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I am going through hell. I pray I can get some help on this site. I stopped prozac 3 months ago and trazadon after 25 years. I waited till I retired because I knew I could not work when I did it. I don't care about anything, depressed, hurting, crying, no motivation or energy. Help!

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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I didn't think that I could get help here and I guess I'm right. 

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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I just want to run away

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Blonde and welcome to SA,


We ask all members to create a drug signature.  Please use this format:


A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature - ALL drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-24 months particularly?

  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses.
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs. 
  • Any drugs prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years.
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago)
  • Spell out months, e.g. "October" or "Oct."; 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as Jan. 9, 2016 or Sept. 1, 2016.
  • Link to Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature.


Here are some helpful topics:


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms (Please read Post #1)


Please do not reinstate your last dose because your brain will have already made some adaptation during the time you have been off and it will be too strong.  If you decide that you would like to try reinstatement please let us know and we can suggest a small dose for you to try.

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist


Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


Brain Remodelling

Video:  Healing From Antidepressants - Patterns of Recovery


Tips for tapering off Prozac (fluoxetine)


Tips for tapering off trazodone (Desyrel)


How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?

What should I expect from my doctor about withdrawal symptoms?


This is your own Introduction topic where you can ask questions and journal your progress.



MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hey Blonde,


I really hope that you are starting to feel a little better.  It sounds like things were really bad on the weekend. What did you end up doing? How are things now?


Take care,


2004: Clonazepam and Celexa. 2005 - 2006: Effexor, then increased to high dose, then switched to Valproate and Seroquel. 2007: Wellbutrin + Strattera + Celexa. 2007 - 2008: Wellbutrin + Adderall + Paxil. 2008 - 2012: Wellbutrin + occasional SSRIs when I had worsened "depression", which happened around 4 times, usually after CT of WB. 2012 - 2014: WB + Sertraline, then WB + Pristiq (awful W/D) then WB + rTMS, then ketamine. 2014 - 2016: Wellbutrin 200 mg + Abilify 4 mg + Adderall 20-40 mg + Cipralex 20 mg. Oct 2016: "Tapered" Cipralex, felt outrageously anxious, irritable. Dec 2016: "Tapered" Adderall, then felt depressed, hopeless, fatigued.  Feb 6 2017: reinstated 20 mg Adderall. Mar 2017: switched to Vyvanse, upped to 30 mg. May - Aug 2017: "Tapered" Vyvanse + Abilify to zero. Oct 25, 2017: Wellbutrin from 200 to 100 mg. Sep 10, 2018:  Wellbutrin from 90 to 60 mg. Oct 29, 2018: WB from 60 to 50 mg. Dec 19, 2018: WB from 50 to 45 mg. Apr 15, 2019: WB 41 mg. May 14, 2019: WB 37 mg. Jun 8, 2019: WB 33 mg. Jul 22: WB 30 mg, then down by around 10% per month. Aug 2020: 0


Working hard to take my life back. Anything I say here is as a friend or peer supporter; it is not medical advice.

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I went to see a holistic doctor and he put me on some supplements. Did a hair and salvia test and my blood sugars are messed up. I'm still crying all the time and can't sleep. Terribly depressed and anxious..thank you for your post. I need to know what others are doing.

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Blonde.


You went off 40mg Prozac and 150mg trazodone at the same time, correct? How did you go off each of them?


You are experiencing withdrawal syndrome. Even holistic doctors usually don't know how to treat this.


What is your daily symptom pattern? How do you sleep?


What supplements are you taking?


How is your blood sugar messed up? Do you eat a lot of sweets?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hello Blonde,

My heart goes out to you because I understand the suffering you are enduring as a result of withdrawal syndrome.  I went through hell by cold turkey withdrawal of Abilify, followed by a too-fast tapering of Trintellix, followed by a series of other meds until I finally stabilized on my current dose which I hope to begin tapering soon.  Please answer the moderators' questions carefully so they can advise you.  That way you can minimize your symptoms and look forward to healthy recovery.  Keep posting and don't lose hope.  There is genuine support and help here as well as some really good-hearted people who lift your spirits.

Alcohol periodic excessive 1963-1976, Valium sporadic 1964-1973,  Imipramine off & on 1982-1985, Fluoxetine 10mg-80 mg. Oct., 1995-Jan., 2014; Cymbalta, other ADs 1/2014-3/2014; Abilify 5 mg. 3/2014 - 8/8/17; Trintellix 20 mg. 3/2014 - 9/2017; Propranolol 60-80 mg. sporadically Sept-Oct, 2017; Seroquel few days Sept 2017 (c/t); Wellbutrin 150 mg. Sept, 2017 updosed to 300 mg. few days till c/t Oct 8, 2017, fish oil, vitD, vitE Oct 16, 2017-pres. Lipoflavonoid 4/2017-pres.  Fluoxetine 10 mg. Sept-Oct 8, 2017, 20 mg. 10/9- 10/15; 10 mg. 10/16 - 12/29;  9 mg. 12/30 - 2/9; 2 mL liquid (8.1mg) 2/10 - 3/7; 1.8 mL (7.29 mg) 3/8 -3/20; 1.6 mL (6.561mg) 3/20-4/2; 1.4 mL (5.9 mg) 4/3-4/14; 1mL (4 mg.) 4/15-4/22; .9mL (3.6mg) 4/23-5/1; .81mL (3.24 mg) 5/2-5/24; .73mL (2.916mg.) 5/25-6/8; .65mL 6/9-6/23; .6mL 6/24-7/17; .58mL 7/18-7/28; .525mL 7/29-8/13; .5 mL 8/14-21; .45mL 8/22-31; .4mL 9/2-21; .35mL 9/22-10/4; .3mL 10/5-28; .25mL 10/28-11/10; .2mL 11/11-11/24; .18mL 11/25-12/3; .1mL 12/4-12/18. Zero-12/19/18-present.

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Blonde welcome to sa.

My goodness are you saying you cold turkeyed those drugs at the same time?

Does your doctor know about this. Maybe your doctor told you to do that?


9 hours ago, Blonde said:

I'm still crying all the time and can't sleep. Terribly depressed and anxious..

These are classic wdl symptoms.

Where these symptoms delayed like 2 or 3 months.


I'm not surprised you are in hell. You just cant stop these drugs CT. Some people with long term use are finding they have to taper very slowly for many years to get off them. 

Its well worth your while to read the great links cc has given you above.




Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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Yes, I just stopped taking them. Did not taper off. Also went off of protonic and levothyroxine at the same time. My daily symptoms are crying all day, depressed, anxious, freezing, hot flashes, hair falling out, insomnia, numb, feeling like I'm not real and have to pinch myself, headaches, withdrawn and can't interact with my family, etc. I am on Livaplex, Cataplex GTF, Cataplex G, Thytrophin PMG, Paraplex. My calcium/magnesium ratio was 10.50/1 which indicates steep fluctuations in blood sugar. My calcium/potassium ratio was 31.50/1 indicates sluggish thyroid. I did eat a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. The Dr. has me on a food plan which cuts out sugar and carbohydrates. This is my 3rd day 12/9/2017. I do not have any relief. I am in a constant state of fight or flight and can't relax at all. Nothing means anything to me and I am truly miserable.

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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2 hours ago, RealMe said:

Hello Blonde,

My heart goes out to you because I understand the suffering you are enduring as a result of withdrawal syndrome.  I went through hell by cold turkey withdrawal of Abilify, followed by a too-fast tapering of Trintellix, followed by a series of other meds until I finally stabilized on my current dose which I hope to begin tapering soon.  Please answer the moderators' questions carefully so they can advise you.  That way you can minimize your symptoms and look forward to healthy recovery.  Keep posting and don't lose hope.  There is genuine support and help here as well as some really good-hearted people who lift your spirits.


Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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Thank you so much for the support. I will answer all questions because I desperately need help. I don't feel the holistic doctor really knows what I'm really going through. 

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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1 hour ago, nz11 said:

Blonde welcome to sa.

My goodness are you saying you cold turkeyed those drugs at the same time?

Does your doctor know about this. Maybe your doctor told you to do that?


These are classic wdl symptoms.

Where these symptoms delayed like 2 or 3 months.


I'm not surprised you are in hell. You just cant stop these drugs CT. Some people with long term use are finding they have to taper very slowly for many years to get off them. 

Its well worth your while to read the great links cc has given you above.





Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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No, my regular M.D. does not know because she just wanted to keep giving me more drugs. She did not want me to stop taking any of my meds. No, the symptoms were not delayed, I just haven't known what to do and someone mentioned me going to a holistic doctor. I have just been getting worse each day since I went off my meds. I have been reading and will continue to read other people's post. I didn't even know that Prozac was so hard to come off of.

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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Hi Blonde


withdrawal is usually a long hard road, especially since you are like a lot of us who are older and were on medications for a long time.   i quit zoloft and zyprexa cold turkey in 2014 after being on high doses of both for 14 years and suffered a lot of what you are going through-  lots of weeping and little sleeping, although i hardly weep anymore because my body is so worn out from all the sleep deprivation ( i am only 45 years old).  i was crying a few times a week for the first 2 years after stopping the pills.  i would often have to get up from eating because i was weeping so much i couldn't see what i was eating anymore.  it felt like (and still does) feel like the end of my life.  for me it's mostly just surviving at this point, not really living.  the sleep deprivation/insomnia/depressed sleep can lead to cognitive problems (short term memory is often shot) and also digestive problems.    you may want to look into a possible low dose reinstatement as you are not terribly far out- it can often allieviate some of the withdrawal symptoms and make life livable, otherwise if you continue to ride it out without the drugs, usually people have "windows" of normality here and there as their bodies begin to heal, which are followed by "waves" set backs where you go back to square one and feel about to lose it again.     there is a section about reinstating (usually a very small dose is recommended on here) somewhere in Symptoms and Self Care on the forum page along with a section on Success Stories.   i didn't have internet service when i quit the drugs and didn't know about this site and didn't find it until i was almost 2 years along in withdrawal and struggling. 


i still am struggling greatly.  my sleep is only 2 hours on most days, plus an hour long nap that has me waking feeling miserable- they are called toxic naps in wd because extended sleep deprivation causes a build up of acidity in the body.  when i wake it's like my body has been in a vice and it takes me a while to gain back my flexiblity and normal movement of my limbs.  it's torture. and i don't even feel like i am part of the world, but in hell like you mentioned when i do get up from these "sleeps".  what little sleep i do get is usually depressed and filled with nightmares and of such poor quality that after nearly 4 years of this my face looks absolutely horrible from the eye bags that all the sleep deprivation from withdrawing from the drugs caused. 


anyways, i wish i had better advice for you,  i only know what i have read in other's stories and from watching my health fall apart these past few years.   maybe some of the moderators will have better suggestions for you.



Court committed to take Prozac, Paxci, and Respiradol from 8/95 to 3/96.   developed severe akithisia and brain damage.  Was unable to speak and walking in circles 15 hours a day.  Went in for 5 sessions of ECT during a 10 day period in March of '96 and my forced medication was discontinued at that time.  My akithisia and brain damage cleared up within a few days of stopping the meds.


On Zoloft (200 mg) and Zyprexa (17.5 mg) March 1998- Feb 2014

In between was placed on Effexor 200 mg and Abilify for six months in 2004.  Developed mild akithisia which went away once I stopped the Abilify.  Developed severe GI issues in Dec 2001 and from that time on suffered from fatigue and hypersomnia where I would sleep between 12 and 20 hours a day and rarely ever left my apartment. 


Had tapered to 100 mg of Zoloft and 7.5 mg of Zyprexa at the time of going cold turkey Feb. 2014

Went 5 days without sleep at the beginning while vomiting all over my apt.  Had brain zaps for a number of weeks and also lightheadedness which both eventually went away.  However 2 1/2 yrs later I still struggle with insomnia, depression, and fatigue.





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Thank you Poetjester for your reply. The holistic doctor did mention going back on prozac briefly to help relieve symptoms but I'm afraid I'll never come back off and I now have 3 months off of them. It scares me that you are still so bad off after 3 years. Like you, when I get up after trying to sleep or sitting a long time, I am so stiff and sore, can barely move and also my

face has suffered from this in just 3 months.. I look like I've aged 5 years. 

You ate so young to be suffering like this.. I pray for you to have better days Poetjester!

Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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  • Administrator
15 hours ago, Blonde said:

Yes, I just stopped taking them. Did not taper off. Also went off of protonic and levothyroxine at the same time. My daily symptoms are crying all day, depressed, anxious, freezing, hot flashes, hair falling out, insomnia, numb, feeling like I'm not real and have to pinch myself, headaches, withdrawn and can't interact with my family, etc. I am on Livaplex, Cataplex GTF, Cataplex G, Thytrophin PMG, Paraplex. My calcium/magnesium ratio was 10.50/1 which indicates steep fluctuations in blood sugar. My calcium/potassium ratio was 31.50/1 indicates sluggish thyroid. I did eat a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. The Dr. has me on a food plan which cuts out sugar and carbohydrates. This is my 3rd day 12/9/2017. I do not have any relief. I am in a constant state of fight or flight and can't relax at all. Nothing means anything to me and I am truly miserable.


Hi, Blonde. You do not have to "quote" a post and then make another post under it. You can post under a quote as I'm doing here. You can use the little plus button to quote several posts at once.


You went off a lot of drugs at once. Hair falling out is a symptom of hypothyroidism, which is probably why you were prescribed thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone that's too high in dosage can cause problems. Hypothyroidism can have a lot of very uncomfortable symptoms. You should take a good look at your most recent thyroid blood test results. If you haven't had a test recently, you should have one.


If your stomach is upset, it may be because you suddenly quit Protonix. The stomach acid blockers need to be tapered, or you can get rebound acid reflux.


Your worst symptoms are probably Prozac and trazodone withdrawal symptoms. If I were you, I might try reinstating 5mg Prozac. If it helps, you would stabilize on it for some months and then taper off by tiny amounts. See


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms


After reinstating or updosing, how long to stabilize?


Tips for tapering off Prozac (fluoxetine)  <-- This topic explains how to take a small amount of Prozac


Please keep daily notes on paper about your symptoms, when you take your drugs, and their dosages.


Generally, we don't recommend those expensive mixed supplements your integrative practitioner has prescribed. People who have withdrawal syndrome are usually hypersensitive to drugs, supplements, and even foods, and those supplements have too many ingredients to track down -- any of the ingredients could be causing a bad reaction.


Many people do better with fish oil and magnesium supplements, see



A lot of people find them helpful. Try a little bit of one at a time to see how it affects you.


It's a good thing you're minimizing sugar, that stuff will kill you. Diabetes is a very, very serious disease.


Please update your signature with all your drugs, their dosages, when you took them, and when you went off them.





    This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

    "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

    All postings © copyrighted.

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    Thank you.. I'm going to go back and read all that you have posted for me. The holistic doctor said I might want to go back on a little prozac for a while also but like I told him, after 29 years on antidepressants, (have been on a lot of different ones before and with prozac) having 3 months of being off them, I don't want to go backward. I am afraid I might not be as bold to let go of them again. If I could go back, I would taper off but it's too late now. I will start taking notes like you said about how I'm feeling on these supplements. There is one that's supposed to calm me so I can sleep and it seems to keep me even more awake and restless...mid-tran is the name of it. I'm still in fight or flight mode, can't relax, crying, anxious, very irritated at everything and everyone even my dog, can't be around talking or loud noises, isolating.

    Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

    Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

    Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

    Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

    Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

    Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

    Link to comment

    When I clicked on Reply to this post, it has my previous post in it so I had to delete it. I still don't understand the posting on this site.


    Anyway, I am supposed to go back to the holistic doctor tomorrow and I don't want to but afraid not to. Can't afford it for sure.. going in the hole charging it. He has me on all these supplements to fix my blood sugar problems and thyroid problems and liver problems but I still have this we from prozac and all the other drugs problem. I don't know what to do. Still crying, depressed, and insomnia is killing me. New symptom last night, stabbing pain in big toe. Happened three times and restless legs all night as I'm tossing and turning. Help!!! 

    Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

    Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

    Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

    Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

    Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

    Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

    Link to comment

    Hi Blonde, sorry you're going through hell. I'm diabetic, so understand blood sugar issues. Something a lot of people don't realize, even diet soft drinks can muck with your sugars. Another thing that can do it, overeating proteins. You also may have to reduce dairy products. This is by no means to be taken as medical advice, just what's worked for me with my diabetes.


    I get restless leg (RLS) too. I found that taking magnesium helps, but again, that's just what worked for me.


    Oh btw, I typically wait until the end of the posts and use the reply box at the bottom. If I chose to quote someone, it messes it all up.

    My memory is a sieve.  What I can remember:

    2006- Effexor started at 75mg upped to 300mg

    somewhere after 2008- Switched to Cipralex started at 5mg upped to 20mg

    2017- added Wellbutrin 150mg to Cipralex 20mg

    occasional use of Ativan 0.5mg sublingual, usually given 7-10 tabs  -- (last used Nov 2017 ... previous? my mom's death probably? 2013)

    Cold turkey Nov 13, 2017 (used Ativan once a day when it was unbearable until Rx finished)

    24 Jan. 2018 - Reinstated Cipralex 5mg

    31 Jan. 2018 - started Cetirizine Hydrochloride for severe allergies due to tattoo --- stopped 24 Feb. 2018

    26 Feb. 2018 - Coversyl 4mg


    Currently: 5mg Cipralex , 16mg Serc (for Meniere's), 4mg Coversyl (high blood pressure)

    Supplements: 300mg Magnesium

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    Hey Jane, thanks for your reply. I will have to check and see if magnesium is in any of these supplements I'm already taking but if not, I will surely try magnesium. I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thank you!!

    Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

    Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

    Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

    Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

    Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

    Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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    • Mentor

    Hi Blonde, welcome to SA which has been my main source of support in WD (thanks, Alto for creating this!). I am sorry you're having a hard time, please know that it is normal.


    I tapered from Zoloft in 4 weeks (essentially coldturkey/CT). Like SA points out, supplements are too much for an unstable central nervous system/CNS; I have always relied on pills to make me feel better but they definitely do the opposite in WD. I take three supplements now: magnesium in powder form which relaxes muscles and is a calming nutrient, Omega3s/fish oil, and a probiotic. I also take a VitC in powder form in the morning. At 8 months out, am still experiencing Windows and Waves; I'm in a low window for the last two days after three weeks of a hideous Wave. However, it is slowly getting better each cycle. It also helps to know that feeling crappy is normal in WD and to be gentle with yourself. When I am so anxious I feel like jumping out of my skin, I take a Benadryl (which, according to this site, was a precursor for Prozac) and it helps me at least get to non-jumping-out-of-my-skin states.


    One "trick" I do to support the CNS I learned a few nights ago in a kundalini yoga class. One curls their tongue to the back of the roof of the mouth (the soft palate) and pretends to "swallow" the tongue. That produces saliva which is swallowed (sounds gross but we do it all the time). Do this for a minute. It helps coat the stomach and reduce acidity. And it's meditative.

    • Prozac | late 2004-mid-2005 | CT WD in a couple months, mostly emotional
    • Sertraline 50-100mg | 11/2011-3/2014, 10/2014-3/2017
    • Sertraline fast taper March 2017, 4 weeks, OFF sertraline April 1, 2017
    • Quit alcohol May 20, 2017
    • Lifestyle changes: 12-step (ACA, PIR), kundalini yoga


    "If you've seen a monster, even if it's horrible, that's evidence of divinity." – Damien Echols


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    Hey Farmgirlworks... I have not heard about taking Benadryl. Maybe that would help me get some sleep??? So tired, thought I could take a nap while ago and laid down only to drift and then have that flood of adrenaline and fear rush in. I hate this!!! I decided not to go back to the holistic doctor tomorrow and take the advice of Alto and stop the supplements. I don't know what I'm doing, just want some relief!! Today was a lay in bed cry day!!

    Thank you for your help!!

    Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

    Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

    Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

    Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

    Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

    Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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    • Mentor

    Everybody (!) just wants it to stop... it’s rough stuff but know that you are not alone. 


    Regarding Benadryl, there are different takes on it here, good and bad; just do a search on it to learn. 

    • Prozac | late 2004-mid-2005 | CT WD in a couple months, mostly emotional
    • Sertraline 50-100mg | 11/2011-3/2014, 10/2014-3/2017
    • Sertraline fast taper March 2017, 4 weeks, OFF sertraline April 1, 2017
    • Quit alcohol May 20, 2017
    • Lifestyle changes: 12-step (ACA, PIR), kundalini yoga


    "If you've seen a monster, even if it's horrible, that's evidence of divinity." – Damien Echols


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    I will research Benadryl...thanks!!!

    Started Prozac 40 mg April 1, 1989, stopped August 30, 2017.

    Started Trazadon 150 mg September 1, 1992, stopped August 30, 2017. 

    Started Levothyroxine 100 mg April 2000 stopped August 15, 2017.

    Started Prilosec February 1998 Stopped January 2017.

    Started Pantoprazole 40 mg January 2017 stopped August 31, 2017.

    Started Ranididine 150 mg January 2017 still take it occasionally along with baking soda.

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