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Melissa03: paroxetine / Paxil WD


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I have been on paroxetine for 7 years,have tried many times to go off but unsuccessfully. Finally on 7 th year i lowered my dose from 20 mg to 10 mg. After panic attacked and insomnia appeared on my trip few months later I took 20 mg while I was on a trip and lowered it again on 10 mg.Due to some medical conditions that I suspected that are cause of paroxetine,I lowered the dose to 0 in maybe two months,way too fast. I was okeish for about two months ( I had all of the symptoms of wd but I fought with it ) and I compelety crushed this February . Tinitus and never ending insomnia are the worse. I started to Google and found all the posts about some neurological damage From this drug which made my anxiety worse. Doctor gave me lorazepam to sleep. My question is ,should I go back to 10 mg and taper more slowly? Am I in a risk of neurological damage From tapering too fast ? Is this tinitus permanent? How long wd simptoms approximately last ? I see I am in risk of developing tolerance to lorazepam since I have been using it two weeks for sleep. My doctor's don't know anything since one wants to put me on mirtazapine and other on Prozac. I am so worried and feeling alone in all this.

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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40 minutes ago, Melissa03 said:



I have been on paroxetine for 7 years,have tried many times to go off but unsuccessfully. Finally on 7 th year i lowered my dose from 20 mg to 10 mg. After panic attacked and insomnia appeared on my trip few months later I took 20 mg while I was on a trip and lowered it again on 10 mg.Due to some medical conditions that I suspected that are cause of paroxetine,I lowered the dose to 0 in maybe two months,way too fast. I was okeish for about two months ( I had all of the symptoms of wd but I fought with it ) and I compelety crushed this February . Tinitus and never ending insomnia are the worse. I started to Google and found all the posts about some neurological damage From this drug which made my anxiety worse. Doctor gave me lorazepam to sleep. My question is ,should I go back to 10 mg and taper more slowly? Am I in a risk of neurological damage From tapering too fast ? Is this tinitus permanent? How long wd simptoms approximately last ? I see I am in risk of developing tolerance to lorazepam since I have been using it two weeks for sleep. My doctor's don't know anything since one wants to put me on mirtazapine and other on Prozac. I am so worried and feeling alone in all this.

20 mg paroxetine 2012-2019

Few attempts to quit during 7 years

March 2019 went from 20 mg to 10 mg ( managed simptoms for 3 months ,crushed on trip and returned to 20 mg while on trip) 

Went again on 10 mg after trip

In September 2019 again on 20 for few weeks

For suspecting my health symptoms I had for a long time Are cause of paroxetine, lowered to 0 in two months or less November 2019




20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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I am new on this site,just recently discovered it. I read you were also through hell of paroxetine withdrawal so I need advice since my doctors dont know a thing and basically i feel like an experiment of trying medications when I talked to them.


I have been on Seroxat (Paroxetin) for 7 years. Never thought of staying that long but as you know I found it terrible to quit(several times attempt). Finally last year I said it was enough and cut 20 mg to half. I managed through withdrawal symptoms and crashed only on one trip where I had terrible anxiety and insomnia and I thought it was cause of the trip not WD symptoms. I was severel weeks on 20 mg  during trip and reduced it again on 10 mg when i got back home. As I was fine for a month i reduced it to 5mg ,and soon I stopped. I didnt get that much WD symptoms and I thought i was finally drug free. But after two months without drug i completely crushed. First I noticed depression,than anxiety,than anxiety spikes early in the morning,loss of appetite,and finally horibble insomnia for past few weeks. I suddenly also developed tinitus. Then I read all kind of posts about paxile neurological damage which made my anxiety worse. I fear of some ear/vision damage from tapering too fast now,as I see from these site that I didi that-tapared too fast.  I am barely functioning now-due to all the symptoms and thinking what can happen. My doctors gave me lorazepam to sleep,and one gave me Mirtazepane and the other wants Prozac-as i said i feel like an experiment. I am taking lorazepam only to sleep but i read i can develop dependence worse than it was on Seroxat.


My question is what to do? To go back on Seroxat and taper more slowly?Will my insomnia and  tinitus go away or that will make it worse? I also have a feeling of blurred vision. I checked my hearing and vision and they are ok. Or all of this is cause I am too scared and my anxiety is making it worse. 

Edited by manymoretodays
merged from another member's introduction to Member's own introduction

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • manymoretodays changed the title to Melissa03: Paroxetine wd
  • Moderator Emeritus

Welcome to SA, Melissa03.


You are suffering withdrawal from your rapid changes in dose and your very fast taper.  Tinnitus is a common withdrawal symptom.  The brain will repair itself, so any changes it has undergone from your fast taper will heal.  There is no way to predict how long it will take.  We do not recommend the addition of additional drugs to deal with withdrawal.  You are not alone; we can help you.


What is withdrawal syndrome.


Daily Checklist of Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms (PDF) 


You are risk of addiction to Lorazepam after 2 to 4 weeks of regular use and also from intermittent use.  One you become addicted, the drug ceases to give any benefit and you are taking it only to stave off withdrawal.


Reinstatement of a very small dose (10mg would be far too much) of the original drug is the only known way to help alleviate withdrawal syndrome.  The only other alternative is to try and wait out the symptoms and manage as best you can until your central nervous system returns to homeostasis.  Unfortunately no one can give you an exact timeline as to when you will start feeling better and while some do recover relatively easily, for others it can take many months or longer.  


Reinstatement isn't a guarantee of diminished symptoms for everyone but it's the best tactic available.  You're just outside the time period where reinstatement predictably works, up to 3 months after last dose.   We usually suggest a much smaller reinstatement dose than your last dose.  These drugs are strong, .your system has become sensitized and If you take too much it may be too much for your brain and can cause you become more unstable.  Then, once you've stabilized on that dosage, which can take several months,  you can begin a 10% per month taper down to zero.   Please read:


About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms. -- at least the first page of the topic


I recommend you reinstate 1mg Paroxetine--no more.  The following link tells you how to get the small dose you'll need for your reinstatement.  The choices are weighing tablets, making your own liquid or having the dose compounded at a compounding pharmacy.


Tips for tapering off Paxil (paroxetine)


If you choose to weigh, you'll need a digital scale.  Many members use the Gemini-20 AWS scale, available on Amazon (I don't know if you have Amazon in Serbia).


The GEMINI-20 Scale


Here is information on using a scale:


Using a digital scale to measure doses


And for liquid, please see:


How to make a liquid from tablets or capsules


We don't recommend a lot of supplements on SA, as many members report being sensitive to them due to our over-reactive nervous systems, but two supplements that we do recommend are magnesium (glycinate is a good form) and omega 3 (fish oil). Many people find these to be calming to the nervous system. 


Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker 


Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) 


Add in one at a time and at a low dose in case you do experience problems.


This is your Introduction topic, where you can ask questions and connect with other members.  We're glad you found your way here




Edited by Gridley

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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Thanks for your answer.


I have already reinstated dosage to 10mg till I waited for the answer. Its been a few days at the dosage,but I found no relief. I think I would manage all the other symptoms but insomnia is the worse. I took very small dosage of mirtazepane before sleep,to help me sleep for few hours (Dr told me to take 15mg,but i took like 1/8 of the pill so around 3.75mg ) That's just cause I am trying to avoid lorazepame.

What do you think I should do now? Not one doctor is agreeing that discontinuation syndrome can appear after few months,and noone believes me its cause of paroxetine. I have read on this site this condition can take months,and for me its been three weeks since it appeared and I dont know how much more I can handle this.



20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Mentor

Hello, I to came off of paroxetine after 11 years of use on it. Tinnitus does get better, it will take time! 


I am curious if you don't mind sharing the health condition that you suspect that paroxetine caused? I have had numerous health conditions while on the drug and have been able to reverse them with nutrition changes and getting off the medication. 


All the best! 

I follow The Plant Paradox lifestyle by Dr.Gundry. This lifestyle has given me my life back and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. It has enabled me to finally get off of this medication and truly live my life. Nutrition is the key to health!!!!! 

2008 to 2019  - 20 mg Paroxetine

Attempted 2 CT's around the 5-6 year mark. Were absolutely terrible and reinstated. Was never explained by the doctor the seriousness of the short half life of this drug. 

2017 - Attempted a tapered discontinuation of this drug and reinstated after being unsuccessful.

2019 - Feb. 12 - After a three month taper I am off of paroxetine. The 3 months were terrible, awful withdrawal feelings. I followed the doctors guidelines for the reduction of this drug and now know it was way too fast. 
2019 - Oct. 12 - 8 months off paroxetine. 75% improvement since coming off the drug. Definitely have had tons of challenges along the way. Let’s go!!!! 

2021 - Feb. 12 - 24 months off paroxetine. I have minor challenges now. Tinnitus/Headaches are still around but are reduced by a massive amount. 


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  • Moderator

Hi Malissa-- welcome to SA.  I'm sorry to hear that you are having such trouble with your meds.  Having doctors that are clueless doesn't help.  Because of all the major changes in dose that you have made in the past few months your body is craving stability. This would mean picking one dose and sticking with it until things settle down, which will probably take several months.


Have you had any changes in your symptoms since reinstating at the 10mgai dose?  It would be great if you could keep a daily symptom journal and post it here so we can see how you are reacting throughout the day.  You don't seem to have had an adverse reaction to the reinstatement but we will have to see how things go for the next few weeks.  Once we get you stable then we can formulate a plan for slowly reducing the drug and getting you off of it. There will be a lot of emotional and physical ups and downs while this is all happening, but as you go along things should settle down and the symptoms improve.  You will get better, it's just going to take some time.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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  • Administrator
3 hours ago, Melissa03 said:

Thanks for your answer.


I have already reinstated dosage to 10mg till I waited for the answer. Its been a few days at the dosage,but I found no relief. I think I would manage all the other symptoms but insomnia is the worse. I took very small dosage of mirtazepane before sleep,to help me sleep for few hours (Dr told me to take 15mg,but i took like 1/8 of the pill so around 3.75mg ) That's just cause I am trying to avoid lorazepame.

What do you think I should do now? Not one doctor is agreeing that discontinuation syndrome can appear after few months,and noone believes me its cause of paroxetine. I have read on this site this condition can take months,and for me its been three weeks since it appeared and I dont know how much more I can handle this.




Welcome, Melissa. Did the reinstatement of 10mg paroxetine cause insomnia? If so, I would immediately reduce it to 5mg. This may still be too much.


Be sure to take your drugs at the same times and dosages each day. As brassmonkey advised, let us know how you're doing,.


We'd like to see daily notes of times of day you take your drugs, their dosages, and your symptoms throughout the day. Please post 24 hours of notes at a time in this topic, in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom or drug and dosage) on the right.


What are the health conditions you believe have been caused by paroxetine?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I had severe hair loss,which by time spread to eyebrow eyelashes and other body hair.I was also very often sick with weaken immune system. Dr suspected of lupus and other autoimmune conditions,but once i got off paroxetine it stabilized. Now everything is falling apart. No,i got insomnia before reinstatement ,actually at the same night with tinnitus. Few days before that I was experiencing terrible panic attack in the morning and vomiting. Just out of nowhere. I reinstated a week ago maybe,since i can not fall asleep without medications (even with them its just a few hours of broken sleep) I am so scared of everything,of hearing loss,of vision changes,of insomnia,of this depression,I fell like I am giving up on life. I dont know how to help myself. 

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Mentor
55 minutes ago, Melissa03 said:

I had severe hair loss,which by time spread to eyebrow eyelashes and other body hair.I was also very often sick with weaken immune system. Dr suspected of lupus and other autoimmune conditions,but once i got off paroxetine it stabilized. Now everything is falling apart. No,i got insomnia before reinstatement ,actually at the same night with tinnitus. Few days before that I was experiencing terrible panic attack in the morning and vomiting. Just out of nowhere. I reinstated a week ago maybe,since i can not fall asleep without medications (even with them its just a few hours of broken sleep) I am so scared of everything,of hearing loss,of vision changes,of insomnia,of this depression,I fell like I am giving up on life. I dont know how to help myself. 

I developed alopecia on paroxetine as well. It is reversing now that I have come off the medication as well. 

I follow The Plant Paradox lifestyle by Dr.Gundry. This lifestyle has given me my life back and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. It has enabled me to finally get off of this medication and truly live my life. Nutrition is the key to health!!!!! 

2008 to 2019  - 20 mg Paroxetine

Attempted 2 CT's around the 5-6 year mark. Were absolutely terrible and reinstated. Was never explained by the doctor the seriousness of the short half life of this drug. 

2017 - Attempted a tapered discontinuation of this drug and reinstated after being unsuccessful.

2019 - Feb. 12 - After a three month taper I am off of paroxetine. The 3 months were terrible, awful withdrawal feelings. I followed the doctors guidelines for the reduction of this drug and now know it was way too fast. 
2019 - Oct. 12 - 8 months off paroxetine. 75% improvement since coming off the drug. Definitely have had tons of challenges along the way. Let’s go!!!! 

2021 - Feb. 12 - 24 months off paroxetine. I have minor challenges now. Tinnitus/Headaches are still around but are reduced by a massive amount. 


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I spent in bed last few days just lying whole day long,without the ability to sleep. Yesterday my hair was falling awfully after washing ,I don't know is it paxil reinstatement ,or this general condition where I can not sleep or eat ( very poorly) I lost so much weight I am almost anorexic now.I am in terrible depression ,can barely get out of bed. I don't know how I managed to go to work this morning,but I am in serious position of loosing it. I feel like my tinitus is worse. It's louder and there is like another sound in background. I am also too sensitive for sounds,last night in bed some sound caused panic attack. I was in bed for few hours,I took 1/8 of mirtazapine to sleep but it didn't help,so after some time I took another 1/8. I sleept maybe for two hours in total. It's been a week since reinstatement . It is not working or I make it not to work since I am aware now what kind of poison is this . I am scared that my life is over, and I am 29. What to do for reinstatement,to wait more,to stop taking it,to increase the dosage ?

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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What to do about this inability to sleep at all,anyone who has been through it ? 

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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Paxil Symptoms and are they permanent?


I took paxil for 7 years and stopped almost CT. I am in terrible withdrawal 3 months after my last dose. I reinstated 50% a week ago,but still no relief.

I have terrible insomnia, tinitus , some vision changes like blinking or twithiching when I look a dark spot- I don't know what's that about.

I am looking for other people experiences with this drug- did reinstatement help after longer period of not taking drug? Have your symptoms improved over time or they are permanent ?

Edited by manymoretodays
added title, merged to 1st Introduction

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Mentor

Melissa  I too have been through the Paxil withdrawals it is tough . On this sight go to symptoms and self care there is a post by altostrata lots of good info there. Reading helped. Listen to audible stories or calming sounds with earbuds helped honest guys on YouTube is pretty good. stay off internet, walks in the woods,  all helped. Try to stay away from or lower caffeine and nicotine if you can.  At the same time you don’t need to be sitting ruminating. So that’s why I would listen to those things when it was bed time but I was awake. Listen to calming things. Audible stories help stop ruminating. It has always took me 3 to 6 months to stabilize after a withdrawal. I mean back to feeling normal. So as the moderators said stick with same dose and stabilize. Then start the taper off correctly. This is only temporary. You will stabilize soon. Hang in there ! 

2000-2013 Paxil - 1 year fast taper

2013-2018 merry go round
zoloft, cymbalta, lamictal, Prozac.

 Nov. 2018 lexapro 15 mgs, Dec. 2019 to Mar. 2020 taper to 10mg. Jul 2020 to October 2020 taper to 8.5 ml.
Oct 2020 reinstated to 9 ml.
Apr 2021 to Jul  taper to 7ml. Oct 2021 to Jan 2022 taper to 5.9ml, Mar 5 2022 5.8 ml, Mar 12 5.7ml, Mar 20 5.6ml, Mar 27 5.5ml, April 23 5.4ml, April 30 5.3ml, May 7 5.2ml,  Jul 9 2022 5.4ml, 

Klonopin prn, Allegra 180 for 3 seasons, aspirin 81 mg, plavix , nitroglycerin 0.4 mg prn, 2k mg  turmeric Qunol, 4- Trader Joe’s omega 3 -2400 mg, Pepcid 20mg,  Prilosec 40 mg, Tylenol arthritis 4 tablets daily, 350mg calm magnesium citrate, melatonin 2.5- 5mg as needed to sleep. Saline spray as needed. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Melissa03, @Melissa03

And welcome aboard.  I just merged some other posts of yours back here to your main introduction topic.

Just one introduction topic per member is our rule.

And this is the best spot for you to post now, with questions around your own case and situation.   Let's try and get some of your information organized.  That can be so helpful, to have it organized and in one place.

I'm seeing this:

On 3/4/2020 at 5:16 AM, Melissa03 said:

20 mg paroxetine 2012-2019

Few attempts to quit during 7 years

March 2019 went from 20 mg to 10 mg ( managed simptoms for 3 months ,crushed on trip and returned to 20 mg while on trip) 

Went again on 10 mg after trip

In September 2019 again on 20 for few weeks

For suspecting my health symptoms I had for a long time Are cause of paroxetine, lowered to 0 in two months or less November 2019

On 3/4/2020 at 5:16 AM, Melissa03 said:

I see I am in risk of developing tolerance to lorazepam since I have been using it two weeks for sleep.


On 3/8/2020 at 10:46 AM, Melissa03 said:

I have already reinstated dosage to 10mg till I waited for the answer. Its been a few days at the dosage,but I found no relief. I think I would manage all the other symptoms but insomnia is the worse. I took very small dosage of mirtazepane before sleep,to help me sleep for few hours (Dr told me to take 15mg,but i took like 1/8 of the pill so around 3.75mg ) That's just cause I am trying to avoid lorazepame.


And then I'm not sure you saw Altostrata's reply to you, after you reinstated.  Here it is again:

On 3/8/2020 at 2:34 PM, Altostrata said:


Welcome, Melissa. Did the reinstatement of 10mg paroxetine cause insomnia? If so, I would immediately reduce it to 5mg. This may still be too much.


Be sure to take your drugs at the same times and dosages each day. As brassmonkey advised, let us know how you're doing,.


We'd like to see daily notes of times of day you take your drugs, their dosages, and your symptoms throughout the day. Please post 24 hours of notes at a time in this topic, in a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom or drug and dosage) on the right.


What are the health conditions you believe have been caused by paroxetine?


Daily notes go like this:  Keep daily notes of drug schedule and and symptoms to track patterns and progress


As this reply is getting a bit long, with the quotes and all,  I'll continue replying and helping you organize on your Introduction page, here, in my next post.


Edited by manymoretodays

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • Moderator Emeritus

And okay, what Altostrata is asking you for, in the last reply I quoted is to have you do this, a simple list, that includes times on the left, and then, on the right, your drugs taken during the day, by name and dosage.  Also to the right of the times noted throughout the day, note your symptoms.

You can look at the link I left in the above post, and I will copy a sample note or a sample "simple list for you to try:


- Time and dosage for all drugs taken throughout the day, psychiatric and non-psychiatric.

- Following each dose, note any symptoms. If you are having a reaction to the drug, it may take hours for a symptom to show up -- that's why we ask you to keep notes all day long.

- If you're not taking any drugs, your symptoms throughout the day.

- Your sleep pattern. Since so many drugs disturb sleep, if you find you're waking in the middle of the night, it could be from a drug you took earlier in the evening. If you're not taking any drugs, there may be ways you can improve your sleep.

And so forth. A diary, in chronological order, looking something like this:
6 a.m. Woke with anxiety
8 a.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
10 a.m. Stomach is upset
10:30 a.m. Ate breakfast
11:35 a.m. Got a headache, lasted one hour
12:35 p.m. Ate lunch
4 p.m. Feel a bit better
5 p.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
6 p.m. Ate dinner
9:20 p.m. Headache
10:00 p.m. Took 50mg Seroquel
10:20 p.m. Feeling dizzy
10:30 p.m. Fell asleep
2:30 a.m. Woke, took 3mg Ambien (NOT "took 1/2 tablet Ambien")
2:45 a.m. Fell asleep
4:30 a.m. Woke but got back to sleep


Then post your list like this, right here, on your introduction page.  It can be really helpful for us.  Thankyou.

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • Moderator Emeritus


13 hours ago, Melissa03 said:

Paxil Symptoms and are they permanent?


I took paxil for 7 years and stopped almost CT. I am in terrible withdrawal 3 months after my last dose. I reinstated 50% a week ago,but still no relief.

I have terrible insomnia, tinitus , some vision changes like blinking or twithiching when I look a dark spot- I don't know what's that about.

I am looking for other people experiences with this drug- did reinstatement help after longer period of not taking drug? Have your symptoms improved over time or they are permanent ?


And no, WD(withdrawal) can be fierce but the symptoms of WDsyndrome are not permanent.  I did not WD from Paxil, but WD from many others and have improved greatly.  It did take some time for me, but I am doing really well at this point......over 3 years now out from medications.  I had a lot of acute WD, like what you are experiencing now though.  It got better.


Were you able to read any of the information that Gridley linked you to, up above?


Insomnia, tinnitus, some vision changes and heightened emotions around everything,  are pretty common WD symptoms........unfortunately.  WD symptoms can be of many varieties.

Have these symptoms worsened since your reinstatement?

And do try some simple notes for us, as that will help us see how the symptoms relate to your drugs?

Are you still taking Lorazepam?  Please note that in your notes as well.


Here's some links from the  Symptoms and Self Care forum

Healing often seems to happen in Windows and Waves:  The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization

Important topics about symptoms, including sleep problems

scroll down the list in the first post ^ to sleep problems and you'll find some good helps

Non-drug techniques to cope

This one ^, also has a whole indexed list in the first post.  If you scroll down the list you'll find some of those calming videos and things, that Heath mentioned too.


I'm going to go ahead and put what you gave us above into a signature.  This is the portion that you see under each of our posts, unless viewing from some cell phone devices.

More about it here:  Please put your withdrawal history in your signature

That way, you can work on the simple notes.


Here's what I put in your signature:

20 mg paroxetine 2012-2019

Few attempts to quit during 7 years

March 2019 went from 20 mg to 10 mg ( managed simptoms for 3 months ,crushed on trip and returned to 20 mg while on trip) 

Went again on 10 mg after trip

In September 2019 again on 20 for few weeks

For suspecting my health symptoms I had for a long time Are cause of paroxetine, lowered to 0 in two months or less November 2019

2020 March 4th, Lorazepam x 2 weeks


If you would like to add in your reinstatement dose and date of paroxetine, that would be great.  Also, do add in the dose of Lorazepam, and if that is a current drug now too, just note the start date and dose.  To do this go here:  Account Settings/Signature Edit  And then just hit the SAVE button at the bottom when you are done.



Welcome Melissa03,


L, P, H, and G,

mod mmt






Edited by manymoretodays
signature info

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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Welcome Melissa,

I've been tapered off Paxil since January 2015. I also just had a bad episode a few mornings ago after making 2 drops 2 months in a row.

Please feel free, if able, to message me personally if I can be of any assistance.


Personally I would agree, that considering how long You were off the med, going back at 10 mgs was too high.

The mods gave 2 options, either 1mg or 5mg, and I agree either of those options would be better,  OR something inbetween 1 and 5,

But as they said, you need to pick one and then stay on it.


Your NOT going to stabilize and feel significantly better in just a few days, as You thought you might by taking the 10mg.

Unfortunately once the Central Nervous system is destabilized it takes a bit longer.

Doctors don't understand this, and that is why they think re instating at high dosages is helpful.  It is not.


As for your question as to how long, its different for everyone.

Even though I did not Cold Turkey, IF I made too large of a Paxil drop, it was 2 weeks to 3 months to stabilize.  That's both good news and bad.

The bad is it does sometimes take that long, the good is you WILL Get better, but the key is this....

And this is the ONE MISTAKE that most people make in your current situation:




Nothing but time is going to help, I know that sound discouraging, but try to look on the positive side:

It means you can take your self off the hook of trying to "Fix it", and relax, because the worrying WILL make all of the symptoms worse.


You just need to pick a lower dose like the mods suggested and stick to it for now.

Doctors mean well, and in the end it's your decision, but adding in a different med will only obscure your situation and most likely complicate it and make it worse...

And then you have another drug to taper off of eventually...


Again, feel free to read my story if your able, You might read something that will be helpful later on:  " Oh, I read about that symptom somewhere", etc.

So many different symptoms, so if you know someone else has had it, you worry less bout if you need to see a doctor for a secondary condition.

And again, message me if You like.

Good luck! ❤️



 Starting ds 2 (12.5 CR'S) = 25 MG PAXIL CR 1/21/15: 1 Pill + 10mg liquid (2 weeks) 2/4: 1 Pill + 9mg Lq (3 weeks) 2/25: 1 Pill + 8 mg lq (1 week) 3/4: 1 Pill + 6 mg lq (2 weeks) 3/18/15 1 Pill + 4 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/1/15 1 Pill + 3 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/14/15 1 Pill + 2 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/29/15 1Pill + 1 mg lq (16 days) 5/15/15 1 12.5 mg Pill ONLY (9 days) 5/24/15 12 mgs liquid (8 days) 6/1/15 11mg lq (12 days) 6/13/15 10 mg.  12/3/15 Drop from 8mg to 7.6 (24 days to) 12/27/15 7.2mgs 8/4/16 6.8mgs,  11/1/16 6.4mgs, 2/5/17 6 mgs  4/3/17 5.6mgs, 4/24/17 5.2mg, 6/13/17 4.8mgs, 9/20/17 4.4mgS, 11/23/17 4 mgs, 1/1/18 3.6 mgs, 2/15/18 3.2 mgs. 4/13/18 2.8mgs, 5/11/18 2.4mgs, 6/10/18 2.0 mgs, 8/4/18 1.6mgs,  9/27/18 1.2mgs, 12/24/18 0.8mg, 3/24/19 0.64 mg,(syringe change issue date?) 4/22/19 0.60 mg, 5/24/19 0.60 mg, 7/7/19 0.52 mgs, 8/4/19 0.44mgs, 11/4/19 0.36mgs, 2/1/20 0.28mgs, 3/1/20 0.24mgs (crash April 6) Compound started 6/28/21: 0.24mgs, 8/29/21: 0.22mgs, 10/31/21: 0.20mgs, 1/03/22: 0.18mgs, 3/5/22: 0.16mgs, 5/5/22: 0.14mgs.


Original Wellbutrin Dose: 6 months from 9/14 to 3/2015, 300 XL 3/15/15: Half to 150 XL ( severe symptoms started on day 12) 4/16/15: 125mg   for 20 days to: 5/6/15:   100mg  for  15 days to: 5/21/15    75mg  for  10 days to: 6/1/15:  56.25mg      13 days to: 6/13/15: 37.25mg    7 days to: 6/20/15  28.12mg   14 days to: 7/4/15  18.75mg, 7 days to: 7/11/15; RAISE BACK TO: 28.12 to 8/14/15: 18.75mg  20 days to :9/3/15 : 12.5mg, 8/4/16 9mg 1/9/17: 8.5mg 2/8/17 8mg, 3/9/17: 7.6  4/9/17  7.2  5/27/17 6.4 6/24/17 5.8, 8/1/17 5.0, 8/29/17 4.2mgs, 10/2/17 3.5mgs, 12/28/17 2.5mgs, 2/27/18 1.7mgs,  4/19/18 0.8 mgs, LAST DOSE: 6/11/18:  3 YEARS, 2 MONTHS, 27 DAYS...

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Thank you so much for your answers. It's been a week since reinstatement,I feel pretty much the same ,no ups no downs,except last night I was able to fall asleep without meds in three weeks. My quick question is,until I make edits above, what dose to pick,I have been a week on 10, since you are all suggesting lower,is it late to lower it now,or to stick to 10mg? I hate this drug so much,I feel even anxious every day I take it now,since I am now well familiar what it does ,and I can't believe how naive I was when I was 22 believing Dr on a miracle drug for mild social phobia.

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
7 minutes ago, Melissa03 said:

I have been a week on 10, since you are all suggesting lower,is it late to lower it now,or to stick to 10mg?

It appears that 10mg hasn't had a bad effect on you.  Are you feeling better than when you were on zero?  If so or if the same, in the interest of stability I would stick with 10mg and hold there for a few months--it takes a while for a reinstatement to settle in. Then you can start a 10% taper down to zero.

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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It is not too late yet, but don't wait another 2 weeks to decide to change it.  Every day you wait makes it more difficult on your body.

If you stay on the 10mgs to stabilize, you obviously have years of tapering and possible side effects ahead of you, and that's what's I was trying to see you avoid: 

Wasting all the suffering you have been through only to reinstate and be no better off.


Since a lower dose after so long usually is just as helpful, in the over all percentage of cases, is why that recommendation is made.

But again, it's all based on percentage of what has or hasn't worked in the past.  There's no guarantees either way.

The only thing that, after 5 years of watching this that I have seen stay as a CONSTANT: Is the constant tampering with dosages and other meds, 6,7, 8  times in 6 months...

That's what puts people in unnecessarily extended suffering.


So, only you can choose what dose you want to try to stabilize on,  but the mods suggested the lower range for very good reasons.

But if you think the 10mgs is starting to help, you can choose to stay there as long as it's not making you worse.

Hope that helps.

 Starting ds 2 (12.5 CR'S) = 25 MG PAXIL CR 1/21/15: 1 Pill + 10mg liquid (2 weeks) 2/4: 1 Pill + 9mg Lq (3 weeks) 2/25: 1 Pill + 8 mg lq (1 week) 3/4: 1 Pill + 6 mg lq (2 weeks) 3/18/15 1 Pill + 4 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/1/15 1 Pill + 3 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/14/15 1 Pill + 2 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/29/15 1Pill + 1 mg lq (16 days) 5/15/15 1 12.5 mg Pill ONLY (9 days) 5/24/15 12 mgs liquid (8 days) 6/1/15 11mg lq (12 days) 6/13/15 10 mg.  12/3/15 Drop from 8mg to 7.6 (24 days to) 12/27/15 7.2mgs 8/4/16 6.8mgs,  11/1/16 6.4mgs, 2/5/17 6 mgs  4/3/17 5.6mgs, 4/24/17 5.2mg, 6/13/17 4.8mgs, 9/20/17 4.4mgS, 11/23/17 4 mgs, 1/1/18 3.6 mgs, 2/15/18 3.2 mgs. 4/13/18 2.8mgs, 5/11/18 2.4mgs, 6/10/18 2.0 mgs, 8/4/18 1.6mgs,  9/27/18 1.2mgs, 12/24/18 0.8mg, 3/24/19 0.64 mg,(syringe change issue date?) 4/22/19 0.60 mg, 5/24/19 0.60 mg, 7/7/19 0.52 mgs, 8/4/19 0.44mgs, 11/4/19 0.36mgs, 2/1/20 0.28mgs, 3/1/20 0.24mgs (crash April 6) Compound started 6/28/21: 0.24mgs, 8/29/21: 0.22mgs, 10/31/21: 0.20mgs, 1/03/22: 0.18mgs, 3/5/22: 0.16mgs, 5/5/22: 0.14mgs.


Original Wellbutrin Dose: 6 months from 9/14 to 3/2015, 300 XL 3/15/15: Half to 150 XL ( severe symptoms started on day 12) 4/16/15: 125mg   for 20 days to: 5/6/15:   100mg  for  15 days to: 5/21/15    75mg  for  10 days to: 6/1/15:  56.25mg      13 days to: 6/13/15: 37.25mg    7 days to: 6/20/15  28.12mg   14 days to: 7/4/15  18.75mg, 7 days to: 7/11/15; RAISE BACK TO: 28.12 to 8/14/15: 18.75mg  20 days to :9/3/15 : 12.5mg, 8/4/16 9mg 1/9/17: 8.5mg 2/8/17 8mg, 3/9/17: 7.6  4/9/17  7.2  5/27/17 6.4 6/24/17 5.8, 8/1/17 5.0, 8/29/17 4.2mgs, 10/2/17 3.5mgs, 12/28/17 2.5mgs, 2/27/18 1.7mgs,  4/19/18 0.8 mgs, LAST DOSE: 6/11/18:  3 YEARS, 2 MONTHS, 27 DAYS...

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The worst thing you can do is PANIC and make your decisions out of fear.

That's how you got into this problem, going cold turkey in a rush.

IF The 10mg dose isn't making you sicker now that your on it, it's a sign your lucky and not having a paradoxical reaction to going back on it.

You said you slept last night, and it COULD be from going back to the 10mg, or it could just be coincidence.

There's no way of knowing.

7 days is about the time you need to start feeling better, so it might be working.

But you cant freak out and worry about permanent damgae, because in most cases, 999 of 1,000, its temporary.

the mistakes are made RIGHT NOW, where the symptoms are so severe and doctors dont know anything.


IF Your committed to doing the taper correctly over 3-4 years, than you can try to stabilize on the 10mg IF you think its truly starting to help.

IF Your just going to shoot yourself in the foot later, being impatient, and making too steep of drops later after you stabilize, than it's better to just bite the bullet now and see if you can stabilize on a lower dose.


You've gotten 3 recommendations, 1 mg, 5mg, and one just now to try the 10 as long as if your not getting worse and you "think" it might be helping.  unfortunatley, I cant tell you if it is that, or just coincidence.


On the other hand, we don't want you suffering unnessesarily and dropping you too low if the 10mg will stabilize you faster, AND you can be committed and disciplined enough to be responsible to do it right over the long haul.

Again, only you can decide, but at a week, your time for deciding is closing fast.


IF, as alto said, the increase in med is what made the insomnia worse, than you might want to lower it.

Its hard to give you a recommendation on 1 good nights sleep.  

If you can commit to not cold turkey again and "think" the 10mg might be starting to make a big difference, and your willing to reduce over years, than dont feel bad about that decision either.


 Starting ds 2 (12.5 CR'S) = 25 MG PAXIL CR 1/21/15: 1 Pill + 10mg liquid (2 weeks) 2/4: 1 Pill + 9mg Lq (3 weeks) 2/25: 1 Pill + 8 mg lq (1 week) 3/4: 1 Pill + 6 mg lq (2 weeks) 3/18/15 1 Pill + 4 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/1/15 1 Pill + 3 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/14/15 1 Pill + 2 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/29/15 1Pill + 1 mg lq (16 days) 5/15/15 1 12.5 mg Pill ONLY (9 days) 5/24/15 12 mgs liquid (8 days) 6/1/15 11mg lq (12 days) 6/13/15 10 mg.  12/3/15 Drop from 8mg to 7.6 (24 days to) 12/27/15 7.2mgs 8/4/16 6.8mgs,  11/1/16 6.4mgs, 2/5/17 6 mgs  4/3/17 5.6mgs, 4/24/17 5.2mg, 6/13/17 4.8mgs, 9/20/17 4.4mgS, 11/23/17 4 mgs, 1/1/18 3.6 mgs, 2/15/18 3.2 mgs. 4/13/18 2.8mgs, 5/11/18 2.4mgs, 6/10/18 2.0 mgs, 8/4/18 1.6mgs,  9/27/18 1.2mgs, 12/24/18 0.8mg, 3/24/19 0.64 mg,(syringe change issue date?) 4/22/19 0.60 mg, 5/24/19 0.60 mg, 7/7/19 0.52 mgs, 8/4/19 0.44mgs, 11/4/19 0.36mgs, 2/1/20 0.28mgs, 3/1/20 0.24mgs (crash April 6) Compound started 6/28/21: 0.24mgs, 8/29/21: 0.22mgs, 10/31/21: 0.20mgs, 1/03/22: 0.18mgs, 3/5/22: 0.16mgs, 5/5/22: 0.14mgs.


Original Wellbutrin Dose: 6 months from 9/14 to 3/2015, 300 XL 3/15/15: Half to 150 XL ( severe symptoms started on day 12) 4/16/15: 125mg   for 20 days to: 5/6/15:   100mg  for  15 days to: 5/21/15    75mg  for  10 days to: 6/1/15:  56.25mg      13 days to: 6/13/15: 37.25mg    7 days to: 6/20/15  28.12mg   14 days to: 7/4/15  18.75mg, 7 days to: 7/11/15; RAISE BACK TO: 28.12 to 8/14/15: 18.75mg  20 days to :9/3/15 : 12.5mg, 8/4/16 9mg 1/9/17: 8.5mg 2/8/17 8mg, 3/9/17: 7.6  4/9/17  7.2  5/27/17 6.4 6/24/17 5.8, 8/1/17 5.0, 8/29/17 4.2mgs, 10/2/17 3.5mgs, 12/28/17 2.5mgs, 2/27/18 1.7mgs,  4/19/18 0.8 mgs, LAST DOSE: 6/11/18:  3 YEARS, 2 MONTHS, 27 DAYS...

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That is tough, but it's not you, it's a maturity issue on the side of the Young, as they process their own issues...

I live within 10 minutes of one of my Siblings Children who also can't make time for me in the past 18 months..

But I recognize it for what it is, Youth, when Your still able to cope on Your own and don't need others...

And not understanding the importance of Family, until they get older and sicker and see the importance of relationships they took for granted in their Immaturity...

Remember, in Youth, we all think people will be around for ever.

So, while I know it hurts to not have the support,  please don't internalize it as guilt,that You did something wrong, because it's not that...

It is, just, the way of things, and how we all grow and mature.

I have every confidence that You will be able to endure this hardship, and the day will come that Your daughter will be returned to You...

Until then, be at Peace, in joyful expectation of that future time...

I will pray for You and Your Daughter today at Noon Church Service


 Starting ds 2 (12.5 CR'S) = 25 MG PAXIL CR 1/21/15: 1 Pill + 10mg liquid (2 weeks) 2/4: 1 Pill + 9mg Lq (3 weeks) 2/25: 1 Pill + 8 mg lq (1 week) 3/4: 1 Pill + 6 mg lq (2 weeks) 3/18/15 1 Pill + 4 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/1/15 1 Pill + 3 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/14/15 1 Pill + 2 mg lq (2 weeks) 4/29/15 1Pill + 1 mg lq (16 days) 5/15/15 1 12.5 mg Pill ONLY (9 days) 5/24/15 12 mgs liquid (8 days) 6/1/15 11mg lq (12 days) 6/13/15 10 mg.  12/3/15 Drop from 8mg to 7.6 (24 days to) 12/27/15 7.2mgs 8/4/16 6.8mgs,  11/1/16 6.4mgs, 2/5/17 6 mgs  4/3/17 5.6mgs, 4/24/17 5.2mg, 6/13/17 4.8mgs, 9/20/17 4.4mgS, 11/23/17 4 mgs, 1/1/18 3.6 mgs, 2/15/18 3.2 mgs. 4/13/18 2.8mgs, 5/11/18 2.4mgs, 6/10/18 2.0 mgs, 8/4/18 1.6mgs,  9/27/18 1.2mgs, 12/24/18 0.8mg, 3/24/19 0.64 mg,(syringe change issue date?) 4/22/19 0.60 mg, 5/24/19 0.60 mg, 7/7/19 0.52 mgs, 8/4/19 0.44mgs, 11/4/19 0.36mgs, 2/1/20 0.28mgs, 3/1/20 0.24mgs (crash April 6) Compound started 6/28/21: 0.24mgs, 8/29/21: 0.22mgs, 10/31/21: 0.20mgs, 1/03/22: 0.18mgs, 3/5/22: 0.16mgs, 5/5/22: 0.14mgs.


Original Wellbutrin Dose: 6 months from 9/14 to 3/2015, 300 XL 3/15/15: Half to 150 XL ( severe symptoms started on day 12) 4/16/15: 125mg   for 20 days to: 5/6/15:   100mg  for  15 days to: 5/21/15    75mg  for  10 days to: 6/1/15:  56.25mg      13 days to: 6/13/15: 37.25mg    7 days to: 6/20/15  28.12mg   14 days to: 7/4/15  18.75mg, 7 days to: 7/11/15; RAISE BACK TO: 28.12 to 8/14/15: 18.75mg  20 days to :9/3/15 : 12.5mg, 8/4/16 9mg 1/9/17: 8.5mg 2/8/17 8mg, 3/9/17: 7.6  4/9/17  7.2  5/27/17 6.4 6/24/17 5.8, 8/1/17 5.0, 8/29/17 4.2mgs, 10/2/17 3.5mgs, 12/28/17 2.5mgs, 2/27/18 1.7mgs,  4/19/18 0.8 mgs, LAST DOSE: 6/11/18:  3 YEARS, 2 MONTHS, 27 DAYS...

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I had a terrible panic attack last night which lasted for hours when I layed down ( I had them early in the mornings when I open my eyes) Every sound was over stimulating and my muscles were shaking a bit. I take my dose usually after work. Is this the sign reinstatement doesnt work ? Or that 10 mg is too much?

Since I basically CT paxil, is the damage already done within 3 months after my last dose? Is the reinstatement a help not to have any further damage and doing to proper taper or it is making more damage to my neurological sistem ,based on your experiences and what have you read ?Is this my best shoot for stabilizing or some other drugs could help ( since my Dr was mentioning Prozac )

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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@Altostrata do you have a post about your physical and mental symptoms when they appeared and when they vanished and what are permanent?

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Administrator
On 3/11/2020 at 6:38 AM, Melissa03 said:

Thank you so much for your answers. It's been a week since reinstatement,I feel pretty much the same ,no ups no downs,except last night I was able to fall asleep without meds in three weeks. My quick question is,until I make edits above, what dose to pick,I have been a week on 10, since you are all suggesting lower,is it late to lower it now,or to stick to 10mg? I hate this drug so much,I feel even anxious every day I take it now,since I am now well familiar what it does ,and I can't believe how naive I was when I was 22 believing Dr on a miracle drug for mild social phobia.


Melissa, it takes 4-7 days for the drug to reach steady-state in your bloodstream. Are you sleeping better now?


What time o'clock do you take paroxetine? At what time did the "panic attack" occur? Was it before or after you took paroxetine?


Do you take any other drugs? What times of day do you take them, with their dosages?


We need to see those daily notes, as manymoretodays explained.



This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Mentor

Melissa  NO damage has been done and this does NOT mean reinstating won’t work! Your ok your nervous system is trying to adjust to the dosage changes. Try to stay calm. These are just side effects from dose change. You will stabilize. Changing more or calling dr and trying to control it will only slow recovery down. Only time will help you recover! Stay  the course! 

2000-2013 Paxil - 1 year fast taper

2013-2018 merry go round
zoloft, cymbalta, lamictal, Prozac.

 Nov. 2018 lexapro 15 mgs, Dec. 2019 to Mar. 2020 taper to 10mg. Jul 2020 to October 2020 taper to 8.5 ml.
Oct 2020 reinstated to 9 ml.
Apr 2021 to Jul  taper to 7ml. Oct 2021 to Jan 2022 taper to 5.9ml, Mar 5 2022 5.8 ml, Mar 12 5.7ml, Mar 20 5.6ml, Mar 27 5.5ml, April 23 5.4ml, April 30 5.3ml, May 7 5.2ml,  Jul 9 2022 5.4ml, 

Klonopin prn, Allegra 180 for 3 seasons, aspirin 81 mg, plavix , nitroglycerin 0.4 mg prn, 2k mg  turmeric Qunol, 4- Trader Joe’s omega 3 -2400 mg, Pepcid 20mg,  Prilosec 40 mg, Tylenol arthritis 4 tablets daily, 350mg calm magnesium citrate, melatonin 2.5- 5mg as needed to sleep. Saline spray as needed. 

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17 hours ago, Altostrata said:


Melissa, it takes 4-7 days for the drug to reach steady-state in your bloodstream. Are you sleeping better now?


What time o'clock do you take paroxetine? At what time did the "panic attack" occur? Was it before or after you took paroxetine?


Do you take any other drugs? What times of day do you take them, with their dosages?


We need to see those daily notes, as manymoretodays explained.



It's been two weeks since reinstatement. About sleep,not much better.i take it after work around 5 pm. Yes panic attack was after before bed. I don't take any other pills now. I am just scared all of the time and can't relax or stop thinking about it. I already have tinitus and blured vision. I am scared what can happen and that damage is permanent.

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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I really convinced myself that it won't be better or that it won't be better any time soon . So from what I understand cause of too fast taper now my life is indefinite dealing with symptoms? I don't know how to live like this.

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Mentor

It is not permanent  the withdrawal/side effects (anxiety) is causing you to think this way. Once you accept and acknowledge that it is side effects of the ad then  it will help you thinking pattern!

2000-2013 Paxil - 1 year fast taper

2013-2018 merry go round
zoloft, cymbalta, lamictal, Prozac.

 Nov. 2018 lexapro 15 mgs, Dec. 2019 to Mar. 2020 taper to 10mg. Jul 2020 to October 2020 taper to 8.5 ml.
Oct 2020 reinstated to 9 ml.
Apr 2021 to Jul  taper to 7ml. Oct 2021 to Jan 2022 taper to 5.9ml, Mar 5 2022 5.8 ml, Mar 12 5.7ml, Mar 20 5.6ml, Mar 27 5.5ml, April 23 5.4ml, April 30 5.3ml, May 7 5.2ml,  Jul 9 2022 5.4ml, 

Klonopin prn, Allegra 180 for 3 seasons, aspirin 81 mg, plavix , nitroglycerin 0.4 mg prn, 2k mg  turmeric Qunol, 4- Trader Joe’s omega 3 -2400 mg, Pepcid 20mg,  Prilosec 40 mg, Tylenol arthritis 4 tablets daily, 350mg calm magnesium citrate, melatonin 2.5- 5mg as needed to sleep. Saline spray as needed. 

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@Melissa03 it is not permanent. I went through all this and much more. I feel way better than I ever did on meds now and was told I needed the medication for life. It is all a side effect of coming off the medication. It does get better. 

I follow The Plant Paradox lifestyle by Dr.Gundry. This lifestyle has given me my life back and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. It has enabled me to finally get off of this medication and truly live my life. Nutrition is the key to health!!!!! 

2008 to 2019  - 20 mg Paroxetine

Attempted 2 CT's around the 5-6 year mark. Were absolutely terrible and reinstated. Was never explained by the doctor the seriousness of the short half life of this drug. 

2017 - Attempted a tapered discontinuation of this drug and reinstated after being unsuccessful.

2019 - Feb. 12 - After a three month taper I am off of paroxetine. The 3 months were terrible, awful withdrawal feelings. I followed the doctors guidelines for the reduction of this drug and now know it was way too fast. 
2019 - Oct. 12 - 8 months off paroxetine. 75% improvement since coming off the drug. Definitely have had tons of challenges along the way. Let’s go!!!! 

2021 - Feb. 12 - 24 months off paroxetine. I have minor challenges now. Tinnitus/Headaches are still around but are reduced by a massive amount. 


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  • Administrator
On 3/14/2020 at 5:59 AM, Melissa03 said:

About sleep,not much better.i take it after work around 5 pm. Yes panic attack was after before bed.


What times o'clock did these events occur?


We need to see those daily notes, as manymoretodays explained. This is our third or fourth request. We need to see those notes or we can't answer your questions.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 3/14/2020 at 6:59 AM, Melissa03 said:

It's been two weeks since reinstatement. About sleep,not much better.i take it after work around 5 pm. Yes panic attack was after before bed. I don't take any other pills now. I am just scared all of the time and can't relax or stop thinking about it. I already have tinitus and blured vision. I am scared what can happen and that damage is permanent.


Hi Melissa03,

Panic attack was after taking the 10 mg dose of paroxetine at 5 pm? 

And you've been off the Lorazepam now too then since March 4th.


Some of the panic and fears, anxiety, may begin to settle a bit.  I'm just wondering if you might be experiencing a bit of WD from the 2 weeks of benzo now too. 

If I were you, I might want to wait just a bit longer, to see if it all feels more manageable, the WD, and nervous system dysregulation going on now.


When we take medications, the CNS (central nervous system) responds by making changes over the months and years we take the drug(s). When the medication is discontinued, the CNS has to undo all the changes it made.  The CNS likes stability. Rebuilding the neurotransmitter production and reactivating the receptor and transporter cells takes time -- during that rebuilding process symptoms occur.


Notes too.  These can be so helpful, not only for us, but for you as well.  They are really pretty simple to do.  I outlined that above for you, here, in this post.

Are you sleeping okay?  You can just note the answer to that in your notes too.  Just post one 24 hour set, right here on this page.  Thank you.


Some non-drug coping that might help with the anxious and panic:

We strongly encourage members to learn and use non drug coping techniques to help get through tough times.

Breathing exercises can help, I like the 4, 7, 8 type.  You breathe in(preferably through your nose) for a count of 4 seconds, and then just hold it for 7 seconds, and then breathe out again for 8 seconds.  Also notice the space between breaths.  And just keep trying and focusing on just breathing, until it feels right, or even a little better.


Understanding what is happening helps us to not get caught up with the second fear, or fear of the fear.  This happens when we experience sensations in our body and because we don't understand them we are scared of them and then start to panic.


This document has a diagram of the body explaining what happens in the body when we become anxious:





Audio FEMALE VOICE:  First Aid for Panic (4 minutes)


Audio MALE VOICE:  First Aid for Panic (4 minutes)


Non-drug techniques to cope




Dr Claire Weekes suffered from anxiety and learned and taught ways of coping.  There are videos available on YouTube.


Claire Weekes' Method of Recovering from a Sensitized Nervous System


Audio:  How to Recover from Anxiety - Dr Claire Weekes


Resources:  Centre for Clinical Interventions (PDF modules that you can work through, eg:  Depression, Distress Intolerance, Health Anxiety, Low Self-Esteem, Panic Attacks, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Social Anxiety, Worrying)
On 4/27/2017 at 12:03 PM, brassmonkey said:


AAF: Acknowledge, Accept, Float.  It's what you have to do when nothing else works, and can be a very powerful tool in coping with anxiety.  The neuroemotional anxiety many of us feel during WD is directly caused by the drugs and their chemical reactions in the brain.  Making it so there is nothing we can do about them.  They won't respond to other drugs, relaxation techniques and the like.  They do, however, react very well to being ignored.  That's the concept behind AAF.  Acknowledge, get to know the feeling involved, explore them.  Accept, These feelings are a part of you and they aren't going anywhere fast. Float, let the feeling float off as you get on with your life as best as you can.  It's a well documented fact that the more you feed in to anxiety the worse it gets.  What starts as generalized neuroemotinal anxiety can be easily blown into a full fledged panic attack just by thinking about it.


I often liken it to an unwanted house guest.  At first you talk to them, have conversations, communicate with them.  After a while you figure out that they aren't leaving and there is nothing you can do to get rid of them.  So you go on about your day, working around them until they get bored and leave.


It can take some practice, but AAF really does work.  I hope you give it a try.


Okay then.  Update soon.  Notes, notes, notes!!!!!
L, P, H, and G,


Edited by manymoretodays
bolding, elaboration

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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7 am waking up - sleeping is terrible for a month already 

Stayed in bed until 1

Lunch around 4 pm

Took seroxat around 5 pm

Slight headache

In bed around 11

Tossing and turning to get hour or two of sleep 

Terrible ringing in the ears 

Didn't have panic attacks these few days since that post,just a bit of black thoughts every morning when I wake up 



20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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  • Mentor

@Melissa03 have you always taken it at 5 pm?

2000-2013 Paxil - 1 year fast taper

2013-2018 merry go round
zoloft, cymbalta, lamictal, Prozac.

 Nov. 2018 lexapro 15 mgs, Dec. 2019 to Mar. 2020 taper to 10mg. Jul 2020 to October 2020 taper to 8.5 ml.
Oct 2020 reinstated to 9 ml.
Apr 2021 to Jul  taper to 7ml. Oct 2021 to Jan 2022 taper to 5.9ml, Mar 5 2022 5.8 ml, Mar 12 5.7ml, Mar 20 5.6ml, Mar 27 5.5ml, April 23 5.4ml, April 30 5.3ml, May 7 5.2ml,  Jul 9 2022 5.4ml, 

Klonopin prn, Allegra 180 for 3 seasons, aspirin 81 mg, plavix , nitroglycerin 0.4 mg prn, 2k mg  turmeric Qunol, 4- Trader Joe’s omega 3 -2400 mg, Pepcid 20mg,  Prilosec 40 mg, Tylenol arthritis 4 tablets daily, 350mg calm magnesium citrate, melatonin 2.5- 5mg as needed to sleep. Saline spray as needed. 

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No, before it was in the morning before work,now since reinstatement I take it after because of fear of adverse reaction during work time at office . I feel it is not working,what to do ?

20 mg seroxat from December 2012, several failed attempts to quit.

Last attempt in 2019 resulted in terrible crush after being 3 months drug free (13. feb 2020)

1 March 2020 reinstated 10 mg seroxat

 July 2020 began slow taper.


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