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Dzog: Emotions after complete withdrawal


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Have reached week 7 of no Venlafaxine in my system after a 5 month very gradual reduction process and am wondering how other people in a similar situation are doing/being.......Have taken some form of medication for depression and anxiety for 30 years so knew it was going to be a long process to make the adjustment back to life without conventional medicine......Whats tricky is the periodic unprovoked anger that rises from nowhere and wants to find release......Its not dangerous to the outer environment but living as i do now in the UK a bit of a taboo.......Feel its due to a dysfunctional cortisol release system that became used to chemical suppression over the years..........Have confidence that the neural plasticity of my brain will in time rectify this situation but don't know the time span involved......Looked at various websites but been unable to find much content about the long term period after stopping medication..... :)

Edited by scallywag
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30 year period of depression and anxiety.......Recently diagnosed as having SAD......Medications in last few years Venlafaxine and Pregabalin...........

Withdrawal record in last year.......Venlafaxine 6 X 12-5mg tablets in each 75mg capsule hence reduction plan....

Pregabalin from 150mg 11-09-15 to 0mg 17-10-15.......Reinstated to 225mg 04-01-16 reduced to 150mg 15-03-16,then 75mg 16-04-16,finally 0mg 07-05-16.

Venlafaxine XR  from 75mg to 150mg 11-11-15.......Reducing to 112-5mg 19-03-16........100mg 02-04-16......87-5mg 09-04-16.......75mg 16-04-16......62-5mg 23-04-16........50mg 30-04-16........37-5mg 14-05-16......37-5/50mg alternating 17-05-16.....37-5mg 24-05-16.....25/37-5 alternating 31-05-16.....25mg 07-06-16.......12-5/25mg alternating 14-06-16.......12-5mg 26-06-16......12-5/0mg alternating 14-07-16.....12-5/0/0mg alternating 24-07-16.......12-5/0/0/0 alternating 11-08-16.........0mg 16-08-16

  • Moderator Emeritus

Dzog -- Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants (SA)


A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-18 months particularly?

  • Any drugs prior to that can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • You don't need to include symptoms or diagnoses other than the initial condition that led to prescribing the first drug.
  • We ask for this information in your signature so that we can see it at a glance. A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs.
  • You can find instructions in this topic: Please put your withdrawal history in signature

Five months is a relatively fast taper, regardless of dose you took before starting to decrease the dose.  In six months making 10% reductions of Cymbalta, I'm just now approaching 50% my starting dose. We suggest decreasing by no more than 10% of current dose per month to minimize the risk of withdrawal symptoms.
Why taper by 10% of my dosage?
Many people recover after discontinuing an antidepressant. Fast tapers and cold-turkey stops risk a more difficult recovery than our recommended taper due to extended and/or intense symptoms. It may be that you are one of the many whose CNS (central nervous system) doesn't respond well to a fast taper.
Increased irritability and anger are known withdrawal symptoms.
What is withdrawal syndrome
Glenmullen’s withdrawal symptom list
Coping with irritability, anger, and rage


For your reference:
Tips for tapering off Effexor (venlafaxine)

I hope you'll find the information in the SA forums helpful for your situation. I'm sorry that you are in the position that you need the information, but am glad that you found us.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet


Thanks for introduction and information.......Have given details of last 12 months medication adjustments in the signature....Am a little out of touch with social media having pulled away from Facebook and the like a few years ago but now see the importance of special interest networks to gain understanding from a wider audience.....

30 year period of depression and anxiety.......Recently diagnosed as having SAD......Medications in last few years Venlafaxine and Pregabalin...........

Withdrawal record in last year.......Venlafaxine 6 X 12-5mg tablets in each 75mg capsule hence reduction plan....

Pregabalin from 150mg 11-09-15 to 0mg 17-10-15.......Reinstated to 225mg 04-01-16 reduced to 150mg 15-03-16,then 75mg 16-04-16,finally 0mg 07-05-16.

Venlafaxine XR  from 75mg to 150mg 11-11-15.......Reducing to 112-5mg 19-03-16........100mg 02-04-16......87-5mg 09-04-16.......75mg 16-04-16......62-5mg 23-04-16........50mg 30-04-16........37-5mg 14-05-16......37-5/50mg alternating 17-05-16.....37-5mg 24-05-16.....25/37-5 alternating 31-05-16.....25mg 07-06-16.......12-5/25mg alternating 14-06-16.......12-5mg 26-06-16......12-5/0mg alternating 14-07-16.....12-5/0/0mg alternating 24-07-16.......12-5/0/0/0 alternating 11-08-16.........0mg 16-08-16


Thanks for introduction and information.......Have given details of last 12 months medication adjustments in the signature....Am a little out of touch with social media having pulled away from Facebook and the like a few years ago but now see the importance of special interest networks to gain understanding from a wider audience.....

I am a 13 months off effexor, I have waves and windows, as described above, I have found my taper was too quick, I hadnt adequate information at the time, it has been very difficult at times recently my sleep has deteriorated, the positives are I have more energy to do things, I am more myself, I get through everything life throws at me. My advice is just keep plodding forward get into a routine that works for you, and good luck.

I am off all meds 16 months I had been on olanzapine, Effexor zanex and assorted sleeping meds for approx 2 years.

Weaned off 375 mg effexor over two years, I had previously come off xanax, rivotrill and olazapine. Reinstated 75mg of effexor on the 22/12/16


My wife is 5 weeks off effexor xr 112.5mg cold turkey. I can relate big time to the anger, over minor things mostly. She even gets angry at our cat! It would almost be comical if it wernt so serious.


I find that when she is stressed the anger is much worse, the issue there is that everything causes her stress, even just asking when she would like dinner can set her off. When she is calm like just before she falls asleep she is a lot better.


Have your sleeping patterns been ok? My wife is just getting hers sorted now, most days/night are good but today slept all day. So brain is still recovering I guess

Supporting my wife through Effexor XR withdrawal

-Oct 2015: 112.5mg Effexor XR in morning for anxiety, 25mg Seroquol at night for sleep

-March-August 2016: Her life falls apart, paranoia, insomnia, weight loss, quit her job etc

-Sept 2nd 2016: Cold Turkey stopped Effexor and Seroquol

-Prescribed 2.5mg Olanazapine for sleep and mood stabilisation started taking after 3 weeks withdrawal

-Currently past most physical withdrawals, still low energy, still aches, but no brain zaps or dizzyness

-Mental state is concerning, hates everyone, tried to annull marriage, wants to move away and start a new life

-Oct 2016, beginning to see some improvement, still on 2.5mg Olanzapine, started fish oil and magnesium

-Olanzapine stopped after 9 days due to constant hunger, aches, and drowsiness

-5-htp added to supps alongside Fish Oil and Magnesium, sleeping 8hours naturally now 5 weeks post efexor and seroquol, 1 week post olanzapine. Still days of "psychosis" like symptoms, irritable, angry, apathetic etc


Hi Winglt......

                    Your in a part of the world that at this time of year i'm usually heading for,but parental responsibilities have changed this regular pattern which went on for over a decade.......Anyway its a voluntary choice.......


                    Can relate to your wife's response to stress.....Pretty much anything stressful triggers my anger,its certainly irrational and in the most part short lived.......


                     Having suppressed emotions with anti-depressants for 30 years feel that my brain chemistry has been altered and have this feeling that due to this use of medication my cortisol production is dysfunctional which creates the stress response.....Still doing research into this..........Have been exploring the use of supplements for the last 6 months which have been working well.........Am confident that with time the plasticity of the brain can adjust back to normal but for me after 30 years it might take some time.......Sleep has always been something that has been lacking during this period and again feel that cortisol production has its part to play in all of this........


                    Hopefully your wife hasn't been on Effexor all that long.......Not sure how long the turbulence will last,but it will end in time.........

30 year period of depression and anxiety.......Recently diagnosed as having SAD......Medications in last few years Venlafaxine and Pregabalin...........

Withdrawal record in last year.......Venlafaxine 6 X 12-5mg tablets in each 75mg capsule hence reduction plan....

Pregabalin from 150mg 11-09-15 to 0mg 17-10-15.......Reinstated to 225mg 04-01-16 reduced to 150mg 15-03-16,then 75mg 16-04-16,finally 0mg 07-05-16.

Venlafaxine XR  from 75mg to 150mg 11-11-15.......Reducing to 112-5mg 19-03-16........100mg 02-04-16......87-5mg 09-04-16.......75mg 16-04-16......62-5mg 23-04-16........50mg 30-04-16........37-5mg 14-05-16......37-5/50mg alternating 17-05-16.....37-5mg 24-05-16.....25/37-5 alternating 31-05-16.....25mg 07-06-16.......12-5/25mg alternating 14-06-16.......12-5mg 26-06-16......12-5/0mg alternating 14-07-16.....12-5/0/0mg alternating 24-07-16.......12-5/0/0/0 alternating 11-08-16.........0mg 16-08-16


Thanks for your info, its always comforting to hear that we arnt the only ones dealing with this.

Thankfully she was only on meds for 9 months and is still just 26 so hopefully should recover sooner rather than later, almost 6 weeks off the meds

Supporting my wife through Effexor XR withdrawal

-Oct 2015: 112.5mg Effexor XR in morning for anxiety, 25mg Seroquol at night for sleep

-March-August 2016: Her life falls apart, paranoia, insomnia, weight loss, quit her job etc

-Sept 2nd 2016: Cold Turkey stopped Effexor and Seroquol

-Prescribed 2.5mg Olanazapine for sleep and mood stabilisation started taking after 3 weeks withdrawal

-Currently past most physical withdrawals, still low energy, still aches, but no brain zaps or dizzyness

-Mental state is concerning, hates everyone, tried to annull marriage, wants to move away and start a new life

-Oct 2016, beginning to see some improvement, still on 2.5mg Olanzapine, started fish oil and magnesium

-Olanzapine stopped after 9 days due to constant hunger, aches, and drowsiness

-5-htp added to supps alongside Fish Oil and Magnesium, sleeping 8hours naturally now 5 weeks post efexor and seroquol, 1 week post olanzapine. Still days of "psychosis" like symptoms, irritable, angry, apathetic etc

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dzog,

I am interested in what supplements you have found helpful? I am 5 months out from stopping effexor and still on 1mg prozac and 200 mg lithium.


May 12th 2016 took last bead of effexor. 8 month taper.  Bridge = prozac 5mg, 300mg Lithium

May 31st took last of prozac. Lithium 300 mg, estrogen patch 150, magnesium.

June 14th reinstated 1mg Prozac due to intolerable emotional distress. Cont with lithium 300mg, 150 magnesium, re added omega 3, cont estrogen patch. June 15-july 5th had marked improvement of emotional wd symptoms, likely due to the reinstatement. July 5th intense emotional symptoms returned.

July 15 decreased 50 mg of lithium to see if it improved low heart rate.

July 19th - increased prozac to 1.5mg.

July 22 marked improvement of emotional symptoms...again, likely due to increase of prozac. However sudden agitation developed so decreased back down to 1.25mg prozac. Realizing increasing dose is dangerous because of these adverse effects and also seeing that wave is inevitable regardless of reinstatement.

Continuing 250 lithium, 1.25mg prozac, estrogen.

Oct 31st - continued 250 lithium, 1 mg prozac, estrogen patch.

Jan 2018  - off of prozac (bridge) as of Dec 2017.  Starting to taper Lithium 250 mg.  Will do 10% per month. 

May 2018 - lithium 115mg.  Still having waves but they aren’t as bad.  However, I really struggle with emotional symptoms about 1 week after a cut. 

dec 2018- 80mg lithium.  Tapering 1 mg per week since last June.  Symptoms improving overall but still very sensitive to light, sound, social stimulation and I cry a lot.

March 2019 - 65 mg lithium.  Still tapering 1mg per week.  Jan 2021- down to 4 mg lithium (get it compounded). Reinstated 5 mg Prozac. Jan 2023- withdraw 5mg prozac over one month Feb 20th 2023- reinstated 1mg Prozac. Still taking 4 mg lithium. 

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