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LadyBartonella: lyme and WD or all in one


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2010- Two years of severe headaches. Bad vision in one eye. Muscle pains. The doctors did not say anything.
2012- anxiety appeared. the first drug sertaline - a paradoxical reaction. I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms.
2012- 2016 paroxetine - - I tappered slowly, but I did not know yet that it should be stopped more slowly. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. Return to the drug worsened the matter. I crashed. Bridge with fluoxetine. A year passed.
at the end of September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories.
08/08/2016-now fluoxetin 20 mg
01/05/2016- now- triticco / trazadone 75 mg clonozepam -
04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment.
Now I am treated with ILADS ( Lyme and bartonella) and also tapper psycho drags.
I want to not rule out the syndrome and stop the drugs safely. I am asking for support and exchange of experience, especially people who suffer from Lyme disease.
I need to make plan.
How to discontinue: clonazepam 0,125 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg and trazadon 75 mg
How I feel now:
Antibiotics have sustained discomfort from the urinary tract and improved the results of cytology. I have more windows, but I still experience strong hits of depression and pain in small joints, a specially neck.
Through complicated diagnostics of Lyme disease and the syndrome, I do not know which symptoms are from what.
Thank you for your attention, sorry for mistakes.






2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Petunia changed the title to LadyBartonella: LYME and WD or all in one
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Hi LadyBartonella,

Welcome to the forum.


Its good you came here to get help with tapering off your drugs, we have a lot of good information about how to do it safely.


But first, please could I ask you to put your drug and withdrawal history in your signature. We ask everyone to do this. It appears below each of your posts and helps us to help you. Here are instructions for how to do it: 


Please put your withdrawal history in your signature


You could just copy that first section from your post there, to make it easier.


Please put ALL the drugs you take in the drugs.com Drug Interactions Checker at:


Drug Interactions Checker


You may post the results here in your thread. There are some rare but potential dangerous interactions between all the drugs you are taking, they could be causing some of your current symptoms.


Its good you have finally found the real cause of your original symptoms and have your lyme diagnosis, and now have the proper treatment. Unfortunately its quite common for symptoms of other illnesses to be misdiagnosed as psychiatric conditions and given the wrong treatment, which rarely works, but only suppresses some of the symptoms, leaving people with a dependency on harmful drugs which cause increasing side effects.


But you are here now and we can help you safely taper off your psyche drugs.


I will list some topics which are relevant to your situation and history. Please read through them carefully before deciding on your taper plan. If you have any questions, you can come back here to your thread to ask them.


Taking multiple psych drugs? Which drug to taper first?

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Tips for tapering off Prozac (fluoxetine)

Tips for tapering off trazodone (Desyrel)

When you are ready to begin tapering clonazepam please start a topic for yourself in our  Members-only benzo forum


Lyme Disease (posts from members with a lyme diagnosis)


You can use this thread as your ongoing journal to track progress, write about symptoms, ask questions and communicate with the community, add to it whenever you want. Its a good idea to bookmark it or follow it, so its easy to find again.


Please stay in touch and let us know what you decide.










I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • 9 months later...

Hi everyone,


I close to finish clonozepam tapper.

Ah, this nigthmare will never end. Now I deal with servere depression.



2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • ChessieCat changed the title to LadyBartonella: lyme and WD or all in one

I have not recovered for so long that sometimes I wonder if it was WD. Maybe after tappering I got a very strong relapse. Sometimes I think I should go to a psychiatrist and give him a lead. I worry that I'm hurting myself, by doing slow tapper. 1,5 yrs ago when my dr told me that I should try other drugs I told that I will follow your rules. I stopped to try new drugs and I started to tapper clonazepam. I was unable to stabilise completely, so I was cutting when it was bearable. All this time strong fight.


Now still I have 20 mg of fluoxetine and 75 mg of trittico (trazadone). I should start new battle. It looks like many years I will suffer and will not stabilise till I don't know when or if ever.

Sorry for my english, I am not native.


Edited by ChessieCat
fixed up font

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • 1 month later...

Soon it will finish of clonozepam tappering.

I am on 0,003 mg.


I suffer from 2,5 yrs (after I tappered paroxetine too fast).

When I think that it will take an other years to wean myself of Prozac and Trazadon and then get better I feel hopeless.


Depression is really strong.


2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Please help me to find the right way. 

I feel hopeless :-(

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 5/17/2019 at 2:14 AM, LadyBartonella said:


Soon it will finish of clonozepam tappering.

I am on 0,003 mg.


I suffer from 2,5 yrs (after I tappered paroxetine too fast).

When I think that it will take an other years to wean myself of Prozac and Trazadon and then get better I feel hopeless.




I am sorry you are feeling hopeless.  But you are almost off the Clonazepam and that is a real accomplishment. And you are off the Paxil, which is a really difficult drug.  Yes, you went too fast but you did the best you could and now you are recovering and healing every day as your brain recovers from Paxil.


You will feel better, I wish I could tell you when, but you will.  I have two more drugs to taper after Lexapro and it will take years.  I just have to take one day at a time.  You can do this.  It is very hard, I know, but you can do this.  


Don't start tapering your next drug immediately after you finish the Clonazepam taper.  Rest for a few months before starting the next taper.

Edited by Gridley

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of June 28: 5mg

Taper is 93% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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Thank you for your response. I'm happy that at least clonozepam is at the end. However, my mood did not improve. I wonder what to do. Certainly, the cocktail of antibiotics does not help in recovery, but I have Lyme disease. In addition, Alto mentioned that you can become addicted to other drugs from taking for a long time. In my case antibiotics. I also take a lot of supplements, of course, from the doctor's recommendation.



I care the most about overcoming a serious depression. I just do not know what causes it the most:

  • SSRI on which I am (fluoxetine)
  • Lyme disease and co-infections
  • benzo WD- only that I had impacts before I went to withdrawal
  • Fluoroquinol - unfortunately I also had 3 levaquin tablets after which I got very bad eight months ago



My depression began with the first SSRI drug - which worked on anxiety, but  it caused depression. I can not stop taking fluoxetine suddenly.



I think what to do. Abandon the treatment of Lyme disease. Too much at once: benzo, ssri wd, lyme, floxed. At this stage, I need advice from experienced people

(sorry for mistakes I am not native English)


Edited by ChessieCat
changed font and changed to bullet points from **

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
12 hours ago, LadyBartonella said:
  • Fluoroquinol - unfortunately I also had 3 levaquin tablets after which I got very bad eight months ago


Fluoroquinolone antibiotics affect the same receptors cites as benzos and can displace benzodiazepines from their binding sites on GABA-receptors. This can precipitate acute withdrawal in people taking or tapering from benzodiazepines.


For people with current or even prior benzo use, they are dangerous - 
Is there another antibiotic that's not  fluoroquinolone you can take?

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of June 28: 5mg

Taper is 93% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your reply,

Yes I can take others. For sure I will not try  FQ antibiotics again.


Depression is super hard now. It comes in waves. Egz. 07:00 8/10 , 11:00 6/10  15:00 3/10

I am wondering if this could be still paroxetin WD, because from this time still I have waves.  It was 2 yrs ago, but maybe it  is prolonged WD.

Anyway I switched paroxetine 2 yrs ago, so if it mean I could't stabilise on  till I will be off all drags (fluoxetine, trazadon)?


Other hand depression is most popular symptom of Lyme.


When I treat Lyme I take many supplements, herbs and antibiotics and this is not helpful for WD.

If I knew that all that depression is WD, I would pause Lyme treatment,

If I knew all is from Lyme, I would focus on treatment and stop tapering for a while.





2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Depression since 2 yrs (started 3 months after last dose of paroxetine)


.What should I do? As it is from the point of view of the SA group. I have it because:


1)I have a prolonged withdrawal syndrome


2)because ssri drugs cause it - paradoxical reaction- (during tappering paroxetine (25% each 2 months from 20 mg-  I was feeling better than ever- everything started when I was off 3 months, I got strong depression from third pill of my first drag <sertraline> )


My symptoms are :

neck pain, mental fog, lack of short-term memory, arthralgia, muscle pain, depression, fatigue, concentration problems,


The severity of symptoms changes- from 9/10 till 3/10, unfortunately with a predominance of these high severity


Edited by ChessieCat

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus



I received your PM but will answer you here. Since you are on multiple drugs, it's hard to know what is causing what. Please start a drug and symptoms journal (instructions provided below).


It's possible that you are dealing with the effects of the antibiotic and the supplements, so please include these in your journal, as well.


Also include the number of hours you are sleeping each night. 




On 9/27/2016 at 2:49 PM, Altostrata said:

In the course of discussion in your Introductions forum topic, you may be asked to keep notes on paper of your daily symptom pattern, including when you take your drugs, their dosages, and any symptoms. We ask this because there may be something we can do to reduce the symptoms.


What we need to see for every single day over several days is what symptoms you get before and after you take your drugs. If you're not taking any drugs and have withdrawal symptoms, we still need to see your symptom pattern throughout the day:


The time of day, dosage, and severity of symptoms are essential information. Include


- Time and dosage for all drugs taken throughout the day, psychiatric and non-psychiatric.

- Following each dose, note any symptoms. If you are having a reaction to the drug, it may take hours for a symptom to show up -- that's why we ask you to keep notes all day long.

- If you're not taking any drugs, your symptoms throughout the day.

- Your sleep pattern. Since so many drugs disturb sleep, if you find you're waking in the middle of the night, it could be from a drug you took earlier in the evening. If you're not taking any drugs, there may be ways you can improve your sleep.

And so forth. A diary, in chronological order, looking something like this:
6 a.m. Woke with anxiety
8 a.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
10 a.m. Stomach is upset
10:30 a.m. Ate breakfast
11:35 a.m. Got a headache, lasted one hour
12:35 p.m. Ate lunch
4 p.m. Feel a bit better
5 p.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
6 p.m. Ate dinner
9:20 p.m. Headache
10:00 p.m. Took 50mg Seroquel
10:20 p.m. Feeling dizzy
10:30 p.m. Fell asleep
2:30 a.m. Woke, took 3mg Ambien (NOT "took 1/2 tablet Ambien")
2:45 a.m. Fell asleep
4:30 a.m. Woke but got back to sleep




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Thank you for your answer. 

I am 2 weeks off antibiotics becauseof my stomach issue. 


8:40 Woke with depression 7/10 , palpitations 4/10, hand tremors , brain fog

8:50 took water dissolved clonozepam 0,0023 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg

11:00 I took Lyme herbs BORELYMA

13:30 diner (salad French fries )

14:00 I had 2 good hours.

18:00 I took charcoal

20:00 omega 3, b12, magnesium malate, d3,  probiotics

22:00 trazadon 75, desloratadine, d3,

woke up 7:00 

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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          I wonder if this is not PTSD after experiencing WD from drugs. How to manage that if every day brings new traumatic experiences.


7:00 woke up with depression 7/10, confusion 7/10, fatigue 7/10, neck pain 6/10,

7:30 I took clonozepam 0,0023, fluoxetine 20 mg

8:00 I took pantoprazol for stomach acids

9:00 ate almonds

10:30 went for baptism as a godmother- I was distracted so my sympthoms were reduced

13:00 went for baptism party- ate a lot (chinken, cake, soup, friuits, coffe, lemonade, )

18:00 finished

19:00 sympthoms were back

20:00 took nystatin for candida 

22:00 took trazadone 75 mg, desloratydine, omega 3, magnesium malate, probiotics



2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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06:30 I woke up tired. With mental fog 8/10 and depression 8/10, muscle pain 7/10,
07:00 I took a day off in bcs of sympthoms, took enterosgel for detox
09:00 clonozepam 0.0023, forgot to take fluoxetine
10:00 I ate breakfast
11:00 symptoms have decreased to 6/10
12:00 took borelyma- (Dipsacus sylvestris, Cistus incanus, Withania somnifera, Uncaria Tomentosa, Andrographis paniculata)
14:00 - I went for a walk (symptoms 4/10)
18:00 - 22:00 symptoms 3/10
22:00 I fell asleep but I woke up in 50 minutes with symptoms 7/10
23:00 took trazadone 75 mg, omega 3, b12, probiotic, magnesium malate


Many ppl here felt at first good taking these drugs, I got sick after taking them. Maybe what happens to me is not WD but a paradoxical reaction. Maybe I should do a test in np genomind and see which drugs cause it to me. It's been 2.5 years :-(


2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 6/30/2019 at 2:47 AM, LadyBartonella said:

I am 2 weeks off antibiotics becauseof my stomach issue. 



Thanks for keeping a daily journal for the past few days. It can take awhile to stabilize after being on an antibiotic, as well as recovering from the illness that caused you to need the drug. And since you mention being floxed, it can take a really long time to heal from that, so please do as much self care as you can.


On 7/1/2019 at 4:11 AM, LadyBartonella said:

8:00 I took pantoprazol for stomach acids


How long have you been taking pantoprazol? Please add this to your signature.


Account - Settings - Create or Edit Your Signature


Pantoprazol is a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) that can cause you to not absorb key vitamins and nutrients (such as vitamin B12), so if you've been on it for a long time or even taking it off and on frequently, some of your symptoms may be coming from that. 


Also, please add the name of the antibiotic and the dates you were on it in your signature. 


I noticed you aren't taking the same supplements every day. For instance, you took borelyma on June 30 and July 2, but not on July 1. I'm not familiar with these supplements, but any time you take supplements erratically, it makes it difficult to find symptoms patterns in your daily drug and symptoms journal. 


Please try to be as consistent as you can.


How is your sleep? Do you sleep all night? 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/3/2019 at 12:31 PM, Shep said:

How long have you been taking pantoprazol? Please add this to your signature.


I take it occasionally.

2-3 times a month.


On 7/3/2019 at 12:31 PM, Shep said:

And since you mention being floxed, it can take a really long time to heal from that, so please do as much self care as you can.

I don't know what exacly happened but after first pill I went into big wave
Now i don't know what is lyme , fluorochinole or wd related.
I know only that all started from stopping paroxetine. I never healed 100% from that time. I got only positive Lyme test and had bad experiance with fluorochinole.
On 7/3/2019 at 12:31 PM, Shep said:

For instance, you took borelyma on June 30 and July 2, but not on July 1. I'm not familiar with these supplements, but any time you take supplements erratically, it makes it difficult to find symptoms patterns in your daily drug and symptoms journal. 


Sorry, but is due to my memory problems, I take Borelyma every day. Ah, I know ashwaganda can trigger benzo WD, but I need to take. 



On 7/3/2019 at 12:31 PM, Shep said:

How is your sleep? Do you sleep all night? 


Oh yes, trazadon turns me off. Like in clock I wake up at 8 in the morning.

I am unfortunately sleepy during day.


Yesterday I slept from 17 to 23, then I took  trazadone 50mg and slept till 7:00. Firtst time I took less than 75mg because I can't be so tired in work and in home.


Sheep thank you for your reply.

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
4 hours ago, LadyBartonella said:
I don't know what exacly happened but after first pill I went into big wave
Now i don't know what is lyme , fluorochinole or wd related.
I know only that all started from stopping paroxetine. I never healed 100% from that time. I got only positive Lyme test and had bad experiance with fluorochinole.


If you didn't have any symptoms prior to stopping paroxetine, I would be very suspicious of a Lyme diagnosis (which can be hard to diagnose). 


It may take awhile for your nervous system to gain stability after all of this, but the fact that you are sleeping is good. 


4 hours ago, LadyBartonella said:

Yesterday I slept from 17 to 23, then I took  trazadone 50mg and slept till 7:00. Firtst time I took less than 75mg because I can't be so tired in work and in home.


Do you feel that you would benefit from reducing the Trazodone? 


If so, you could reduce that drug next, but I wouldn't reduce from 75 mg down to 50 mg. Please only go with the 10% reduction method. Please see:


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Tips for tapering off trazodone (Desyrel)


The goal would be to reduce the trazodone enough so that you're still sleeping, but aren't so hungover the next day you can't go to work. 


Please continue posting your drug and symptoms journal. 



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7:00 I woke up tired 8/10, depression 6/10,

7:30 clonozepam 0,0015, fluoxetine 20 mg

8:00 I ate breakfast with gluten


During day:


During the day I had a change of mood. Once I felt relatively stable, and sometimes I was overwhelmed with mental fog and depression.



Friends visited me for wknd, so I had changes in day routine. 

I went sleep at 5 in the morning and took Magnesium Malate, Omega 3, D3, trazadone 75 mg,


Was similar to yesterday. 

I was more tired and I fall a sleep at 21:40
and took Magnesium Malate, Omega 3, D3, trazadone 75 mg, 




7:00 I woke up depression 6/10, mental fog 8/10, fatigue

7:20 I took clonozepam 0,0015 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg 

In work I ate some cookies and food with gluten 

 I had foggy mind (feeling numb) till 13:00 then it decreased, but still I was tired

22:00 I took Magnesium Malate, Omega 3, D3, trazadone 75 mg,


On 7/12/2019 at 3:27 PM, Shep said:

If you didn't have any symptoms prior to stopping paroxetine, I would be very suspicious of a Lyme diagnosis (which can be hard to diagnose

Yes, that is why I did 2 tests in two different laboratories, both positive. However, there are asymptomatic people with a positive results. Also I used to have ticks (in total 6).

In my case problems with AD started with first SSRI. I got adverse reaction and I was having new symptoms (I took for mild anxiety- after AD I got suddenly- SS thoughts, intrusive thoughts, insomnia, burning skin, panic attacks and much more). Exactly the same as paroxetine WD, but it was shorter. Maybe I have adverse reaction still ?


On 7/12/2019 at 3:27 PM, Shep said:

Do you feel that you would benefit from reducing the Trazodone? 

On 7/12/2019 at 3:27 PM, Shep said:

The goal would be to reduce the trazodone enough so that you're still sleeping, but aren't so hungover the next day you can't go to work.  


Yes, I was less tired. Unfortunately, also more nervous, I returned to a constant dose. 
I'll finish this clonozepam and then I'll start next.

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
2 hours ago, LadyBartonella said:

In my case problems with AD started with first SSRI. I got adverse reaction and I was having new symptoms (I took for mild anxiety- after AD I got suddenly- SS thoughts, intrusive thoughts, insomnia, burning skin, panic attacks and much more). Exactly the same as paroxetine WD, but it was shorter. Maybe I have adverse reaction still ?


Yes, that does sound like an adverse reaction, which for some people, can take months to even years to heal from. However, you're still taking an SSRI, so you may be having side effects from the fluoxetine.


Do you plan to taper the fluoxetine next? That may be the best plan. 


We generally recommend tapering the benzo last, however, you're almost off clonazepam. Since the Trazodone helps with sleep, you'll want to taper that drug last. 


Since you have a history of adverse reactions to SSRIs, you may feel better as you reduce the fluoxetine. But you may want to hold for a few weeks after you come off the clonazepam and give your nervous system time to rest. 




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Thank you.

I am here because I don't know which road will  be good for me.

Doctors in Poland know nothing about any ssri problem. If anything happen they say its illness.


8 minutes ago, Shep said:

Yes, that does sound like an adverse reaction, which for some people, can take months to even years to heal from. However, you're still taking an SSRI, so you may be having side effects from the fluoxetine.


Yes, I did experience that. When I started to reduce paroxetine I was feeling so good, like 100% healthy. All tapering and 2 months off was wonderful. Then I got hit. In one moment I became very sick. Nothing was helping: benzo, ssri. Friendly speaking I don't know how I survived till now.


When I will start next journey, how I can prevent this to happen again? I feel WD long after cut, so I can't find out if it is to slow or to fast.

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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I'm sure you know that depression is a common symptom of lyme disease, but also die-off from treating lyme disease can cause depression as well. Do you notice any improvement in how you feel when you are not taking anything to treat the lyme disease? If so, that might be a good indicator of what is causing the symptoms.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2019 at 2:44 PM, KMart95 said:

I'm sure you know that depression is a common symptom of lyme disease, but also die-off from treating lyme disease can cause depression as well. Do you notice any improvement in how you feel when you are not taking anything to treat the lyme disease? If so, that might be a good indicator of what is causing the symptoms.



I've seen better days, but they're still coming back these terrible ones. Better - 20% bad - 80%. Last week is the impression of a damaged brain. It started on Thursday and continues so far. As if the concrete was in my head. Plus I'm tired, depressed. I know it can be Lyme disease, but also benzo WD and SSRI, which I still take 😞 . The symptoms are constantly changing. From 3 to 9.


Edited by ChessieCat
changed font

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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On 7/17/2019 at 2:44 PM, KMart95 said:




Clonozepam 0,0012 mg

fluoxetine 20 mg

trazadone 75 mg




I don't take abx, but I should take tinctures (they are on alkohol- I take 20 drops and put into the water 200 ml) to keep my Lyme in control. I worry it can mess me up.





Edited by ChessieCat
changed font

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • 5 weeks later...

From 13.08.2019 I was taking 50 mg of trazadone but 21.08.2019 I updose to 62 mg. WD became stronger, can I go back to 75 mg ? Reinstalling after 14 days ? 


If my trazadone is CR then my cutting is changing drug to fast release? 

Please answer ASAP 

here is my symptoms history 



2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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Clonozepam- 0,00065 mg

fluoxetine- 20 mg
yesterday night trazadon- 50 mg (from 13.08)-

brain fog 8/10, anxiety 4/10, palpitations 5/10, short memory 8/10, fatigue 6/10
depression 5/10, shaking hands (trembling) 7/10

drunk celery&apple&lemon juice  - I felt better after
brain fog 3/10, palpitations 2/10,

14:00 depression started 8/10- till night I was miserable

skin- rash goes away


woke up with fear
anxiety 6/10, depression 8/10

I took meds- fluoksetine 20 mg, clonazepam 0,0006 mg

anxiety 2/10, depression 3/10, brain fog 4/10


triticco 62,5 mg
Omega 3
magnesium Malate



clonopin 0,0006 mg
fluoxetine 20 mg

anxiety 6/10
depression 6/10


depression 5/10,
brain fog 4/10,
anxiety 4/10

depression 5/10,
brain fog 6/10,
anxiety 3/10

21:30 trazadone 62,5 mg
omega 3, d3. malate mag, probiotics.

(whether is hot from 23.08.2019)



clonopin 0,0006 mg
fluoxetine 20 mg


depression 6/10,
brain fog 8//10,
anxiety 6/10
7/10 light sensivity
few times tingling in head / new sympthom (mrowienie w głowie)
3/10 hand termors
7/10 dizziness zawroty


depression 6/10,
brain fog 8//10,
anxiety 7/10
7/10 light sensivity
few times tingling in head / new sympthom (mrowienie w głowie)
3/10 hand termors
7/10 dizziness zawroty
8/10 haze, numb (zawieszenie, odrętwienie) 

21:30 trazadone 75 mg- I went back for oryginal dosage.





fluoxetine 20 mg, clonopin 0,0006 mg


I woke up with depression. 8/10, feeling like  huge hangover. 

bain fog 4/10

head pain 5/10

stomach pain 6/10


Still I don't take any Lyme drugs (to check what is Lyme related and what WD) 


Please answer for my post. I don't want to make any mistake with tappering. 

Maybe I feel worse bcs of benzo, maybe my mistake of cutting trazadone. 

Please help me to repair this mistakes safe. 


I suffer from 3 yrs, I don't know how long I can stand it. All from paroxetine WD in 2017 :-(


2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
8 minutes ago, LadyBartonella said:

Please answer for my post.


I've asked the other mods for assistance.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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15 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:


I've asked the other mods for assistance.

Thank you.

Question what I need to get answer is:


1) URGENT- Should I stabilise on original dosage 75 mg?


2) How I can tapper trazadone if it is CR (prolonged release)? I did water titration with benzo, but I don't know if trazadone CR can be tappered  this way. Alto wrote in tips for tappering that " I haven't personally done this and I don't know of anyone who has, so if you do it, please post your experience in this topic. ".


Second option is digital scale and cutting, but what about slow release CR?


3) I am on 0,0006 mg of clonopin, but I am not stable- and I doubt that I would be- bcs from paroxetine WD I never stabilized 100 %. When should I jump.


4) I couldn't stabilise from so long time. Only the insensitivity of withdrawal has changed.  It makes me stop believing I will ever recover. If everything is to continue in such suffering, I know that I have no strength to deal with it much longer. At the beginning I was sure it was temporary and it gave me hope and power to stand suicidal thoughts and other terrible symptoms. 

I have only facts:

first ssri I was 10 times worse-

tapering paroxetine- during it I was so healthy- till 2 months OFF when I crushed

I was diagnosed with Lyme (2 tests positive)- treating with antibiotics 14 months didn't help much







2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
Link to comment




5/10 nausea

7/10 depression

6/10 light sensitivity

sill feeling like hangover

6/10 brain fog

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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Please don't forget to answer me, I am so afraid that I will go into the same WD like in past, I worry that I will or already  hit my CNS.

Please before I will make bad decision about dosages.


Should I stabilise on original dosage 75 mg? From 13.08.2019 I was taking 50 mg trazadone in 21.08.2019 I updose to 62 mg. WD became stronger,  Reinstalling after 14 days ?  Yesterday I took 75 mg.

I was reading tips for trazadone, but I am not native and I worry I didn't understand. It was written that till one month we can try reinstall and also that reinstalment after month shouldn't be high. But if I did after 14 days?


Waiting for hearing from you and freaking out,



2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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7/10 headache 

8/10 depression 

6/10 flu like symptoms 

6/10 chills

5/10 anxiety 



2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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Soon I should take trazadone dosage and nobody answered. 



2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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Yesterday took trazadone 75 mg





Lyme/  WD

intimnate infection, which I can't get rid off- I used ginoxyn

bladder is better


06:00 I wake up with depression 7/10




Anxiety 4/10

Depression 5/10

Mental fog 4/10


8:00 Prozac 20 mg, klonopin 0,006 mg

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 8/29/2019 at 8:31 AM, LadyBartonella said:

Should I stabilise on original dosage 75 mg? From 13.08.2019 I was taking 50 mg trazadone in 21.08.2019 I updose to 62 mg. WD became stronger,  Reinstalling after 14 days ?  Yesterday I took 75 mg.


You were last at 75 mg on August 13, which was 17 days ago, so 75 mg may be too much. You only gave the 62 mg 9 days before going back up to 75 mg.


Please note my post from a few weeks ago:


On 7/12/2019 at 9:27 AM, Shep said:

Do you feel that you would benefit from reducing the Trazodone? 


If so, you could reduce that drug next, but I wouldn't reduce from 75 mg down to 50 mg. Please only go with the 10% reduction method. Please see:


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Tips for tapering off trazodone (Desyrel)


The goal would be to reduce the trazodone enough so that you're still sleeping, but aren't so hungover the next day you can't go to work. 


Your reduction from 75 mg down to 50 mg was a 33.34% reduction. Even going down to 62 mg was too drastic, as that's a 17.34% reduction. We only recommend a taper that's 10% or less a month.


It can take awhile for your nervous system to stabilize. 


4 hours ago, LadyBartonella said:



Lyme/  WD

intimnate infection, which I can't get rid off- I used ginoxyn

bladder is better


When did your symptoms of a bladder infection start? Some of your upticks in symptoms may be from this, so as you heal from this infection, you may get relief from withdrawal, as well. 


Did you get any relief at all when you increased to 62 mg? 




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Hello Shep, thank you  for your answer


8 minutes ago, Shep said:

Your reduction from 75 mg down to 50 mg was a 33.34% reduction. Even going down to 62 mg was too drastic, as that's a 17.34% reduction. We only recommend a taper that's 10% or less a month.


Yes, now fluoxetine and trazodone I will taper 10%. I used to tapper trazadone 75 mg just cutting in 3 pcs with no WD. I thought it would be the same, but from paro WD nothing is the same.


12 minutes ago, Shep said:

Did you get any relief at all when you increased to 62 mg? 


yes, little, but light sensitivity and brain fog was brutal.

Today I feel much better at second day at 75 mg, yesterday I was feeling like hangover. It looks like I got better by going back on original dosage, but I don't know what would be tomorrow.


14 minutes ago, Shep said:

When did your symptoms of a bladder infection start?

It started 3 weeks after I discontinued antibiotics, so I quess it's lyme, bartonella, related.


I can't stabilise bcs I never did 100%, so I will wait till it will be stable enough to go.


Before you suggested to start with fluoxetine first, I would like to do that, but I don't know what would be better bcs- trazadone I got  for sleep issues, which now decreased and it make me sleepy all day. Can I tapper trazadone to 50 mg by 10% a month, and then tapper fluoxetine?


Benzo- clonozepam I am at 0,0006 mg- after I will stablise a little maybe it time to jump?

after that tapper trazadone to 50 mg (10% monthly)

and fluoxetine to 0

at the end trazadone 50 mg to zero


I am wandering how many people still don't know they are sick from this drag. They change their medication all the time. I can't imagine what they feel. They think it is in their head.


The same Lyme association- drs give all off them benzos to survive treatment.


Thank you for your support You are doing amazing work here.

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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It was much better during day



depression 7/10 

anxiety 6/10 

palpitations 7/10 

fatique 6/10 


How could I make that mistake with trazadone after years of suffering. 


I hope it can stabilise soon. I must survive. 

2012 March- low anxiety, I started sertraline and I got adverse reaction. -.I got depression, ss thoughts and other bad symptoms 2012 May I was put on Clonozepam & paroxetine- it helped. I stopped clonozepam after 4 months with no issue. 2012- 2016 paroxetine 20 mg/ 30 mg

10/2016-02/2017 I tappered paroxetine and during this I was feeling wonderfull. 3 months without paroxetine and withdrawal syndrome appeared. I went back to paroxetine but I couldn't stabilise. CRASH
01/08/2016--Bridge to fluoxetine. fluoxetine 20 mg , triticco / trazadone 75 mg , clonozepam 0,5mg
September 2016 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I did test in two different laboratories- both positive 04.03.2017. from 20.11.2017 I started tapper from 0.5 to 0.125 mg- when I got some relief from Lyme treatment. I crashed on 01.02.2018, I slowed down tappering.
20/03/2019-  clonozepam 0,0062 mg,  fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
28/06/2019- clonozepam 0,0023 mg, trazadone 75 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg
29/07/2019- clonozepam 0,0012 mg trazadone 75 mg, fluo-20 mg
13/08/2019 clonozepam 0,0006 mg I cut trazadone to 50 mg bcs of terrible fatique- big MISTAKE- 21.08.2019 updosed trazadone to 62 mg-still WD- 28.08.2019 oryginal dosage 75 mg
26/09/2019 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 20 mg, trazadone 75 mg
06/05/2023 OFF clonozepam, fluoxetine 17 mg, trazadone 25 mg HOLD from 20.11.2021
FROM WD of paroxetine 2017 I have not recovered. I was diagnosed with Lyme, Bartonella , mold, I have low dao (Diamine oxidase). I don't know why but I have some relief from resweratrol, ginger, famotidine (Pepcid)
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