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Brin: My nightmare. Looking for feedback


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Posted (edited)

Thank you for accepting me into your forum, im so grateful to a member Cheeky who introduced me to this site...


I have been on zoloft for 13 years.  The first few years were fine, then I started to become addicted to drinking large quantities of alcohol, mainly wine.  I asked my doctor about this drinking thing, she said there was no evidence of such thing.  My drinking got so bad I had to go to rehab.   I'm not a drinker I drink occasionally a glass or two of wine.  I could not believe what was happening to me.


When I was in rehab I also decided to go cold turkey on zoloft, the rehab centre knew this.  But, no one advised me against it,  I had no idea of the implications.   This was last June 2016.  When I got out of rehab I felt a little teary, after seeing my doctor he advised I should go back on Zoloft so I did.


 I started to feel better, after4 months of being back on it I asked my doctor if I could reduce from my dose of 50mg to 25mg, he was not too keen on the idea. I told him if I started to feel bad I would get back on my normal dose again. I felt OK.   I left my job in April because it was very stressful.   I went back to drinking i could not believe it! I was thinking all the time how could this behavior be me it's so not me!  Then one day I started to feel not so right.


  Went to the doctor he said go back up on 50mg which I did, this didn't work so he said go up to 75mg.   I felt I wanted jump out of my skin I thought I was going insane it was the scariest moment of my life.  I had to rush to an after hours doctor because I felt so bad he prescribed a beta blocker medication because my blood pressure was through the roof!   I felt so ill on the blood pressure medication i had to go backto the doctor and they took the beta blocker off me, I felt a little better.


  The nightmare was just the beginning of a roller coaster ride that went on 4 months.  I was feeling so anxious it turned into feeling so scared and full of terror! I started to become very aggressive my doctor said I had to taper off zoloft to get off it all together because it was not working.


 It became worst I tapered within 2 months, I believe it was too soon.   No doctor or psychiatrist really knows how to work this through. I was in hell,  I was medication free and things were not improving.  I had to check myself in a rehab clinic to get back on medication safely.   Once I was at the clinic they put me on a different anti depressant which didn't agree with me I was so ill. Eventually they put me back on zoloft because I requested it was the only medication I knew.   I was so scared and in despair!


  Now I'm on 75mg of zoloft and Quitepine at 25mg in the morning and 75mg at night, its so crazy !.   I still don't feel 100%, Zoloft has taken away 13 years of my life.  Please, please do not touch antidepressants it will change your life forever not for the good! 


I have now started to taper my Seroquel  med from 100mg  down to 87.5mg on 10/11/17 i hope all goes well, im very scared! I have been on this wretched med for just over a month.  I woukd like to eventually get off Zoloft but i still feel i have not stabilized after having to back on it in October.


Zoloft  50mg 2004 - June  2016

             50mg Aug 2016

             25mg Feb - Jun 2017

             75mg 13 Oct 2017

Seroquel 100mg 13 Oct 2017

                 87.5mg 10 Nov 2017

Edited by AliG
Added white space, tags


Zoloft  50mg 2004 - June  2016

             50mg Aug 2016

             25mg Feb - Jun 2017

             75mg 13 Oct 2017

Seroquel 100mg 13 Oct 2017

                 87.5mg 10 Nov 2017


  • ChessieCat changed the title to Brin: My nightmare. Looking for feedback
Posted (edited)

Hi Brin. I'm so glad you found us and decided to share your story. I'm sorry for all that you have been through. Unfortunately, it's happening more and more.


Thanks for doing your drug history signature. It's appreciated. :)


To start with, would you mind answering just a few questions?


What are the exact times that you now take your Seroquel and Zoloft? How do you feel (symptoms) after you take each one? How were your symptoms after going back on the Zoloft 75mg in October?

Did you have any adverse reaction or discomfort ?


It would be helpful  to keep notes on your times/ doses and symptoms.



You have had so many changes recently that it may be an idea to hold for a good period of time, to enable your nervous system to calm down and slowly catch up. When we have a little more information we can come up with a tapering plan for you. It may be, that perhaps you hold on the Seroquel and after stabilizing, start to gently taper the Zoloft.

Taking multiple psych drugs? Which drug to taper first?


I'm going to post some relevant links that help to explain the withdrawal process and provide a little more understanding of what you're experiencing.


What is withdrawal syndrome?

The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization

Brain Remodelling


This is your thread to journal progress, ask questions and keep in touch with the community. Have a read through the links and come back here to your thread with any questions or comments.

Welcome to SA,


Edited by AliG

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014


Hey Brin, I’m so happy you joined here, hun your now with the best people around that have been we’re you are now and they saved my life. 

Puy in as much info as possible and write here everyday for updates and remember I’m only a phone call away.

There is also a group here from Australia, look into meeting other Aussie’s, it helps for support

  • 1995 started Paxil 20mg slowly increasing to 50mg 2014 I decided to tapper myself not knowing how too and crashed , DR added 50mg of Seroquel

  • Through the years made many mistakes tapering

  • Started Tapering Both drugs at the same time 7.5% per month Paxil 9% Seroquel doing daily micro-taper 

  • Guided by Mark Horowitz

  • 31/3/24 Paxil 10.31mg

  • 31/3/24 Seroquel 9.9mg

  • current  11/4/24 

  • 10mg Paxil

  • 7.5mg Seroquel 


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