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Scooter8484 Will late reinstatement of lexapro work in my situation?


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Sorry if this is in wrong forum and sorry its long but heres the deal... Im a 32 year old male. I Stopped lexapro 5mg in may of 2016. Starting to suffer major anxiety again after 6 and a half months off it. Suffering Major insomnia, either complete insomnia, zero sleep or paradoxical insomnia also known as sleep state misperception. Starting to think my brain is re wired.


Starting to have periods of detatchment, but I think thats related to lack of sleep. I never hallucinate which is weird, so i must sleep some but Im aware all night.


I stopped lexapro in a short weening period by tapering off slowly but probably too fast. Lexapro was causing bad insomnia. I even went to a sleep study with normal results. Im starting to feel like Im not all there at times. This comes and goes in spurts.


Physical symptoms like brain zaps, tremors, nausea etc are gone.


Confused if my extreme day time fatigue is my depression or lexapro withdrawl.


Oh, and i feel aware of whats going on at night when im asleep. Im almost certain its fatigue causing my depression because overall I enjoy going to work and getting things done but the lack of sleep is causing my anxiety, and im afraid if i go to the ER they will force me back on my antidepressants and i dont want to rely on those the rest of my life.


I thought lexapro was causing my reflux too.


Also i had anxiety before i first started lexapro several years back but my anxiety now is making me check to see if im breathing properly now. Sometimes i dont breathe,like my brain has a disconnect switch, and i have to force breathe. Also, i have to non chalantly lift my hand up to my mouth to see if air is blowing out, something i never experienced before i started lexapro. Its almost like an OCD trait. But, i use meditation to minimize it.


I was actually very happy on lexapro even when i was sleep deprived. I would be happy if i wasnt so tired all the time.


Plus I have non stop ear popping which Im going to an ent who wants to run a ct scan. Popping off and on for 6 years and no medicines have cured it. Not even allergies. Popping is at its worse now so they want to run a ct scan to see if i benefit from sinus surgery or ear tubes.


I think the popping might be due to loud noises and stress or this lexapro withdrawal because it has never been this bad.


Just wondering how I can best reinstate lexapro going off 5mg after this long already? but im almost willing to, just dont know if it will benefit me again this late. I stopped it once after a year with no side effects than started it back up on that 5mg for a few months and now im going through all this junk.


I finally got ahold on life through counseling in the past so i thought i could stop for good. Im doing great but I do believe its really the lexapro withdrawal combined with other health issues that are just annoyances.


Oh and now Im afraid to take any medicines because i had major severe reactions to non antihistamines and regular antihistamines a couple months ago. And, even, laxatives and a 2 day course of afrin. Never feared medicines before. I just use saline sprays. When i did take sleeping pills they never worked and melatonin i took recently but that did not work at an appropriate dose

Edited by scallywag
tags / previous: added 'graf breaks

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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Also I avoid caffeine and stopped drinking alcohol back in june. Decided to take a break from it. 32 and partying days catching up to me lol.

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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I had that ear popping you describe for a while before I reinstated the Lexapro. After that it stopped, and have never had it since.

Dose History: 19 Feb 2014 - Escitalopram 10mg daily June 2015 - Started taper, 5mg every other day July 2015 - 5mg every 2 days August 2015 - 5mg every 3 days September 2015 - 5mg every 4 days Sept 14th - Completed tapering, but at 7 weeks "drug free" I suffered serious WD symptoms as a consequence of "incorrect" tapering. Nov 25 2015 - Re-instated Cipralex @ 2.5mg daily. WD symptoms faded. Held at this dose and experienced "windows and waves". 12 Oct 2017 Reduced dose to 1.25mg. 13 Mar 2018 Reduced dose to 0.625mg (approx.). 16 April 2018 0mg. Windows and waves triggered by stress (IBS/reflux, headaches, sinus issues) Aug 2019 Mirena coil fitted 6 Jan 2020 MAJOR Wave hit 19 months following last dose (protracted WD).  Symptoms listed below Mar 2020 Mirena coil removal.

Therapy: Nov 15th 2016 Re-started therapy Jan 19th 2017 Started CBT Dec 2017 Started listening to Hypnotherapy CD (self-esteem). Nov 2019 Started couples therapy.

Supplements: "Bioglan" Biotic Balance Ultimate Flora 10 billion CFU, live Bacteria, Probiotic, suitable for Vegetarians, with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Longum"Pukka" Vitalise a unique blend of 30 energising botanicals.

Diet: 16 April 2018 Detox cleanse / anti-candida for 90 days. Jan 2020 Started "small plate" diet (i.e child size portions).

Exercise: Stretching, Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, Elliptical/upper body workout, walking.

Medical Test Results: 4 Jan 2017 Homeopathic Treatment starts 24 Feb 2017 Started weight loss program 24 Mar 2017 Naturopathic Treatment + anti-Candida diet started due to suspected Candida Related Complex (CRC). DETOXED for 7 weeks to "re-set" gut. April 2017 "Genova Diagnostics" Comprehensive Stool Analysis NEGATIVE; Full Blood Count (Normal) / Blood Cholesterol: 5.6 (Borderline) / Blood Sugar (Normal) / 28 Jun 2017 FSH 8.2 / 14 Nov 2017 FSH 17.7 Dec 2017 Blood Cholesterol: 3.9 (Normal) / Kidney Function (Normal) / Blood Sugar (Normal). December 2017 "Genova Diagnostics" Food panel allergy (bloodwork) analysis - a few "VERY LOW/VL" allergens; Mar 2018 "Genova Diagnostics" SIBO urine analysis: High Level of Yeast/fungal markers found in small intestine but NO SIBO.  April 2018 Thyroid (Normal) / Full Blood Count (Normal) / FSH (Normal). 16 April 2018 Started anti-Candida diet - 3 month protocol.   25 March 2020 All test results "Normal". CRP" 5 mg/L (normal range to 0-5 mg/L).

Symptoms:  Flu-like symptoms, anxiety, anhedonia, sinus headaches right-side (severe), IBS issues/reflux (severe)**, tinnitus, fatigue, inner tremor, nausea, chills/hot flushes, pounding heart, muscular issues including stiff left hip flexor, intense anger, PSSD (ongoing).  **Histhamine intolerance (suspected).

Major Life Events: 

Re-located to UK from Canada: Jan 2016

My father died: 5:05pm, Monday 5 Feb 2018 Last Lexapro dose: 16 April 2018 (its now been over a year since I quit ADs)  Moved house: Friday 23rd February 2018  "Divorced" toxic Mother: Monday 26 March 2018 Starting working again: 19 November 2018  Diagnosed with: 5th August 2021 PTSD/C-PTSD Diagnosed with: March 2022 Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/Painful bladder syndrome

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Scooter.


To help us out, see these instructions Please put your drug and withdrawal history in your signature
Please review withdrawal symptoms here What is withdrawal syndrome?  Withdrawal insomnia is very common after going off psychiatric drugs. See
Important topics about symptoms, including sleep problems Hypersensitivity to other drugs, even over-the-counter drugs, is also common.


Did your ear popping start during the time you were taking Lexapro?


Withdrawal can make tinnitus worse.


Physical symptoms like brain zaps, tremors, nausea etc are gone.

How long did you have withdrawal symptoms after you went off 5mg Lexapro? Does your "anxiety" have any daily pattern?


Many people do better with fish oil and magnesium supplements, see

A lot of people find them helpful. Try a little bit of one at a time to see how it affects you.


Please add paragraph breaks to your posts. Long blocks of text are difficult to read.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Sorry im new to this website so my fault about long paragraph.


Still going through withdrawals it seems from 6 months ago. Mental withdrawals i believe. Anxiety is worse now than when i had anxiety long ago before first starting lexapro. I quit a couple years back and didnt go through withdrawal symptoms.


When i started back up again than quit again 6 months ago is when the withdrawal symptoms started. Physical withdrawal symptoms are gone with occasional tremors still. Now its mental.


The ear popping has been going on for 6 years off and on way before i knew about lexapro but there popping at their worse since i stopped 6 months ago. Been treated for eustachian tube dysfunction, otitis media, allergy testings etc. I know its physical ear popping not mental because they pop so easily at ease. But i still get confused.

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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  • Moderator

Hi Scooter8484


I just wondered if you get nausea from your Lexapro?


Take care,

Frogie xx

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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I quit lexapro 6 months ago as stated in my question details. Thanks though.

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Scooter, You may have provided details in about your medication history when you registered with the site. Those aren't easily visible to all who are available to answer your questions. 


We ask that people put that information also in a posting signature so that it appears below each of your posts. When your med + withdrawal history is in your signature it means that we can get a quick overview.


A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-18 months particularly?

  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago)
  • Any drugs prior to 18 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • You don't need to include symptoms or diagnoses other than the initial condition that led to prescribing the first drug.
  • We ask for this information in your signature so that we can see it at a glance. A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs.
  • You can find instructions in this topic: Please put your withdrawal history in signature
  • If you are using a phone or mobile device, you need to switch to the "full" or desktop version of the site. Instructions are in Post 8 and Post 9

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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  • 2 months later...

Im a 32 year old male. I have been on lexapro 10mg for a couple years. I had quit that dose in the past without any physical withdrawal symptoms. A year ago I started back up again because I was depressed again. Lexapro helped emmensly during the entire time. When I started back up again, i started 10mg, but got very nauseus and sick, so I decided to take 5mg. Did not feel sick at 5mg, so I just stayed at that for like 6 months and that dose still hhelped me a lot. No feelings of depression. All of a sudden I had terrible insomnia. Had always been taking it at night even.


I also started having bad reflux issues non acidic. But, it was still helping my depression. I decided to quit again back in may or june of 2016. Thinking maybe the insomnia started due to lexapro use over time and my reflux issues. I went for a sleep study as well and my sleep results were normal but only slept 4 hours. Ive had horrible sleeping issues ever since Ive stopped it, but I wasnt sleeping when i was on it either. I have slept like a baby for 31 years. Even before I started lexapro to begin with. I only sleep 2 to 3 hours a night if that, and sometimes total insomnia for like a week now during this withdrawal period. I think me going off of lexapro gave me sleep state misperception disorder meaning I never know if I actually sleep. Insomnia is just one issue.


Ive also think Ive developed an uncontrollable tic with compulsive ear popping. Ive dealt with ear popping for 5 years though, due to sinusitis or allergies. But now its non stop all day long. 2 weeks ago I had sinus surgery and will have to have another one due to a benign nasal mass which they found and took a biopsy. I think this tic developed in lieu of my sinus pressure because it has been at its worse since i stopped lexapro this go around. It could mean since i cant breathe properly with congestion, I am trying to constantly equalize pressure, so this tic takes over, but they pop so easily so Im confused.


Furthermore, Ive had uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts and make a mountain out of a mole hill with my obsessive thinking. Ive had adrenaline rushes which I havent experienced before lexapro. Ive dealt with generalized anxiety before lexapro which wasnt as bad as it is now. These obsessive thoughts keep spiriling out of control. I still go to work. I work with dogs at a daycare and kennels and I can relax with the dogs when I am sleep deprived. Im not depressed like I was before lexapro because I am really good about going to work, but recently with this surgery,and my non stop ear popping, Im going down in the dumps again.


Also, during withdrawal period, Ive been focusing on my breathing too much. Im not inhaling automatically, or dont think I am. The brain zaps are over with after a month or so. I felt like I had blood sugar issues at times during withdrawal but all blood work comes back normal. Im wanting to know if Im back to my normal depressed self after 9 months and want to start on lexapro again and ween myself back up to 5mg? How should I reinstate? Should I start back at 1mg since it has been this long? Like I stated before, lexapro helped me out a bunch. Will 1mg bring about old withdrawal symptoms until I stabalize? Any info will be helpful. I know its hit or miss, but some people on here have been on antidepressants for 15 years. Since Ive been off for 9 months from 2 1/2 years, should I just stick it out? I really want to try it out again. Maybe it will help me being tired all the time out. But im skeptical.

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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Also within the year I have been experiencing sleep paralysis at times both before falling asleep and upon waking. On my sides and stomach. Never in my life have i gone through sleep paralysis. When Im on my stomach, i can feel being pushed down and moving down my bed. Also, i have been aware during sleep paralysis and can cuss during it which is weird. Someone on reddit told me I might be starting to have out of body experiences like astral projection, but I havent been doing any techniques to be doing this. They gave me some good tips on minimizing this which have worked somewhat. Also, I do guided meditations for anxiety which none even have to do with astral projection and guided sleep meditation videos as well.

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Would you update your signature so that it is a list rather than a paragraph. I can't quickly discern what dose you're currently taking and what changes in dose or medications have been made in the last 6-12 months.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Im not taking it at all. Havent been for 9 months

Weaned off lexapro a little bit to quickly in May of 2016, was on 5mg for 6 months than took it every other day for like a couple weeks than stopped completely.

Been off lexapro 5mg from May 2016 to currently.

Was on lexapro 10mg off and on from 2012 to 2015. Sorry I cant really do a list dont remember exact dates.

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