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Zenwind: Quit effexor without knowing withdrawal symptoms. Now having all sorts of symptoms, what should I do now?


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Until two days ago, I didn't know about anti-depressant withdrawal syndrome.  I was on Paxil for 5 years and after that my Dr. switched to effexor 37.5mg for 6 months and 75 mg for a year and lowered it to 37.5 mg for 6 months till recently.  In the past, I quit paxil 4 times and I had relapses (now I know those were withdrawal symptoms) and quickly I put paxil back on and got better each time.


About two months ago I quit effxor (cold turkey way) again without knowing about the withdrawal symptoms.  For a month and a half, I didn't notice a major physical problems. My case is that when I quit paxil and effexor, I didn't have a major noticeable symptoms until 1-2 months.  Now I can think of slight symptoms but I didn't take it seriously before.  And after 1-2 months, suddenly acute symptoms occur.  


About 10 days ago, I started to notice feeling depressed and my body was having strange sensations, shaking, my legs were numb and I felt very unstable.  I thought my relapse was coming and I put the effexor 75 mg back on.  And this time the symptoms didn't go away more than 5 days like the other times and I started to research about my symptoms online and finally found the "Withdrawal symptoms" which describes exactly my condition.  


"Withdrawal symptoms" are really terrible like most people here say.  I was in bed shaking and having all sorts of sad negative thoughts.  I feel like I would never get back on my own feet.  


Now my concern is what should I do now?  I got 75mg of effexor back on from 10 days ago.  My mental state is better from two days ago.  I have insomnia and flu like symptoms but mentally more positive.  Should I continue 75 mg? or should I reduce?  And how?


2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Zenwind


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Hi Zenwind, 

I think right now if you are feeling mentally positive on the 75mg you should stay there and let your body get used to the dosage before trying to taper again. You are putting your central nervous system through a lot changing doses. 

Aren't withdrawal symptoms ridiculous? You would think Doctors would really warn us of all the side effects before passing out the pills like they are candy. 
Someone with much more experience than I have will be along shortly to give you more detailed advice. 

You are in the right place and I encourage you to read all the topics. I've learned a ton in the short time that I've been here. 

Good luck and be well,


Paxil- 1999 to 2003 discontinued

Citalopram- 2007 to August 19th 2014 20 mgs

August 19th 2014 10 mgs 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Zenwind, Hi and welcome to SA.   If you were at 37.5 for 6 months before quitting, 

going straight back on to 75mg would have been far too high a dose for you. 

 I would reduce back to the 37.5 and see how you feel.

Normally after being off for so long we would recommend starting with just a 

few beads from the capsule and often it is enough to relieve the withdrawal symptoms 

but I am hesitating to suggest cutting down so far after taking 75mg for 10 days. .


When you have been off for a while the nervous system is unstable and going back on

a dose that is too high can make things worse. Usually relief is within days, or even hours,

but taking too much can make things worse which I think is happening to you. 


Once you have stabilised on the right dose you need to hold there for at least a month 

before starting a slow taper.  Here is the topic for tapering effexor. http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/272-tapering-off-effexor-venlafaxine/


It would be helpful if you put your tapering history in your signature so it will appear at

the bottom of your posts and we can see at a glance where you are at. The link that  tells

you how to do that is here. http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/893-please-put-your-withdrawal-history-in-your-signature/


Let us know how you get on with 37.5.  You will get lots of support here, we are a friendly

bunch who support each other. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Thank you so much for your advice.  I will changed the dose to 37.5 and see how I feel.  


I am so happy to find this forum.  Now I have a hope.  Now I feel that I have a good plan to quit and being in control with my mental condition with your support.  


I stopped going to see psychiatrists long time ago.  Anyway my family doctor could prescribe me paxil and effexor.  In the past, I tried some psychiatrists but no one explained what anti-depressants do to your brain.  They just gave me one after another.  I guess they want you to be on the meds. because that's the way they make money.  Besides around NYC where I live, it is so difficult to get an appointment with Psychiatrists. When some acute condition occur, they returned my phone calls but  they don't take enough time to listen to my conditions.  Off course no Psychiatrist explained me the "Withdrawal symptoms" 

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Zenwind, and welcome to the forum.


Hold on the 37.5 for a while and let us know how that goes. It's tricky at this point because you're going to have symptoms for a while no matter what you do; your nervous system has been destabilized, and going up and down and changing on doses just aggravates the problem. I'm hoping Altostrata will stop by here and give her thoughts on dosage, because it's possible you'd be better off stabilizing on an even lower dose. But stick with where you are for now.


I highly recommend that you get a copy of Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker and read it, as soon as you can. I think you will find it particularly informative and helpful in your situation. If nothing else, read chapters 1, 5 and 8.


It may take a while to get you stabilized, but you'll get there. Then you can do a slow, cautious taper that will keep your withdrawal symptoms to a minimum and get you off these meds safely and slowly and permanently. 

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Zenwind.


How are you feeling at 37.5mg now?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hello. Thank you so much for your support.  It is very helpful to know some people care about my condition.  I was always suffering alone.


 Last night, I took 37.5 and went to sleep.  I had OK sleep for about 5 1/2 hours.  This morning my head was clear and I was happy.  But the day goes by, I felt little restless and hyper-arousal and depressed in the afternoon.  I took a cold shower and rested for a while.  Now I am feeling fine. It is strange that almost every 2-3 hours I feel differently.  So when I feel so pessimistic, I tell myself that it is only a temporary feeling, it will pass...


Compared to 7 days ago (I was in bed all day trembling and depressed), I am in much better condition.  I can continue with 37.5 for now.  Should I continue this dose for a month?  Another question is that when to take effexor.   Is it better to take it at night or in the morning?


Also my family doctor prescribed me Vt. D 50,000 IU D2 to take once a week. After reading the forum of supplements, I am thinking of not taking it.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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Rhi Thank you for your advice to read "Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker" I will get it and read ASAP.

Also thank you for your encouragement.  This time. I will go through the withdrawal process carefully and slowly.  I am committed to do it no matter how long it takes.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Administrator

That is a very high dose of Vitamin D, Zenwind. Sometimes people find even vit D to be activating.


You might start with a low dose, perhaps 2000IU, to see how you do with it, and the form should be D3, not D2.


Getting sunlight on your skin is the best way to increase vit D, do this every day for 10 minutes if you can.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Yes I will try to go outside to get sunlight everyday.  And maybe I will get a low dose of Vt D when I can't go out.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been on 37.5 and was doing quite well until last Friday (Sep 19) when I had a surgery for my tooth implant and doctor put me on amoxicillin.

Today is the 4th day with amoxicillin and I am in a bad wave.  I feel weak, am trembling, have no appetite, ear ringing, and terrible neuro-emotion.  

I called my doctor and he changed amoxicillin to Zithromax.  I am hoping I will feel better.  


I was going to taper from this week but I should wait until I feel more stable.  

Do anyone know what antibiotics do to WD?

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Moderator Emeritus

Antibiotics can affect people quite badly, even when not in withdrawal. I

wouldn't taper until you have got better and the infection has cleared.

I hope you feel better very soon.


I had very similar symptoms years ago from an antibiotic and I hadnt been on

any other drugs at the time.

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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I took Zithromax last night instead of amoxicillin.  I had terrible insomnia with negative neuro-emotion, felt like everything I did in my life was a mistake.


Zithromax is for 3 day anti-biotic.  Unlike amoxicillin, my heart doesn't beat fast but my body is trembling and feels quite unstable not being able to function.  When I am upright, I feel better than when I am lying. 


It's really terrible.  But I can't stop the AB.  I don't want to get any infection....  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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Sept 23 was terrible wave.  Flu-like symptom, restless, worried, fearful, sad.


I took the 2nd dose of Zithromax at 3:00 am of Sept 24.  I still had terrible insomnia and I was still very weak in the morning but little better than yesterday.  


Now at 18:00 and a lot better than 4 days in the past.  I will take the last dose of Zithromax early morning tomorrow.

 And will see how I feel.  If I feel OK, then I know that antibiotic, amoxicillin, or the anesthesia were the cause of the terrible wave.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Administrator

Please check in and let us know how you're doing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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For some reason, I suddenly became fine yesterday after 14:00 and slept relatively well.  Then I took the last dose of Zithromax at 6:00 am with sleeping pill.


I woke up around 10:00 am but couldn't get up because I had flu-like symptom, my body was weak and oversensitive.  I was in bed til almost 15:00.

I wasn't as depressed as 2 days ago but really weak and useless.  


I wanted someone to hold me and comfort me.  I feel so lonely and as if there is no happy future.   

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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Last night I slept for 3 hours after that, I had terrible neuro-emotion for hours thinking all the negative things happened in the past.  I knew I had to get up and distract the thoughts but being in the bed made me safe and comforting physically and couldn't get up.  


I didn't go out of my apartment for 3 days...


I didn't take anti-biotic this morning but I still feel the same way, agitated my body is oversensitive flu-like symptom.

I wonder if 37.5 effexor is too much now.  Should I stay or taper?  


I am so exhausted.  I want to see the window . 

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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Now it's almost 4 PM I feel terrible.  

Should I stay on 37.5 ?  If so how long do you think ?  I am wondering if it is a serotonin syndrome since I was out of effexor for almost 2 months and reinstated radically.  But definitely it was triggered by the tooth operation.  


I wanted to write about my life story with AD.  Because no one really is interested in my posts.  But it's hard for me to go over and WRITE.  First English is not my first language.  And reviewing that part of my history is very painful for me.  Every time I got over, I tried to see only forward.  I wrote the signature once and rewrote but I have more history with AD I forgot about.  I treated them as if it didn't happen.  And now I want to recall them less because I don't want to face terrible things I must have done to my nervous system and to my brain.  I am so scared.  


Can anyone tell me your experience of the emotional effect of writing about the most painful personal history?  I really want to get over WD physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I hope someone will correspond even though my English is not perfect.

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Zenwind, I would stay at the 37.5 for a bit longer. You have been very ill and still need to recover.

That will take time and rest. Your body will heal from the infection and the drugs but will take time.

Take care of yourself like you would take care of someone you love.  


I'm sorry that no-one replied to your posts, everyone here is in the same situation, either tapering

or in withdrawal and all suffering in varying degrees. Staff are all volunteers and have many posts

to go through. Please don't feel that no-one cares, we all care very much and want to help but are 

not in all the time.  I believe you will get better , you were fine on 37.5 until the infection and knocked 

you off your feet so I would stay there for now because cutting would upset your nervous system even

more. I hope things improve for you soon and in the meantime take care of yourself and allow your

body to heal.  

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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mammaP Thank you for your message.  You have been always keeping an eye on my post.  Your word of "I believe you will get better" was what I really appreciated to hear.  I know everyone is trying to survive in their own situation.  This site is really helping us who are mistreated by the doctors.  Thank you.  


This morning, I still have flu-like symptoms, oversensitive to sounds, and fear.  But maybe I can make myself go out.  


I think I should have waited my tooth implant surgery for few weeks.  It was too soon after my acute WD.  Now I know I need to avoid traumatic events (Physical and mental) as much as possible in my life.    

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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While I was on the antibiotics, Sept 22-26 I had terrible symptoms exactly the same as my acute WD.  I never had this horrified experience with antibiotics before.   On Sept 27, in the afternoon, I started to feel much better.  My friend came over and we went to the park walking and talking and had some relief.  That was the first time in 4 days I could go out of the apartment and function normally,  


I still take 37.5 mg before i go to bed.  But I am noticing that in the morning, my heart is beating faster and my body is shivering.  Before my tooth surgery, I didn't have this.  


I am thinking to stay 37.5 for another week or two.  And see how I am doing before attempting to taper.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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I found this thread and will update my condition with antibiotic, amoxillin.  It may help other people who will have the same condition.  

bad reaction to amoxicillin

 in Symptoms and self-care

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Administrator

Yes, antibiotics can be destabilizing in a lot of ways.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been 3 weeks since I had Antibiotics which led me to terrible WDS.  I can function now but my body is tingling, weak, and my heart is pounding fast.  some days are OK, some days are worse.  


I have a question.  I have been taking effexor 37.5 mg before I go to bed.  But I am wondering taking it in the morning might be better.  Do anyone recommend me to try to switch? 

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
Link to comment

I can't answer your question, Zenwind, but never NEVER take the antibiotic Cipro (or Levaquin or Avelox).  These drugs are poison, and I have already seen a few on here who had to deal with WD and Cipro at the same time.  My 20-year-old daughter was given Cipro over 4 years ago, and has had autonomic nervous system symptoms ever since.  There are many warnings, but like with AD's, the docs don't care.  Hope it is OK for me to say that here.  I too was scheduled to have a tooth implant the end of this month.  I cancelled my appointment this morning.  Can't deal with anesthesia and antibiotic on top of what I am going through with Zoloft withdrawal!  Good luck!

Zoloft 100 mg. daily for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since Oct. 1994 / Synthroid 88 mcg. daily / Supplements: Neptune Krill Oil-1,000 mg. twice daily/Astaxanthin 10 mg. twice daily/Ubiquinol 100 mg. twice daily (These 3 have allowed me to discontinue (approved by doctor) bp meds I was on. Calcium Citrate 500 mg. daily/Vitamin D3 2,400 iu daily/K2 (MK7) 100 mcg daily (osteopenia and fam. hist. of severe osteoporosis). Stress B Complex (1/2 dose)/Quercetin (for allergies/asthma)/Magnesium (400 mg. oral glycinate and about 50 mg. magnesium chloride spray oil a day, divided throughout day).

Tapered Zoloft about 6 wks. Totally off since the end of July (25-29, 2014). 3 wks. vertigo at end of taper, then 3-4 wks. OK, followed by withdrawal symptoms increasing in severity (nausea, gastric disturbances, loss of appetite, insomnia, restlessness, jitters, anxiety, agitation--jumping out of my skin--possible akathisia?) Seem to have paradoxical reactions to everything new, even Vitamin C. Severity of akathisia comes and goes, but is constant to some degree. Hard to leave house, and cannot be home alone. (Retired)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I found it better to take effexor earlier.  I couldn't take it in the morning because it made me feel ill and then I

couldn't get out so take it at 6pm. It would keep me awake if I took it at bedtime.  If you decide to take it earlier

you might want to take it an hour earlier each night until you are at the time you want to stay at. Morning might

be best for you, it is just my experience with effexor that I couldn't take it in the mornings, others are fine. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Thank you for your advises.  

I was taking the med at between 20:00 to 24:00 pm.  I will try taking it in the middle of the night when I wake up tonight.  And see how it goes. 


Today is not a good day.  I am in a wave.  No motivation to be active.  I keep debating to go back to bed or to go out of the house.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
Link to comment

I could only take it in the morning. Taking it at night kept me awake. Even weaning, I still take my reduced dose at about 5:30 am.

Oncologist prescribed Effexor 37.5 for hot flashes after my dx of breast cancer in December 2011. Up dosed to 75 then 150 XR before it worked. Decided to come off after my naturopath/nutritionist gave me a couple of supplements that worked on the hot flashes. Started weaning November 2013 from 150. Got down to 37.5 by mid-February 2014--WAY TOO FAST!! Found this site and am now going much slower. WD side effects are much better--still there-- but manageable. Lesson learned the hard way!!


Short RX for Xanax prescribed for PPD/anxiety after childbirth in 1985--about 3 months--can't remember dosage.

Effexor 150 XR March 2012dates are fuzzy)

Started taper November 2013

Mid February 2014--28 mg; 3/22/14--24 mg; 4/19/14--18.75 mg; 5/14/14--14.1 mg; 6/11/14--11.7 mg; 7/2/14--9.4 mg; 7/23/14--7.8 mg; 8/18/14--6.25 mg; 9/7/14--4.7 mg; 9/21/14--3.75 mg; 10/5/14--3.125 mg; 10/12/14 --2.56 mg; 10/19/14-2.34 mg; 10/26/14--1.56 mg; 11/2/14--1 mg; 11/9/14--.5 mg; 11/16/14--0 mg.


Current Rx:


Synthoid 100 mg daily

Cytomel 5 mg

Both due to thyroid cancer & subsequent removal of thyroid in June, 2010.

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The day before yesterday I took effxor at 4:30 in the morning and today at 9:30 in the morning.  I slept better in the past two days.  

I am slowly recovering from the antibiotics trauma.  


Yesterday I was not feeling well at all.  I had no appetite.  Then in the evening, my friend came over and gave me a gentle Shiatsu.  I immediately felt so much better.  I felt so nurtured and tremor and tingling feeling disappeared. My CNS calmed down.  And I could eat dinner!

Then I did Zen meditation sitting for 40 mins this morning.  I could feel CNS calming down at the end of 40 mins.  I should really do this every day.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Moderator Emeritus

I am glad that you are feeling better Zenwind. Getting some good sleep makes a huge difference.

Glad the massage and meditation helped too, you deserve some relief.  :)

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Today I decided to start tapering.  I took 4 beads out of 38.  I am not sure if it is the right time but I wanted to try.  

I want to write how I was in the past year when I CTed Effexor.  Maybe I did this four times between 2013 Jan to 2014 Aug.


1. After I sopped taking effexor 37.5,  I was really tired for 2-3 days and slept a lot.    

2. Then I was fine.  Ear ringing stopped.  I was not depressed.  It continued for about two months.  

3. Then I felt little agitated with some stressful life events.  I was worried my relapse (I thought that was relapse) may come and started taking 37.5 again for about 2 weeks to a month.  Then I stopped again. 


I did the above cycle and I was OK. In 2014 Aug. I mistakenly reinstated 75 mg and got hit by the acute WD.  Then I found this forum.

I have been staying at 37.5 for about 6 weeks because I had terrible reaction with the antibiotics.  But at the same time, I wonder I am having a serotonin syndrome. Current condition is ear ringing and fast heart pounding sometime in a day, tingling in my arms and legs, much less appetite.  It is kind of manageable.  


Should I reduce more to see if I am having a serotonin syndrome?  Do anyone has advise?

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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Yesterday and today I took 4 beads out of 38.  For some reason, I have been feeling so much better.  First time in three weeks I am enjoying life.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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  • Moderator Emeritus

That is great news Zenwind, I am pleased for you and hope it continues for you  :)

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Thank you Mammp  :)   I will see how I do the rest of the week.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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I was doing very well last week and three days ago when I picked up my medication, pharmacist asked me to get a flu shot. Then I decided to get it.  Since the next day, I have been really tired, my legs are numb,  can't get up in the morning and little depressed.  It was the debate between a possibility of having flu (I get flu easily) or a bad reaction.  


I am realizing that at the moment, I am very sensitive about whatever comes into my body since I had an acute WD symptom and a terrible reaction to antibiotics in the past 2 months,

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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This week, my condition is getting worse every day.  I am not sure if that is the bad reaction to the flu shot or just WD.  Last week for 7 days I had the great normal state and accomplished a lot of things.  Then now....    I am so worried again.  

2004 Sept paxil 

2005 July I quit Paxil(CT) Sept., acute WD/relapse then reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.

2006 March quit Paxil (CT) again then April acute WD/relapse reinstated Paxil.  In 5 days felt better.   

2010 Oct. I had the same episode above 

2011, I had a breast cancer (stage 1) and doctor changed Paxil to Effexor 37.5 mg.  (she said effexor works for hot flushes and it's better for me)

2012 in May, Effexor dose was increased to 75 mg because it wasn't working much for my hot flushes.  

2014 in May, I changed back to 37.5 mg.  Because of few of the side effects I did not like.

My breast cancer is now all cleared. 

2012-2014 I was quitting effexor every 3 months without knowing the harmful consequences. no WD until 2014 Aug. 

2014 2014 Aug 25 after 1.5 months of off Effexor, WD reinstated 75mg for 10 days and got adverse reaction then Finally found this forum 
2014 Sept 1 reduced the dose to 37.5 
2014 Sept 20 took antibiotics (amoxillin) for tooth implant which led me to terrible WDS again  
         Oct 13 started to taper;  took 4 beads out of 38.  had one great week and Oct 21, after flu shot, acute WD
 I realized each cap has a different number of beads.  Started to count 34 beads. Waves and Windows in 2 weeks interval.   
2014 Dec. 28 Started Prozac bridge with my psychiatrist's instruction.  Added Prozac 5mg
2015 Jan 07 started to taper Effexor 5 beads everyday  
2015 Jan 13 Effexpr 0 beads +Prozac 1.25 ml (5 mg) +Klonopin 0.25 mg at night: since tapering off Effexor, feeling great, much less tinnitus and tingling pain 
2015 Jan 22 increased Prozac to 10 mg due to the depression.
supplement: fish oil 2400 multi Vt. Jan 8 changed to EPA 1200 + DHA 600 
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