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Mark and "Paxil"

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Hi everyone,


I'm Mark, living in Marseille, south east of France, I'm 36 yo.


I began Paxil (Deroxat in France), in 1999, given for a "IBS" (irritative bowel syndrom)...  20mg a day (1999-2014).


2010-2014 were the best years of my life, friends, family, job, music, soccer, etc etc...


Mid-2014 I decided by myself to reduce Paxil. So, I started to take 20mg a day, then 10mg next day, then 20, then 10 ...


End 2014, jav/fev 2015, I took 10, 5, 10, 5.. then 5mg... 2 weeks after being at 5 mg / day, my life turned to hell. Many symptoms occured weeks after weeks : Nausea, dizziness, lightheadness, belly ache, loss of appetite, tinnitus, electric schocks when moving eyes...

Then i thought about my paxil reduction... I re-start 10mg in 2015, then 20mg since january 2016, but my symptoms are still here...

Now, I just wanna die with those awful nausea all day, dizziness etc... Sometimes I have 1, 2, 3 days where symptoms seem to reduce, then they retstart awfully...

In 2015 I had all medical examination to exclude other problem : Colonoscopie, Pillcam (for small intestine), Ultrasound, 2 Belly MRI, 2 head MRI, tons of blood analysis, eyes tests, inner ears tests, etc, etc... Nothing found...

I saw more than 20 doctors in 18 month (gastro, neuro, diagnosticians, ENT, opthalmo, psychiatrists...). None want to listen me, and all say that's not a problem with my paxil, because Withdrawal least no more than few weeks...

I'm here, to claim for help. i really need somebody who understands me, who well knows withdrawal problems, etc...

I don't understand why I don't feel better since I have re-taken 20 mg...

Sorry for my bad english.

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Bienvenue à notre site, Mark! -- Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants (SA)!
I'm sorry that your attempts to discontinue paroxetine (Paxil, Deroxat, Seroxat (UK)) have withdrawal symptoms rocking your "boat". The symptoms you describe are very common in withdrawal from paroxetine and other SSRI drugs and psych drugs generally. To learn more, please read
Introduction to antidepressant withdrawal syndrome

What is withdrawal syndrome

The symptom pattern you mention -- no symptoms for a few days after which they return -- is also very common. An antidepressant survivor called them "Waves and Windows"  We have a discussion topic about that
The Windows and Waves pattern of stabilization

Please read this topic about Tips for tapering off Paxil (paroxetine)

We recommend that people reduce their dose by 10% OR LESS each month to prevent activating the central nervous system's response to drastic changes, or to prevent aggravating an already activated CNS.

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?
A request: Would you summarize your history in a signature -- drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements, in the last 12-18 months particularly? Any drugs prior to that can just be listed with start and stop years.
Please put your withdrawal history in signature
A suggestion: You may way want to follow this topic so that you get notifications when someone posts in your thread.  Click the gray "Follow this topic" button. A dialog box appears:  select one of the notify options, then click follow this topic in the dialog box.

Please read the topics I've linked and come back here to ask questions and let us know how you're doing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.
1997-1999 Effexor; 2002-2005 Effexor XR 37.5 mg linear taper, dropping same #beads/week with bad results

Cymbalta 60 mg 2012 - 2015; 2016: 20 mg to 7 mg exact doses and dates in this post; 2017: 6.3 mg to  0.0 mg  Aug. 12; details here

scallywag's Introduction
Online spreadsheet for dose taper calculations and nz11's THE WORKS spreadsheet

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Merci beaucoup :)


I'm gonna read the links you gave me.


Your request : ok, I will.

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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Hello Mark,


All I can say that this is almost exactly my story. Only difference: I was longer on Paxil. I started re-taking it also, after quiting. See my post at introductions: I just posted it..


I have also been through all these specialist-visits...

Hope you get well.



1993-2013:  20 mg Paroxetine (Paxil/Seroxat). Doing fine

2014:           40 mg Paroxetine. Doing fine.

2015:           Slowly Tapering within 12 months from 40 to 10 mg. Started 1 mg Alprazolam in may 2015.

dec 2015:    From 10 mg to 0 mg in 2 weeks. Bad damages: tinnitus and dizzyness. Hospitalized.

Jan 2016:    Clomipramine and Sulpiride: damages got worse.

Febr 2016    Out of Hospital. Home again and unable to work because of the severe wd-sympoms

March 2016: Back on 30 mg Paroxetine, 1,5 mg Lorazepam (switch from Alprazolam to Lorazepam) and 7,5 mg                   Mirtazepine. Damages are still there. The mirtazepine and Lorazepam are mainly for my tinnitus (but do not work).

Aug 2016     Lowering the Lorazepam from 1,5 mg to 1 mg

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Hi Mark, welcome to SA. I've only been here a few weeks myself but I've learned so much from al the posts and topics on symptoms, selfcare and how to taper!
I just know you will find people here who will understand and recognize what you're going through!

Wish you all the best!

All my life: Occasional panic attacks. 2003: Burnout  2004: intrusion (OCD'ish) / anxiety. Therapies: acupuncture, Chinese herbs, hypnotherapy --> symptoms were manageable (did return once in a while), depression lifted.
2007 - Relapse, started with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Therapist recommended Fevarin (fluvoxamine) 150 mg. Recovery after 3 months and remained stable. Mild side effects.
2009 - Tapered fluvoxamine. No withdrawal symptoms. 2010 - Relapse, same Pure O thought and anxiety.  Started taking 100 mg of fluvoxamine but after 9 weeks no change in symptoms. Did not have any effect on Pure O thought. Switched to Lexapro (escitalopram) 20 mg.  Drug started working within 3 weeks. Mild side effects. Slowly over the years tapered to 5 mg.
2015: Lots of personal issues and setbacks, occasional panic attack. 2016: April started skipping doses; 5mg escitalopram every other day (in hindsight a bad idea)
May: Major relapse, anxiety and intrusion returned. Depression. Increased from 2,5 mg 15 mg in two weeks. Side effects: neuro-emotions
June: Escitalopram has no effect on the frequency of the intrusion...after 4 weeks my general doctor advised me to do a fast taper to 5mg. Withdrawal effects (2/3 weeks): neuro-emotions, lack of focus, crying spells, fatigue, muscle twitches in legs, cortisol spikes just before waking up July: Stable on 5 mg. Depression and intrusion lifted during holiday (lots of sunshine, long walks and relaxing) August: Drop down to 2,5 mg. Withdrawal effects (tinnitus, headagues) are noticeable, but still mild in comparison to the big drop earlier.
22th August: stopped escitalopram completely. Cortisol spikes just before waking up, still OCD (only temporary improvements), WD-depression and WD-neuro emotions.
Update 6 dec: no medication, any withdrawal symptoms not noticable. Taking supplements for intrusive thoughts and overall well being: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) omega 3 fish oils, zinc, vitamin d, magnesium l-threonate, ginko biloba


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On 7/6/2016 at 1:37 AM, Susanne said:

Hi Mark, welcome to SA. I've only been here a few weeks myself but I've learned so much from al the posts and topics on symptoms, selfcare and how to tape!

I just know you will find people here who will understand and recognize what you're going through!


Wish you all the best!

Thanks Suzanne. :)


The main problem for me, is that I suffer a lot, whatever If I take or if I stop... if I stop, it's worse (loss of appetite, electric shocks, worse tinnitus...). And with or without I have awful nausea, dizziness...)


Really awful. As I said, I just wanna die for those symptoms to stop... So I understand the story of "PIETER" who says on his post, that he was thinking about suicide, and when he wrote a suicide note...


Edited by ChessieCat
removed obscenity

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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  • 1 year later...



What if reinstatement doesnt work, and still having severe and disabling symptoms who never end??



1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Mark and "Paxil"
On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 11:14 AM, Mark said:

What if reinstatement doesnt work, and still having severe and disabling symptoms who never end??

When did you drop to the 15mg?

Being a recovering paxil addict  I can totally relate to what you are going through. 

A ri can take many months to stabilize. Your drug sig says in june 'a little better' well anything that's a little better in ssri wdl land is actually huge.


It sounds to me like you fell for the illusion that things are a little better now so I will just go and get off the drug ...my way. This is not an aspirin. It is a very potent brain altering dangerously addictive chemical.

Dropping to 15 mg is too much of a drop if you read the links given about tapering you will see that a 25% reduction is not what is recommended here. (10% is the rec rate of taper). SW told you this above. People here are taking many years of slow tapering to get out from under the weight of these chemicals. 

When did you go to the 15mg? This week? Last month? 

Looking at such a long exposure to this drug you may be best to taper at 5 % .

Do you think that you can cope and hold at 15mg ? Please don't do these sort of drops to yourself. It is difficult for people to understand the kind of suffering that is unleashed when full blown ssri wdl is triggered. Wdl symptoms can also be delayed. 

imo if you cant hold it here you may have to go back up wait it out and then taper again but at a much much slower rate ....say 5%. I'm convinced that starting slow is key. 


The medical profession have been sold a false narrative when it comes to wdl ...ie they blame the person and not the poison. Not to worry this site is full of people in a similar position to yourself we all 'get it' and understand.

Finally if you think you have been harmed by your doctor and this drug please write a complaint letter to the appropriate authorites in your country as this needs to be brought to their attention.

So glad you found this site. 



Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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1 hour ago, nz11 said:

When did you drop to the 15mg?

Being a recovering paxil addict  I can totally relate to what you are going through. 

A ri can take many months to stabilize. Your drug sig says in june 'a little better' well anything that's a little better in ssri wdl land is actually huge.


It sounds to me like you fell for the illusion that things are a little better now so I will just go and get off the drug ...my way. This is not an aspirin. It is a very potent brain altering dangerously addictive chemical.

Dropping to 15 mg is too much of a drop if you read the links given about tapering you will see that a 25% reduction is not what is recommended here. (10% is the rec rate of taper). SW told you this above. People here are taking many years of slow tapering to get out from under the weight of these chemicals. 

When did you go to the 15mg? This week? Last month? 

Looking at such a long exposure to this drug you may be best to taper at 5 % .

Do you think that you can cope and hold at 15mg ? Please don't do these sort of drops to yourself. It is difficult for people to understand the kind of suffering that is unleashed when full blown ssri wdl is triggered. Wdl symptoms can also be delayed. 

imo if you cant hold it here you may have to go back up wait it out and then taper again but at a much much slower rate ....say 5%. I'm convinced that starting slow is key. 


The medical profession have been sold a false narrative when it comes to wdl ...ie they blame the person and not the poison. Not to worry this site is full of people in a similar position to yourself we all 'get it' and understand.

Finally if you think you have been harmed by your doctor and this drug please write a complaint letter to the appropriate authorites in your country as this needs to be brought to their attention.

So glad you found this site. 




(Sorry for my bad english)


Long time since "15mg".


In fact, since I began my first "reduction" (2014) and now, I have made mistakes, mistakes and mistakes... Weeks at 20mg, weeks at 15mg, week at 20, 5, 15, 10 blablabla. I now know that I should have wait months at a stable dose, trying to reduce symptoms and stabilize my health...

Doctors tried to change... then gave my escitalopram, duloxetine, re-paroxétine, fluoxetine... I shouldnt have listen to them...

My nervous system is just out of order and sensibilized. When I try to reinstate something, it doesnt work at all and I suffer hell. When I take nothing, I suffer hell.

My last "events" : June 2017 to mid-sept, I was at 5mg Fluoxetine. Then, I stopped everything ... 10 weeks now...  It was hell, now it's just unbearable : Nausea, Vomiting sometimes, intense dizziness, intenses vertigo, tinnitus, brain zap, paresthesia, etc etc etc  I almost have half symptoms you can find on this list : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3357564/table/tbl3/

I cant get out anymore. Stay 18h/24 in bed... etc etc  Just wanna die for this hell to stop.

I think i'm like altostrata said on this forum :

Sometimes reinstatement does not work. The nervous system has taken such a hard hit from withdrawal, it's destabilized beyond whatever effect the drug might have had.

Sometimes reinstatement not only does not work, it causes an adverse reaction from a nervous system sensitized by withdrawal.



1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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I am so sorry you are in this most difficult position. The harms of these terrible drugs have been kept a secret by pharma.


Don't blame yourself ..if doctors don't have a cue we cant be expected to. But we have all had to un-patient ourselves.

Are you able to spend some time getting informed by reading the info on this site ? 

So it sounds like your drug sig needs updating. We can only go by what you tell us. So it looks like you are now on zero paxil. Zero anything for that matter.

And with the delayed wdl now hitting hard.

1 hour ago, Mark said:

Doctors tried to change... then gave my escitalopram, duloxetine, re-paroxétine, fluoxetine... I shouldnt have listen to them...

It is always wise to check in with sa before taking a doctors advice. The outcomes of there ignorant dangerous actions are often very predictable.

Switching ads to cover wdl of a prior one then 'rinse and repeat' is not a good idea and often leads to people ending up in a massive unimaginable mess.


2 hours ago, Mark said:

When I try to reinstate something, it doesnt work at all and I suffer hell

Have you tried to ri  paxil? 

Question- from june to sept you took 5mg Prozac how did that go, did you feel stable on it?


If you continue on drug free- the wdl may  continue to be disabling and may last for several years but it will get better with time as it has in my case.

You have now imo triggered full blown ssri wdl and it may be very difficult to finding an answer to relieve it. 

imo if you go back to the doctor to seek answers or for wdl relief they will hit you with a smorgasboard of chemicals and labels. 



You are not alone.






Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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31 minutes ago, nz11 said:

I am so sorry you are in this most difficult position. The harms of these terrible drugs have been kept a secret by pharma.


Don't blame yourself ..if doctors don't have a cue we cant be expected to. But we have all had to un-patient ourselves.

Are you able to spend some time getting informed by reading the info on this site ? 

So it sounds like your drug sig needs updating. We can only go by what you tell us. So it looks like you are now on zero paxil. Zero anything for that matter.

And with the delayed wdl now hitting hard.

It is always wise to check in with sa before taking a doctors advice. The outcomes of there ignorant dangerous actions are often very predictable.

Switching ads to cover wdl of a prior one then 'rinse and repeat' is not a good idea and often leads to people ending up in a massive unimaginable mess.


Have you tried to ri  paxil? 

Question- from june to sept you took 5mg Prozac how did that go, did you feel stable on it?


If you continue on drug free- the wdl may  continue to be disabling and may last for several years but it will get better with time as it has in my case.

You have now imo triggered full blown ssri wdl and it may be very difficult to finding an answer to relieve it. 

imo if you go back to the doctor to seek answers or for wdl relief they will hit you with a smorgasboard of chemicals and labels. 



You are not alone.







Yes... I know... Doctors... Bad advices... Ignorant dangerous action.. But now it's too late... 3 ******* years of my life burned... and still in withdrawal.

During this 3 years, i've tried many times to reinstate paxil... sometimes I felt a little better few days, then... hell came back... again and again...

While I was on 5mg prozac ?? Didnt do anything better for me, same awful symptoms. The only différence was brain zaps. Taking paxil or prozac, they were less brain zaps, and electric feelings in head, eyes, legs...

Now 10 weeks without anything, I dont wanna take any of those poison from hell anymore. Purhaps the only thing who is slowly actually decreasing, is those brain zaps... But vertigo have increase last week. I think I just need to wait and wait...

I think i have no choice. I have tried many times to reinstate... i dont feel better.

I just hope that my brain will slowly heal, and feel a little better with weeks, and months to come...



1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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I feel for you at this time.

I am sorry the medical profession have done this to you. 


Wishing you strength and patience to endure the rollercoaster of wdl.

I found when I realized the wdl was due to the drug and not me it gave me strength to survive it.


Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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8 hours ago, nz11 said:

I feel for you at this time.

I am sorry the medical profession have done this to you. 


Wishing you strength and patience to endure the rollercoaster of wdl.

I found when I realized the wdl was due to the drug and not me it gave me strength to survive it.



1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

Dear Mark, your story sounds awful. Paroxetine is very, very tough. I was on it for twenty years. I have tapered very slowly for over a year, and still it was next to impossible at times. I can only imagine what your experience must have been like, with going up and down so much, and throwing into the mix other drugs as well. I hope you will recover sooner rather than later. Take care, Mourad

Paxil/Seroxat/paroxetine 10 mg for over 20 years

Several failed attempts at quitting

Slow tapering since June 2016 using liquid paroxetine

Presently stabilising at 0,15 ml (0,3 mg) because of the worst withdrawal so far

June 2017: tried tapering further to 0,1 ml (0,2 mg) but that backfired badly. Stabilising again at 0,15 ml.

July 15, 2017: down to 0

Link to comment
18 minutes ago, Mourad said:

Dear Mark, your story sounds awful. Paroxetine is very, very tough. I was on it for twenty years. I have tapered very slowly for over a year, and still it was next to impossible at times. I can only imagine what your experience must have been like, with going up and down so much, and throwing into the mix other drugs as well. I hope you will recover sooner rather than later. Take care, Mourad

Thank you.

I have made mistakes, errors, and wrong choices...  I didnt know what withdrawal was when I start "tapering".

The first time I "tapered" (end 2014) I passed from 20mg to 5mg within two months... Too much, too quick :(  (I took paroxetine 15 years before that)

Then, I had no good advices from doctors, so I didnt take enough time to stabilize, Each few weeks or months I changed dosage, or product :( hoping something to help me...

Can you explain me in few words, which symptoms you have been through while your withdrawal ?



1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

Yes, many doctors are so clueless about antidepressant withdrawal. It's getting a little bit better, but not much.


I have many symptoms you also have: terrible headaches; nausea, dizziness and disorientation; loss of balance, unsteady gait; insomnia; upset bowels; waves of extreme emotions (rage, hurt, fear); blurred eyesight. Luckily, I didn't get the brain shocks and tinnitus.


The symptoms come and go in waves. Sometimes it's a little bit quieter. Sometimes it's a rollercoaster. The most persistent is the insomnia and the crazy emotions. The other stuff slowly got milder and milder over the months.


It's hard to persist. There are moments you feel so weak and unstable. It's a little easier if I remember very consciously this is all withdrawal. It may take time, but it will ultimately be temporary, however insufferable it is.

Paxil/Seroxat/paroxetine 10 mg for over 20 years

Several failed attempts at quitting

Slow tapering since June 2016 using liquid paroxetine

Presently stabilising at 0,15 ml (0,3 mg) because of the worst withdrawal so far

June 2017: tried tapering further to 0,1 ml (0,2 mg) but that backfired badly. Stabilising again at 0,15 ml.

July 15, 2017: down to 0

Link to comment
5 minutes ago, Mourad said:

Yes, many doctors are so clueless about antidepressant withdrawal. It's getting a little bit better, but not much.


I have many symptoms you also have: terrible headaches; nausea, dizziness and disorientation; loss of balance, unsteady gait; insomnia; upset bowels; waves of extreme emotions (rage, hurt, fear); blurred eyesight. Luckily, I didn't get the brain shocks and tinnitus.


The symptoms come and go in waves. Sometimes it's a little bit quieter. Sometimes it's a rollercoaster. The most persistent is the insomnia and the crazy emotions. The other stuff slowly got milder and milder over the months.


It's hard to persist. There are moments you feel so weak and unstable. It's a little easier if I remember very consciously this is all withdrawal. It may take time, but it will ultimately be temporary, however insufferable it is.

" It's a little easier if I remember very consciously this is all withdrawal. " Yes ... I agree. Very hard, but you're absolutly right...

While months I couldnt imagine withdrawal was responsible of all my symptoms... I thought I had an illness, so I had all medical exploration, few times... (MRI, Scans, ENT, all blood tests, endoscopy, etc etc)... Never found anything... Now, I understand why they didnt...


I see in your signature, you had tapered very very slowly... Lucky you are...

For me the most unberreable symptoms is this clock around, night and day nausea... it's paralysing me... And now the vertigo who is much worse since I stopped all SSRI ten weeks ago. In fact, the worst is now for me, because Fluoxétine had a very very long "half-life"... his metabolite "norfluoxetine" can stay weeks in body...

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

Hi Mark,

unfortunatly I’m another long time user of Paxil.

i didn’t the same thing as you and tapered myself off and crashed. I had a doctor try me on all other antidepressants and it just made things worse. My CNS is so sensitive now and I can only do micro drops. 

Mom not a moderator but I would take the paxil again at a very tinny dose and give yourself a few months to stablize. Hang in there mark and remember  your not sling in this 

  • 1995 started Paxil 20mg slowly increasing to 50mg 2014 I decided to tapper myself not knowing how too and crashed , DR added 50mg of Seroquel

  • Through the years made many mistakes tapering

  • Started Tapering Both drugs at the same time 7.5% per month Paxil 9% Seroquel doing daily micro-taper 

  • Guided by Mark Horowitz

  • 31/3/24 Paxil 10.31mg

  • 31/3/24 Seroquel 9.9mg

  • current  11/4/24 

  • 10mg Paxil

  • 7.5mg Seroquel 


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8 hours ago, Cheeky said:

Hi Mark,

unfortunatly I’m another long time user of Paxil.

i didn’t the same thing as you and tapered myself off and crashed. I had a doctor try me on all other antidepressants and it just made things worse. My CNS is so sensitive now and I can only do micro drops. 

Mom not a moderator but I would take the paxil again at a very tinny dose and give yourself a few months to stablize. Hang in there mark and remember  your not sling in this 

Same... Other antidrepressants made things worse for me.

I stopped 10 weeks ago. If I must die, so I will, but never again those poison in my body.

Can you tell me what are your symptoms. And what happens exactly when you "crashed", and which symptoms sent you to hospital ?


1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment



I reinstated paxil after about 7 months. See my signature. I would consider a small re-instatement. Cold turkey is the roughest ride you could take.


Your CNS is craving for a small dose, hence the withdrawal. I try to keep my CNS at my side. It's more important than my brain who would love to be paxil-free.

Took my first SSRI sipralexa/lexapro/escitalopram in 2007 for depression. In 2010 the doctor switched me to paroxetine/seroxat/paxil for anxiety.

My paroxetine story from then on:


2010-15 from 10mg up to 20mg

jan 2016 30mg

may 2016 0mg cold turkey (don't!)

dec 2016 symptoms: anxiety, tremor (could barely stand)

jan 2017 reinstated at 7.5mg to taper in steps of 10%


Dose changes from may 2017 to now: 


Link to comment
22 minutes ago, miT said:



I reinstated paxil after about 7 months. See my signature. I would consider a small re-instatement. Cold turkey is the roughest ride you could take.


Your CNS is craving for a small dose, hence the withdrawal. I try to keep my CNS at my side. It's more important than my brain who would love to be paxil-free.

I understand. however, I have already tried reinstatement, without any improvement.

As you can see in my signature, "

Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg "

Could you tell me what were your symptoms while those 7 months ?

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

It's just unimaginable how sick people can get from discontinuation. Also, how long the symptoms can take.
The endless nausea can be very taxing. Think about taking ginger (capsules, tea or crystals), that worked very well for me. When it gets too much, maybe also medication against car-sickness. There are also acupressure wristbands that have helped some people.

Hope you'll feel a little bit better soon! 

Paxil/Seroxat/paroxetine 10 mg for over 20 years

Several failed attempts at quitting

Slow tapering since June 2016 using liquid paroxetine

Presently stabilising at 0,15 ml (0,3 mg) because of the worst withdrawal so far

June 2017: tried tapering further to 0,1 ml (0,2 mg) but that backfired badly. Stabilising again at 0,15 ml.

July 15, 2017: down to 0

Link to comment
2 minutes ago, Mourad said:

It's just unimaginable how sick people can get from discontinuation. Also, how long the symptoms can take.
The endless nausea can be very taxing. Think about taking ginger (capsules, tea or crystals), that worked very well for me. When it gets too much, maybe also medication against car-sickness. There are also acupressure wristbands that have helped some people.

Hope you'll feel a little bit better soon! 


I have tried ginger capsules... but.. not very helpful... I've tried anti emectics : domperidone, metoclopramide , ondansetron... nothing works AT ALL. Purhaps a little, one hour or two... Then... nausea again... Just despairing... 3 years of nausea h24... In the morning, the nausea wakes up me...  Just wanna die for this to stop...



1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment
1 hour ago, Mark said:

I understand. however, I have already tried reinstatement, without any improvement.

As you can see in my signature, "

Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg "

Could you tell me what were your symptoms while those 7 months ?


I had 5 really good months (best of my life?), maybe partly because I was also fitnessing in that period. Then the 6th month anxiety came back and kept getting stronger and stronger. In the end I could barely stand, as I was shaking all over my body.

Re-instatement had an immediate impact suppressing anxiety, although I probably re-instated too high a dose. Only afterwards did I discover this forum.

Took my first SSRI sipralexa/lexapro/escitalopram in 2007 for depression. In 2010 the doctor switched me to paroxetine/seroxat/paxil for anxiety.

My paroxetine story from then on:


2010-15 from 10mg up to 20mg

jan 2016 30mg

may 2016 0mg cold turkey (don't!)

dec 2016 symptoms: anxiety, tremor (could barely stand)

jan 2017 reinstated at 7.5mg to taper in steps of 10%


Dose changes from may 2017 to now: 


Link to comment

Mark, i get it. in 2011 i went cold turkey off Xanax and suffered 2 years of vertigo and nausea. i would have done anything to have other symptoms instead. 


i read that you took Paxil initially for IBS which means your gut health was compromised then and may still be compromised. i'm a big believer that our gut is where the strength of our nervous system is and this is becoming a very well recognized topic that even my psychiatrist has heard of. anyway, i swear on everything that my dizziness and nausea after 2 years only improved with a very high-quality probiotic. i'm not saying it's your answer to everything but it's a healthy and no risk thing to try. 

KLONOPIN 0.5 tid from 11/2013-8/2014: substituted with zyprexa 2.5 mg and prozac 40mg

ZYPREXA taper 0.1mg/month 12/2014 - 1/2016

PROZAC taper schedule: 10 mg every 3 months

Feb 2017- 30mg

May 2017 - 20mg

Aug 2017 -10mg

Nov 2017 - none since the 8th



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2 minutes ago, miT said:


I had 5 really good months (best of my life?), maybe partly because I was also fitnessing in that period. Then the 6th month anxiety came back and kept getting stronger and stronger. In the end I could barely stand, as I was shaking all over my body.

Re-instatement had an immediate impact suppressing anxiety, although I probably re-instated too high a dose. Only afterwards did I discover this forum.

Ok. I have anxiety, sometimes crying spells, but my symptoms are essentially "physical".

When I try to reinstate, my symptoms don't decrease.  They did when I tried my first attemp to decrease, then reinstate Paxil in 2015.

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment
19 minutes ago, apollo556 said:

Mark, i get it. in 2011 i went cold turkey off Xanax and suffered 2 years of vertigo and nausea. i would have done anything to have other symptoms instead. 


i read that you took Paxil initially for IBS which means your gut health was compromised then and may still be compromised. i'm a big believer that our gut is where the strength of our nervous system is and this is becoming a very well recognized topic that even my psychiatrist has heard of. anyway, i swear on everything that my dizziness and nausea after 2 years only improved with a very high-quality probiotic. i'm not saying it's your answer to everything but it's a healthy and no risk thing to try. 

Thanks for your message.

Yes when I was 16 yo I started have IBS problems... Paxil was given to me for this reason...  But it didnt change anything for this IBS... but I went on taking it... (mistake I realise 18 years later...)

To tell the truth, now I don't really have problems with IBS... Sometimes a little, but nothing really annoying...

Yes i know guts are very important and "connected" with brain/nervous sytem.

I took probiotics before my paxil withdrawal. I took also some in 2015... but purhaps now I should try again...  i dont really know which on to take, there are thousands and many different "kinds"... Do you have advice ?

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

Have you tried the FODMAP diet? That helped me personally with IBS.

Aug-Dec 2015 Prozac 20mg / Dec 2015-Feb 2016 Prozac 15mg / Feb 2016-May2016 Prozac 20mg

May 2016-June 2016 15mg

June 2016-August 2016 10mg

October 2016-January 2017 15mg, alternating agitation/akathisia sets in --> cold turkey

January 2017 Clonazepam .5mg 

February 2017 Clonazepam 1mg (for a week) then .5mg morning and .25mg evening for about a month. Came down to .25mg morning and evening. 

May 1, 2017 Clonazepam .25mg morning and .125mg evening. // May 20, 2017 Clonazepam .25mg morning and .0625 evening (.3125 total).

early June .28125 // early mid june .25mg // mid june .21875 // late june .1875 // early july .15625 // early mid july .125 

mid july .09375mg // late july .0625 //early August 2017 down to .03125mg once a day, hopped off in mid August

reinstated at .0625mg late August // Oct 16 - updose to .07mg and switch to oral Rosemont solution

Nov 17 2017 reinstate Prozac .5mg // Nov 21 2017 prozac 1.6mg // Dec 18 2017  3mg prozac / fast taper off the reinstatement -- probably completely off early Oct 2018

June 2019 begin tapering off .07mg Clonazepam, Finish taper December 2019

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like bheb suggested the fodmaps diet is helpful. it helps the body heal on many levels. 


the ONLY probiotic that worked magic for me was PRIMAL DEFENSE ULTRA. i take it now through my prozac withdrawal and i'm not suffering much with vertigo, nausea, or digestive complaints. 


KLONOPIN 0.5 tid from 11/2013-8/2014: substituted with zyprexa 2.5 mg and prozac 40mg

ZYPREXA taper 0.1mg/month 12/2014 - 1/2016

PROZAC taper schedule: 10 mg every 3 months

Feb 2017- 30mg

May 2017 - 20mg

Aug 2017 -10mg

Nov 2017 - none since the 8th



Link to comment
2 hours ago, bheb said:

Have you tried the FODMAP diet? That helped me personally with IBS.


ok thanks

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

you can get through this. i was so sick post-xanax with all physical symptoms. 

KLONOPIN 0.5 tid from 11/2013-8/2014: substituted with zyprexa 2.5 mg and prozac 40mg

ZYPREXA taper 0.1mg/month 12/2014 - 1/2016

PROZAC taper schedule: 10 mg every 3 months

Feb 2017- 30mg

May 2017 - 20mg

Aug 2017 -10mg

Nov 2017 - none since the 8th



Link to comment
7 minutes ago, apollo556 said:

you can get through this. i was so sick post-xanax with all physical symptoms. 

I dont know. I really despair.

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

Link to comment

the way you are thinking is how myself and many others felt. you must keep fighting! try my recommended probiotic if you want. of course not everything works for everyone the same but when i was desperate i left no avenue unexplored that i knew wouldn't make things worse. i can find Primal Defense Ultra in any healthfood store here in the US or online but i'm not sure about France. 


your body is not defective, it knows how to heal with the right tools and time to recover, whether it has to be natural or prescribed. all advice you've received here is good stuff. 


don't make the last 3 years of suffering have been for nothing. 

KLONOPIN 0.5 tid from 11/2013-8/2014: substituted with zyprexa 2.5 mg and prozac 40mg

ZYPREXA taper 0.1mg/month 12/2014 - 1/2016

PROZAC taper schedule: 10 mg every 3 months

Feb 2017- 30mg

May 2017 - 20mg

Aug 2017 -10mg

Nov 2017 - none since the 8th



Link to comment
2 minutes ago, apollo556 said:

the way you are thinking is how myself and many others felt. you must keep fighting! try my recommended probiotic if you want. of course not everything works for everyone the same but when i was desperate i left no option unexplored. i can find Primal Defense Ultra in any healthfood store here in the US or online but i'm not sure about France. 


your body is not defective, it knows how to heal with the right tools and time to recover, whether it has to be natural or prescribed. all advice you've received here is good stuff. 


don't make the last 3 years of suffering have been for nothing. 


Thanks for your message

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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9 hours ago, Mark said:

Same... Other antidrepressants made things worse for me.

I stopped 10 weeks ago. If I must die, so I will, but never again those poison in my body.

Can you tell me what are your symptoms. And what happens exactly when you "crashed", and which symptoms sent you to hospital ?


Mark I had all the symptoms listed in the withdrawal list, I thought my life was over, I ended up reinstating my Paxil after being off for 3 months. After a couple of months I felt better again. I really think you should go back on paxil and wait it out till you feel well enough to

make decisions.

I have been were you are and it’s the scariest place on earth, a complete mind f..k.


  • 1995 started Paxil 20mg slowly increasing to 50mg 2014 I decided to tapper myself not knowing how too and crashed , DR added 50mg of Seroquel

  • Through the years made many mistakes tapering

  • Started Tapering Both drugs at the same time 7.5% per month Paxil 9% Seroquel doing daily micro-taper 

  • Guided by Mark Horowitz

  • 31/3/24 Paxil 10.31mg

  • 31/3/24 Seroquel 9.9mg

  • current  11/4/24 

  • 10mg Paxil

  • 7.5mg Seroquel 


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53 minutes ago, Cheeky said:

Mark I had all the symptoms listed in the withdrawal list, I thought my life was over, I ended up reinstating my Paxil after being off for 3 months. After a couple of months I felt better again. I really think you should go back on paxil and wait it out till you feel well enough to

make decisions.

I have been were you are and it’s the scariest place on earth, a complete mind f..k.


I understand what you say.

However I hesitate because almost all 2016 I was at 20 ou 15 mg, and I havent had really improvement... Sometimes I had 2, 3, 4, days a little better where I could get out, etc, but it was endless "waves"...

It was hell, and now is super hell.  If I reinstate again, then nothing happens like previously, so I prefer stay without and see if I obtain little improvements... :(

Added to my physical symptoms, this situation gives me anxiety, despair, feelings of panic, etc

As you said, I think you understand...

1999-2014 : 20mg Paxil, given for "IBS"...

2014 : Reduction, day 1 20mg, day 2 10mg, day 3, 20mg etc...
End 2014-jan/feb 2015 : Reduction again, 10-5-10-5, then 5mg... Then my life turn to hell.

April 2015 : Re-start at 20mg. Symptoms not stopped...  -  June 2015 : Back to 10mg. Not Better..
Sept 2015 : Stopped. 0 Mg. Awful dizziness etc. Symptoms + weight loss     -  Nov/Dec 2015 : Trial with Escitalopram.  Not better...
Jan to June 2016 : Back to 20mg Paxil. A little better, Regain weight, but awful symptoms still here...

June to sept  : 15 mg Paxil : awful    /  oct to mid nov : 20mg : no improvement
mid nov to mid jan 2017 : Cold turkey paxil to 30Mg Duloxetine : Some little improvements in december
Mid-jan to mid march 17 : cold turkey of everything... SSRI free... : Hell
mid march to may 17 :  few week 20 mg paxil : few days better sometimes...  / mid may to end may 17 : two weeks 10 mg paxil : hell
june to mid-sept 2017 : 5mg prozac : hell
july 2019 to now : SSRI FREE : get worse, then slow improvement

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