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Rhernan: Cold turkeyed low dose Remeron ... reinstate?


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Hi, I am new here and recently finished a Valium taper.  I was also on a low dose of Remeron which I started a little less than a year ago.


Last week we went camping and I forgot to take my Remeron for two nights.  I thought because I felt ok maybe I didn’t need it anymore...fast forward to the last week and it’s horrible!  I am soooo sick.  Headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach issues, hot flashes.


I am willing to reinstate to not feel sick and try a taper once stabilized.  I am confused on how to do that as I take 1.875 mgs and the pill already falls apart.


Also, how do I reinstate and could it help?


Im not sure I did everything right on my intro and signature page???


Thank you— Rach



- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Rhernan:Cold turkeyed low dose Remeron ... reinstate??

Hi, I am new here and just finished a 2-1/2 year Valium taper about a month ago.  During my V taper I was also prescribed Remeron to help with severe weight loss, nausea, and insomnia.


I have been taking 1.875 mg’s of Remeron nightly for a little less than a year.  About a week ago we went out of town and I forgot to take my Remeron.  I felt good and mistakenly decided maybe I didn’t need it.


Approx. 4-5 day later I became ill again (withdrawal symptoms) and have been sick since.  I tried taking the Remeron again 3 nights ago at the same dose but had a bad reaction.  I’m not sure if I should cut it even more and try again or just discontinue and hope I feel better.


Im pretty miserable and have two young kids to take care of so reinstatement isn’t a problem, just don’t know if I should try again.



- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Moderator Emeritus
To give members the best information, we ask them to summarize their medication history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-24 months particularly.


When you CT'd the Remeron, your system became destabilized.  This is why, when you tried to reinstate 4-5 days later at the same 1.875mg, you had a bad reaction.  We recommend reinstating at a much lower dose than your last dose.  Please read:


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms. -- at least the first page of the topic


You could try to tough it out, but there's no telling how long it would take for you to regain homeostasis.  Reinstatement doesn't always work but it is the only method to reduce withdrawal symptoms.  Your situation is complicated by your just having finished your Valium taper.  We recommend waiting several months after tapering one drug before tapering another.


You should consider reinstating perhaps .5mg of Remeron and see how that helps.  

It takes about 4 days for a dose change to get to full state in the blood and a bit longer for it to register in the brain.  Please Keep Notes on Paper so that we can tell updosing is working.
The following link explains how to get microdoses of Remeron.


Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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Gridley, thank you so much for responding...I accidentally told my story twice and was a bit confused how this site worked.


I edited my profile to show my taper and prescription history and I had previously read the reinstating and stabilizing section as well.


I also have a written journal that I have kept from the beginning of my whole benzo journey so that won’t be a problem.


I will now read the section about how to get micrograms of Remeron and get back to you.  I’m really scared to try Remeron again due to the reaction I had, but reading about reinstating it makes sense that I had it.  


Again, thank you for responding and I’ll keep you posted.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Rhernan: Cold turkeyed low dose Remeron ... reinstate?
  • Moderator Emeritus
Please don't forget to do your drug signature.


Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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Ok, updated my signature...also am trying to get a compound made to reinstate at .5 mg’s, but might try half of 1.875 tonight.  I’m pretty sick and desperate.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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Hang in there : ) i know exactly what your going through, its really tough 

3.5 years ago started on 45 mg efixor for 6 months then 

went onto Lexipro 10mg then up to 45mg

then mertazipine 15mg up to 30mg then 45mg, have dropped to 30mg and thats what im on now. 

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So I tried a small amount of Remeron last night as I was soooo sick.  I don’t have any tools other than my pill cutter and the prescription to I tried to half my 1.875 mg cut.  It fell apart so I just took what I thought equaled half.


It did help alleviate the intensity of wds so I will stick to taking it for awhile.


My doctor also got back to me and is willing to order smaller dosage pills and a compound to help me taper when I’m ready.


How soon should I notice stabilization or some type of homeostasis.  I know we are all so different, but is 4-5 days a good general guideline?

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Moderator Emeritus

The fact that you're feeling better is a good sign.  As I wrote earlier, it takes 4 doses for a dose change to get to full state in the blood and a bit longer for it to register in the brain.

This is not the same thing as homeostasis or stabilization, where you're feeling pretty much the same every day (not great but okay) without large swings in symptoms.  Unfortunately, there's no way to predict when this will happen.  Everyone is different.


It's very good that you're doctor is cooperative about giving you the smaller doses.  



Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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Great, I assumed it would take a few days (or more) to even out.  Feel pretty sedated today but a prescription for a lower dose is already waiting for me and I’m hoping it will be easier to get a more consistent dose as I’ll be able to cut the pills more evenly.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • 3 years later...

Hi, I have been tapering very slowly over the last 2 years. I recently got down to .35 mg’s and have been slammed with withdrawal!  No sleep in a week, horrible nausea, dizziness, shaking, heart palps.  I updosed last night to .56 mg’s…still no sleep, very shaky and still very sick.  Do you think I’m having a bad reaction or should I wait this out?  Feels like it literally did nothing but make me sick.


anyone please help.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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I know I’ve posted already, but I’m not sure where I’m supposed to be.  Lol


i was one here about a year ago, or more, and have been doing a super slow taper off Mirtazepine.  I was on around .40 and tapered to a little below .35.  Then out of no where withdrawals hit and hit hard!  I’m not sleeping at ALL, like literally zero sleep.  I have nausea, headaches, head pressure, and shakiness in my body.  I updosed last night to .56 mg’s but don’t know if this is okay.


I really need some advice and help with sleep!  It’s slowly making me crazy!

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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Please help!  I think I’m now having an adverse reaction to mirt.  I’ve been only needed .40 mg’s and went down to .30 too quickly.  I updosed 2 night ago and seem to be experiencing adverse reactions all nigh long.


can I take 1/2 my dose earlier in the evening and the other 1/2 before bed and see if that helps, and maybe drop down fo .35 mg’s.


I feel like all this up and down isn’t good but I’m at a loss on what to do?



- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Administrator

Hello, @Rhernan, I merged all your new posts with your Introductions topic.


9 hours ago, Rhernan said:

I updosed 2 night ago and seem to be experiencing adverse reactions all nigh long.


What is this adverse reaction? At what time o'clock does it start? What times o'clock do you take your drugs, with their dosages?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Okay, so I updosed 2 nights ago from .35 to .54 mgs as withdrawal hit hard.  I was, and am not sleeping at all.  

I take .25 mgs in capsule form that is compounded and then the rest in liquid compounded form.  I take them before bed and about 30min to an 2 hours later I can feel the drug go through my body, me heart beats fast, I get jolted awake, dizzy, nauseated, diarrhea, shaking & RLS type symptoms.  This lasts all night.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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So I take it between 8:30 and 9:30pm


and usually have a reaction around 10:30/11:00 pm

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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I’m also experiencing akesthesis

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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Hello, anyone here to help!  I need help!  What should I do?

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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My doctor said to go to .5 (1/2 mg) and stabilize on that dose? Does this sound good?

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Administrator

@RhernanThat looks like an adverse reaction from the drug. Did this start when you introduced the liquid? When did you introduce the liquid?


I would not increase your dose! You might want to go back to the 0.25 mgs in capsule form that is compounded.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all, I’ve been quietly following this site for many years (6 years to be exact).  I initially came in here to inquire as to if I should reinstate after I c/f’d Remeron. I did reinstate and took 3+ years to taper off of that.


But my story isnt about my Remeron success, this post is about my benzo taper success.  I initially was put on Xanax after a surgery wherein I couldn’t sleep for 9 nights in a row.  Whenever I tried to fall asleep I would experience these surges or rushes of adrenaline/cortisol or the like and be awoke.  This would happen over and over all night long.  As you can imagine, I freaked out and went to my primary care Dr.  He did try everything on planet earth to help me, but nothing did and I reacted badly to almost everything.  I knew he was hesitant to prescribe Xanax (which I had no idea what it was) but as a last resort he did, and it worked.  I slept!  Well two weeks went by and I slept each night so I decided I was good and stopped.  That’s where my real nightmare began.  I had every symptom imaginable besides seizures and hallucinations.  I decided to Google Xanax and was met with thousands of others like me in what they called benzo WD.  But I also discovered an answer to get me out, the Ashton Manuel. I read for days and my doctor agreed to switch me and help me taper.


I then got a liquid and tapered off over 3 years.  Unfortunately, during the tail end of my taper, the dreaded head rushes came roaring back and I panicked (yet again) and saw my new doctor (my other one retired then), and my new Dr put me on Mirtazepine (Remeron).  Luckily by this time I knew I needed a small dose and only took 3.75 mg’s.  But that taper is another story. 

so back to my valium taper.  I now had the added benefit of being polydrugged and couldn’t tell anymore what was benzo WD and what was mirt side affects, but it was all bad!  I was scared to go off the Remeron because it helped my appetite, and insomnia, so I muddled through the next steps of tapering valium.


I had so many symptoms that I became unable to work, I couldn’t drive for a time, and I could only function to the extent of bringing my kids to and from school, preparing meals and doing the minimum housekeeping.  But I kept a strict routine and made myself at least be present.  This went on for 3 years until I jumped off July 2019 (or 2020).  My memory of that is so messed up.  I tapered all the way to zero and had no increase in symptoms after I came off, but I had the Remeron to mask anything too.  The benzo was the worst experience of my life, with the mirt taking a close second.  It changed the trajectory of not only my life, but that if my husbands and kids and close family. I am still recovering today, but know that the body, brain and soul have a need to repair and reach homeostasis and I truly believe we all get there at some point.


Do I consider myself a success, I don’t know?!  I mean yes, I successfully tapered off my benzo and have come off my mirt, but the symptoms still are there.  I do 100% feel successful in my taper though and know that so many symptoms from the benzo taper and side effects are gone or much less, like the chronic headaches and migraines, this weird head pressure thing, my body isn’t falling apart like it used to and I feel more like myself.  My energy is starting to return and I’ve even went back to work in the last 2 months.  I feel more present with my faith and family and I never ever take for granted my health, my families health and each day that we are blessed to be alive!  I know that full healing is still ahead of me as I have to go through the process of Remeron (mirt) withdrawal, and I hold onto hope and faith that I will heal fully.


My hope now is to update you all with more details and the journey off my Remeron (mirt).


I am an open book so if you have questions about anything, please reach out.  

In the meantime, keep going, keep fighting and keep hope alive.  ♥️

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Administrator

@Rhernan I moved your post here. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. 


Since you have mirtazapine yet to taper, yours is not quite a Success Story yet. But you're on your way. Please continue to let us know how you're doing. 

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Oh I finished my mirt taper 3-1/2 months ago too!  Whoop, whoop!  I just don’t feel healed from that yet though.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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And I haven’t been able to update my signature story because it sends a error message each time.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • 2 months later...
  • Mentor

@Rhernan Hi.  It looks like you've gone through a lot and worked very hard to get where you are now.   I am wondering how you are feeling now?  I ask because sometimes when someone goes through what you went through there are residual symptoms.  I hope you are well.


Warm wishes.


I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin,  Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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Hi, I am actually pretty sick right now with bad withdrawals.  My sleep is the biggest problem as I am only getting and hour or two (broken) sleep each night.  I also have two kids which is hard to manage on essentially no sleep.


distraction and a lifestyle change is what I’m attempting now in hopes this slowly improve.


How are you?

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Mentor

@Rhernan In answer to your question, I am doing alright.  I had a long withdrawal but I am mostly recovered.  The sleep remains a bit of problem though. I had a small amount of insomnia during my adult life, mostly during times of high work stress, but nothing like I experienced during withdrawal, like you mine was awful. It is not as bad as it was for which I am grateful. I tried all sorts of different recommend things with varying degrees of results.  Those results ranged from no help at all to a moderate bit of help. I hope you are able to find something, anything, that helps you.

Warm wishes.


I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin,  Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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I am not sure if this is where I ask questions etc…but has anyone dealt with GI problems wherein you have lost the urge to go to the bathroom (#2)?  I went through a horrible wave recently and have been struggling with constipation (although it’s not like hard consistency). It’s more than I’ve lost the urge to go or my GI is paralyzed?  I don’t know how to explain it.  But I cannot go to the bathroom and straining isn’t good and gets me no where.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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Hello Rhernan.  I have this symptom too with the slow digestion/constipation. It's not that you've lost the urge, it's that your digestion slows down big time with Mirt. It then constipates you. I have found that the supplement pysillum husk (fiber) helps with that. A bit of exercise even it's a short walk helps too. I eat more salads and vegetables for health and the extra fiber I need. Marie.

10/13--10/14 Ambien. Started tapering 1/14  Jumped 10/14.  Done.                                                                              

3/14        7.5 Remeron  still taking this.                              

2/14         75 Trazodone   -    Tapered by dry cutting all the way down.

1/16        4 mg Trazodone  -  Jumped. Bad mistake. Got hit with late withdrawal 6 weeks later. Reinstated.

4/16        Reinstated 1 mg, updose to 2 mg Trazodone

2/19        .04 Trazodone. Walked off.  Done.

10/3/19  Started 7.5 Mirtazapine taper cut to .073 gram weight, pill weighs .076

4/5/20    New Mirtazapine Taper - Compound Liquid 7.35 mg April '20, 7.25 mg May, 7.05 mg June, 6.99 mg June, 6.78 mg July, 6.57 mg Aug, Sept 6.35 mg, Sept 6.24 mg, Sept 6.21 mg, Oct 5.99 mg, Oct 5.90 mg, Oct 5.70 mg.

1/11/21 6.05 mg Messed up taper due to syringe change. Must remember the 1 ml syringe contains 1.5mg! 1/16/21 5.99 mg

2/21 5.75 mg, 3/21 5.6 mg, 4/7 5.45, 4/14 5.30, 5/12 5.15, 5/25/21 4.99 mg, 6/29 4.87 mg, 7/14/21 4.74 mg, 8/5 4.62 mg 8/17 4.5 mg, 8/30 4.38 mg,9/16 4.26 mg,10/9 4.14 mg, 10/23 4.05 mg, 11/6 3.96 mg,11/17 3.87mg.***Jan 22 Liquid was changed/couldn't tolerate***Changed back to pills. Feb 22/3.9 mg, 2/17/22 3.8 mg, 3/23 3.7 mg, 4/7 3.6 mg, 5/10 3.5mg,6/10/22 3.4 mg, 7/4 3.3 mg, 7/25 3.2 mg, 8/20/22 3.1 mg, 9/15 3 mg, 10/8/22 2.9 mg., 12/15 2.8 mg, 1/6/23 2.7 mg, 2/16/23 2.6 mg, 3/9 2.5 mg, 4/4 2.4 mg, 4/29/23 2.3 mg, 5/26 2.2 mg, 6/22/23 2.1 mg, 10/14 2 mg, 11/12 1.9 mg, 11/28 1.8 mg ,12/14/23 1.7, 12/31/23 1.6 mg, 1/20 1.5 mg, 2/6/24 1.4 mg, 2/12 updose 1.5 mg, 3/27/24 1.4 mg,5/31/24 l.2 mg. Taking multi-vitamin, vit. D, cholestoff, psyllium husk, and fish oil.


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  • Moderator
On 1/14/2024 at 9:05 AM, Rhernan said:

I am not sure if this is where I ask questions etc…but has anyone dealt with GI problems wherein you have lost the urge to go to the bathroom (#2)?

Hi @Rhernan


Yes, you've posted in the right place.


I had a lot of GI problems while I was tapering and I did have periods of time where I lost the urge. My digestion sort of shut down temporarily and the nerves didn't seem to be communicating at all. It was actually a scary time. For me, it wasn't an issue with what I was eating, more just a dysfunction of my nervous system. For me, it did pass.


Have you found anything that helps?

2003-2009 on and off various SSRI's for short periods

2010-2011 Ativan

2013-2021 ativan 1-1.5mg 10-12x/month, daily starting Oct 21 to help with buspar WD

2016 - Effexor 75mg, short-term

2021 Mar -Jun Buspar ADR at high dose, tapered 3 months

Oct 22/21 - Direct switch ativan to clonazepam (don't do this)

Tapered clonaz Oct/21 - Apr/23  - 0mg!


"Believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt, happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open, because the world needs you open" - Rebecca Campbell


*** Disclaimer: Please note, my suggestions/comments are based on my own personal experiences. Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner to discuss decisions regarding your medical care *** 


                                                             *** Please do not send me PM's ***

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32 minutes ago, LotusRising said:

Hi @Rhernan


Yes, you've posted in the right place.


I had a lot of GI problems while I was tapering and I did have periods of time where I lost the urge. My digestion sort of shut down temporarily and the nerves didn't seem to be communicating at all. It was actually a scary time. For me, it wasn't an issue with what I was eating, more just a dysfunction of my nervous system. For me, it did pass.


Have you found anything that helps?

Oh thank goodness! I honestly thought I had like permanent damage.  It happens when I’m in a really bad wave, but has ever lasted as long as this time.  I have lucky been able to go a bit better, but it’s all messed up still.


as far as things to help, I started having super weak coffee in the mornings (which usually I can’t tolerate) so I’m not doing that, but when I’m really bad and desperate I’ll drink less than half a cup in hopes it helps.


But honestly, nothing has really helped and I’ve tried a lot.  :(


but this too shall pass as time seems to be the truest healer.


im glad it passed for you though!

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • 1 month later...

Hello again, I posted on another thread but I seem to have set myself back…about 2 weeks ago I took 4 nights of 100 mg progesterone pills.  I have been having horrible migraines lasting days on end around my cycle (along with other symptoms) and my GYN said it’s perimenopause and to start progesterone.


I am 8 months off of my AD and thought I was okay to try…wrong!  I have been thrown back into what I can only describe as worse than acute with symptoms I have never experienced before.


I don’t know what to do and am so fearful and scared that this will last years now.  Have a damaged my CNS again badly…


please help or offer encouragement! 

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Moderator
1 hour ago, Rhernan said:

I have been having horrible migraines lasting days on end around my cycle (along with other symptoms) and my GYN said it’s perimenopause and to start progesterone.

Hi @Rhernan,


I'm confused. Were you having migraines prior to taking progesterone, or did you take progesterone and then the migraines started?


You have been off medication for 8 months according to your signature. Is that correct?

2003-2009 on and off various SSRI's for short periods

2010-2011 Ativan

2013-2021 ativan 1-1.5mg 10-12x/month, daily starting Oct 21 to help with buspar WD

2016 - Effexor 75mg, short-term

2021 Mar -Jun Buspar ADR at high dose, tapered 3 months

Oct 22/21 - Direct switch ativan to clonazepam (don't do this)

Tapered clonaz Oct/21 - Apr/23  - 0mg!


"Believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt, happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open, because the world needs you open" - Rebecca Campbell


*** Disclaimer: Please note, my suggestions/comments are based on my own personal experiences. Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner to discuss decisions regarding your medical care *** 


                                                             *** Please do not send me PM's ***

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Just now, LotusRising said:

Hi @Rhernan,


I'm confused. Were you having migraines prior to taking progesterone, or did you take progesterone and then the migraines started?


You have been off medication for 8 months according to your signature. Is that correct?

Hi, yes, I have been off 8 months but about 3 months after I stopped I started having horrible migraines that lasted for days during my cycles.  I went to my GYN and she said they were hormonal and to start progesterone.  I went ahead and started it 100 mg’s at night for only 4 nights but felt strange and sick.  So I stopped.  Now I’ve been thrown into a very bad wave that seems worse than my acute stage.  I also feel like I’m having akathisia now too as I wake in utter and complete terror with nausea and horrible head pains.

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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  • Moderator

It's possible you've disrupted your nervous system by introducing the progesterone, but I wonder if the migraines could also be related to your taper. Did you have these headaches prior to tapering off your medication? 

2003-2009 on and off various SSRI's for short periods

2010-2011 Ativan

2013-2021 ativan 1-1.5mg 10-12x/month, daily starting Oct 21 to help with buspar WD

2016 - Effexor 75mg, short-term

2021 Mar -Jun Buspar ADR at high dose, tapered 3 months

Oct 22/21 - Direct switch ativan to clonazepam (don't do this)

Tapered clonaz Oct/21 - Apr/23  - 0mg!


"Believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt, happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open, because the world needs you open" - Rebecca Campbell


*** Disclaimer: Please note, my suggestions/comments are based on my own personal experiences. Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner to discuss decisions regarding your medical care *** 


                                                             *** Please do not send me PM's ***

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30 minutes ago, LotusRising said:

It's possible you've disrupted your nervous system by introducing the progesterone, but I wonder if the migraines could also be related to your taper. Did you have these headaches prior to tapering off your medication? 

Yes, I think I did disrupt my nervous system by introducing the progesterone.


and yes, unfortunately I did have these headaches during my taper but they never were to this extent….

- Prescribed Xanax for 2 weeks after knee surgery in 2016 (reaction to anesthesia)

- cold turkeyed Xanax and was in hospital then bedridden

-  Found Ashton Manuel and crossed over to 15 mg’s Valium

- Tapering off Valium with pills and compound 2016-2018

-  Prescribed Remeron nightly in July 2017 for nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and mood (1.875 mg’s)

-  Finished Valium taper July 2018

- on mirt from 2017-2021 slowly tapering

- got down to .25 and got very ill, updosed to .50 mgs

-slowly tapered and finished July 2023

-As of January 2024 in acute withdrawals and sleep is the worst!



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