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jordidog: Paxil Withdrawal


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Anybody know if its ok to stay at 10mg paxil for an extended length of time? I have had low level anxiety alot lately and not sure if dog's surgery was trigger for it. I am afraid of it not going away😶





1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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I just noticed that my signature is not correct but I don't know how to change it. I am on 10 mg of paxil right now.


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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4 hours ago, Blandell said:

Anybody know if its ok to stay at 10mg paxil for an extended length of time?


Yes, it's fine to hold at a dose until you feel ready to taper again.


4 hours ago, Blandell said:

I just noticed that my signature is not correct but I don't know how to change it. I am on 10 mg of paxil right now.


You can edit your signature here: edit your signature in Account Settings.  Please include the date you started the 10mg dose.

2001–2002 paroxetine

2003  citalopram

2004-2008  paroxetine (various failed tapers) 
2008  paroxetine slow taper down to

2016  Aug off paroxetine
2016  citalopram May 20mg  Oct 15mg … slow taper down
2018  citalopram 13 Feb 4.6mg 15 Mar 4.4mg 29 Apr 4.2mg 6 Jul 4.1mg 17 Aug 4.0mg  18 Nov 3.8mg
2019  15 Mar 3.6mg  21 May 3.4mg  26 Dec 3.2mg 

2020  19 Feb 3.0mg 19 Jul 2.9mg 16 Sep 2.8mg 25 Oct 2.7mg 23 Oct 2.6mg 24 Dec 2.5mg

2021   29 Aug 2.4mg   15 Nov 2.3mg

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Thanks Songbird 

i struggle with online medium but I’m learning!


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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6 hours ago, Blandell said:

Anybody know if its ok to stay at 10mg paxil for an extended length of time? I have had low level anxiety alot lately and not sure if dog's surgery was trigger for it. I am afraid of it not going away😶





Hi Blandell, 


Yes, it is very wise to hold your dose when you are going through stressful situations in your life. The stress can make the withdrawals much worse so it really is best to hold. 


I’m sorry your dog had to have an operation. I hope he’s feeling better soon. 


Sending hugs🤗



Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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Thanks Carmie. I’ve definitely been anxious (and driving my family nuts) and depressed. I’m becoming much more aware of how stress affects me...and what stresses me. Once I feel settled again I’ll consider s drop

It sure feels good to have support!

thanks so much


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • Moderator Emeritus
1 hour ago, Blandell said:

Thanks Carmie. I’ve definitely been anxious (and driving my family nuts) and depressed. I’m becoming much more aware of how stress affects me...and what stresses me. Once I feel settled again I’ll consider s drop

It sure feels good to have support!

thanks so much


Hi Blandell, 


Yes, this site is great for support. Unless you’re going through withdrawals yourself you have no idea how severe they can get. Withdrawing off these dreaded meds is the hardest thing we will ever do in our entire lives. 


Make sure you don’t overdo things as it will ramp up your withdrawals. Do everything in a balanced way. Find yourself distractions too when withdrawals are bad, things that will keep you occupied for hours that don’t take too much brainpower. 


 I watch DVDs n Netflix, crochet, listen to music, take photos n edit them, chill with friends, go in nature, do arts n crafts, and the list goes on. Hope you find good distractions too. 


Take care💚

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m holding right now at 10mg of Paxil 

have tapered down from 20 mg since January 30. 

I figured I’d wait til January 2019 to begin tapering again as winter holiday means sun and will be heading towards more light

Also, since I’ll be doing a slow taper whenever I begin, it’s going to mean fiddling around with meds. Ie. compounded liquid for 4.75 mg and 1/2 of 10mg, so 5 mg, to make 9.75 for my first slow taper dose.  

What do you think of this plan.? Or should I start now? Feeling more settled right now and impatient to move along. I’ve been at 10 mg since May 12th. Almost 3 months!!


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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I have moved your question to your topic because it is about your taper.  Holding until new year is a good plan. You have had some waves recently so it makes perfect sense to hold.  Your plan sounds good, slow and steady wins the race. Speeding up and racing ahead leads to injury and more downtime to recover. :)

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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 Thank you MammaP for your support and gentle help re where to post😊


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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My signature needs me to edit it but although I’ve tried, I can’t figure it out. I’m currently on 10 mg Paxil not 7.5 mg


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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This link will take you straight to where you can edit your signature:  Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


You will see your existing signature.  If you wish to keep your existing signature you will need to copy and paste it into a post or personal document before editing it.  Edit it and then click Save below the box.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hi Blandell, 


I think holding sounds like a good idea too. It’s good to have a bit of a break from tapering. I’ve been on a hold for a number of months now too n I’m going to start tapering again at the end of this month. 


Make lots of happy memories while you’re in a window. 


Sending hugs🤗



Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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Thanks Carmie! You’re a bright light❤️


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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3 hours ago, Blandell said:

Thanks Carmie! You’re a bright light❤️


You’re too sweet Blandell, 


I try really hard to be positive, it doesn’t always work though. I do always end up getting there though as I can’t help it. I was blessed with a positive nature. 


When I’ve been in waves I just keep trying to distract myself to keep going. I try n keep my chin up n be brave. Sometimes I’m just so anhedonic but somehow I keep going. What else can one do? 


Thanks again for your kind words, it means a lot💚


Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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I’ve been on 10 mg since mid May so almost 3 months. Im feeling more stable emotionally but if something irritates me, well I’m really irritated. And I do feel sad sometimes. I’ve noticed that if I’ve had a few glasses of wine the evening before that my mood is negatively affected the next day. I now realize that I need to mostly cut it out but difficult when socializing with friends. And don’t do that often. 

Have you noticed that at all?


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • 1 month later...

I’m having a tough time atm...been at 10mg Paxil since May 20. After reading many of the posts here I am wondering about trying a small up dose...maybe .5 of a mg  . My wd symptoms are anxiety/ Depression for about the last 10-14 days..I’m finding it really hard and wondering if I should continue along...for how long? Updose? Try to get med from my dr to help the anxiety/depression just on a as needed basis? Ideas?


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • Moderator Emeritus
2 hours ago, Blandell said:

My wd symptoms are anxiety/ Depression for about the last 10-14 days


Have you been sick?  Have you been experiencing any outside stressors?


From your signature:  CBD every day  How long have you been taking this for?  This may possibly be causing the problem.   Some members have found something works for a while then it causes problems.  You could try eliminating it and see if it makes a difference.


Remember to only make one change at a time, otherwise you won't be able to work out what is happening.  Keep it Simple, Slow and Stable


If you were feeling reasonable up until the last couple of weeks and nothing has changed, then it may be the Paxil causing the problem.  It may be time to try a reduction.  If you are worried about a 10% drop you could try 5% or less and see if things improve.


2 hours ago, Blandell said:

Try to get med from my dr to help the anxiety/depression just on a as needed basis?


My personal opinion is a resounding NO.  I don't have the energy to explain why but it would only confuse things and be another drug to get off.  It's can end up being a drug merry go round and I've seen too many members having issues doing that.


Don't forget that healing isn't linear and that we get windows and waves.  Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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I’m on 10 mg Paxil and might start 50mg Zoloft prescribed by my dr. My wd symptoms have been anxiety/depression for about 10 days. I’m beside myself and need relief . Very emotional...sad, anxious 

Any advice?


Edited by ChessieCat
reduced size


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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ChessieCat: you’re suggesting a drop right now? Can I hear more about this? The logic behind doing that?? 

I have had a cold for a week. I did feel this way before the cold


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • Moderator Emeritus
2 hours ago, Blandell said:

you’re suggesting a drop right now?


No, I am not suggesting that you drop right now, it was something to consider (I did not know that you were sick).  Please read the whole of my post with that comment in context and noting what preceded that comment.


The timeline:


2 hours ago, Blandell said:

My wd symptoms have been anxiety/depression for about 10 days.


2 hours ago, Blandell said:

I have had a cold for a week


Generally we catch a cold because our immunity is low.  Also, 1 week is only 3 days after your 10 days so you may have picked up the bug several days before you had symptoms of the cold.  Knowing now that you have had/have a cold, I would say that how you are feeling is because of this and I would not be changing the dose.


There will be times during a taper when you feel worse.  Those worse periods can vary in length and have different causes.  It is important to try and stay as calm as possible and not to panic (which can make things worse) and to assess the whole situation and ask questions about what has happened that may have caused/contributed to it.  If nothing jumps out, think about what you have eaten, come into contact with recently.  Things which didn't cause issues previously can suddenly cause a problem, or it could be that a couple of non-issues happen simultaneously and the combination causes an issue.  Unfortunately sometimes we can't work out the cause.  It is important to build up a non drug toolkit of coping techniques to help you get through the worse times Non-drug techniques to cope


Going back to your question about making a drop, which I now think would be a bad idea because of your cold.


16 hours ago, ChessieCat said:

If you were feeling reasonable up until the last couple of weeks and nothing has changed, then it may be the Paxil causing the problem.  It may be time to try a reduction.  If you are worried about a 10% drop you could try 5% or less and see if things improve.


These drugs can actually cause problems.  A book which explains this:  Your Drug May Be Your Problem by Dr Peter Breggin.


You've now been at that dose for 4 months after updosing.



On 6/25/2018 at 4:24 PM, ChessieCat said:

Going from 10mg to 7.5mg is a 25% reduction which is too much and what you are now experiencing are withdrawal symptoms for such a large decrease.


Because you have already been on 7.5mg for 10 weeks, going back up to 10mg may be too much.  You might find that increasing by a small amount, eg 0.5mg or 1mg may be all that is needed to reduce the withdrawal symptoms.  Please read Post #1 of this topic which is relevent to updosing.  About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms


It could be that 10mg is too much for your system because you have become sensitised.  Please read Post #1 of the Reinstatement topic linked in the quote above.


However, as mentioned at the beginning of this post please DO NOT make a reduction whilst you have a cold.  I would wait for at least 2 weeks after it has cleared before making a reduction.


Edited by ChessieCat


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hi Blandell-- you're experiencing very normal WD symptoms for someone who tapered too fast earlier in the year and has switch doses several times in the past few months.  Right now your body needs stability and a lot of TLC.  Adding a new drug to the mix would be a bad idea, it will just stir the pot more and add further complications to the mix.  Plus then you will have to taper off of two drugs which will add years to your recovery.  Several weeks/months ago you mentioned waiting until January of next year before making any more changes, that would be the best thing you could do right now.  Also stay away from the wine. Drinking alcohol is one of the best ways there is to derail a good taper, and causes even more problems if a person is already having trouble.



20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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  • Moderator Emeritus
55 minutes ago, brassmonkey said:

you're experiencing very normal WD symptoms for someone who tapered too fast earlier in the year and has switch doses several times in the past few months.


Thanks for the additional info BM.  I will admit that I was going by the drug sig.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Got it. I understand. 

Will stop wine. I never had a problem going from 20 to 10 mgs so never seemed fast...was 2.5 mg drop every 6 weeks.

Perhaps now I’m experiencing the discomfort of how I tapered then. 

Thanks brassmonkey for the info and I’ll carry on ...with as much TLC as I can muster. 


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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To clarify I dropped from 10 to 7.5 mg for about 5 DAYS.... not 10 weeks. I reinstated back to 10 mg on May 20 and have remained there. Just realized it has been 4 months!!

Im working on my toolkit 

thanks chessiecat


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • 11 months later...

Topic title:  Prozac bridge advice


I’m doing Prozac bridge since Aug  12 th, 2019

on 10mg Paxil and 10 mg Prozac 

id like to hear from others who have found this approach worked for them


Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title


1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • Moderator Emeritus

The Prozac switch or "bridging" with Prozac


The aim of the Prozac bridge is to substitute one medication for another.  It is usually done over a period of several weeks.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

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 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Q:  What are your current symptoms?


Q:  Do they follow a daily pattern?


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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6 hours ago, ChessieCat said:

Q:  What are your current symptoms?


Q:  Do they follow a daily pattern?


sad. Depressed

early waking

mornings are worst but anxiety all day

now referring to DARE book



1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • Moderator Emeritus

This is the professional interaction report from https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html


Interactions between your drugs


FLUoxetine PARoxetine

Applies to: Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine)

MONITOR: Fluoxetine and paroxetine are both substrates as well as inhibitors of the CYP450 2D6 isoenzyme. During coadministration or sequential use shortly after one has been discontinued, plasma concentrations of both drugs may be increased due to competitive inhibition and saturation of CYP450 2D6. Enhanced drug effects may also occur because of duplicative pharmacodynamic activities.

MANAGEMENT: Lower dosages may be appropriate during initiation of therapy with one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor shortly after discontinuation of the other. The potential for interaction may exist if fluoxetine is administered within approximately 2 weeks after the withdrawal of paroxetine, or if paroxetine is administered within 5 weeks after withdrawal of fluoxetine. Close monitoring is recommended for signs and symptoms of excessive serotonergic activity (i.e. serotonin syndrome) such as CNS irritability, altered consciousness, confusion, myoclonus, ataxia, abdominal cramping, hyperpyrexia, shivering, pupillary dilation, diaphoresis, hypertension, and tachycardia.


From https://reference.medscape.com/drug-interactionchecker


Serious - Use Alternative

  • fluoxetine + paroxetine

    fluoxetine and paroxetine both increase serotonin levels. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

  • fluoxetine + paroxetine

    fluoxetine will increase the level or effect of paroxetine by affecting hepatic enzyme CYP2D6 metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

Monitor Closely

  • fluoxetine + paroxetine

    fluoxetine and paroxetine both increase QTc interval. Use Caution/Monitor.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

If it was me, I'd be starting to taper off the Paxil.  There is a very strong possibility that you are experiencing serotonin toxicity.


I've had mild serotonin toxicity from being on a high dose of Pristiq 100mg, no other serotonin drugs involved.  Once my dose got lower I started feeling a lot better and realised what symptoms I had been getting that were caused by the serotonin.


What I experienced:  sweating even on a cold day, anxiety, agitation, trouble concentrating, confusion, having a 2 hour sleep probably 4 or 5 days each week, and still sleeping through the night, increased diastolic blood pressure, skipping/missed heart beats.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Q:  Are you taking any supplements?


If yes, what?


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Your signature says you are taking CBD:


Monitor Closely

  • fluoxetine + cannabidiol

    fluoxetine will increase the level or effect of cannabidiol by affecting hepatic enzyme CYP2C19 metabolism. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely. Consider reducing the cannabidiol dose when coadministered with a moderate CYP2C19 inhibitor.

  • cannabidiol + fluoxetine

    cannabidiol will increase the level or effect of fluoxetine by decreasing metabolism. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely. Cannabidiol may potentially inhibit CYP2C9 activity. Consider reducing the dose when concomitantly using CYP2C9 substrates.



MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

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 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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So you are suggesting that I stop the cbd and see what happens? I’ve begun to do that this evening 



1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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9 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:

Q:  Are you taking any supplements?


If yes, what?


omega 3 oil


vit d




1994 began Paxil 20. Jan2018-began taper @ 2.5 mg every 6 wks. 10mg Paxil on May 12/2018

May 2019 - 9.75 mg Paxil; July 12/19 9.5 mg

July 20/19 -9.75 mg

Aug  12/19 10 mg Paxil 10 mg Prozac, “Prozac bridge” ;Vit D 1000iu 6 per day, magnesium bis-glycinate 200mgx3, Omega 3 600mg x3, gaba 600mgx2, Inositol powder

Meditation, tapping, breathing and grounding, yoga, art, counselling 

Aug 21 dropped Prozac; increase Paxil to 15mg

March 8/2021. Reinstated to 20 mg Paxil

July 2021 added .75 mg Wellbutrin



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  • Moderator Emeritus

No, I did not suggest that you stop the CBD.  I was just letting you know what there are drug interactions.


You will have to decide what you are going to stop/reduce.  Only make one change at a time.   Keep it Simple, Slow and Stable


25 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:

If it was me, I'd be starting to taper off the Paxil.  There is a very strong possibility that you are experiencing serotonin toxicity.


Please update your drug signature and include the supplements.  Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature.  You will need to put the supplements in a line with commas.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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