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jonathangalack: Zyprexa taker


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Hello there, how are you?

I am a 33 years old french dude.

I finished my withdrawal by tapering off since 2 or 3 months.

I started taking this drug in 2012, because of insomnia due to a bad trip from a cactus named San Pedro.

I started to withdraw myself from it in the beginning of 2016 and i finished the withdrawal 2 months.

The more i advanced in the levels of tapering, the more i felt mental clarity and the more i had a good sleep (dreaming again).

When i totally finished the withdrawal, i started having panic attacks, strange fatigue, anxiety, but, my sleep was even better.

The more i lowered the dosages, the more i had mind clarity and the more my sleep was good.

And, since i totally stopped the drug, even if it was hard at the beginning, it became more bearable.

But, strange symptoms came back some weeks ago. It that normal? To feel better and then to have side effects coming back? I was exposed to stress, so, it could be the cause.

Some months after starting the withdrawal (in 2016), i started to have pains in the body, inflammations, like fibromyalgia and it never disappear since.

Because, i am really tired recently and when i think back, this strange fatigue started years ago and i now think i can associate it with a step level of my tapering off.

I can totally recognize myself in the fibromyalgia  symptoms (i have a lot of inflammations).

I have weird symptoms since many years:


-photo-sensitivity and eye tiredness

-fatigue, tiredness


I took Zyprexa 16 years ago also, for 1-2 months, because of anxiety.

And as the first migraine i had was after i took Zyprexa (not directly, but, after), i am wondering myself if Zyprexa would not be the cause of it and my photo-sensitivity i also had years after.

I think i have fibromyalgia, etc, but, i tend to think more and more than Zyprexa could be the cause of my problems.

I also have a lombalgia, one of my vertebra has recuced.

I take supplements and try to go in the forest and do bare-footing, etc. I try to find all the activity and acts that could be good to the being and the body.

I feel better sometimes, but my strange fatigue makes me stress sometimes and it accentuates the problem.

Maybe the stress is the cause of the or a big part of the cause of this state of being.

Well, see you, peace.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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Hello simack, hello everyone.

I finished withdrawing from Zyprexa two months ago. At this moment, i was taking 0,0125 mg of the molecule (i started at 5 mg).

I don't know if it can be related with your recent problem when you forgot taking a dose but, me, in my context, i experienced panic attacks and strange weird mind and mental confusion, etc. I had the feeling i was losing my mind and that i could not control myself.

Well, that's really crazy how the brain functions. What these molecules are? They push some brain buttons or what? :D

Well, how are you? The more i think about  these molecules, the more i tend to think that we have to be consistent and the more i think that we have to lower them slowly. Because, 0,0125 mg is really low dose... I felt more difficulty quitting at this point than lowering from 3 mg to 2,5 mg!

I have the feeling that it is like cutting a tree and so that we have to be really progressive, etc. It makes me feel that the brain is kinda relying on these molecules and that it is really sensitive to them. I can not prove or explain these ideas, but i feel them empirically (tired to make researches on this now) :D.

Hope you're good again. :)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to jonathangalack: Zyprexa taker
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Jonathan and welcome aboard to surviving antidepressants,

(I also moved your post to simack here, as you can see......just so we can get to know you a bit better)


This is your introduction page.  Consider it your introduction to the community, as well as a place to ask questions regarding your situation, and keep a record of your W/D journey.  Consider this like your home page.  You are welcome to communicate with other members as well and post on their introductions.


We ask all members to do a signature on arrival.  This is the section that you see below each members post(unless viewing the site from a phone device).

Here is the link that explains this:

Please put your withdrawal history in your signature

If your drug history is very long, the last few years will do. FOR READABILITY, SHORT LINES ARE BEST.


  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs
  • Include ALL drugs, doses, and dates (starting and stopping)
  • Any drugs prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (e.g. mid-June) rather than relative time frames (e.g. 3 months ago)
  • Spell out months (e.g. "January" or "Jan" as 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as 9 Jan 2016 or 1 Sept 2016)
  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses

Create your signature in Account Settings


It sounds like you may have done a fairly rapid withdrawal from Zyprexa......you mention a 2 month time frame.   We advocate for a slow harm free reduction of 10% or less.

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


As you are on these medications the CNS(central nervous system) adapts accordingly.  When we take medications, the CNS (central nervous system) responds by making changes over the months and years we take the drug(s). When the medication is discontinued, the CNS has to undo all the changes it made.  The CNS likes stability. Rebuilding the neurotransmitter production and reactivating the receptor and transporter cells takes time -- during that rebuilding process symptoms occur.


What is withdrawal syndrome?

Brain remodeling


And yes, it is normal to have withdrawal symptoms hit sometimes many months and even years after the drug/medication is discontinued and out of your body.

The windows and waves pattern of withdrawal and stabilization


You might be interested as well in seeing some of the many variations of W/D symptoms.
Dr. Joseph Glenmullem's withdrawal checklist


All for now,

Love, peace, healing, and growth,





Edited by manymoretodays
moved 2nd post

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • Administrator

Welcome, jg.


You mentioned being light-sensitive, how much of a problem is this for you? Do you use the computer a lot? How's your sleep?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello. Thanks for the both of you.

I use computer everyday but i make regular pauses and i go out.

But, yeah, i was a heavy computer user, even if i did go out.

My sleep, well, i have a cold so less good. :)

But my sleep was better after i finished the withdrawal (better dreams etc).

I will take O,O2mg of Zyprexa again, it will be better for my stability.

It's not a failure. I am still doing to withdrawal. :)

I'll talk to mya psychiatrist about it also, because, i didn't do it yet (about the withdrawal). He thinks i stopped easily.

And i'll try to go the germany to a clinic with doctors like ortho doctors.

Well,thank you.

I'll get back to you, peace.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • 6 months later...

Dang, a lot of typing errors in my precedent message! :)

Hello there, what's up?

Hey, i finished my withdrawal, since 10 days (on April 03), after having been at 0,0125mg "quite enough time" (weeks and weeks).

And Thursday 11th, i started having brainfog and a cognitive impairment suddenly... i told to myself, "weird, having effect like this 8 days after the end of the withdrawal? Is it the withdrawal? So i linked it to the taking of charcoal in the morning (a teaspoon), thinking i was detoxifying myself from something.

I could not think normally and i had the symptoms of a fever, but just the part when you think you become crazy and you have a pressure on your mind.

I still have it today... i don't understand... my mind was really really slow and i had problem finding my words. I could talk but it was like it was extremely exhausting to speak. And i was (and still am) a lot chocked by everything (a sound, someone speaking loud, etc, etc).

So, i don't understand what it is... I also have body pains, neck pains, since weeks, but they are stronger since the precedent days.

I do go to the doctor, yesterday 12th and she told me i was anxious and that the muscle of my neck where really really contracted! She told me to take some muscle relaxants (i did not yet).

I thought i was having a stroke or a transient ischemic attack. I am still wondering for the last one... but my doctor, yesterday 12th, a day after the "crisis", told me i was not doing something like this because my tension was okay.


When i had the crisis, i also wanted to cry and was shaking, etc. Was a lot stressed and anxious in a weird way...


I am tired...


What do you think?


Thank you!


Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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As a fellow zyprexa user I am curious to know if your withdrawal debilitated (made you too sick to work and/or function) you? How did you cope with being sick for so long?



APs/AD: 2.5 months Risperdal 1-2mg for 10 days Aug 21-31 2018, Abilify Maintena 400mg (an injection that lasts for a month) late December 2018 to early January 2019, Zyprexa 5mg for 22 days, first time taking zyprexa was in mid September of  2018 for 14 days the second time  for 10 days was November 8 - November 16, 2018; Mirtazapine for 8 days, Gabapentin for 10 days, Propranolol for 4 days, Prozac for 14 days. Oct. 2- 29, 2020: Depakote 500 mg for 14 days October 13-27; haldol 5 mg for 14 days Ocotober 13-27 ; cogentin 1 mg for 4 days; invega shot that is a 1 time shot that lasts for a month. 


Supplements:  Omega-3 Fish Oil


Note: I am not a medical doctor and all comments made by me are my personal opinions and are not based off of scientific fact and or testing. 

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Nope... was not feeling as bad as i describe it higher. I do not work, i live in France and i touch money for my OCD and my handicap! :)

I have the fear i made a carotid artery dissection as the symptoms are weird! :(

You also had extreme fatigue and cognitive impairment as withdrawal symptoms from Zyprexa?

Thank you.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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Yes something feels off with me. It's really hard to describe but I don't always feel like my normal self.

APs/AD: 2.5 months Risperdal 1-2mg for 10 days Aug 21-31 2018, Abilify Maintena 400mg (an injection that lasts for a month) late December 2018 to early January 2019, Zyprexa 5mg for 22 days, first time taking zyprexa was in mid September of  2018 for 14 days the second time  for 10 days was November 8 - November 16, 2018; Mirtazapine for 8 days, Gabapentin for 10 days, Propranolol for 4 days, Prozac for 14 days. Oct. 2- 29, 2020: Depakote 500 mg for 14 days October 13-27; haldol 5 mg for 14 days Ocotober 13-27 ; cogentin 1 mg for 4 days; invega shot that is a 1 time shot that lasts for a month. 


Supplements:  Omega-3 Fish Oil


Note: I am not a medical doctor and all comments made by me are my personal opinions and are not based off of scientific fact and or testing. 

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And for your cognitive functions and your ability to concentrate?

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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i did a scanner and there is no problem.

somebody has information about a similar withdrawal progression and stop? i mean, at what olanzapine quantity did you finished the withdrawal?

is that possible to get withdrawal side-effects in my context?

Anyone can correlate the information?


Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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I saw that my withdrawal taper didn't respect the 10% of each dose reduction!

I followed the indication from the Icarus Project and i did 10% of the original dosage until i reach half of the initial dosage. Then, it was 10% of half of the dosage (5mg, 4,5 mg, 4mg... half is 2,5mg, so, then, 2,25mg, etc, etc).

I finished the withdrawal like i said in the message above. And i felt bad 7 days after having finished.

What do you think? Any advice or studies to help me? I don't have much energy so i can not search a lot. And i have pain i can not use the computer a lot.

Thank you! :)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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On 4/13/2019 at 2:22 AM, jonathangalack said:

And for your cognitive functions and your ability to concentrate?

They are fine. 

APs/AD: 2.5 months Risperdal 1-2mg for 10 days Aug 21-31 2018, Abilify Maintena 400mg (an injection that lasts for a month) late December 2018 to early January 2019, Zyprexa 5mg for 22 days, first time taking zyprexa was in mid September of  2018 for 14 days the second time  for 10 days was November 8 - November 16, 2018; Mirtazapine for 8 days, Gabapentin for 10 days, Propranolol for 4 days, Prozac for 14 days. Oct. 2- 29, 2020: Depakote 500 mg for 14 days October 13-27; haldol 5 mg for 14 days Ocotober 13-27 ; cogentin 1 mg for 4 days; invega shot that is a 1 time shot that lasts for a month. 


Supplements:  Omega-3 Fish Oil


Note: I am not a medical doctor and all comments made by me are my personal opinions and are not based off of scientific fact and or testing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright thank you. Me too they are fine but sometimes, suddenly, like a crisis, it goes wrong and i have mental confusion, etc. :)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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I have akathisia (but it seems to be tardive dyskinesia) and my heart rate is at 90 since yesterday... it is normally at 50-60...

I have pains in the neck and a hypertonia and other pains... i have tremors and shakings...

It came days after the end of the withdrawal and today, 1 month later, it is worse... even if it had high and lows, it is really really stressing... i don't know what to do... any advice?? i took back zyprexa at 0,20mg in the afternoon (it is 9:44pm here).

Thank you.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • Moderator Emeritus



It sounds like you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from tapering Zyprexa too fast. When did you start taking 0.2mg again? Today?


It sounds like a sensible dose for reinstatement, but it will take at least a week to truly see the effect of 0.2mg. 

PLEASE NOTE:  I am not a medical professional.  I can only provide information and make suggestions.

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15 hours ago, jonathangalack said:

Alright thank you. Me too they are fine but sometimes, suddenly, like a crisis, it goes wrong and i have mental confusion, etc. :)

I know the feeling.

APs/AD: 2.5 months Risperdal 1-2mg for 10 days Aug 21-31 2018, Abilify Maintena 400mg (an injection that lasts for a month) late December 2018 to early January 2019, Zyprexa 5mg for 22 days, first time taking zyprexa was in mid September of  2018 for 14 days the second time  for 10 days was November 8 - November 16, 2018; Mirtazapine for 8 days, Gabapentin for 10 days, Propranolol for 4 days, Prozac for 14 days. Oct. 2- 29, 2020: Depakote 500 mg for 14 days October 13-27; haldol 5 mg for 14 days Ocotober 13-27 ; cogentin 1 mg for 4 days; invega shot that is a 1 time shot that lasts for a month. 


Supplements:  Omega-3 Fish Oil


Note: I am not a medical doctor and all comments made by me are my personal opinions and are not based off of scientific fact and or testing. 

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19 hours ago, eymen23 said:
19 hours ago, eymen23 said:



It sounds like you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from tapering Zyprexa too fast. When did you start taking 0.2mg again? Today?


It sounds like a sensible dose for reinstatement, but it will take at least a week to truly see the effect of 0.2mg. 

Yesterday and today... i feel so helpless... if i go to the emergencies, they will tell me it is panic attack as i did go too much the last week because of different symptoms... but it just was the withdrawal symptoms... so, now, i have a wrong reputation! :)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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I feel cold and shake, right now... is that normal?? with big anxiety! I also tend to pee a lot the last days... more than before... is that anxiety?? The coldness etc.. I am obsessed that it could become the NMS?

Do somebody know what i have to avoid or what i can take in order to alleviate the problem? :)

Thank you.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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-Stress, irritability, anxiety
-Neurovegetative dystonia (involuntary or unconscious stress)
-Weakness, nervous or organic stress (blocked organs due to nervous condition), tiredness and muscular relaxation


I did a massage with it.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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22 hours ago, eymen23 said:



It sounds like you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from tapering Zyprexa too fast. When did you start taking 0.2mg again? Today?


It sounds like a sensible dose for reinstatement, but it will take at least a week to truly see the effect of 0.2mg. 

Thank you for your answer!

Do you think i should take 0,0250mg, as it was my last dosage?


Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • Moderator Emeritus



I would stick with the 0.2mg dose for the next few days and closely monitor how you are feeling. It would be helpful to take notes in the format I’m about to post. This will help us in objectively working out whether 0.2mg is helping or making things worse. 

Edited by eymen23

PLEASE NOTE:  I am not a medical professional.  I can only provide information and make suggestions.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

6 a.m. Woke with anxiety
8 a.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
10 a.m. Stomach is upset
10:30 a.m. Ate breakfast
11:35 a.m. Got a headache, lasted one hour
12:35 p.m. Ate lunch
4 p.m. Feel a bit better
5 p.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
6 p.m. Ate dinner
9:20 p.m. Headache
10:00 p.m. Took 50mg Seroquel
10:20 p.m. Feeling dizzy
10:30 p.m. Fell asleep
2:30 a.m. Woke, took 3mg Ambien (NOT "took 1/2 tablet Ambien")
2:45 a.m. Fell asleep
4:30 a.m. Woke but got back to sleep

PLEASE NOTE:  I am not a medical professional.  I can only provide information and make suggestions.

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3am: took 0,20mg of zyprexa.

3:30am: did go for a walk

4am: stared to feel apathic

10pm: akathasia and migraine like prodrome



6:30am: woke up really tired but was feeling not tired while out of the bed.

7:00am: i did go for a walk of 6km.

9:00am: ate a breakfast

9:00am: took supplements (vitamine B3, B12, B9, B2 ; iodine, magnesium, selenium...)

10:00am: started to feel tired, really tired (with digestion, i always feel strange recently)

11:00am: did some breathing exercice and slept a little

12:00: woke up and my belly upsets me and i have tremors and i feel really cold and have dystonia and akathasia.

12:30pm: took 10mg seresta


when should i take zyprexa?? i took it at 3pm yesterday and the day before 2am... i don't when to take it!


thank you i feel really strange

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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THANKS!! I FEEL COLD and have stiff muscles!

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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1:53pm: i feel better. it's kinda strange that i feel better now (windows and waves maybe). i feel better but my photophobia is more important that yesterday, since the migraine-like prodrome. the coldness did go away. i don't have temperature 36,5°C. i feel a certain anger.


should i take zyprexa now? 0,20mg? let's see. it's better to take it at night IMO, but, the first day, i did take it at 2pm... :)

Thank you.

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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Hello there.

In lack of knowledge, when i started my withdrawal, at the end, i finished to withdrawal, by tapering, but too quickly.

I am questioning if any of you already had to do what i had to do, that is, to take the drug back after a month of no drug taking.

I ask this because it gives me anxiety, this is not a normal protocol, so, i obsess that it could be not a good thing.

This morning (it's 4:26pm here in France)  i had a crisis a light sensitivity, confusion, tremors, etc.. and the mental confusion is still here... It's like i am between dream and reality... i put my into action in order to accomplish a task (go take an object) and then i totally forget what i was going to do and i feel lost... Can somebody reassure me by telling me this is just a question of chemicals and neurotransmitters! :)

I printed some thread of the forum, etc, but, when i am like this, it's hard to search and i don't find the forum intuitive for me. I am too used to check articles, so, it's hard with my OCD to find points of reference. You don't project to make a blog/website to put articles or tuto, etc. :) Well, maybe i will be used to the form of the forum. :)

Thank you in advance. :)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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Weird feeling... i don't know if i have to take this dosage... maybe more... i had a rebound of crisis of mental confusion today, associated with dyskinesia, tremors, hypertonia and a cathartic like state of being (like my eyes want to close, i am here, but not here)... and this odd feeling toward reality... everything agressing me...

i took 0,20mg again, today, at 6:30pm...

i was really bad... and i am still...


is there something to alleviate this? maybe i should consider increasing the dosage.



Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • Moderator Emeritus
15 hours ago, jonathangalack said:

Hello there.

In lack of knowledge, when i started my withdrawal, at the end, i finished to withdrawal, by tapering, but too quickly.

I am questioning if any of you already had to do what i had to do, that is, to take the drug back after a month of no drug taking.

I ask this because it gives me anxiety, this is not a normal protocol, so, i obsess that it could be not a good thing.

This morning (it's 4:26pm here in France)  i had a crisis a light sensitivity, confusion, tremors, etc.. and the mental confusion is still here... It's like i am between dream and reality... i put my into action in order to accomplish a task (go take an object) and then i totally forget what i was going to do and i feel lost... Can somebody reassure me by telling me this is just a question of chemicals and neurotransmitters! :)

I printed some thread of the forum, etc, but, when i am like this, it's hard to search and i don't find the forum intuitive for me. I am too used to check articles, so, it's hard with my OCD to find points of reference. You don't project to make a blog/website to put articles or tuto, etc. :) Well, maybe i will be used to the form of the forum. :)

Thank you in advance. :)


Hi Jonathan, I've added your question to your intro topic to keep your information in one place.  To answer your question, many people have reinstated due to withdrawal, sometimes after a month, sometimes longer.


Please can you add more information to your signature as your history is unclear.  Your signature says you finished withdrawal in June 2018, but your posts say you finished tapering April 2019.  What happened in between?  Please add dates and doses, including your recent reinstatement.

2001–2002 paroxetine

2003  citalopram

2004-2008  paroxetine (various failed tapers) 
2008  paroxetine slow taper down to

2016  Aug off paroxetine
2016  citalopram May 20mg  Oct 15mg … slow taper down
2018  citalopram 13 Feb 4.6mg 15 Mar 4.4mg 29 Apr 4.2mg 6 Jul 4.1mg 17 Aug 4.0mg  18 Nov 3.8mg
2019  15 Mar 3.6mg  21 May 3.4mg  26 Dec 3.2mg 

2020  19 Feb 3.0mg 19 Jul 2.9mg 16 Sep 2.8mg 25 Oct 2.7mg 23 Oct 2.6mg 24 Dec 2.5mg

2021   29 Aug 2.4mg   15 Nov 2.3mg

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Aight Songbird!

I have mental confusion again and a kind of catalepsy... and when i let it go, it transforms itself into dyskinesia...

I feel really bad... is that the prelude to serotonin syndrome or dopamine syndrome (neuroleptic malignant syndrome)?

Can i be reassured?

I don't know what to do!

I feel bad. Big neck pain, eyes hurt, ears, mental confusion... that's too much... what can i do practically now to feel better?

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

You need to take your dose at the same time each day.  I believe it's usually recommended that olanzapine is taken at bedtime because it can be sedating.


Please continue to post your daily notes including times and symptoms, as you did above.

2001–2002 paroxetine

2003  citalopram

2004-2008  paroxetine (various failed tapers) 
2008  paroxetine slow taper down to

2016  Aug off paroxetine
2016  citalopram May 20mg  Oct 15mg … slow taper down
2018  citalopram 13 Feb 4.6mg 15 Mar 4.4mg 29 Apr 4.2mg 6 Jul 4.1mg 17 Aug 4.0mg  18 Nov 3.8mg
2019  15 Mar 3.6mg  21 May 3.4mg  26 Dec 3.2mg 

2020  19 Feb 3.0mg 19 Jul 2.9mg 16 Sep 2.8mg 25 Oct 2.7mg 23 Oct 2.6mg 24 Dec 2.5mg

2021   29 Aug 2.4mg   15 Nov 2.3mg

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Yes but i feel sometimes too "tired" (really? tired? i feel like i have been poisoned instead) sometimes and i don't know what to put... But i will try...


so today:

8:00am: woke up, mental confusion, neck pain (that totally looks like the side effects of anticholinergics drugs* = is that reasonable?)

8:30am: drank, too supplements (vitamin C, vitamin B2 for migraines, rhodiola, vitamin B12 300micrograms, hawthorn, magnesium citrate 1g, inositol)

9:00: took a walk (8 km with dementia, neck pain and confusion)...

11:00: ate strawberries (i live in south of France, there are strawberry producers everywhere).

11:30: crisis with shakings, tremors, dyskinesia, mental confusion, cryings

12:00: i feel better... less mental confusion

12:30: ate

1:30pm: less mental confusion


yesterday at night, i took melatonin 1mg... and yesterday morning i did took vitamin B9 and other things, but, i decided to take less things... i did also put nicotine patches yesterday, but, i stopped this too...


What is an anticholinergic : An anticholinergic agent is a substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system.


* : Possible effects of anticholinergics include:

Possible effects in the central nervous system resemble those associated with delirium, and may include:

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Agitation
  • Euphoria or dysphoria
  • Respiratory depression
  • Memory problems[13]
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Wandering thoughts; inability to sustain a train of thought
  • Incoherent speech
  • Irritability
  • Mental confusion (brain fog)
  • Wakeful myoclonic jerking
  • Unusual sensitivity to sudden sounds
  • Illogical thinking
  • Photophobia
  • Visual disturbances
  • Visual, auditory, or other sensory hallucinations
    • Warping or waving of surfaces and edges
    • Textured surfaces
    • "Dancing" lines; "spiders", insects; form constants
    • Lifelike objects indistinguishable from reality
    • Phantom smoking
    • Hallucinated presence of people not actually there
  • Rarely: seizures, coma, and death
  • Orthostatic hypotension (severe drop in systolic blood pressure when standing up suddenly) and significantly increased risk of falls in the elderly population.[14]

Older patients are at a higher risk of experiencing CNS sideffects due to lower acetylcholine production.

A common mnemonic for the main features of anticholinergic syndrome is the following:[15]

  • Blind as a bat (dilated pupils)
  • Red as a beet (vasodilation/flushing)
  • Hot as a hare (hyperthermia)
  • Dry as a bone (dry skin)
  • Mad as a hatter (hallucinations/agitation)
  • The Bowel and bladder lose their tone (or "Bloated as a toad"; ileus, urinary retention)
  • And the heart runs alone (tachycardia



There is a problem with acelthylcholine so? How to cope with this, to balance the unbalance?


I do have:

-photophobia (since months and months, it was already here)

-mental confusion (brain fog)


-loss of accommodation (loss of focusing ability, blurred vision – cycloplegia)


-wandering thoughts; inability to sustain a train of thought

-memory problems

-visual disturbances

-increased heart rate (has to do with neck pain i guess... but sometimes it is not increased... but more increased, generally, than before)

-decreased mucus production in the nose and throat; consequent dry, sore throat

-poor coordination (difficulty to walk, but, if i force, i suceed ; i could run this morning ; i think it has to do with muscles contractions, visual disturbances, etc).

-unusual sensitivity to sudden sound

-illogical thinking


It is said that them use anticholinergics to treat extrapyramidal symptoms, so, it seems i have a rush a acethylcholine, too much of it, due to new receptors created by the use of Zyprexa? So, when i stopped it, these receptors captured too much acethylcholine and that's why i feel like this?


Thanks and Peace

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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kleopatra99 Oct 26, 2011
This thread to harm zyprexa users. This discussion is not useful.

1) zyprexa withdrawal probably kills in 2 months

2) serotonin and 5-HTP should be avoided

3) high-dose antihistamines (especially atarax) should be used instead (you want 5-HT2A blocker)

4) omega3, curcumin, BCAA (reduces serotonin) can offer minor benefits, mild exercise too

5) the major problem is serotonin 5-HT2A receptor (I think), inflammation (body repair) and blood circulation (cardiovascular health) as well as brain overactivity, many others too

2.5mg zyprexa might be good idea instead of withdrawal.

monitor your health very carefully.

SLOW withdrawal after 2.5mg (6 months?), take zyprexa twice daily

PRAY, if you can find doctor who helps instead of "help" your chances are much better.




What do you think?

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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7:30: Zyprexa 0,20mg, omega 3 (1,6g EPA, 1,2 DHA), valerian (because i was anxious and hypersensitive with my skin and muscles)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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So maybe i should take more Zyprexa... considering the symptoms of the anticholinergic syndrome that i have and that they give AP to alleviate them, i consider that my withdrawal symptoms are the result of this cholinergic unbalance. And as i still and always feel not good, i should maybe take more Zyprexa. The harm reduction is a good, right? It's not good to feel bad for too long. I am bad since months and months. Well, it was not as powerful as what i live since April, but it was. And presently, it stills is... i will see with the effect of my increased level of omega 3.

Thank you all for your comments. Your comments are welcomed! :)

Drugs history:

-2002 (1 month):  Zyprexa 10mg

-2008: took an infusion of the cactus San Pedro (mescaline in it), had a bad trip...could not sleep, was totally anxious! PTSD!

-2012: got back my balance, more or less, could sleep, but, my father is in retirement and he's always here and tired, so, the night, he snores a lot and it brings back my trauma of not sleeping... that's why i came to Zyprexa

-2012-2016: Zyprexa 5mg (i tried to take it off many times but i wasn't aware of the protocol, so, i stopped cold turkey different times. then, i started to cut it)

-May 2016: Zyprexa withdrawal started (10% reduction of the initial dose each time, in a liquid solution, but, i started this at 3mg or Zyprexa ; so it was already too quick maybe)

-April 4th 2019: Withdrawal finished (0,0125mg of the molecule)

-April 11th 2019: weird sensations... mental confusion, neck pain, sensation of insanity, everything is weird...

-May 4th 2019: reintroduction of Olanzapine, at 0,20mg per day. I took the afternoon, so, i continue taking it the afternoon, but, i displace the taking from 1 hour each day, to reach sleeping time...

Supplements (per day): vitamin C (1g), vitamin B2 for migraines and photophobia (400mg), rhodiola, vitamin B12 600 micrograms, hawthorn for extrasystoles, magnesium citrate 3g (or magnesium malate 3g), inositol for OCD (18g), omega 3 (3g > EPA 540mg, DHA 360mg), melatonin 1mg, valerian (at sleeping time or when i am anxious) ginkgo biloba, licorice (help with cortisol and stress), sometimes seresta.. (let's be cautious with supplements)

Troubles and disorders: OCD, magical thinking (so a lot of stress in the everyday actions), PTSD-like subsequent sensations, former porn addict (still have a lot of sexual obsession, it is stressful, it's like a sexual addiction in the mind)

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  • Moderator Emeritus
Just now, jonathangalack said:

So maybe i should take more Zyprexa... considering the symptoms of the anticholinergic syndrome that i have and that they give AP to alleviate them, i consider that my withdrawal symptoms are the result of this cholinergic unbalance. 




Please keep posting notes but to make it easier to follow, please post one whole day of notes at a time. 


In regards to taking more Zyprexa, it may well be the case that you need to take a little more, 0.2mg is a safe but relatively small reinstatement dose. You might want to try 0.4-0.5mg in a few days. We suggest giving it a little longer to make sure you’re not having an adverse reaction to the low dose. 


We generally don’t recommend members read too far into the symptoms of low serotonin or any other neurotransmitter for that matter. Ultimately, withdrawal syndrome is caused by the removal of a drug the body has become somewhat dependent on to function. 


Lastly, it would be sensible to limit your intake of b vitamins and rhodiola, these supplements can be stimulating. You should get an adequate amount of b vitamins if you eat a balanced diet with reduced processed food. 

PLEASE NOTE:  I am not a medical professional.  I can only provide information and make suggestions.

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