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KatieDogMom: Withdrawal is rough


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Hi there,

I'm coming off of the lowest dose of fluoxetine-there was a short taper since it's supposed to be easy to come off of...my dizziness is popping up  now that I'm fully off. I've only been off for two weeks, and the taper was VERY fast...admittedly, I cut it in half from what was ideal and that's my fault. Aside from Sea Bands, does anyone have any remedies for the dizzy spells? 

Im aware that I should not have manipulated my taper schedule. I was tired of being an overeating zombie struggling with chronic fatigue and absolutely zero sex drive. (Sorry if that's oversharing)

  • ChessieCat changed the title to KatieDogMom: Withdrawal is rough
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi KatieDogMom and welcome to SA,


Definitely sounds like withdrawal symptoms.  The only known way to lessen withdrawal symptoms is to reinstate the same drug you have been taking.  Because you have only been off for 2 weeks reinstatement shouldn't be an issue.  Once we have more information of your drug history we can suggest a dose which you could reinstate.  It is impossible to know what would happen if you didn't reinstate.  There is a possibility that your symptoms could become worse and could last for months and possibly years.


Please follow these instructions to create your signature which we will be able to see at a glance whenever you post.


 A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature - ALL drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-24 months particularly?

  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses.
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs. 
  • Any drugs prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago)
  • Spell out months, e.g. "October" or "Oct."; 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as Jan. 9, 2016 or Sept. 1, 2016.
  • Link to Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature.


Please read Post #1 of this topic.  About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms


Psychiatric drugs change the brain.  We have been physiological dependent on them, not physically like nicotine and caffeine.


I attempted to reduce my Pristiq from 100mg to 50mg and experienced severe cog fog for 3 weeks.  At the end of this time I was unable to type.  I have been a professional typist for 40+ years so I realised that something was very wrong.  Thankfully I had joined SA a few days before I couldn't type and they had suggested that updose.  I did this and after about 4 hours I was able to type again and my brain fog was lifting.  Since then I have been successfully tapering following SA's recommended tapering methods and I am now down to 18mg.  Once my dose got lower I began to feel more like I was before drugs (25+ years on an AD) and recently I feel real excitement whereas back in May (25mg) it was a dulled excitement.


Here are some links with information:


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist


Tips for tapering off Prozac (fluoxetine)


These really helped me to understand SA's recommended taper of no more than 10% of the previous dose followed by a hold of about 4 weeks to allow the brain to adapt to not getting as much of the drug.


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


I will add drug tags to your topic (top left under the topic title) which you can click on and it will bring up other members who have the same tag.  This is your own Introduction topic where you can ask questions and journal your progress.



MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

  • Administrator

Welcome, Katie.


What dose of fluoxetine were you taking? Do you have any left? You might want to take a very small amount, such as 1mg, right away to stop the withdrawal symptoms. 


This topic (thanks, Chessie!) explains how to take a small amount by making a liquid with water

Tips for tapering off Prozac (fluoxetine)

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


Thanks for the tip! It was a 20 mg dose. I have had a very hard time coming off of SSRIs in the past. I have some left-they are capsules so the liquid would be a great way to combat the dizziness.

As a side note, Sea Bands are very helpful as a natural alternative to the "sea sickness" you may feel when you come off of an SSRI. They work for a good portion of the day

  • 2 months later...

 My life is falling apart. I have been off of Prozac for about a month and a half completely and yet here I am with symptoms of what I think is PGAD. The doctor prescribed me amitriptyline and I have increased my desk from 10 mg to 25 recently. It doesn’t seem to be helping at all. I’m terrified that I’m going to have to go back on Prozac. Has anyone experienced this issue before? I’m really trying to keep my life together. The doctors don’t really know what’s wrong. If you have been through this, have the symptoms subsided eventually? What do I do?


Hi Katie,


I got PGAD 8 months ago from starting then stopping the antidepressant Sertraline. I was only on Sertraline for 2 weeks when I got some nasty side effects, I brought my dose down and I developped PGAD (and tinnitus). Sertraline was my first ever antidepressant I stayed only a month an a half on the drug. I was then put on the antipsychotic Risperidone and the antidepressant amafranil. I got some very bad side effects and I stopped them and my PGAD stayed. There are a lot of people on this site who got PGAD from coming or stopping an SSRI. A lot of them recovered. I still have PGAD but I hope it will get better in time.  Does your doctor know PGAD ? Do you have urinary urgency and a painfull bladder ? Is your  lower back painful ?

I am french and I saw a andrologist-sexologist in France that confirmed to me that PGAD can be caused by a SSRI withdrawal. It can be treated. The main causes of PGAD are pudendal neuralgia and restless leg syndroms and antidepressants withdrawals. Are you still on prozac ?


I am sure a moderator is going to come on your thread to advise you on your withdrawal. 


Hang in there 




Good infos about PGAD :









- From January 4th 2017 to April 17th 2017:  1 Xanax 0.25 mg in January, replaced by 1 Lyxansia 10 mg in February, replaced by 1 Bromazepam 6 mg a day  in March then back to 1 Xanax 0.25 mg  in April. Every pill was stopped cold turkey.

- April 17th (Easter Monday) started  Sertraline 50.  Xanax 0.25 mg  stopped cold turkey. 

- April 17th to May 4th 1 Sertraline 50, a 25 dose in the morning, a 25 dose at night and half a Zopiclone 7.5 at night

- May 4th  Reduced to 1 Sertraline  25.

-June 1st to June 8th.Tappering off Sertraline every 2 days for a week and put on 1 Risperidone 1 mg a day.June 8th Sertraline 25 replaced by 1 Anafranil 25mg, 1 Risperidone 1 mg a day and 1 zoplicone 7.5 at night, a week later, the Anafranil 25mg and Risperidone 1g was stopped cold turkey and replaced by 1 Xanax 0.25 mg 3 times a day. Since  June 17th : 1 Xanax 0.25 mg 3 times a day and 1 zoplicone 7.5 at night. Other medications  from June 1st to June 15th : Augmentin antibiotics, Chorticoid tablets,  Lanzoprazole, Toviaz. Symptoms : tremors, shaking ,suicidal thoughts, smell and light sensitivity, hyperacusis, floaters, earworms, akathisia, high pitched tinnitus, PGAD.








  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/14/2017 at 6:25 PM, KatieDogMom said:

 My life is falling apart. I have been off of Prozac for about a month and a half completely and yet here I am with symptoms of what I think is PGAD. The doctor prescribed me amitriptyline and I have increased my desk from 10 mg to 25 recently. It doesn’t seem to be helping at all. I’m terrified that I’m going to have to go back on Prozac. Has anyone experienced this issue before? I’m really trying to keep my life together. The doctors don’t really know what’s wrong. If you have been through this, have the symptoms subsided eventually? What do I do?

Hi KatieDogMom,

I am also tapering off prozac and read your posts.  I see you haven't posted for over a week, and I hope you are doing well.  Please update on your status if you are up to it.

Best wishes,


Alcohol periodic excessive 1963-1976, Valium sporadic 1964-1973,  Imipramine off & on 1982-1985, Fluoxetine 10mg-80 mg. Oct., 1995-Jan., 2014; Cymbalta, other ADs 1/2014-3/2014; Abilify 5 mg. 3/2014 - 8/8/17; Trintellix 20 mg. 3/2014 - 9/2017; Propranolol 60-80 mg. sporadically Sept-Oct, 2017; Seroquel few days Sept 2017 (c/t); Wellbutrin 150 mg. Sept, 2017 updosed to 300 mg. few days till c/t Oct 8, 2017, fish oil, vitD, vitE Oct 16, 2017-pres. Lipoflavonoid 4/2017-pres.  Fluoxetine 10 mg. Sept-Oct 8, 2017, 20 mg. 10/9- 10/15; 10 mg. 10/16 - 12/29;  9 mg. 12/30 - 2/9; 2 mL liquid (8.1mg) 2/10 - 3/7; 1.8 mL (7.29 mg) 3/8 -3/20; 1.6 mL (6.561mg) 3/20-4/2; 1.4 mL (5.9 mg) 4/3-4/14; 1mL (4 mg.) 4/15-4/22; .9mL (3.6mg) 4/23-5/1; .81mL (3.24 mg) 5/2-5/24; .73mL (2.916mg.) 5/25-6/8; .65mL 6/9-6/23; .6mL 6/24-7/17; .58mL 7/18-7/28; .525mL 7/29-8/13; .5 mL 8/14-21; .45mL 8/22-31; .4mL 9/2-21; .35mL 9/22-10/4; .3mL 10/5-28; .25mL 10/28-11/10; .2mL 11/11-11/24; .18mL 11/25-12/3; .1mL 12/4-12/18. Zero-12/19/18-present.

  • 4 months later...

Realme...I went back on the meds. I’m back off of them and I have the same symptoms. It’s awful, but I handle it as best I can.


I’m hoping it goes away soon. 



  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/4/2018 at 9:00 PM, KatieDogMom said:

Realme...I went back on the meds. I’m back off of them and I have the same symptoms. It’s awful, but I handle it as best I can.


I’m hoping it goes away soon. 




How are you feeling?  Do you know how to make a signature?  If you list what meds you are on and when you started them, the moderators can help you with your tapering.  Don't just stop taking them abruptly because it will make your withdrawal symptoms much more difficult.

Healing thoughts for you,

xo RM

Alcohol periodic excessive 1963-1976, Valium sporadic 1964-1973,  Imipramine off & on 1982-1985, Fluoxetine 10mg-80 mg. Oct., 1995-Jan., 2014; Cymbalta, other ADs 1/2014-3/2014; Abilify 5 mg. 3/2014 - 8/8/17; Trintellix 20 mg. 3/2014 - 9/2017; Propranolol 60-80 mg. sporadically Sept-Oct, 2017; Seroquel few days Sept 2017 (c/t); Wellbutrin 150 mg. Sept, 2017 updosed to 300 mg. few days till c/t Oct 8, 2017, fish oil, vitD, vitE Oct 16, 2017-pres. Lipoflavonoid 4/2017-pres.  Fluoxetine 10 mg. Sept-Oct 8, 2017, 20 mg. 10/9- 10/15; 10 mg. 10/16 - 12/29;  9 mg. 12/30 - 2/9; 2 mL liquid (8.1mg) 2/10 - 3/7; 1.8 mL (7.29 mg) 3/8 -3/20; 1.6 mL (6.561mg) 3/20-4/2; 1.4 mL (5.9 mg) 4/3-4/14; 1mL (4 mg.) 4/15-4/22; .9mL (3.6mg) 4/23-5/1; .81mL (3.24 mg) 5/2-5/24; .73mL (2.916mg.) 5/25-6/8; .65mL 6/9-6/23; .6mL 6/24-7/17; .58mL 7/18-7/28; .525mL 7/29-8/13; .5 mL 8/14-21; .45mL 8/22-31; .4mL 9/2-21; .35mL 9/22-10/4; .3mL 10/5-28; .25mL 10/28-11/10; .2mL 11/11-11/24; .18mL 11/25-12/3; .1mL 12/4-12/18. Zero-12/19/18-present.

  • Administrator

Hello, KatieDogMom.


What are you taking now, and at what dosage? What's your current symptom pattern?


To help us out, see these instructions Please put your drug and withdrawal history in your signature


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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