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☼ Callie: venlafaxine XR or Effexor XR - hoping to be well someday


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Hello to all! I was tapered, over a period of two months w/doctor's help, off of venlafaxine xr, buspirone, trazadone, and abilify. I had taken venlafaxine xr and abilify for 7 years and the other two for 14 years. Prior to the venlafaxine and abilify, I was on lexapro for 7 years. Considering the multiple meds and number of years of having taken them, I believe that my doctor tapered me down much too quickly. What is a real kicker is that when I contacted her to tell her I was having terrible symptoms, she diagnosed me over the phone with allergies and told me to go see my GP for further help. I did that, and he said they were all withdrawal symptoms. He assured me that time will heal me. He advised me to drink a lot of water, get exercise, and a lot of sleep. It's been over 5 months now, and I'm still symptomatic although they have reduced in minute degrees of intensity. I go from always being sick to feeling sicker and then back to being sick. My symptoms include burning, stinging, tingling skin on my arms; hot flashes (did those years ago with menopause); insomnia; lack of energy and motivation; icy-cold feeling hands, lower legs, and feet; brain-freeze feeling in the right backside of my head; and sensations of being stabbed throughout my body. The skin sensations are constant. The only thing I take now is fish oil--nothing else. When I first went off the drugs I also had terrible, intense, insatiable itching. The more I scratched, the more I itched. That has subsided, thank goodness. Has anyone experienced any similar symptoms? If so, did they eventually disappear? Did you ever experience a window? So far, I don't think I've had one. I would appreciate any help. :(

Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Callie: Venlafaxine XR or Effexor XR - Hoping to be well someday!
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Callie and welcome to SA,


So you were taking venlafaxine, buspirone, trazadone, and abilify all at the same time?  Who prescribed this cocktail?  I realise you are not taking them any more but I suggest you put all of these drugs in Drug Interactions Checker and see the interactions for these drugs.  If it were me, and my assumption that you were prescribed all of these by the same medical professional and were taking them all at the same time, I would definitely be finding a new medical professional.


Please create your drug signature so we can see your history at a glance.  These are the instructions:


 A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature - ALL drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-24 months particularly?

  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses.
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs. 
  • Any drugs prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago)
  • Spell out months, e.g. "October" or "Oct."; 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as Jan. 9, 2016 or Sept. 1, 2016.
  • Link to Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature.


There are many existing topics on SA.  To search I use google and type in survivingantidepressants.org + topic.  So as an example you could type in survivingantidepressants.org burning or search for head, or cold etc. 


Here are some topics which you might find interesting/helpful:


Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist


Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


One Theory of Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome

What is Withdrawal Syndrome?


The only supplements that SA recommends are:




Omega-3 Fish Oil


This is your own Introduction topic where you can ask questions and journal your progress.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Callie.]


On 17/09/2017 at 3:17 AM, Callie said:

Hello to all! I was tapered, over a period of two months w/doctor's help, off of venlafaxine xr, buspirone, trazadone, and abilify. I had taken venlafaxine xr and abilify for 7 years and the other two for 14 years. Prior to the venlafaxine and abilify, I was on lexapro for 7 years.


Yes, you have prolonged withdrawal syndrome, it's impossible to tell from which drug or drugs since you went off a bunch at once.


We're familiar with all your symptoms, also the very gradual and frustrating way one tends to recover from them.


You've been off all these drugs for 5 months?


Along with fish oil, have you tried magnesium supplements, see


A lot of people find it to be helpful. Try a little bit a time to see how it affects you.


How's your sleep?


Edited by ChessieCat
corrected magnesium link

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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The hyperlink about magnesium cannot be located. Anyway, I bought magnesium but fear trying it. I am afraid to take anything other than fish oil. I guess I could try it but only a tiny bit at a time as you suggested. BTW, are there differences among fish oil brands?


Some nights I sleep rather well, but I think that is associated with insomnia on the other nights. I wake up with a knot in my stomach, and the terrifying thought obsessions start. I try controlling this with prayer until I fall back to sleep.


The doctor tapered me off of all the meds over a two-month period, and I took the last of them on April 3, 2017. I started symptoms, however, in late March. That's when I called to tell her, and she diagnosed me with allergies and abandoned me to my GP.


Thanks so much for your help and concern,



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Callie,


I've fixed up the link in Alto's post.  Magnesium


Omega-3 Fish Oil


Sleep problems - that awful withdrawal insomnia


Non-drug techniques to cope with emotional symptoms


8 hours ago, Callie said:

The doctor tapered me off of all the meds over a two-month period, and I took the last of them on April 3, 2017. I started symptoms, however, in late March.


That is a very fast taper and the symptoms you experienced were most probably withdrawal.


How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?

What should I expect from my doctor about withdrawal symptoms?


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thank you so much for your help! Doctors have been no help. Of course, the one said that I have allergies. Another told me my symptoms are psychosomatic, and a third said there is no such thing as prolonged withdrawal symptoms. They all wanted to prescribe more antidepressants. I have given up on doctors. I have been informed that pharmaceutical companies invest in their medical training, so they heavily influence medical students to prescribe, prescribe, prescribe. I believe the Hippocratic oath is out the window.



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • Moderator Emeritus
11 hours ago, Callie said:

I have been informed that pharmaceutical companies invest in their medical training


And many other things!!!


Check out these.  Gwen Olsen was a medical rep for 15 years.  If the drug you take causes side effects the drug company's answer is to take another drug.


Interview:  Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher (51 minutes Gwen Olsen - ex pharmaceutical representative)


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 1 month later...
  • Administrator

Hi, Callie. How are you doing?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I am not doing well at all. I must be in a worse wave. I don't feel that I've ever had a window, and it's been seven months now. In addition to the constant and uncomfortable skin sensations, I now feel cold all of the time. My skin is even cold to the touch like a corpse's. I feel like there's no blood flow, but I still am experiencing annoying hot flashes. For the last month, my head feels very strange like my brain is being squeezed. I hear clicking in my ears. It's not a brain zap. I've read descriptions of those. It's not that. Occasionally, my head pounds, too. Something new today is that I have a yellow, glob-like eye floater. I don't know if I should see an ophthalmologist about it or not, or if it's just another withdrawal symptom. I don't know. I am a complete physical mess, but I still have hope.


Thank you so much!



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Callie: Venlafaxine XR or Effexor XR - hoping to be well someday

I hope you get a window as we all know how WD goes. Welcome to SA your in a good place with great people too help. I’ve had a few of your symptoms myself and they are not fun. I wish you a window and again welcome. Ali 

10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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Thank you! Symptoms are milder today. My skin doesn't feel cold, but it's super, ultra hypersensitive. Feels like I have sunburn. Head pressure and hot flashes have eased a bit, too. Maybe this is a window, but isn't a window a lack of all symptoms?


I haven't posted much as I was having difficulty figuring out how to do so, but I must say that I visit this forum daily and feel much encouraged.






Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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2 hours ago, Callie said:



Thank you! Symptoms are milder today. My skin doesn't feel cold, but it's super, ultra hypersensitive. Feels like I have sunburn. Head pressure and hot flashes have eased a bit, too. Maybe this is a window, but isn't a window a lack of all symptoms?


I haven't posted much as I was having difficulty figuring out how to do so, but I must say that I visit this forum daily and feel much encouraged.






I’m glad you got a bit of a window with less symptoms! This forum is very good, I too visit daily, it’s great encouragement 😁 I hope you continue with good windows ! Ali

10 years citalopram 30mg- tapered down in December 15/2015- Jan 15/2016 to 20mg for two weeks, ten for one week and five for another week, then stopped, less then two weeks later, sheer hell broke lose with debilitating withdrawal symptoms.


Update-- reinstated 5mg of celexa on feb 5-- within hours noticed immediate difference in WD symptoms-- Holding holding and more holding.


Updose- March 23/16 too 10mg- relieved the harsher head symptoms- current symptoms headaches, dizzy, numbness and tingling in my head.


Benzos- 2015-Ativan on and off for 6 months 2mg- switched to clonazepam nov 2015- 2mg till Jan 2016 Zopiclone 7.5mg nov-dec 2015- was tapered off over 4weeks- Currently in protracted withdrawal. ????????????????????????????????


Update- ended up in the hospital April 18/16 major suicidal ( never had that before) was admitted/ been there ever since, put me back to full dose celexa 30mg no drugs added, IAM FINALLY STABLE AFTER 3 months of tortuous hell. Got a great physiatrist that new all about WD, he will help me taper properly in a couple of months at 5% deductions holding 8 weeks. I never want to relive that hell again.


Udate- stable and holding, doing things slowly is key.

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I had a few hours where I felt a bit better, but now I am just miserable and feeling worse than I ever felt before, now being 7.5 months into withdrawal. The very strange neural-like sensation constantly in my head, throat, and chest continues. I have only felt that for the last month. Also, the front of my thighs now feel like they are burning when it was just my arms before. I am still constantly cold, which also only started about a month ago, but continue to have several hot flashes throughout the day like I have had since day one. In addition to these new symptoms, I feel terror. Is it that symptoms change and worsen over time? Should I not be getting better instead of worse? I would appreciate any feedback.

Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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There are no words to describe the pit of hell that I am in with my symptoms. My skin hurts so bad that it is even hard to move. The pain is becoming unbearable. Do you have any idea as to how/why skin is affected this way? I also have a very peculiar, unrelenting feeling--like nerves are being stretched--that starts at the top of my head and ends at the middle of my abdomen. Also, I believe my cortisol level is off the charts. I have never in my life had such a paralyzing, excruciatingly unbearable feeling of dread and doom in the pit of my stomach. My insomnia is from it, I'm sure. I have no positive emotions at all, no motivation--nothing but feelings of inescapable fear and dread. I try to think of pleasant things, like happy memories, but they just make me feel sick. I am so cold that I cannot get warm except for the miserable, fiery hot flushes I experience throughout the day.


December 3, I will be eight months into WD. My symptoms have gotten worse over the months with extremely little to no relief. I do not believe that I am in the waves/windows pattern. Sometimes I think that I was given too many strong ADs for too long of a time and, as a result, will never recover. I am losing hope gradually.


I visit this site daily for encouragement. I practice mindfulness, take fish oil and magnesium, avoid caffeine and alcohol, eat healthy, drink lots of water, and do mild exercise. I am not improving. I fear seeing any doctors. I do not trust them because I do not think they know what they are doing. I am at a loss as far as knowing how else to help myself.


Thank you,



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • Administrator

Callie, I don't know why people get the burning skin. It's a known withdrawal symptom, see our discussions


Paresthesia: Pins & Needles, Numbness, Tingling, Burning Sensations


Burning skin, burning feet


This is just a guess -- Have you tried an antihistamine such as Benedryl? While this isn't an allergic reaction as such, it's possible that somehow you are producing too much histamine from autonomic dysregulation and it's showing up in your skin. It could be that a few days of Benedryl will disrupt the cycle and change the course of this symptom.


I would try just a little bit, a fraction of a capsule, at night to see if it might help.


Or something you're eating might be triggering excess histamine. You might try the elimination diet Elimination or exclusion diets for reactions to food (food intolerance)


Acupuncture might help, too.


Please let us know how you're doing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Thanks, Altostrata, for responding.


I read the above-mentioned discussions all the time, and it helps to know that I am not alone in this. I have tried antihistamines and, for three months, a low histamine diet. Neither of those made a difference. My skin symptoms persist yet have changed over the months. I started out with intense itching which gradually changed to sparking and pin-prickly sensations which gradually changed to what I now experience: painful, cold, super, ultra hypersensitive skin with some pin-prickly sensations. Sometimes I would like to think that the changing symptoms mean improvement.


I have not tried acupuncture because I read somewhere that it might worsen symptoms. I do not want to take that risk but certainly do appreciate the suggestion.


Icing my skin, applying medicated lotions, or wrapping my arms in soft fabric was working to distract the nerves for temporary relief, but those methods have stopped working, too.


I fear that I am sounding as if I am being difficult. However, this is my reality; so I mean no harm. Undoubtedly, it has been tough, tough for all of us who experience AD WD symptoms. There is no choice but to hang in there.


Thanks again. I really appreciate all you do for everyone on this forum.



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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Hi Callie, I'm sorry you are suffering so. I also have the dread, terror, and occasional sinking pit of stomach. And I have skin burning, but it is mild. Do you notice the burning to go hand in hand with terror? For some reason, I've found that to be the case for me.

Aug-Dec 2015 Prozac 20mg / Dec 2015-Feb 2016 Prozac 15mg / Feb 2016-May2016 Prozac 20mg

May 2016-June 2016 15mg

June 2016-August 2016 10mg

October 2016-January 2017 15mg, alternating agitation/akathisia sets in --> cold turkey

January 2017 Clonazepam .5mg 

February 2017 Clonazepam 1mg (for a week) then .5mg morning and .25mg evening for about a month. Came down to .25mg morning and evening. 

May 1, 2017 Clonazepam .25mg morning and .125mg evening. // May 20, 2017 Clonazepam .25mg morning and .0625 evening (.3125 total).

early June .28125 // early mid june .25mg // mid june .21875 // late june .1875 // early july .15625 // early mid july .125 

mid july .09375mg // late july .0625 //early August 2017 down to .03125mg once a day, hopped off in mid August

reinstated at .0625mg late August // Oct 16 - updose to .07mg and switch to oral Rosemont solution

Nov 17 2017 reinstate Prozac .5mg // Nov 21 2017 prozac 1.6mg // Dec 18 2017  3mg prozac / fast taper off the reinstatement -- probably completely off early Oct 2018

June 2019 begin tapering off .07mg Clonazepam, Finish taper December 2019

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Hello, bheb,

Thanks! My skin burning has been a symptom of mine since day one with very little to no relief. I am sorry that you have to experience it, too. Is it constant for you? For me, the emotional part just began about a month ago or so. I think they are what SA calls neuro emotions. They coincide with the weird, pressure-like sensations I have in my head down to my mid abdomen. This nerve-like pain is extremely uncomfortable, and I do not know how to cope with it other than deep breathing.


Some symptoms have gone away, however. I do not have knife-like stabbing pains anymore, and TMJ pain is gone. I no longer yawn constantly. The dizziness and nausea are gone. I never anticipated getting new symptoms that are worse.


Again, thanks,



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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Hello, Altostrata,


I re-read your response regarding an elimination diet. No, I have not tried that, but I think I better.





Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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I have been searching the Net endlessly to find an answer to my skin issue. I think I know what it is--allodynia, which is a form of neuropathy. There are three types of allodynia--tactile, temperature, and mechanical. I have the first two.  A caveat:  If it is not allodynia, my body is sure mimicking the disorder.


The tactile part is the worst as it hurts to wear clothes. My arms hurt so bad. :( Anyway, I have found suggestions to wear arm sleeves; and that is what I am going to do. They hold the skin and nerves taut so nothing rubs against them and will also protect against temperature extremes. I have to make sure, however, that I get arm sleeves that are very soft and smooth. 


Right now, temporarily, I am wearing a copper sleeve on one arm and a neoprene elbow support on the other--of course, over a very soft knit, long-sleeve top. My goodness, it is helping!! Finally, some relief!!!


I figured that I would share this in case anyone else is suffering from similar symptoms.





Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • Administrator

In withdrawal syndrome terms, what you describe is paresthesia. Temperature dysregulation is also very common in withdrawal syndrome. This is all mediated by the autonomic nervous system.


Did your symptoms change while you were taking an antihistamine?


Have you seen a neurologist?


Please see What is withdrawal syndrome?  particularly One theory of antidepressant withdrawal syndrome

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Below is the latest on my progress.


December 3, 2017 – 8 months off


Physical symptoms:

Super, ultra hypersensitive skin on arms and front of thighs. Clothes hurt skin.

Sometimes/often--skin sensation on arms like they are wrapped in cactus plants.

Sometimes skin on arms burns.

Left upper arm sometimes feels like a pitchfork is sticking into it.

Feel freezing cold all over--constant.

Skin is cold to touch and hypersensitive to temperature.

Hot flashes.

Very peculiar neurological-type pain in head, throat, chest, and upper abdomen. Pressure-like feeling?

Jittery in core at times.

Throat clearing. Can constantly feel post-nasal drip.

Occasional toothache-like pain in back, right side of head.

Sometimes head throbs or pounds.

At end of taper, coffee started tasting really bad. Stopped drinking it end of March 2017. Missing it every day.

Occasional itching here and there.

Occasionally hear clicking sounds in both ears.


Sometimes stomach cramps.

Occasional RLS in evening when lying on couch.

Jolted awake at times, then insomnia.

Falling asleep early evening or midday when I don’t want to even after having slept well all night.

Muscles in upper and middle back and in upper arms feel stiff, painful, and sore.

Muscle weakness/atrophy.

Occasional needle-like sticking pains here and there.

Night time dry mouth.

Eating healthy but am skin and bones.


Physical symptoms that have disappeared:

TMJ pain is gone.

No more pain when casting eyes downward.

Stabbing knife-like pains are gone.

Intense itching has stopped.

No more weird sensations of internal organs jumping around.


Emotional symptoms:

Lack of motivation, no desire to do anything.

No feelings of gratification. No joy in life anymore.

Looking forward to nothing, no excitement.

Cortisol spikes in early morning. Intense feeling of dread in pit of stomach.

Hurts to think of happy memories and those I love.

Worrying about future, bad things that could happen.

No positive emotions. Only negative emotions like fear, remorse, and dread.

Feel like the walking dead. Dead inside.

Thoughts are constantly focused on physical symptoms as they are so miserably uncomfortable/painful.

Occasionally feel nervous jitters.

Hoping that all these symptoms are signs of a healing brain.


Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am really going downhill fast. My symptoms have been getting worse and accelerating over the past two months. I don't recall ever having a window. I just get sicker and sicker.


The skin on my arms and hands hurt so bad, I can hardly move. I don't want to even think about doing anything. I have to force myself. I wasn't this bad a couple of months ago.


My muscles ache and are wasting away quickly. I can barely lift a frying pan. Exercise hurts. I eat well three times per day even though I never get the "I'm hungry" sensation. I wonder if my body is using the food I am eating. I take fish oil and magnesium, too.


I am very jittery inside, too. Very shaky. It's the kind of shivering like when you're cold, only it's my nerves doing it. This only started in the last couple of months. A week ago, my entire body was visibly quivering.


I don't understand how I can be healing when my symptoms are getting worse with no windows. Has this happened to anyone else? I'd love to know, please.







Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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Greetings Callie

You might like to add to your drug sig that you stopped those drugs with a two month taper.

When I think back on my journey I would say that things did get worse before they got better. In fact even at 14 months I was still in a desperate state.

It was about two years before I noticed any windows. Then things slowly got better.

This is a very long journey. We ae talking years. 


I just cant believe your doctor basically CT you off three drugs at the same time.

Have you considered writing a complaint letter. If you feel you have been harmed please do.

There are some journal articles on this site that talk about prolonged wdl syndrome. So any doctor that says it doesn't exist should find a new job. 


3 hours ago, Callie said:

I don't want to even think about doing anything. I have to force myself.

I am very familiar with these symptoms.

Try not to be too hard on yourself you can only do what you can do.


I'm sorry you have to go through this.

Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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Hello, nz11:


Thank you so very much. Tears are welling up as I am so grateful for your encouraging response. I'm just so scared of all these unrelenting symptoms I have. The anxiety and depression I dealt with pre-meds were nothing compared to this. It's so hard coping with this torture, so to hear there is light ahead is quite helpful.


I took care of my signature as suggested. I am also going to look into reporting my doctor, too.


Thank you again!



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel as if I am dying. I am so sick. There have been no windows for me, just a constant daily decline.


Besides the hypersensitive, burning skin that I experience relentlessly, other symptoms are becoming more pronounced and troublesome. I have severe constipation, sensitivity to cold as I'm freezing all the time, fatigue, severe muscle atrophy, muscle pain, weight loss, peculiar sensations in my head down into my abdomen, among others. As for emotions--I often feel complete terror.


I think I may have developed hypothyroidism but that usually involves weight gain. I looked into enteric nervous system issues, and that's scary but could explain muscle wasting and weight loss. I'm just withering away.


Hoping that someone reads this and offers some insight.



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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I have trouble with feeling cold a lot of the time.

I have taken a prescribed vegetable product called sterculia ("Normacol") daily to help with bowel regularity for decades.  Effective and not over effective.

Extreme fatigue for days at a time.

The head sensations are almost certainly those known widely on here by us as "brain zaps" and are probably more worrying when you do not know what they are.  Try and recognise them as something that is there, but is almost certainly of no consequence.


Best wishes - I am not a moderator - they will help you more.

I thought I would chip in from the UK before, say, the US folks rise!

Born 1945. 

1999 - First Effexor/Venlafaxine

2016 Withdrawal research. Effexor.  13Jul - 212.5mg;  6Aug - 200.0mg;  24Aug - 187.5mg;  13Sep - 175.0mg;  3Oct - 162.5mg;  26Oct - 150mg 

2017  9Jan - 150.00mg;  23Mar - 137.50mg;  24Apr - 125.00mg;  31May - 112.50mg holding;  3Sep - 100.00mg;  20Sep - 93.75mg;  20Oct - 87.5mg;  12Nov - 81.25mg;  13 Dec - 75.00mg

2018  18Jan - 69.1mg; 16Feb - 62.5mg; 16March - 57.5mg (-8%); 22Apr - 56.3mg(-2%); CRASHED - Updose 29May - 62.5mg; Updose - 1Jul - 75.0mg. Updose - 2Aug - 87.5mg. Updose - 27Aug - 100.0mg. Updose - 11Oct 112.5mg. Updose - 6Nov 125.00mg

2019 Updoses 19 Jan - 150.0mg. 1April - 162.5mg. 24 April - Feeling better - doing tasks, getting outside.  7 May - usual depression questionnaire gives "probably no depression" result.

Supps/Vits  Omega 3;  Chelated Magnesium;  Prebiotics/Probiotics, Vit D3. 

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Thank you, Peng, for answering. So appreciate it.


It feels as if my digestive system is shutting down. I'm so scared. I will try the sterculia as you suggest.


As for brain zaps, are they constant? I've had this head pressure now for over two months straight with no relief. It's a constant weird sensation. Sometimes my head throbs with it, too.


Thanks again for your help, Peng.



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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13 minutes ago, Callie said:

Thank you, Peng, for answering. So appreciate it.


It feels as if my digestive system is shutting down. I'm so scared. I will try the sterculia as you suggest.


As for brain zaps, are they constant? I've had this head pressure now for over two months straight with no relief. It's a constant weird sensation. Sometimes my head throbs with it, too.


Thanks again for your help, Peng.



Callie I have read your thread and I can relate to all you have said I am 10 months of c/t and I feel very much like you my depression is the worst I have ever had it , I have had no windows the longer off the worse I seem to be , I’m sorry you are going through this 


2001 to jan 2015 Effexor 150 mg 

jan 2015 15 mg mirtazapine 20 mg quetiapine 

feb 2015 quetiapine stopped 

feb 2015 30 mg of citalopram added 

feb 2015 mirtazapine increased to 30 mg 

july 2015 citalopram stopped 

sept 2015 200mg of pregabalin 

jan 2017 mirtazapine stopped

jan 2017 20 mg fluoxetine

march 2017 all meds stopped 

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Hello, Terry,


Thanks for your reply.


I'm so sick. I know a couple of people who are battling cancer right now, and they are in better shape than I am. I can't find a doctor who can help me. My GP and neurologist say to see a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists tell me that there is no such thing as prolonged wd syndrome and want to reinstate the poisons. My insurance company told me to try physical medicine & rehab doctors. They want to inject me with steroids. Another neurologist told me to try a particular psychiatrist who in turn referred me to a neuropsychologist who in turn told me to see my GP. I've tried functional doctors who won't touch my case as it's beyond their expertise they say. This is making me crazy, and meanwhile I'm going downhill fast.


I am literally wasting away. My muscles are rapidly disappearing. My behind (gluteus maximus) is practically gone. Sitting down hurts. I have sagging skin everywhere. I eat three meals per day, even though I have no hunger sensations ever. I have no sensations to go to the bathroom either. Constipation is severe, like I mentioned previously.


My limbs are like blocks of ice at times. They feel like that and are icy cold to the touch. I shiver I'm so cold. This, plus the constipation and fatigue make me think that I have developed hypothyroidism from going off the ad meds. I don't know what would cause the muscle wasting though. Hypothyroidism causes weight gain. I have extreme weight loss. I am so darn confused.


I'm so sorry for my tangent here and sorry that you are feeling ill, too. I wish you well, Terry. May you heal quickly. I will pray for you, too.



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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3 hours ago, Callie said:

Hello, Terry,


Thanks for your reply.


I'm so sick. I know a couple of people who are battling cancer right now, and they are in better shape than I am. I can't find a doctor who can help me. My GP and neurologist say to see a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists tell me that there is no such thing as prolonged wd syndrome and want to reinstate the poisons. My insurance company told me to try physical medicine & rehab doctors. They want to inject me with steroids. Another neurologist told me to try a particular psychiatrist who in turn referred me to a neuropsychologist who in turn told me to see my GP. I've tried functional doctors who won't touch my case as it's beyond their expertise they say. This is making me crazy, and meanwhile I'm going downhill fast.


I am literally wasting away. My muscles are rapidly disappearing. My behind (gluteus maximus) is practically gone. Sitting down hurts. I have sagging skin everywhere. I eat three meals per day, even though I have no hunger sensations ever. I have no sensations to go to the bathroom either. Constipation is severe, like I mentioned previously.


My limbs are like blocks of ice at times. They feel like that and are icy cold to the touch. I shiver I'm so cold. This, plus the constipation and fatigue make me think that I have developed hypothyroidism from going off the ad meds. I don't know what would cause the muscle wasting though. Hypothyroidism causes weight gain. I have extreme weight loss. I am so darn confused.


I'm so sorry for my tangent here and sorry that you are feeling ill, too. I wish you well, Terry. May you heal quickly. I will pray for you, too.



Callie I understand all that you say , I get pushed from pillar to post by all the medical profession , there is no one to help us there is nothing that can help us only time but how can you live with physical and mental symptoms like this on a daily basis it’s not so bad I suppose if you get a window or you can function at least a bit through the day but when it’s full blown on 24 hours a day something has got to give  , I have been like this for nearly 4 years and I havnt found a single thing that has eased anything I dread waking up , if we cry out to much we will get sectioned in a hospital and then forced to take meds against our will , the only thing that eased my suffering was a few benzos I took for a few days but I don’t want to get hooked up on them , sending you prayers 

2001 to jan 2015 Effexor 150 mg 

jan 2015 15 mg mirtazapine 20 mg quetiapine 

feb 2015 quetiapine stopped 

feb 2015 30 mg of citalopram added 

feb 2015 mirtazapine increased to 30 mg 

july 2015 citalopram stopped 

sept 2015 200mg of pregabalin 

jan 2017 mirtazapine stopped

jan 2017 20 mg fluoxetine

march 2017 all meds stopped 

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I went to my GP yesterday for a thyroid test. Got results this morning. Turns out my thyroid is normal. Doctor told me to use Citracel or Metamucil for constipation along with Senokot. Not sure about all the ingredients in these products. I think I'll look for products with psyllium only--no other additives. I think I've gotten to the point of being paranoid about ingesting anything.





Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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10 hours ago, Callie said:

Doctor told me to use Citracel or Metamucil for constipation along with Senokot. Not sure about all the ingredients in these products. I think I'll look for products with psyllium only--no other additives. I think I've gotten to the point of being paranoid about ingesting anything.

Hi Callie, just been browsing around and read the above.  The best natural remedy for constipation is 100% pear juice 😉

  • Citalopram 20mg - 40mg ~ approx 2010 - October 2015 (stopped over one week)
  • Parnate  20mg - 50mg and olazapine 5mg ~ Jan 2016 - May 2016 (ceased over 2 days) 
  • Lithium 450mg-900 mg and Thyroxin ~May 2016 - May 2017
  • Diazepam various doses (including PRN) ~ 2015 - 2017
  • Oxazepam various doses (including PRN) ~ May 2016 - June 2016
  • Lurasidone 20mg ~Mid May 2016 - Mid June 2016
  • Vortioxetine 10mg - 20mg ~ 6th June 2016 - 20th July 2016 (abruptly ceased)
  • Amitriptyline 200mg ~July 2016 - September 2016 (ceased over 1 week)
  • Nortriptyline  (dose ?) ~October 2016 ~ November 2016 (abruptly ceased)
  • Seroquel XR 100mg - 300mg ~ May 2016 - August 2017 (ceased over 3 weeks)
  • Escitalopram 10mg - 30mg ~ August 2016 - March 2017 (ceased over 2 weeks)
  • Bupropion 300mg ~ December 2016 - May 2017 (ceased over 1 week)
  • Clonazepam 1.5mg daily ~ July 2016 (started tapering May 2017 - September 2017 currently on 0.375mg..ie 0.125mg TDS) 27th May 2018 5% 0.357mg (possible paradoxical reaction - see benzo thread)  28th June 5% 0.337mg, 28th July 10% 0.303mg, 12th September10% 0.272mg, 18th September reinstated 10% due to intolerable WD 0.303mg, 1st October-11th Oct 10% (1% reduction over 10 days) 0.272mg, 22nd October clonazepam ceased crossed over 10mg diazepam
  •  Dexamphatamine 20mg ~ December 2016 (started tapering October 2017 - tapered 1.25mg 4th Dec 2017, 1.25mg 19th Dec 2017 6.25mg, Speed up decrease due to major interaction between Dex and fluoxetine- ref to thread 10% 17th Feb 2018 5.63mg, 10% 21st Feb 2018 5.1mg, 10% 26th Feb 2018 4.5mg 10% 28th Feb 4.1mg, 10% 1st March 3.7mg, 10% 5th March 3.3mg, 10% 8th March 3mg, 10% 10th March 2.7mg, 10% 12th March 2.4mg, 10% 14th March 2.16mg, 10% 16th March 1.94mg, 10% 18th March 1.74mg, 10% 20th March 1.57mg, 10% 21st March 1.41mg, 10% 22nd March 1.26mg, 10% 23rd March 1.13mg, 10% 24th March 1.01mg, 10% 25th March 0.9mg, 10% 27th March 0.81mg, 10% 29th March 0.73mg, 10% 31st March 0.66mg, 10% 2nd April 0.59mg , 10% 4th April 0.53mg, 10% 6th April 0.47mg, 10% 8th April 0.42mg, 10%10th April 0.37mg, 11th April 0.2mg, 12th April 0.1mg (last dose) OFF! 
  • Fluoxetine 40mg ~December 2016 - 31 Jan 2018 reduced to 20mg (probable serotonin toxicity) 10th March 2020 10mg (1:1 ratio), 7th April 9mg, 1st May 8.5mg, 15th May 8.0mg, 27th May 7.5mg, 8th Sept 7.2mg, 2nd Oct 7mg, 19th Oct 6.8mg, 28th Oct 6.6mg, 5th Nov 6.4mg, 26th Nov 6mg, 2nd April 2021 5.9mg, 9th April 5.8mg, 19th April 5.75mg, 22nd April 5.7mg, 26th April 5.65mg,28th April 5.6mg, 1st May 5.5mg, 4th May 5.45mg, 7th May 5.4mg, 10th May 5.35mg, 12th May 5.3mg, 15th May 5.25mg, 18th May 5.2mg, 20th May 5.15mg, 22nd May 5mg, 10th July 4.5mg, 9th Aug 4.48mg (switched from syringe to pipette method), 12th Aug 4.46mg, 14th Aug 4.4mg, 18th Aug 4.38mg, 19th Aug 4.36mg, 20th Aug 4.34, 21st 4.32mg, 22nd 4.3mg, 23rd Aug 4mg (hold), (micro-taper) 12th Oct 2021 3.98mg, 14th Oct 3.96mg, 15th Oct 3.94mg, 16th Oct 3.92mg, 17th Oct 3.9mg, 18th Oct 3.88mg, 19th Oct 3.86mg, 21st Oct 3.84mg, 22nd Oct 3.82mg, 23rd Oct 3.8mg, 24th Oct 3.78mg, 25th Oct 3.76mg, 26th Oct 3.74mg, 27th Oct 3.72mg, (WD reached intolerable level, reinstated 0.06mg) 28th Oct 3.8mg, 7th March 2022 3.7mg, 21st March 3.6mg, 4th April 3.5mg, 18th April 3.4mg, 2nd May 3.3mg, 16th May 3.2mg, 20th June 3.1mg, 4th July 3mg, 18th July 2.9mg, 12th September 2.7mg, 18th October 2.5mg, 14th Nov 2.3mg, 12th December 2.1mg, 18th January 2023 1.9mg, 9th July 2023 1.88mg, 16th July 1.86mg, 23rd July 1.84mg, 30th July 1.82mg, 6th Aug 1.80mg, 10th Sept 1.7mg, 12th Oct 1.68mg, 23rd Oct 1.66mg, 30th Oct 1.64mg, 6th Nov 1.62mg, 13th Nov 1.60mg, (2:1 ratio) 30th Dec 1.597mg, 7th Jan 2024 1.595mg, 8th 1.592mg,  10th 1.589, 11th 1.587, 12th 1.585, 13th 1.583, 14th 1.58 cont… 5th Feb 1.56mg, 11th Feb 1.55mg, 19th Feb 1.54mg, 26th Feb 1.53mg, 4th March 1.52mg, 11th March 1.51mg, 25th March 1.50mg, 1st April 1.49mg, 8th April 1.48mg, 15th April 1.47mg, 22nd April 1.46mg, 29th April 1.45mg, 6th May 1.44mg, 14th June 1.43mg, 21st June 1.42mg, 12th Aug 1.41mg, 19th Aug 1.40mg, 26th Aug 1.39mg,  
  • Diazepam 10mg ~ 22nd Oct 2018, 10th November 8mg, 14th Nov 7mg, 8th December 6mg, 30th December 5mg (Nocte), 7th March 2019 4.5mg,14th March 4mg, 5th April 3.5mg, 9th April 3mg, 18th April 2.5mg,1st May 2mg, 17th May 1.75mg, 25th May 1.6mg, 4th June 1.59mg, 5th June 1.58mg, 6th June 1.57mg, 7th June 1.56mg, 8th June 1.55mg, 22nd June 1.4mg, 4th July 1.2mg, 16th July 1mg, 30th July 0.8mg, 13th Aug 0.6mg, 28th Aug 0.4mg, 10th Sept 0.2mg, 23rd Sept Off! 
  • SR Circadin 2mg (melatonin) 25th May - 20th June 
  • Zolpidem 10mg 25th May (7 tablets)
  • Supplements: Magnesium glycinate (soluble - sip throughout the day) 


"Whenever you feel yourself doubting how far you can go,  just remember how far you have come.  Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome"    Unknown 

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Thanks! I'll try the pear juice.



Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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I had my B12 tested the other day, and it's within normal range. I'm wondering, however, that just because it's normal, does that mean my body is absorbing and using it? I read on the Net that B12 deficiency can cause burning skin sensations and muscle wasting. These are two of my dominant symptoms. Any thoughts, anyone?





Lexapro: 2004-2010; Effexor XR 225 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017

Abilify 5 mg.: May 2010 - April 2017; Buspirone 60 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Trazadone 100 mg.: 2004 - April 2017; Xanax: as needed; Fast taper



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