study on mice looking for any alteration in the brain, but he needs money (50000 euros) than we are looking for to do a foundraising campaigne to raise money, maybe by crowdfunding: this is in my opinion doing something actually usefull for us.  
Then I'm doing a website on pssd with reliable and clear information about our syndrome. 
You can find it at [website link deleted] ("foundation", until now, is only an evocative name that mean there's a pool of people that is collaborating togheter for a purpose but in the future we want to do a legally recognized foundation).
In future, on this website I want to launch a foundraising campaign in order to found the research above (when it will be approved).
I'm looking for people that want to help me to tranlsate my website in most language as possible in order to offer reliable information about PSSD to physician and people from all over the world.
Is there anyone that want to help me doing translation from english to another language?
If you are interested answer here!
Thank to everyone who will want to help me!

Edited by scallywag
deleted website pssdfoundation [dot] jimdo [dot] com
Posted (edited)

sjv is a new member. I don't know anything about his project, whether the science he quotes is accurate, or if the supplements are helpful for PSSD.

Everyone knows the main theory about the pathogenesis of PSSD: the excessive release of serotonin (which has a mixed but essentially inhibitory role on sexual functions) by the serotonergic neurons due to the "desensitized" 5-HT1A autoreceptors (that act as sentinels that regulate the release of a substance according on how much there is already in circulation, this mechanism is also called negative feedback)[1] .

The "down regulation" of the 5-HT1A autoreceptors is instead caused by chronic and excessive activation by its natural "agonist" (serotonin) that is made available in abnormal quantities by the use of SSRIs[0]. It is therefore natural to think to the autoreceptors as something that is "damaged" by excessive competition and that can be cured using an antagonist that lead him to be again "sensitive."

At this point that we have to reflect: the autoreceptor is a sentinel, a switch that if "on" sends a chemical signal. What the cell (neuron) have to do when it receives this chemical signal is written in the genes, that is in the sequence of the DNA; how much it should do (that is, how much to increase or decrease the release of serotonin) it depends on the genes expression.

Essentially two mechanism regulate gene expression:

• Binding of chemical groups directly to DNA (covalently) that function as silencers or activators. The main inhibitor is the methyl group that, binding at particular points of the promoter sequences, silences gene expression. The protein that bind methyl groups to DNA is the DNMT.

• The other is the tangling of the DNA around proteins (called histones): if the DNA is wrapped on itself, the molecular machines that should read the instruction contained in the DNA, cannot bind the DNA because there isn’t sufficient space. The ability of a histone to compact a DNA molecules (and thus repress gene expression) depends on the presence of particular molecules bound to the histone. The main one is the acetate group: if it binds to histone, forces him to expand and so molecular machines can come in and gene expression is activated. The acetyl groups are linked to histone by HAT and detached from it by HDAC. Also histones can be methylated in some particular positions, and this has mixed effects on gene expression.

SSRIs activate gene silencing

It’s well known that SSRIs activate the gene-silencing mechanisms. During the assumption has been seen[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]:

• Increase in the expression of certain proteins that carry methyl groups (called MeCP2 and MBD1)

• Increase the mRNA synthesis of HDAC2 gene (the HDAC of a particular subtype of histone)

• There’s a decreased acetylation in the histone "H3" in three areas of serotonin projection: the caudate-putamen (striatum), the frontal cortex and the dentate gyrus (5-HT neurons are extensively arborized, and their axons reach all brain areas).

All this suggests the induction of gene silencing.

Now we can rethink to the neuron such a stubborn person who does something of wrong: we told him to correct his behavior (the autoreceptor send his message to the cell) but it will not change his behavior (excessive release of serotonin) because it is a person who does not listen what we told him (reduced gene expression). So we cannot think to reactivate the negative feedback mechanism only binding them an antagonist because who is stuck in a situation of "off" is not the autoreceptor but the DNA expression is. The right strategy therefore have to be the reactivation of gene plasticity which can then be guided in the right direction by the use of a 5-HT1A autoreceptors antagonist.

A possible partial theoretical confirmation of this hypothesis is the results of a study in which rats whit an animal model of tardive dyskinesia (a disorder in some ways similar to the PSSD) had a partial remission of the disease using a HDAC inhibitor[11] .

How to induce gene expression plasticity

Firstly, we recall the main objectives:

• To promote the demethylation of DNA by inhibiting DNMT: the new synthesized DNA is less methylated and then whit an increased gene expression.

• Inhibit the deacetylation of histones, in particular inhibiting HDAC

• Encourage the acetylation of histones, in particular by increasing the activity of HAT

It has also been seen that the increase of histone acetylation is accompanied by a demethylation of DNA, that is, the two events have a synergistic effect[12]. It 's important to note first of all that these effects are time and dose dependent, ie the effects are proportional to the dose taken and manifests itself after some time.

Several compounds can do this. Most of them are natural occuring compounds and found in green tea but this does not mean that they are little effective: some are very promising for the treatment of other diseases in which the gene expression change is crucial. Other are drugs are already used for other purposes[13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. Unlucky, often they have a low biodisponibility and a short half-life, than high and multiple doses should be necessary. Most promising are listed for first.

EPIGALLOCATECHINE GALLATE (EPCG) One of most studied, well caracterized and most effective natural compound that influence gene expression. Is one of major component of green tea extract. It can easily cross blood-brain barrier and is demonstrated that directly bind DNA [19][23][24][25]. It is DNMT1, DNMT3, HDAC1 inhibitor and a MeCP2 inhibitor using Mg2+ as cofactor. Increase amount of glutathione and indirectly the acetilation of histone H3 and H4. Unlucky it is also a weak inhibitor of HAT, has a very low biodisponibility and may be hepatotoxic. Has been demonstrated that minimum effective dose in order to induce genetic effect is 800 mg 2 times a day. The ingestion of high grade, dried green extract, which contains a lot of different catechine, gallate and flavonoid, is more effective then the ingestion of pure EPGC: all the “gallate” and “chatechin” compounds are generally HDAC and DNMT inhibitor and they have a synergistic effect. They’re generally recognized as safe.

QUERCITINE A flavonoid, is a strong enhancer of H3 and H4 histone acetylation, thus activates SIRT1 and SIRT6 mediated deacetylation; Inhibit DNMT and LSD1 (histone demethylating protein). It is also a weak MAOI. Was found to be active at a concentration of 75-100 um. GENISTEINA (and less DAIDZEINE and BIOCIANINE A) They are phytoestrogens and belongs to the category of isoflavones. They are strong inhibitor of HDAC (mostly HDAC1) and DNMT (mostly DNMT1 and DNMT3); less strong inhibitor of MeCP2. Was proved to demethylate ipermethylated genomes without lead to ipomethylation. It has a strong and synergic effect whit other DNMT and HDAC inhibitor. It is an estrogen receptor agonist and then may produce non-hormonal effects.

SODIUM BUTIRRATE It is a strong and natural occurring HDAC inhibitor and one of most studied. It has a lot of other positive effects and has been demonstred to be neuroprotective.

[drug recommendations violate site rules and have been deleted by moderator; ].

CURCUMINE Strong inhibitor of HDAC, HAT, DNMT, MeCP2. Has been shown to be able to induce demetilation of hypermethylated zone of DNA, in a stronger way than genisteine. Because its potent HAT inhibitor activity it may be a second line treatment or can be used to prevent ssri’s induced modification of genetic expression.

LUTEOLINE Luteolin is a flavone, a type of flavonoid. Increase histone acetylation, particularly H3 e H4, inhibiting their HDAC and activating SIRT6-mediated deacetylation; Inhibit DNMT and LSD1 (histone demetylating protein). Thus, weak diminish phosporylation on H3 and H4 and is a weak indirect antagonist of DNMT.

APIGENINE A flavone, is a HDAT inhibitor (soprattuto H1 and H3) and weak activator of SIRT6 mediated deacetylation. Apigenin may also stimulate adult neurogenesis. Concentration over 5-10 um are not recommended because gaba agonism and other central effects. It is a weak MAOI.

DIALLIL SULFIDE, ANACARDIC ACID and GARLIC A lot of compounds in garlic and broccoli are HDAC and DNMT inhibitor, then high grade dried garlic extract and to eat broccoli may be strongly recommended.

SAM, vitamins B and ZINC S-Adenosil-Methionine is the natural transporter of methyl groups and work in a synergic way whit DNMT, than induce methylation. Its natural counterpart is S-Adenosil-Omocisteine, a strong demethylating agent which expression increase during the use of HDAC inhibitor: this mean that there’s a synergistic effect between increase of acetylation and the activation of demethylation. For this reason, the supplement of SAMe is not recommended. The vitamins of group B are used to carrier and bind methyl group, then supplementation of high amount of B vitamins is not recommended if the increase of demethylation is wanted. The Zn2+ ion is he natural cofactor of HDAC, then the uses of Zn2+ supplements may increase their activities.

I hope that a combination of the induction of gene’s plasticity and the antagonism to serotonin receptors may help to recover from the disease.

Here the right dosage for each components, obtained form the ones used in the studies:

-EPGC 600 mg, 3 times a day (Piping Rock Health Products - EGCG Green Tea 600 mg Standardized Extract, standardized in 30% in EGCG, then 3 caps. 3 times a day of this supplement)

-Quercitine 600 mg, 3 times a day (MegaQuercitin, Solaray)

-Genisteine 800mg, 4 times a day (Vital Nutrients - Genistein)

[drug recommendations violate site rules and have been deleted by moderator; ].

Among the others, that are not necessary for the treatments but may have coadiuvant effects:

-Sodium Butyrrate 600 mg, 3 times a day (BodyBio/E-Lyte - Sodium Butyrate)

-Sulpiride 100 mg, 2 times a day

-Apigenine 30 mg, 3 times a day (Swanson Ultra, Apigenin)

-Luteoline 300 mg, 3 times a day(Swanson Ultra, Luteolin Complex)

List of citations

0- Effects of selective serotonin and serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors on extracellular serotonin in rat diencephalon and frontal cortex, Tracy M. Felton et al.

1- Mechanisms of control of 5-HT neurons are: • self-inhibition through 5-HT1A autoreceptors (activation of these receptors by 5-HT diminish neuronal firing and produce a negative feedback regulation of transmitter release) • 5-HT1B/1D receptors, located on nerve terminals, respond to 5-HT released locally in the terminal fields inhibiting further transmitter release. These 2 mechanisms ensure tight feedback control of the activity of serotonergic neurons and of terminal 5-HT release. Thus, a prolonged treatment whit ssri may lead to a reduction of binding site for serotonin on SERT, then its ability to reuptake serotonin is chronically diminished. Chronic administration of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (but not amitriptyline) results in the desensitization of 5-HT1A somatodendritic autoreceptor function in the dorsal raphe but not in hippocampus, and also results in the desensitization of physiological responses mediated by postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors. In general, changes in 5-HT1A receptor number have not been observed following chronic administration of antidepressants. A study (Julie G Hensler, 2002) ipotizes that the desensitization of somatodendritic 5-HT1A autoreceptors in the dorsal and median raphe following chronic SSRI treatment do not appear to be mediated by changes in 5-HT1A receptor binding but may be due to a reduced capacity of the 5-HT1A receptor to activate G protein. By contrast, no significant change in postsynaptic 5-HT1A binding following chronic antidepressant treatment.

2- Newton SS, Duman RS (August 2006). “Chromatin remodeling: a novel mechanism of psychotropic drug action”. Mol. Pharmacol. 70 (2)

3- Safarinejad MR, Sperm DNA Damage and Semen Quality Impairment After Treatment With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Detected Using Semen Analysis and Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay

4- The genetics of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Kroeze

5- Epigenetic side-effects of common pharmaceuticals: A potential new field in medicine and pharmacology, Csoka

6- Faure C, Mnie-Filali O, Haddjeri N (February 2006). “Long-term adaptive changes induced by serotonergic antidepressant drugs”. Expert Rev Neurother

7- Palotás M, Palotás A, Puskás LG, et al. (December 2004). “Gene expression profile analysis of the rat cortex following treatment with imipramine and citalopram”. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol

8- Kálmán J, Palotás A, Juhász A, et al. (November 2005). “Impact of venlafaxine on gene expression profile in lymphocytes of the elderly with major depression–evolution of antidepressants and the role of the “neuro-immune” system”.

9- Yamada M, Yamada M, Higuchi T (July 2005). “Antidepressant-elicited changes in gene expression: remodeling of neuronal circuits as a new hypothesis for drug efficacy”. Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry

101- Boehm C, Newrzella D, Herberger S, Schramm N, Eisenhardt G, Schenk V, Sonntag-Buck V, Sorgenfrei O (2006). “Effects of antidepressant treatment on gene expression profile in mouse brain: cell type-specific transcription profiling using laser microdissection and microarray analysis”.

11- RGFP109, a histone deacetylase inhibitor attenuates L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in the MPTP-lesioned marmoset: a proof-of-concept study, Johnston TH

12- Histone deacetylase inhibitors reverse CpG methylation by regulating DNMT1 through ERK signaling, Sarkar S

13- Green tea polyphenols for prostate cancer chemoprevention: A translational perspective J.J. Johnson

14- Flavonoids Influence Epigenetic-Modifying Enzyme Activity: Structure-Function Relationships and the Therapeutic Potential for Cancer Gilbert, E.R.; Liu, D.

15- Epigenetic activities of flavonoids in the prevention and treatment of cancer, Christian Busch

16- http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13148-015-0095-z/fulltext.html

17- Epigenome, Cancer Prevention and Flavonoids and Curcumin, Višnja Stepanić

18- Dietary Polyphenols May Affect DNA Methylation, Mingzhu Fang

19- Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain disease, Ronald Ross Watson,Victor R. Preedy

20- Mechanisms for the Inhibition of DNA Methyltransferases by Tea Catechins and Bioflavonoids, Won Jun Lee

21- The interaction of histone deacetylase inhibitors and DNA methyltransferase inhibitors in the treatment of human cancer cells, Zhu WG

22- Epigenetic changes induced by curcumin and other natural compounds, Simone Reuter

23- Green Tea Polyphenols in drug discovery - a success or failure?, Thomas J. Smith

24- Phase I pharmacokinetic study of tea polyphenols following single-dose administration of epigallocatechin gallate and polyphenon E, Chow HH

25- Molecular targets of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG): specificity and interaction with membrane lipid rafts, Patra SK


Edited by scallywag
drug recommendations violate site rules
  • Administrator

sjv is a new member. I don't know anything about his project, whether the science he quotes is accurate, or if the supplements are helpful for PSSD.


sjv, a forum or site specializing in PSSD is a more appropriate place for your discussion. Thank you.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


Thank you so much! I posted also in a pssd forum but I think that posting here can allow me to reach a lot of more people and may be helpfull to them. ThenI'mlooking for people that want to help me with my websites, transalting texts from english to other languages, please if you are interested answer here!

  • Moderator Emeritus

I have removed all recommendations for medications because doing so is a violation of site rules:

Drug shopping or recommending drugs
This is a site for going off drugs. It is not a site for finding out what drug to take next, comparing drug cocktails, or recommending what drug to add. This could be dangerous. People could be hurt by your advice.
(We do not know of any drugs or drug combination that will fix withdrawal syndrome. Reinstatement of the original drug, often at a low dose, sometimes helps and sometimes does not.)
If you want to discuss your diagnoses and talk about adding to your drug cocktail, there are other support sites for this, such as http://DepressionForums.org or http://PatientsLikeMe.com.

Insisting on nonsense about the causes of so-called psychiatric disorders and withdrawal syndrome. You'll need to do a lot of reading and credible citations to come up with original plausible theories.

Red flags for nonsense often found in pop psychiatry:

  • Reliance on the "chemical imbalance" theory or that mental disorders are due to some kind of neurotransmitter deficiency.
  • Claims that mood disorders are "brain disease,""diseased nerve pathways,""damaged signaling" etc.
  • Reliance on neuroimaging or brain scans.
  • Assigning specific functions to specific neurotransmitters ("dopamine is responsible for pleasure"). All neurotransmitters are multifunction; normal functioning depends on their all operating together.
  • Making sweeping generalizations about "depression." One huge problem in psychiatry research is that there is no one definition of "depression" and studies use different measures for it.
  • Publication in biological psychiatry journals.
  • More to come, I'm sure.
The "chemical imbalance" or "serotonin deficiency" theories for mood disorders, which were in vogue for about 20 years, have been disavowed by medicine. There never was any basis for this. If a doctor tells you that is the reason for your distress, the doctor is wrong, misinformed, or not being straightforward with you.
This is also true of alternative or "natural" practitioners. The "chemical imbalance" theory is invalid wherever it pops up.
The "chemical imbalance" theory or its variants does not bear discussing any more than does a theory that says the sun revolves around the earth. It is a waste of time. This site will not add to the dissemination of this misinformation. Expect credulous discussion of such to be discouraged on this site.
Again, chemical imbalance is a myth. Stop the lies, please. and 
Ronald Pies says doctors tell patients the "chemical imbalance" lie as a favor


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet


Thank you anyway and I'm sorry for my violation of site rules!!

  • 1 month later...

PSSD is serious lifelong life destroying rape from the mental hell scam 'medications'. It is most definitely the most evil barbaric and very real thing this 'mental health' scam drug pushing is doing to innocent vulnerable people.


I didn't kill anybody. Why are these monsters getting away with this?

Cocktail drugged since 9

Genitals went numb

Extreme intestinal gas and pain

Extreme anxiety cant concentrate

All permanent


Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD)


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