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☼ SugaFree: finally the dark days of withdrawal are over, I think


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So I dont know where to start, so i guess ill just jump right into it straight away. I'm a 21 year old guy and im in my 3rd year of university. I was prescribed Citalopram 10mg when i was 20 years old for anxiety. I never really had any depression or any other mental problem, apart from the anxiety, which kind of affected my life a bit. Nothing i couldnt manage, but still decided to try out SSRI's to see whether they would help. My doctor prescribed me 10mg Citalopram and it took a while for it to work, about 4 months. Honestly, i felt great after that period of time, i was still kinda myself, but without the constant worry and shortness of breath when i was in social situations, especially presentations and job interviews. Then, something went wrong. The anxiety was still under control and I felt very confident, but my emotions started becoming numb. I no longer felt happiness the same way, like i could still tell that i was happy, but it was like kinda meh happy. I stopped enjoying things i used to love, like gym, running, video games, writing music, etc. I kinda became complacent with everything, but not in a good way. I stopped striving for success, because i constantly had this fake euphoric feeling like everything is always gonna be alright, so i dont need to worry about achieving anything. Anyway, I went to my doctor again and got prescribed 20mg Citalopram after using 10mg for 6 months. That dosage didnt really do anything apart from introduce procrastination and anger. I became very snappy and always delayed everything until the last minute. (I used to be the type to finish everything on day 1 and then relax). That apathy feeling of not wanting do anything also increased. I just simply stayed patient, hoping that my brain will adjust to the new dosage. I waited 3 months and although i felt ok-ish, something felt off. Even my friends told me that i kinda became boring. I used to be this euphoric, overly excited class clown and then months later became this sleepy depressed guy. Also, got this crazy brain fog which made me really incompetent at things i used to excel at. Used to be a human calculator back in school, then after 9 months on SSRI's could barely do 7x7. My memory was impaired, libido non existent, ED, speech slur, and a bunch of other BS i never had. The worst part was that i could no longer write music. Before, i would be able to come up with lyrics in my head no problem, whereas after SSRI's, my brain was just silent, its like there was no thought processes going on in my skull anymore. Went to my doctor again, and tried a different SSRI. I got prescribed 100mg Sertaline and used that for 2 months, which kinda worked better than citalopram but when it did start working, i started experiencing withdrawals from Citalopram, which kinda oversaturated the effectiveness of this new SSRI. So I went back to doctor again and got prescribed 10mg Citalopram again, since that had the best effect on me in the first 4-6 months i started using them. Long story short, I started withdrawing due to minimising my dosage, so i kind of reached this F it moment and said "im done". I did a quick taper of 3 weeks. 2 weeks of 5mg and 1 week of 2.5 mg and i just quit. To make it clear, I did 6 months of 10mg Cit, 3 months of 20mg Cit, 2 months of 100mg Sert, and finished off with 10mg Cit again. 


This is where my visit to hell happened. Im going to keep this short for those who are like me and cant be bothered reading long paragraphs, so ill give you my withdrawal timeline. 


First 3.5 months - pure hell. Brain impairment, which included the usual things you hear. Crazy bain dog (I felt completely stupid, like an inexperienced 8 year old in a 21 year old body) All grades went down. Went from the brightest student, to an absolute abomination of a human. The worst symptom was irritability. The amount of arguments and things i broke in a span of 3.5 months is just crazy. Fought a bunch of men who tried dating my mother. Also started losing a bit of hair, which fortunately started growing back, and pretty much every other symptom you see here, like depersenalisation, dissociation, atpathy, etc.  


Around the 4 month mark, i started getting the windows and waves pattern. So there were days where i felt ok-ish and then other days where it was back to the pure hell experienced in the first 3.5 months. This lasted to about the month 5 month mark.


Around 5 months, still windows and waves but now the windows were longer and waves shorter. Still experienced some brain fog and irritability.


Around 5.75 month mark, my old personality started coming back. Irritability started vanishing. More positive outlook on life came back. IQ started increasing back up, so i no longer felt a bit daft. Actually started enjoying things again.


Now, im around the 6.5 month mark, maybe 6.75 and i feel even better. I havent experienced that withdrawal feeling (YET). There are days where i feel a bit odd, like not myself but they only last a day, maximum two.


To conclude, I feel like the major withdrawal symptoms are gone, because i felt good for the past month. Not a single anger outburst, or days where i have brain fog. One thing that i still struggle with is a bit of ED and low libido, but i feel like that will improve over time. I still have that voice in my head telling me that another huge wave might hit me down the line, which scares me quite a bit, but im already so far into this recovery process that i dont really give a damn. I feel like i have another 10-15% left to recover, but honeslty this will do, compared to what i've went through.


Anyway, i hope this encourages some people, and helps you get through this atrocious mental state, because i feel like if the withdrawals lasted any longer, i doubt i'd still be here honeslty. I just wanted to share this for anyone losing hope like i did, when i watched a bunch of YouTube vids of people saying how their withdrawals were over after like a month, and then there was me just dying 5 months later. Ps. Ignore the horrible grammar, i was typing this super fast.

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  • manymoretodays changed the title to SugaFree: Finally the dark days of withdrawal are over (I think)
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi SugaFree and welcome aboard,

And hey, I just moved your initial post here to the Introductions forum.

When you get to the year point off, we'd love to have you write up a Success Story.

See:  How to write your success story

You can just add to your initial post here even, when that time comes

You ARE a success!  Thanks for coming on and writing your update and story.


Your recovery/healing thus far sounds great.  And is very encouraging to read.

Did you find any non-drug coping that helped with WD(withdrawal) symptoms?


And then would you:  Please summarize your withdrawal history in your signature

This is the section you see below others posts, and gives us all a "at a glance" type idea of your history.


Do keep coming around and ask away, if any questions for any of us too.  I'm not sure how much you've browsed the site, and so will wait before directing you to information.

If you haven't yet, take a look at the Home Page and you'll see how topics and forums are laid out.

This is your introduction/journal page, where you have now introduced yourself to the community, you can ask questions here, give updates, and just keep a record of your journey.


And again, welcome aboard.  We are happy to have you.


Love, peace, healing, and growth,

moderator manymoretodays(mmt)



Edited by manymoretodays

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Because you're feeling better, I added our cheerful "here comes the sun" symbol ☼ to the title of your Intro topic, to show you're recovering.


Please continue to let us know how you're doing. I hope you will add your story to our Recovery Success Stories eventually!

Late 2023- gone to emeritus status, inactive, don't @ me, I can check who I've posted on, and I'm not really here like I used to be......thanks.

Started with psycho meds/psychiatric care circa 1988.  In retrospect, and on contemplation, situational overwhelm.

Rounding up to 30 years of medications(30 medication trials, poly-pharmacy maximum was 3 at one time).

5/28/2015-off Adderal salts 2.5mg. (I had been on that since hospital 10/2014)

12/2015---just holding, holding, holding, with trileptal/oxcarb at 75 mg. 1/2 tab at hs.  My last psycho med ever!  Tapered @ 10% every 4 weeks, sometimes 2 weeks to

2016 Dec 16 medication free!!

Longer signature post here, with current supplements.

Herb and alcohol free since 5/15/2016.  And.....I quit smoking 11/2021. Lapsed.  Redo of quit smoking 9/28/2022, and again finally 5/25/24.  Can you say Hallelujah?(took me long enough)💜

None of my posts are intended as medical advice.  Please discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical provider.  My success story:  Blue skies ahead, clear sailing


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  • ChessieCat changed the title to ☼ SugaFree: finally the dark days of withdrawal are over, I think
  • Moderator Emeritus

Yes the reply box is at the bottom of the screen.


Please create your drug signature following the instructions here:


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi SugaFree,


Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story, i'm of a similar age and have a similar drug history and duration to you. You're about 3 months ahead of me in the recovery progress but my experience with withdrawal has been very similar to yours in terms of how it has progressed. Give me hope that things will get much better in the next 3/4 months!

Started Lexapro 5mg Mid March 2020

Came off Completely September 2020

Hospitalised september 2021

Slowly worked up to 50mg lamictal and 60mg Prozac

reduced to 20mg Prozac September 2021

Holding 20mg Prozac and 50mg Lamictal for a good while to stabilise. November 2021

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Hi sugafree!


Thanks for sharing your story!


I hope you are still doing fine. Let us know how it goes, I'm really interested in what may become your  great succes story







Sep- 2016 - Okt 2017 citalopram some months 15 mg some months 20 mg

Nov 2017- Apr 2018 citalopram 25 mg

Apr 2018 -  Jun 2018 citalopram 3 month TAPER too fast  from 25mg to 16.5 mg (0.1 mg per day decrease, felt horrible and crashed)

Jun 2018 - Aug13th 2018 citalopram trying to stabilize at 16.5 mg for 5 wks, updosed to 18 mg

- 14Aug 2018 - 26apr 2019  citalopram 18 mg, hold 8 months


2019 apr 27 : START taper citalopram @ 18 mg: 29Jun 16.4 mg / 19aug 15.4 mg / 25aug 15.2 mg / 30sep 14.0 mg / 4dec 13.1 mg

2020  03Jan 12.75 mg / 28Jan 12.29 mg / 18Feb 11.83 mg, 25Feb 11.68 mg hold.. / 7May 11.33 mg hold...., 4Aug 10.98 mg / 5Dec 10.0 mg 4 month hold...

2021 30mar 9.8 mg / 06apr 9.5 mg /  13apr 9.4 mg / 14may 8,5 mg / 04jun 8,0 mg / 11jun 7.75 mg, 02jul 7.35 mg /  09jul 7.2 mg hold 3 weeks during holiday /31jul 7 mg/ 8aug 6.8 mg / 15aug 6.63mg / 22aug 6.5mg / 1sep 6.3 mg / 8sep 6.15 mg / 15sep 6.0 mg / 22sep 5.9 mg / 29sep 5.8 mg / 04 oct 5.65 mg / 10oct 5.55 mg / 17oct 5.45 mg / 24oct 5.35mg / 30oct 5.25 mg hold 3 wks / 22nov 5.15 mg / 01dec 5.1mg / 12dec 5.0mg / 20dec 4.85mg / 30dec 4.70mg

2022   08jan 4.5 mg / 16jan 4.4 mg / 23jan 4.3 mg / 27jan 4.2 mg / 18feb 4.1 mg / 25feb 4.0 mg / 04mar 3.9 mg / 11mar 3.75 mg / 18Mar 3.65 mg / 09apr 3.55 mg / 16apr 3.45 mg / 23apr 3.35 mg / 01may 3.25 mg / 8may 3.15 mg / 17may 3.10 mg / 28 may 3.0 mg / 7jun 2.94 mg / 18 Jun 2.88 mg / 27 jun 2.84 mg / 05 jul 2.80 mg / 16 jul 2.75 mg / 23 jul 2.70 mg / 01aug 2.65 mg / 09aug 2.60 mg hold 5wks / 18sep 2.55 mg / 25sep 2.5 mg /02oct 2.45 mg / 10oct 2.40 mg / 19oct 2.35 mg / 27oct 2.30 mg / 05nov 2.27 mg / 14nov 2.25 mg / 22nov 2.20 mg / 29nov 2.10mg / 09dec 2.05 mg / 15dec 2.0 mg 

2023  hold 2.0 mg for 5 months / 05may 1.95 mg / 14may 1.90 mg / 24may 1.87 mg / 02jun 1.85 mg / 17jun 1.82 mg / 27jun 1.79 mg / 07jul 1.75 mg / 31jul 1.72 mg / 12aug 1.69mg / 27aug 1.67 mg / 04sep 1.65 mg / 09sep 1.63 mg / 22sep 1.61 mg / 27sep 1.60 mg / 12oct 1.58 mg / 18oct 1.56 mg / 31oct 1.54 mg / 06nov 1.52 mg / 18nov 1.50 mg / 04dec 1.48 mg / 11dec 1.46 mg / 22dec 1.45 mg / 28dec 1.44 mg

2024 01jan 1.43 mg / 06jan 1.42 mg/ 10jan 1.40 mg hold / 08apr 1.38 mg / 15apr 1.36 mg / 20apr 1.34 mg / 28apr 1.33 mg / 2may 1.32 mg / 9may 1.30 mg hold / micro taper 0.002 mg/day start 17jun / 27jun 1.28 mg / 06jul  1.26 mg / 29jul 1.20 mg / 24aug 1.14 mg / 02sep 1.12 mg / 10sep 1.10 mg / 17sep 1.08 mg / 23 sep 1.06 mg / 07 oct 1.02 mg /

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  • 6 months later...

Hey @SugaFree. Thank you so much for posting this. I was prescribed 10mg of Escitalopram for 5 months and Xanax for 3. So our cases are quite similar. I am also 26 years old. I am now at month three of withdrawal and your story has really given me hope! I am wondering, did you have any physical symptoms?

28 October 2020: escitalopram(Cipralex) 0,5mg & Xanax 0,75 mg

5 December 2020: updosed Cipralex at 10 mg and lowered Xanax to 0,5mg

January 2021: Cipralex still on 10mg, Xanax 0,25mg 

2 February 2021: Cipralex updosed at 20mg   for about 2 weeks, Xanax cold-turkeyed 

18 February 2021: Cipralex lowered from 20mg to  15-to 10-to 5 in 5-6 weeks

Completely drug free since 17/03/2021

Currently taking Magnesium(1 pill per day) and Onega 3(3 capsules per day 1800mgEPA, 450mgDHA)

Practicing yoga, reiki, meditation and acceptance.

Fully functional but not healed 


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@RondasavageHey! You weren’t referring to me and I’m sorry for the “intrusion”! But you touched “my sensitive nerve” here! Since we don’t really know when @SugaFreeis going to reply I wanted to state that  I still experience some shortness of breath l, it’s been hellish one week ago(like I couldn’t even do the dishes, I panicked and I had to lay down but even then my breath would be close to normal, not entirely normal), but the last week seems like it’s improving! Hopefully , this improvement is here to stay! What’s your experience?

28 October 2020: escitalopram(Cipralex) 0,5mg & Xanax 0,75 mg

5 December 2020: updosed Cipralex at 10 mg and lowered Xanax to 0,5mg

January 2021: Cipralex still on 10mg, Xanax 0,25mg 

2 February 2021: Cipralex updosed at 20mg   for about 2 weeks, Xanax cold-turkeyed 

18 February 2021: Cipralex lowered from 20mg to  15-to 10-to 5 in 5-6 weeks

Completely drug free since 17/03/2021

Currently taking Magnesium(1 pill per day) and Onega 3(3 capsules per day 1800mgEPA, 450mgDHA)

Practicing yoga, reiki, meditation and acceptance.

Fully functional but not healed 


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  • 2 months later...
On 11/25/2020 at 9:22 AM, SugaFree said:

Anyway, i hope this encourages some people, and helps you get through this atrocious mental state, because i feel like if the withdrawals lasted any longer, i doubt i'd still be here honeslty. I just wanted to share this for anyone losing hope like i did, when i watched a bunch of YouTube vids of people saying how their withdrawals were over after like a month, and then there was me just dying 5 months later. Ps. Ignore the horrible grammar, i was typing this super fast.

Hi @SugaFree, your post is very encouraging. I hope you are still doing well. How are you doing now? My son is going through withdrawal from Celexa right now and he needs some hope. Thank you!

My son who is in withdrawal's history:

2006 - 2021 Started on Celexa 10mg, increased to 20mg then 40mg.

May 2021: Started to taper off. Down to 0mg by end of July under doctor's care.

September 2021 started 200mg magnesium twice per day, 1000mg fish oil once per day, Vitamin D3, and 100mg N-acetyl cysteine twice per day.

Oct. 12, 2021: Reinstated at 1mg liquid Celexa per day to hopefully alleviate intrusive thoughts (never had them before quitting Celexa).

Nov. 1, 2021: Was supposed to increase to 2mg Celexa per day, but he was accidentally only taking 0.1ml per day. 

Nov. 18, 2021: Increased to 2mg liquid Celexa per day after realizing he was not taking the correct dosage for 17 days.

Dec 29, 2021: Increased to 3mg liquid Celexa. Jan 31, 2022: Increased to 4mg liquid Celexa.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I am sorry for being absent and not updating about my journey. I was just kinda pissed off and dissapointed in my mental health. My withdrawal symptoms did go away fully pretty much after about 13-14 months, but i had certain things happen in my life that caused very bad depression, which still persists right now. I am considering going back on medication, but on something safer like Prozac or even maybe Buproprion/Wellbutrin. 


Im not sure you can consider this a success story, but in a way the withdrawal symptoms did go away. 

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I’m so happy for u, i wish mine would be too.


i just hit the 6 month mark, i don’t know when it ends.


still get DP,DR.. the weirdest dreams as if I used psychedelics. Sometimees my brain melts


i just hope you are right, i hope 2022 would be a good year for you.


Also if it returns, you don’t become scared it did. Because a healing process is a long one.


can i ask something?

what have you learned from this trainwreck of a phase

2014-2020 Haloperidol
2017-2021 Zoloft
2018-2021 Issues zoloft so i decreased on both Haloperidol

November 2020 Taper down Haloperidol(barely any issues)
March 2021 taper down from zoloft(alot of issues)
Zoloft taperdown from march till late june
25mg was my dosage, may 10mg(from 10 too 5 was hard), 5mg in end of june every lowar dosage gave me alot of issues. clean in end of june.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Please create your drug signature following these instructions.  It allows members to see your drug history and gives your posts context and means that they do not have to read back through your posts to get the information.


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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@Heinz1903 Its hard to learn anything when you have severe brain fog and constantly irritable. But if i had to think about it, id say 3 things that come to mind: Dont EVER cold turkey or short taper. I think that the withdrawal experience toughened me up a lot to the point where little things dont really bother me anymore, because i know how bad your mental health can potentially get. Its almost as if im immune to mild depression, because mild depression is like paradise compared to withdrawal.  Lastly, mental health is the most important thing that must be in check. Personally, as messed up as this sounds, i much rather lose my limbs and be happy, than go through another year of withdrawal. I also did some research and found out that Celexa can potentially alter your microbiome, causing bad bacteria to spread which leads to SIBO. SIBO can cause depression and brain fog as well, in fact, an unhealthy gut is the number one reason for brain fog in most people, hence im getting SIBO and other gut health tests done to see if the withdrawl process has done something to my gut, which could be the reason to why i had/have brain fog and waves of depression.

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❤️🌞 thank you for your update 

2021:  started celexa 10mg feb 2nd 

feb 25th took my last 10g; feb 26th 5mg; feb 27th 5mg; feb 28th 2021 cold turkey 

currently taking mag

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  • Moderator
3 hours ago, SugaFree said:

@Heinz1903 Its hard to learn anything when you have severe brain fog and constantly irritable. But if i had to think about it, id say 3 things that come to mind: Dont EVER cold turkey or short taper. I think that the withdrawal experience toughened me up a lot to the point where little things dont really bother me anymore, because i know how bad your mental health can potentially get. Its almost as if im immune to mild depression, because mild depression is like paradise compared to withdrawal.  Lastly, mental health is the most important thing that must be in check. Personally, as messed up as this sounds, i much rather lose my limbs and be happy, than go through another year of withdrawal. I also did some research and found out that Celexa can potentially alter your microbiome, causing bad bacteria to spread which leads to SIBO. SIBO can cause depression and brain fog as well, in fact, an unhealthy gut is the number one reason for brain fog in most people, hence im getting SIBO and other gut health tests done to see if the withdrawl process has done something to my gut, which could be the reason to why i had/have brain fog and waves of depression.

I think all SSRI’s and other psychotropic medications alter the gut microbiome. Try drinking kefir milk, massively helps to restore the good bacteria in your gut and is way more effective and diverse than normal yoghurt. Make sure you start of small though, just like 50-100ml a day and build up over time. Kefir is king!


Good luck

Not currently active


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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Let me tell you thats what i am doing for weeks..



2014-2020 Haloperidol
2017-2021 Zoloft
2018-2021 Issues zoloft so i decreased on both Haloperidol

November 2020 Taper down Haloperidol(barely any issues)
March 2021 taper down from zoloft(alot of issues)
Zoloft taperdown from march till late june
25mg was my dosage, may 10mg(from 10 too 5 was hard), 5mg in end of june every lowar dosage gave me alot of issues. clean in end of june.

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@ErimusKefir from raw milk.


it helps alot tbh


2014-2020 Haloperidol
2017-2021 Zoloft
2018-2021 Issues zoloft so i decreased on both Haloperidol

November 2020 Taper down Haloperidol(barely any issues)
March 2021 taper down from zoloft(alot of issues)
Zoloft taperdown from march till late june
25mg was my dosage, may 10mg(from 10 too 5 was hard), 5mg in end of june every lowar dosage gave me alot of issues. clean in end of june.

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  • Administrator
14 hours ago, SugaFree said:

Hi, I am sorry for being absent and not updating about my journey. I was just kinda pissed off and dissapointed in my mental health. My withdrawal symptoms did go away fully pretty much after about 13-14 months, but i had certain things happen in my life that caused very bad depression, which still persists right now. I am considering going back on medication, but on something safer like Prozac or even maybe Buproprion/Wellbutrin. 


Im not sure you can consider this a success story, but in a way the withdrawal symptoms did go away. 


Please explain more about how you feel "depression". 


Nobody has to automatically take psychiatric drugs for depression. Have you considered non-drug techniques, such as


Non-drug techniques to cope with emotional symptoms


Easing your way into meditation for a stressed-out nervous system


Music for self-care: calms hyperalertness, anxiety, aids relaxation and sleep


Ways to cope with daily anxiety


Dealing With Emotional Spirals 


Shame, guilt, regret, and self-criticism


This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Administrator

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator

You’ve escaped the hell of psych drugs, I wouldn’t ever want to go back on them personally. What I’ve learnt is that these drugs don’t cure anything, they just mask the symptoms and problems. We all end up taking them because we can’t cope with the hardships of life. We can’t just expect to take a pill each day and continue living in an unsustainable way that stresses our body and mind, culminating in anxiety and depression.


Just my two pence on the situation, I’ve learnt a lot through this journey and feel like I’ve aged about 20 years in the last 18 months with the help of these drugs. I’m only 21 yet feel quite wise to life now.


Remember your nervous system is likely extremely sensitive to medications now as well.

Not currently active


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator
On 1/1/2022 at 12:11 AM, Heinz1903 said:

still get DP,DR.. the weirdest dreams as if I used psychedelics. Sometimees my brain melts


Perhaps you shouldn't dabble in other drugs?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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