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Philliesfan: questions about tapering and withdrawal of klonopin


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Hello. I was prescribed klonopin 25 yrs ago. Started to feel ill 5 years ago and started to taper. Made a ton of mistakes and tried meds that were supposed to help but did not. I was at .5mg three times a day


 Now down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily. I'm confused. I feel much worse than before I started to taper but I know updosing did not help. I fear 25 years of use has caused me to be damaged beyond repair. Not sure if in using this site correctly if anyone will see this. Thanks


Edited by ChessieCat
added spacing

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Philliesfan: questions about tapering and withdrawal of klonopin

Klonopin taper


Hello. I'm new here. Been on klonopin forc25 years prescribed .5mg daily. I started having problems before tapering which I thought were tolerence. Now down to 3/4 of .5mg pill daily. Has anyone experienced ringing in their ears and fear of heights? I can no longer even look up at the sky or a tree without shaking with fear. Also has anyone felt worse while tapering than they did before tapering? I feal much worse . Thanks


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • Moderator

Hi @Philliesfan


Welcome to SA. I'm sorry you are going through what you are, but glad you found this site. We are run by all volunteers that have been through or are going through the things that you have been/or are going through at the moment.


First, can you please create a signature:


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


This is your thread. This is where you can ask questions, receive information, talk with other members. We ask that each member only have one page to keep everything nice and neat and we can have everything in one place.


I'm going to give you some links to read. I think they might help in what you are going through right now.


Tolerance, or Tachyphylaxis


What is Happening in Your Brain


Fear, terror, panic, and anxiety


Keep it Simple, Slow and Stable


We don't recommend a lot of supplements on here. But there are 2 that a lot of members find relief with. You can try one at a time and only take a small amount for a few days to see how you will react to them.




Omega-3 Fish Oil


I think I have bombarded you with enough information for now. Above all, you have to take care of you. 


If you have any questions, which I'm sure you will, don't hesitate to reach out and ask questions. We are here to help you.



PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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Hi Frogie. I updated my signature. Thanks for the information you sent and quick response. 

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • 10 months later...

I'm not sure if i'm using this site correctly. I'm tapering off klonopin. Down to .125mg a day from 1.5mg a day. Can I use a prescription shampoo for a skin condition on my head called clobetasol propionate? It is a corticosteroid. Thanks for any help

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • Moderator Emeritus
9 hours ago, Philliesfan said:

I'm not sure if i'm using this site correctly. I'm tapering off klonopin. Down to .125mg a day from 1.5mg a day. Can I use a prescription shampoo for a skin condition on my head called clobetasol propionate? It is a corticosteroid. Thanks for any help


You can use online drug checkers like this one to see if there are any drug interactions with other prescriptions: 


Drug Interaction Checker


You can also call your pharmacist just to make sure it's safe. If you got both prescriptions at the same pharmacy, they should let you know if there's an interaction, but with all of the chaos of the pandemic, it's always good to call and double check. 



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Thank you for the help Shep. After reading my question I realize I probably did not word it right. I met to ask if taking this medication could cause my withdrawal symptoms to get worse because I've heard certain drugs and supplements can be a problem. For example certain antibiotics are know to be problematic. I couldn't find anything about corticosteroids being an issue.

Thank You for the quick response. 

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • Moderator Emeritus
14 hours ago, Philliesfan said:

I'm not sure if i'm using this site correctly. I'm tapering off klonopin. Down to .125mg a day from 1.5mg a day. Can I use a prescription shampoo for a skin condition on my head called clobetasol propionate? It is a corticosteroid. Thanks for any help


If it was me I would be trying other methods before using this product.  We have members here at SA who have had issues (increased WD symptoms) when using ear drops and eye drops containing steroids.  I suggest you do your own research about possible (general - ie no WD AD) side effects




It is absorbed though the skin.  This is related to children but is evidence that it is absorbed.


From:  https://www.drugs.com/clobetasol-topical.html#dosage


Children can absorb larger amounts of this medicine through the skin and may be more likely to have side effects.


This is for cream:


From https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/clobetasol-propionate-cream-3546665/

How potent is clobetasol propionate?

Clobetasol propionate is one of the most potent topical corticosteroids. It is classed as super potent. The potency of a corticosteroid can vary depending on its concentration and how it is formulated (ie, ointment, spray, cream). Different brands containing the same corticosteroid at the same concentration may still vary in potency.

Other super potent topical corticosteroids include:

  • Betamethasone dipropionate (Diprolene ointment)
  • Desoximetasone (Topicort spray)
  • Diflorasone diacetate ointment (Psorcon ointment)
  • Flurandrenolide (Cordran Tape)
  • Fluocinonide (Vanos cream 0.1%)
  • Halobetasol propionate (Ultravate cream/ointment).


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

@ChessieCatexcellent research, CC.


@PhilliesfanIf you have to take this drug or any one for medical reasons, do so at the lowest dose possible. That way if there's a problem, you won't have to suffer as much damage. You can always increase the dose, but do so very gradually. 


As Chessie noted, you may want to try other methods, perhaps research holistic healthcare sites. 



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Hi Shep and ChessieCat. Thank you for the info and fast response. It is very helpful.

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • 8 months later...

Some symptoms go away and new ones emerge


Hi and thanks for any help in advance. I took klonopin for 23 years. .1 mg daily. I hot tolerance withdrawal in 2012 and after many mistakes did a three year taper starting in 2019. I have now been off klonopin for 6 months. My symptoms cone and go and everyday feels differant. I seem to have periods of a few days where things get better but then I get hit with terrible symptoms. Is this normal after six months? I feel like I'm worse right now but last week I had a few days that were tge best I've had in years. My symptoms are insomnia, panic, depression, confusion, strange head sensations, tinnitus, dizziness, weakness and my stomach gets upset when i hitca wave. I fear I'm never going to get better. Is this normal to have such erratic changes in symptoms for no reason? Thanks for any help.

Edited by Shep
added title after moving from another thread

Klonopin. 1.5mg daily since 1999. Started taper 2020. Down to 3/4 of a .5mg pill daily.

2015 Prozac one month

2015 zoloft six months

2016 paxil three months

2016 ability three months. 


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  • Moderator

Yes @Philliesfan, this is quite a normal pattern of withdrawal symptoms, and unfortunately, they can last for months or years, but will generally improve with time if you remain drug free just try to live a healthy lifestyle. The FDA recently issued a boxed warning for benzodiazepines where they warn of protracted withdrawal which can last longer than a year (See new label for klonopin here) 


The symptoms usually follow a "windows and waves" pattern, where symptoms wax and wane seemingly at random. We have a long list of non-drug coping techniques you can use to deal with these that can make them much more manageable once you find the ones that work for you. I don't think we know exactly what causes these symptoms or why they occur in the pattern they do, but it likely has something to do with the brain adjusting to life without the drug (upregulating GABA receptors).


I know the protracted nature of the symptoms can be quite distressing, but rest assured, you will get better. It's great news that you were able to do a three year taper. Many people taper much too quickly (over weeks or only a few months) and suffer much more as a result. I don't think anyone can tell you for sure when symptoms will fully resolve, but I can confidently say they will improve over time, but there aren't any shortcuts or magic treatments that will fix them. Anyone trying to sell you products or treatment programs claiming they will fix things is likely just trying to make money. 


The best advice I can give is to learn to manage the symptoms without drugs or supplements, and in the meantime, live a healthy lifestyle and improve your general health to the best of your ability (by regularly exercising, doing your best to sleep and eat healthy, and regularly spending time with friends and family). That should help to foster the conditions necessary for your body to adapt back to normal, fully-functional health, however long that takes. 

Remeron - 2004-2005 (bad withdrawal)

Clonazepam - 2005-2018 (jumped around March)

Olanzapine - 2014- late 2017

Domperidone - 2008-2018

Many drugs in between including Lexapro, other benzos and z-drugs.

Still suffering post-withdrawal from Clonazepam (Klonopin), Olanzapine and Domperidone. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

@Philliesfan and @DataGuy 


Please note I moved the above posts from the benzo forum and placed them here to keep all Philliesfan info in one place (and the benzo forum isn't getting as much attention as it used to).


On 7/12/2023 at 11:20 AM, DataGuy said:

(See new label for klonopin here) 


Thanks for posting this, Dataguy. It's good to see the label updated and regulators finally acknowledging this. The latest FDA updates are frustratingly slow but definitely moving in the right direction.



On 7/9/2023 at 3:47 PM, Philliesfan said:

My symptoms are insomnia, panic, depression, confusion, strange head sensations, tinnitus, dizziness, weakness and my stomach gets upset when i hitca wave.


As @DataGuy wisely noted, you will feel better over time. 


Are you currently taking any supplements? We don't recommend a lot of supplements, as many members report their nervous systems are simply too fragile to handle them. However, magnesium and fish oil tend to be calming to the nervous system and many people report they do help. Please only add in one supplement at a time and at a small dose. For more, please see:


 King of supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)


Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker


When adding in or subtracting supplements, we advise only making one change at a time and in small increments. Please see:


The rule of 3KIS: Keep it simple. Keep it slow. Keep it stable.


You may find some helpful tips here for your symptoms:



Non-drug techniques to cope with emotional symptoms


Eating healthy (no sugar, processed foods, alcohol, or caffeine), getting plenty of water, taking a daily walk in the sun when possible, and resting as much as possible are all helpful. 



On 7/9/2023 at 3:47 PM, Philliesfan said:

I have now been off klonopin for 6 months.


Please update your signature to show your stop date and what dose you stopped at. A direct link to your signature is here:


Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature


This will get better over time. Please continue to drop by with updates as you feel able. 




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