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Tips for tapering off mirtazapine (Remeron)


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I think tapering two drugs is a personal choice and one that I made with a very clear head.  I don't regret the choice at all.  I have years of body-mind training and felt very comfortable trusting what my body was telling me. 


Has it made it more difficult?   At times yes, but not overall.   I only know that once I had 6 months of Remeron tapering under my belt, I felt and knew on a body level that it was time to start tapering the Lamictal.  I have gotten some push back on this site about making that choice but I knew what I knew.  I was able to get support for my choice from some good friends that I made here on SA so that helped me during my journey.   I also still appreciate the amount of information that can be found here. 


So I did taper both drugs at the same time till starting in July of 2015 till May of 2016.   As I am now on a low dose of Remeron and feeling the cuts more intensely, I have decided to concentrate only on my Remeron taper and then maybe to another Lamictal cut in between.


In order to support myself tapering two drugs, I had weekly acupuncture combined with Reflexology.  


Wishing you well. 

9/2013-4/2014:  After moms death, was prescribed a series of meds for short periods of time that didn't work. Zoloft, Lexapro,  Nortriptyline, Liquid Prozac, Cymbalta. 

1/2014-9/2014. Clonzapam: Given Lamictal, stopped Clonzapam at .125mgs  

1/2015-4 2017 Remeron: 41.25 -0.025mgs

7/2015-11/2018 Lamictal: 200mgs-0.05 mgs Had paradoxical reaction to Lamictal wd, broke my heart to take a benzo but wasn't sleeping. 

3/28/2019 -2/5/ 2021  Clonazapam: 0.625mgs-.00115 Med Free 

July 27th, 2022**Severe Setback due to surgery/ anesthesia. 

9/7/22-10/4/22 Trazadone 50-100mgs for sleep, 10/13/22-11/13/22 Trazadone 1 mg to stabilize

10/4/22-11/20/22 Remeron 7.5mgs (for sleep doesn't work) 11/20/22 7.3 - 12/31/22 6.3 

2023: 1/18/23 6.1 - 6/6/23 3.6  6/16 3.4  6/28 3.0 7/12 2.7  7/28 2.5 8/11 2.2 8/23 2.0  9/5 1.8  9/16 1.6  9/30 1.4  10/13 1.2  10/26 1.0  11/9 0.8  11/22 0.6  12/6 0.4  12/23 0.2.

2024 1/4/24  Remeron/Mirtazapine free 

Additional Support:  Armour Thyroid 75mgs, Magnesium Glycinate 300-500mgs,  L-theanine 

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Leah and Hibari: good luck to you both. Your body, your decision. My only word of advice to Leah is if and when you do come off xanax is to consider the Ashton method to taper by crossing over to valium. Xanax tablets cannot be cut in small enough portions to allow a tolerable taper, whereas the valium can and then can be finished off with a liquid version of the valium.


Wishing you the best



Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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Thank you, Pokey.


By the way, I have found melatonin to be helpful for sleep. I take a low dose (2.5 mg) when I need to. Insomnia was a huge problem for me in tapering Remeron even though low doses are supposed to make you more sleepy.

2001-2007 Rem 90 mg, xanax 2 mg synthroid 112mcg - 2007-2014 Rem 60 mg xanax 3-4 mg

2015   Feb Rem 45 mg xanax 2 mg, March Rem 30 xanax 2, April  Rem 22.5, May Rem 30  xanax .25x4 hrs, June Rem 26 xanax 2-3, July Rem 22.5 xanax 2, Aug Rem 15 xanax 2, Sept Rem 22 xanax 2, Oct Rem 18 mg xanax .25 mg /4 hrs, Nov Rem 23 mg xanax .5mg, Dec Rem 24 xanax 2 

2016  Jan Rem 20 xanax 2,  Feb Rem 18 mg xanax 1.5, Feb Rem 14 12 mg xanax 1 mg, March Rem 10 9 mg xanax 1-2 mg Rem 7.3 8 xanax 1-2, April Rem 10 12 mg xanax 2 mg, May Rem 11 xanax 1 .75mg Nov Rem 10mg Xanax 2mg 2017 May Rem 10.25 Xanax 1 mg, November Xanax 1mg



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tapered down from 30mg Remeron to 22.5mg with no issues. I've been at that dose for almost 3 weeks now and finding that I am sleeping really well and waking up more rested than I have in a long time. People talk about finding a "sweet spot" for themselves with this med. I am wondering if I have stumbled upon mine? At 15mg I was not waking up very rested and at 30 it was to activating. 22.5 does not seem that different from either 15 or 30 but I can't argue with how I'm feeling these days. I've complained so long of unrefreshing sleep after coming off a benzo and doxepin. I think for now I'm willing to stay where I'm at as it is so nice to feel refreshed and alive again


Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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Around 20 mg was a great spot for me, too. Some days I think I should go back there and stay there so I can have a life (albeit a fat, overweight) one.

2001-2007 Rem 90 mg, xanax 2 mg synthroid 112mcg - 2007-2014 Rem 60 mg xanax 3-4 mg

2015   Feb Rem 45 mg xanax 2 mg, March Rem 30 xanax 2, April  Rem 22.5, May Rem 30  xanax .25x4 hrs, June Rem 26 xanax 2-3, July Rem 22.5 xanax 2, Aug Rem 15 xanax 2, Sept Rem 22 xanax 2, Oct Rem 18 mg xanax .25 mg /4 hrs, Nov Rem 23 mg xanax .5mg, Dec Rem 24 xanax 2 

2016  Jan Rem 20 xanax 2,  Feb Rem 18 mg xanax 1.5, Feb Rem 14 12 mg xanax 1 mg, March Rem 10 9 mg xanax 1-2 mg Rem 7.3 8 xanax 1-2, April Rem 10 12 mg xanax 2 mg, May Rem 11 xanax 1 .75mg Nov Rem 10mg Xanax 2mg 2017 May Rem 10.25 Xanax 1 mg, November Xanax 1mg



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My waistline seems to be staying the same. I try to be cognizant of my food intake and back off when I'm feeling hungry at non-meal times. Remeron can stimulate appetite but does not mess with your metabolism. So I try to stay aware of that. I see my doc in a couple weeks and I'm going to ask him to stay at 22.5mg and see how it goes.


Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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I diet all the time. But I am as fat as a horse. I have gained 50 pounds over 17 years. I don't believe Remeron does not mess with metabolism. It sure as hell increases appetite.


I went to my Weight Watcher leader's doctor years back because I was so upset about not losing nothing on weight watchers. (I am close friends with the WW leader's daughter. The referral was a personal one, not one made by WW.) I counted every point. The Dr. examined me thoroughly. In reviewing my meds she pointed out that Remeron causes weight gain. Big time.


"We use it for anorexics and little old ladies whose husbands died and they sit in a chair all day and do not eat. Put them on Remeron and they gain much needed weight."


You are one of the lucky ones, my friend, if weight gain is not an issue. It is a problem for many of us.

2001-2007 Rem 90 mg, xanax 2 mg synthroid 112mcg - 2007-2014 Rem 60 mg xanax 3-4 mg

2015   Feb Rem 45 mg xanax 2 mg, March Rem 30 xanax 2, April  Rem 22.5, May Rem 30  xanax .25x4 hrs, June Rem 26 xanax 2-3, July Rem 22.5 xanax 2, Aug Rem 15 xanax 2, Sept Rem 22 xanax 2, Oct Rem 18 mg xanax .25 mg /4 hrs, Nov Rem 23 mg xanax .5mg, Dec Rem 24 xanax 2 

2016  Jan Rem 20 xanax 2,  Feb Rem 18 mg xanax 1.5, Feb Rem 14 12 mg xanax 1 mg, March Rem 10 9 mg xanax 1-2 mg Rem 7.3 8 xanax 1-2, April Rem 10 12 mg xanax 2 mg, May Rem 11 xanax 1 .75mg Nov Rem 10mg Xanax 2mg 2017 May Rem 10.25 Xanax 1 mg, November Xanax 1mg



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  • Administrator

Remeron is very well-known for causing weight gain.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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My waistline seems to be staying the same. I try to be cognizant of my food intake and back off when I'm feeling hungry at non-meal times. Remeron can stimulate appetite but does not mess with your metabolism. So I try to stay aware of that. I see my doc in a couple weeks and I'm going to ask him to stay at 22.5mg and see how it goes.


Pokey  Your statement that Remeron can "stimulate appetite but does not mess with your metabolism"  is not true. 


Many people who work out faithfully and eat normally gain lots of weight on Remeron.

The reason I am stating this is because I am one of those people.  I had no weight issues before Remeron and in fact was a little underweight.  I did not change my eating at all when I first when on it and in about 5 months I gained close to 21Lbs and since then probably 5 more.  I have tried many health and weight loss programs to get the weigh off and nothing  has  budged it.  


There are stories all over the internet about people rapidly gaining weight Remeron while working out and eating well.  You will also read stories of people coming off of Remeron and without dieting or working out, the weight just starts to fall off.  You can even find stories of that here.   I am one of the people who is praying that will happen. 


As Leahy mentioned, there are many doctors out there who confirm the weight gain associated with Remeron.  I had a psychiatrist and gynecologist both confirm that.


I'm glad you have not gained weight on it. 


It's also important that other people know that the weight gain on Remeron has a lot to do with it's effect on metabolism and not a weakness around food. 

9/2013-4/2014:  After moms death, was prescribed a series of meds for short periods of time that didn't work. Zoloft, Lexapro,  Nortriptyline, Liquid Prozac, Cymbalta. 

1/2014-9/2014. Clonzapam: Given Lamictal, stopped Clonzapam at .125mgs  

1/2015-4 2017 Remeron: 41.25 -0.025mgs

7/2015-11/2018 Lamictal: 200mgs-0.05 mgs Had paradoxical reaction to Lamictal wd, broke my heart to take a benzo but wasn't sleeping. 

3/28/2019 -2/5/ 2021  Clonazapam: 0.625mgs-.00115 Med Free 

July 27th, 2022**Severe Setback due to surgery/ anesthesia. 

9/7/22-10/4/22 Trazadone 50-100mgs for sleep, 10/13/22-11/13/22 Trazadone 1 mg to stabilize

10/4/22-11/20/22 Remeron 7.5mgs (for sleep doesn't work) 11/20/22 7.3 - 12/31/22 6.3 

2023: 1/18/23 6.1 - 6/6/23 3.6  6/16 3.4  6/28 3.0 7/12 2.7  7/28 2.5 8/11 2.2 8/23 2.0  9/5 1.8  9/16 1.6  9/30 1.4  10/13 1.2  10/26 1.0  11/9 0.8  11/22 0.6  12/6 0.4  12/23 0.2.

2024 1/4/24  Remeron/Mirtazapine free 

Additional Support:  Armour Thyroid 75mgs, Magnesium Glycinate 300-500mgs,  L-theanine 

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  • 9 months later...

I'm tapering off Mirtazapine still. I'm at 11.25mg. I was at 30mg. I feel weak and tired a lot. Low energy. Makes me think I must have something seriously wrong, thinking surely it can't be the Mirt I ask, but no other cause for the fatigue and malaise is presenting itself. Above I said I was not gaining any weight, well that has certainly changed.  I have gained weight. I'm 15 lbs heavier than usual. Got to get off this stuff. The fatigue & malaise sucks the marrow out of my bones. Can anyone else relate to these symptoms? I figure I should be off towards the end of summer. 



Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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I'm tapering off Mirtazapine still. I'm at 10.25mg. I was at 90mg. I feel weak and tired a lot. Low energy. Makes me think I must have something seriously wrong, thinking surely it can't be the Mirt I ask, but no other cause for the fatigue and malaise is presenting itself. I have gained weight. I'm 60 lbs heavier than usual. Got to get off this stuff. Yes, I can relate to these symptoms? I would like to be off towards the end of summer. 


But I have a feeling I won't be off until next winter.

2001-2007 Rem 90 mg, xanax 2 mg synthroid 112mcg - 2007-2014 Rem 60 mg xanax 3-4 mg

2015   Feb Rem 45 mg xanax 2 mg, March Rem 30 xanax 2, April  Rem 22.5, May Rem 30  xanax .25x4 hrs, June Rem 26 xanax 2-3, July Rem 22.5 xanax 2, Aug Rem 15 xanax 2, Sept Rem 22 xanax 2, Oct Rem 18 mg xanax .25 mg /4 hrs, Nov Rem 23 mg xanax .5mg, Dec Rem 24 xanax 2 

2016  Jan Rem 20 xanax 2,  Feb Rem 18 mg xanax 1.5, Feb Rem 14 12 mg xanax 1 mg, March Rem 10 9 mg xanax 1-2 mg Rem 7.3 8 xanax 1-2, April Rem 10 12 mg xanax 2 mg, May Rem 11 xanax 1 .75mg Nov Rem 10mg Xanax 2mg 2017 May Rem 10.25 Xanax 1 mg, November Xanax 1mg



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Leahy- is your fatigue and weakness more in the morning like mine is or is it different? My GP said he thought the fatigue, etc. was more likely in the morning because it was close to when I take my dose at bed time. Kind of a morning hangover. But I don't buy that. Mirtazapine has a 1/2 life of about 30 hours, so there should be a steady state of the drug in my system (except when I cut) at all times, so taking a dose at bedtime should not be affecting the level of the drug in my system in the morning. I have no idea, and I dont think he does either,  why I feel worse in the mornings when I wake up. But it sucks, I know that.



Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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I agree with you, Pokey. I honestly do not think my every day hangovers has anything to do with the half life since my symptoms are worsened when I decrease but take 4 days to truly torture me. That leads me to believe the half life is not the immediate issue. My symptoms have more to do with the overall 20 year change in the architecture of my brain caused by taking the medication and my struggles to rebuild my brain as I decrease dosages. And any time I decrease the hangovers are WICKED and get worse as the days and weeks go by. So the immediate effect is not the problem. It's the days and weeks and months after tapering that have been a serious problem.


So now I take it very slow and grow fatter but I am terrified of feeling sick. I hate being fat but being sick is unbearable. 



2001-2007 Rem 90 mg, xanax 2 mg synthroid 112mcg - 2007-2014 Rem 60 mg xanax 3-4 mg

2015   Feb Rem 45 mg xanax 2 mg, March Rem 30 xanax 2, April  Rem 22.5, May Rem 30  xanax .25x4 hrs, June Rem 26 xanax 2-3, July Rem 22.5 xanax 2, Aug Rem 15 xanax 2, Sept Rem 22 xanax 2, Oct Rem 18 mg xanax .25 mg /4 hrs, Nov Rem 23 mg xanax .5mg, Dec Rem 24 xanax 2 

2016  Jan Rem 20 xanax 2,  Feb Rem 18 mg xanax 1.5, Feb Rem 14 12 mg xanax 1 mg, March Rem 10 9 mg xanax 1-2 mg Rem 7.3 8 xanax 1-2, April Rem 10 12 mg xanax 2 mg, May Rem 11 xanax 1 .75mg Nov Rem 10mg Xanax 2mg 2017 May Rem 10.25 Xanax 1 mg, November Xanax 1mg



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Yeh, I think I have may a similar thing going on with the architecture of my brain. I was one xanax and doxepin for 25 years. Doctors kept saying I needed it which was all BS as it turns out. Was a long taper to get off them both. I had a weak moment with my GP and let him put me on mirtazapine to help with sleep. His claim was that he prescribed it to little old ladies and had no problem with it, was very safe, etc., etc. I have a new doc now and he's all for me getting off and I will never go another psychotropic ever again. NEVER!!!  


Yes, I often feel sick too. Like I got the flu all the time. Weak, tired, stiff, achey. Really puts a damper on life doesn't it. There are things I want to do, like travel, but I just don't feel like it. I try to keep up my exercise, which helps. I really want off badly, but know if I try to push it, it will backfire. 

Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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Same story. Exactly. It definitely puts a damper on life. I want off badly but I know what happens when I try to push it.


My GP told me also that they put little old ladies and anorexics on mirt to make them gain much needed weight.


I might qualify for the "old lady" at this point - just not so little. Thanks to mirt.

2001-2007 Rem 90 mg, xanax 2 mg synthroid 112mcg - 2007-2014 Rem 60 mg xanax 3-4 mg

2015   Feb Rem 45 mg xanax 2 mg, March Rem 30 xanax 2, April  Rem 22.5, May Rem 30  xanax .25x4 hrs, June Rem 26 xanax 2-3, July Rem 22.5 xanax 2, Aug Rem 15 xanax 2, Sept Rem 22 xanax 2, Oct Rem 18 mg xanax .25 mg /4 hrs, Nov Rem 23 mg xanax .5mg, Dec Rem 24 xanax 2 

2016  Jan Rem 20 xanax 2,  Feb Rem 18 mg xanax 1.5, Feb Rem 14 12 mg xanax 1 mg, March Rem 10 9 mg xanax 1-2 mg Rem 7.3 8 xanax 1-2, April Rem 10 12 mg xanax 2 mg, May Rem 11 xanax 1 .75mg Nov Rem 10mg Xanax 2mg 2017 May Rem 10.25 Xanax 1 mg, November Xanax 1mg



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Same story. Exactly. It definitely puts a damper on life. I want off badly but I know what happens when I try to push it.


My GP told me also that they put little old ladies and anorexics on mirt to make them gain much needed weight.


I might qualify for the "old lady" at this point - just not so little. Thanks to mirt.

Dr. trying doing that to my grandmother in the nursing home and I found out....We stopped it immediately!

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, my apologies if this has been asked or answered elsewhere. Although I have posted before, this is my first tapering question.


I wondered if anyone had experience of changing from Mirtazapine tablets to Mirtazapine liquid. Was it rough, if so how long did it take to stabilise. What were the effects of changeover?


I'm just transitioning on to liquid myself and I'm starting to find it very rough, I guess I'm looking for reassurance that probably doesn't exist given that we are all different. I'd be grateful for any advice, thanks for reading this.

March 2012 - Prescribed Mirtazapine 15mg for anxiety and phobias

May 2012 - Jan 2017 - Had several brief spells on 30mg, none helpful, remained at 15mg

May 2017 - Started my withdrawal by transferring to liquid preparation at the same dosage (1ml = 15mg)


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Hi James.


Yes, I experienced what's called an "unexpected cut" when I switched my Mirtazapine from tablets to liquid.  The exchange is not equal and I read on this site that switching to liquid even if you are not lowering your dose causes this cut.  It appears that the liquid suspension is not equal in potency to the tablet form.  It's not a huge difference but a difference.  


You have the option of going up slightly on the liquid or holding till you stabilize.


A moderator from the site may have more specific advice.


Hang in there, I found that it does pass. 

9/2013-4/2014:  After moms death, was prescribed a series of meds for short periods of time that didn't work. Zoloft, Lexapro,  Nortriptyline, Liquid Prozac, Cymbalta. 

1/2014-9/2014. Clonzapam: Given Lamictal, stopped Clonzapam at .125mgs  

1/2015-4 2017 Remeron: 41.25 -0.025mgs

7/2015-11/2018 Lamictal: 200mgs-0.05 mgs Had paradoxical reaction to Lamictal wd, broke my heart to take a benzo but wasn't sleeping. 

3/28/2019 -2/5/ 2021  Clonazapam: 0.625mgs-.00115 Med Free 

July 27th, 2022**Severe Setback due to surgery/ anesthesia. 

9/7/22-10/4/22 Trazadone 50-100mgs for sleep, 10/13/22-11/13/22 Trazadone 1 mg to stabilize

10/4/22-11/20/22 Remeron 7.5mgs (for sleep doesn't work) 11/20/22 7.3 - 12/31/22 6.3 

2023: 1/18/23 6.1 - 6/6/23 3.6  6/16 3.4  6/28 3.0 7/12 2.7  7/28 2.5 8/11 2.2 8/23 2.0  9/5 1.8  9/16 1.6  9/30 1.4  10/13 1.2  10/26 1.0  11/9 0.8  11/22 0.6  12/6 0.4  12/23 0.2.

2024 1/4/24  Remeron/Mirtazapine free 

Additional Support:  Armour Thyroid 75mgs, Magnesium Glycinate 300-500mgs,  L-theanine 

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Hi Hibari, thanks so much for taking the time to reply. That definitely feels like what's happening, thank you, I normally suffer a bit of dizziness and anxiety when I change boxes of tablets but this is more substantial. Fingers crossed it doesn't last too long, thanks for your advice. By the way, congrats on getting past the Remeron, that's brilliant. Best wishes. James

March 2012 - Prescribed Mirtazapine 15mg for anxiety and phobias

May 2012 - Jan 2017 - Had several brief spells on 30mg, none helpful, remained at 15mg

May 2017 - Started my withdrawal by transferring to liquid preparation at the same dosage (1ml = 15mg)


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Hi James

Hey i was just looking and i couldnt see your intro thread maybe i have missed it.

What do you think about the idea of doing a drug sig?

Are you making the liquid yourself or getting it made up for you?

Did you do a drop at the same time? If you are making it yourself how are you doing it?


I never took liquid myself but from what i read some are making the switch to liquid easier by taking part liquid and part tablet dose.


Unfortunately we are all guinea pigs in a massive chemical experiment.

Sorry it is rough at the moment hoping it settles soon.

Wishing you stability.


Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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  • Administrator

We suggest taking part of the dose in tablet form and part in liquid to make a gradual switch.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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@nz11 - Thank you, I will update my profile with my drug info, thanks for the tip. The liquid is pharmaceutical preparation (i.e. not made myself) and I didn't drop at the same time, just transferred on (what I thought) was the same dosage. A little easier today, we'll see.


@Altostrata - thats a great tip, thank you so much I will look to that if things get worse or don't settle. Very grateful for your advice.

March 2012 - Prescribed Mirtazapine 15mg for anxiety and phobias

May 2012 - Jan 2017 - Had several brief spells on 30mg, none helpful, remained at 15mg

May 2017 - Started my withdrawal by transferring to liquid preparation at the same dosage (1ml = 15mg)


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, I'm sorry, but I dont understand what the issue is going from a tablet to a liquid form of Remeron. When I tapered off xanax using valium, when I got to a low dose range I switched to liquid valium and I dont recall any issues. My lab experience tells me if you have a concentration of say 10 mg/ml then if you take 0.5ml you get 5 mg. But that does not seem to coincide with the trend of the discussion here. Is it a case that mirtazapine does not stay in a homogeneous solution? If thats the case shaking it should help I would think. I'd appreciate knowing what the issue is as I am getting near 7.5 mg and was thinking going down from there should be done by using a liquid form of the medication. thanks



Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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Pokey, this topic may answer your question:  tablets-or-liquid-in-withdrawal


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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I am now at 9.375mg of Remeron. Question: Does a Remeron taper get more difficult the lower you get? By that I mean are the withdrawal sxs worse the lower you go in dose. I'm going nice and slow. Only cutting once every 4 weeks. But man I feel like crap, all the time. I felt pretty good when I was at 15 and then cut to 13.125 and had more good days than bad when at 11.25. I am cutting by 1.875mg per cut. Actually when I made this last cut from 11.25 to 9.375 I took 7.5 + 1.875 and cut a 1.875 piece in 1/2 for a week and now have been on 9.375 for 3 weeks. But am feeling crummy much of the time.  My plan is to get to 7.5 and stay there for a while and then go on a liquid and cut from there using that. It still amazes me how such a small dab of a drug can have such an impact on how one feels.



Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Many members have found that the lower their dose gets the slower they need to go.


This topic discusses this:  Why taper paper: dose-occupancy curves


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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I looked at the article. Pretty technical but got the jist. Seems like I'd be correct in saying it takes longer then to stabilize after a cut when you get to the lower dose range? I made my last cut May 6. Waiting for relief.  The fatigue is exhausting. I sleep but wake up feeling like I never slept. I have to fly a couple times this weekend. Going to be a long 4 days.



Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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I`d like to ask for an advice. Has anyone experience with changing a manufacturer of Mirtazapine? I`ll probably reach 15mg in July. I wanted to use 15mg tablets but found out 15mg tablets are not available from the same manufacturer (Mylan, generics). I would have to either swap for another manufacturer or keep cutting 30mg soltab tablets. What do you think?

05/06/2015-05/21/2015 Zoloft C/T, 05/2015-08/2015 Clonazepam 2x0.5mg (reduced to 0 during one month), 05/2015-08/2015 Trazodone 150mg (last month 100mg, reduced to 0 during 7 days), 09/2015-07/2016 Clonazepam reinstated after one month off to 2x0.25mg (benzo free since July 28, 2016), 09/2016 Escitalopram 5mg (10 days), 10/2015-04/2016 Venlafaxine 150mg (3 months) 75mg (3 months) C/T, 01/2016-04/2016 Olanzapine 2.5mg C/T, 04/2016-05/2016 Lamictal 100mg (5 weeks, reduced to 0 during 7 days)), 08/02/2016-08/16/2016 Valdoxan 25mg C/T,

08/23/2016-09/21/2016 Venlafaxine 75 mg (reduced to 0 during 7 days),

07/27/2016-10/10/2016 Buspirone 3x5mg (Oct. 1-3; 5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg,)(Oct.4-5; 2.5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg)(Oct. 6-8; 2.5mg-2.5mg-0)(Oct. 9; 2.5mg-0-0),

10/25/2016 - reinstated Buspirone 3x5mg (Dec.13-19; 5mg-2.5mg-5mg) (Dec.19-Jan.1; 5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-11; 2.5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-19;1.67mg, 1.67mg, 1.67mg) (Jan.20-27; 0.83mg, 0.83mg, 0.83mg) (Jan.28-Feb.05; 1mg, 1mg)(Feb.6-0mg)

08/10/2016 - Mirtazapine 30mg (01/26/2017-02/19/2017, 27mg) (02/20/2017-03/05/2017, 25.5mg) (03/06/2017-03/12/2017, 24mg) (03/12/2017-03/19/2017, 23mg) (03/20/2017-04/02/2017, 22mg) (04/03/2017-04/16/2017, 21mg) (04/17/2017-05/12/2017, 20mg) (05/13/2017-05/22/2017, 19mg) (05/23/2017-06/09/2017, 18mg) (06/10/2017-06/16/2017, 17.5mg) (06/17/2017-06/23/2017, 17mg) (06/24/2017-06/30/2017, 16.5mg) (07/01/2017-07/14/2017, 16mg) (07/15/2017-07/23/2017, 15.5mg) (07/24/2017-08/31/2017, 15mg) (09/01/2017-09/10/2017, 14.5mg) (09/11/2017-09/30/2017, 14mg) (10/01/2017-10/26/2017, 13.5mg) (10/27/2017-11/04/2017, 13mg) (11/05/2017-11/18/2017, 12.5mg) (11/19/2017-12/08/2017, 12mg) (12/09/2017-12/15/2017, 11.75mg) (12/16/2017-12/28/2017, 11.5mg) (12/29/2017-01/11/2018, 11mg) (01/12/2018-01/25/2018, 10.5mg) (01/26/2018-02/08/2018, 10mg) (02/09/2018-02/22/2018, 9.5mg) (02/23/2018-03/08/2018, 9mg) (03/09/2018-03/22/2018, 8.5mg) (03/23/2018-04/05/2018, 8mg) (04/06/2018-04/27/2018, 7.5mg) (04/28/2018-05/05/2018, 7.13mg) (05/06/2018-05/17/2018, 7mg) (05/18/201/-05/31/2018, 6.5mg) (06/01/2018-06/14/2018, 6.25mg) (06/15/2018-06/24/2018, 6mg) (06/25/2018-06/30/2018, 5.67mg) (06/31/2018-07/09/2018, 5.5mg) (07/10/2018-07/16/2018, 5.33mg) (07/17/2018-07/23/2018, 5.16mg) (07/24/2018-07/31/2018, 5mg) (08/01/2018-08/14/2018, 4.75mg) (08/15/2018-09/14/2018, 4.50mg) (09/15/2018-10/14/2018, 4.00mg) (10/15/2018-11/26/2018, 3.50mg) (11/27/2018-01/05/2019, 3.0mg) (01/06/2019-01/16/2019, 2.5mg) (01/17/2019-02/08/2019, 2.25mg) (02/09/2019-02/22/2019, 2.13 mg) (02/23/2019-03/07/2019, 2.00 mg) (03/08/2019-04/01/2019, 1.67 mg) (04/02/2019-04/13/2019, 1.5 mg) (04/14/2019-04/26/2019, 1.33 mg) (04/27/2019-05/10/2019, 1.16 mg) (05/11/2019-05/23/2019, 1.0 mg) (05/24/2019-06/02/2019, 0.88 mg) (06/03/2019-06/13/2019, 0.75 mg) (06/14/2019-06/23/2019, 0.63 mg) (06/24/2019-07/03/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/04/2019-07/08/2019, 0.00 mg) (07/09/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/10/2019, 0.00 mg)

Psych drugs free since 10th July 2019.


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some people are sensitive to a change in manufacturer. I have some symptoms with different brands. If you have any of the old ones left you could break them and make up the dose with some from each, gradually reducing the old one while increasing the new one. I had to do this when I moved to a new area and the pharmacy uses a different brand. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28. 5. 2017 at 11:22 PM, mammaP said:

some people are sensitive to a change in manufacturer. I have some symptoms with different brands. If you have any of the old ones left you could break them and make up the dose with some from each, gradually reducing the old one while increasing the new one. I had to do this when I moved to a new area and the pharmacy uses a different brand. 

That`s a good idea, I`ll do it. Thanks.

05/06/2015-05/21/2015 Zoloft C/T, 05/2015-08/2015 Clonazepam 2x0.5mg (reduced to 0 during one month), 05/2015-08/2015 Trazodone 150mg (last month 100mg, reduced to 0 during 7 days), 09/2015-07/2016 Clonazepam reinstated after one month off to 2x0.25mg (benzo free since July 28, 2016), 09/2016 Escitalopram 5mg (10 days), 10/2015-04/2016 Venlafaxine 150mg (3 months) 75mg (3 months) C/T, 01/2016-04/2016 Olanzapine 2.5mg C/T, 04/2016-05/2016 Lamictal 100mg (5 weeks, reduced to 0 during 7 days)), 08/02/2016-08/16/2016 Valdoxan 25mg C/T,

08/23/2016-09/21/2016 Venlafaxine 75 mg (reduced to 0 during 7 days),

07/27/2016-10/10/2016 Buspirone 3x5mg (Oct. 1-3; 5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg,)(Oct.4-5; 2.5mg-2.5mg-2.5mg)(Oct. 6-8; 2.5mg-2.5mg-0)(Oct. 9; 2.5mg-0-0),

10/25/2016 - reinstated Buspirone 3x5mg (Dec.13-19; 5mg-2.5mg-5mg) (Dec.19-Jan.1; 5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-11; 2.5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg) (Jan.2-19;1.67mg, 1.67mg, 1.67mg) (Jan.20-27; 0.83mg, 0.83mg, 0.83mg) (Jan.28-Feb.05; 1mg, 1mg)(Feb.6-0mg)

08/10/2016 - Mirtazapine 30mg (01/26/2017-02/19/2017, 27mg) (02/20/2017-03/05/2017, 25.5mg) (03/06/2017-03/12/2017, 24mg) (03/12/2017-03/19/2017, 23mg) (03/20/2017-04/02/2017, 22mg) (04/03/2017-04/16/2017, 21mg) (04/17/2017-05/12/2017, 20mg) (05/13/2017-05/22/2017, 19mg) (05/23/2017-06/09/2017, 18mg) (06/10/2017-06/16/2017, 17.5mg) (06/17/2017-06/23/2017, 17mg) (06/24/2017-06/30/2017, 16.5mg) (07/01/2017-07/14/2017, 16mg) (07/15/2017-07/23/2017, 15.5mg) (07/24/2017-08/31/2017, 15mg) (09/01/2017-09/10/2017, 14.5mg) (09/11/2017-09/30/2017, 14mg) (10/01/2017-10/26/2017, 13.5mg) (10/27/2017-11/04/2017, 13mg) (11/05/2017-11/18/2017, 12.5mg) (11/19/2017-12/08/2017, 12mg) (12/09/2017-12/15/2017, 11.75mg) (12/16/2017-12/28/2017, 11.5mg) (12/29/2017-01/11/2018, 11mg) (01/12/2018-01/25/2018, 10.5mg) (01/26/2018-02/08/2018, 10mg) (02/09/2018-02/22/2018, 9.5mg) (02/23/2018-03/08/2018, 9mg) (03/09/2018-03/22/2018, 8.5mg) (03/23/2018-04/05/2018, 8mg) (04/06/2018-04/27/2018, 7.5mg) (04/28/2018-05/05/2018, 7.13mg) (05/06/2018-05/17/2018, 7mg) (05/18/201/-05/31/2018, 6.5mg) (06/01/2018-06/14/2018, 6.25mg) (06/15/2018-06/24/2018, 6mg) (06/25/2018-06/30/2018, 5.67mg) (06/31/2018-07/09/2018, 5.5mg) (07/10/2018-07/16/2018, 5.33mg) (07/17/2018-07/23/2018, 5.16mg) (07/24/2018-07/31/2018, 5mg) (08/01/2018-08/14/2018, 4.75mg) (08/15/2018-09/14/2018, 4.50mg) (09/15/2018-10/14/2018, 4.00mg) (10/15/2018-11/26/2018, 3.50mg) (11/27/2018-01/05/2019, 3.0mg) (01/06/2019-01/16/2019, 2.5mg) (01/17/2019-02/08/2019, 2.25mg) (02/09/2019-02/22/2019, 2.13 mg) (02/23/2019-03/07/2019, 2.00 mg) (03/08/2019-04/01/2019, 1.67 mg) (04/02/2019-04/13/2019, 1.5 mg) (04/14/2019-04/26/2019, 1.33 mg) (04/27/2019-05/10/2019, 1.16 mg) (05/11/2019-05/23/2019, 1.0 mg) (05/24/2019-06/02/2019, 0.88 mg) (06/03/2019-06/13/2019, 0.75 mg) (06/14/2019-06/23/2019, 0.63 mg) (06/24/2019-07/03/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/04/2019-07/08/2019, 0.00 mg) (07/09/2019, 0.50 mg) (07/10/2019, 0.00 mg)

Psych drugs free since 10th July 2019.


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  • 1 month later...

I am down to 7.5mg now. Have been for a awhile now and am holding here through the summer while I'm traveling etc. and will restart my taper this fall. But in the mean time I wake up every morning feeling like HELL!! Tired all the damn time. Feel ill alot. Stiff, achey. Upset stomach alot. Is this still possibly the mirtazapine??

Was on xanax and doxepin for 25years. Got off both without to much trouble after long slow tapers. Still have issues with cognition, insomnia and fatigue. Was on 30mg mirtazapine.  Have tapered down to 9.375. When I get to 7.5 will hold there for a while to get good and stable again, then start down from there with liquid. Also take prevacid for GERD and bystolic for a mitral valve issue plus probiotic. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

When I was tapering Mirtazapine, I was taking such small cuts, cutting 0.02 mg/day, that it was important to me to have the same solution for the whole taper. 


When I first made the solution, I added a few drops of vinegar to bring the pH down and reduce the possibility of having bacterial growth in the solution while I kept the solution in the refrigerator.  After a while, I was concerned that the solution would degrade, so I froze part of it to stop any possible degradation.


I had access to a laboratory and I was able to analyze the solutions myself. I convinced myself that within experimental errors, there was no difference in concentration between the frozen mirtazapine-water solution, the solution that I kept in the refrigerator for about two weeks, and a fresh batch that I prepared just before testing.


I can only vouch for myself, this was my experience.  

I do not have a medical background, any opinions are my own.


I took zopiclone ( z-drug) for situational insomnia. Three weeks later I was having panic attacks. I was given Benzos, A/D, anti-psychotics, "mood stabilizers" and I kept getting worse and worse. I got very sick.


I have been off all drugs now for over 5 years and I'm healing nicely.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't understand what do I need to do? to cut my dosage is the compounding pharmacist going to give me a months worth of liquid?

  • Ativan Mid April 1999-to end of May 1999 ( COLD TURKEY and flushed them down the toilet) I went through hell for 3 months-I had no idea what was happening to me there was no information on the internet about this drug)
  • Zoloft 200mg 1999 to 2017
  • Wellbutrin 2015 6 months Started having exterme anxiety-quit taking switched back to Zoloft ( I have quit about 6 jobs from this time0  Klonopin .5-1.0 of and on for two months (tapered off in Dec-Jan)
  • 15 mg Remeron 2012-presnt
  • **Started tapering down Zoloft 12/?/17 12/09/17 down to 50mg; 12/12/17-12/14-17 Zoloft 100mg; 12/16/201712/19 -Zoloft 150mg; 12/20/17-01/06/18 Zoloft 200mg; 01/07/18-01//18/18 Zoloft 180mg
  • 01/18/18-present Zoloft 200mg
  • February 2018-Copaxone 40mg (3 times a week shots) (for Multiple Sclerosis)2/17/18 begin transition to liquid 200mg
  • magnesium, fish oil




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Hi Samantha,


I successfully tapered off Remeron 15mg three years ago. What i did was an olive oil base with pulverized remeron tablets.  The person I got info on for the recipe was Roy Katz who is a compound pharmacist.  I could not get a dr to agree with me to write the prescription for liquid so I made the liquid myself and decreased 1mg at  a time over several weeks. I think it took me a good 6 months to get off totally. But you should contact Roy and get the recipe for the liquid titration method. He is more than willing to talk with you about concocting your own. Google Roy Katz and give him a call to get the right amount of Remeron per mg of Olive oil. it is a liquid suspension and you can get an even amount of Remeron using a syringe. Hope this helps and Good luck with your taper. I do not suggest cutting them in half  or even cutting them at all. I got a pestle and bowl and pulverized them and then put them in the olive oil , then measured out the right mg with a syringe and took it that way. Do not try to get off this fast. Its a slow drawn out taper designed to give you as little side effects as possible..

med exp since 1985- abilify, latuda, Seroquel, risperadol, zyprexa, Haldol. latuda, saphris, mellaril, thorazine, lithium, tegretol, Depakote, lamictal, Prozac, pamelor, wellbutrin, Ativan, klonipin, etc.

 currently only on remeron: 3/13/14-6/5/14- 15mg

6/20/14 -9.5mg < 0.75-1.5 per week


8/11/14- 0.6mg of Remeron (almost off)

8/16/14--last dose of remeron...now completely drug free....

11/21/14-- 95 DAYS DRUG FREE!!!!


I do not give out medical advice only personal experience.

dx: BPI, II, CKD, secondary hyperparathyroidism, Chronic pain, fibro,

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How much Olive Oil?


  • Ativan Mid April 1999-to end of May 1999 ( COLD TURKEY and flushed them down the toilet) I went through hell for 3 months-I had no idea what was happening to me there was no information on the internet about this drug)
  • Zoloft 200mg 1999 to 2017
  • Wellbutrin 2015 6 months Started having exterme anxiety-quit taking switched back to Zoloft ( I have quit about 6 jobs from this time0  Klonopin .5-1.0 of and on for two months (tapered off in Dec-Jan)
  • 15 mg Remeron 2012-presnt
  • **Started tapering down Zoloft 12/?/17 12/09/17 down to 50mg; 12/12/17-12/14-17 Zoloft 100mg; 12/16/201712/19 -Zoloft 150mg; 12/20/17-01/06/18 Zoloft 200mg; 01/07/18-01//18/18 Zoloft 180mg
  • 01/18/18-present Zoloft 200mg
  • February 2018-Copaxone 40mg (3 times a week shots) (for Multiple Sclerosis)2/17/18 begin transition to liquid 200mg
  • magnesium, fish oil




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3 hours ago, Abilifyneedhelp88 said:

The person I got info on for the recipe was Roy Katz who is a compound pharmacist.

2016 Pharmacist Roy Katz suspended by Minnesota Board of Pharmacy

2007 - 2008          Paxil and Klonopin

2008 - 2012           Mirtazapine following CT from Klonopin and Paxil.  

2012                       Unsuccessful taper of mirtazapine; reinstated.     

7/2013 - 1/2014   Successfully tapered mirtazapine from 7.5 mg to 0.00.


Sertraline (Zoloft) 25 mg.Tapered  from Aug 4, 2017 to July 18, 2021 - Current dose 0.00

Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.25 mg.  July 19, 2017 - Nov 15, 2021

Began 10% taper  Nov 16, 2021 - 0.25  Jan 11, 2022 - 0.203;  Jan 13, 2023 - 0.0499;  Jan 21, 2024 - 0.0137;  July 20, 2024 - 0.00608; 

Taper is 97% complete.

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