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Wania: Amitryptyline withdrawal and akathisia


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Hi guys,


I have been on amitryptyline 2 years now. It was for my stomach disorder.

2 months ago I started weaning off and developed severe migraines. Ended in ER and they gave me IV antiemetic that caused severe akathisia. I landed in psych ward. They upped my ami doze back and gave me meds to calm down and I was fine. When I came home I started weaning off ami again, but slower. Unfortunately it wasnt slow enough, I went down from 15mg to 13,5mg and 10 days later from 13,5mg to 12mg. And I developed severe migraines again. I didnt know what to do, painkillers wasnt working, so today, 10 days after weaning the doze to 12 mg I took 15mg again. And I developed severe akathisia back, Im so agitated and restless. I took propranolol, which was helping some before, and it helpes some, but its not a cure. 
Can You tell me whats the safetest option now to do? Should I take tomorrow 15mg again and try to stabilize on that doze? Or take 14mg, something between previous 12 and 15? I cant go back to 12 cause migraines were so severe that I was vomiting and was non functional, but also cant handle akathisia and if 15mg will give me permanent akathisia I dont know that to do. It wasnt my offending drug, Im shocked I reacted that bad 😞

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Welcome to SA, Wania.


You are tapering too fast.  

On 4/25/2020 at 4:50 PM, Wania said:

15mg to 13,5mg and 10 days later from 13,5mg to 12mg. And I developed severe migraines again.


We recommend tapering by no more than 10% of your current dose every four weeks.  You may need to taper more slowly than that.


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


A micro-taper is the gentlest way to come of these drugs.


Micro-taper instead of 10% or 5% decreases


If you have akathisia, it is more likely due to withdrawal caused by your frequent dose changes and fast taper than to a dosage of 15mg.


What is withdrawal syndrome.


I would recommend you take a dose of 14mg and make no further changes.  Your system needs stability now, not change.  Stay at 14mg until you feel stable.  This may take several months.  Then I would recommend a micro-taper as described in the link above.


We don't recommend a lot of supplements on SA, as many members report being sensitive to them due to our over-reactive nervous systems, but two supplements that we do recommend are magnesium and omega 3 (fish oil). Many people find these to be calming to the nervous system. 


Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker 


Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) 


Add in one at a time and at a low dose in case you do experience problems.


This is your Introduction topic, where you can ask questions and connect with other members.  We're glad you found your way here.



Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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Thank You so much for respond.


Yes, now I know its too fast, my dr told me to cut 5mg every few days, and I wanted slower, but it still wasnt slow enough. 

I unfortunately, or fortunately, took 12mg yesterday and today. I didnt want to provoke akathisia again. And on 12mg I dont have it luckily. But severe migraines are back. 

Can severe migraines be a withdrawal symptom? I had MRI and its fine. But they are severe with vomiting and lasting all days long. Its unberable, and I cant take painkillers cause they trigger akathisia back. So I dont know what to do. I cant go up with my doze as I react bad to it. But I disabled because of those migraines. 


I developed akathisia in a result of IV antiemetic/ antipsychotic in ER and since then everything trigger it. I didnt have problem with upping my doze last time, but after akathisia in ER, this time uppering doze triggered it. I became incredibly sensitive after this incident.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Moderator Emeritus



Migraines can be a withdrawal symptom.   

Migraines, headaches, neck ache / pain and head pressure ...

I'm sorry you're suffering.  Your system is very sensitized.  If 12mg is, all things considered, the best dose for you, all I can tell you is to hold there and make no further changes.  If the migraines are from withdrawal, they will fade in time.  

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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I think 15mg would be better, cause I didnt have migraines on that doze, but I just reacted so bad to 15mg I was afraid I will do more harm then good staying on that doze 😞 


I read that topic about migraines but it looks like they werent as severe as mine. Thats why I wonder if it can be withdrawal or isnt.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Administrator

Hello, Wania. If you reacted badly to 15mg, I would continue to take 12mg, as Gridley suggested.


If you keep changing the drug dose, your nervous system becomes even more confused and makes more symptoms. It's best to choose a dose and stick to it. Take it at the same time each day. Give the change some time to work, at least a week.


Please let us know how you're doing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Altostrata changed the title to Wania Amitryptyline withdrawal and akathisia

Thank You so much for writing.


I have such a severe akathisia right now. I dont know if I will be able to cope with so many symptoms. If it would be just aka, ok. But aka with such a severe migraines and chronic gastritis, I dont know 😞


I started cbd oil and propranolol for migraines and wonder if they arent doing this 😞 Im so scared. I dont know how Im suppose to go through this without any help with migraines. 

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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Guys what can I do if Amitryptyline is giving me akathisia? I dont think I will be able to survive it for months of weaning off but I also know CT can cause so many bad symptoms. Whats the best solution? I have started propranolol and its helping some, mayby I will increase the doze to go through this? Im on 12mg and it wasnt bothering me till I get IV antiemetic that caused akathisia, and now Amitryptyline is triggering it. Akathisia in my case is severe and life threating, propranolol improved it about 30% that Im not so suicidal but its still horribly exhausting and Im like in fight respond all the time.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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just wanted to say I´m in a same situation with akathisia. seeing no solutions here. 

in 2002- 0,5 tablet cipramil for half a year, ended it uneventfully. in 2006 - citalopram for half a year, ended in horrific state, ditched the drugs CT. 2007-2008 not feeling well but drug free. in 2008 prozac 20mg + quetiapine 25mg. 2009 tried to stop, ended up in hole after couple of months, started zoloft. 2009-2011 zoloft 50mg. went to 25mg in 2011 summer, it resulted in half a year horrible suffering. reinstated, changed drugs, nothing happened. by 2012 beginning suddenly felt great and CT meds. after 4 months came suddenly most horrible human suffering that's possible. was started on prozac and questiapine. started tapering slowly, GFCF diet and Hardy Nutritionals vitamins in 2013 summer. 

current medications: 1) fluoxetine and quetiapine since Aug 2012; 2) Daily Essential Nutrients by Hardy Nutritionals 7 capsules / since May 2013 + omega3; 3) Gluten-free-casein-free diet since june 2013

Started withdrawing slowly since april 2013. Mostly around 10% cuts. 

April'13 - March'14: fluoxetine 40mg -> 19,5mg; quetiapine 50mg -> 40mg
April'14-March'15: fluoxetine 19,5mg -> 14,4mg; quetiapine 40mg -> 22mg

April'15-March'16: fluoxetine 14,4mg -> 7,4mg; quetiapine 22mg -> 15mg

April'16-March'17: fluoxetine 7,4mg -> 5,0mg; quetiapine 15mg -> 7,25mg

April'17-March'18: fluoxetine 5,0mg -> 4,0mg; quetiapine 7,25mg -> 0 (as of 1st Feb 2018)!!!!

April´18-March´19: fluoxetine 4,0mg - > 2,3mg. Jumped off fluoxetine 1,4mg due to pregnancy in July 2019. Oct 2019 severe withdrawal syndrome started.

Took mistakenly a complex for hormonal support that included pregnenolone dec2019-april2020. Stopped it april 2020 and immediately severe akathisia started. Have had life threatening akathisia since, 100% disabled, suicidal, very hard to hold on. 


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  • Administrator
On 4/27/2020 at 3:28 PM, Wania said:

Thank You so much for writing.


I have such a severe akathisia right now. I dont know if I will be able to cope with so many symptoms. If it would be just aka, ok. But aka with such a severe migraines and chronic gastritis, I dont know 😞


I started cbd oil and propranolol for migraines and wonder if they arent doing this 😞 Im so scared. I dont know how Im suppose to go through this without any help with migraines. 


Are you taking 12mg? How long have you taken 12mg? Have your symptoms changed since taking 12mg?


Are your symptoms better or worse at any times of day? Please keep daily notes of times of day you take your drugs, their dosages, and your symptoms throughout the day. Post 24 hours of notes at a time in this topic, in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom or drug and dosage) on the right.


8 hours ago, rapunzel2 said:

just wanted to say I´m in a same situation with akathisia. seeing no solutions here. 


Not exactly the same situation, since your condition was brought on by endocrinological drugs you added voluntarily, for which we do not provide support here.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Yes Im on 12mg. But because of severe migraines 8 days ago I went up to 15mg and reacted bad, so since next day Im back on 12mg. And it seems to be bothering me now as well. Im 3 weeks total on 12mg with this one up doze day, and week after updozing.


I did list, and Im more agitated after noon doze of amitryptyline, but not always. Also restless feeling was usually out of nowhere, didnt connect with anything. Yesterday I almost didnt sleep at all and was so agitated all day, but tonight I slept well and woke up almost normal. I dont know why. Im taking 10mg propranolol two times a day and definitely feel its helping but still some day is pretty bad and other one is quite ok.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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Today I started burning all over.

Im scared. I wont handle more symptoms. Im on 12 mg a month now, with one time updozing to 15 mg that went wrong, so I came back to 12 mg next day. Its been 2 weeks since updozing and coming back on current doze. I know my tapper was too fast, I dont know what to do now. I cry a lot, am suicidal, nauseous, akathisia, migraines, and now this burning pain. Im scared I will do something stupid, I dont handle it. Im afraind burning can be permanent.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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Sorry to hear of your struggles, akathesia is quite a beast. I've had it several times from Paroxetine withdrawal.


I remember reading a blog with a lot of people having had it triggered from nausea drugs or after surgery. The good news is it slowly came down with time and people recovered. I had a similar experience with Paroxetine.


I had suicidal ideation with it and burning arms. It's a struggle to keep going but you will find your way and once you notice slight improvements it builds your confidence.

April 2007 -  Seroxat 20mg

August 2008 - Cold Turkey

August 2009 - Cold Turkey

November 2009 - Reinstatement adverse reaction akathesia/suicidal/anxiety

March 2011 - Start taper

November 2012 - Crash badly at 1.25mg akathesia/suicidal/extreme anxiety

January 2013 - 5mg Seroxat, 300mg  Lyrica

April 2017 - Successfully get off Seroxat with taper followed by 4 month of withdrawal 

January 2018 - Start with constant urinary urge/pain/burning/genital sensations 2 week after anxiety/akathesia ends

January 2019 - Started reducing Lyrica as I suspect it's causing frequent urination, tinnitus, fatigue, brain fog and mental decline.

December 2019 - Off all pysch meds

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  • manymoretodays changed the title to Wania: Amitryptyline withdrawal and akathisia

Thank You.


im 4 months after lowering doze and just feel worse i lnstead of better. Im so nauseous and just woke up in the middle of the night with severe panic nausea and dry mouth. I dont know what to do. 

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Administrator

You have been taking 12mg amitriptyline for 11 days.


On 5/2/2020 at 10:53 PM, Wania said:

tonight I slept well and woke up almost normal.


Typically, when your nervous system is upset by withdrawal, it will wobble for a while after you reinstate at a consistent dose, then settle down. How have your symptoms changed in the last few days? How's your sleep?


What do you mean by akathisia?


Please post daily notes in this topic, as requested:


On 5/2/2020 at 8:08 PM, Altostrata said:

Please keep daily notes of times of day you take your drugs, their dosages, and your symptoms throughout the day. Post 24 hours of notes at a time in this topic, in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom or drug and dosage) on the right.


To help us out, follow these instructions Please put your drug and withdrawal history in your signature You may need to use a computer to do this.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I will try to write today whole story in signature.


Im on 12 mg amitryptyline 25 days now, with one try of updozing that went bad. I was so scared cause akahisia came back then that I started lower doze again next day. Akathisia was getting better but yesterday was so severe I begged my husband to take me to psych ward. But he gave me mj to try first. I was smoking all day with about 40-20% reliefe depend on wave so I will able to survive. I slept at night thats plus. 

I was sleeping ok last days but when aka came back I slept mayby 2 hours. 

I dont know now if aka is my reaction to amitryptyline and I can wean of little more to see if it will settle down or its my withdrawal and I should stay on that doze as long as possible to stabilize. Im scared I wont stabilize. 

My akathisia is severe and life threating. Im severely agitated, running, screaming, vomiting, shaking, histerical in panic. I cant stand it. It lasted whole night and day yesterday, all the time, with some reliefe when I smoked, and then got better in the evening that I was able to sleep during night. Im scared Im getting worse as akathisia came back so severe suddenly.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Administrator

I would NOT increase your dosage. If you're having an adverse reaction to a drug, taking more of it can make the adverse reaction worse.


10 hours ago, Wania said:

Akathisia was getting better


What was the sensation that was getting better?


10 hours ago, Wania said:

Im severely agitated, running, screaming, vomiting, shaking, histerical in panic.


What are your thoughts when you screaming and hysterical in panic?


How often do you vomit?



This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Akathisia in my case is severe restlessnes throughout body, with severe agitation - I cant focus, talk, think, Im so severely agitated and scared its unimaginable. I shake and pinch myself to just feel normal pain. Im incredibly suicidal then. When Im in this severe panic I constantly think I wont handle it I have to stop it.


I dont vomit often, its dry heaving - its few times a day, and sometimes it will be vomiting, but usually just dry heaving, I feel like my stomach stopped working.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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And I dont know if this is adverse reaction or withdrawal but for sure cant go up cause it made me worse.


What if I wont stabilize? I feel like Im getting worse.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Administrator

The symptoms you describe are not akathisia. Your condition may be bumpy for a while. You will need to stay as calm as possible and not add to your drug-induced symptoms with emotional symptoms.


If you have thoughts of suicide, you can wave them away. They are just thoughts. Take care not to increase your distress by exaggeration of your symptoms with worry.


If you go to the hospital, they are likely to give you more drugs, especially if you say you are suicidal.


11 hours ago, Wania said:

Akathisia was getting better but yesterday was so severe I begged my husband to take me to psych ward. But he gave me mj to try first. I was smoking all day with about 40-20% reliefe depend on wave so I will able to survive. I slept at night thats plus. 

I was sleeping ok last days but when aka came back I slept mayby 2 hours. 


You have been taking 12mg amitriptyline for 25 days, it's starting to help you. Because your nervous system has been upset by many drug changes, you may experience waves of bad symptoms until it settles down. Sometimes you may not be able to sleep.


You need to keep calm and not panic. These bad waves should become less and less severe and frequent over some weeks or months. There is no easy way to fix your nervous system when it is upset by drugs. You will need to be patient.


See The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


Are We There Yet? How Long is Withdrawal Going to Take?


"Is it always going to be like this?"


Progress! What withdrawal symptoms have gone away for you?


Withdrawal dialogues & encouragement


Have you always been a heavy smoker?


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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It is akathisia, I have feeling like restless legs throughout my body, I have to shake, and move, and run around. Plus I have severe mental aspect. And its not panic, I suffer with panic attacks 16 years now so I know what they are like. This is completly different level, its something You can not control, its overwhealming fear. You can join akathisia group on facebook, many have it this way, and this mental aspect is the most torturous. Its not something You have control at. Its not panic that I can meditate or deep breathe or wash my face witd cold water for some reliefe. Its much much more unbearable, like whole body is in severe fight or flight response and You cannot control it.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Administrator

Whatever you have, you would be helping yourself by not diving into drama about it. Only you can do this, we can do it for you.


You may prefer participation in the Facebook group. What you'll get here is encouragement to manage your symptoms and let your nervous system settle down.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Into drama about it? 😞 I dont know how can You tell something like that. I know for sure You didnt experience severe akathisia Yourself. Its not drama about it. Akathisia is drama.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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  • Administrator

You have no idea what I've experienced. I have read or counseled maybe 10,000 cases of withdrawal. We cannot deal with drama here, helping out with withdrawal symptoms is difficult enough.


You will need to figure out which of the symptoms you've reported are your own reaction to feeling unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and manage them. If you cannot take responsibility for distinguishing your self-created symptoms from withdrawal symptoms, we cannot help you.


It may take some time for the 12mg amitriptyline to settle your nervous system. If you can't be patient, perhaps the Facebook group would be best for you. We can't handle emergencies here.


Otherwise, please let us know how you're doing, without the emotional symptoms that are under your control.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I didnt ask for that. You asked me to describe my akathisia. So I did. And You suggest that this is not akathisia but my drama. This is rude.


But doesnt matter. Thank You for suggestions. I will stay on 12mg.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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So sorry about your akathisia, Wania. Anyone who has had it knows that it can come with adrenaline rushes, suicidality, homicidal thoughts and urges, paranoia, irrational fear, irregular heartbeat/palpitations, looping thoughts and MORE. 


Akathisia can look vastly different between people. Some have the outer restlessness in their limbs and some have the inner restlessness and some have the horrible mental symptoms above. I completely understand the frantic fear and worry that comes with it... it's not drama, it is an attempt at survival when you are dealing with a symptom so inhumane. 


It definitely doesn't always help to be on the groups and forums 24/7 as they tend to freak people out even more, but sometimes you need advice, support, and to commiserate. Just don't let them consume your entire day. I am with you! 

Celexa 10mg: 2007 to June 2018, stopped CT

No meds: June 2018 to December 2018

PROTRACTED WD-- major depressive episode for 2+ weeks

Lexapro 10mg: December 12, 2018 to January 19, 2019, severe adverse reaction

Celexa 10mg: January 20, 2019

June 24, 2019: 9mg

July 22, 2019: 8.5mg

Jan 8, 2020: 8mg

Aug 25, 2020: 7.2mg


Supplements: Magnesium, Fish Oil

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What caused that for You? How long did it last? 
Im trying to regenerate when propranolol gives me a little reliefe but its so intense all the time. 

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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3 minutes ago, Wania said:

What caused that for You? How long did it last? 
Im trying to regenerate when propranolol gives me a little reliefe but its so intense all the time. 


Trying a new, stronger SSRI after I had cold turkeyd my original med is what caused mine. I went back to my original dose/med and held for 6 months until I felt OK enough to resume a taper. I sometimes still get "flares" of symptoms but nothing at all like before.


I used no other medicine during or after that time besides the occasional antihistamine for sleep. Maybe 4 times? 

Celexa 10mg: 2007 to June 2018, stopped CT

No meds: June 2018 to December 2018

PROTRACTED WD-- major depressive episode for 2+ weeks

Lexapro 10mg: December 12, 2018 to January 19, 2019, severe adverse reaction

Celexa 10mg: January 20, 2019

June 24, 2019: 9mg

July 22, 2019: 8.5mg

Jan 8, 2020: 8mg

Aug 25, 2020: 7.2mg


Supplements: Magnesium, Fish Oil

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6 minutes ago, puthappinessfirst said:


Trying a new, stronger SSRI after I had cold turkeyd my original med is what caused mine. I went back to my original dose/med and held for 6 months until I felt OK enough to resume a taper. I sometimes still get "flares" of symptoms but nothing at all like before.


I used no other medicine during or after that time besides the occasional antihistamine for sleep. Maybe 4 times? 

Thank You. 

Didnt You react bad to coming back on Your antidepressant? I had bad symptoms uping my doze and Im afraid this started it. So next day I already took lower doze. I feel like everyone who got better succesfully reinstained 😞

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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5 minutes ago, Wania said:

Thank You. 

Didnt You react bad to coming back on Your antidepressant? I had bad symptoms uping my doze and Im afraid this started it. So next day I already took lower doze. I feel like everyone who got better succesfully reinstained 😞


I already reacted badly. I cold turkeyd celexa, withdrawal hit me 5 to 6 months later, I tried a new stronger med, then I got akathisia.


I was too scared to cold turkey another med, so that is why I went back to my original med at my original dose and just.... waited. 

Celexa 10mg: 2007 to June 2018, stopped CT

No meds: June 2018 to December 2018

PROTRACTED WD-- major depressive episode for 2+ weeks

Lexapro 10mg: December 12, 2018 to January 19, 2019, severe adverse reaction

Celexa 10mg: January 20, 2019

June 24, 2019: 9mg

July 22, 2019: 8.5mg

Jan 8, 2020: 8mg

Aug 25, 2020: 7.2mg


Supplements: Magnesium, Fish Oil

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2 minutes ago, puthappinessfirst said:


I already reacted badly. I cold turkeyd celexa, withdrawal hit me 5 to 6 months later, I tried a new stronger med, then I got akathisia.


I was too scared to cold turkey another med, so that is why I went back to my original med at my original dose and just.... waited. 

You are on two meds now or just on first one?


withdrawal 5 months later, this is crazy 😞 Im so sory. But Im glad reinstainment worked. I feel like it made me so much worse I dont know if I will be able to stabilize.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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3 minutes ago, Wania said:

You are on two meds now or just on first one?


withdrawal 5 months later, this is crazy 😞 Im so sory. But Im glad reinstainment worked. I feel like it made me so much worse I dont know if I will be able to stabilize.


I am only on one now, celexa at 8mg. Celexa at 10mg was my original dose/medicine.


Reinstatement was disastrous for many months. I don't know if I would say that it "worked" but I am OK now and that is all that matters. You will get there too.

Celexa 10mg: 2007 to June 2018, stopped CT

No meds: June 2018 to December 2018

PROTRACTED WD-- major depressive episode for 2+ weeks

Lexapro 10mg: December 12, 2018 to January 19, 2019, severe adverse reaction

Celexa 10mg: January 20, 2019

June 24, 2019: 9mg

July 22, 2019: 8.5mg

Jan 8, 2020: 8mg

Aug 25, 2020: 7.2mg


Supplements: Magnesium, Fish Oil

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But reinstainment was still easier then symptoms from CT?

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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I don't think I can say akathisia or suicidal depression is better than the other. Both horrible and different. 

Celexa 10mg: 2007 to June 2018, stopped CT

No meds: June 2018 to December 2018

PROTRACTED WD-- major depressive episode for 2+ weeks

Lexapro 10mg: December 12, 2018 to January 19, 2019, severe adverse reaction

Celexa 10mg: January 20, 2019

June 24, 2019: 9mg

July 22, 2019: 8.5mg

Jan 8, 2020: 8mg

Aug 25, 2020: 7.2mg


Supplements: Magnesium, Fish Oil

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Im sory. Why did You decide to stay on med if it was as bad as without?


Im asking cause Im thinking mayby I should push through reistatement. I dont know.

12.2017-02.2018 Mirtazapine - started adverse reactions after 2 months use and stopped without problems

04.2018 Amitryptyline 25mg

07.2019 Stopping Amitryptyline and starting Escitalopram 10 mg, stopping after a week and coming back to Amitryptyline

01.2020 starting Amitryptyline withdrawal, after a month of too fast tapper (from 25mg to 10mg) developed migraines, didnt connect the dots. 

02.2020 went to ER with migraine, got IV torecan and developed severe akathisia (severe restless feeling throughout the body, panic, constant fear) and landed in psych ward. 4 days on benzos, Duoleksetine for 3 days, then back on Ami 30mg. Was stable, symptom free

03.2020 coming home and started Amitryptyline withdrawal again. I wasnt aware of need of slow tappering, psych alway told me to cut in half for few days. Decided to do it slower then she recommended, but it was still too fast.Cut to 20mg when got home (so was on 30mg just a week). 

04.2020 Cut to 15mg. Felt amazing for a week, then cut to 13,5mg. Felt amazing another week. Cut to 12mg. After a week developed migraines again. Then connected dots that they are withdrawal migraines. Tried to up my doze again cause migraines were severe. Took 15 mg and got adverse reaction, akathisia came back, had jerking brain zaps all night long, didnt sleep. Next day took 12 mg again.

Since then (25.04.2020) Im on 12mg again. 

26.04.2020 added propranolol cause akathisia was too severe 10mg 2 times a day. 08.05 still on 12mg amitryptyline, upped propranolol to 10mg 3 times a day cause yesterday akatisia hit out of nowhere very severe, wanted to got o hospital afraid of my life. 31.05 goes to 11mg. 08.07 goes to 10mg. 22.07 bullyeyes rash, infected with Lyme. 20.08 goes to 9mg. 14.10 goes to 8,5mg. After hospital stay with my daughter (15.11) started feeling worse, reacting to citrus fruits with extreme weakness and panic. Getting more symptoms. 12.2 as I wasnt feeling better decided to reduce to 8mg. No change for better or worse. 23.3 started 10 mg propranolol two times a day. 30.04 reduced propr to 15 mg. 05.05 went to 7,5mg Ami. 23.06 went to 7mg Ami. 22.08 6,5mg Ami. 20.12 6mg Ami. 12.2 5,4mg Ami. Still reacting to chemicals, foods.

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Because like pretty much everyone else on this forum, I had no idea what was going on and doctors were no help. 

Celexa 10mg: 2007 to June 2018, stopped CT

No meds: June 2018 to December 2018

PROTRACTED WD-- major depressive episode for 2+ weeks

Lexapro 10mg: December 12, 2018 to January 19, 2019, severe adverse reaction

Celexa 10mg: January 20, 2019

June 24, 2019: 9mg

July 22, 2019: 8.5mg

Jan 8, 2020: 8mg

Aug 25, 2020: 7.2mg


Supplements: Magnesium, Fish Oil

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