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sufferingpassenger: Need your help to understand what is happening to me?


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Hi Everyone - I am 38 year old male and have been on SSRIs for most part of a decade now!


I was put on SSRIs to treat generalised zed anxiety disorder an panic attacks.


March 2011 - May 2012 Venlafaxine - 75 mg (CTed without any problems)

Nov 2013 - Oct 2014 Citalopram 20 mg (not very effective)

Oct 2014 - April 2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (stabilised on this dose. Tried to stop medication with 4 week taper after feeling normal but had to reinstate fully due to WD symptoms)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (GP puts me on Zoloft after Venlafaxine withdrawal on 3rd attempt to quit. I stop the Zoloft in Nov as I felt I was cured)


Hell breaks loose Jan - March 2019 as I experienced  pretty much all imaginable withdrawal symptoms. That's when I find this site while googling my symptoms and learn that what I was experiencing was WD. However, based on advice from Psychiatrist I reinstated and eventually stabilised on 50 mg after an initial adverse reaction.


Since then I made it very clear to my Psych that I want to withdraw from the Sertraline. However his recommendation was to see the Pandemic through before I start withdrawing as the Pandemic might make matters worse with undue stress. I get my vaccinations (Moderna) and both doses do not cause any major side effects. I had a relatively stable time on the Sertraline till around August 2021 when I felt I was not responding to usual life stressors normally and felt a bit unsettled. I ignored this as a just another Wave.


Cut to Dec 2021 - I get my booster dose (Pfizer) on the 19th Dec and within 6 hours start experiencing WD like symptoms as if the vaccine kindled my nervous system. My anxiety was back with palpitations and insomnia. However the symptoms resolved over the next 5 days and I started feeling stable again within a week. I assumed it was just a wave.


However, I tested positive for Covid-19 on Jan 25th 2022 and have since started developing WD like symptoms (anxiety, restlessness, health anxiety, pins and needles). My Covid symptoms resolved within 6 days but the anxiety is persisting and it seems only getting worse.


Here I am wondering -

1. Is this another wave triggered by Covid-19 infection? Shall I wait it out?

2. Or am in a 'Poop out' situation where the AD has stopped being effective?


Please advise me on what should be the best approach for me?


PS - The only change in medication has been that I now take the Zoloft 50 mg as a solution in preparation for my WD



2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • ChessieCat changed the title to sufferingpassenger: Need your help to understand what is happening to me?
  • Moderator

Welcome to SA @sufferingpassenger

I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. It seems like Covid has destabilized your nervous system. It is something that many people observe, even those who don't take ADs and are not withdrawing from ADs. Most likely this is just the effect of Covid and will go away in due time. 


There is some possibility that it is from switching to liquid medication. Can you check what the dose equivalency is between the liquid and the pills? When did you switch to liquid medication? Your drug history is uncear about what exactly you are taking now. 

Can you pls list all of your drugs in your signature? 

How to List Drug History in Signature - Introductions and updates - Surviving Antidepressants

It is great that you are taking a cautious approach to withdrawal. Here are a few links to help you if you haven't yet seen them.

Important topics in the Tapering forum and FAQ - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants

How to calculate dosages and dilutions? Spreadsheets and calculators - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants

How to make a liquid from tablets or capsules - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants

Why taper by 10% of my dosage? - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants

Why taper? SERT transporter occupancy studies show importance of gradual change in plasma concentration - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants

The Brassmonkey Slide Method of Micro-tapering - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants

Recording drug schedule and symptoms to track patterns and progress - Tapering - Surviving Antidepressants


Hope you feel better soon, 

"Nothing so small as a moment is insurmountable, and moments are all that we have. You have survived every trial and tribulation that life has thrown at you up until this very instant. When future troubles come—and they will come—a version of you will be born into that moment that can conquer them, too." - Kevin Koenig 


I am not a doctor and this should not be considered medical advice. You can use the information and recommendations provided in whatever way you want and all decisions on your treatment are yours. 


In the next few weeks I do not have a lot of capacity to respond to questions. If you need a quick answer pls tag or ask other moderators who may want to be tagged. 


Aug  2000 - July 2003 (ct, 4-6 wk wd) , citalopram 20 mg,  xanax prn, wellbutrin for a few months, trazodone prn 

Dec 2004 - July 2018 citalopram 20 mg, xanax prn (rarely used)

Aug 2018 - citalopram 40 mg (self titrated up)

September 2018 - January 2019 tapered citalopram - 40/30/20/10/5 no issues until a week after reaching 0

Feb 2019 0.25 xanax - 0.5/day (3 weeks) over to klonopin 0.25 once a day to manage severe wd

March 6, reinstated citalopram 2.5 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 mg for sleep 2-3 times a week

Apr 1st citalopram 2.0 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 once a week (off by 4/14/19- no tapering)

citalopram (liquid) 4/14/19 -1.8 mg, 5/8/19 - 1.6 mg,  7/27/19 -1.5 mg,  8/15/19 - 1.35, 2/21/21 - 1.1 (smaller drops in between), 6/20/21 - 1.03 mg, 8/7/21- 1.025, 8/11/21 - 1.02, 8/15/21 - 1.015, 9/3/21 - 0.925 (fingers crossed!), 10/8/21 - 0.9, 10/18/21 - 0.875, 12/31/21 - 0.85, 1/7/22 - 0.825, 1/14/22 - 0.8, 1/22/22 - 0.785, 8/18/22 - 0.59, 12/15/2022 - 0.48, 2/15/22 - 0.43, 25/07/23 - 0.25 (mistake), 6/08/23 - 0.33mg


Supplements: magnesium citrate and bi-glycinate

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Thanks a ton Onmyway for your response! Really keen for some guidance as I start my WD journey.


Current Symptoms - Intrusive Thoughts, Anxiety, Tightness in Chest


Please see my notes below on the key points you raised in your response.


1. Liquid Dose - I am currently dissolving the 50 mg Sertraline tablet in 50 ml water so that can rule out any dosage related issues


2. COVID 19 - I am really keen to understand more about how Covid could have worsened my symptoms. Are there other members who have experienced challenges due to Covid? Keen to learn from their experience. In my case I also want to highlight that my booster also triggered a similar wave however it subsided in 5 days.


3. I really feel that the effectiveness of the Sertraline is slowly waning since the last 6 months. Could I be entering tolerance?


4. Is the advise for WD when in tolerance different from the standard 10% per month rule?


2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • Moderator

Hi @sufferingpassenger


2. You can look for the Covid symptoms by searching on the site. There are various dedicated threads but people also share on their own thread. I don't think it worsens WD symptoms necessarily but the virus attacks the nervous system so causes similar symptoms to withdrawal in many people regardless of AD status. It will probably resolve like the effects of the vaccine. Also, the  fact that your physical symptoms have gone doesn't mean that the virus has left the body - a friend of mine tested PCR positive a full 30 days later even though his symptoms disappeared in 8 days  and antigen test was negative on day 5. Give yourself a break and time to recover. 


1. If you are dissolving the tablet in water that should be fine. Some liquid versions can be more potent mg for mg than the pills but that does not apply in your case. Has your generics pill manufacturer changed. That can mean a change in bioavailability of dosage up to 20% difference (it is legal). 


3 and 4. Tolerance is not the same with SSRIs as it is with benzodiazepines - even though there is a phenomenon we here call poop-out where the medicine doesn't have the same effect it is not the same as with benzos where you need to increase the dose to get the same effect. Antidepressants work only as placebos in general as shown in studies - this article will explain Antidepressants and the Placebo Effect (nih.gov) so you are not getting the placebo effect any more for whatever reason, at least in my understanding. What you call tolerance - are they the same symptoms you had before starting ADs or are they new symptoms that are similar to what people here describe as withdrawal? 

The advice is the same for tapering. However, I would advise you to wait until your post-covid symptoms have quieted down. 


These links may help you deal with some of the symptoms like anxiety. We also recommend Magnesium (for anxiety) and Omega-3 to support the nervous system. 

Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker - Symptoms and self-care - Surviving Antidepressants

Non-drug techniques to cope with emotional symptoms - Symptoms and self-care - Surviving Antidepressants


Hope this helps and hope the post Covid-19 symptoms quiet down quickly. Try not to worry about what this might mean for withdrawal. It would be natural to worry given the difficulty of withdrawing before but now you are in the right community to do it properly and smoothly. This is different. We will help you have as uneventful a withdrawal as possible. 




"Nothing so small as a moment is insurmountable, and moments are all that we have. You have survived every trial and tribulation that life has thrown at you up until this very instant. When future troubles come—and they will come—a version of you will be born into that moment that can conquer them, too." - Kevin Koenig 


I am not a doctor and this should not be considered medical advice. You can use the information and recommendations provided in whatever way you want and all decisions on your treatment are yours. 


In the next few weeks I do not have a lot of capacity to respond to questions. If you need a quick answer pls tag or ask other moderators who may want to be tagged. 


Aug  2000 - July 2003 (ct, 4-6 wk wd) , citalopram 20 mg,  xanax prn, wellbutrin for a few months, trazodone prn 

Dec 2004 - July 2018 citalopram 20 mg, xanax prn (rarely used)

Aug 2018 - citalopram 40 mg (self titrated up)

September 2018 - January 2019 tapered citalopram - 40/30/20/10/5 no issues until a week after reaching 0

Feb 2019 0.25 xanax - 0.5/day (3 weeks) over to klonopin 0.25 once a day to manage severe wd

March 6, reinstated citalopram 2.5 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 mg for sleep 2-3 times a week

Apr 1st citalopram 2.0 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 once a week (off by 4/14/19- no tapering)

citalopram (liquid) 4/14/19 -1.8 mg, 5/8/19 - 1.6 mg,  7/27/19 -1.5 mg,  8/15/19 - 1.35, 2/21/21 - 1.1 (smaller drops in between), 6/20/21 - 1.03 mg, 8/7/21- 1.025, 8/11/21 - 1.02, 8/15/21 - 1.015, 9/3/21 - 0.925 (fingers crossed!), 10/8/21 - 0.9, 10/18/21 - 0.875, 12/31/21 - 0.85, 1/7/22 - 0.825, 1/14/22 - 0.8, 1/22/22 - 0.785, 8/18/22 - 0.59, 12/15/2022 - 0.48, 2/15/22 - 0.43, 25/07/23 - 0.25 (mistake), 6/08/23 - 0.33mg


Supplements: magnesium citrate and bi-glycinate

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Thanks a lot @Onmyway


Symptoms - Anxiety, can feel it in the body, chest and belly


Even if I am in tolerance I have decided that I will not listen to my pdoc and increase my dose. I am keen to start my WD journey asap.


Curious to understand how do people destabilised by Covid eventually stabilise? Do they have waves and windows pattern of stabilisation?



2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • Moderator

Hi @sufferingpassenger

I don't know about how people get better. For me it was a long process - took about 6 weeks and I don't remember that much any more. I'd suggest not to start tapering before post-Covid symptoms have settled. 


Are these symptoms different from the symptoms that you had before you started the drugs? 

"Nothing so small as a moment is insurmountable, and moments are all that we have. You have survived every trial and tribulation that life has thrown at you up until this very instant. When future troubles come—and they will come—a version of you will be born into that moment that can conquer them, too." - Kevin Koenig 


I am not a doctor and this should not be considered medical advice. You can use the information and recommendations provided in whatever way you want and all decisions on your treatment are yours. 


In the next few weeks I do not have a lot of capacity to respond to questions. If you need a quick answer pls tag or ask other moderators who may want to be tagged. 


Aug  2000 - July 2003 (ct, 4-6 wk wd) , citalopram 20 mg,  xanax prn, wellbutrin for a few months, trazodone prn 

Dec 2004 - July 2018 citalopram 20 mg, xanax prn (rarely used)

Aug 2018 - citalopram 40 mg (self titrated up)

September 2018 - January 2019 tapered citalopram - 40/30/20/10/5 no issues until a week after reaching 0

Feb 2019 0.25 xanax - 0.5/day (3 weeks) over to klonopin 0.25 once a day to manage severe wd

March 6, reinstated citalopram 2.5 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 mg for sleep 2-3 times a week

Apr 1st citalopram 2.0 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 once a week (off by 4/14/19- no tapering)

citalopram (liquid) 4/14/19 -1.8 mg, 5/8/19 - 1.6 mg,  7/27/19 -1.5 mg,  8/15/19 - 1.35, 2/21/21 - 1.1 (smaller drops in between), 6/20/21 - 1.03 mg, 8/7/21- 1.025, 8/11/21 - 1.02, 8/15/21 - 1.015, 9/3/21 - 0.925 (fingers crossed!), 10/8/21 - 0.9, 10/18/21 - 0.875, 12/31/21 - 0.85, 1/7/22 - 0.825, 1/14/22 - 0.8, 1/22/22 - 0.785, 8/18/22 - 0.59, 12/15/2022 - 0.48, 2/15/22 - 0.43, 25/07/23 - 0.25 (mistake), 6/08/23 - 0.33mg


Supplements: magnesium citrate and bi-glycinate

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I am experiencing the typical anxious feeling that I feel in my body and chest compounded with health anxiety driven thoughts and its hard to differentiate between my original symptoms and WD related symptoms.


Did your COVID trigger any anxiety or typical WD symptoms?

2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • Moderator

I had POTS symptoms (heart rate going to 150 upon standing). Didn't have much anxiety but others do. Here is a study with some stats. For what it's worth, it seems to be short lived.

Anxiety and depression symptoms after COVID-19 infection: results from the COVID Symptom Study app - PubMed (nih.gov)

Edited by Onmyway

"Nothing so small as a moment is insurmountable, and moments are all that we have. You have survived every trial and tribulation that life has thrown at you up until this very instant. When future troubles come—and they will come—a version of you will be born into that moment that can conquer them, too." - Kevin Koenig 


I am not a doctor and this should not be considered medical advice. You can use the information and recommendations provided in whatever way you want and all decisions on your treatment are yours. 


In the next few weeks I do not have a lot of capacity to respond to questions. If you need a quick answer pls tag or ask other moderators who may want to be tagged. 


Aug  2000 - July 2003 (ct, 4-6 wk wd) , citalopram 20 mg,  xanax prn, wellbutrin for a few months, trazodone prn 

Dec 2004 - July 2018 citalopram 20 mg, xanax prn (rarely used)

Aug 2018 - citalopram 40 mg (self titrated up)

September 2018 - January 2019 tapered citalopram - 40/30/20/10/5 no issues until a week after reaching 0

Feb 2019 0.25 xanax - 0.5/day (3 weeks) over to klonopin 0.25 once a day to manage severe wd

March 6, reinstated citalopram 2.5 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 mg for sleep 2-3 times a week

Apr 1st citalopram 2.0 mg (liquid), klonopin 0.25 once a week (off by 4/14/19- no tapering)

citalopram (liquid) 4/14/19 -1.8 mg, 5/8/19 - 1.6 mg,  7/27/19 -1.5 mg,  8/15/19 - 1.35, 2/21/21 - 1.1 (smaller drops in between), 6/20/21 - 1.03 mg, 8/7/21- 1.025, 8/11/21 - 1.02, 8/15/21 - 1.015, 9/3/21 - 0.925 (fingers crossed!), 10/8/21 - 0.9, 10/18/21 - 0.875, 12/31/21 - 0.85, 1/7/22 - 0.825, 1/14/22 - 0.8, 1/22/22 - 0.785, 8/18/22 - 0.59, 12/15/2022 - 0.48, 2/15/22 - 0.43, 25/07/23 - 0.25 (mistake), 6/08/23 - 0.33mg


Supplements: magnesium citrate and bi-glycinate

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Hi -


Today's Symptoms - Anxiety, Feel it in the Gut and legs (a feeling of chill, agitation and restlessness), Very little sleep last night.


Keen to connect with people who went through a COVID or vaccination triggered wave.


I am really in a fix that whether this new wave is a Poop-out or Covid triggered

2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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@Onmyway @ChessieCat @Altostrata @brassmonkey


 I was rather stable on 50 mg Sertraline for the past 2 and a half years after reinstating following 4 months of withdrawal (I did not know what I was experiencing was withdrawal). However I did feel some loss of effectiveness in the past 6 months (irritability and some anxiety, triggering on normal stimuli). 


Suddenly two major events -

1. Pfizer booster dose on Dec 19 triggers a wave (almost felt like kindling, couldn't sleep, anxiety, and strange sensation in the gut). However thankfully this wave resolved in 5 days and I was fairly okay after that.

2. Test positive for Covid on 26th Jan next day experience a wave (anxiety, health related intrusive thoughts) and has since worsened. 


Now I am really struggling to understand if this is poop out or is this just a wave that has been triggered by Covid?


Also, how should I understand Poop out - which of the following is a better way to understand Poop-out -


1. Imagine I was tapering from 75 mg and when I reach 50 mg I start experiencing WD symptoms because my brain need more of the chemical than it is getting

2. Or is it more like the Sertraline molecule is now not able to prevent the re-uptake of enough serotonin molecules and hence 50 mg dose is effectively only as effective as 35 mg (lets say) and therefore my symptoms are a result of a net 15 mg being withdrawn from the system



2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • Administrator

When did you make the change to liquid Zoloft? Have you ever forgotten to take a dose? Perhaps while you were ill?


Covid appears to have a post-illness syndrome as well, you may be suffering from that.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I’ve had a major setback since I got covid on 30/01/22. I have been off meds since 2016 and I feel right back at the start again after so much healing. 
It must be the covid for some of us.

Started Fluoxetine 40mg In 2010

Switched to citalopram 2011.Fluoxetine made me very drowsy.

Came off citalopram 2014 over 2 weeks tapering as advised by GP. Mild WD symptoms, brain zaps.

Almost 2 years med free, happy and less anxiety.

June 2016 start 20mg citalopram for anxiety, experince akathisa, intrusive harming thoughts, hallucinations, hypermania, negative ruminations, insomnia, no appetite, dioreah, racing thoughts/mind chatter.

Droped to 10mg for 1 week after 10 days on 20mg, then 1 week at 15mg by alternating doses then 1 week at 20mg before dropping to 10mg again for 1 week then 5 days at 5mg. Quick taper due to reaction.

Started .5mg lorozepam/ 2.5mg diazepam every other day from week 2 on cit sometimes daily for about 2 weeks stopped CT as was put on 25mg quetiapine.

Stopped cit 01/8/16. Stopped quetiapine 3/8/16

Taking fish oil

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  • Administrator
11 hours ago, Daisy1 said:

It must be the covid for some of us.


Yes, sadly, it seems that getting covid can be quite a setback.


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Moderators -


I have been withdrawing from 50 mg Sertraline since 1 Feb 2022. Initially I was going at a 10% or less per month but later on accelerated the drops as I was not feeling too bad and symptoms have been mild. I had a withdrew over 15 months My last dose was 28 April 2023 (4 months and 8 days).


I has mild and manageable symptoms and seemed like I would get it through this time. I was wrong.


All the symptoms I experienced in my previous attempts to withdraw are back - depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts with insomnia being the worst of all.


I am a dad to a 4 year old and the family depends on my earnings. I am totally non-functional at the moment.


Can you advice if reinstatement is still an option after 4 months? If yes what dose should I start and upto what does can I increase?



2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • Moderator

Hi SufferingPassenger,


I have moved your new thread here as we ask that you keep all of your questions to your one introductory post.


Can you please update your drug history in your signature so it is up to date? You can find instructions on how to do so at How to Summarize Your Drug History in Your Signature.


Reinstatement is best done within a few weeks of stopping the medication but some people have success reinstating a very low dose months later. You can read about this at About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms.


Please let us know if you are considering reinstatement and will discuss with other moderators to recommend a starting dose.






Pre- October 2022: Wellbutrin, Escitalopram, CitalopramSertraline, Adderall IR, Vyvanse, Propranolol, Buspar, Ativan, and Latuda

Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022 and Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Zyprexa (2.5 mg). Jan 14, 2023 -> Began transition to liquid suspension. Jan 29, 2023 = 2.375mg -> Feb 12, 2023 = 2.25mg -> Feb 27, 2023 = 2.14mg -> Mar 12, 2023 = 2.025mg -> Mar 27, 2023 = 1.93mg -> Apr 10, 2023 = 1.82mg -> Apr 23, 2023 = 1.74mg -> May 7, 2023 = 1.64mg -> May 21, 2023 = 1.56mg -> June 4, 2023 = 1.48mg -> June 19, 2023 = 1.4mg -> July 2, 2023 = 1.33mg -> July 16, 2023 = 1.26mg -> July 31, 2023 = 1.2mg -> Aug 13, 2023 = 1.14mg -> Aug 27, 2023 = 1.08mg -> Sep 13, 2023 = 1.02mg -> Jan 22, 2024 = 0.97mg -> Feb 4, 2024 = 0.92mg -> Feb 19, 2024 = 0.87mg -> Mar 3, 2024 = 0.83mg -> Mar 17, 2024 = 0.78mg -> Mar 31, 2024 = 0.74mg -> Apr 14, 2024 = 0.7mg -> Apr 28, 2024 = 0.66mg -> May 12, 2024 = 0.63mg -> May 27, 2024 = 0.6mg -> June 9, 2024 = 0.57mg -> June 24, 2024 = 0.54mg -> July 6, 2024 = 0.51mg -> July 21, 2024 = 0.48mg

Oct 14, 2022 - Present: Prozac (40mg) upped from 20mg on Nov 1, 2022.

Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Gabapentin (300mg 3x day) -> May 3, 2023 = 300mg 2x day -> Oct 1, 2023 = 570mg -> Oct 15, 2023 = 540mg -> Oct 29, 2023 = 510mg -> Nov 13, 2023 = 484mg -> Nov 27, 2023 = 460mg -> Dec 9, 2023 = 436mg -> Dec 24, 2023 = 414mg -> Jan 7, 2024 = 400mg


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hi Firely - Thanks for your response! Yes i am considering reinstatement as my taper was too fast. Any advice would be welcome.

2011 - 2012 Venlafaxine 75 mg (14 months)

2013-2014 Cipralex 20 mg (11 months)

2014-2017 Venlafaxine 75 mg (30 months with 2 failed attempts to stop with fast taper)

July 2017 - Nov 2018 Zoloft 50 mg (stopped after a 5 week taper and all hell broke loose, severe WD for 4 months)

April 2019 - Zoloft 50 mg (reinstated Zoloft and stabilised after an adverse reaction on reinstatement)


Moved to liquid solution as of Jan 2022 (currently dissolving Zoloft 50 mg tablets in 50 ml water)

Feb 2022 - April 2023 - Withdrew 50 mg Zoloft (over 15 months)


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  • Administrator

@sufferingpassenger what was your last dose of sertraline? How long had you been taking that dosage?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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