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Rfitz: Successfully off Zyprexa/Olanzapine


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I haven't seen many success stories about coming off Zyprexa so I thought i'd share incase it helps someone.


I was on Zyprexa for a year and three months. I tried to come off a Zyprexa at 5mg, but found I was laying in bed awake until 6am when I'd finally nod off then have to get up for work at 7:30am (went to bed around 10/11pm) so I dealt with that for a week then went back on Zyprexa and came off slowly. I did the following:

Full tablet (2.5mg)
3/4 for 1 month
2/4 for 1 month
1/4 for 1 month
1/4 ever second day 1 month
1/4 every 3rd day 1 week
1/4 every 4th day 1 week
Then off

My sleep started to get weird when I went down to 2/4 of 2.5 however I found if I had 2 Panadol and a chamomile tea i'd nod off and sleep through the night. I took the Panadol and Chamomile tea until a month after I came off Zyprexa then stopped the Panadol. I still have a Chamomile tea before bed. I asked my doctor if it was ok to have Panadol every night and she said if that's what will get you off Zyprexa then do it. 

I've been off Zyprexa for about 2 months now and I sleep from 10pm-7am (I usually wake up once during the night, but it's only once so I don't worry about it)

I hope this helps someone come off this drug!


Edited by manymoretodays
name added to title, moved from Success stories, on Latuda, put that in tags

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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  • manymoretodays changed the title to Rfitz: Successfully off Zyprexa/Olanzapine
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi, Rfritz.


Thank you for letting us know about your Zyprexa experience.


In your history section (viewable by staff) you have "Came off olanzapine. Just on Latuda now."


Please let us know if you'd like information on tapering Latuda and if you're on or recently off any other psychiatric drugs. 


Please add a signature.  Include drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements in the last 12-24 months. Also include supplements. This will help us give you the most accurate advice we can. 

  • Any drugs and supplements prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years. 
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago) 
  • Spell out months, e.g. "October" or "Oct."; 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as Jan. 9, 2016 or Sept. 1, 2016. 
  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses. 
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs. 
  • This is a direct link to your signature:  Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature.

Please continue to use this thread to ask questions and let us know how you're feeling. 



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I think i've updated the signature now (if I did it right) and i'll be on Latuda forever now, but that's ok. I don't get any side effects from Latuda and it's much nicer than Zyprexa on weight gain and being focused.




Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

I'm glad to hear that you were successful in getting off of Zyprexa.  I'm also glad that you are having no issues with Latuda.  Good luck, and keep up the good work.  If you ever do decide to get off Latuda, I hope you will do a slow tapering.  We would be happy to help if you ever need us.  

Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 3/2/2021 at 10:53 PM, RFitz said:

I don't get any side effects from Latuda and it's much nicer than Zyprexa on weight gain and being focused.


Rfitz, you may want to get a copy of this book by journalist Robert Whitaker:


Anatomy of an Epidemic


The long term outcome of people on antipsychotics is not good at all. Here is Robert Whitaker's latest report from a few days ago:


The BBC, Harrow, and a Public Left in the Dark


It's possible the problems you've had in the past with coming off these drugs has to do with coming off too quickly. We recommend a taper of no faster than 10% per month, based on the prior month's dose (not the original dose).


Anyways, it's just a thought. You need to do what's right for you, but I would encourage you to do some research. And as @getofflexwrote, we are here to help if you ever decide you'd like to taper off. 



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Thank you for the information, but i'm on Latuda for stress induced paranoid schizophrenia. I tried coming off and it didn't work, I need to stay on it now. Believe me i'd rather not be on any drugs but I'm stuck with this one.




Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

@RFitzIf you'd truly like to not be on any drugs, you may want to check out this thread:


Alternatives for psychotic outbreaks


Pay special attention to JanCarol's posts, as she's listed a number of alternatives. 


Open Dialogue, the Hearing Voices Network, etc. may be something you wish to learn more about. You may also want to read about the Soteria Project:


Soteria : Through Madness to Deliverance




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Congratulations Rfitz! 😊 

Well done , I’m happy for you.

I hope one day hopefully in the not too distant future I’ll kick Olanzapine as well.

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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Hi Emily


Good luck! It's a super sucky drug to get off.

I'd be very curious to know if the 2 Panadol and chamomile tea works for anyone else with sleep. Not sure if that would help you.



Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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Thanks 😊 

Currently I’m taking chamomile capsules and other herbs to help me sleep.

I might try Panadol too. I’ll let you know if I do.

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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All good. At the end of the day you have to do what's best for you. I hope you're getting some sleep at least.

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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Last night I got six hours of good sleep which I’m really happy about.

You came off Olanzapine quite quickly, did you have any withdrawal effects?

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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That's awesome!

I think the longer you're on olanzapine the worse it is to come off. I was only on it for just over a year which might have helped.

When I first came off I was waking up at 4:30am and being wide awake but that only laster for a couple of weeks and then I was sleeping until 7. I usually sleep until 8:30 now (although I still wake up once during the night)

No other withdrawal effects, just the sleep.

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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Wow you’re sleep is really good now. That’s great!

Were you on 5 or 2,5mg?

How do you feel now? Are your emotions and cognitive abilities back to normal?

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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I was on 20 olanzapine and 80 latuda when I first was put on the meds (that wasn't fun) Then I slowly went down to 5 olanzapine before trying to come off. Couldn't sleep so that was when I came slowly off olanzapine over several months. 

I feel really good. Not spacey or anything and i'm exercising almost every day to loose all the weight I put on while I was on olanzapine which I think helps your mood as well. 

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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That must have been awful!

I’m really glad you’re feeling good now 😊

I’m at 3,5 mg at the moment and feeling incredibly spacey, slow and unable to think. And I was wondering if it’s ever going away. But gave me hope now. Thanks 

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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Don't give up! You'll feel so much better once you're off and you can think again :)

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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Thanks 😊 

How did you feel when you were on it?

When did you start to feel to improve?

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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I was super out of if when I was on 20 olanzapine and I didn't want to do anything. I didn't read, I didn't play playstation or do any of my hobbies, but as I came down my brain slowly started to feel better and I started doing things again. Which I think is important if you can make sure you still make time to do fun things even though it is hard.

I think I was still spacey until I was on half of 2.5 and then I felt like myself when I was off olanzapine for three weeks. Unfortunately while you're on the drug you'll probably have trouble thinking. 

Also, don't come off when you feel ok (from what i've read a few people feel ok at half of 2.5) make sure you keep tapering slowly until you're off.

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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Thanks Rfitz, having just had to reinstate olanzapine after a bad WD experience it's good to know someone's got through to the other side.  Not heard of Latuda, I'll have to look that up.  

When  I was on 20mg Olanzapine the hunger drove me insane, worse than the insanity that made them put me on the meds or section me in the first place (2015).  Thankfully I had not been on it long when I dropped to 2.5 per day plus I was so out of it on Lorazepam that I was forming no short term memory for that period so even of I felt bad I don't remember it now (dark humour).

Congrats on working on losing the weight.  I'm not sure how much of the poor outcome of people on antipsychotics is coming from the metabolic effects such as weight gain and diabetes but if so your efforts will stand you in good stead.

Wishing you well.

1995 severe abreaction to Seroxat took one tablet and refused further meds. I paid for private psychotherapy. 

2013 till Feb 2021 Omeprazole as required for reflux. 

2015 had major psychotic episode managed with lorazepam and 20mg daily of olanzapine, unknown amount of zopiclone, lorazepam I was totally out of it and no one made any notes of what I took. Eventually put on 200mg sertraline, 2.5mg olanzapine

January 2019 started Magnesium 500mg, CoQ10 30mg, SuperB complex,

March 2020 reduced sertraline to 150mg to see if side effects reduced and based on psychiatrist having led me to believe patients often increase and decrease dose as required.

August 2020 life threatening depression and vivid, vile nightmares prompted psychotherapist to suggest I read David Healy. On basis of that I began tapering sertraline and took last dose in Jan 2021. Feeling huge improvement in wellbeing off sertraline. NB now reinstated at 1.25mg daily.

Jan 2021 Tried simply not taking my 2.5mg olanzapine and had intolerable withdrawal. GP prescribed oral suspension but due to her warnings of expense I rushed the tapering to try to get it done in one bottle.

Mar 2021 feeling too ill with insomnia and agitation.  Reinstated 2.5mg Olanzapine per day and sertraline 1.25mg per day

Jul 2021 2.5mg Olanzapine, 1.15mg Sertraline, fish oil, magnesium

Oct 2021 2.5mg Olanzapine, 1mg Sertraline, fish oil, magnesium

May 2022 completed slow taper to 0.8mg and stopped Sertraline. Holding Olanzapine at 2.5mg

Jan 2023 reduced olanzapine to 2.25mg using water taper method

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Thanks very much for your answer Rfitz.

It gives me hope and guidance.

Kinda regards


2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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Sorry I meant to write Kind regards 😊

2019 Nov-2020 January 5mg Olanzapine 

2020 January-2020 March 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 March- 2020 August 5mg Olanzapine

2020 August-2020 Sept 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

2020 September-2020 November 5mg Olanzapine 

started 10% reduction 

2021 March 3,5 mg Olanzapine 

2021 April 2,5 mg Olanzapine 

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Admin note: see this post here regarding the side effects of Latuda.


Hi SeekingMeaning


I'm sorry to hear you've gone back on olanzapine, but sometimes you have to do these things. The insomnia is horrible. As is 20 olanzapine.

Latuda is used for schizophrenia and bipolar as far as I know, but if you can go on it it doesn't fog the brain or cause weight gain. I've also heard Latuda can be very expensive. It's $41 for a months worth in Australia, but i've heard it's $1200 for a months worth in the US. Hopefully it doesn't cost that much where you are. 

Thanks, hopefully I can get back to my normal weight by the end of the year!

Good luck!

Edited by Shep
added admin note

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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No worries Emily. Good luck with everything!

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
41 minutes ago, SeekingMeaning said:

Thanks Rfitz, having just had to reinstate olanzapine after a bad WD experience it's good to know someone's got through to the other side.  Not heard of Latuda, I'll have to look that up.  


@SeekingMeaningand @Emily02 and anyone else who's reading this thread - just to clarify, @RFitzdid not get "through to the other side." RFitz crossed over to Latuda, which is another antipsychotic drug. It looks like the Latuda is covering for the olanzapine withdrawal, as the taper she did was very rapid and likely would have caused more problems if not for the change over to another drug in the same class. 


From the thread Tips for tapering off lurasidone (Latuda) concerning Latuda (Lurasidone): 


On 7/8/2015 at 10:14 PM, Altostrata said:

Lurasidone is a new generation atypical antipsychotic, with the usual adverse effects, including obesity and tardive dyskinesia.


Per Rfitz's earlier comment: 


On 3/2/2021 at 10:53 PM, RFitz said:

I think i've updated the signature now (if I did it right) and i'll be on Latuda forever now, but that's ok. I don't get any side effects from Latuda and it's much nicer than Zyprexa on weight gain and being focused.


While we certainly wish RFitz well, let's keep in mind that the long term outcome of Latuda is poor (just like with all antipsychotics)  and these kinds of conversations belong on pro-psychiatric drug forums and venues, for which there are many. Surviving Antidepressants is not one of them. 


For anyone seeking reassurance that coming off this drug is possible, here are some actual success stories written by folks who came off olanzapine (Zyprexa) and may be more useful for those who are tapering. You will learn far more from them, as they describe the non-drug coping skills needed to successfully come off this drug and go into recovery: 


andy: Finally off zyprexa


kirby: my story 1.2 years and getting better


Antipsychotic survivors? Interested in your stories


And coming off Latuda success stories:


TryingtohaveHope off Latuda October 2015


RisperidoneHell Happy days are here again (came off multiple antipsychotics, including Latuda)


If you search the Success Stories for other antipsychotics, you'll find more examples of people taking this class of drug and going on to heal.  




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  • Moderator Emeritus
22 minutes ago, RFitz said:

Latuda is used for schizophrenia and bipolar as far as I know, but if you can go on it it doesn't fog the brain or cause weight gain. I've also heard Latuda can be very expensive. It's $41 for a months worth in Australia, but i've heard it's $1200 for a months worth in the US. Hopefully it doesn't cost that much where you are. 


RFitz, you are promoting a psychiatric drug, which is a violation of this site's rules. And your comment that it doesn't "fog the brain or cause weight gain" is incorrect.


From the FDA - Latuda PDF:




increase in weight (weight gain). Weight gain has been reported in patients taking medicines like LATUDA. You and your healthcare provider should check your weight regularly.


LATUDA, like other antipsychotics, has the potential to impair judgment, thinking or motor skills. 



See What will get you warned or banned:



On 6/15/2011 at 2:45 PM, Altostrata said:

Drug shopping or recommending drugs
This is a site for going off drugs. It is not a site for finding out what drug to take next, comparing drug cocktails, or recommending what drug to add. This could be dangerous. People could be hurt by your advice.




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Hi Shep


Apologies i didn't mean to promote latuda, someone just said they were going to look it up. I don't gain weight on latuda which is why I said that.

I won't mention latuda anymore, I didn't realise this was against the rules. I'll just answer olanzapine questions.


Sorry again.

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
3 minutes ago, RFitz said:

Hi Shep


Apologies i didn't mean to promote latuda, someone just said they were going to look it up. I don't gain weight on latuda which is why I said that.

I won't mention latuda anymore, I didn't realise this was against the rules. I'll just answer olanzapine questions.


Sorry again.


Thank you for this, but your posts are still inappropriate for this site, RFitz. You are propagating dangerous ideologies of labels, such as "schizophrenia" and "bipolar." We have members who have been hurt by these labels, as they are used to justify forced "treatment" and complete loss of civil liberties (see Thomas Szasz's book Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry  and Soteria : Through Madness to Deliverance). Please also read the resources I linked earlier in your thread for alternatives to this ideology and "treatment." 


I hope you do your research. Until then, your posts will be moderated before they are published, as this is taking up too much moderator time. When you "answer olanzapine questions," you are framing your responses in a way that speaks in the language of chemical imbalances and toxic labels. We know the chemical imbalance is a fraud. 


If you decide at some point you wish to taper, that would be the time to come back and post. 



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Ok no worries. I won't use this site anymore.


Sorry again. I just wanted to help people out.

Put on Zyprexa in 2013 on Zyprexa for 4 months before put on Latuda. Came off Zyprexa no problem.


Came off Latuda in 2019 to see if I can (was ok for 3 months then it went bad) put back on Zyprexa and Latuda end of 2019.


Tried to come off Zyprexa mid 2020 but had insomnia. Came off Zyprexa over several months end of 2020.


Just on Latuda now.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
5 minutes ago, RFitz said:

Ok no worries. I won't use this site anymore.



Thank you, RFitz.



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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 3/11/2021 at 9:45 PM, RFitz said:

2 Panadol and chamomile tea

If you have been on any psych drugs, many of them are metabolised in the liver.

Panadol is toxic to the liver (yes, I said, toxic, even though most Doc's advocate it as "safest" pain relief) and should not be used daily, especially not over a long period of time.

Every now and then, not too awful, but daily is a bad idea unless you absolutely have to.

I'd leave the panadol/paracetemol/tylenol/acetominophen out.


Chamomile, though, has real brain action.  Is like a (very) mild benzo (so people who have been on benzos need to be careful).  Just chamomile tea might be helpful.  Especially if you surround/combine  it with "sleep hygiene" rituals, like turning down the lights, washing your face, fluffing your pillow, turning off devices, playing relaxing music, cuddling your pet.

(and the flip side:  sunlight in daytime.  Expose your eyes to sunlight and horizon.  Just seeing the horizon every day "resets" the brain, and the sun stimulates your healing hormones and balances neurotransmitters) so 


I hope you see the sun today!

"Easy, easy - just go easy and you'll finish." - Hawaiian Kapuna


Holding is hard work, holding is a blessing. Give your brain time to heal before you try again.


My suggestions are not medical advice, you are in charge of your own medical choices.


A lifetime of being prescribed antidepressants that caused problems (30 years in total). At age 35 flipped to "bipolar," but was not diagnosed for 5 years. Started my journey in Midwest United States. Crossed the Pacific for love and hope; currently living in Australia.   CT Seroquel 25 mg some time in 2013.   Tapered Reboxetine 4 mg Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 = GONE (3 years on Reboxetine).     Tapered Lithium 900 to 475 MG (alternating with the SNRI) Jan 2014 - Nov 2014, tapered Lithium 475 mg Jan 2015 -  Feb 2016 = GONE (10 years  on Lithium).  Many mistakes in dry cutting dosages were made.

The tedious thread (my intro):  JanCarol ☼ Reboxetine first, then Lithium

The happy thread (my success story):  JanCarol - Undiagnosed  Off all bipolar drugs

My own blog:  https://shamanexplorations.com/shamans-blog/



I have been psych drug FREE since 1 Feb 2016!

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  • Administrator

@RFitz Thanks for posting about your experience.


As this is a site for going off drugs, we don't recommend other drugs for people to try. They might follow that advice and suffer a severe adverse effect. It's up to to doctors to put patients at that type of risk.


Please add dosages of the drugs in your signature, so members can better understand how you came off.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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