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IrishMonkey92: Rocking/swaying internal pendulum sensation - tinnitus, eye floaters and pins and needles


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I was on Citalopram for 2 years - first year was 20mg, second year was 40mg. I basically cold turkey'd by going from 40mg to 0mg in 4 weeks in August 2015.


My withdrawals were somewhat delayed and unusual. Just one night I experienced a sharp shooting pain in my head (about a month after stopping) and that made me panic (never felt anything like this before). All was fine thereafter until at night time I started to experience this very strange restlessness in my leg, which one iterate from one leg to the other over a space of a month. Only at night. Then I was fine for a month until the shooting pains started to come back along with this bright white dot that would fly across my vision in a split second - went to the optician to get checked up and all was fine.


Then I never had a symptom up until a few months later (5 months off) after a heavy night of drinking alcohol, I woke up still drunk - no biggie, I've had that before from drinking too much - I sat down, had a cup of coffee along with a bun (my diet is usually strict, this is a one off) - I then had a sudden urge to go to the toilet, then I found blood... I then had an immediate panic attack along with a dropping sensation whilst on the toilet. The panic just got worse and worse and I couldn't breathe. I rang the ambulance and the took me to hospital. Whilst I was waiting to be seen, my most horrific symptom started there - this rocking/swaying boat sensation. I also felt very sick to my stomach. That lasted for a while, until I left... then I was fine. For 2 days I was quite nauseous. Then the swaying struck again a few days later in a parked car, I got out and ran to the middle of the carpark not knowing what to do - I honestly had this terrible fear inside me that I was about to die... but I didn't. I kept getting hypnic jerks everytime I tried to sleep thereafter.


Long story short, my symptoms all got much worse and my doctors diagnosed me with an inner ear infection (which I believe at the time), then they told me its normal to have anxiety with it, which would explain all the other symptoms.


It will be my 1 year anniversary since my symptoms all began and nearly 1.5 years since finishing the drug. During that time though, they tried to put me back on Citalopram (one doctor thought it to be withdrawal) he gave me the top dose I was originally on, 40mg and that near killed me - sent me straight to hospital. They didn't know what was wrong with me, but did every test under the sun for my heart rate was all over the place and temperature was very high. That took weeks to recovery from, it made me feel like I was walking on trampolines! Then they tried Sertraline, similar affect but not as bad. Then they tried an anti-vertigo med Prochlorperazine which I trialed for a few days and I felt very cold and sicky on that. Little did I know I was doing myself big big damage.


I got a Brain MRI and everything which was clear,  then they diagnosed me with Lyme disease. BUT THEN THE PENNY DROPPED! IT'S WITHDRAWAL!


I'm better than I was and most symptoms are gone, and my anxiety has definitely subsided. However, considering all the reinstatements and bad reactions - will I be recovering for years? Not many people seem to have that internal rocking/swaying sensation I have... Mostly Benzo people do. Do we know anyone that has been cured completely of this? Because its by far my worst!


PS. I also get burning/prickling on the tops of my hands sometimes after eating turkey or chicken. Its hard to tell. I also get pins and needles VERY easily. Anyone on the same boat?

Edited by scallywag
tags, previous by CC: Added paragraphs and coloured font for drugs
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Hi Irish Monkey


Just thought I'd stop by to say hello as a fellow Citalopram taker.


I think that the symptoms you mention are the result of coming off the drug too quickly. That as well as then being put on and off the drug and others. This would make your nervous system very unstable.


My situation is a little different.  My Dr told me to go off Cit from 40mgs in 6 weeks. I got down to 10mgs before all hell broke lose and the Dr put my dose up to 30mgs. I was terrified and  I had much the same symptoms as you and some more. Then I found this site and realised what had been happening to me. 


I managed to stabilise on 30mgs and have been tapering down to 20mgs last year until I hit a blip (wave) last month. 


Maybe the alcohol you drank that night  set off something with the WD symptoms even though you had been off the drug for a while. The moderators will know more about that than me!


When WD first hit 2 years ago I had balance troubles as though I was seasick on a boat. It made me unsteady on my feet and I needed to use a stick to walk. This did go away as I stabilised and was absent during my taper. When I hit the wave last month it came back with a vengeance. I am OK if I am sitting but if I am moving I get this feeling that I am on a boat. Is this the same as you? Somedays it is worse than others and makes me feel sick. 


I am waiting to stabilise once again and hope that this will go away as it did before. I think this dizziness is a WD symptom and I have read that some people experience it for a long time after stopping the drug. Hopefully it will start to fade soon.


So the moderators can see easily what drugs you have been taking  and when could you put a timeline on your signature of the dates when you started and stopped any drugs? You will see what I have put on my signature at the bottom of my post.


Nice to have you here but of course I am sorry you are having these problems.


Best Wishes



15 yrs on 20 to 30 mgs CITALOPRAM.  MAY 2014 Increased to 40 mgs per day.SEPT/NOV 2014 tapered in 6 weeks down to 10 mgs as per Dr instructions due to violent nightmares/palpitations.Given Noctamid (lormetazepam) to help with anxiety. On average took 2mg per day for 8 weeks.No taper was advised.DEC 2014 WD severe. Nervous tic in eyes and limbs, muscle pain,fluct  temp, weakness, dep and anxiety, nausea, giddy, unstable when walking. Different Dr suggested taking 20mgs CIT. BROMAZEPAM 3mgs up to 3 x daily for anxiety.DEC 9 2014 Updose CIT to 30mgs. Only taking BROMAZEPAM in emergency.DEC 31 2014 Settling at 30mg CIT - helping with depression. No Brom for 2wks.Found SA.APR 2015 Trying to stabilise on 30mgs CIT.  JAN 2016 Started Cit Taper reducing by 5% per month.  28.5 mgs 
FEB  Taper held bereavement. APR Taper resumed 27mgs . MAY 25.50 mgs .  JUNE 24 mgs .  JULY I stupidly mixed up my BP meds with CIT. Consequently took no CIT for 3 days and doubled my BP meds. Waiting for the fallout....Holding for a while until any chance of repercussions have abated. SEPT taper resumed to  22.5 mgs . OCT 21 mgs .NOV 19.95 mgs DEC crashed. 2017: FEB 3rd updose to 20.5 mgs to try to stabilise.FEB.switched over to 75mgs of Venlafaxine XR for 3 weeks.Too stimulating so switching back to Cit. 12 March 37.5 Ven and 20 Cit. 21 March 18mg Ven 20mg Cit. 4 April 9mg Ven 20mg Cit. Xanax .50mg when needed.  13 April 0 mgs Ven, 20mg Citalopram. Xanax .50 mg per day. 5 May reinstated a small amount of Ven to stabilize  1 mg twice a day. 20 mg Citalopram at night. Xanax .25 mg twice per day.Other Meds: Losartan (BP)Started 1993 at  50 mgs at night.  Seretide (Asthma) Started 1996 at 1 puff twice a day. Jan 2019 Antibiotic Ceclor 500mgs twice a day for bronchitis and  Atrovent 2ml capsules twice a day for asthma. Finished the course of both Jan 17. 

XANAX  Jan 27  - Feb 3 2019 Failed Valium Crossover.   Feb 14 2019  Updosed Xanax by .0625  Feb 17 2019 Decreased Xanax by .0625. Back to .50mg daily.  Update Xanax 28.2.20 tapered to .1250 mg 8am .25 mg midnight. Update Xanax 11.8.21 tapered to .25 mg at night. 

Current Meds 28.2.19: CITALOPRAM  20mg  taken at midnight. VENLAFAXINE  .9 mg twice a day at 8am and 10pm.  XANAX .50 mg split into 4 doses per day. 10am .0625mg / 2pm .1250mg/ 6pm .0625mg / midnight .25mg.Update 10.8.22 .25 mg at night.  LOSARTAN 50 mgs taken at midnight.  SERETIDE 1 puff taken at 8am and 10pm.   7.7.19 VENLAFAXINE UPDATE: Started tapering 10% every 4 weeks. Currently .4 mg twice a day at 8am and 10 pm.  2.9.19 .36 mg x 2. 1.10.19  .32 mg x 2. 26.11.19 .29 mg x2. 26.12.19 .26 mg  x 2. 23.1.20  .23 mg x 2.  20.2.20 .21 mg x2.20.3.20  .19 mg x 2. 21.4.20 .17 mg x 2. 19.5.20 .13 mg x 2.  18.6.20 .11mg  x 2 . mg x mg x 2. 30.9. 20 .08 mg x 2. 1.11.20 .07 mg x 2.  2.12.20 .06 mg x 2.  8.1.21 .05 mg x 2.  4.2.21 .04 mg x 2. 9.3.21 .03 mgx2.  7.4.21  .02 mg x 2.  9.5.21 .01 mg x 2.  21.6.21 .01 mg x 1.  11.8.21 ZERO!


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  • Mentor

Hi IrishMoney,

Nice to meet you. My situation is with Zoloft.  I have had many of the same symptoms that you have had, the swaying which I call vertigo, inner ear pressure, etc...They eventually went away.  I'm not off medication yet, however I am stabilized.  In regard to alcohol, I have learned that for me it can trigger symptoms. I had about 4 oz of champagne this last New Year's Eve.  I woke up very nauseous,  had a headache and tremors.  I still occasionally get the hypnic jerks, but not nearly as often and not as severe. Your description of "walking on trampolines" is a very accurate way to describe one of the symptoms.  I used to describe as walking on a floor that was titling and undulating.  I like your description better.  I do believe that with enough time we recover.  I've gone from the most severe to stabilized and slowly tapering.  I'm so sorry you are having these symptoms and I wish you a recovery that moves more quickly from here on out.

Warm wishes,



I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin,  Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Irishmonkey -- Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants (SA)!


Thanks for posting what happened when you discontinued citalopram, with elements that many people can relate to: delayed onset of symptoms and random reactions.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Thank you for your kind comments!


I'm a lot better than what I was about 7 months ago. However I'm still surprised I'm stuck with this main symptom of swaying/rocking/internal pendulum feeling. It's almost like the pulse of my heart rocking my body slightly back and forward and sometimes side to side.


Do we know anyone who has this symptom and has went away? I feel like I'll be like this forever. The symptoms get worse around 12/1pm most days, and I can almost time it. I feel cured in the morning for the first few hours I wake - anyone know why that happens? I also feel the symptoms or at least they start when I sit at a desk or a table.


Why do we get delayed onset of symptoms? I feel like I wouldn't be in withdrawal if I never took caffeine most days and drank heavily that night.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi IM,


Here's the link to an SA topic:  dizziness-vertigo-lightheaded-etc


Some comments:  "floaty boat", "woozy/off balanced feels like I am on a tilt a whirl...no nausea", "off balanced feeling", "like someone is swinging me from a rope or I am sitting in a little boat bobbing up and down on the sea".



And this:  caffeine-in-coffee-or-tea-tolerance-issues


Have you seen these:


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hi ChessieCat,


Yes I've seen that thread. It's what brought me to this website via google search. I was incredibly disheartened though the fact so few people have commented with this symptom. I've only seen one person on that thread that states they are now recovered from it.


I'll have a look at those other links, thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

What worries me is there are basically no stories that include my symptom. 

Edited by scallywag
moved from "Recovery Success Stories from around the Web"
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I've had exactly the same symptoms of swaying/rocking sensations for eight months! Sometimes I also felt my heartbeat moving my body from side to side. I didn't notice your introduction before. Finally I've found someone who is suffering from the same issues like me.

I don't have any neurological diagnose, MRI brain scan was alright (except pineal cyst). I haven't seen ear specialist so far. I did some research. I'm not sure if it's a withdrawal symptom. These symptoms we have are perfectly matching with what is called Persistent perceptual-postural dizziness.

05/06/2015-05/21/2015 Zoloft C/T, 05/2015-08/2015 Clonazepam 2x0.5mg (reduced to 0 during one month), 05/2015-08/2015 Trazodone 150mg (last month 100mg, reduced to 0 during 7 days), 09/2015-07/2016 Clonazepam reinstated after one month off to 2x0.25mg (benzo free since July 28, 2016), 09/2016 Escitalopram 5mg (10 days), 10/2015-04/2016 Venlafaxine 150mg (3 months) 75mg (3 months) C/T, 01/2016-04/2016 Olanzapine 2.5mg C/T, 04/2016-05/2016 Lamictal 100mg (5 weeks, reduced to 0 during 7 days)), 08/02/2016-08/16/2016 Valdoxan 25mg C/T,

08/23/2016-09/21/2016 Venlafaxine 75 mg (reduced to 0 during 7 days),

07/27/2016-10/10/2016 Buspirone 3x5mg (Oct. 1-3; 5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg,)(Oct.4-5; 2.5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg)(Oct. 6-8; 2.5mg-2.5mg-0)(Oct. 9; 2.5mg-0-0),

10/25/2016 - reinstated Buspirone 3x5mg (Dec.13-19; 5mg-2.5mg-5mg) (Dec.19-Jan.1; 5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-11; 2.5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-19;1.67mg, 1.67mg, 1.67mg) (Jan.20-27; 0.83mg, 0.83mg, 0.83mg) (Jan.28-Feb.05; 1mg, 1mg)(Feb.6-0mg)

08/10/2016 - Mirtazapine 30mg (01/26/2017-02/19/2017, 27mg) (02/20/2017-03/05/2017, 25.5mg) (03/06/2017-03/12/2017, 24mg) (03/12/2017-03/19/2017, 23mg) (03/20/2017-04/02/2017, 22mg) (04/03/2017-04/16/2017, 21mg) (04/17/2017-05/12/2017, 20mg) (05/13/2017-05/22/2017, 19mg) (05/23/2017-06/09/2017, 18mg) (06/10/2017-06/16/2017, 17.5mg) (06/17/2017-06/23/2017, 17mg) (06/24/2017-06/30/2017, 16.5mg) (07/01/2017-07/14/2017, 16mg) (07/15/2017-07/23/2017, 15.5mg) (07/24/2017-08/31/2017, 15mg) (09/01/2017-09/10/2017, 14.5mg) (09/11/2017-09/30/2017, 14mg) (10/01/2017-10/26/2017, 13.5mg) (10/27/2017-11/04/2017, 13mg) (11/05/2017-11/18/2017, 12.5mg) (11/19/2017-12/08/2017, 12mg) (12/09/2017-12/15/2017, 11.75mg) (12/16/2017-12/28/2017, 11.5mg) (12/29/2017-01/11/2018, 11mg) (01/12/2018-01/25/2018, 10.5mg) (01/26/2018-02/08/2018, 10mg) (02/09/2018-02/22/2018, 9.5mg) (02/23/2018-03/08/2018, 9mg) (03/09/2018-03/22/2018, 8.5mg) (03/23/2018-04/05/2018, 8mg) (04/06/2018-04/27/2018, 7.5mg) (04/28/2018-05/05/2018, 7.13mg) (05/06/2018-05/17/2018, 7mg) (05/18/201/-05/31/2018, 6.5mg) (06/01/2018-06/14/2018, 6.25mg) (06/15/2018-06/24/2018, 6mg) (06/25/2018-06/30/2018, 5.67mg) (06/31/2018-07/09/2018, 5.5mg) (07/10/2018-07/16/2018, 5.33mg) (07/17/2018-07/23/2018, 5.16mg) (07/24/2018-07/31/2018, 5mg) (08/01/2018-08/14/2018, 4.75mg) (08/15/2018-09/14/2018, 4.50mg) (09/15/2018-10/14/2018, 4.00mg) (10/15/2018-11/26/2018, 3.50mg) (11/27/2018-01/05/2019, 3.0mg) (01/06/2019-01/16/2019, 2.5mg) (01/17/2019-02/08/2019, 2.25mg) (02/09/2019-02/22/2019, 2.13 mg) (02/23/2019-03/07/2019, 2.00 mg) (03/08/2019-04/01/2019, 1.67 mg) (04/02/2019-04/13/2019, 1.5 mg) (04/14/2019-04/26/2019, 1.33 mg) (04/27/2019-05/10/2019, 1.16 mg) (05/11/2019-05/23/2019, 1.0 mg) (05/24/2019-06/02/2019, 0.88 mg) (06/03/2019-06/13/2019, 0.75 mg) (06/14/2019-06/23/2019, 0.63 mg) (06/24/2019-07/03/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/04/2019-07/08/2019, 0.00 mg) (07/09/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/10/2019, 0.00 mg)

Psych drugs free since 10th July 2019.


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Well there are so many who have been tapering or have came off drugs that have his symptom. Although most taper so it goes away quickly as they stabilise. It can't be coincidence.


It's an extremely prominent symptom over on benzobuddies. So it definitely can be experienced and caused by withdrawal from drugs. Dizzinsss/vertigo is the most prominent symptom caused in withdrawal from SSRI's. I just struggle to find the people with my rockiness on SSRI's - it occurs more it benzo withdrawal.


To be fair - many things can cause this same symptom. Mal-Debarkment syndrome is the same sensation, however occurs after a long plane or boat journey. I've been down many routes of a cause for this before realising it was withdrawal, Perssistent Postural-Persceptual Dizziness has been one of many self diagnosis. The people on a Facebook for that don't seem to fit my situation as much as people in withdrawal. Yet antidepressants are prescribed often to them with PPPD and it can help or even cure those!

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I've had exactly the same symptoms of swaying/rocking sensations for eight months! Sometimes I also felt my heartbeat moving my body from side to side. I didn't notice your introduction before. Finally I've found someone who is suffering from the same issues like me.

I don't have any neurological diagnose, MRI brain scan was alright (except pineal cyst). I haven't seen ear specialist so far. I did some research. I'm not sure if it's a withdrawal symptom. These symptoms we have are perfectly matching with what is called Persistent perceptual-postural dizziness.

« on: March 08, 2015, 02:56:39 pm »

This is taken from the first page of a 300+ thread over on benzobuddies!


"Dizziness and disequilibrium are common symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Once off the medications and while doing some intensive research on them, I found out that they are classified as “vestibular suppressants” in the medical literature. I couldn’t believe it! That means that the whole time one is taking the medication, that little pill is effectively interfering with the function of the very system required to stay balanced. I also learned that repeated doses could have cumulative effects. In addition, withdrawal from benzos requires the vestibular system – which is finely tuned and highly sensitive – to go through a process of “compensation” in order to normalize. And that can take some time.


For some of us, it can take a very long time. :(


From exchanging notes here on BB, it seems I’m not alone in having tired or wobbly legs along with my dizziness. It makes sense if you think about how much extra energy is required to maintain balance when you’re being pushed and pulled this way and that. Many of us also have ringing or hissing in the ears – known as tinnitus – since these medications are “ototoxic” (i.e. toxic to the ears).


The word on the street – or online, at least – is that the disequilibrium DOES go away! While I’m waiting impatiently and fearfully to get back to normal, I hope to have a little company along the way. And that is why I’m starting this support group. Please wade into these wavy waters if you’re a fellow “floaty boater”, share your experiences and resources, and offer support to your fellow dizzy dames and dudes. It could be a lifeboat for those of us who feel “lost at sea”! ;)


I’ve come across an array of descriptions of this wacky sensation. Below is a partial list. Please add more if you’re feeling creative!




Floaty Boat/Floating/Boatiness/Boaty










Fishbowl Head

Magic Carpet Ride

Banging Into Walls

Pushed and Pulled

Force Field

Magnetic Force

Moving Floors/Tilting Floors

Resisting the Current

Up and Down Elevators

Pulsating to the Rhythm of the Heartbeat"


The fact we have both been on an antidepressant and have this symptom points to withdrawal. If came out of the blue for me, 5 months delayed from cold turkey.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Irishmonkey, I have experienced the same symptoms after surgery and lots of different drugs that went along with it. It was very distressing and I had to go stay with my daughter ecause I couldn't even make it to the bathroom without help.  My doctor also diagnosed an inner ear problem. I had finished my effexor taper and was thinking it was withdrawal because it is a common symptom. At the time my little grandson had glue ear, which is caused by ear infection. There in the symptoms list was the same that I was experiencing.  I put some menthol crystals in a bowl with hot water and inhaled the vapor.  Then I blew my nose until it was clear, and then again by holding my nose and blowing until my ears popped, like during and after a flight. That eased the symptoms quite a bit, and I repeated it next day. The symptoms were then much better, it seems the tubes get blocked and that affects balance. I am saying this with my mod hat off, not recommending it but it just worked for me. There is also a condition where tiny crystals get stuck and cause the symptoms. A friend tried this exercise and it worked for her. I will certainly give this a try if I get this again. They exercise treatment is worth trying, doesn't involve drugs and costs nothing. Let us know if you try either and if they help any. 


Fish oil can help with some feelings of dizziness and brain zaps. 




When did this start? It would help us if you can put your history on your signature so we can see at a glance when you started, and stopped the drugs. 

Are you taking anything else at all? If you are it would be good to include those too, even supplements. We often find that people have symtoms and then we work out that they are actually made worse by side effects of another drug or supplement, or combination. You can find instructions how to do that here...



**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Hello! I am a fellow floaty boater!


It is too much coincidence for me that I had these symptoms when first in WD. As I updosed and stabilised they went away. Now I am tapering and have hit a serious wave they are back.


I am OK when sitting still but get shaky and wobbly on my legs with a dizziness if I move about. This can make me feel sick too.


I am relunctant to move but am persevering with daily walks to keep my muscles working.


This is an awful symptom but it did go away for me once and therefore I am confident it will again eventually.


Best Wishes


Flowers xxx

15 yrs on 20 to 30 mgs CITALOPRAM.  MAY 2014 Increased to 40 mgs per day.SEPT/NOV 2014 tapered in 6 weeks down to 10 mgs as per Dr instructions due to violent nightmares/palpitations.Given Noctamid (lormetazepam) to help with anxiety. On average took 2mg per day for 8 weeks.No taper was advised.DEC 2014 WD severe. Nervous tic in eyes and limbs, muscle pain,fluct  temp, weakness, dep and anxiety, nausea, giddy, unstable when walking. Different Dr suggested taking 20mgs CIT. BROMAZEPAM 3mgs up to 3 x daily for anxiety.DEC 9 2014 Updose CIT to 30mgs. Only taking BROMAZEPAM in emergency.DEC 31 2014 Settling at 30mg CIT - helping with depression. No Brom for 2wks.Found SA.APR 2015 Trying to stabilise on 30mgs CIT.  JAN 2016 Started Cit Taper reducing by 5% per month.  28.5 mgs 
FEB  Taper held bereavement. APR Taper resumed 27mgs . MAY 25.50 mgs .  JUNE 24 mgs .  JULY I stupidly mixed up my BP meds with CIT. Consequently took no CIT for 3 days and doubled my BP meds. Waiting for the fallout....Holding for a while until any chance of repercussions have abated. SEPT taper resumed to  22.5 mgs . OCT 21 mgs .NOV 19.95 mgs DEC crashed. 2017: FEB 3rd updose to 20.5 mgs to try to stabilise.FEB.switched over to 75mgs of Venlafaxine XR for 3 weeks.Too stimulating so switching back to Cit. 12 March 37.5 Ven and 20 Cit. 21 March 18mg Ven 20mg Cit. 4 April 9mg Ven 20mg Cit. Xanax .50mg when needed.  13 April 0 mgs Ven, 20mg Citalopram. Xanax .50 mg per day. 5 May reinstated a small amount of Ven to stabilize  1 mg twice a day. 20 mg Citalopram at night. Xanax .25 mg twice per day.Other Meds: Losartan (BP)Started 1993 at  50 mgs at night.  Seretide (Asthma) Started 1996 at 1 puff twice a day. Jan 2019 Antibiotic Ceclor 500mgs twice a day for bronchitis and  Atrovent 2ml capsules twice a day for asthma. Finished the course of both Jan 17. 

XANAX  Jan 27  - Feb 3 2019 Failed Valium Crossover.   Feb 14 2019  Updosed Xanax by .0625  Feb 17 2019 Decreased Xanax by .0625. Back to .50mg daily.  Update Xanax 28.2.20 tapered to .1250 mg 8am .25 mg midnight. Update Xanax 11.8.21 tapered to .25 mg at night. 

Current Meds 28.2.19: CITALOPRAM  20mg  taken at midnight. VENLAFAXINE  .9 mg twice a day at 8am and 10pm.  XANAX .50 mg split into 4 doses per day. 10am .0625mg / 2pm .1250mg/ 6pm .0625mg / midnight .25mg.Update 10.8.22 .25 mg at night.  LOSARTAN 50 mgs taken at midnight.  SERETIDE 1 puff taken at 8am and 10pm.   7.7.19 VENLAFAXINE UPDATE: Started tapering 10% every 4 weeks. Currently .4 mg twice a day at 8am and 10 pm.  2.9.19 .36 mg x 2. 1.10.19  .32 mg x 2. 26.11.19 .29 mg x2. 26.12.19 .26 mg  x 2. 23.1.20  .23 mg x 2.  20.2.20 .21 mg x2.20.3.20  .19 mg x 2. 21.4.20 .17 mg x 2. 19.5.20 .13 mg x 2.  18.6.20 .11mg  x 2 . mg x mg x 2. 30.9. 20 .08 mg x 2. 1.11.20 .07 mg x 2.  2.12.20 .06 mg x 2.  8.1.21 .05 mg x 2.  4.2.21 .04 mg x 2. 9.3.21 .03 mgx2.  7.4.21  .02 mg x 2.  9.5.21 .01 mg x 2.  21.6.21 .01 mg x 1.  11.8.21 ZERO!


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These symptoms apply to me: boaty, wobbling, undulating, bobbing, rocking, swaying, banging into walls, pushed and pulled, Pulsating to the Rhythm of the Heartbeat. I`m also sensitive to watch moving objects in my environment or action movies on TV. Now I`m in acute withdrawal from Buspirone and my anxiety is severe which might influence the dizziness and vice versa. It`s a vicious circle.


I took Clonazepam, which is a strong vestibular supressant, longer than a year. I`m still a member on Benzobuddies.

I`ll try to describe how my dizziness developed over the course of time as exactly as possible. I remember it all started at the end of last May when I reached tolerance of Clonazepam. From time to time I had a panic attack at night. I was light-headed when I drove home from work in the evening. I noticed it when I got off the car. I felt weak and after having dinner and sitting for a while it dissapeared within 30 minutes. I didn`t pay much attention to it because I thought it was because of sugar fluctulation in my blood. When I started to taper Clonazepam at the end of June, dizziness got worse, but it wasn`t very intense and not persistent. I learnt on Benzobuddies it was a very common withdrawal symptom. It got worse when I ended tapering of Clonazepam and when they put me on new medication in the hospital. Dizziness was mild in the morning and the strongest in the evening. After returning home from the hospital I tapered fast Venlafaxine and when withdrawal hit me I could barely walk. It was insane. Most of the time I spent in bed. Afterwards I attempted to get rid of Buspirone fast which ended up a hellish suffering. My dizziness is persistent 24/7 even when I go to the toilet at night. I`m sure about one think, if I hadn`t started to take psychiatric meds I wouldn`t have dizziness now. It pretty decreases a quality of life.


I guess some of you know this website:


05/06/2015-05/21/2015 Zoloft C/T, 05/2015-08/2015 Clonazepam 2x0.5mg (reduced to 0 during one month), 05/2015-08/2015 Trazodone 150mg (last month 100mg, reduced to 0 during 7 days), 09/2015-07/2016 Clonazepam reinstated after one month off to 2x0.25mg (benzo free since July 28, 2016), 09/2016 Escitalopram 5mg (10 days), 10/2015-04/2016 Venlafaxine 150mg (3 months) 75mg (3 months) C/T, 01/2016-04/2016 Olanzapine 2.5mg C/T, 04/2016-05/2016 Lamictal 100mg (5 weeks, reduced to 0 during 7 days)), 08/02/2016-08/16/2016 Valdoxan 25mg C/T,

08/23/2016-09/21/2016 Venlafaxine 75 mg (reduced to 0 during 7 days),

07/27/2016-10/10/2016 Buspirone 3x5mg (Oct. 1-3; 5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg,)(Oct.4-5; 2.5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg)(Oct. 6-8; 2.5mg-2.5mg-0)(Oct. 9; 2.5mg-0-0),

10/25/2016 - reinstated Buspirone 3x5mg (Dec.13-19; 5mg-2.5mg-5mg) (Dec.19-Jan.1; 5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-11; 2.5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-19;1.67mg, 1.67mg, 1.67mg) (Jan.20-27; 0.83mg, 0.83mg, 0.83mg) (Jan.28-Feb.05; 1mg, 1mg)(Feb.6-0mg)

08/10/2016 - Mirtazapine 30mg (01/26/2017-02/19/2017, 27mg) (02/20/2017-03/05/2017, 25.5mg) (03/06/2017-03/12/2017, 24mg) (03/12/2017-03/19/2017, 23mg) (03/20/2017-04/02/2017, 22mg) (04/03/2017-04/16/2017, 21mg) (04/17/2017-05/12/2017, 20mg) (05/13/2017-05/22/2017, 19mg) (05/23/2017-06/09/2017, 18mg) (06/10/2017-06/16/2017, 17.5mg) (06/17/2017-06/23/2017, 17mg) (06/24/2017-06/30/2017, 16.5mg) (07/01/2017-07/14/2017, 16mg) (07/15/2017-07/23/2017, 15.5mg) (07/24/2017-08/31/2017, 15mg) (09/01/2017-09/10/2017, 14.5mg) (09/11/2017-09/30/2017, 14mg) (10/01/2017-10/26/2017, 13.5mg) (10/27/2017-11/04/2017, 13mg) (11/05/2017-11/18/2017, 12.5mg) (11/19/2017-12/08/2017, 12mg) (12/09/2017-12/15/2017, 11.75mg) (12/16/2017-12/28/2017, 11.5mg) (12/29/2017-01/11/2018, 11mg) (01/12/2018-01/25/2018, 10.5mg) (01/26/2018-02/08/2018, 10mg) (02/09/2018-02/22/2018, 9.5mg) (02/23/2018-03/08/2018, 9mg) (03/09/2018-03/22/2018, 8.5mg) (03/23/2018-04/05/2018, 8mg) (04/06/2018-04/27/2018, 7.5mg) (04/28/2018-05/05/2018, 7.13mg) (05/06/2018-05/17/2018, 7mg) (05/18/201/-05/31/2018, 6.5mg) (06/01/2018-06/14/2018, 6.25mg) (06/15/2018-06/24/2018, 6mg) (06/25/2018-06/30/2018, 5.67mg) (06/31/2018-07/09/2018, 5.5mg) (07/10/2018-07/16/2018, 5.33mg) (07/17/2018-07/23/2018, 5.16mg) (07/24/2018-07/31/2018, 5mg) (08/01/2018-08/14/2018, 4.75mg) (08/15/2018-09/14/2018, 4.50mg) (09/15/2018-10/14/2018, 4.00mg) (10/15/2018-11/26/2018, 3.50mg) (11/27/2018-01/05/2019, 3.0mg) (01/06/2019-01/16/2019, 2.5mg) (01/17/2019-02/08/2019, 2.25mg) (02/09/2019-02/22/2019, 2.13 mg) (02/23/2019-03/07/2019, 2.00 mg) (03/08/2019-04/01/2019, 1.67 mg) (04/02/2019-04/13/2019, 1.5 mg) (04/14/2019-04/26/2019, 1.33 mg) (04/27/2019-05/10/2019, 1.16 mg) (05/11/2019-05/23/2019, 1.0 mg) (05/24/2019-06/02/2019, 0.88 mg) (06/03/2019-06/13/2019, 0.75 mg) (06/14/2019-06/23/2019, 0.63 mg) (06/24/2019-07/03/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/04/2019-07/08/2019, 0.00 mg) (07/09/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/10/2019, 0.00 mg)

Psych drugs free since 10th July 2019.


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If you could add your drug history signature, it would be helpful. It allows us to see your history at a glance and appears below each of your posts.

Thanks in advance.

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014

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  • 8 months later...
21 hours ago, IrishMonkey92 said:

Hi Bluebird! I'm from the North also. I'm surprised I didn't get notified that people commented on this thread. 

I'm still in withdrawal unfortunately. At least... I think its withdrawal. Yes I have sensitivity to medication, foods, stress, exercise... you name it. 

I'm still interested in meeting with other Irish members in Dublin perhaps to discuss our stories, and comfort each other through out hard times. 

Hi do your doctors believe you any tolerate? Mine don't and it's making me worse. My Cortisol is very high both saliva and blood and I can't take anything to bring it down. Trying foods!! I know a girl in Dublin I met she is suffering terribly. I think I have autonomic dysfunction and I'm having tests at the moment as my heartrate is very high and bp low. Take care

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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13 minutes ago, Bluebird2009 said:

Hi do your doctors believe you any tolerate? Mine don't and it's making me worse. My Cortisol is very high both saliva and blood and I can't take anything to bring it down. Trying foods!! I know a girl in Dublin I met she is suffering terribly. I think I have autonomic dysfunction and I'm having tests at the moment as my heartrate is very high and bp low. Take care

No. I thought I had Lyme disease at one point, so I attempted to take antibiotics for it. I could not tolerate it in the slightest. Felt awful. Really anxious, dizzy, brain zaps back, off balance. When I stopped walking, it felt like I was still moving. I wanted to go to hospital to be observed by the staff in Lagan Valley A&E taking my second antibiotic dose, so they hooked me up and monitored me. My head felt heavy, felt like I couldn't breath and everything was going in slow motion. I had to hold onto the walls when going to the bathroom. The antibiotic was doxycycline. 

The doctor then came and said they monitored my vital signs and that nothing changed on them... so they concluded in was all in my head. I refused to acknowledge that. I've never been sick in my entire life up until 2 weeks after coming off Citalopram. Thats when my symptoms started. But the real trouble didn't start till 5 months off. 

No doctor believes in antidepressant withdrawal lasting this long. They think i have either anxiety, a psychosomatic disorder, or lyme disease. How soon after you stopped your medication did your symptoms appear? 

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2 hours ago, IrishMonkey92 said:

No. I thought I had Lyme disease at one point, so I attempted to take antibiotics for it. I could not tolerate it in the slightest. Felt awful. Really anxious, dizzy, brain zaps back, off balance. When I stopped walking, it felt like I was still moving. I wanted to go to hospital to be observed by the staff in Lagan Valley A&E taking my second antibiotic dose, so they hooked me up and monitored me. My head felt heavy, felt like I couldn't breath and everything was going in slow motion. I had to hold onto the walls when going to the bathroom. The antibiotic was doxycycline. 

The doctor then came and said they monitored my vital signs and that nothing changed on them... so they concluded in was all in my head. I refused to acknowledge that. I've never been sick in my entire life up until 2 weeks after coming off Citalopram. Thats when my symptoms started. But the real trouble didn't start till 5 months off. 

No doctor believes in antidepressant withdrawal lasting this long. They think i have either anxiety, a psychosomatic disorder, or lyme disease. How soon after you stopped your medication did your symptoms appear? 

Hi IM ,if you are getting the Lyme disease test ,research getting it done in Germany ,I watched a programme and heard the Irish test had missed the disease in some people .extremely inadequate the test   in Ireland .



Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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On 30/10/2017 at 4:26 PM, IrishMonkey92 said:

No. I thought I had Lyme disease at one point, so I attempted to take antibiotics for it. I could not tolerate it in the slightest. Felt awful. Really anxious, dizzy, brain zaps back, off balance. When I stopped walking, it felt like I was still moving. I wanted to go to hospital to be observed by the staff in Lagan Valley A&E taking my second antibiotic dose, so they hooked me up and monitored me. My head felt heavy, felt like I couldn't breath and everything was going in slow motion. I had to hold onto the walls when going to the bathroom. The antibiotic was doxycycline. 

The doctor then came and said they monitored my vital signs and that nothing changed on them... so they concluded in was all in my head. I refused to acknowledge that. I've never been sick in my entire life up until 2 weeks after coming off Citalopram. Thats when my symptoms started. But the real trouble didn't start till 5 months off. 

No doctor believes in antidepressant withdrawal lasting this long. They think i have either anxiety, a psychosomatic disorder, or lyme disease. How soon after you stopped your medication did your symptoms appear? 

I started to feel unwell after 4 weeks of and my system went into some sort of shock and I cldnt tolerate even a tiny dose of Prozac or anything since. I was having problems with meds while on and started reacting to things and feeling very ill. I think my nervous system is damaged and don't know whether it will heal. I also think I have mitochondrial damage as I had a test done by nutritionist and it showed this damage. No doctors believe me either and think it's mental health problem and severe anxiety!

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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On 30/10/2017 at 4:26 PM, IrishMonkey92 said:

No. I thought I had Lyme disease at one point, so I attempted to take antibiotics for it. I could not tolerate it in the slightest. Felt awful. Really anxious, dizzy, brain zaps back, off balance. When I stopped walking, it felt like I was still moving. I wanted to go to hospital to be observed by the staff in Lagan Valley A&E taking my second antibiotic dose, so they hooked me up and monitored me. My head felt heavy, felt like I couldn't breath and everything was going in slow motion. I had to hold onto the walls when going to the bathroom. The antibiotic was doxycycline. 

The doctor then came and said they monitored my vital signs and that nothing changed on them... so they concluded in was all in my head. I refused to acknowledge that. I've never been sick in my entire life up until 2 weeks after coming off Citalopram. Thats when my symptoms started. But the real trouble didn't start till 5 months off. 

No doctor believes in antidepressant withdrawal lasting this long. They think i have either anxiety, a psychosomatic disorder, or lyme disease. How soon after you stopped your medication did your symptoms appear? 

What do your think is causing the intolerance to meds as I become so ill after anything it is awful. I went to the Ulster hospital after taking ill with an antibiotic and they said my heartrate was high and bp low but wldnt admit symptoms where from prozac. Then had the cheek to say maybe you Shld have stayed on a drug. I was so angry as I know when something has caused damage. We all know our own bodies. How long where you on the drug

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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On 30/10/2017 at 7:13 PM, powerback said:

Hi IM ,if you are getting the Lyme disease test ,research getting it done in Germany ,I watched a programme and heard the Irish test had missed the disease in some people .extremely inadequate the test   in Ireland .



I've been getting tested over the last year or so. It's pretty much coming back positive. Yet i've very little symptoms of Lyme disease. My mum is positive too, but no symptoms whatsoever. I still think I would have tested positive prior to me developing this 'illness'. I've had brain zaps, adverse reactions to foods, medications and stupid stuff that I tolerated my whole life - caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs (not a bad thing happened). Now I can't even take coffee without thinking I've taken a stroke. 

I got symptoms within 2 weeks of stopping my SSRI (RLS, Minor brain zaps, and a white flash/dot appearing in my vision). That went away, then I got sluggish/fatigued, then I drank alcohol and woke up with what I thought was a stroke. Then all my symptoms appeared and haven't left. Tried to go back on my SSRI and it landed me in hospital twice. Most symptoms I have are signature symptoms of withdrawal, and none signature lyme withdrawal - yet there is a lot of dogma online about Lyme and indeed 'lyme checklists' which include every known symptom that is imaginable. I'd definitely take everything the Lyme community say with a huge pinch of salt. 

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On 31/10/2017 at 6:17 PM, Bluebird2009 said:

What do your think is causing the intolerance to meds as I become so ill after anything it is awful. I went to the Ulster hospital after taking ill with an antibiotic and they said my heartrate was high and bp low but wldnt admit symptoms where from prozac. Then had the cheek to say maybe you Shld have stayed on a drug. I was so angry as I know when something has caused damage. We all know our own bodies. How long where you on the drug

My intolerance is due to a sensitised CNS. It's why a lot of us get it in withdrawal. What type of antibiotic was it? Amoxcillin, Doxycycline? 

I was only on the drug 2 years, so not that long compared to a lot on here. I did have some symptoms going on the initial dose and then when it was doubled. However was generally fine when on it. 

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On 03/11/2017 at 7:32 AM, IrishMonkey92 said:

My intolerance is due to a sensitised CNS. It's why a lot of us get it in withdrawal. What type of antibiotic was it? Amoxcillin, Doxycycline? 

I was only on the drug 2 years, so not that long compared to a lot on here. I did have some symptoms going on the initial dose and then when it was doubled. However was generally fine when on it. 

It was amoxicillin, but I get the same reaction with any antibiotic not bad anymore with stomach tablet

when needed. I get a very runny nose when I eat something that clearly causes allergy type symptoms. All very bizzare and difficult to live with. Take care 

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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On 2017-02-08 at 8:37 AM, IrishMonkey92 said:

What worries me is there are basically no stories that include my symptom. 

I had your symptoms and more, your not the only one, it was so bad I couldn’t even walk I was bed bound. Ali 

10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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2 minutes ago, Ali4 said:

I had your symptoms and more, your not the only one, it was so bad I couldn’t even walk I was bed bound. Ali 

What were the additional symptoms you had? I only got to the stage that I couldn’t walk whenever I tried to reinstate, or the day after I drank alcohol. I was bed bound. 


How are you now? When did your rocking/swaying start? 

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4 minutes ago, IrishMonkey92 said:

What were the additional symptoms you had? I only got to the stage that I couldn’t walk whenever I tried to reinstate, or the day after I drank alcohol. I was bed bound. 


How are you now? When did your rocking/swaying start? 

If you want read my thread it’s to much to write again, the rocking and swaying started right away and didn’t stop till 5 months after reinstatement. I’m fully stable now. Alcohol makes WD worse for sure. 

10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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On 07/11/2017 at 11:46 PM, Ali4 said:

If you want read my thread it’s to much to write again, the rocking and swaying started right away and didn’t stop till 5 months after reinstatement. I’m fully stable now. Alcohol makes WD worse for sure. 



Ali, are you sure your rocking and swaying started after AD withdrawal and not benzo withdrawal? I seen you came off a benzo and were having ‘dizziness’. 

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1 hour ago, IrishMonkey92 said:



Ali, are you sure your rocking and swaying started after AD withdrawal and not benzo withdrawal? I seen you came off a benzo and were having ‘dizziness’. 

It's hard to say my friend because I think they both were the cause, came off both to quickly at the same time,so hard to say, but the feeling lasted what seemed like forever. I couldn't even stand up it was so bad. Like I was drunk and out of it constantly is how I can put it. Ali 

10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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15 minutes ago, Ali4 said:

It's hard to say my friend because I think they both were the cause, came off both to quickly at the same time,so hard to say, but the feeling lasted what seemed like forever. I couldn't even stand up it was so bad. Like I was drunk and out of it constantly is how I can put it. Ali 

In my opinion I believe your experience of this symptom was from benzo withdrawal. In my search for this symptom I found next to no one with it, but over on benzobuddies - it seems ridiculously common. Which is worrying for a person who has never touched a benzo. 

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You could definatly be correct, but I've tried coming off celexa in the past without a Benzo and had those symptoms, so hard to say. Ali 

10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to IrishMonkey92: Rocking/swaying internal pendulum sensation - tinnitus, eye floaters and pins and needles
4 hours ago, Ali4 said:

You could definatly be correct, but I've tried coming off celexa in the past without a Benzo and had those symptoms, so hard to say. Ali 

So you had the rocking and swaying 24/7 when you weren’t on a benzo, but were trying to come off Celexa? 

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34 minutes ago, IrishMonkey92 said:

So you had the rocking and swaying 24/7 when you weren’t on a benzo, but were trying to come off Celexa? 


10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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Does anyone have any experience with adverse reactions to standard antibiotics, like Doxycycline, or Amoxicillin? 

I literally couldn't lift my head, and felt so weak and was holding onto walls to go to the bathroom. Very panicky and felt like i couldn't breathe etc. Not sure if this is withdrawal related. Thought I'd find out from here. 

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Hi IrishMonkey,


I also took my drug for two years, and only took 4 weeks to taper, and now I'm experiencing EXTREME WD symptoms. I have had dizziness, but my main concern is a recurrent debilitating depression. Have you had depression as one of your symptoms of withdrawal? I completed my short taper this past August, so I know that I still have a long way to go. Have you seen any progress since you have been off the drug for over two years? I'm trying to find people that took similar drugs for the same amount of time that I did so that I can get a rough idea of the kind of recovery time I'm looking at. Thanks for any feedback you can offer!

  1. Started Wellbutrin 75 mg IR the end of 2015.
  2. Tried quitting cold turkey in June 30th- July 3rd 2017.
  3. Had severe withdrawals.
  4. Was placed on Wellbutrin 100mg SR so I could taper without withdrawal.
  5. Stabilized on 100mg SR for most of the month of July.
  6. Started tapering on July 17th,  2017.
  7. Completed taper on August 8th, 2017.
  8. Currently experiencing severe withdrawal.
  • Symptoms- Currently experiencing anhedonia, depersonalization/derealization, concentration/memory issues, chronic congestion, chronic dry eyes, dry skin, dislocated TMJ joint from teeth grinding during C/T withdrawal, waves of depression, anxiety, nausea, morning cortisol spikes, insomnia, agitation, food sensitivities, no tolerance for caffeine and chronic fatigue, burning muscle pain in upper and lower back and occasional tinninitus.
  • Supplements- Omega-3 fish oil supplement twice daily, 100 mg of magnesium once daily. 
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MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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