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Success: Lossleader's recovery From Protracted Zoloft Withdrawal and PSSD

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Iggy, I tried writing you a personal message but it wouldn't let me send it. I think your box is full. I have a question for you if you wouldn't mind writing me?

I started out on zoloft 50 mg or 20mg (can't remember at that point) and was on it for a few months then decided I didn't want to take it because of the side effects so I cold turkey'd it and then was miserable and reinstated and all my symptoms went away and I felt normal. Stayed on it for a while tried lexapro 5mg for a month or two instead to see if I had less side effects. Then switched back to zoloft 20mg I think and weaned down to 6mg and jumped off too soon because it supposedly wasn't a "therapeutic dose" and was told it would be ok. Then I was going through withdrawal again so I reinstated again after about a month I switched to prozac because it's easier to wean off of supposedly. Weaned off over 9 month from 8mg Prozac. Then two months after stopping it on September 2, 2014. I went into withdrawal.


18 months off as of March 2, 2016

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for posting this, especially the sexual dysfunction part of the post.

still figuring out the technicalities of posts here, sorry guys, definitely got some Chronic Brain Impairment here, but...

slow & steady wins the race!!!

and I will post a new intro shortly




2002: "Situational depression" 2002-2010:Prozac.Birth Control.2011 Short trials: Paxil, Celexa, Lexipro, Wellbutrin, Xanax, Ativan- Gee, Doc never mentioned protracted AD wd syndrome. Imagine that. 2011-2015. Lamictal. Seroquel. Remiron. 2012: "Complex post traumatic stress disorder." Fast taper of Remiron jumped off June 2013. Slow tapers ever since of Seroquel & Lamictal.  crippling muscle spasms. crying fits. panic attacks. akathisia. nerve twitches. the jitters. the heebie jeebies. de-personal/realization. numbness. tingling. fatigue. lethargy. nightmares.insomnia. weird images. eye pain.vertigo. dizziness. brain zaps. and on and on and on. withdrawal? side effects? which drug? impossible to know. Stopped Seroquel October 2015.  Stopped Lamictal  March 2016. Had more severe muscle/joint spasms that paralyzed me for 3 days at a time, last episode was March 2017.Going back to work as of February 2018 after 14 years off full-time work due to the crippling effects of psych meds. Check out Robert Whittaker "Anatomy of an Epidemic" for  his breakdown of the rates of mental disability  since the introduction of Prozac into the human population. Best solutions for me: Social support via AA meetings. Acupuncture. Meditation. Dance. Nature. Yoga. Social support online with psych med survivor community. Nutrition. Exercise. More outdoor time. Go sit in the sunshine for 5 minutes. Touch a tree. Breathe deeply.



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  • 3 months later...

I read this story regularly, it really helps during the dark days.

20+ years of Zoloft 50-100 mg CT 03/2014 for 5 months
Back on Prozac 20 mg for 4 months CT since 11/2014
Found this forum the last day of 2014
The secret is to keep going!  Time will heal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a great story!  Definitely does give hope.  The one thing that concerns me is that 7 years for me will put me in my late 60s.  I better damn well live long enough to enjoy some normalcy!   :)

12-2001 -- Started Effexor XR - 150 mg dose  2005 -- Tried to cold turkey off it.  Lasted 3 days and then went back on 150 mg.  2009 -- Went on generic Effexor due to cost.  Have had a lot more side effects on it.  09-24-13 -- Started tapering by taking 2 beads out of 150 mg capsule.  10-17-13 thru 07-17-14 -- Took 2 more beads out of capsule each month.  08-2014 -- Dropped by 8 beads.  Went into a HUGE depression.  05-03-15 -- Now taking 22 beads out of capsule.  Went to micro-taper of 2 beads every other week.  11-10-15 -- Taking 96 beads (About 54 out of capsule.  Reversed the way I was taking them since the amount in the capsule varies).  Can now drop 8 beads a month, 4 every other week, with no problem.  After a while switched to dropping 2 beads every Monday as 4 at a time was starting to affect me.  Have no problem with dropping 2 beads every Monday.  07-07-16 -- Now taking 43 beads with no problems. 09-27-16 -- Now taking 2 beads out every other Monday.  Am at 33 beads now.  12-11-17 -- I AM NOW OFF EFFEXOR!!!!!  

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  • 1 month later...

This story is a winner for all who are suffering.

20+ years of Zoloft 50-100 mg CT 03/2014 for 5 months
Back on Prozac 20 mg for 4 months CT since 11/2014
Found this forum the last day of 2014
The secret is to keep going!  Time will heal.

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That is really inspiring. I hope one day to be writing a post like that on here...and I will.


I hope more recoverers share their stories. Hope is essential in this situation. Good on you, OP. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I love this story, would love to know if this guy tapered or cold turkey'd. Anyone know??

Been on citalopram 40mg for 10 years then 25mg sertraline for just under a year

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Hi there,


One of the success stories that really seems to give me hope is the one posted by lossleader. He really went through the mill in withdrawal but I often wonder does anyone know what his drug history was??


Did he cold turkey, or taper?? How long was he on Zoloft, and what other ssris did he take if any?? What specific side effects did he encounter?


Maybe Altostrata can remember?? Or one of the other long time servants of this site??


I know it's not always wise to draw comparisons but having arrested a Zoloft withdrawal myself recently I find myself wanting to compare my own symptoms and drug history.


Thanks for any info, I tried searching the archived Paxil progress site but it doesn't yield any results.


Thanks in advance

Been on citalopram 40mg for 10 years then 25mg sertraline for just under a year

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  • 1 month later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

Bump - because it's so excellent! (also Cooper's question about taper vs. cold turkey is good, if any old-timers remember more of the story)

"Easy, easy - just go easy and you'll finish." - Hawaiian Kapuna


Holding is hard work, holding is a blessing. Give your brain time to heal before you try again.


My suggestions are not medical advice, you are in charge of your own medical choices.


A lifetime of being prescribed antidepressants that caused problems (30 years in total). At age 35 flipped to "bipolar," but was not diagnosed for 5 years. Started my journey in Midwest United States. Crossed the Pacific for love and hope; currently living in Australia.   CT Seroquel 25 mg some time in 2013.   Tapered Reboxetine 4 mg Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 = GONE (3 years on Reboxetine).     Tapered Lithium 900 to 475 MG (alternating with the SNRI) Jan 2014 - Nov 2014, tapered Lithium 475 mg Jan 2015 -  Feb 2016 = GONE (10 years  on Lithium).  Many mistakes in dry cutting dosages were made.

The tedious thread (my intro):  JanCarol ☼ Reboxetine first, then Lithium

The happy thread (my success story):  JanCarol - Undiagnosed  Off all bipolar drugs

My own blog:  https://shamanexplorations.com/shamans-blog/



I have been psych drug FREE since 1 Feb 2016!

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  • 6 months later...

Thanks so much for posting this. LL reminds me so much of myself. Although I have to say that he is anything but a loser, his story does make me believe that if he can do it so can I. Even without the therapy and vitamins, lifestyle changes and positive attitude that I keep thinking are absolutely necessary for recovery. LL seems to be proof that they're not. Yay! Cause most days I just can't do it.


Thanks again

PatriciaVP@AbleWriterSays My Intro


Zoloft 150-200 mg- on and off between 1998 and 2004.


Lexapro 40 mg - 2004-2013 30 mg 2013 - August 2015 20 mg August 2015- September 2015 15 mg September 2015 - October 2015 10 mg October 2015 -Nov. 1 2015. Nov. 2015 increased dose to 12.5 mg to stabilize. Dec. 28 2015 11.25 mg March 29, 2016 10 mg. August 1, 2016 9 mg. October 23, 2016 8.1 mg. Nov. 29, 2016 7.5 mg. Feb. 25, 2017 7 mg. April 9, 2017 6.5 mg. June 2017 6 mg. Aug. 2018 5.75 mg March 2019 5.5 mg Apr. 2019 5.25 mg. June 2019 5 mg Sept. 2019 4.75 mg Nov. 2019 4.5 mg Dec. 2019  4.25 April 7 2020 4mg 


Depakote 1000 mg 2008-2013  750 2013-Dec 2015 500 mg Dec 2015 to Feb 2, 2016. Sopped completely Feb 2 2016.


Adderall 40mg 2004-Feb 29, 2016. Feb 29,2016 - reduced Adderall to 20 mg based on pdoc's recommendations. March 29, 2016 - Reduced Adderall to 15 mg. April 30 reduced Adderall to 10 mgs. May 28, 2016 reduced Adderall to 5 mgs.June 8, 2016 stopped taking Adderall due to extreme agitation.


Amphetamine 20mg 2008 - 1/16. 1/16 - Stopped Amphetamine completely because pdoc did not renew script.


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Getting to understand the lingo here - protracted withdrawal.

Wonder if after 1 month free of drug and feeling so bad

should I take smaller dose of Zoloft again and then taper?

The depression is destabilising my relationship.

How long will this take? If years my relationship will be

dead and buried. During this period the ability to make

clear decisions is very difficult. Grateful for the sharing of these

Heartfelt stories.

I am off Zoloft 50 all together now. Tapered for a month.

Off the tab for 4 week now. Feel very depressed with brain

zaps - feeling fatigued and tired , getting lots of migraines.

Trouble sleeping. Is this part of the withdrawal?

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Inspirational! And I need inspiration.

My suggestions are not medical advice. They are my opinions based on my own experience, strength and hope.

You are in charge of your own medical / healing / recovery choices.

My success story |  My introduction thread


ZOLOFT FREE - COMPLETELY DRUG FREE 4/28/2019! - total time on 28+ years

BENZO FREE! 4/7/2018 - total time on 27+ years

REMERON FREE! 12/11/2016 - total time on 15 months

Caffeine & Nicotine Free 2014 / 2015 - smoked for 28 years

Alcohol Free 4/1/2014 - drank for 30 years

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  • 5 months later...

I don't get it. 4 years or 7 years if I had to go 2 years with the withdrawl symptoms I have now there's no way I could do it.. I cold turkey from 2mg of prozac, if you even call that a cold turkey.and the reaction I got you would thought I cold turkey from 60 mg. I don't believe these drugs have that power. But they do. I think it's so prolonged because we are under so much stress the the hyperstimulsted stress response is always on full bore and never gives the brain or body a chance to heal from the traumatic shock that just happened. But who knows just boggles my mind a heroin junkie doesnt even take this long to recover but a ssri takes years to recover. There's got to be somthing to help us all without suffering. We can land spaceships on the moon but a person has to suffer ssri withdrawl for years. Doesn't make sense.. I also think these pills are poison and the government in bed with the pharmacy company's to get people hooked on them. If you want to make money start investing in pharmaceutical stocks. Everyone on a pill and everyone buys into the bullcrap ads..these pharmaceutical company's should be in prison

I was on paxil for 9 years. From 2004 to 2013. Switched to prozac got off and on couple times in that year then eventually staying on prozac last 2 years. Starting at 2 mg cutting the pill every day. Got up to 4 mg for about 5 months then lowered back down to 2mg for past 6 months. Then quit the 2mg. First week was ok then it hit hard. Confusion, dizzy, felt like was passing out. Anxiety attacks, felt depersonalization, body spasms, felt really weak like I could barely hold anything. Then had a few days felt normal then back to confused and had no emotion. Then my eyes and ears were very sensitive and still are.. About 6 weeks in got super depressed almost suicidal thoughts from the stress and the toll it has taken on me. I thought it would get better but hasn't.. So at 7.5 weeks reinstated to a little under 1mg with liquid. I don't take any other medication or supplements

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  • 1 month later...

I am so glad to hear this story as I am 9months into protracted withdrawal and have taken the worst headaches ever this week another new symptom that I'm struggling to cope with. My weight is falling off and I can't tolerate any medication at all. I'm so glad to hear that this will end in time. Thank you

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone know if he tapered slowly or just quit Sertraline. I'm pretty much in the same situation currently as he was. 200mg of it I believe? I'd be indebted to anyone who can help me find a bit more about his story.  :excl:



2008-2012: Cymbalta, Zyprexa, Valium (5 days supply),

2012 - Seroquel x 4 weeks C/T. 

2014 - Seroquel x 2 Weeks C/T. Crossed to Risperidone 3mg for 6months until December.

2014 - Stopped Risperidone. Xfer > Anti-Depressant 200mg Zoloft and 6mg Clonazepam. 

2018 - 150mg Clomipromine changed Anti-depressant. Tapered Benzo to 1mg Clonazepam. 2019 - xfer to 20mg Diazepam. 



Anafranil: 75mg. 17th Dec 2022 70mg. 27th Dec 22: 75mg, 14 January 23': 70mg. 16-26th January: 50mg (too fast drop no sleep). Jan 28th 2023: 70mg. 20 Feb 2023: 65mg. 11/06: 60mg 9/08: 55mg 15/08/23 : 50mg
3/03/2024: 60mg (Updose) 25/04: 57.5mg 22/05:53mg


        Diazepam (V): 25th Oct 2019' 20mg. 22 Dec 19' 19mg. 04 Apr 2020' 18mg,  30 September 20' 17.5mg , 13 Nov 2020' 17mg. 01 January 2021: 16mg, 13th Aug 21' 15mg. 1st Nov' 2021 14.5mg. 1st Dec' 2021 14mg. 13 January 2022: 13.5mg, 11 Feb: 13mg.  11 April 22' 12.5mg, 12 May 22': 12mg, 6th September 2022: 11mg Valium. 9th October: 10.5mg, 25th Oct 10mg. 12 March 23: 9.5mg 2 April: 9.25mg 23 April: 9mg 12/05: 8.75 26/05: 8.5 12/09: 8.25 21/09: 8.5. 3/10: 8.25 17/10: 8mg 20th Nov Brassmonkey: (7.9.,7.8, 7.75) 5 Feb: 7.25mg. 23 Feb: 7mg. 8th April 6.9mg 16 April: 6.8mg 29/04 6.7mg 6/05: 6.6mg 13/05: 6.5mg

*.      Have tried to go at faster rate than 0.5mg but is currently too fast. 

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  • Altostrata changed the title to Success: Lossleader's recovery From Protracted Zoloft Withdrawal and PSSD
  • 2 months later...
On 6/27/2015 at 9:08 AM, bananas said:

What a great story!  Definitely does give hope.  The one thing that concerns me is that 7 years for me will put me in my late 60s.  I better damn well live long enough to enjoy some normalcy!   :)

I see that as a good age too. Plus you want to be out of withdrawal when in afterlife. I believe everything good we do to ourself and others will serve us in the end somehow.

2015june psyc ward due to psychosis

10 days 10mg zyprexa. stopped cold turkey. side effects were blinking eyes, eyes shut down by themself when going to sleep, restless,hunger. I had natural sleep (6hrs) before zyprexa. Slept exact 8hours with zyprexa.


2015july one month after cold turkey(had own sleep during this time exact 8hours every night, felt like zyprexa sleep even though i didnt take it) I lost my sleep over a night and it never came back. 0hours for 7-10days before I had to reinstate zyprexa on 5mg first 2days 10mg 1week 5mg 1week and then stopped CT. maybe also had 7.5 and 2.5 some days dont remember.


2015sept/october 3weeks Nitrazepam 1w Theralen build of sleep


2016may psyc ward psychoziz. Trilafon injection Immovan 3weekz


2016june 1week theralen had some extra sleep but realised its just pushing problem forward i guess


2019 Ive now been medicine free for almost 2.5 years (I think last Trilafon injection was 2016 October) and still not fully recovered. I believe my overdose on Zyprexa (20mg + injection) did most damage. 

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@Iggy131313 are you still good?


Were your semen volume affected during this time as well? if so was it restored?


Great story

2015june psyc ward due to psychosis

10 days 10mg zyprexa. stopped cold turkey. side effects were blinking eyes, eyes shut down by themself when going to sleep, restless,hunger. I had natural sleep (6hrs) before zyprexa. Slept exact 8hours with zyprexa.


2015july one month after cold turkey(had own sleep during this time exact 8hours every night, felt like zyprexa sleep even though i didnt take it) I lost my sleep over a night and it never came back. 0hours for 7-10days before I had to reinstate zyprexa on 5mg first 2days 10mg 1week 5mg 1week and then stopped CT. maybe also had 7.5 and 2.5 some days dont remember.


2015sept/october 3weeks Nitrazepam 1w Theralen build of sleep


2016may psyc ward psychoziz. Trilafon injection Immovan 3weekz


2016june 1week theralen had some extra sleep but realised its just pushing problem forward i guess


2019 Ive now been medicine free for almost 2.5 years (I think last Trilafon injection was 2016 October) and still not fully recovered. I believe my overdose on Zyprexa (20mg + injection) did most damage. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/2/2013 at 4:49 PM, Iggy131313 said:

The recovery was slow and painful, but I became conscious of every little improvement as it happened. I got used to the pattern: something would get better for a while, then suddenly everything would swing right back and all that recovery would vanish. But I learnt the trick - once something had recovered temporarily, it was only a matter of time before it recovered permanently. It made no difference if it came back for a while... it had already revealed its weakness, and sooner or later it was going to be gone for good. That was true in every single case.

I needed some inspiration, something to give me hope. Just found it here.Thank you.


Dosulepin 75 mgs per night since 1993.           Dosulepin March 16  2018   75mgs and 50 mgs alternate nights.             Dosulepin. March 30. 2018.  50 mgs per night

Dosulepin. May 2. 2018. 50mgs and 25 mgs alternate nights

Dosulepin. May 27 2018. 50 mgs per night ( increased )

Dosulepin. July 11 2018. 45 mgs per night

Dosulepin. August 13 2018  40 mgs per night

Dosulepin  October 10 2018. 37.5 mgs per night

Dosulepin. October. 24 2018. 35 mgs per night

Dosulepin. December 5 2018. 32.5 mgs per night

Dosulepin.  January 2. 2018  30mgs per night   February 14 2018  29 mgs per night

Dosulepin February 27  28 mgs per night



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Thanks Steve for directing me here...

massive well done to this guy 

he is so not a loser at all!!a warrior 


First AD when i was 19.Binge drinker/drugs 15 years weekend use.I was always pulled on and off.2005-2007-Mirtapine 45mg CT. 2010-2016 Paxil 40mg + Zopiclone.Jan-2016 i was CT off Paxil.Stopped alcohol Jan 2016.Given 2-4mg of Diazepam April 2016 CT them after 3 month.They reinstated 8mg of Diazepam July 2016 and the Doctor CT me off Zopiclone the same day.They then tried adding all different drugs Mirt one of them at 15mg (i took 7.5mg).I was tapered August 2016 7.5mg.Sep 2016 7mg.Oct 2016 6mg.Tried 1mg of Paxil-stopped after 2 days.Nov 2016 5.5mg.Tried olanzapine @2.5mg (stopped after a week)Dec 2016-5mg.Tried switching to liquid Jan-March 2017 (no good)back to pills.April 2017-4.75mg of Diazepam June 2017 -4.5mg.July 2018 went inpatient for 10 days.Awakening 4 days later.HELD.Sep 2017 4.3mg Dec 2017-4mg (Held)April 2019- started tapering the Mirtazapine.Sep 2019 at 6mg of Mirtazapine (HELD)Stopped smoking CT after 26 years.10.16.19..Restarted the Diazepam taper Jan 2020 micro tapering (game changer) now 18/7/23 @0.052mg Diazepam + Mirtazapine @6mg.



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On 1/2/2013 at 4:49 PM, Iggy131313 said:

The recovery was slow and painful, but I became conscious of every little improvement as it happened. I got used to the pattern: something would get better for a while, then suddenly everything would swing right back and all that recovery would vanish. But I learnt the trick - once something had recovered temporarily, it was only a matter of time before it recovered permanently. It made no difference if it came back for a while... it had already revealed its weakness, and sooner or later it was going to be gone for good. That was true in every single case.



This is comforting. I may put this mantra on my wall


In line with the sentiment in this recovery story, when withdrawal came on and didn't relent I thought why this  , after everything else!  Can i not be one of those that gets away with it? I don't have the resilience for a battle like this . please universe give me a break . Of course,  limbic kindling may play a big role in all this, all being interconnected.


However, stories such as the above are hugely impactful and give me strength, hope and perspective. Already I am learning new ways to contextualize the withdrawal from those with lived experience. I may not be healing as fast as I hoped but I am not where I was. At least I have tools now.


Thank you for sharing

1999:  Paroxetine (20mg). Age 16. 2007-2008: Fluoxetine (Prozac) for 1.5 years (age 25) Citalopram 20mg 2002-2005, 2009: Escitalopram (20mg), 2 weeks, (age 26) (adverse  reaction)/*Valium 5mg/Temazepam 10mg 2010: Mirtazipine (Remeron)( do not remember dosage) 2010, 5 months.                     2010-2017: Citalopram (20mg) (age 27 to 34) 2016: i.1st Sept- 31st Oct Citalopram 10mg , ii.1st November 2017-30th November 2017, Citalopram 5mg iii.1st December 2017- 4th February 2018, Citalopram 0mg, iv.5th February 2018- March 2018 Citalopram 5mg (10mg every other day) 28th February- tried titration of 5mg ( some adverse effects)

2018: 1st March 2018- 1st June Citalopram 10 mg (tablet form) /started titration 8mg , then 7 mg.2018: June 15th- 10th July Citalopram 10 mg pill every other day 2018: 10th July - 13th Sept Citalopram- 0mg  (CBD oil first month of 0mg, passiflora on and off) 2018 13th Sept Citalopram  2mg ,  approx 16th Sept 4mg , approx 25th Sept 6mg held.  2019: 11 Feb 19: 7mg (instant bad rxn) 12 Feb 19 6mg held 1 May 19 5.4mg held 5 Oct 19 5.36mg 22 Oct 19 5.29mg 30 Oct 19 5.23mg 4/NOV/19 5.18mg 12 Nov 19 5.08mg 20 Nov 19 4.77mg 7 May 22 2.31mg 17/09/2023 0.8mg

(Herbal/Supplements since 1st September: Omega Fish Oil 1200mg, 663mg of EPA- 2 tablets a day, magnesium and magnesium bath salts)

I did not die, and yet I lost life’s breath
- Dante
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
  • Mentor

This story is my favourite along with pug's story!

Cymbalta 30 mg- 60 mg 

06/2016-  10/2018 ( Cold Turkey) 

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  • 1 month later...
  • Mentor

Great story! Glad Loss recovered and regained his life back! :)

I follow The Plant Paradox lifestyle by Dr.Gundry. This lifestyle has given me my life back and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. It has enabled me to finally get off of this medication and truly live my life. Nutrition is the key to health!!!!! 

2008 to 2019  - 20 mg Paroxetine

Attempted 2 CT's around the 5-6 year mark. Were absolutely terrible and reinstated. Was never explained by the doctor the seriousness of the short half life of this drug. 

2017 - Attempted a tapered discontinuation of this drug and reinstated after being unsuccessful.

2019 - Feb. 12 - After a three month taper I am off of paroxetine. The 3 months were terrible, awful withdrawal feelings. I followed the doctors guidelines for the reduction of this drug and now know it was way too fast. 
2019 - Oct. 12 - 8 months off paroxetine. 75% improvement since coming off the drug. Definitely have had tons of challenges along the way. Let’s go!!!! 

2021 - Feb. 12 - 24 months off paroxetine. I have minor challenges now. Tinnitus/Headaches are still around but are reduced by a massive amount. 


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  • 1 year later...

I just read this success story.  It gives me some hope to do things right and not give up.  Either way, we have no choice.  Besides the sexual recovery I would have liked to know if mentally it felt like before taking anything like an antidepressant?  By this I mean the emotions, the joy of living to be REALLY as before.  Sexuality is one thing and it hurts me a lot to have it but I would say even more to feel like a zombie with a blank stare and the feeling of being somewhere else permanently since the stop. @Iggy131313

Hello everyone, I was on seroplex 10mg in October 2019 for over a year and then on brintellix from March to September for maybe 8 months. I made several attempts to stop abruptly then I resumed the treatment of brintellix recently for a few weeks because it was too difficult to stop.

Symptom when stopped: premature ejaculation, ejaculation with less orgasm. Severe insomnia, transient headaches, sensitivity to noise and light.

Last intake of brintellix 5mg: Saturday, September 11, 2021

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On 1/2/2013 at 5:49 PM, Iggy131313 said:

once something had recovered temporarily, it was only a matter of time before it recovered permanently

Thank you so much for this text. What do you mean with "recovered temporarily" ? 


 You mean when some symptom was completely gone for some time(1 day), it is just a matter off time until it will go for ever?

23.11.2020 - 06.07.2021 Duloxetin

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