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Gin1: Sertraline and Klonopin withdrawal


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Posted (edited)

I have been on Zoloft and a few other meds in between, for about 25 years. I have also been on one milligram of Klonopin every night for 5 years. My last Klonopin was in June 2018. Luckily, there is a lot of material regarding Klonopin withdrawal and it is considered a “real thing” by doctors, counselors, etc.


In September 2018, I started feeling like I was fairly recovered from Klonopin withdrawal and started the Zoloft taper. My last Zoloft was September 22nd. I have had extreme bloating, ringing in my ears, severe hot flashes, anxiety and depression (way worse than before antidepressants). After about 6 weeks, the bloating subsided and hot flashes were better. I am starting to have very small windows without extreme anxiety and depression, however, it is still very rough! The frustration is that doctors are so eager to put us on these meds but no one seems to get the withdrawal issues! I couldn’t have made it this far without information I have found online and a level of faith that has kept me hanging on! 


One of the drugs that I have been on was Cymbalta and it almost killed me....literally. A month after I started Cymbalta I ended up in the hospital due to severe abdominal pain and throwing up. A few months later I ended up in the hospital again with the same symptoms and bowel obstruction. This happened over Thanksgiving holidays 2017. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong so they took my gallbladder. The symptoms continued and I was misdiagnosed three times! Anyway, no one ever mentioned the Cymbalta connection. By some miracle, I realized that all of this started when I began taking the Cymbalta so I stopped and my doctor put me on Trintellix. As soon as I stopped the Cymbalta, the stomach issues subsided.


Anyway, it helps to connect with others who have had similar experiences! I switched doctors and haven’t mentioned withdrawing from these drugs because I dont think any of these physicians understand!

I hope we can help each other!!



Edited by ChessieCat
  • ChessieCat changed the title to Gin1: Sertraline and Klonopin withdrawal
  • Administrator

Welcome, Gin.


As you're probably aware, you have post-acute withdrawal syndrome from Zoloft. If the symptoms are tolerable, you may wish to cope with them with non-drug techniques. It may take some months for them to very, very gradually fade.


A lot of people find fish oil and magnesium supplements helpful, see



Try a little bit of one at a time to see how it affects you.


If you find the symptoms intolerable or if they get worse, you may wish to try a very low dose reinstatement of Zoloft. You'd taper off by tiny amounts later. See


What is withdrawal syndrome?
About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms 
The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


How much Zoloft were you taking? How did you go off?


To help us out, follow these instructions Please put your drug and withdrawal history in your signature

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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