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jonah2001: last dose duloxetine 6 1/2 month ago


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Hello, my Name is Jonah and i’m 20 years old. First of all, sorry for my bad English, I’m from Germany.


I took Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for 4,5 months. I struggled a lot with the side effects while taking it, and it only helped my pain a little bit. So, I decided to stop taking the medication. My doctor recommended tapering it off over 4 weeks.


But since I had previously read about it on the Internet that it is problematic to stop taking such medication, I decided to taper off the medication over 3 months.

I reduced from 60 to 45 mg.


I remember it clearly: The day I went from 60 to 45, I had an appointment with a friend. We went for a walk along a river, and out of nowhere i was hit by Symptoms. I was terrified out of nowhere and didn't even know where I was anymore. But those Symptoms went away after 7 days. Nevertheless, I continued with my taper to 30 mg. The same Symptoms again for 14 Days. I figured I'd have to go through the process two more times and then I'd have the horrible drug out of my system.


So, all in all I took the Medication for 7,5 Month. 4,5 Month on 60 mg and then I tapered 3 months to 0.

I thought once I got the drug out of my system, I would have to wait another 14 days before I would be fine. But I was soooo wrong.

On the 07.07.2021 the big ride began. The first few weeks were very, very terrible.

I just figured if I got through six weeks it would be over. Because my GP said it would maximum last for 6 weeks. Well today I can say that this is definitely not the truth.

The first weeks I was shaking the whole day, my hart beat was all the time so strong, I had every 30 minutes DR/DP and so much more. Then I developed akathisia, which lasted for 2 month and was very, very awful.


The akathisia, the DR/DP went away.


But I got deep Depression (I never had this before), fatigue, muscle spasms, dizziness, Vegetative imbalance (dry mouth…), nerve pain and so much more.

The worst symptoms in order of severity:  


nerve pain (tingle, drill, Tear…)



cognitive problems

muscle spasms ( I can’t do sports or workouts.. and before I took that poison sport was I BIG part of my life. Now it’s sometimes hard to walk because my muscles are so stiff.


I read this forum almost every day and it helps me so much to know that it will be just a matter of time, until I will feel like my old me again.


But I have to say many of the symptoms have improved significantly over the last few months.

I’m also experiencing the waves and windows pattern for every symptom.


The waves are becoming less intense but are still bad. But the windows getting better and sometimes last for four to five days.


I have waves and windows daily and would say that I experience sometimes from 5-7 Waves and Windows a day. But every wave is different. And on the other side I have bigger Windows and Waves.


That means for a few days I only have very light waves. And then they get stronger again.

And this is spinning and spinning and spinning, but when I look back: I see: Ohh, I am getting more and more windows and the waves are getting a little bit better.


I hope that if another three to four months pass, the worst is behind me. Or at least get more managable. 


I've been keeping an Excel spreadsheet for four months where I enter and rate my symptoms every day.


I analysed this data for the symptom depression:

     3 1/2 months ago: 70% of the time was bad, 15% was okay and 15% I felt okay.

     The last weeks: 42% of the time was bad, 15% was okay and 43% I was feeling really good.


I hope that over the next few months thoose symptoms will improve  to the point where there are very few bad periods left.


The problem is when my energy and joy come back for a few days I start a new project and boom on no energy again.

And this is so annoying.

But I am optimistic that it will get better, and at some point, I’m able to life with the symptoms until I forget about them.


But I have to say: Sometimes there are windows where I nearly feel like my old me again!


PS: I apologize that my text is not very well structured. This is because as I write this text I am very dizzy and some of my cognitive functions are not working. 


23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to jonah2001: Last dose duloxetine 6 1/2 month ago

You say after 10/11 months you started to feel reasonably good.


At the 7 month mark, could you have imagined that a few months later you would feel so much better?

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Welcome @jonah2001

I'm sorry you were given bad advice about tapering. It is unfortunately very common. Duloxetine is known for being very difficult to quit. Good to hear that you are having some good windows now though.


The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization  


Are We There Yet? How Long is Withdrawal Going to Take?

How Psychiatric Drugs Remodel Your Brain 


How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?


Are you taking anything now? Why were you given duloxetine?


So it’s easy for anyone reading your posts to get a quick overview of your situation we ask members to summarize their medication history in a signature following these instructions:

How to List Drug History in Signature


Aside from a high quality fish oil and magnesium, be careful with supplements. Your central nervous system (CNS) has become sensitized from psychiatric drug use and can react unpredictably. Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and other mind altering substances can make the condition worse.

Important topics about tests, supplements, treatments, diet


Here is our symptoms and self care section, you may find some useful ideas to help manage symptoms as you recover. 

Symptoms and self care topics 


This is your Introductory topic, where you can ask questions and connect with other members.  We're glad you found your way here. Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.


Edited by Kiasofia

These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I have learned, not medical advice.


Drug history

2002-2019 Citalopram/Escitalopram, Lamictal
2019 April Escitalopram, quit at 10mg (withdrawal), Oct Escitalopram 10mg reinstated, quit after a few days (adverse reaction)

2019 Oct Lamictal cut from 200mg to 100mg
2019 Dec Lithium 83x2 mg

2020 Aug-Nov Lamictal tapered to 50 mg

2020 Nov 24 Lithium taper started, 30 Jan off Lithium

2021 15. March-31. May Lamictal tapered to 32.5 mg (holding)

2022 10. Jan started taking 25mg+5mg+2mg+0.5 liquid, 22. Jan went back to taking 25mg+5mg+half 5mg

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Thank you very much for your fast answer. 

I heard that most cases of withdrawal last between 6 - 18 month, do these values correspond to your experiences? 


Is it a good sign that I've had a few windows where I've felt almost normal? Because the waves are much worse.


To answer your Question: 

I took Duloxetin because of pain. 


I am currently not taking any other medication. 


I'm only taking following suplements: Omega 3, 6, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, B-Vitamins.


I was only on the mediaction for 4,5 month on 60 mg and "tapered" for 3 month. 


Could it be an advantage that I only took the drug for such a short time?



23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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And an other Question: since 5 Weeks i am suffering a new Symptom: 


it feels like electricity is constantly flowing through my skin. It's sometimes so uncomfortable that I sit like I'm petrified. 


Does anyone have experience with the symptom and tips on how best to deal with it?

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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It is very individual how long it lasts. For me it was about a year but the symptoms got less and less intense. Windows are a good sign. I have heard of others experiencing electric sensations but haven't had myself.


Paresthesia: Pins & Needles, Numbness, Tingling, Burning Sensations aka Neuropathy

Instant relief for tingling in extremeties

Burning skin


It may be that shorter exposure helps with healing time, compared to those who have taken the drugs for many years, but if one has taken the drugs for more than a month then the brain will need some time to get back to normal again.

How Psychiatric Drugs Remodel Your Brain 


Here are some more links to explore:

Acknowledge, Accept, Float

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Non-drug techniques for dealing with body pain

The search function on this site doesn't work very well. To find things on the forum I find the easiest is to type "survivingantidepressants.org + what you're searching for" into a search engine.


Please read the links I provided and remember to create your signature.

How to List Drug History in Signature

These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I have learned, not medical advice.


Drug history

2002-2019 Citalopram/Escitalopram, Lamictal
2019 April Escitalopram, quit at 10mg (withdrawal), Oct Escitalopram 10mg reinstated, quit after a few days (adverse reaction)

2019 Oct Lamictal cut from 200mg to 100mg
2019 Dec Lithium 83x2 mg

2020 Aug-Nov Lamictal tapered to 50 mg

2020 Nov 24 Lithium taper started, 30 Jan off Lithium

2021 15. March-31. May Lamictal tapered to 32.5 mg (holding)

2022 10. Jan started taking 25mg+5mg+2mg+0.5 liquid, 22. Jan went back to taking 25mg+5mg+half 5mg

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Thank you so much for your answer.  @Kiasofia


The last days( From Friday to today), i was in a wave( mentally, mostly). I was so sad, and everytime when i am in such a wave my Withdrawel-brain says: "This will never end".. and everytime I believe him. 

And today at 16pm, a Window( I was suddenly in a good mood and hopeful)

Having a window ist the best feeling you can have.(Unfortunately these aren't forever.. at the moment).


I will try to make an Update off my symptoms every 4 weeks.


Week 27:

Here is a list of the symptoms I suffer from the most at the moment(Sorted by severity)


electrical feeling




muscular tension(cramps, pain)

stress( sweating, palpilations, restlessness)


The electrical feeling in my chest, back, is the symptom that's bordering me the most for the last weeks. It comes and goes and changes position. But it's gotten less intense, but is still bad. I could hardly sleep for the first few weeks when the symptom came out of nowhere. Now I can mostly sleep again, but it's still very, very uncomfortable. 


The other symptoms come and go in varying degrees but tend to get better. When the depression goes away for ever and the weird feeling in my chest and back, I would say the worst is behind me. 

I just hope that another symptom doesn't come out of nowhere, like the awful feeling in my chest.


But i'm postiv that all thoose symptoms will fade away with time. 

Today i noticed that my cognitiv problems went away over the last month, and I didn't even notice. I just forgot I had these symptom. 

I hope that this will be the same for all other symptoms. 

I think i have still a long road to go, but probably i will "make the corner" in the next 6 month or so.. So that this will not be an every day fight. 


Also, it makes me very sad that my parents see me in this condition every day. 

I hope that I can do sports again soon and play tennis again, this is by far my biggest wish. 





23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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 How was the process in your case?


In my case it's like: Few month ago it was like a Symptom was buncing bettwen 7-4 (10 would be the worst) 

And now it's  bouncing between 5-2.

Was it similar for you? 

And how was the progress, was it liniear getting better( windows and waves) or was it getting better faster and the end? 


And could you imagine at 7 month off, that you would be so much better at the 12 month mark? 


23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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You can read my introduction. It was a mess, since I didn't know what was going on and had damaging treatments added in. So it can't really compare to your situation.

These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I have learned, not medical advice.


Drug history

2002-2019 Citalopram/Escitalopram, Lamictal
2019 April Escitalopram, quit at 10mg (withdrawal), Oct Escitalopram 10mg reinstated, quit after a few days (adverse reaction)

2019 Oct Lamictal cut from 200mg to 100mg
2019 Dec Lithium 83x2 mg

2020 Aug-Nov Lamictal tapered to 50 mg

2020 Nov 24 Lithium taper started, 30 Jan off Lithium

2021 15. March-31. May Lamictal tapered to 32.5 mg (holding)

2022 10. Jan started taking 25mg+5mg+2mg+0.5 liquid, 22. Jan went back to taking 25mg+5mg+half 5mg

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Hello everyone, is it normal that my symptoms have changed completely since I stopped taking the medication?

6 Month ago, i was dealing with akathisia, restlessness DR/DP, exhaustion, anxiety...


Now, at 7 month off, i'm dealing with: fatigue, dizziness, mood swings, stress symptoms and muscle cramps, cognitive problems.  


Is this normal that the symptoms change completly after a certain time? 


23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hi @jonah2001


Yes, it’s common for withdrawal symptoms to change over time. What bothered you in the beginning might go away and then something completely different could start.


I know that’s frustrating because how do you know if something is withdrawals or something completely unrelated!  It sounds like you’re headed in the right direction though. Time will heal you. 

-Since 2017-ish I've been on Cymbalta & Mirtazapine. At max dose it was 120mg cymbalta and 45mg mirtazapine. This combo was meant to deal with a depressive episode and it worked. Over the next few years I tapered down from those high doses. I had tried to get off the cymbalta twice and had to reinstate twice. I don't remember when. Maybe 2018? 2019? 

-Since 2020 I've been stable 20mg cymbalta and 7.5mg mirtazapine (this is mainly for sleep now). I have come off of the mirtazapine before without trouble, but still take it occasionally for sleep. 

-August 2nd began taking 10mg prozac as a bridge to attempt to get off cymbalta. Took 10mg for about a week then 20mg for a few days. Stopped taking the cymbalta and was doing okay for a bit, but things didn't seem to get better and maybe have been getting worse. 

-8/25/2021 - 20mg cymbalta and struggling. Stopped the prozac. I'm struggling, but I can probably ride this out if I had to. My concern is that things will continue to get worse, as they seem to be doing. 

-8/29/2021 - things started to get worse. Probably prozac withdrawal. Reinstated 20mg prozac. 

-9/2/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 5mg prozac, 7.5 mg mirtazapine --> 9/24/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 5mg prozac, 3.75 mg mirtazapine --> 11/7/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.75mg prozac, 3.75 mg mirtazapine --> 4/24/2022 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.75mg prozac   --> 6/5/2022 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.33mg prozac

-4/25/2024 - Finally started tapering again this year after a long break and some unrelated health matters. I'm now down to just 15mg of cymbalta/duloxetine and doing well!

-6/1/2024 - 5mg Cymbalta

-6/26/2024 - 2.5mg Cymbalta

-7/6/2024 - 0mg Cymbalta 🎉

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Thank you so much for your answer. Yes, it is really frustrating. But i think it's a good sign. I hope that there won't come more and more symptoms. And those are the last ones wich hopefully go away over time. 

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hey Jonah


just wanted to reach out to you as your message came up in my email as you replied to the same topic as me!


your situation is SO similar to mine it is unreal, so just wanted to say hang in there abs reach out if u want to chat!


take care



Sertraline 100mg (1 day) then 50mg for 8 weeks March 2020 - May 2020 bad reaction, no medications until October 2020 mirtazapine October 2020 until 7th July 2021 didn’t realise I was in sertraline WD during this time also started natural progesterone January 2021 and started supplements to reduce cortisol and oestrogen April 2021 also Metformin as has insulation resistance not sure if to still take this currently on no medications  



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I've moved your new topic to the existing topic and responded to it:




MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hello guys, 

i'm so incredible sad.. i don't know how i should survive this.

I thought it was getting better. And it was really getting better. 


But 4 days ago the hardest wave ever hit me. Symptoms who were gone fore 4 month came back.

Every symptom i ever had came back in the hardest intensity i ever had. 

And all symptoms i'm dealing with the last month are so strong again.. it's hell on earth. 

It feels like those 7 month of fight never existed. It feels like there is no improvement. I feel worse than ever.


This is the worst it ever got. Every minute awake is like hell. 


All 30 minutes there is a new wave. And then it get's better for 5 minutes and then boom, i feel like i'm ding.

Crying spell after crying spell without any reason. 


Will this ever get better?


5 month ago i was feeling better than now... this is so incredible sad.


I have the feeling that those pills ruined the live of a, cheerful, athletic, normal 20 year old guy. 


I am not even able to walk as my muscles are so cramped. 

2 years ago i was playing tennis professional. 

Sport was my live!

These pills took away everything I've ever had. 


I'm unable to feel even a spark of joy...

I had so much energy in the past.. and now it's hard to stand up, when sitting in a chair.

I wanted to study industrial engineering, because i was my whole life interested in technology. 

Now i feel nothing.. no exitement for anything.. And i don't understand things.. because i have so big cognitiv issues. 

It feels like somebody has stolen my soul. 

Also i'm not able to sit down.. because i can't sit still. I'm under adrenalin the whole day. I tried everything, even the diving reflex doesn't work..


Thank you big pharma for ruining my live. "2 weeks minimal symptoms.. " -> **** you!


But i will fight and hope that this will get better.. 


Sorry guys,that I vent my frustration here.. but i'm so down, i dont know what to do. Maybe you can speak to me well :D


23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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  • Moderator Emeritus

One thing that I don't think a lot of members consider is how the Covid pandemic might be affecting them.  It has now been 2 years since the start of it and there has been a lot of stress caused by it for various reasons.  And it is not over.  Even though life is starting to get back to being more normal, it is not the normal that we had before it started.


There are different types of stress, short term high level stress, and long term low level stress.  We are usually aware of the first type, but low level stress over a long period of time can eventually build up and have a similar impact that the short term high level stress does.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

You might find the information in this topic helpful:





MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, 

i want to give an quick update. 

I am now 7 1/2 month after 0. 


The electrical feeling is pretty much gone or comes only for a view moments. 

I'm recognizig that some of the symptoms are getting less intense when they come:

-the muscle stiffness. It's there everyday, but a little bit better.

-The dizziness changes its characteristics and get's better.

-I'm most of the time not that extrem fatigue anymore. But not good enough to function normally.

-I get more from the environment, so that means i'm most of the time not in this tunnel vision anymore.

-i'm sleeping good 90 % of the time ( a good 8 hours, that's probably a dream for many members here)



I had some pretty amazing Windows so far but also intense waves. 

The last 14 days where really intense. I had a setback, i thought, i jumped 3 month back in time.


The last 3 days i was feeling better. Today wasn't great, but manageable.


I have the feeling that i get the strange cotton whole feeling in my had less often. I hope that, that feeling will fade over time. 

I get more and more times where the chemical depression isn't that strong. But those great windows usually only last a couple of hours.


Also my symptoms are cycling in a high frequente, that means sometimes i get fatigue, 30 minutes later i have energy only to get fatigue 40 minutes later. 

Also symptoms are following this pattern. I hope that this gets better over time. 

When my mood is really good, i know that it will get worse in a surrten time. 


But i know from every symptom now, how it feels to be normal. 

2 weeks ago, for the first time since quitting AD, my muscles where not stiff and i could walk as i am used to. This only lasted for 20 minutes, but it was there and is a sign i'm healing. This was also the first time where my voice was normal: Because also my muscles in my throat where all the time stiff! 


But all in all i recognize i'm getting more times, where the symptoms are more manageable. 

I'am at a stage where most of the time the symptoms are too bad to just ignore. But i hope that most of them will fade away over the next month. 


I have days, where i feel mentally "normal" the whole day. Sometimes more than 1 day.  And i have times where i feel close to normal for 30 minutes. 


I really hope that i will get windows wich will last longer than 1 day! 

And i wish a time machine to skip those next 8 month! 








23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hey guys, is it normal that the waves and windows are extremely different?

In my windows I feel pretty good and I think to my self: Ohh wow you are making such good improvements!

there isn't much between you now and your recovery..

And then 3 days later I ask my self if I have made any progress?!!


How does withdrawal work in most cases? 


Because i have the feeling that my windows are getting better and more often... 


But the waves are probably as bad as they where 3-4 month ago.. 

Some symptoms are getting better or different. 

But how most people are getting better? 


Do the waves get better and better until you don't notice them anymore or 

do they get more and more good day's until they don't get those bad days anymore. 


But it's still possible to get a day where you feel as crap as 6 month ago?

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hey guys, can somebody please help me? It's getting worse and worse and worse! 

I'm 8 month out now and since 1 month it gets even more aweful! The depression is so incredible bad now 😭

I'm suffering the depression now for 6 month and it was slowly getting more manageable.. 


But since 3 weeks it's hell on earth again. My waves are so aweful I don't want to live anymore. 

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hey guys, 

the last two and a half weeks are the most aweful hours of my life. I am now 8 month out after taking Duloxetin for 7 month. 


I am at a point where only god can help me I guess. 


I hope I can look back at this in a view years and only laugh about my self. 


I get an aweful crying spell with painful emotions like somebody has stolen my soul every 60 minutes. Then it gets a little bit better. And after that it kicks my but again. Every 60 minutes.


When I should get better I would be very amazed. Hell on earth is not even the right word! 


Those pills ruined my life.


I hope i get my life back. I thought withdrawal should get better over time. But I get a new symptom after a new symptom. Sorry for being so sad. 


But I am done

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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  • Moderator

Hello @jonah2001,


You are a similar age to me (I am 21). I understand how difficult it is going through this torture when you are young and want to be living life. Just remember that one day you will look back on this like a bad memory and think “what on Earth was all that about”. The cruel nature of the ups and downs in recovery is what I also find the most difficult. You think one thing has improved then you are thrown back into hell all over again. 

It’s a truly awful experience but think how strong we will be after beating this. Good luck and keep fighting.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - April 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 March 2024, Start tapering - 24 April 2024

Current dose: 55.09mg  (1 July 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Fish oils, Magnesium, Vitamin C

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Hey, thank you so much for your answer! I am also 21 years old! 

It's just hell on earth and every day is a fight. And the worst thing is when you have some good day's and have hope again. And then boom it brings down to hell again. 


And this goes on and on. 

And you think: Mhh, why I am not seeing any progress? Some small symptoms are better than they where! 

But there is so much going on. 


And under normal circumstances it would be easier to go through hard times.. but all those Neuro-Emotions are so horrible. They are hurting, make me cry, make me rage, make me anything. And they are changing every 30 minutes on most days. It's like a never ending rolar coaster! 


And the only thing I can rilay on is this Website 😅


When I would truly see I would get better, I would be more postive. 


But it get's worse and worse and worse. 

Everything is hell, since 2 weeks my vision makes crazy **** and the floor is turning under my feets... then the fatigue comes and goes every 20 minutes. Then nauseous and I have to puke. 

Rage episodes, extrem loud sounds in my ears... burning skin..


I know that it's completely useless to write my frustration here, but it really helps.


But thank you for answering. 


23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hey guys, does somebody experienced extrem "fast" cycling of the symptoms? 


So I am getting windows lasting 30 minutes. Then all get worse... And then it gets okay again. 


And then it breaks down again. 


I probably believe that after those extrem fast cycling there has to come longer Windows??


Has somebody experienced this extrem Rollercoaster?

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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Hey guys, I can't go through this anymore. This mental symptom is to much for me. 

But thank you for helping people through those times!

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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2 hours ago, jonah2001 said:

Hey guys, I can't go through this anymore. This mental symptom is to much for me. 

But thank you for helping people through those times!


Hey @jonah2001 what's going on?

-Since 2017-ish I've been on Cymbalta & Mirtazapine. At max dose it was 120mg cymbalta and 45mg mirtazapine. This combo was meant to deal with a depressive episode and it worked. Over the next few years I tapered down from those high doses. I had tried to get off the cymbalta twice and had to reinstate twice. I don't remember when. Maybe 2018? 2019? 

-Since 2020 I've been stable 20mg cymbalta and 7.5mg mirtazapine (this is mainly for sleep now). I have come off of the mirtazapine before without trouble, but still take it occasionally for sleep. 

-August 2nd began taking 10mg prozac as a bridge to attempt to get off cymbalta. Took 10mg for about a week then 20mg for a few days. Stopped taking the cymbalta and was doing okay for a bit, but things didn't seem to get better and maybe have been getting worse. 

-8/25/2021 - 20mg cymbalta and struggling. Stopped the prozac. I'm struggling, but I can probably ride this out if I had to. My concern is that things will continue to get worse, as they seem to be doing. 

-8/29/2021 - things started to get worse. Probably prozac withdrawal. Reinstated 20mg prozac. 

-9/2/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 5mg prozac, 7.5 mg mirtazapine --> 9/24/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 5mg prozac, 3.75 mg mirtazapine --> 11/7/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.75mg prozac, 3.75 mg mirtazapine --> 4/24/2022 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.75mg prozac   --> 6/5/2022 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.33mg prozac

-4/25/2024 - Finally started tapering again this year after a long break and some unrelated health matters. I'm now down to just 15mg of cymbalta/duloxetine and doing well!

-6/1/2024 - 5mg Cymbalta

-6/26/2024 - 2.5mg Cymbalta

-7/6/2024 - 0mg Cymbalta 🎉

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Hi, I have no idea how to get through WD anymore. 

I was doing better the last month, and the brutal mental symptoms where definitely better/ more manageable. 


And now since 3 weeks they are like at the beginning. I am feeling like I never have made any progress. 

And on the top off that I have a new mental symptom which is complete hellish. It's like emotional pain.. It hurts incredible bad😔 


Sorry, but I am so incredible down.. 


At the end of January I was seeing the end of the tunnel! 

And now it's all gone..

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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2 minutes ago, jonah2001 said:


Hi, I have no idea how to get through WD anymore. 

I was doing better the last month, and the brutal mental symptoms where definitely better/ more manageable. 


And now since 3 weeks they are like at the beginning. I am feeling like I never have made any progress. 

And on the top off that I have a new mental symptom which is complete hellish. It's like emotional pain.. It hurts incredible bad😔 


Sorry, but I am so incredible down.. 


At the end of January I was seeing the end of the tunnel! 

And now it's all gone..


Had anything changed prior to the downturn? Meds, supplements, appetite, sleep, etc.? 


It could just be a bad wave, but maybe something is causing it. I know it's frustrating. 😔

-Since 2017-ish I've been on Cymbalta & Mirtazapine. At max dose it was 120mg cymbalta and 45mg mirtazapine. This combo was meant to deal with a depressive episode and it worked. Over the next few years I tapered down from those high doses. I had tried to get off the cymbalta twice and had to reinstate twice. I don't remember when. Maybe 2018? 2019? 

-Since 2020 I've been stable 20mg cymbalta and 7.5mg mirtazapine (this is mainly for sleep now). I have come off of the mirtazapine before without trouble, but still take it occasionally for sleep. 

-August 2nd began taking 10mg prozac as a bridge to attempt to get off cymbalta. Took 10mg for about a week then 20mg for a few days. Stopped taking the cymbalta and was doing okay for a bit, but things didn't seem to get better and maybe have been getting worse. 

-8/25/2021 - 20mg cymbalta and struggling. Stopped the prozac. I'm struggling, but I can probably ride this out if I had to. My concern is that things will continue to get worse, as they seem to be doing. 

-8/29/2021 - things started to get worse. Probably prozac withdrawal. Reinstated 20mg prozac. 

-9/2/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 5mg prozac, 7.5 mg mirtazapine --> 9/24/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 5mg prozac, 3.75 mg mirtazapine --> 11/7/2021 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.75mg prozac, 3.75 mg mirtazapine --> 4/24/2022 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.75mg prozac   --> 6/5/2022 - 20mg cymbalta, 3.33mg prozac

-4/25/2024 - Finally started tapering again this year after a long break and some unrelated health matters. I'm now down to just 15mg of cymbalta/duloxetine and doing well!

-6/1/2024 - 5mg Cymbalta

-6/26/2024 - 2.5mg Cymbalta

-7/6/2024 - 0mg Cymbalta 🎉

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No, i didn't changed anything.

I hope it's just a bad wave. It's just horrible. 

Did you also experienced setbacks? 

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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  • Moderator

Hey buddy @jonah2001,


Don’t ever give up. We all have days where we feel like we can’t go on anymore, I’ve even had a bad wave tonight where I’ve wanted to give up. That’s what we’re all here for on the forum; when you get down we’re here to lift you up and keep you going. Unfortunately the nature of recovery is up and down. Those neuro-emotions really make you question yourself. 

You will beat this, as will I and everyone else. We all have that inner strength that we don’t know is there, the survival instinct built in from thousands of years of evolution. That will to survive is what gets us out of bed on a morning, and keeps us fighting. Don’t ever give in.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - April 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 March 2024, Start tapering - 24 April 2024

Current dose: 55.09mg  (1 July 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Fish oils, Magnesium, Vitamin C

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Thank you for your answer! 

Yeah, WD is pure hell! 

I thought at the beginning that it will go "faster" because I took the Drug only for 4 month and tapered 3,5 month. 


But WD is WD. When it hits you, it's incredible hard!


But those WD thoughts are so unimaginable brutal. 

Did you ever had the thought: What should I do now? Life is completely empty. But in the windows are everything is so wunderfull!


I know I have to go through this process to be normal again. 

But sometimes WD just kills you. 


Most heartbreaking for me is when you have a good day or a view and getting so positive about that improvement. And boom the hardest wave ever hits you on your but, and you have the feeling healing has never taken place. 



23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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  • Moderator

@jonah2001Yes. I get the moments where you think things are improving then you’re smashed with another brutal wave. It’s horrible but completely normal. Unfortunately we have to suffer a lot to heal. 

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - April 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 March 2024, Start tapering - 24 April 2024

Current dose: 55.09mg  (1 July 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Fish oils, Magnesium, Vitamin C

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@Erimus Yes that's true. And I have no idea if I will ever "heal". 

Yesterday I was doing so much better, and boom today terrible again.  


But I have no idea what is going on. The depression and mental stuff started 5 month ago. It wasn't that extrem anymore.. why the hell is it now so incredible hardcore out of nowhere. It's even harder than 5 month ago?!!


Does somebody experienced similar? I was having so many good windows the last month.. and even 4-5 days in a row where I was almost feeling normal! 

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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  • Moderator

We all heal @jonah2001. We may never be who we were before the drugs, but many people find they will reach a new normal which is even better than their past self. We will all have such an appreciation for life after going through this.


The nervous system is very complicated and heals in a strange way that isn’t linear in nature. A lot of people find the symptoms change as they progress through withdrawal, initially more physical then perhaps a greater mental struggle in the later stages. 

Windows are a great sign of what you will feel when things are balanced. As time passes you’ll notice more windows that are longer in duration. Its good you have been experiencing them regularly. Just keep that in mind when you feel bad.

Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - April 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 March 2024, Start tapering - 24 April 2024

Current dose: 55.09mg  (1 July 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Fish oils, Magnesium, Vitamin C

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Thank you so much for helping me! 


Yeah WD is just brutal. And for a young person like me (21) it's just hell.( For all people it's hell)

All your friends are living life. And you go through hell everyday and have no idea what your life will look like. 


I hope that it will get better faster when I reach a threshold. 


Many people say that the first year is the hardest.. and after that it get's better? Could that be true? 



23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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