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Bluesjunky76: withdrawing from fluvoxamine


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Happy Holidays! My name's Mike and I'm 40 and I've been taking SSRI's for OCD/anxiety/depression most of my adult life, save for between 2003 to 2009.


Since 2009, after years of doing quite well, I crashed and ended up back on fluvoxamine. The drug seemed to help more in the beginning, but as time went on I've increasingly lamented my loss of libido and what I feel are very dampened emotions. Even on 25mg., my current dose, I'm still missing my full range of emotions and feelings. I've been tapering for about  9 months now: Under the care of a psychiatric nurse, I've slowly reduced my dose from 100mg. to my current dose. I went from 100 to 87.5, 87.5 to 75, 75 to 62.5, 62.5 to 50, 50 to 37.5, 37.5 to about 31, 31 to 25. Each time I reduced I would stay on the new dose for at least 2-4 weeks. I've been on 25 mg. for about 4 months now. After what was a very depressing and upsetting election cycle for me, I decided to put the brakes on the taper, but I plan to resume again after the holidays and new year. My next appt. is in mid Jan. 


So, all in all, the taper's gone pretty smoothly. After each reduction I would usually experience a little dizziness, sometimes digestive issues, lack of focus, etc. etc., but nothing truly debilitating. My psych. nurse made it sound like my dose is so low that I could just about get off, but I've heard all the horror stories and I want to take it really slowly. The question is how slow? Since the taper's gone relatively smoothly, can I continue reducing from 25 to 18.75, 18.75 to 12.5 etc. etc? Or should I slow it down even more to keep it within the standard 10 to 25% reduction rate, since the dose is lower now? I know these are issues I need to discuss with the nurse, but I always feel so rushed during the session, only having 15 minutes and all to discuss the state of my brain! Seems like it should be a little bit longer :(


Anyway, sorry If I'm rambling, but I came here because I'm long overdue to meet some new brothers and sisters who understand how frustrating and upsetting it can be being on medication. I feel like I'm walking a tight rope here: there's a part of me that wants to be off the medication YESTERDAY and then there's the more rational side of myself that's trying to divvy up the patience to take it slowly and thereby improve my chances of successfully getting off this stuff. 


So, that's my little intro. Hope everybody is enjoying the holidays and is good spirits and health. I look forward to hearing any thoughts you may have on my situation or from anybody else who is on fluvoxamine or just anybody who wants to chat. Be well and take care! 




BTW, I should also mention I take Klonopin .25mg., as needed, but very sparingly. Sometimes I take a couple doses a week and other times I'll go weeks without taking it. I treat benzos as a last resort when meditation, breathing, jogging, writing, etc. don't work. Thought I should mention all the psych. drugs I currently take. Take care!

Edited by ChessieCat
Added paragraphs & some white space

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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Welcome to sa Mike

You have done well compared to most who find this site to still be stable having tapered a tad faster than is recommended here.

I think you have been wise  to take a long hold for a few months at 25mg


It would be very wise to follow the sa taper of 10% per month from here in. You might like to read this

Tips for tapering off Luvox (fluvoxamine)


Your psych nurse is misinformed if she thinks 25mg is a low dose and you should jump off.

Many here are walking this down to below 1mg.

To taper slowly also allows you to travel with minimal wdl symptoms and therefore allow you to do it without the dangers of adding a benzo.


Glad you found sa there is heaps of informative stuff here which is well worth reading.

Oh yeah when people join they are asked to complete a drug signature.



Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Mike and welcome from me too,


It's good to hear that you have been tapering and holding, but as NZ has already said, SA recommends tapering by no more than 10% of the previous dose followed by at least a 3-4 weeks hold to allow your brain to adapt to not getting as much of the drug.  Many members find that as their dose gets lower then need to slow down.  There is a link below which you may find interesting and helpful.  And there's a topic discussing when to end taper.


We ask all members to Please put your Withdrawal History in Signature.  Please include details for the last 12-18 months of  all drugs, dates, doses and discontinuations & reinstatements.  If you can't remember dates, please write it as "early March" or "mid-August".  Please provide a summary of any drugs prior to that which can just be listed with start and stop years. Please include all prescription, non-prescription drugs and supplements you are currently taking.  Please update as you make changes so it remains current and can be seen at a glance whenever you post.  Thank you.


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Why taper paper: dose-occupancy curves


When to end the taper and jump to zero?


These helped me to understand SA recommendations:


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


You might find these topic helpful for talking to medical professionals:


What should I expect from my doctor about withdrawal symptoms?

How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?


There is a lot of useful information on this site.  To search the site I use google and type in survivingantidepressants.org + topic.


You can ask questions here in your Intro/Update topic and journal your progress.  Click "Follow" top right and you will be notified when someone responds.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hi Mike and welcome from me too,


It's good to hear that you have been tapering and holding, but as NZ has already said, SA recommends tapering by no more than 10% of the previous dose followed by at least a 3-4 weeks hold to allow your brain to adapt to not getting as much of the drug.  Many members find that as their dose gets lower then need to slow down.  There is a link below which you may find interesting and helpful.  And there's a topic discussing when to end taper.


We ask all members to Please put your Withdrawal History in Signature.  Please include details for the last 12-18 months of  all drugs, dates, doses and discontinuations & reinstatements.  If you can't remember dates, please write it as "early March" or "mid-August".  Please provide a summary of any drugs prior to that which can just be listed with start and stop years. Please include all prescription, non-prescription drugs and supplements you are currently taking.  Please update as you make changes so it remains current and can be seen at a glance whenever you post.  Thank you.


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Why taper paper: dose-occupancy curves


When to end the taper and jump to zero?


These helped me to understand SA recommendations:


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


You might find these topic helpful for talking to medical professionals:


What should I expect from my doctor about withdrawal symptoms?

How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?


There is a lot of useful information on this site.  To search the site I use google and type in survivingantidepressants.org + topic.


You can ask questions here in your Intro/Update topic and journal your progress.  Click "Follow" top right and you will be notified when someone responds.

 nz11 and ChessieCat: thank-you so much for the welcome and the very useful info contained in your posts. I'll have a lot to check out. BTW, nz11: to be clear, my nurse didn't say I could just stop taking the Luvox at 25mg., but she did imply I was close to being off, as in maybe dropping down to half the dose and getting off from there. Next appt., I intend to discuss my commitment to taking it slowly, at the 10% reduction rate. Man, I sure wish they made the fluvoxamine in doses lower than 25mg :( I can get it fairly accurate with a pill cutter, but not quite all the way. Perhaps I will talk to her about having a compound pharmacy filling my next script, but I heard it can be kind of pricey. Oh well, cross that bridge when I get to it. Be well :) 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Bluesjunky: many of us make our own taper doses using a scale or making a liquid. You can read more about that in these topics:

Using a digital scale to measure doses
Making a liquid from a tablet or capsules
and to dose the liquid, Using an oral syringe and other tapering techniques]

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Bluesjunky: many of us make our own taper doses using a scale or making a liquid. You can read more about that in these topics:


Using a digital scale to measure doses

Making a liquid from a tablet or capsules

and to dose the liquid, Using an oral syringe and other tapering techniques]

Thanks so much! Everybody's been so very helpful--wish I had discovered this place sooner. Happy Holidays :) 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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Hi, over the last eight or so months, as I've tapered down from 100mg. of fluvoxamine to 25mg., I've been reminded that withdrawal symptoms often take a while to manifest, which led me to taper too quickly. It wasn't until about 2 months on 25mg. that I noticed increased brain fogginess and apathy and sometimes agitation and dizziness; only to occasionally be replaced by a more clear headed, focused point of view. I've been bouncing back and forth quite a lot, but more and more I'm experiencing less and less of a tendency for a low mood. My next appt. is in about two weeks and my nurse and I had tentatively agreed I would reattempt the taper at that time. Do you think 5 months on 25mg. is enough? I've decided I'll do the 10% reduction from here on out to limit any more issues, but I worry the initial rush to taper could still catch up to me. All of my symptoms have been manageable so far and I imagine people still taper even when they have minor symptoms. I mean, if I wait until I'm top of the world to continue the taper it may take the rest of my life to get off this stuff!

Edited by scallywag
merged from new topic started in Symptoms forum

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

It's best to use your symptoms, not the calendar, as the guide. We suggest delaying a decrease until your symptoms have been stable for AT LEAST 2 weeks (longer is better).


If you've had no symptoms or symptoms that don't change wildly within a day or from day-to-day, starting a 10% taper in 2 weeks should be workable.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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It's best to use your symptoms, not the calendar, as the guide. We suggest delaying a decrease until your symptoms have been stable for AT LEAST 2 weeks (longer is better).


If you've had no symptoms or symptoms that don't change wildly within a day or from day-to-day, starting a 10% taper in 2 weeks should be workable.

The symptoms have been pretty stable. My gut is telling me it's okay, but after reading through some of the other members' stories I've become a lot more cautious (A good thing, I'd say). Thanks for the input! Cool bulldog, btw. 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, please forgive me--I have not been around for a while and as such have neglected to update my signature. Currently, since Jan. 1, I've been on about 11mg of fluvoxamine. I have not felt comfortable continuing to taper, however, because I've had some big changes in my life, specifically going back to school full time. I've done really well academically, but not quite as well emotionally. I'm able to still work on the weekends and go to school during the week and function reasonably well, but I continue to deal with a general flat feeling that I've experienced no matter what dose of fluvoxamine I've taken. My psychiatric nurse tried to add 20mg of cymbalta to the mix, but I just didn't feel comfortable taking another anti-depressant and I've just soldiered on. I purchased a weighted blanket which seems to help me fall asleep sleep a little more quickly and deeply. And when anxiety gets really bad I'll take an occasional klonopin just to hit the reset button. Also, I exercise several times a week and it's a big help. My problem seems to be mainly health anxiety and an extreme fear of medication (After reading this site probably not such a misguided thing). I can't help but thinking I could use a boost because I've been feeling emotionally flat for quite a while. I'm interested in genetic testing because I figure doing so might take some of the anxiety out of getting on a new med. If I could get some kind of inkling to how I'd respond before I take it that would really help me to give it a try without freaking out. I have mixed feelings here. I'm convinced the medication is a part of my problem, but I'm also sick of not being fully here. It's a pain I'm sure a lot of you can relate to: here I am taking a med that does NOTHING for me but I can't just stop taking it because then I could have a withdrawal syndrome. Anyway, I was just curious about your experiences with genetic testing and if you thought it was worth it and actually led to taking drugs with less side effects. Thanks--it's nice to be back! 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I've merged your new topic with your existing Intro topic.  This keeps your history in one place.


Here is the link which goes straight to your signature.  Remember to save:  Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature


SA is a site for reducing or going off psychiatric drugs, not for discussing which drug to take next.


From what-will-get-you-warned-or-banned



On 6/16/2011 at 4:45 AM, Altostrata said:

- Drug shopping or recommending drugs
This is a site for going off drugs. It is not a site for finding out what drug to take next, comparing drug cocktails, or recommending what drug to add. This could be dangerous. People could be hurt by your advice.
(We do not know of any drugs or drug combination that will fix withdrawal syndrome. Reinstatement of the original drug, often at a low dose, sometimes helps and sometimes does not.)


If you feel you must tell a member to seek help from a physician, please specify the physician. Most likely, the member has joined this site because of lack of success finding a knowledgeable doctor.


If you believe taking  psychiatric drugs will help a particular member, please specify drug and dosage. Take responsibility for your advice. If you cannot do this, don't tell people to take more drugs. They don't know what to take and neither do their doctors. I and the staff here on SurvivingAntidepressants.org don't know, either.


For the safety of our members, we cannot permit people to give irresponsible drug advice on this site. If you get a warning for this, please take it to heart.

If you want to discuss your diagnoses and talk about adding to your drug cocktail, there are other support sites for this, such as http://DepressionForums.org or http://PatientsLikeMe.com.



MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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I realize everybody reacts differently to drugs--I wasn't specifically asking which drug to take next. I was more interested in genetic testing and if any members have had success with it. I have to weigh my options and be realistic here. If you feel asking about that subject crosses the line then feel free to delete this post. 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Here is a link to discussion:  genetic-testing-personalized-medicine-liver-enzymes-genotypes-genesightrx-genomind-etc


If you google survivingantidepressants.org genetic testing you will find some other posts on the site.  Or go to the main page of the forum and search for genetic testing in the search (top right).



MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thanks, much appreciated! 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • 9 months later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi bluesjunky, 


Just checking in to see how you’re doing. Sending hugs🤗

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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Hi, I'm hanging in there. Always down for a good hug! I haven't been keeping up with this site. Currently, I've been holding, according to my estimation, at about 8.94mg on the fluvoxamine. The taper has def gotten slower the lower I go. But my spirits are good and I'm willing to go slowly to get off this stuff. Recently, I met an amazing woman and we've been an item for about 6 months. She def helps me get through the tough days. 

     Well, enough about me: hope you're doing well, too! Thanks for reaching out. I need to start using this site more often. 


Take care, 


Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Mike, 


Nice to hear from you. I’m happy to hear you’re hanging in there and are in good spirits. It’s quite a journey, isn’t it? I’m glad you’re tapering slow and steady. Yes, it seems a lot of the time that the lower the medication the slower we have to go. I’m down to 7.5mg and can only taper around 4% to 5% at the moment. 


Wishing you all all the best with your continued tapering. I’m glad you know when to hold too, holding is just as important as the amount we taper by. Keep us updated with how you’re going. Take care💚

Edited by Carmie

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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  • 8 months later...

Well, my attitude toward antidepressants has really changed. After starting to feel suicidal amidst a 3 year plus taper (down to about 8mg of fluvoxamine), I have slowly, over the course of 2 months, worked the dose back up to 37.5 mg. I feel so much better! My intrusive thoughts and anxiety have lessened substantially, and my mood is so much less flat than before. I feel as though I have wasted so much time reading horror stories on the internet that influenced me to believe psychotropic meds are the devil that I embarked on this painful--and unwarranted--journey to get off a medication that helped make my life manageable. Listen, I know there are people who have had bad experiences and side effects, but these drugs can help people. I'm choosing to embrace taking fluvoxamine because, at least right now, the alternative is so scary and upsetting. OCD, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression, etc. Fluvoxamine gives me the boost I need and I'm thankful for it. As is my girlfriend and friends and family. 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • 3 years later...

Switching from fluvoxamine to Prozac


Currently, I'm taking 25 mg of fluvoxamine daily which essentially does nothing other than prevent withdrawal symptoms. My psychiatrist wants me to stop taking it, as do I, but, after a decade plus on it, I realize how tricky it will be to get off. Fortunately, I recently completed a course of TMS which led to a modest improvement in my treatment resistant anxiety and depression. I should be in a better position to stop the medication. 


At my last appointment with her, she suggested switching to either Prozac (or Zoloft) due to their longer half-lives. I'm sure there are many on this board who have tried that. How was your experience? That would theoretically make it easier since fluvoxamine has such a short half-life. 

Edited by Shep
added title after merging from thread on the tapering forum

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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Since you condensed all of my previous posts into one thread, I've had a chance to read over some old posts. There was a period in which I briefly re-embraced fluvoxamine. That period is over. Honestly, I really don't feel as if the drug does anything positive other than stave off withdrawal. I want off again! 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Bluesjunky, please note I moved your latest post to your intro thread so all of your information is in one place.


We don't recommend switching drugs solely for the half-life. Instead, you would dose twice a day (as noted in the Tips for tapering off fluvoxamine (Luvox) thread).


What you're describing as "treatment resistant anxiety and depression" is from the drugs used to "treat" these so-called "disorders." It's iatrogenic (drug-induced) damage. 


If you're interested in getting feedback from moderators, please add a signature. Here's how:


How to Summarize Your Drug History in Your Signature



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Thank you Shep for your reply! When I tapered before I just took the fluvoxamine once a day --wonder how much I could have benefitted from taking it twice daily? In fact, I wonder if I would benefit from taking it twice daily BEFORE I begin to taper again? I'm seeing my psychiatrist again in a month, at which point she'll monitor my response to TMS and maybe maybe make a change to the fluvoxamine. 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus



Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin.



Please note you may be dealing with a number of drug interactions. Please see:


Drug Interaction Report - fluvoxamine, Depo-Testosterone, clonazepam


There's a MODERATE drug interaction between clonazepam and fluvoxamine and a MODERATE drug interaction between testosterone and fluvoxamine. 



10 minutes ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

I'm seeing my psychiatrist again in a month, at which point she'll monitor my response to TMS and maybe maybe make a change to the fluvoxamine. 


Please note we don't see a lot of people benefiting from TMS when it comes to withdrawal (you can read more here - TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)


You joined this forum 6 years ago, but you're still locked into the mentality of "what my doctor tells me." Before going any further, please read this thread:

How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?


What you put into your body is your choice. Please get as informed as possible - your doctor isn't the one who suffers the consequences of her advice. There's something called the un-patienting process that many people go through when coming off these drugs. Part of this process is becoming your own advocate. Read as much as you can so you can do what's right for you. 


Here are some threads to read:


FDA requiring Boxed Warning updated to improve safe use of benzodiazepine drug class - please note how quickly it's possible to become dependent on a benzo


Tips for tapering off fluvoxamine (Luvox) 

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


This is an important post, especially as you taper down to the lower doses: 

Why taper? SERT transporter occupancy studies show importance of gradual change in plasma concentration


The first step is to deal with the erratic benzo dosing. Some questions:


  • How often are you taking clonazepam?
  • What time(s) of day do you take each of your drugs and your supplements?
  • Are you taking an extended-release formula or the regular formula of fluvoxamine? 




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20 minutes ago, Shep said:




Please note you may be dealing with a number of drug interactions. Please see:


Drug Interaction Report - fluvoxamine, Depo-Testosterone, clonazepam


There's a MODERATE drug interaction between clonazepam and fluvoxamine and a MODERATE drug interaction between testosterone and fluvoxamine. 




Please note we don't see a lot of people benefiting from TMS when it comes to withdrawal (you can read more here - TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)


You joined this forum 6 years ago, but you're still locked into the mentality of "what my doctor tells me." Before going any further, please read this thread:

How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?


What you put into your body is your choice. Please get as informed as possible - your doctor isn't the one who suffers the consequences of her advice. There's something called the un-patienting process that many people go through when coming off these drugs. Part of this process is becoming your own advocate. Read as much as you can so you can do what's right for you. 


Here are some threads to read:


FDA requiring Boxed Warning updated to improve safe use of benzodiazepine drug class - please note how quickly it's possible to become dependent on a benzo


Tips for tapering off fluvoxamine (Luvox) 

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


This is an important post, especially as you taper down to the lower doses: 

Why taper? SERT transporter occupancy studies show importance of gradual change in plasma concentration


The first step is to deal with the erratic benzo dosing. Some questions:


  • How often are you taking clonazepam?
  • What time(s) of day do you take each of your drugs and your supplements?
  • Are you taking an extended-release formula or the regular formula of fluvoxamine? 


Typically, I take Clonazepam 1-2 a week--sometimes not at all. A 30 day prescription generally lasts me 3 to 6 months. I am extraordinarily cautious with that medication, and my first line of defense against anxiety is  exercise, meditation, breath work, healthy eating, etc. Clonazepam is there when I need a reset and I've exhausted my other more healthy options. 


I've been seeing this Dr for only a few months, when I began TMS. She's essentially leaving it up to me on how I want to proceed with the fluvoxamine. I wanted to wait a little while longer to see if I continue to improve from the TMS. 


And I'm taking regular fluvoxamine which I take around 9pm. 



Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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11 minutes ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

Typically, I take Clonazepam 1-2 a week--sometimes not at all. A 30 day prescription generally lasts me 3 to 6 months. I am extraordinarily cautious with that medication, and my first line of defense against anxiety is  exercise, meditation, breath work, healthy eating, etc. Clonazepam is there when I need a reset and I've exhausted my other more healthy options. 


I've been seeing this Dr for only a few months, when I began TMS. She's essentially leaving it up to me on how I want to proceed with the fluvoxamine. I wanted to wait a little while longer to see if I continue to improve from the TMS. 


And I'm taking regular fluvoxamine which I take around 9pm. 



Oh, and you had asked about supplements: magnesium taken morning and night; multivitamin in the morning. 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
2 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

Typically, I take Clonazepam 1-2 a week--sometimes not at all. A 30 day prescription generally lasts me 3 to 6 months.


Travel with care with the clonazepam. It's a sneaky drug and very easy to get benzo-trapped. Clonazepam has a long half-life (18 - 50) so it's in your system for quite awhile. You can calculate exactly how long using this online calculator: 


Half-life calculator


If you're a slow metabolizer, you'll still have 13% of the dose in your system six days later. so it's possible to become dependent even with periodic dosing. We've seen enough members end up dependent on periodic benzos on this forum, so we may come across as a broken record repeating our cautions. 


Your signature lists depo-testosterone injections twice weekly - have you noticed a pattern of needing clonazepam around that time? If so, you may want to take that as far apart from the fluvoxamine as possible to mitigate any possible drug interactions, as noted in the drug interaction report I linked earlier. 



2 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

I am extraordinarily cautious with that medication, and my first line of defense against anxiety is  exercise, meditation, breath work, healthy eating, etc. Clonazepam is there when I need a reset and I've exhausted my other more healthy options. 


You're listing some great ideas to cope. 


2 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

She's essentially leaving it up to me on how I want to proceed with the fluvoxamine. I wanted to wait a little while longer to see if I continue to improve from the TMS. 


Waiting sounds like a great idea. There's no rush. I'm glad you have a doctor leaving the taper speed up to you. 


2 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

And I'm taking regular fluvoxamine which I take around 9pm. 


How do you feel after you take it? Does it cause sedation? How is your sleep? 


2 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

Oh, and you had asked about supplements: magnesium taken morning and night; multivitamin in the morning. 


You may be fine with the multivitamin if you've been on it for awhile. Some people find B and D vitamins to be stimulating and can cause upticks in insomnia and anxiety. But if you're not having any problems, you may be okay. 


We don't recommend many supplements, but fish oil and magnesium (which you're already taking) can have a calming affect on the nervous system for people going through withdrawal. While you're holding, you may want to try a bit of fish oil and see if that helps. 


King of supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)






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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Bluesjunky76: withdrawing from fluvoxamine

Yeah, I've never felt entirely comfortable taking the Clonazepam but it seems to be very beneficial as long as I take it carefully (It's a comfort knowing I can reset if I have to). I'm assuming I'm a fast metabolizer--5-9, 147 pounds--but I'll be extra cautious. All my Dr's and therapists have always assured me I take the Clonazepam in a safe way. But there are probably times I don't need to take it. I need to reserve it for straight up panic attacks. 


You asked about the fluvoxamine and sleep. At 25mg it seems to have no effect on sleep. Higher doses were more sedating but not that dose. Generally, I sleep pretty well. I work as an Amazon driver so I get plenty of exercise. Oh, and I don't think I've ever felt a need to take Clonazepam around injection times. I'm on a very low dose of depo-T. 


Thanks for your insights! I have more to say but I've got to run now. Take care! 

Started Prozac in 1994 at age 18 for treatment of OCD, anxiety, and major depression. Stayed on for about a year then went off cold turkey (As you know bad idea!) Began taking Paxil in 1996 but hated the drug and it's myriad side effects. Switched to fluvoxamine in 1997 and stayed on till 2003, on doses ranging from 25 to 300mg. Antidepressant free till 2009. Over prescribing of depo-testosterone led to increased anxiety and depression; fluvoxamine was reintroduced. Since then I've remained on that drug in doses ranging from 7 to 100mg (Had a failed taper along the way). Currently, I'm taking 25mg of fluvoxamine and .25 to .5 of Clonazepam on an as needed basis; .15ml depo-testosterone injected twice weekly; 300 to 450mg of liquid magnesium daily to treat anxiety; daily multivitamin. Also, I just finished a full-course of TMS for treatment resistant anxiety and depression to modest improvement (Hopefully improvement continues). And I float weekly in a sensory deprivation tank for its powerful anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. I would like to get off the fluvoxamine once again 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
13 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

But there are probably times I don't need to take it. I need to reserve it for straight up panic attacks. 


If you can learn to float and breathe through panic attacks, that would be best. Some people find CBT, mindfulness, breathing exercises, etc. to be helpful. Be careful of your self-talk. Become an observer with curiosity. This can help replace fear. This Ted Talk video isn't on panic attacks, but it's some good insight into our stress response and our thoughts: 


How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal (video 14 minutes)


Another interesting take:


How to Turn Anxiety Into Excitement video (3 minutes)


Learning how our mind/body reacts and sees stressful situations can be very helpful in navigating the emotional obstacle course of withdrawal. 


Knowing you have the clonazepam to keep you from ending up in the emergency room is good, but yes, reserving it for emergencies is a good idea. 


13 hours ago, Bluesjunky76 said:

You asked about the fluvoxamine and sleep. At 25mg it seems to have no effect on sleep. Higher doses were more sedating but not that dose. Generally, I sleep pretty well. I work as an Amazon driver so I get plenty of exercise. Oh, and I don't think I've ever felt a need to take Clonazepam around injection times. I'm on a very low dose of depo-T. 


Thanks for this information, Bluesjunky. Do you think you're stable enough to start a taper? Or did you want to split your dose to mitigate any interdose withdrawal? There's no requirement to do this. It's only if you feel it would be helpful. If so, we recommend splitting the dose in half and then moving it back only one hour per day. This slow move allows your nervous system to adapt and is the gentlest way to split out a dose. If you wanted an even divide of 12 hours apart, it will take 12 days to completely move your dose to the new timing. 



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