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Seb1992: Dizzy all the time from Sertraline withdrawal?


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Hello all. Not quite sure if I'm posting in the right place but here goes. I am hoping to get some advice or maybe just some solidarity. Something other than my GP Googling 'what is withdrawal' right in front of me. 

I started on 100mg Sertraline when I was 16 and began the process of tapering in April 2020 at the age of 27 (not a great time to do it admittedly but oh well). So 12-ish years on Sertraline. I was on 100mg originally, then I alternated 100mg one day and 50mg the next for a few months, then I did 50mg for a few months and then alternating between 50/25mg until I was down to 25mg for a few months and then I stopped when I ran out. I officially took my last dose on the 11 April. I guess it was too quick of a taper but it was the advice of my doctor and I hadn't found this site yet or even understood the gravity of withdrawal. 


I think my symptoms started around Dec 2020, with panic attacks and near constant heart palps - even had a lot of testing done to make sure it wasn't something with my heart. And then the dizziness started around February. Must have been down to 25mg at the time. I was just constantly dizzy for two weeks at a time and then it would ease off for a week maybe two and then come back. After my last dose is been constant. It's like a feeling of dizzy, faint and spinny combined. Super uncomfortable. It bears similarities to that spinny feeling you'd get if you missed a dose or two but I feel like its evolved into something different. It's usually when I'm moving through space rather than sitting or lying down. But it hasn't really stopped since my last dose. Some heart palps too but not as intense and not my main worry.


I've been so anxious about these symptoms and the thought that they are something more serious. I've been fobbed off by my GP as just being anxious, dehydrated etc etc. I'm hoping to get an MRI done and I am looking into seeing a cardiologist just to ease my mind. I know it might sound extravagant but what are you suppose to do when doctors can't tell you what's wrong and they don't know enough about withdrawal to tell you its likely that. At this point, I can't tell the difference between what's physical manifestations of anxiety and stress and what might be withdrawal. Maybe its both. Have been going through this for 6 months now and the worrying thing is only 2 months of those I've been Sertraline-free. 


I appreciate that I maybe am on the lower end of the scale in terms of symptoms but I wanted to know: Is this normal? have other people experienced this? Do you have any advice on how to live with the dizzyness?


all the best



Edited by Gridley

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Welcome to SA, Seb1992.


Please add a signature.  Include drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements in the last 12-24 months. Also include supplements. This will help us give you the most accurate advice we can. 


A direct link to your signature is here:  Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature. Please note: 
  • Any drugs and supplements prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years. 
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago) 
  • Spell out months, e.g. "October" or "Oct."; 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as Jan. 9, 2016 or Sept. 1, 2016. 
  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses. 
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs. 
As you provide more information, we can better guide you in setting up a slow and careful taper. Please continue to use this thread to ask question and document your taper. 
Except for stopping a drug cold turkey, skipping doses or alternating doses puts a person at the greatest risk of withdrawal symptoms.  Stopping abruptly at 25mg also increases the likelihood of withdrawal, which would explain the increased dizziness after you stopped taking the drug.    Dizziness is a very common antidepressant withdrawal symptom.

Dizziness, vertigo, light-headedness, rocking or swaying ...

So that you have a better understanding of what you're experiencing, here is some information on withdrawal and the healing process.  The vast majority of doctors have no knowledge of safe tapering and, believing what the pharmaceutical companies tell them, don't believe in significant antidepressant withdrawal.  Our experience here has been the opposite.



Numbers 40-44 are aspects of withdrawal-caused dizziness.



When we take psychiatric medications, the CNS (central nervous system) responds by making changes over the months and years we take the drug(s). When the medication is discontinued, the CNS has to undo all the changes it made. Rebuilding the neurotransmitter production and reactivating the receptor and transporter cells takes time -- during that rebuilding process symptoms occur.  


These explain the healing process really well.



On 6/1/2021 at 4:30 AM, Seb1992 said:

Is this normal? have other people experienced this?

This is completely normal and common.  To read about others members' experience with withdrawal-caused dizziness, Google SurvivingAntidepressants.org dizziness.


You will heal, but unfortunately we can't give you a timeline of when the symptoms will cease.  Everyone is different. The only known way to alleviate withdrawal symptoms is a very small reinstatement of the original drug, in your case Zoloft. Then after you've stabilized you would taper very slowly off the drug, using the 10% of current dose every 4 weeks taper that we recommend.   Please read:


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms. -- at least the first page of the topic


If you choose to reinstate, please let us know so we can suggest a dosage.  Please do not reinstate without letting us suggest a dosage.  



We don't recommend a lot of supplements on SA, as many members report being sensitive to them due to our over-reactive nervous systems, but two supplements that we do recommend are magnesium and omega 3 (fish oil). Many people find these to be calming to the nervous system. 




Add in one at a time and at a low dose in case you do experience problems. Get supplements that are single ingredient (not mixed with other types of supplements).


This is your Introduction topic, where you can complete your drug signature, ask questions and connect with other members.  We're glad you found your way here.












Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of June 28: 5mg

Taper is 93% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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  • Gridley changed the title to Seb1992: Dizzy all the time from Sertraline withdrawal?

Thanks Gridley, this was really helpful. I'm going to get all the dates from my doctor and update my signature. What dose would you suggest if I wanted to reinstate? 


I know it's impossible to tell how long it will take to heal but from what I've been reading on here people seem to suffer for years with this after having taken AD's for much less time than me so I guess the prognosis isn't great, also considering i started very young. Feel very hopeless.


Wish I was never offered them.
Take care.

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Unfortunately, we cannot suggest a reinstatement dose until we know details about your drug history.  After you create your drug history in your signature as instructed above, one of us can do this.  I want to reassure you that you should recover just fine, but it will take time and patience. Hang in there.  

Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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  • 2 months later...

Worried about akathisia


Hi everyone. 


My worst symptoms were dizziness and anxiety. Dizziness came at 25mg and has stuck around for 8 months. It seems to have gone away or at least i'm in a 4-5 week window that's ongoing. Current symptoms are health anxiety, broken sleep and some weakness in left side of body. Limbs feel very light and incapable of doing anything even tho I can. I am just over 4 months since last dose. 


I am terrified of experiencing akathisia. I know its common to get this after 6 months of being drug free.  I guess i do get restless sometimes but mainly in my limbs and it goes away. 


Any advice on how to deal with this worry? 

Edited by Shep
added title after moving post from Symptoms forum

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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feeling a bit crazy. i was feeling so positive the other day and now feeling like im in a speeding car heading towards a car crash. 


13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Shep changed the title to Seb1992: Dizzy all the time from Sertraline withdrawal?
  • Moderator Emeritus

@Seb1992Please note your posts where moved off the Symptoms forum and brought here to your Introduction / Update thread. Please keep posting here in your thread so that all of your information is in one place.


As far as your concern about akathisia, I wouldn't worry about symptoms you don't have. There are more than 40 symptoms on the list of possible withdrawal symptoms. Some people have it, some people don't. Best not to go into worry waves. Please see:


Dealing With Emotional Spirals


Please also see:


Non-drug techniques to cope with emotional symptoms



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Thanks Shep. Encouraging to know that its not a given. The fear of whats coming or what could come in the future is really the worst. Have to remind myself that I'm still only 4 months off. It feels like a year.


I want to ask you about the other symptom im feeling which is weakness in one side. Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night and my arm feels strangely light and like its flopping around. Is that normal? I feel like i need to go see a neurologist but scared that an MRI might show something. 

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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Ok update from me. 

My arm still feels weak and light and I have lots of thoughts and fears surrounding neurological diseases and whatnot. Can still do press ups and lift a weight although i feel as if my brain is telling me its there's a difference in feeling. 


I have not been sleeping great for a week or so. No problems falling asleep but I wake up around 3, 4 or if im lucky 5 and then toss and turn until its time to get up. There are some feelings of like not being able to lie in the bed and anxiety surges. I'm wondering if this is akathisia starting? 


I think the fear of the akathisia will likely end up giving me the symptom. In some ways there's some peace in knowing what I'm in for. But can't deny i'm incredibly scared. 


Also not feeling so optimistic about the future. I speak to a therapist who is writing his PhD on withdrawal of psychotropic drugs and we speak about the one year thing. I have in my mind a hope that it will take a year to heal. It's a nice even number and I'm happy to set aside that time to heal. Those hopes are being overwhelmed by the reality that it could take several years. He says there's no reason why the one year thing shouldn't be true but in my life I have a expectation of things not turning out how you want them so I feel very hopeless. I keep thinking about how long I took them, mindlessly. And how I was started on them at age 16 - 15 3/4 even! I feel like i'm in mourning for teenage me. 

I'm still holding onto the fact that i don't think i ever had a bad reaction to the meds and that I only ever took Sertraline. I took risperidone (i think it was called) when I was 15 or 16 for under a year but quickly stopped bc my then psychiatrist said it wasn't necessary. I don't remember having any withdrawal from them. 


Other than that there's not much hope in me. It's funny really because a week ago I was pretty zen about the whole thing - like I was somewhat attuned to the acceptance thing. Now, just fear of the future. I'm scared of losing my job. I'm scared for the life I've built. I'm scared to loose my partner. I'm scared for my health. 


Any words of encouragement would be appreciated. Also does anyone know about a support group in London?  








13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
5 hours ago, Seb1992 said:

I have not been sleeping great for a week or so. No problems falling asleep but I wake up around 3, 4 or if im lucky 5 and then toss and turn until its time to get up. There are some feelings of like not being able to lie in the bed and anxiety surges. I'm wondering if this is akathisia starting? 


I think the fear of the akathisia will likely end up giving me the symptom. In some ways there's some peace in knowing what I'm in for. But can't deny i'm incredibly scared. 



Do you have a history of suffering from health anxiety? Not everyone gets akathisia. If you're waking up early in the morning and having repetitive thoughts about getting a new symptom, you may be dealing with insomnia mixed with health anxiety. If you can work to reduce the health anxiety, you'll have a much better chance of self-soothing and getting some more sleep. There are dozens of withdrawal symptoms. I don't know anyone who's experienced all of them. Please see:


Health anxiety, hypochondria and obsession with symptoms


Please also see:


Acceptance and Hope



5 hours ago, Seb1992 said:

Also does anyone know about a support group in London?  


Please see:


Peer support group? Meetup, Zoom, Skype?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Shep


I recently read something about hyponatremia. I've been having memory issues, sometimes loose sight of what i'm doing from moment to moment and have to look for words, names and so on. Last few days I've had some unsteadiness on my feet and as I mentioned weakness in arm and sometimes leg that seems to come and go. I also have twitches in various parts of my body and jerking. Also some inner agitation. 


Could it be hyponatremia or even serotonin syndrome?

Should I be worried about this? Or does it only happen when on the SSRI? I am currently not taking anything. Concerned that I am endangering myself. But also aware I have health anxiety.



13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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Hey I'm just a beginner, please believe in first place Shep/Alto/DataG opinions, not mine. But in my humble and possible wrong opinion, your withdrawal was too fast... being 13 years on sertraline requires an a perfect, really slow withdrawal following a 10/5/2.5% rule or even less... 


If I were you, I would check this website: MISSD (The Medication-Induced Suicide Prevention and Education Foundation in Memory of Stewart Dolin)


Akathisia is really, really dangerous, as the website explains. 

July 2017 - started Zoloft 50 mg, 30 days taking the drug

Cold Turkey interruption after 30 days

Oct 17 - Intrusive thoughts, horrible cognitive deficits, anger episodes, suicidal thoughts appear, horrible akathisia

Apr 21 - Start Zoloft again at 6.25 mg. Then 9 and finally 12.5. 

Mc 22 - Increased to 18.75 mg, stayed 15 days. Increased to 25 mg, stayed 15 days. 

Apr 22 - Increased to 37.5 mg. Stayed 4 weeks

My 22 - Increased to 50 mg. Suffered no kindling. Began to stabilize after 8 weeks on 50 mg, after years of suffering. 

Extra-activities: mindfulness (2-3 hours), yoga (30 min) and physical exercise (30 min) per day. 

Supplements: Omega 3 DHA 250 mg, Magnesium 300 mg, Vitamin D 1000 ui, multivitamin. 

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Thank you, that's not very helpful. And I know my taper was too fast, why else would i be here. 



13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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@Gridley@Altostrata @Shep


Is it too late to reinstate a small dose of sertraline to mitigate my current withdrawal symptoms and start again? Memory issues, restlessness and agitation, waves of anxiety and fear, weakness in one arm, some numbness as well. Having a lot of muslce twitching and jerking in my body as well which wakes me up when trying to fall asleep.

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Administrator

Hello, @Seb1992


You seem to have a lot of worries that you are generating from probably mistaken beliefs, such as akathisia is inevitable because you've always been so unlucky.


You also may need to mourn the teenage you, and stop blaming yourself for any mistakes in judgment you have made as an adult. These are topics you can discuss with a psychotherapist, and separate from withdrawal symptoms.


Hyponatremia can easily be identified with a blood test (complete metabolic panel). Serotonin syndrome occurs only when people are ingesting serotonergics at significant dosages. That you've fastened on these unlikely outcomes suggests you also might discuss ways to manage health anxiety with a psychotherapist.


Dizziness, foggy brain, and sleep disruption are common withdrawal symptoms that arose after you alternated doses of sertraline to "taper", then you went off while you were having these withdrawal symptoms. This made your withdrawal syndrome worse.


If the withdrawal syndrome is not getting better, you might consider taking a microdose of sertraline, such as 5mg, stabilize for some months, then taper off by minuscule amounts later. Prescription sertraline liquid for titration is available from the NHS.



About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms 
The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hi @Altostrata. Thank you so much, it really means a lot to hear this on a bad day. I don't know how to describe it but somehow your words hit something logical in me. I absolutely have quite bad health anxiety and think I tend to manifest whatever I am worried about. 


I wonder if you could speak on symptoms like weakness in arm and one side of body, numbness and muscle twitches and jerking? I should also mention I've been having some gait instability. Can this be part of withdrawal?  


And thank you on your note about reinstating. I am going to see how the next week goes with a positive mind set. 


And a final question on supplements: I've read that Lions Mane supplements has potential cognitive benefits and provides overall nervous system support and also I'd like to start taking CBD. Do you think these are safe to take or potentially triggering?  


13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Administrator
1 minute ago, Seb1992 said:

I wonder if you could speak on symptoms like weakness in arm and one side of body, numbness and muscle twitches and jerking? I should also mention I've been having some gait instability. Can this be part of withdrawal?  


Withdrawal syndrome has a huge range of symptoms. Muscle weakness, twitches, and jerking, dizziness, imbalance are among them.


Many people find fish oil and magnesium supplements helpful, see






You might try a little bit of one at a time to see how it affects you.


These are the only supplements we have seen work with any reliability. Still, some people cannot tolerate them.


The others are hit or miss. Use search in the Symptoms and Self-Care forum to see our discussions of specific supplements.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Hello, why were you prescribed these meds at 16? Did taking Antidepressants helped you ? Are you sure of your decision to get off them and of the risks implied (both by years-long withdrawal and return of your original condition) ? You should read stories on this forum and see the dangers of coming off these drugs, maybe not worth the risk.

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  • Administrator

@Camille, if you had read Seb's story, you wouldn't have posted something so unfeeling. Please be kind to the other members.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Thank you @Altostrata this is helpful. I take krill oil and I'll try magnesium and see how it works. Suppose there's no harm in trying lions mane as I ordered a bottle of it. 

Yes indeed, that message really killed the relief from worry I felt and very much needed. I will choose to ignore.

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Administrator

You might read Camille's topic to see what's going on there. You are not Camille.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi @Seb1992--I wanted to say Hi, and weigh-in on withdrawing from Zoloft as I have some experience of that.  First, isn't it the most awful of terrible experiences?  The symptoms you describe, I also had.  I want you to know they've gotten way better--some of them gone🌱  I do have to work on reigning in my mind when it starts to catastrophize.  After a while, I began to realize it's a neuro-emotion heightened by w/d.  Have you checked out Neuro-emotions?  Here are a couple of links you might also find helpful (if you haven't already seen them):

Ways to cope with daily anxiety


Dealing With Emotional Spirals 


It may take some time, but you're going to heal from this and recover.


One last thing--the Success Stories are really helpful.  Recovery Success Stories


I'm sorry you're having to go through this,

Arbor 🕊️



Zoloft: 1995 - 2015

Prozac: 2015 - 2018 (tapered from 40mg x day on July 31 to 30mg on August 31 to 20mg on September 31 to 10mg October 31 to 0mg on  December 15, 2018

Gabapentin: 2016 to 2019  (tapered from 300mg x day to 150mg on August 31, 2019 to 75mg on September 15 to 50mg on September 31 to 25ishmg on October 15 to 0mg on December 1, 2019

Enalapril: 2010 - 2019

Lipitor: 2017 -2017

Metformin: 2000 - 2020

Liothyronine: 2007 - 2019

Levothyroxine: 2000 - 2022

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Hi @arbor


Thanks for your message - it is indeed really hard. I really struggle with catastrophizing and especially when I read things. Even that you said that only some of the symptoms have gone has really concerned me... even though you said they have gotten way better as well, I only focus on the negative. I need to stay away from the internet most of the time I think. 


I also just had a bit of bad news as I had a positive quick covid test and now waiting for my PCR test. I am double vaccinated so hoping it wont be an issue but i am catastrophizing that my messed up nervous sytem means i'm going to have a bad bout. 


13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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@Altostrata Apologies to ask - this is probably my health anxiety speaking - but I also read about Hashimoto thyroiditis and that it can happen due to withdrawal. Is this something I should look out for?  I read that weakness is a sign of this. And how about adrenal fatigue generally? 


Writing this message with the clarity that I am in a bit of a spiral.  

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Administrator

You're going to have to learn to manage that health anxiety and catastrophizing, @Seb1992 Nobody can do that but you. That type of reassurance is beyond the capacity of peer support.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @Altostrata or other moderators. 


I want to make sure I am not too emotional but I am having a terrible time. Around the time of my last message I had a nervous breakdown over the fear of akathisia and had to move home to my parents for a while. Since then I have been consumed by the idea - completely a wreck, monitoring every single discomfort as being akathisia developing. Scared to sit down in case I feel unrest. Had a knot inside my body for a while that I was sure was akathisia (has since gone away) and generally couldn't seem to relax. So just the worst kind of spiral. I have worried so much that I'm sure I have now developed it - the past 3 days I've had some burning sensations in my arms and legs (kind of like growing pains) and after fixating and panicking for many hours last night, it became very intense.


I have such trouble knowing what to do and I am not asking you to tell me what to do. Only your objective opinion. At this stage can I still reinstate 5 mg? What happens if I react badly, is it permanent?  


Another question - as I am too scared to Google anything. If this is indeed akathisia - is it permanent or will it subside?


Other symptoms include

- Dizzyness fluctuates a lot these days, seems to visit for a few days and then go away.

- Have been waking up at 3/4 most nights for two months now, although the past 3 nights I slept very comfortably.

- Right calf feels numb and a bit weak and feels odd to walk on but not unbearable by any means

- Psychological: anxiety, rumination on WD, certainty that i wont ever recover, hopelessness and thoughts of not being able to go on.


Overall I have a good team helping me including a psychiatrist and therapist who advocate for safe de-prescribing and are knowledgable about withdrawal and feel incredibly privileged and lucky to have found them. 


*****If you are a member going through WD please do not share your experience of akathisia or general WD with me. I am very anxious and highly susceptible to information at this stage. I am seeking the opinions of the amazing admins and moderators.*****



13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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Oh and I should mention that i have jerkyness, small involuntary movements of toes and fingers and lots of muscle twitching. Seems to come and go with my stress levels. 



13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
5 hours ago, Seb1992 said:

At this stage can I still reinstate 5 mg?


5 hours ago, Seb1992 said:

Have been waking up at 3/4 most nights for two months now, although the past 3 nights I slept very comfortably.



I wouldn't reinstate at this point, especially being off the drug for 6.5 months.And especially since you're seeing sleep improvements. 



4 hours ago, Seb1992 said:

Oh and I should mention that i have jerkyness, small involuntary movements of toes and fingers and lots of muscle twitching. Seems to come and go with my stress levels. 



5 hours ago, Seb1992 said:

I want to make sure I am not too emotional but I am having a terrible time. Around the time of my last message I had a nervous breakdown over the fear of akathisia and had to move home to my parents for a while.


I'm glad you're connecting your symptoms with a theme of overall health anxiety. Just a thought, Seb, but I would focus on health anxiety coping skills. 


The worst cases of akathisia aren't that common, so why would you think you would get it? Why wouldn't you assume that you won't, since statistically that's true? 


Do what you can to calm your nervous system with mindfulness, gentle walks, a healthy diet, plenty of water, etc. 


Your sleep will likely be erratic for awhile, but the fact that you just had 3 good nights is a sign of resiliency. 


Please see:


Health anxiety, hypochondria and obsession with symptoms


Dealing With Emotional Spirals


"Change the channel" - dealing with cognitive symptoms





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1 minute ago, Shep said:

The worst cases of akathisia aren't that common, so why would you think you would get it? Why wouldn't you assume that you won't, since statistically that's true? 

Hi @Shep - I think because of my dropping off at 25mg, length of time, and age I started I have just confirmed to myself that it will happen. I saw another member with a similar story to me who had it. I have read too much and learnt too much and while I so appreciate this site, it has really spiralled me out to look at other peoples stories and the science behind it all. 

I have a buzzing in my arms and legs that is kind of painful - is this akathisia?  And if it is will it go away? 

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
7 minutes ago, Seb1992 said:

I have a buzzing in my arms and legs that is kind of painful - is this akathisia?  And if it is will it go away? 


No, that's not akathisia. That sounds like internal vibrations. It's the result of a destabilized nervous system. As you recover over the coming months, it will fade out. 


Please read the links I posted - and then, "change the channel"! Get off the internet. Go for a walk. Eat a healthy meal. Drink some water. Find a movie or a book and distract. See if there's something you can do to help your parents while you're living with them. 


There's an entire world out there, Seb. Get out of your head and I think you'll feel a lot better. It will take work, but hanging out on these types of forums may be doing you more harm then good. 


I would focus on what you "can do" instead of what "might" happen. Do this enough times, embrace it as a lifestyle, and see where you're at in a month or two of consistently "changing the channel" and re-focusing to the good stuff. 

Edited by Shep
fixed typo



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@Shep Thank you, I so appreciate this. Will I heal, even with the nature of my taper? 

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Yes, people who cold turkey also heal. I did and it was after 30 years of massive polydrugging and a rapid taper / cold turkey off of 6 drugs. 


But we cannot help you with your health anxiety. You'll need to take charge of that. 



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Thank you @Shep  It is a battle to reel in my thoughts. Just untangling what is a result of anxiety and what's a withdrawal symptom is a tiring process. 

Really I think my obsessive mind is the worst symptom of them all - any sign of discomfort I catch and overanalyse to death. Thinking about the past and future and the way that I tapered and what consequences that has for me is torture. 


When I think back... even in the first few months of my withdrawal I was still working, going out and even running 5k's a few times a week. I even went windsurfing last week while on holiday. Without judging one way or the other I think it is clear than I am making this worse than it needs to be or is and I am standing in my own way of healing. 


I guess now the only way is through. Appreciate your advice. 








13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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Thanks again.

13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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Hi @Shep


I am sorry to ask you these questions - as you can understand there's a lot going on. 

Is my desensitised nervous system basically the same as having ME/CFS? Will it always be desensitised?  Will i ever be able to enjoy things like wine again? Will there be a time when i don't ever think about this again? 


My dizzyness and lightheadedness seems to pop up more frequently now for a few days. heart races easily. I don't necessarily feel tired but obviously not sleeping perfectly. 



13 years of Sertraline - 100mg. Started at age 16. I was also on Risperdal for a year around this time (don't remember the dose but I went off it and don't remember having any WD) Have had attempts at decreasing in the past but inevitably go back up to 100mg but never experienced WD symptoms.


Dumb AF taper went as follows over the course of 1 year in 2020 : april/may alternating 100/50mg, june 75mg, july/august 75/50mg, sep/october 50 mg, november/dec 50/25mg, january/feb 2021: 25mg (dizzyness starts here) 

April 11 2021: last dose (drop to 0) (symptoms of dizzyness and heart palpitations)

June/July: started experiencing some windows and waves. window from dizzyness starts.

August: window from dizzyness, overall good but some numbness in arm and leg and so inevitably health anxiety. 

September: breakdown over fear of the future. had to move home. dizzyness comes back for a few days and then goes away. sleep issues

October: sleep issues, severe anxiety over future, twitching and jerking. insomnia but had a few good days of sleep. some amazing moments like windsurfing and an almost euphoric bikeride.


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